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用于绝缘油中气体监测的半导体气敏传感器模型 被引量:18
作者 周利军 吴广宁 +2 位作者 唐平 王洪亮 宿冲 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第10期75-79,共5页
利用塔板理论建立混合气体色谱柱分离的数学模型;分析了半导体气敏传感器的稳态、暂态响应与恢复特性,提出了关于传感器响应与恢复特性的3个假设:传感器稳态输出电阻的对数与气体浓度的对数服从正切关系,暂态响应特性取决于传感器当前... 利用塔板理论建立混合气体色谱柱分离的数学模型;分析了半导体气敏传感器的稳态、暂态响应与恢复特性,提出了关于传感器响应与恢复特性的3个假设:传感器稳态输出电阻的对数与气体浓度的对数服从正切关系,暂态响应特性取决于传感器当前的阻值状态和当前时刻的气体浓度, 恢复特性取决于传感器当前阻值状态和下一时刻的气体浓度。采用实验与数值逼近等数学方法确定所需参数。最后设计了验证实验,结果表明将3个假设用于油中气体监测系统的半导体传感器能够满足要求。 展开更多
关键词 变压器 在线监测 塔板理论 半导体气敏传感器 暂态响应
数字化电厂架构及现场总线控制系统设计 被引量:18
作者 刘宇穗 张振全 +1 位作者 李军 周明 《热力发电》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第12期83-84,98,共3页
关键词 发电厂 数字化 FCS 机组级 设备级 控制系统
基于可靠度的电力变压器寿命分析 被引量:18
作者 翟博龙 孙鹏 +2 位作者 马进 黄绪勇 张文斌 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期127-131,共5页
为掌握电力变压器全寿命周期的状态变化情况,基于故障树分析法建立了变压器可靠度模型及变压器老化模型,利用最小二乘法拟合变压器运行年限–平均可靠度关系曲线,计算变压器进入各个寿命阶段的年限及平均无故障工作时间,从而为确定最佳... 为掌握电力变压器全寿命周期的状态变化情况,基于故障树分析法建立了变压器可靠度模型及变压器老化模型,利用最小二乘法拟合变压器运行年限–平均可靠度关系曲线,计算变压器进入各个寿命阶段的年限及平均无故障工作时间,从而为确定最佳维修周期、制定最优维修方案提供科学依据,达到延长变压器有效使用寿命的目的。算例结果验证该方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 电力变压器 可靠度 老化模型 状态评价 寿命 分析 平均无故障工作时间 故障树分析法
基于改进K-means聚类的配电网电压暂降频次估计法 被引量:13
作者 李顺祎 汪颖 杨敏辉 《电力工程技术》 北大核心 2021年第6期103-112,共10页
传统考虑保护动作特性的电压暂降频次估计法需要获取详尽的保护配置信息,然而配电网保护配置多样,在不同因素如过渡电阻、运行方式、故障类型等的影响下,阶段式保护各级保护区可能产生较大变化,采用传统方法对电压暂降持续时间进行评估... 传统考虑保护动作特性的电压暂降频次估计法需要获取详尽的保护配置信息,然而配电网保护配置多样,在不同因素如过渡电阻、运行方式、故障类型等的影响下,阶段式保护各级保护区可能产生较大变化,采用传统方法对电压暂降持续时间进行评估可能会产生较大误差。文中提出一种基于改进K-means聚类的配电网电压暂降频次估计方法,在未知线路保护配置基础上,基于电压暂降历史监测数据与保护动作信息,采用改进K-means聚类算法,对电压暂降幅值-持续时间进行聚类分析,推断线路保护配置情况,计算保护动作时间与保护动作电压。根据计算结果,在考虑不同故障类型、不同运行方式及不同过渡阻抗的情况下进行配电网电压暂降频次估计。在IEEE RBTS-6母线测试系统的母线5配电网中进行仿真,验证了文中方法的有效性和优越性。 展开更多
关键词 电能质量 电压暂降频次 电压暂降持续时间 配电网 阶段式保护 改进K-means聚类算法
电力工程造价管理在施工阶段中的控制策略分析 被引量:10
作者 王亚奇 《建筑技术开发》 2020年第4期90-91,共2页
随着科技与电力工程建设的不断发展,电力工程规模逐步扩大,原材料价格上涨,对于电力建设项目的整个造价控制过程而言,电力工程的施工阶段是造价管理的重点环节,项目的大部分投资资金都在这一施工阶段被投入使用,项目投资多在这一阶段实... 随着科技与电力工程建设的不断发展,电力工程规模逐步扩大,原材料价格上涨,对于电力建设项目的整个造价控制过程而言,电力工程的施工阶段是造价管理的重点环节,项目的大部分投资资金都在这一施工阶段被投入使用,项目投资多在这一阶段实现,因此施工阶段是造价控制最为复杂的阶段之一。主要围绕电力工程造价管理在施工阶段中的控制策略进行分析,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 电力工程 造价管理 施工阶段 控制策略
单级功率因数校正AC/DC变换器 被引量:5
作者 许化民 阮新波 严仰光 《电力电子技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第5期6-8,共3页
详细分析了一种单级功率因数校正AC/DC变换器 ,通过增加变压器绕组反馈直流总线电压 ,以抑制输入高压、轻载情况下过高的直流总线电压。在交流输入电压为 1 80~ 2 55V、输出为 48V/1 0 0W情况下 ,直流总线电压被控制在 40 0V以下。输... 详细分析了一种单级功率因数校正AC/DC变换器 ,通过增加变压器绕组反馈直流总线电压 ,以抑制输入高压、轻载情况下过高的直流总线电压。在交流输入电压为 1 80~ 2 55V、输出为 48V/1 0 0W情况下 ,直流总线电压被控制在 40 0V以下。输入电流谐波满足IEC 1 0 0 0 3 2ClassD要求 ,效率为 85% ,功率因数达 0 .91。 展开更多
关键词 AC/DC变换器 功率因数 校正 电压调节
针对不同发展阶段的电力网络投资需求分析 被引量:9
作者 周盈 邹波 +3 位作者 文福拴 胡列翔 徐谦 兰洲 《电力系统及其自动化学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第8期8-13,共6页
在不同的经济发展阶段,电力网络的投资需求会呈现出明显不同的特征,如何准确预测该需求对于电网公司确定最优投资策略、优化电力网络规划与运营策略具有重要意义。在此背景下,根据电网投资需求与电网发展阶段之间的关系,首先提出采用计... 在不同的经济发展阶段,电力网络的投资需求会呈现出明显不同的特征,如何准确预测该需求对于电网公司确定最优投资策略、优化电力网络规划与运营策略具有重要意义。在此背景下,根据电网投资需求与电网发展阶段之间的关系,首先提出采用计及环境因子的自适应钟形曲线来描述电网投资需求。之后,以1955—2010年间日本电网的各项投资数据为例来验证该模型的有效性。最后,采用所提出的模型研究了我国东部某省级电网在不同环境下的投资需求情况,并分析了投资曲线的对称性和超前滞后性对电网投资分配的影响。 展开更多
关键词 电力网络 投资需求 发展阶段 自适应钟形曲线
非线性刚度非线性阻尼隔振系统功率流研究 被引量:8
作者 邵栋 陆泽琦 陈立群 《振动工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期764-773,共10页
