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基于量子行为烟花算法的移动机器人路径规划及平滑 被引量:12
作者 薛裕颖 张祥银 +1 位作者 张国梁 贾松敏 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期1398-1408,共11页
针对移动机器人全局路径规划问题,提出一种基于量子行为烟花算法(quantum-behaved fireworks algorithm,QFWA)的路径规划方法.改进算法在基本烟花算法(fireworks algorithm,FWA)的基础上增加了基于量子行为的烟花爆炸策略.该策略使得种... 针对移动机器人全局路径规划问题,提出一种基于量子行为烟花算法(quantum-behaved fireworks algorithm,QFWA)的路径规划方法.改进算法在基本烟花算法(fireworks algorithm,FWA)的基础上增加了基于量子行为的烟花爆炸策略.该策略使得种群在接近全局最优时具有较强的局部搜索能力,同时在种群远离全局最优位置时具有较强的全局搜索能力.改进算法提高了烟花爆炸产生火花的多样性和算法的收敛速度.在Benchmark测试函数上将改进算法与其他几种优化算法进行了对比,结果表明改进算法的性能优于其他算法.将QFWA应用于求解移动机器人路径规划问题,并采用均值滤波结合人工势场法对规划出的路径进行路径平滑处理.仿真实验结果表明改进方法在移动机器人路径规划问题上的可行性和有效性. 展开更多
关键词 路径规划 量子行为 烟花算法 人工势场法 均值滤波 路径平滑
多跳噪声量子纠缠信道特性及最佳中继协议 被引量:9
作者 杨光 廉保旺 聂敏 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第24期50-60,共11页
在量子通信网络中,最佳中继路径的计算与选择策略是影响网络性能的关键因素.针对噪声背景下量子隐形传态网络中的中继路径选择问题,本文首先研究了相位阻尼信道及振幅阻尼信道上的纠缠交换过程,通过理论推导给出了两种多跳纠缠交换信道... 在量子通信网络中,最佳中继路径的计算与选择策略是影响网络性能的关键因素.针对噪声背景下量子隐形传态网络中的中继路径选择问题,本文首先研究了相位阻尼信道及振幅阻尼信道上的纠缠交换过程,通过理论推导给出了两种多跳纠缠交换信道上的纠缠保真度与路径等效阻尼系数.在此基础上提出以路径等效阻尼系数为准则的隐形传态网络最佳中继协议,并给出了邻居发现、量子链路噪声参数测量、量子链路状态信息传递、中继路径计算与纠缠资源预留等工作的具体过程.理论分析与性能仿真结果表明,相比于现有的量子网络路径选择策略,本文方法能获得更小的路径平均等效阻尼系数及更高的隐形传态保真度.此外,通过分析链路纠缠资源数量对协议性能的影响,说明在进行量子通信网设计时,可以根据网络的规模及用户的需求合理配置链路纠缠资源. 展开更多
关键词 量子网络 纠缠交换 量子噪声 路由选择
基于量子风驱动优化算法的机器人路径规划 被引量:9
作者 张鑫 舒志兵 李俊 《机床与液压》 北大核心 2019年第17期67-70,共4页
针对传统的算法在移动机器人路径规划中容易产生早熟现象和安全性差的问题,提出了量子风驱动优化算法。该算法将量子计算与风驱动算法相结合,在风驱动算法的基础上使用量子行为来解决优化问题,提高机器人运动路径的安全性。最后通过实... 针对传统的算法在移动机器人路径规划中容易产生早熟现象和安全性差的问题,提出了量子风驱动优化算法。该算法将量子计算与风驱动算法相结合,在风驱动算法的基础上使用量子行为来解决优化问题,提高机器人运动路径的安全性。最后通过实验与仿真分析证明:与蚁群算法和免疫遗传算法相比,量子风驱动优化算法减少了机器人在运动中不必要的转弯,缩短了路径长度,提高了安全性,可以快速找出最优路径。 展开更多
关键词 量子算法 风驱动 移动机器人 路径规划
作者 张凌 王艳琦 《科技资讯》 2024年第4期23-27,共5页
适用于量子混合网络的量子多路纠缠分组交换方法,首先将需要发送的量子报文,按照集中式路由计算得出的多路径资源进行匹配分组,然后采用虚电路方式并行建立端到端量子纠缠多路径,控制消息和测量结果采用分布式路由数据报方式传送,最终... 适用于量子混合网络的量子多路纠缠分组交换方法,首先将需要发送的量子报文,按照集中式路由计算得出的多路径资源进行匹配分组,然后采用虚电路方式并行建立端到端量子纠缠多路径,控制消息和测量结果采用分布式路由数据报方式传送,最终通过量子远程传态完成量子信息的端到端传递。这种方法将分组交换的两种技术虚电路和数据报结合使用,同时将集中式路由和分布式路由有机结合,形成了一种新的量子多路纠缠分组传输方法。该方法提高了网络资源利用率,达到多路并行、分流和缩短量子信息传送时间的效果。 展开更多
关键词 量子网络 量子路径 量子多路纠缠 量子分组交换
一种基于量子染色体变异的移动机器人路径规划融合算法 被引量:5
作者 刘传领 杨静宇 《信息与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期594-599,共6页
为了解决机器人路径规划中的"局部最小"问题,提出了一种基于量子染色体变异的人工势场法和栅格法相融合的移动机器人路径规划算法.首先,对人工势场的斥力场进行改进,然后利用融合的人工势场法和栅格法对路径进行规划,产生初... 为了解决机器人路径规划中的"局部最小"问题,提出了一种基于量子染色体变异的人工势场法和栅格法相融合的移动机器人路径规划算法.首先,对人工势场的斥力场进行改进,然后利用融合的人工势场法和栅格法对路径进行规划,产生初始化种群,最后利用量子比特对染色体编码、利用量子染色体变异对种群个体进行更新,完成最佳路径搜索.仿真实验表明,本文提出的融合算法能够有效地避开障碍物,稳定地产生移动机器人的最佳规划路径,提高了种群质量和收敛速度,适合于求解复杂优化问题,达到了预期效果. 展开更多
关键词 量子染色体 人工势场 栅格 路径规划 移动机器人
Optimization of extreme ultraviolet vortex beam based on high harmonic generation
作者 肖礴 赵逸文 +6 位作者 程方晶 王革文 姜威 王一琛 胡杰 梁红静 马日 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期459-464,共6页
In high harmonic generation(HHG),Laguerre–Gaussian(LG) beams are used to generate extreme ultraviolet(XUV)vortices with well-defined orbital angular momentum(OAM),which have potential applications in fields such as m... In high harmonic generation(HHG),Laguerre–Gaussian(LG) beams are used to generate extreme ultraviolet(XUV)vortices with well-defined orbital angular momentum(OAM),which have potential applications in fields such as microscopy and spectroscopy.An experimental study on the HHG driven by vortex and Gaussian beams is conducted in this work.It is found that the intensity of vortex harmonics is positively correlated with the laser energy and gas pressure.The structure and intensity distribution of