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高含水后期油井重复压裂选井选层方法探讨 被引量:25
作者 于凤林 刘敏 +1 位作者 侯继波 王有文 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期47-48,共2页
关键词 油井 重复压裂 选井选层 压裂时机
实施食品可追溯体系对社会福利的影响研究——基于垂直差异化博弈的视角 被引量:22
作者 山丽杰 徐旋 谢林柏 《公共管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期103-109,141-142,共7页
近年来,世界范围内的食品安全问题频频发生,引发了全球性的消费者信任危机,而企业实施食品可追溯体系能够增大不同信任属性食品的差异化程度,提高供应链管理效率,从而能提升食品的质量安全水平,是解决这一问题的途径之一。本文的创新之... 近年来,世界范围内的食品安全问题频频发生,引发了全球性的消费者信任危机,而企业实施食品可追溯体系能够增大不同信任属性食品的差异化程度,提高供应链管理效率,从而能提升食品的质量安全水平,是解决这一问题的途径之一。本文的创新之处在于试图将垂直差异化博弈模型应用于食品可追溯体系研究,并通过Matlab模拟计算研究企业实施食品可追溯体系对消费者、生产者剩余以及社会福利的影响,以探究食品行业实施可追溯体系的效率。研究结果表明,消费者因食品安全程度提高而获得了更多收益,提高了效用水平。高质量食品生产者剩余与消费者剩余增量之和超过了低质量食品生产者剩余的减少量。总体而言,社会总福利因食品安全水平的提高而增加。 展开更多
关键词 食品可追溯体系 社会福利 垂直差异化博弈 生产者 消费者
城市环境特征品质与中国房地产价格的区域差异 被引量:16
作者 何鸣 柯善咨 文嫣 《财经理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期97-103,共7页
从城市环境特征角度研究中国房地产价格的区间差异,在Roback理论模型基础上提出了估计中国城市消费者和厂商环境特征品质价值的计量方法,并对我国所有地级及以上城市进行了截面分析。消费者环境特征品质方程估计结果显示:自然环境对我... 从城市环境特征角度研究中国房地产价格的区间差异,在Roback理论模型基础上提出了估计中国城市消费者和厂商环境特征品质价值的计量方法,并对我国所有地级及以上城市进行了截面分析。消费者环境特征品质方程估计结果显示:自然环境对我国居民效用水平的影响类似于其对美国居民的影响,工业污染严重地损害了居民的福利水平,但是,公共服务水平对我国居民效用水平的影响并不显著。厂商生产性环境特征品质方程的估计结果则表明,城市间交通条件、工业集聚以及生产性服务都对厂商有显著的价值。 展开更多
关键词 消费者 生产性 环境特征品质 隐含价格
高星级酒店“商业性家”的营造:广州案例 被引量:13
作者 蔡晓梅 刘美新 苏晓波 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第7期60-72,共13页
"商业性家"的营造是流动性与商业化背景下交叉学科研究的热点之一。文章援引"家"的相关理论,通过半结构化深度访谈和文本分析的方法,深入分析高星级酒店生产者对酒店"商业性家"的核心内涵与营造过程,并... "商业性家"的营造是流动性与商业化背景下交叉学科研究的热点之一。文章援引"家"的相关理论,通过半结构化深度访谈和文本分析的方法,深入分析高星级酒店生产者对酒店"商业性家"的核心内涵与营造过程,并阐述在此过程中酒店商业性与"家"的矛盾互动关系。研究发现,酒店的商业性主要表现在酒店追求利润最大化的过程中,以价格为杠杆差异化处理酒店空间以及提供匹配的服务,为了规避财务风险而采取押金制度、消费签单制度、结账查房制度等强化酒店的商业色彩。然而,被商业化的高星级酒店试图通过主客互动关系以及社区文化的嵌入为消费者营造具有安全感、舒适感、个性化和当地社区文化的"家"氛围。因此,一方面",商业性家"中的商业性与"家"处在动态的矛盾互动中;另一方面,经济与人际关系网络的不可分离使酒店生产者与消费者都嵌入在"家"的系统中,成为完整的"商业性家"。研究构建了"商业性家"的理论模型,丰富了"商业性家"的内涵与外延,为跨学科研究"家"提供了新的理论与实证研究视野;在实践方面,研究有助于高星级酒店实现"家外之家"的理念经营与管理实践。 展开更多
关键词 高星级酒店 商业性家 经营者 广州
危险化学品生产企业系统隐患排查和治理方法研究 被引量:8
作者 酒江波 辛雪 +2 位作者 刘攀 张婷婷 林涛 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期11-15,共5页
单纯通过定期的安全检查完成隐患排查的工作会导致隐患排查结果的偏失,影响隐患排查的效果。针对此问题,总结了危险化学品生产企业事故隐患的相关特性及其在隐患排查工作中存在的误区,在对隐患进行分类的基础上,提出了危险化学品生产企... 单纯通过定期的安全检查完成隐患排查的工作会导致隐患排查结果的偏失,影响隐患排查的效果。针对此问题,总结了危险化学品生产企业事故隐患的相关特性及其在隐患排查工作中存在的误区,在对隐患进行分类的基础上,提出了危险化学品生产企业系统开展隐患排查工作的思路和方法,并对隐患的分级治理提出了相关见解,以期对国内危化企业的隐患排查和治理工作提供相应的帮助和思路。 展开更多
关键词 危险化学品 生产企业 事故隐患 风险管理 隐患分级治理
丙烯腈生产技术进展及市场分析 被引量:6
作者 黄金霞 谢妤 +2 位作者 何伟 吴涛 陆书来 《化学工业》 CAS 2020年第2期43-51,共9页
关键词 丙烯腈 主要生产商 产量 市场分析与预测 研发进展 建议
基于组织视角的安全蔬菜生产者道德风险分析——以江苏省为例 被引量:6
作者 方秋平 代云云 徐翔 《南京农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2011年第1期44-50,共7页
从农业生产组织的视角,通过对江苏省490户安全蔬菜生产农户的调查,运用Logistic二元选择模型对影响生产者道德风险的因素进行了分析。研究结果表明,安全蔬菜生产农户参加的农业生产组织的类型、组织对农户生产安全蔬菜的检查、组织对农... 从农业生产组织的视角,通过对江苏省490户安全蔬菜生产农户的调查,运用Logistic二元选择模型对影响生产者道德风险的因素进行了分析。研究结果表明,安全蔬菜生产农户参加的农业生产组织的类型、组织对农户生产安全蔬菜的检查、组织对农户农药购买和农药使用情况的监管、组织对农户违规生产的处罚以及处罚的严格度均对农户道德风险的防范有显著影响。 展开更多
关键词 组织 安全蔬菜 生产者 道德风险
百老汇对中国戏剧艺术市场化的启示 被引量:4
作者 马述智 《戏剧(中央戏剧学院学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期33-45,I0001-I0002,共15页