针对非线性阻尼、非线性刚度隔振系统效果评价问题,引入功率流作为评价非线性隔振系统的关键参数。水平弹簧提供负刚度使得隔振系统具有高静态低动态刚度特性,水平阻尼提供系统的非线性阻尼。运用谐波平衡法分析系统强非线性振动的功率... 针对非线性阻尼、非线性刚度隔振系统效果评价问题,引入功率流作为评价非线性隔振系统的关键参数。水平弹簧提供负刚度使得隔振系统具有高静态低动态刚度特性,水平阻尼提供系统的非线性阻尼。运用谐波平衡法分析系统强非线性振动的功率流,探讨非线性刚度和非线性阻尼对隔振系统功率流的影响。研究表明,非线性刚度能够拓宽系统隔振频带,非线性阻尼能够保持较优高频隔振性能。最后,在单层隔振基础上,展开双层非线性隔振系统功率流特性研究。结果表明:系统中每一层非线性刚度的加入均可以有效拓宽隔振频带,降低高频处功率流传递率。系统中每一层非线性阻尼的引入均可以降低第一阶共振峰峰值,得到更好的隔振效果。 展开更多
关键词 非线性隔振 功率流 非线性刚度 非线性阻尼 双层
反腐败视域下监察机关证据补查的三种模式 被引量:3
作者 朱良 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第1期152-160,共9页
随着纪检监察体制改革的持续深入,中国监察机关的证据补查体系逐渐呈现出退回重新调查、退回补充调查和直接补充证据三种模式。监察机关审理阶段证据补查的三种模式各有其形成的原因及运行机制,也都有独立存续的空间。退回重新调查模式... 随着纪检监察体制改革的持续深入,中国监察机关的证据补查体系逐渐呈现出退回重新调查、退回补充调查和直接补充证据三种模式。监察机关审理阶段证据补查的三种模式各有其形成的原因及运行机制,也都有独立存续的空间。退回重新调查模式和退回补充调查模式在监督制约监察机关调查权和保障案件质量方面具有一定的积极作用,但是两者容易引发内部机构之间的矛盾,进而导致案件办理效率降低。直接补充证据模式有助于提高案件的办理效率和促进内部和谐,但却模糊了监察机关内部机构之间的职责边界,容易引发制约不足而配合有余的风险。未来应当秉持法治意识、程序意识和证据意识,在保障内部监督制约和案件办理效率的基础上,严格依法适用监察机关证据补查的三种模式。 展开更多
关键词 权力制约 证据规则 审理阶段 监察机关
Design of Robust Var Reserve Contract for Enhancing Reactive Power Ancillary Service Market Efficiency
作者 Yunyang Zou Yan Xu 《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期767-771,共5页
In a deregulated Var market, market power issue is more serious than in an energy market since reactive power cannot be transmitted over long distances. This letter designs a multi-timescale Var market framework, wher... In a deregulated Var market, market power issue is more serious than in an energy market since reactive power cannot be transmitted over long distances. This letter designs a multi-timescale Var market framework, where market power that may arise in the hourly-ahead Var support service market due to system configuration deficiency and market structure flaws can be eliminated by day-ahead contract-based Var reserve service market. Settlement of day-ahead Var reserve contract is formulated as a two-stage robust optimization (TSRO) model considering worst case of uncertainty realization and potential market power that may arise in hourly-ahead market. TSRO with integer recourses is then solved by a new column and constraint generation algorithm. Results show a robust Var reserve contract can fully eliminate market power, and prevent suppliers from manipulating market prices. 展开更多
关键词 Market efficiency market power reactive power ancillary service two-stage robust optimization Var reserve
Enhancing source domain availability through data and feature transfer learning for building power load forecasting
作者 Fanyue Qian Yingjun Ruan +2 位作者 Huiming Lu Hua Meng Tingting Xu 《Building Simulation》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第4期625-638,共14页
During the initial phases of operation following the construction or renovation of existing buildings,the availability of historical power usage data is limited,which leads to lower accuracy in load forecasting and hi... During the initial phases of operation following the construction or renovation of existing buildings,the availability of historical power usage data is limited,which leads to lower accuracy in load forecasting and hinders normal usage.Fortunately,by transferring load data from similar buildings,it is possible to enhance forecasting accuracy.However,indiscriminately expanding all source domain data to the target