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Thz Radiation under Tunneling in Asymmetric Double Quatum Wells
作者 Menberu Mengesha Svetlana Koshvaya Vadim Mal’nev 《Journal of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications》 2011年第7期271-276,共6页
The asymmetric parabolic double quantum wells (DQWs) with resonant levels (the ground state energy in one well co-incides with the first excited state energy in another well) is analyzed. The splitting of these levels... The asymmetric parabolic double quantum wells (DQWs) with resonant levels (the ground state energy in one well co-incides with the first excited state energy in another well) is analyzed. The splitting of these levels and the tunneling times are calculated. If the typical life time of the excited state is much smaller than the tunneling time between wells, the charged particle can radiate as a result of the quantum transition from the excited state to the ground state. In the opposite case, the asymmetric DQWs can be treated as a metastable excited nanosystem regardless of that the dipole transition from the excited state to ground state is permitted. The lifetime of this metastable state can be considerably reduced by putting it into a resonant cavity. The possibility of coherent radiation of an ensemble of asymmetric DQWS is discussed. 展开更多
关键词 DOUBLE quantum Well Energy SPLITTING TUNNELING quantum transitions
Ether as the Fundamental Substance of the Creation of the Universe
作者 Avas Khugaev Eugeniya Bibaeva 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2023年第12期3800-3825,共26页
The paper analyzes the concept of Ether and substantiates the necessity of its existence as a physical reality, which arises within the framework of the concept developed by the authors of the work. The authors come t... The paper analyzes the concept of Ether and substantiates the necessity of its existence as a physical reality, which arises within the framework of the concept developed by the authors of the work. The authors come to the conclusion that the existence of Ether in two different forms, plays an exceptional role in the formation of Dark Matter and Dark Energy and leads to the emergence of exotic cosmological structures and their hierarchy in energy, temporal, and spatial scale. The mechanism of the formation of physical structures before the Big Bang and their further evolution, up to the formation of worlds of galaxies and stars, is considered. The necessity of the emergence of exotic structures, such as 3 spheres of the Primary Relict, is shown, its structure and dynamic properties leading to the formation of Order from Chaos are considered. The role of the 1st and 2nd type Ether in the formation of the mechanism of transformation of cosmic energies and quantum phase transitions, in the process of the birth and evolution of the Universe is discussed. The conclusion is made about the existence of universal properties of matter, at the level of Macro and Microcosms, and a multidimensional cosmological model with an isothermal temperature distribution is constructed, leading to a discrete distribution of matter separated by transitions, by analogy with Black-and-White Holes. It is shown that the postulate of the constancy of the speed of light in any inertial system is a consequence of the principle of covariance. 展开更多