百老汇作为世界著名的商业演出聚集区,有着较为成熟的商演经验和工作方式。百老汇剧院的构造和分布与其他地方的剧院有所不同,其演出制作和市场营销方法也有其独特之处。本文从百老汇剧院的分布情况和观众容量、百老汇商业演出的市场营... 百老汇作为世界著名的商业演出聚集区,有着较为成熟的商演经验和工作方式。百老汇剧院的构造和分布与其他地方的剧院有所不同,其演出制作和市场营销方法也有其独特之处。本文从百老汇剧院的分布情况和观众容量、百老汇商业演出的市场营销,以及百老汇制作人的类型和责任等三个方面阐述百老汇的商业演出制作和运营的特点,力图为我国当代剧院团转企改制和戏剧艺术的市场化经营带来一些启示。 展开更多
关键词 百老汇剧院 制作人 商业演出
Hydrogen bond producers in powerful protic ionic liquids for enhancing dissolution of natural cellulose
作者 Shi-Peng Chen Dan-Yang Zhao +4 位作者 Jin-Long Zhu Jing Wang Gan-Ji Zhong Hua-Dong Huang Zhong-Ming Li 《SusMat》 SCIE EI 2024年第5期189-201,共13页
The manipulation of hydrogen bonding within protic ionic liquids is conducive to conquering the robust hydrogen bonding interactions in cellulose for its effective dissolution,but it is a great challenge to establish ... The manipulation of hydrogen bonding within protic ionic liquids is conducive to conquering the robust hydrogen bonding interactions in cellulose for its effective dissolution,but it is a great challenge to establish the delicate bal-ance of hydrogen bonding network between solvent and cellulose.Herein,we proposed the concept of“hydrogen bond producers”for urea molecules in 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidinium methoxyacetate acid([TMGH][MAA])to enhance the dissolution of cellulose.The optimization of physicochemical properties for[TMGH][MAA]solvent as a function of urea concentration revealed a remark-able increase in cellulose solubility from 13%to 17%(w/w)by adding only 0.25 wt%urea,highlighting the efficiency of[TMGH][MAA]as a power-ful solvent for the dissolution of cellulose.The experimental and simulation results verified that the significant improvement on dissolution of cellulose was attributed to the hydrogen bonding interaction of urea molecules with ion pairs and part of free ions,reducing the interference with the active ions bonded to cellulose.Furthermore,the considerable enhancement on compre-hensive properties of regenerated cellulose films demonstrated the effectiveness of[TMGH][MAA]/urea solvent.The concept of“hydrogen bond producers”presented here opens a new avenue for significantly enhancing the dissolu-tion of natural cellulose,promoting the sustainable development in large-scale processing of cellulose. 展开更多
关键词 cellulose dissolution hydrogen bond producers protic ionic liquids
成本—收益视角下的生猪养殖户死猪处理行为研究——以浙江省嘉兴市为例 被引量:4
作者 刘亚洲 纪月清 +1 位作者 钟甫宁 刘立军 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期558-564,共7页
近年来我国各地有关死猪漂浮、死猪肉流向餐桌的事件层出不穷,死猪处理成为当前较为热点的话题。基于构建养殖户成本—收益理论框架,利用在浙江省嘉兴市获得的生猪养殖户相关数据,运用多元Probit模型,分析养殖户死猪处理行为,探讨其选... 近年来我国各地有关死猪漂浮、死猪肉流向餐桌的事件层出不穷,死猪处理成为当前较为热点的话题。基于构建养殖户成本—收益理论框架,利用在浙江省嘉兴市获得的生猪养殖户相关数据,运用多元Probit模型,分析养殖户死猪处理行为,探讨其选择行为的影响因素。结果表明,家庭劳动力数量、养殖规模、养殖模式及一些反映成本的因素会影响养殖户死猪处理方式选择;母猪和生猪死亡补贴在某种程度上可以减少养殖户损失,因此促进了养殖户申报死猪进行无害化处理;随着养殖户主要决策者的年龄、受教育水平、养殖经验的增加,养殖户随意丢弃死猪的比重会下降。最后基于分析结果提出政府部门应加大相关政策法规的宣传力度,加强监管的同时不断完善死猪补贴政策,同时要增加死猪合理处理的相关培训等政策建议,以期进一步促进我国生猪产业健康快速发展。 展开更多
关键词 生猪养殖 死猪处理 养殖户 成本—收益 嘉兴市
作者 姜肇财 张芳祯 +2 位作者 宋黎 蒋皓静 王雯 《标准科学》 2024年第2期100-104,共5页
产品安全科普不足已经成为抑制公民消费需求、阻碍公民科学素质提升的重大实践难题,推动产品安全科普高质量发展是解决这一难题的关键。在科技引领新生活的潮流下,产品安全科普的高质量发展是在与公民的有效互动中形成的。通过对新技术... 产品安全科普不足已经成为抑制公民消费需求、阻碍公民科学素质提升的重大实践难题,推动产品安全科普高质量发展是解决这一难题的关键。在科技引领新生活的潮流下,产品安全科普的高质量发展是在与公民的有效互动中形成的。通过对新技术的安全科学普及提高公民对科学技术的认知水平;针对不同群体实施差异化的产品使用安全科普策略,以提高公民安全使用产品的能力;增强企业安全科普的积极性,以打造产品安全科普的社会氛围;构建多平台科学传播媒体矩阵,以提升产品安全科普的舆论引导力。同时,公民科学素质的提升也会作为企业生产的技术要素反哺企业的技术创新活动,推动技术创新更加顺畅、持续地发展。 展开更多