the vortex harmonics exhibit significant dependence on the relative position between the gas jet and the laser focus.The ring-like structures observed in the vortex harmonics,and the interference of quantum paths provide an explanation for the distinct structural characteristics.Moreover,by adjusting the relative position between the jet and laser focus,it is possible to discern the contributions from different quantum paths.The optimization of the HH vortex field is applicable to the XUV,which opens up a new way for exploiting the potential in optical spin or manipulating electrons by using the photon with tunable orbital angular momentum. 展开更多
关键词 high harmonic generation phase matching extreme ultraviolet vortex beam quantum path interference
Quantum Path Predictability for an Electronic Mach-Zehnder Interferometer in Presence of Environment Induced Decoherence and Quantum Erasing Process
作者 Samyadeb Bhattacharya Sisir Roy 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第9期892-898,共7页
In this paper, we have estimated the temperature dependent path predictability for an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The increment of path predictability can directly be associated with stronger decoherence p... In this paper, we have estimated the temperature dependent path predictability for an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The increment of path predictability can directly be associated with stronger decoherence process. We have also theoretically predicted that placing two detectors in both the paths, which are at the same equilibrium temperature with the system, erases all the memory of path information and hence acts like a quantum eraser. 展开更多
关键词 path Predictability quantum Interference DECOHERENCE Open quantum Systems
On the Verification of the Multiverse
作者 Thomas Stenersen 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 CAS 2023年第1期27-32,共6页
We outline a proposal for an experimental test of Everett’s many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics that could potentially verify the existence of a multiverse. This proposal is based on a quantum field theor... We outline a proposal for an experimental test of Everett’s many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics that could potentially verify the existence of a multiverse. This proposal is based on a quantum field theory formulation of many-worlds through the path integral formalism and a careful choice of the vacuum state. 展开更多
关键词 quantum Mechanics Many-Worlds path Integral
作者 董珊珊 秦立国 +2 位作者 刘福窑 龚黎华 黄接辉 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第22期67-73,共7页
在研究量子态的演化问题时,量子演化速率往往定义为量子初态与其演化态之间的态距离随时间的变化率.本文将量子演化的基本理论与线性代数方法相结合,通过量子态演化的路径距离来研究量子系统的演化.量子幺正演化系统中,量子演化算符包... 在研究量子态的演化问题时,量子演化速率往往定义为量子初态与其演化态之间的态距离随时间的变化率.本文将量子演化的基本理论与线性代数方法相结合,通过量子态演化的路径距离来研究量子系统的演化.量子幺正演化系统中,量子演化算符包含了量子演化的路径信息,路径距离的大小则决定于演化算符本征值的幅角主值分布.由量子态演化的路径距离随时间的变化率而得到的量子瞬时演化速率则正比于系统哈密顿量的最大与最小本征值之差.作为应用之一,利用量子演化的路径距离及哈密顿量诱导的瞬时演化速率,可以给出量子演化新的时间下限.此时间下限只与系统的演化算符及哈密顿量有关,而与量子初态的具体形式无关,这与量子系统真实演化时间所具有的性质一致.严格的理论证明以及两个演化实例的数值结果均表明,在[0,π/(2ωH)]时间范围内,本文给出的演化时间下限与真实演化时间重合,是真实演化时间的准确预测.通过量子演化的路径距离及相应演化速率来研究量子系统的演化,为相关问题的解答提供了新的思路和方法. 展开更多
关键词 量子演化 路径距离 量子演化速率
作者 田礼漫 温永立 +5 位作者 王云飞 张善超 李建锋 杜镜松 颜辉 朱诗亮 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第20期172-184,共13页