关键词 ETHER Speed of Light Black and White Hole quantum transitions Primary Relict Chaos and Order Primary Atom Big Bang Dark Matter and Energy Borromeo Rings
Monogamy quantum correlation near the quantum phase transitions in the two-dimensional XY spin systems 被引量:2
作者 Meng Qin Zhongzhou Ren Xin Zhang 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第6期137-144,共8页
We investigate the role of quantum correlation around the quantum phase transitions by using quantum renormalization group theory. Numerical analysis indicates that quantum correlation as well as quantum nonlocality c... We investigate the role of quantum correlation around the quantum phase transitions by using quantum renormalization group theory. Numerical analysis indicates that quantum correlation as well as quantum nonlocality can efficiently detect the quantum critical point in the two-dimensional XY systems. The nonanalytic behavior of the first derivative of quantum correlation is observed at the critical point as the size of the model increases. Furthermore, we discuss the quantum correlation distribution in this system based on the square of concurrence(SC) and square of quantum discord(SQD). The monogamous properties of SC and SQD are obtained. Particularly, we prove that the quantum critical point can also be achieved by monogamy score. 展开更多
关键词 XY model quantum phase transitions quantum correlation monogamy relation
作者 栾洪亮 张强 尹少英 《量子光学学报》 北大核心 2024年第1期18-27,共10页
本文在具有Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya(DM)相互作用的一维XY自旋链中,以双自旋比特系统为研究对象,基于Jensen-Shannon熵,研究了量子相干分布(局域相干和集体相干)及其相变临界行为。研究发现,通过改变自旋-自旋耦合作用和DM相互作用,可以有... 本文在具有Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya(DM)相互作用的一维XY自旋链中,以双自旋比特系统为研究对象,基于Jensen-Shannon熵,研究了量子相干分布(局域相干和集体相干)及其相变临界行为。研究发现,通过改变自旋-自旋耦合作用和DM相互作用,可以有效调控局域相干与集体相干之间的相互转化。此外,局域相干和集体相干能够通过局部极值或发散的临界行为准确地表征自旋链的一阶和二阶量子相变。当一阶量子相变的探测受到自旋-自旋耦合作用和DM相互作用的干扰时,集体相干比局域相干具有更加稳定的识别效果。最后,长距离自旋对的总体相干和集体相干在表征二阶量子相变上都具有显著优势。 展开更多
关键词 量子相干分布 自旋链模型 量子相变 Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya相互作用
量子相变和量子临界现象 被引量:3
作者 金国钧 冯端 《物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期325-351,共27页
本文综述凝聚态物理学中的量子相变和量子临界现象,首先考察了相变中存在量子效应的可能性,通过横磁场Ising模型介绍了量子相变的基本特征;接下来对照热临界现象,引入了量子标度和量子重正化的基本概念和操作方式;然后利用量子临界现象... 本文综述凝聚态物理学中的量子相变和量子临界现象,首先考察了相变中存在量子效应的可能性,通过横磁场Ising模型介绍了量子相变的基本特征;接下来对照热临界现象,引入了量子标度和量子重正化的基本概念和操作方式;然后利用量子临界现象的方案,分析了密度驱动、无序驱动和关联驱动的金属-绝缘体相变;继续利用量子临界性的概念探讨如重电子化合物、铜氧化物和巡游铁磁体这类复杂的相互作用多粒子系统;最后选择量子点、碳纳米管和单层石墨为例,介绍了量子临界性在低维和纳米系统研究中的作用。 展开更多
关键词 量子相变 量子临界性 标度 重正化 金属-绝缘体相变 关联电子系统
作者 冯曦曦 陈文 高先龙 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期69-77,共9页
得益于量子信息理论的发展,保真度、纠缠熵等概念被引入到量子相变的研究中,不仅能用来标识新奇的物质相,还能用来探测量子相变的临界点以及描绘其临界行为.从度量空间的角度来看,这些物理量都可以被理解为度量空间中两个函数的距离.本... 得益于量子信息理论的发展,保真度、纠缠熵等概念被引入到量子相变的研究中,不仅能用来标识新奇的物质相,还能用来探测量子相变的临界点以及描绘其临界行为.从度量空间的角度来看,这些物理量都可以被理解为度量空间中两个函数的距离.本文利用波函数和实空间中密度分布函数的距离,研究了以广义Aubry-André-Harper模型为代表的准周期系统,发现该方法不仅能标识拓展相、临界相和局域相,还能找到准确的相变点并计算出临界指数.此外,不仅将度量空间方法推广到波包扩散动力学研究,还提出了一种新的量,即态密度分布函数的距离,发现上述定义的两种物理量都能标识不同的物质相及相变点.通过定义某个函数在不同参数下的距离,不仅为标识已知系统相变点提供了研究工具,还为探测未知系统的不同物质相、相变点及其临界行为提供了一种直观的方法. 展开更多
关键词 量子相变 度量空间 准周期系统 局域化