domain is highly likely to result in negative transfer learning.This study explores the feasibility of utilizing similar buildings(source domains)in transfer learning by implementing and comparing two distinct forms of multi-source transfer learning.Firstly,this study focuses on the Higashita area in Kitakyushu City,Japan,as the research object.Four buildings that exhibit the highest similarity to the target buildings within this area were selected for analysis.Next,the two-stage TrAdaBoost.R^(2) algorithm is used for multi-source transfer learning,and its transfer effect is analyzed.Finally,the application effects of instance-based(IBMTL)and feature-based(FBMTL)multi-source transfer learning are compared,which explained the effect of the source domain data on the forecasting accuracy in different transfer modes.The results show that combining the two-stage TrAdaBoost.R^(2) algorithm with multi-source data can reduce the CV-RMSE by 7.23%compared to a single-source domain,and the accuracy improvement is significant.At the same time,multi-source transfer learning,which is based on instance,can better supplement the integrity of the target domain data and has a higher forecasting accuracy.Overall,IBMTL tends to retain effective data associations and FBMTL shows higher forecasting stability.The findings of this study,which include the verification of real-life algorithm application and source domain availability,can serve as a theoretical reference for implementing transfer learning in load forecasting. 展开更多
关键词 building power load multi-source transfer learning two-stage TrAdaBoost.R2 source domain availability
Dispersed Wind Power Planning Method Considering Network Loss Correction with Cold Weather
作者 Hanpeng Kou Tianlong Bu +2 位作者 Leer Mao Yihong Jiao Chunming Liu 《Energy Engineering》 EI 2024年第4期1027-1048,共22页
In order to play a positive role of decentralised wind power on-grid for voltage stability improvement and loss reduction of distribution network,a multi-objective two-stage decentralised wind power planning method is... In order to play a positive role of decentralised wind power on-grid for voltage stability improvement and loss reduction of distribution network,a multi-objective two-stage decentralised wind power planning method is proposed in the paper,which takes into account the network loss correction for the extreme cold region.Firstly,an electro-thermal model is introduced to reflect the effect of temperature on conductor resistance and to correct the results of active network loss calculation;secondly,a two-stage multi-objective two-stage decentralised wind power siting and capacity allocation and reactive voltage optimisation control model is constructed to take account of the network loss correction,and the multi-objective multi-planning model is established in the first stage to consider the whole-life cycle investment cost of WTGs,the system operating cost and the voltage quality of power supply,and the multi-objective planning model is established in the second stage.planning model,and the second stage further develops the reactive voltage control strategy of WTGs on this basis,and obtains the distribution network loss reduction method based on WTG siting and capacity allocation and reactive power control