传播子在路径积分理论中扮演着核心角色,因此在路径积分理论可使用的多个现代量子物理领域中有重要价值.然而,由于其一直未能在实验中被直接测量,基于路径积分表述研究量子系统的实验进展受到了严重制约.最近,基于波函数直接测量方法,... 传播子在路径积分理论中扮演着核心角色,因此在路径积分理论可使用的多个现代量子物理领域中有重要价值.然而,由于其一直未能在实验中被直接测量,基于路径积分表述研究量子系统的实验进展受到了严重制约.最近,基于波函数直接测量方法,我们提出了传播子测量方案,并利用单光子实验首次成功实现了传播子的实验测量.此外,在这项研究中还首次演示了量子力学的最小作用量原理.该研究成功解决了路径积分实验研究中的技术难题.本文综述了此领域的研究进展,具体为简述波函数直接测量的基本概念和研究进展,并详细介绍传播子测量的理论模型、实验设计和实验结果.最后,介绍了一个重要的应用范例,即通过传播子测量实现最小作用量原理的实验演示.本文综述的传播子测量研究进展,将为今后使用该方法开展相关实验研究提供重要的参考. 展开更多
关键词 量子测量 传播子 路径积分 最小作用量原理
Phase Space Path Integral Representation for Wigner Function
作者 A. S. Larkin V. S. Filinov 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2017年第2期392-411,共20页
Quantum interference and exchange statistical effects can affect the momentum distribution functions making them non-Maxwellian. Such effects may be important in studies of kinetic properties of matter at low temperat... Quantum interference and exchange statistical effects can affect the momentum distribution functions making them non-Maxwellian. Such effects may be important in studies of kinetic properties of matter at low temperatures and under extreme conditions. In this work we have generalized the path integral representation for Wigner function to strongly coupled three-dimensional quantum system of particles with Boltzmann and Fermi statistics. In suggested approach the explicit expression for Wigner function was obtained in harmonic approximation and Monte Carlo method allowing numerical calculation of Wigner function, distribution functions and average quantum values has been developed. As alternative more accurate single-momentum approach and related Monte Carlo method have been developed to calculation of the distribution functions of degenerate system of interacting fermions. It allows partially overcoming the well-known sign problem for degenerate Fermi systems. 展开更多
关键词 WIGNER Function path INTEGRAL quantum MONTE Carlo MOMENTUM Distribution
Reformulation of Relativistic Quantum Field Theory Using Region-Like Idealization of the Elementary Particle
作者 Elsadig Naseraddeen Ahmed Mohamed 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2015年第11期1711-1720,共10页
The existence of any elementary particle in universe requires the existence of some region of universe occupied by it. By taking the volume of this occupied region, the author will reformulate the relativistic quantum... The existence of any elementary particle in universe requires the existence of some region of universe occupied by it. By taking the volume of this occupied region, the author will reformulate the relativistic quantum field theory using new 3-dimensional region-like idealization of elementary particles and hereinafter will call the total volume of all regions occupied by the elementary constituent particles of the quantum system the occupied volume. Also the author will call the set of all regions of universe filled by elementary constituent particles of the quantum system the occupied path. Always any quantum system is existed at a head of its occupied path. This path is growing by mutual filling and leaving regions of universe by its elementary constituent particles. The conservation of this elementary constituent particle requires the conservation of its occupied volume during this process. This requirement could be summarized by the following conditions: 1) the total volume of all regions of universe filled by the elementary constituent particles of the quantum system minus the total volume of all regions of universe left by these elementary constituent particles must be equal to the occupied volume of the quantum system;2) the total increase in the occupied volume of the quantum system due to the absorption of another elementary