作者 高幸 薛禹承 +1 位作者 姜宇航 毛金海 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第24期1-8,共8页
1934年,就读于普林斯顿大学的Eugene Wigner预言了电子晶体的存在.电子同时具有动能和相互作用的势能,当电子态密度满足一定的条件时,由于电子之间的排斥作用,电子会倾向于按规则的晶格结构排布,形成电子晶体,也称为维格纳晶体.近90年来... 1934年,就读于普林斯顿大学的Eugene Wigner预言了电子晶体的存在.电子同时具有动能和相互作用的势能,当电子态密度满足一定的条件时,由于电子之间的排斥作用,电子会倾向于按规则的晶格结构排布,形成电子晶体,也称为维格纳晶体.近90年来,维格纳晶体一直吸引着凝聚态物理学家.1979年,实验发现在液氦表面存在从电子液体到电子晶体的相变.之后的实验中观察到在强磁场下的二维电子气中存在二维维格纳晶体的特征.然而,在实空间中直接观测二维维格纳晶体仍然是一项艰巨的挑战.通过WSe2/WS2 moiré超晶格的石墨烯传感层,Li等在实验中观察到了维格纳晶体的实空间形貌.而在最近的研究中,Tsui等使用高分辨率扫描隧道显微镜测量技术,直接对贝纳尔堆叠(Bernal stacking)双层石墨烯中的磁场诱导维格纳晶体进行成像,并研究其结构特性与电子密度、磁场和温度的函数关系.本文将通过4篇代表性工作,简要介绍维格纳晶体的进展和发展前景. 展开更多
关键词 维格纳晶体 电子固体 量子相变 扫描隧道显微镜
Fidelity spectrum:A tool to probe the property of a quantum phase 被引量:1
作者 Wing Chi Yu Shi-Jian Gu 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第3期84-90,共7页
Fidelity measures the similarity between two states and is widely adapted by the condensed matter community as a probe of quantum phase transitions in many-body systems. Despite its success in witnessing quantum criti... Fidelity measures the similarity between two states and is widely adapted by the condensed matter community as a probe of quantum phase transitions in many-body systems. Despite its success in witnessing quantum critical points, information about the fine structure of a quantum phase one can get from this approach is still limited. Here, we proposed a scheme called fidelity spectrum, By studying the fidelity spectrum, one can obtain information about the characteristics of a phase. In particular, we investigated the spectra in the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model and the two- dimensional Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice. It was found that the sPectra have qualitative differences in the critical and non-critical regions of the two models. From the distributions of them, the dominating k modes in a particular phase could also be captured. 展开更多
关键词 quantum phase.transitions quantum information quanfized spin models
量子相变与几何相位 被引量:3
作者 朱诗亮 《物理》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第11期919-923,共5页
量子相变是凝聚态物理中的重要研究课题,而几何相位的发现是近几十年来量子力学中的重要进展,它们毫无关联地各自发展.但最近的研究表明,它们之间有密切联系:多体体系基态的几何相位在量子相变点附近具有标度性;不可收缩的几何相位可用... 量子相变是凝聚态物理中的重要研究课题,而几何相位的发现是近几十年来量子力学中的重要进展,它们毫无关联地各自发展.但最近的研究表明,它们之间有密切联系:多体体系基态的几何相位在量子相变点附近具有标度性;不可收缩的几何相位可用来作为量子相变的标志等.文章将介绍最近在量子相变和几何相位的关系方面的研究进展,并用XY自旋链模型来详细说明.这些结果应会吸引凝聚态和几何相位领域工作的研究人员的关注和兴趣. 展开更多
关键词 量子相变 几何相位 XY自旋链
Topology in parity-time-symmetric quantum walks
作者 XUE Peng 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2019年第3期70-80,共11页
The study of non-Hermitian systems with parity-time(PT)symmetry is a rapidly developing frontier in recent years?Experimentally,PT-symmetric systems have been realized in classical optics by balancing gain and loss,wh... The study of non-Hermitian systems with parity-time(PT)symmetry is a rapidly developing frontier in recent years?Experimentally,PT-symmetric systems have been realized in classical optics by balancing gain and loss,which holds great promise for novel optical devices and networks?Here we report experimental realization of passive PT-symmetric quantum dynamics for single photons by temporally alternating photon