关键词 产品安全科普 新兴科技 技术应用 科学传播 生产企业
一类具有脉冲投放鱼类的淡水生态系统模型 被引量:3
作者 郭红建 高斯 《生物数学学报》 2017年第1期98-104,共7页
关键词 脉冲效应 系统生态学 淡水生态系统 生产者 消费者
Problems of Training Konni Producers in the Context of Reforming the Management of Hydroagricultural Developments: Challenges, Issues and Perspectives
作者 Saidou Abdoulkarimou Illou Mahamadou 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 CAS 2023年第5期229-245,共17页
Following the reform of the governance of irrigation schemes in Niger, producer cooperatives are encountering real difficulties in ensuring effective and efficient management of irrigation water, infrastructure mainte... Following the reform of the governance of irrigation schemes in Niger, producer cooperatives are encountering real difficulties in ensuring effective and efficient management of irrigation water, infrastructure maintenance and renewal of hydromechanical equipment. The objective of this research is to analyze the issues and challenges of capacity building for Konni producers in the context of AHA management reform in Niger. The methodological approach adopted is based on documentary research and field surveys with all the actors directly concerned with the management of the Konni irrigated perimeter. A total of 448 people were interviewed in all the localities selected. Direct observation and interview are the two field data collection techniques adopted. The data collected was processed and on the basis of the established diagnosis, the training needs were identified. The results show that there are several experiences in terms of training and capacity building of actors in charge of the management of irrigation systems at the Konni AHA level. However, the sustainability of the perimeter is threatened by various crises. The main themes that founded the first training were related to the mobilization, transport and distribution of irrigation water, operation and maintenance, and setting and collection of the fee. In view of the expectations of operators, future issues and challenges, the training modules are increasingly oriented towards social management, the integration of gender in management and environmental impacts. Even if technical progress is possible, the real lever is organizational and requires the professionalization of irrigators. This process requires a new pedagogical approach aimed at irrigators. 展开更多
关键词 Konni (Niger) Irrigation Schemes TRAINING MANAGEMENT producers
SWOT Analysis of Agricultural Producers in the Supply Chain of Chinese Agro-products 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Yuan-yi,ZHENG Gang,GUO Juan,GUO Xin,YAO Shi-bin School of Management,Xihua University,Chengdu 610039,China 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2011年第5期103-106,共4页