particles from outside its occupied regions minus the total decreasing in its occupied volume due to the emission of another elementary particles outside its occupied regions must be equal to the occupied volume of it. The wave-particle duality of the elementary constituent particles implied accumulation of them as the finite set of interfered waves. This accumulation of elementary constituent particles causes the absolute probabilistic nature of event of finding the elementary consistent particle in specified interfered wave, and hence the mathematical representation of this interfered wave should take into account the value of probability amplitude of finding an elementary particle 展开更多
关键词 Region-Like IDEALIZATION Creation ANNIHILATION Animation Occupied Volume Occupied path Relativistic quantum Field Theory
Stochastic Process Optimization Technique
作者 Hiroaki Yoshida Katsuhito Yamaguchi Yoshio Ishikawa 《Applied Mathematics》 2014年第19期3079-3090,共12页
The conventional optimization methods were generally based on a deterministic approach, since their purpose is to find out an accurate solution. However, when the solution space is extremely narrowed as a result of se... The conventional optimization methods were generally based on a deterministic approach, since their purpose is to find out an accurate solution. However, when the solution space is extremely narrowed as a result of setting many inequality constraints, an ingenious scheme based on experience may be needed. Similarly, parameters must be adjusted with solution search algorithms when nonlinearity of the problem is strong, because the risk of falling into local solution is high. Thus, we here propose a new method in which the optimization problem is replaced with stochastic process based on path integral techniques used in quantum mechanics and an approximate value of optimal solution is calculated as an expected value instead of accurate value. It was checked through some optimization problems that this method using stochastic process is effective. We call this new optimization method “stochastic process optimization technique (SPOT)”. It is expected that this method will enable efficient optimization by avoiding the above difficulties. In this report, a new optimization method based on a stochastic process is formulated, and several calculation examples are shown to prove its effectiveness as a method to obtain approximate solution for optimization problems. 展开更多
Quantum path control using attosecond pulse trains via UV-assisted resonance enhance ionization
作者 李芳 魏来 何志聪 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第4期148-153,共6页
We theoretically investigate the quantum path selection in an ultraviolet (UV)-assisted near-infrared field with an UV energy below the ionization threshold. By calculating the ionization probability with different ... We theoretically investigate the quantum path selection in an ultraviolet (UV)-assisted near-infrared field with an UV energy below the ionization threshold. By calculating the ionization probability with different assistant UV frequencies, we find that a resonance-enhanced ionization peak emerges in the region Euv 〈 Ip, where Euv is the photon energy and Ip is the ionization energy. With an attosecond pulse train (APT) centered in the resonance region, we show that the short quantum path can be well selected in the continuum case. By performing the electron trajectory analysis, we have further explained the physical mechanism of the quantum path selection. Moreover, we also demonstrate that in the resonance region, the harmonic emission from the selected paths is more efficient than that with the APT energy above the ionization threshold. 展开更多