losses in the quantum walk(QW)interferometers.The ability to impose PT symmetry allows us to realize and investigate Floquet topological phases driven by PT-symmetric QWs.We observe topological edge states between regions with different topological invariants?Topological invariants can be defined by winding numbers,Zak phases,general geometry phases and can be calculated?Can they be detected directly?We give an answer by reporting the experimental detection of bulk topological invariants in non-unitary QWs?The topological invariant of the non-unitary quantum walk is manifested in the quantized average displacement of the walker,which is probed by monitoring the photon loss.Furthermore,we report the experimental study of dynamic quantum phase transitions(DQPTs)and photonic skyrmions using discrete-time QWs?We simulate quench dynamics between distinct Floquet topological phases using quantum-walk dynamics,and experimentally characterize DQPTs and emergent skyrmion structures.Our results pave the way for realizing quantum mechanical PT-synthetic devices and augurs exciting possibilities for exploring topological properties of non-Hermitian systems using discretetime QWs. 展开更多
关键词 quantum WALKS Parity-time symmetry Dynamic quantum phase transitions Photonic SKYRMIONS
具有Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya相互作用的XY模型的量子相干性 被引量:2
作者 伊天成 丁悦然 +2 位作者 任杰 王艺敏 尤文龙 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第14期51-61,共11页
研究了具有Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用的一维横场XY自旋链的量子相变和量子相干性.采用约旦-维格纳变换严格求解了哈密顿量,并描绘了体系的关联函数和相图,相图包含反铁磁相、顺磁相和螺旋相.利用相对熵和Jensen-Shannon熵讨论... 研究了具有Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya(DM)相互作用的一维横场XY自旋链的量子相变和量子相干性.采用约旦-维格纳变换严格求解了哈密顿量,并描绘了体系的关联函数和相图,相图包含反铁磁相、顺磁相和螺旋相.利用相对熵和Jensen-Shannon熵讨论了XY模型的量子相干性.研究发现,相对熵与Jensen-Shannon熵所表现的行为都可以很好地表征该模型的量子相变.非螺旋相中量子相干性不依赖DM相互作用,而在螺旋相DM相互作用对量子相干性有显著影响.此外,指出了在带有DM相互作用的这一类反射对称破缺体系中关联函数计算的常见问题. 展开更多
关键词 量子相变 量子相干性 约旦-魏格纳变换
量子相变与量子纠缠 被引量:2
作者 刘光华 邓小燕 《大学物理》 北大核心 2016年第4期1-6,共6页
作为量子体系一种内在的非局域性关联,量子纠缠已经成为一个可利用的重要资源并广泛应用于许多领域.强关联体系中的量子相变,作为凝聚态理论中的一个重要现象,也一直是人们研究的热点.本文介绍了量子纠缠的定义,纠缠的判据,以及纠缠的度... 作为量子体系一种内在的非局域性关联,量子纠缠已经成为一个可利用的重要资源并广泛应用于许多领域.强关联体系中的量子相变,作为凝聚态理论中的一个重要现象,也一直是人们研究的热点.本文介绍了量子纠缠的定义,纠缠的判据,以及纠缠的度量.接着,通过一个具体模型对如何利用量子纠缠描述量子相变进行讨论和分析.研究发现,在强关联体系量子相变中量子纠缠扮演着非常重要的角色. 展开更多
关键词 非局域关联 量子纠缠 量子相变
Heavy fermions in high magnetic fields 被引量:1
作者 M Smidman B Shen +3 位作者 C Y Guo L Jiao X Lu H Q Yuan 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第1期25-38,共14页
Heavy fermion materials are prototypical strongly correlated electron systems, where the strong electron–electron interactions lead to a wide range of novel phenomena and emergent phases of matter. Due to the low ene... Heavy fermion materials are prototypical strongly correlated electron systems, where the strong electron–electron interactions lead to a wide range of novel phenomena and emergent phases of matter. Due to the low energy scales, the relative strengths of the Ruderman–Kittel–Kasuya–Yosida(RKKY) and Kondo interactions can often be readily tuned by non-thermal control parameters such as pressure, doping, or applied magnetic fields, which can give rise to quantum criticality and unconventional superconductivity. Here