On the basis of defining the producers in the supply chain of agricultural products,the SWOT analysis is adopted to analyze the advantages,disadvantages,opportunities and threats of producers in the supply chain of Ch... On the basis of defining the producers in the supply chain of agricultural products,the SWOT analysis is adopted to analyze the advantages,disadvantages,opportunities and threats of producers in the supply chain of Chinese agricultural products.The paper analyzes the advantages of producers in the supply chain of agricultural products from three aspects including land resources,technology level of producers and input costs.The disadvantages of producers in the supply chain of agricultural products are analyzed from three aspects including scale level,mechanization and technology level and profit level.The opportunities of producers in the supply chain of agricultural products are analyzed from the aspects of laws,policies,capitals and technologies.The threats confronted by the producers in the supply chain of agricultural products are analyzed from foreign producers,negotiation control of supply chain of agricultural chain,environment protection and quality safety standard.On the basis of the analysis,the relevant suggestions on facilitating the interests of producers in the supply chain of Chinese agricultural products are put forward,including fully displaying the advantages of land resources;improving the knowledge and technology level of supply chain of agricultural production;establishing the alliances of producers of agricultural products to expand production scale;improving the quality of agricultural products to satisfy the relevant safety quality standard and environmental protection standard. 展开更多
关键词 Supply CHAIN of AGRICULTURAL producTS producers SW
论粉丝“消费者”与“生产者”身份的双重性 被引量:2
作者 张彦婷 《牡丹江师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第2期82-85,共4页
本文以法兰克福学派、伯明翰学派对"大众文化"的阐述为理论依据,借鉴在粉丝研究中颇有建树的德赛都、费斯克的相关论述,阐述了粉丝"消费者"与"生产者"身份的双重性。作为消费者,粉丝的消费是过度的、完美... 本文以法兰克福学派、伯明翰学派对"大众文化"的阐述为理论依据,借鉴在粉丝研究中颇有建树的德赛都、费斯克的相关论述,阐述了粉丝"消费者"与"生产者"身份的双重性。作为消费者,粉丝的消费是过度的、完美的,不计得失地在文化产品上投入时间、金钱和情感,消费习惯是固定、可预测的;作为生产者,粉丝践行了伯明翰学派提出的积极受众理论,不仅可以按照自己的意愿解读文本,也可以摆脱原文本的控制,创造出另类文本。 展开更多
关键词 粉丝 大众文化 消费者 生产者
基于价值链和“五力”模型的蔬菜产业分析 被引量:2
作者 张敬 薛梅云 郑燕 《长安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第1期52-55,61,共5页
鉴于近年来蔬菜产业发展极其不稳定,"菜贱伤农"和"菜贵伤民"问题经常同时发生。将蔬菜产业市场看成一个整体,站在价值链的角度,运用迈克尔·波特的"五力"产业分析模型解析蔬菜产业"菜贱伤农&qu... 鉴于近年来蔬菜产业发展极其不稳定,"菜贱伤农"和"菜贵伤民"问题经常同时发生。将蔬菜产业市场看成一个整体,站在价值链的角度,运用迈克尔·波特的"五力"产业分析模型解析蔬菜产业"菜贱伤农"、"菜贵伤民"问题。分析认为,"菜贱伤农"、"菜贵伤民"是因为生产蔬菜的机会成本较大,加上机会成本上的大幅度加价,甚至是二者共同作用的结果;也与流通过程环节较多有关。最后给出相关的改进建议:控制成本驱动因素;重构价值链。 展开更多
关键词 菜贱伤农 菜贵伤民 生产者 消费者 物流商 价值链 “五力”产业分析模型
我国二硅化钼的生产概况 被引量:2
作者 董允杰 宁振茹 《中国钼业》 1997年第6期36-36,15,共2页
关键词 二硅化钼 硅化钼 瞬时加热 电热元件
Effect of the Technological Status of Small Cow-Calf Farm Producers on the Induction to Resumption of Ovarian Activity of Dual-Purpose Cattle Raised under Topical Conditions
作者 Henry Velázquez Penagos Leticia Galindo Rodríguez +3 位作者 Manuel Barrientos Morales Carlos Salvador Galina Hidalgo Martín Guillermo Maquivar Linfoot Felipe Montiel Palacios 《Open Journal of Veterinary Medicine》 2020年第11期195-205,共11页