关键词 ultrashort laser pulse attosecond pulse quantum path
Lefschetz Thimbles and Wigner Functions
作者 Vladimir S. Filinov Alexander S. Larkin 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2020年第7期1278-1290,共13页
The major difficulty for the Feynman Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations of the quantum systems of particles is the so called “sign problem”, arising due to the fast oscillations of the path integral integr... The major difficulty for the Feynman Path Integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations of the quantum systems of particles is the so called “sign problem”, arising due to the fast oscillations of the path integral integrand depending on the complex-valued action. Our aim is to find universal techniques being able to solve this problem. The new method combines the basic ideas of the Metropolis and Hasting algorithms and is based on the Picard-Lefschetz theory and complex-valued version of Morse theory. The basic idea is to choose the Lefschetz thimbles as manifolds approaching the saddle point of the integrand. On this thimble the imaginary part of the complex-valued action remains constant. As a result the integrand on each thimble does not oscillate, so the “sign problem” disappears and the integral can be calculated much more effectively. The developed approach allows also finding saddle points in the complexified space of path integral integration. Some simple test calculations and comparisons with available analytical results have been carried out. 展开更多
关键词 Wigner Function path Integral quantum Monte Carlo Picard-Lefschetz Theory Morse Theory
作者 侯秀芳 刘晓静 +5 位作者 吴义恒 王清才 王岩 李佳 陈万金 郭义庆 《吉首大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第6期64-67,共4页
关键词 子路径 积分理论 大分子 单缝衍射 实验 Theory path Integral quantum Based 薛定谔方程 C60 衍射强度 数据一致 计算结果 积分方法 解析式 求解 分析
Fuzzification of Feynman Path Integral and Its Effect on Field Theory and Quantum Gravity—Reformation and Redevelopment of Quantum Theory
作者 Wenbing Qiu 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2020年第12期2053-2065,共13页
The quantum probability theory of fuzzy event is suggested by using the idea and method of fuzzy mathematics, giving the form of fuzzy event path integral, membership degree amplitude, fuzzy field function, Green func... The quantum probability theory of fuzzy event is suggested by using the idea and method of fuzzy mathematics, giving the form of fuzzy event path integral, membership degree amplitude, fuzzy field function, Green function, physical quantity and fuzzy diagram. This theory reforms quantum mechanics, making the later become its special case. This theory breaks unitarity, gauge invariance, probability conservation and information conservation, making these principles become approximate ones under certain conditions. This new theory, which needs no renormalization and can naturally give meaningful results which are in accordance with the experiments, is the proper theory to describe microscopic high-speed phenomenon, whereas quantum mechanics is only a proper theory to describe microscopic low-speed phenomenon. This theory is not divergent under the condition of there being no renormalization and infinitely many offsetting terms, thereby it can become the theoretical framework required for the quantization of gravity. 展开更多