we provide a brief overview of research into heavy fermion materials in high magnetic fields, focussing on three main areas. Firstly we review the use of magnetic fields as a tuning parameter,and in particular the ability to realize different varieties of quantum critical behaviors. We then discuss the properties of heavy fermion superconductors in magnetic fields, where experiments in applied fields can reveal the nature of the order parameter, and induce new novel phenomena. Finally we report recent studies of topological Kondo systems, including topological Kondo insulators and Kondo–Weyl semimetals. Here experiments in magnetic fields can be used to probe the topologically non-trivial Fermi surface, as well as related field-induced phenomena such as the chiral anomaly and topological Hall effect. 展开更多
关键词 HEAVY FERMIONS high magnetic fields quantum phase transitions HEAVY FERMION SUPERCONDUCTIVITY topological KONDO systems
作者 张广铭 朱国毅 《物理》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第9期569-582,共14页
在凝聚态物理学发展历程中,朗道-金兹堡相变理论奠定了人们对物质形态和有序相及其相变的认识基础,在结合了威尔逊重正化群理论后,形成了朗道-金兹堡-威尔逊范式,并成为整个现代物理学宏伟大厦的重要基石。然而,在复杂电子多体系统的实... 在凝聚态物理学发展历程中,朗道-金兹堡相变理论奠定了人们对物质形态和有序相及其相变的认识基础,在结合了威尔逊重正化群理论后,形成了朗道-金兹堡-威尔逊范式,并成为整个现代物理学宏伟大厦的重要基石。然而,在复杂电子多体系统的实验研究中,以量子霍尔效应、分数量子霍尔效应和铜氧化物高温超导体的实验发现为代表,涌现了众多超越朗道-金兹堡-威尔逊范式的新奇量子物态,掀开了凝聚态物理学的新篇章。文章从量子霍尔效应出发,介绍了二维电子体系中的几种典型拓扑量子物态。之后,重点介绍二维强关联电子多体系统中的内禀拓扑有序态。围绕Kitaev提出的二维Toric Code量子自旋模型,详细论证了该模型的基态为具有Z_(2)内禀拓扑序的量子自旋液体,讨论了其基态的拓扑简并、低能任意子激发,以及相关的拓扑量子相变。同时,简要介绍了内禀拓扑有序态的最新研究进展和可能的未来发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 朗道连续相变 拓扑量子物态 量子自旋液体 拓扑量子相变
双模Dicke模型的一级量子相变 被引量:2
作者 俞立先 梁奇锋 +1 位作者 汪丽蓉 朱士群 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第13期156-161,共6页
多光场与多粒子相互作用的多模Dicke模型不但存在着更为丰富的量子相,而且在量子信息中有着重要的应用.本文运用Holstein-Primakoff变换和玻色扩展法研究双模Dicke模型的基态特性并从理论上发现了一个新的一级量子相变.该相变在实验上... 多光场与多粒子相互作用的多模Dicke模型不但存在着更为丰富的量子相,而且在量子信息中有着重要的应用.本文运用Holstein-Primakoff变换和玻色扩展法研究双模Dicke模型的基态特性并从理论上发现了一个新的一级量子相变.该相变在实验上可以通过测量平均光子数或原子布居数进行观察. 展开更多
关键词 双模Dicke模型 基态能 量子相变
应用多尺度纠缠重整化算法研究量子自旋系统的量子相变和基态纠缠 被引量:1
作者 赵建辉 王海涛 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第21期70-76,共7页
应用多尺度纠缠重整化算法模拟自旋为1/2的一维量子XYX模型,通过计算局域序参量和度量纠缠的单缠节(one-tangle)、并发纠缠(concurrence)和纠缠比率R,确定系统的基态相图和纠缠相图.发现系统的纠缠相图比基态相图包含更多的物理信息.另... 应用多尺度纠缠重整化算法模拟自旋为1/2的一维量子XYX模型,通过计算局域序参量和度量纠缠的单缠节(one-tangle)、并发纠缠(concurrence)和纠缠比率R,确定系统的基态相图和纠缠相图.发现系统的纠缠相图比基态相图包含更多的物理信息.另外,从局域序参量和能隙与外磁场的标度关系,萃取出与磁化率和关联长度有关的临界指数β和v. 展开更多
关键词 量子纠缠 多尺度纠缠重整化 量子相变 临界指数
Quantum phase transitions about parity breaking in matrix product systems
作者 祝敬敏 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期144-148,共5页
According to our scheme to construct quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in spin chain systems with matrix product ground states, we first successfully combine matrix product state (MPS) QPTs with spontaneous symmetr... According to our scheme to construct quantum phase transitions (QPTs) in spin chain systems with matrix product ground states, we first successfully combine matrix product state (MPS) QPTs with spontaneous symmetry breaking. For a concrete model, we take into account a kind of MPS QPTs accompanied by spontaneous parity breaking, though for either side of the critical point the GS is typically unique, and show that the kind of MPS QPTs occur only in the thermodynamic limit and are accompanied by the appearance of singularities, diverging correlation length, vanishing energy gap and the entanglement entropy of a half-infinite chain not only staying finite but also whose first derivative discontinuous. 展开更多