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of the technological level in small-scale dual-purpose cow-calf <em>Bos indicus</em> female operations on the resumption of the ovarian activity post... The aim of the present study was to evaluate the impact of the technological level in small-scale dual-purpose cow-calf <em>Bos indicus</em> female operations on the resumption of the ovarian activity post-partum. A total of 13 small scale dual-purpose <em>Bos indicus</em> × <em>Bos taurus</em> operations were included in this experiment and they were classified according to their technological status as: high technological status (HT), medium technological status (MT) and low technological status (LT). Ninety-three mature cows were treated with either a CIDR (controlled internal drug release device) with estradiol benzoate (CIDR+EB) or alone (CIDR). At day 9 all animals received intravaginally a CIDR for nine days. At day 0, the CIDR was withdrawn and 24 hours later one dose of estradiol benzoate was administered to 51 cows (17 in HT, 17 in MT and 17 in LT), the remaining animals (n = 42) did not receive the estradiol benzoate administration (14 in HT, 13 in MT and 15 in LT). Comparisons were performed on serum progesterone concentrations after CIDR treatment. By day 7 after implant withdrawal, the proportion of cows that resume ovarian activity detected by progesterone concentration increased in all technological level farms, no statistical main effect was observed within technological level. By day 17 there was a significant main effect of technological level (P = 0.05) on the proportion of animal that resumed the estrous cycles, but neither a main effect of treatment (P = 0.97) nor an interaction between technological level and treatment (P = 0.98). Furthermore, technological level of the farm showed a tendency (P = 0.07) to affect that resume the estrous activity, and a significant effect of treatment was observed (P = 0.005) but no interaction between technological level and treatment. The proportion of cows that showed estrus was different across technological level (P = 0.02), the highest proportion of cows showing estrus regardless of treatment was in the HT: 90% (40% CIDR and 50% CIDR+EB), MT: 50% (13. 展开更多
关键词 CATTLE OVULATION Technological Level Small Cow-Calf Farm producers
Decentralised Energy Systems and Associated Policy Mechanisms—A Review of Africa
作者 Shadreck M. Situmbeko 《Journal of Sustainable Bioenergy Systems》 2017年第3期98-116,共19页
Decentralised energy (DE), also known as distributed energy, refers to power generation and energy storage systems located at or near the point of use;and may also be connected to a local distribution network system o... Decentralised energy (DE), also known as distributed energy, refers to power generation and energy storage systems located at or near the point of use;and may also be connected to a local distribution network system or to a high voltage transmission system either directly or through a local distribution network system. It is generated or stored by a variety of small devices commonly referred to as distributed energy resources (DER);the definition also extends to include stand-alone systems completely isolated from the public networks. The contribution made by independent power producers (IPP’s) through deployment of DER in the African energy market is critical to fast-tracking the deployment of renewables, diversification of the energy mix and enhancing access to modern and clean energy. There