关键词 quantum Probability Fuzzy Event path Integral Membership Degree Membership Degree Amplitude Fuzzy Graph
Path Integral Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Atomic Distribution in Amorphized Ice Ic
作者 Naoka Sato Kenichi Kinugawa 《Natural Science》 2016年第11期460-474,共16页
We have investigated the effects of compression and quantization on atomic distribution in ice Ic and in its compressed states at 77 K and 10 K, using the path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) simulations over wide ... We have investigated the effects of compression and quantization on atomic distribution in ice Ic and in its compressed states at 77 K and 10 K, using the path integral molecular dynamics (PIMD) simulations over wide range of volume. It has been found that the high density amorphous ice (HDA) is attained by compression but volume range to retain ice structure is wider at 10 K than 77 K. We have discovered that quantum dispersion of atoms in ice Ic at 10 K induces non-zero probability that hydrogen-bonded H<sub>2</sub>O molecular molecules are oriented nonlinearly in the crystal structure, which was believed to contain exclusively linear orientation of hydrogen-bonded molecular pairs in this ice. It has been found that for HDA there is each non-zero probability of orientational disorder of hydrogen-bonded H<sub>2</sub>O pairs, of such uniform distribution of H atoms as observed in supercritical fluids in general, and of H atoms located at the O-O midpoint. The present PIMD simulations have revealed that these observed anomalous characteristics of atomic distribution in HDA are caused by both quantization of atoms and compression of the system. 展开更多
关键词 Ice Ic path Integral Molecular Dynamics Amorphous Ice quantum Effect Compression
Quantum Path Selection and Isolated-Attosecond-Pulse Generation of H2+ with an Intense Laser Pulse and a Static Field 被引量:1
作者 苗向阳 刘莎莎 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期42-46,共5页
We theoretically investigate the high-order-harmonic generation from the H2^+ molecular ion exposed to the combi- nation of an intense trapezoidal laser and a static field. The results show that the harmonic spectrum... We theoretically investigate the high-order-harmonic generation from the H2^+ molecular ion exposed to the combi- nation of an intense trapezoidal laser and a static field. The results show that the harmonic spectrum is obviously extended and the short quantum path is selected to contribute to the spectrum, because the corresponding long path is seriously suppressed. Then the combined Coulomb and laser field potentials and the time-dependent electron wave packet distributions are applied to illustrate the physical mechanism of high-order harmonic gen- eration. Finally, by adjusting the intensity of the static field and superposing a properly selected range of the HHG spectrum, a 90-as isolated attosecond pulse is straightforwardly obtained. 展开更多
关键词 quantum path Selection and Isolated-Attosecond-Pulse Generation of H2 with an Intense Laser Pulse and a Static Field
超短脉冲谐波辐射过程中的量子路径分析 被引量:1
作者 刘烨 陈光龙 邵辉丽 《原子与分子物理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期697-702,共6页
本文数值计算了脉宽为半个光学周期的超短脉冲在不同载波包络相位下的谐波波谱,通过比较谐波波谱截止频率与电子通过主要路径可获得的最大动能的差异,研究了超短脉冲谐波辐射过程中的量子路径.结果显示,超短脉冲谐波辐射过程中电子获得... 本文数值计算了脉宽为半个光学周期的超短脉冲在不同载波包络相位下的谐波波谱,通过比较谐波波谱截止频率与电子通过主要路径可获得的最大动能的差异,研究了超短脉冲谐波辐射过程中的量子路径.结果显示,超短脉冲谐波辐射过程中电子获得动能的量子路径偏离主要量子路径,而且该偏离效应受载波包络相位的影响. 展开更多
关键词 超短脉冲 高次谐波产生 量子路径 载波包络相位
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