strategy.Finally,the optimal configuration scheme is solved by the manta ray foraging optimisation(MRFO)algorithm,and the loss of each branch line and bus loss of the distribution network before and after the adoption of this loss reduction method is calculated by taking the IEEE33 distribution system as an example,which verifies the practicability and validity of the proposed method,and provides a reference introduction for decision-making for the distributed energy planning of the distribution network. 展开更多
关键词 Decentralised wind power network loss correction siting and capacity determination reactive voltage control two-stage model manta ray foraging optimisation algorithm
Electrical characteristics of new three-phase traction power supply system for rail transit 被引量:1
作者 Xiaohong Huang Hanlin Wang +4 位作者 Qunzhan Li Naiqi Yang Tao Ren You Peng Haoyang Li 《Railway Engineering Science》 2023年第1期75-88,共14页
A novel three-phase traction power supply system is proposed to eliminate the adverse effects caused by electric phase separation in catenary and accomplish a unifying manner of traction power supply for rail transit.... A novel three-phase traction power supply system is proposed to eliminate the adverse effects caused by electric phase separation in catenary and accomplish a unifying manner of traction power supply for rail transit.With the application of two-stage three-phase continuous power supply structure,the electrical characteristics exhibit new features differing from the existing traction system.In this work,the principle for voltage levels determining two-stage network is dissected in accordance with the requirements of traction network and electric locomotive.The equivalent model of three-phase traction system is built for deducing the formula of current distribution and voltage losses.Based on the chain network model of the traction network,a simulation model is established to analyze the electrical characteristics such as traction current distribution,voltage losses,system equivalent impedance,voltage distribution,voltage unbalance and regenerative energy utilization.In a few words,quite a lot traction current of about 99%is undertaken by long-section cable network.The proportion of system voltage losses is small attributed to the two-stage three-phase power supply structure,and the voltage unbal-ance caused by impedance asymmetry of traction network is less than 1‰.In addition,the utilization rate of regenerative energy for locomotive achieves a significant promotion of over 97%. 展开更多
关键词 Three-phase AC power supply Two-stage power supply structure Electrical characteristics Current distribution Voltage losses Regenerative energy
A robust optimization model for demand response management with source-grid-load collaboration to consume wind-power 被引量:1
作者 Xiangfeng Zhou Chunyuan Cai +3 位作者 Yongjian Li Jiekang Wu Yaoguo Zhan Yehua Sun 《Global Energy Interconnection》 EI CSCD 2023年第6期738-750,共13页