关键词 matrix product state quantum phase transitions parity breaking entanglement entropy
Joule-Lenz Energy of Quantum Electron Transitions Compared with the Electromagnetic Emission of Energy
作者 Stanisław Olszewski 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第12期1440-1448,共10页
In the first step, the Joule-Lenz dissipation energy specified for the electron transitions between two neighbouring quantum levels in the hydrogen atom has been compared with the electromagnetic energy of emission fr... In the first step, the Joule-Lenz dissipation energy specified for the electron transitions between two neighbouring quantum levels in the hydrogen atom has been compared with the electromagnetic energy of emission from a single level. Both the electric and magnetic vectors entering the Pointing vector of the electromagnetic field are referred to the one-electron motion performed along an orbit in the atom. In the next step, a similar comparison of emission rates is performed for the harmonic oscillator. Formally a full agreement of the Joule-Lenz and electromagnetic expressions for the energy emission rates has been attained. 展开更多
关键词 Joule-Lenz Energy quantum Electron transitions Hydrogen Atom Electromagnetic Energy Emission
The Scaling of Entanglement Entropy for One Spatial XXZ Spin Chain
作者 Honglei Wang Chunhuan Xiang 《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics》 2016年第1期48-52,共5页
We investigate the scaling of entanglement entropy for one spatial XXZ spin chain by using matrix product states to approximate ground states. The entanglement entropy scales logarithmically with a coefficient that is... We investigate the scaling of entanglement entropy for one spatial XXZ spin chain by using matrix product states to approximate ground states. The entanglement entropy scales logarithmically with a coefficient that is determined by the associated conformal field theory, the quantum phase transitions occurred between Large-D and Halde phase, Halde phase and Neel phase. The scaling relationship is given in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Entanglement Entropy quantum Phase transitions SCALING Numerical Simulation
拓扑平带上的分数量子反常霍尔效应(一) 被引量:1
作者 王一飞 龚昌德 《浙江师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2013年第4期361-371,共11页
拓扑平带模型属于著名Haldane模型的扩展版本,至少有一个能带具有非平庸的拓扑性质,即有非零的陈数(Chern number),而且该能带的带宽很窄,同时与其他能带间有较大能隙.最近通过对拓扑平带上强关联相互作用的费米子和玻色子晶格体系的系... 拓扑平带模型属于著名Haldane模型的扩展版本,至少有一个能带具有非平庸的拓扑性质,即有非零的陈数(Chern number),而且该能带的带宽很窄,同时与其他能带间有较大能隙.最近通过对拓扑平带上强关联相互作用的费米子和玻色子晶格体系的系统数值进行研究,发现了一类新奇的阿贝尔型和非阿贝尔型分数量子霍尔效应.新发现的分数量子霍尔效应不同于传统朗道能级上的连续型分数量子霍尔效应,无须外加强磁场,有较大特征能隙,可在较高温度下存在,无需单粒子朗道能级,不能用常规Laughlin波函数描述.这些无外加磁场、无朗道能级的分数化现象,定义了一类新的分数拓扑相,也称为分数陈绝缘体,其中的分数量子霍尔效应也称为分数量子反常霍尔效应.该新领域在近期引起了国际凝聚态物理学界的研究热情与广泛关注.对笔者与合作者在该领域的系列研究工作进行综述介绍,以期引起国内外同行的进一步研究兴趣. 展开更多
关键词 拓扑平带 分数量子反常霍尔效应 强关联 分数拓扑相 拓扑量子相变
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