is need to develop policy mechanisms aimed at enhancing the current positive drive in the energy market;and this has been observed to be a driving factor in countries which have developed appropriate policy strategies. This paper presents the concept of DE in detail and how it could complement efforts to addressing the current energy crises in Southern Africa;it also looks at policy developments in Africa and presents the scenarios in the two southern African countries of South Africa and Botswana. The research is based on an extensive review of literature on the subject matter, consultations with stakeholders as well as feedback from the Learning Network for Sustainable Energy Systems (LeNSes) workshops. 展开更多
关键词 Decentralised ENERGY Distributed ENERGY RESOURCES RENEWABLES Independent Power producers ENERGY POLICY
Folate Enrichment of <i>Ogi</i>(a Fermented Cereal Gruel) Using Folate Producing Starter Cultures
作者 Ike Okoroafor Kolawole Banwo +1 位作者 Afolake Atinuke Olanbiwoninu Sunday Ayodele Odunfa 《Advances in Microbiology》 2019年第3期177-193,共17页
This study was aimed at selecting starter cultures for bio-enriching ogi (fermented cereal gruel) using folate-producing microorganisms. The folate-producing microorganisms were isolated by incorporating folate analog... This study was aimed at selecting starter cultures for bio-enriching ogi (fermented cereal gruel) using folate-producing microorganisms. The folate-producing microorganisms were isolated by incorporating folate analogue, methotrexate in the isolation medium and further screened for folate production by growth in Folic Acid Casei Medium. Folate production was quantified using 3-aminophenol spectrophotometric method. Folate-producing lactic acid bacteria from fermenting maize slurry were species of Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Pediococcus and Leuconostoc while yeast isolates were mainly species of Candida and Saccharomyces. However, Lactobacillus plantarum X13, Pediococcus pentosaceus L73, Candida parapsilosis Y77 and Candida tropicalis Y74 were used as starter cultures singly and in combination for the fermentation and production of ogi. The highest folate concentration, 30.97 ± 0.37 μg/ml, was observed after 24 h of the co-fermentation of maize slurry with Lactobacillus plantarum X13 and Candida tropicalis Y74. This represents a triple fold of the folate concentration observed in unfermented maize slurry. The pH of the fermenting maize slurry was observed to decrease from 6.12 to 3.60, while the reducing sugars and the titratable acidities were observed to increase as fermentation progressed. Sensory evaluation of the ogi samples after fermentation showed high general acceptability comparable to the naturally fermented ogi as regards to colour, taste, flavour, aroma and texture. The data made available in this study suggest the possibility of folate enrichment of ogi and its use as a vehicle for increasing folate availability to consumers thereby preventing folate deficiency diseases prevalent in many African countries. 展开更多
关键词 Folate producers Folate ENRICHMENT Ogi LACTIC Acid Bacteria Yeasts
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