To accommodate wind power as safely as possible and deal with the uncertainties of the output power of winddriven generators,a min-max-min two-stage robust optimization model is presented,considering the unit commitme... To accommodate wind power as safely as possible and deal with the uncertainties of the output power of winddriven generators,a min-max-min two-stage robust optimization model is presented,considering the unit commitment,source-network load collaboration,and control of the load demand response.After the constraint functions are linearized,the original problem is decomposed into the main problem and subproblem as a matrix using the strong dual method.The minimum-maximum of the original problem was continuously maximized using the iterative method,and the optimal solution was finally obtained.The constraint conditions expressed by the matrix may reduce the calculation time,and the upper and lower boundaries of the original problem may rapidly converge.The results of the example show that the injected nodes of the wind farms in the power grid should be selected appropriately;otherwise,it is easy to cause excessive accommodation of wind power at some nodes,leading to a surge in reserve costs and the load demand response is continuously optimized to reduce the inverse peak regulation characteristics of wind power.Thus,the most economical optimization scheme for the worst scenario of the output power of the generators is obtained,which proves the economy and reliability of the two-stage robust optimization method. 展开更多
关键词 Renewable power system Optimal dispatching Wind-power consumption Source-grid-load collaboration Load demand response Two-stage robust optimization model
Multi-stage Co-planning Model for Power Distribution System and Hydrogen Energy System Under Uncertainties 被引量:1
作者 Qirun Sun Zhi Wu +5 位作者 Wei Gu Pengxiang Liu Jingxuan Wang Yuping Lu Shu Zheng Jingtao Zhao 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第1期80-93,共14页
The increased deployment of electricity-based hydrogen production strengthens the coupling of power distribution system(PDS)and hydrogen energy system(HES).Considering that power to hydrogen(PtH)has great potential to... The increased deployment of electricity-based hydrogen production strengthens the coupling of power distribution system(PDS)and hydrogen energy system(HES).Considering that power to hydrogen(PtH)has great potential to facilitate the usage of renewable energy sources(RESs),the coordination of PDS and HES is important for planning purposes under high RES penetration.To this end,this paper proposes a multi-stage co-planning model for the PDS and HES.For the PDS,investment decisions on network assets and RES are optimized to supply the growing electric load and PtHs.For the HES,capacities of PtHs and hydrogen storages(HSs)are optimally determined to satisfy hydrogen load considering the hydrogen production,tube trailer transportation,and storage constraints.The overall planning problem is formulated as a multistage stochastic optimization model,in which the investment decisions are sequentially made as the uncertainties of electric and hydrogen load growth states are revealed gradually over periods.Case studies validate that the proposed co-planning model can reduce the total planning cost,promote RES consumption,and obtain more flexible decisions under long-term load growth uncertainties. 展开更多
关键词 power distribution system vehicle-based hydrogen energy system co-planning model multi-stage stochastic programming UNCERTAINTY
电力工程在设计阶段的造价控制 被引量:4
作者 武萍 《陕西电力》 2008年第4期82-84,共3页
关键词 电力工程 设计阶段 造价控制
电力建设工程合同管理中问题及应对策略 被引量:5
作者 邢冬 《经济研究导刊》 2014年第33期322-324,共3页
大型电力建设工程技术复杂、工程量大、建设周期长。项目的质量、工期、成本是建设方和施工方共同追寻的目标,在这过程中,规定好各参建方的权利和义务是项目顺利进展的前提。合同管理工作贯穿整个项目生命周期,是做好项目管理工作的核... 大型电力建设工程技术复杂、工程量大、建设周期长。项目的质量、工期、成本是建设方和施工方共同追寻的目标,在这过程中,规定好各参建方的权利和义务是项目顺利进展的前提。合同管理工作贯穿整个项目生命周期,是做好项目管理工作的核心条件,就电力建设工程合同管理的特征、现状、存在的不足及解决的办法进行一些探讨。 展开更多
关键词 电力 大型项目 施工阶段 合同管理 完善措施
Study on Comprehensive Efficiency Evaluation of Rural Power Grid under Rural Revitalization Strategy Considering Regional Differences
作者 Huiru Zhao Manyu Yao +3 位作者 Zhenqi Bai Yue Zhang Zhihua Ding Zhenda Hu 《Energy Engineering》 EI 2023年第10期2211-2231,共21页
As an essential infrastructure,the rural power grid is vital in promoting agricultural and rural carbon sequestration and improving rural energy electrification.It is necessary to carry out in-depth research on its co... As an essential infrastructure,the rural power grid is vital in promoting agricultural and rural carbon sequestration and improving rural energy electrification.It is necessary to carry out in-depth research on its comprehensive efficiency.Based on the requirements of“double carbon”and rural revitalization strategy for the rural Power Grid,this paper focuses on the modernization and low-carbon transformation of the rural Power Grid.It constructs an input-output index system for the investment efficiency of the rural Power Grid in China under the new situation.It uses the primary data of the rural Power Grid of 30 prefecture-level cities in China from 2019 to 2021 to evaluate the investment efficiency of the rural Power Grid in China through a three-stage DEA model.The empirical results show that:considering the regional differences,the comprehensive efficiency of the rural Power Grid in backward areas is significantly improved;that is,the three-stage DEA method can more objectively evaluate the comprehensive efficiency of the rural Power Grid.In the context of the continued promotion of the rural revitalization strategy,to improve the comprehensive efficiency of the rural Power Grid,it is necessary to improve the technical level of the rural Power Grid further and appropriately expand the scale of investment in the rural Power Grid. 展开更多
关键词 Regional difference rural revitalization rural power grid three-stage DEA efficiency of investment
一种单级原边控制LED驱动器设计 被引量:4
作者 姚云龙 吴建兴 《电子器件》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第4期447-452,共6页
设计了一种单级原边控制LED驱动器。采用反激式开关电源结构,控制器由乘法器,功率管开通控制,过零检测/副边导通检测,峰值电流比较器,RS触发器,逻辑控制以及预驱动等模块电路构成。利用这个控制器设计了LED驱动器。通过测试,实现了高低... 设计了一种单级原边控制LED驱动器。采用反激式开关电源结构,控制器由乘法器,功率管开通控制,过零检测/副边导通检测,峰值电流比较器,RS触发器,逻辑控制以及预驱动等模块电路构成。利用这个控制器设计了LED驱动器。通过测试,实现了高低压交流输入情况下输出电流相同,高功率因数,低总谐波失真;这个电路外围简单,降低了电路成本,PCB板空间很小,有利于产品小型化;适合交流供电,有功率因数调整要求和隔离要求的LED驱动。 展开更多
关键词 LED驱动 功率因数 原边控制 单级 反激式 恒流控制
基于特征通流面积分析和级组故障诊断试验的1000 MW汽轮机机组功率恢复研究与工程应用 被引量:4
作者 崔传涛 刘传美 +1 位作者 牛修富 于鹏杰 《热能动力工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第7期71-74,共4页
对某1000 MW机组出力不足现象进行分析,通过开展故障诊断试验,基于弗留格尔公式对级组特征通流面积进行计算和分析,诊断出机组出力不足的主要原因为汽轮机通流面积减少。机组揭缸检修期间采取喷丸清理、叶片补焊等措施,机组出力得以恢... 对某1000 MW机组出力不足现象进行分析,通过开展故障诊断试验,基于弗留格尔公式对级组特征通流面积进行计算和分析,诊断出机组出力不足的主要原因为汽轮机通流面积减少。机组揭缸检修期间采取喷丸清理、叶片补焊等措施,机组出力得以恢复。通过汽轮机通流部分故障诊断,解决机组出力不足等问题,验证了该方法的准确性和有效性,为机组通流部分的状态监测与故障诊断提供了成功案列。 展开更多
关键词 汽轮机 功率 通流面积 故障诊断 调节级 喷嘴
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