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剪切可变形梁热过屈曲解析解 被引量:9
作者 马连生 顾春龙 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期172-176,191,共6页
该文导出了面内热载荷作用下,梁过屈曲问题的精确解。首先基于非线性一阶剪切变形梁理论,推导了控制轴向和横向变形的基本方程。然后,将3个非线性方程化简为一个关于横向挠度的四阶非线性积分-微分方程。该方程与相应的边界条件构成了... 该文导出了面内热载荷作用下,梁过屈曲问题的精确解。首先基于非线性一阶剪切变形梁理论,推导了控制轴向和横向变形的基本方程。然后,将3个非线性方程化简为一个关于横向挠度的四阶非线性积分-微分方程。该方程与相应的边界条件构成了微分特征值问题。直接求解该问题,得到了热过屈曲构形的闭合解,这个解是外加热载荷的函数。利用精确解,得到了临界屈曲载荷的一阶结果与经典结果的解析关系。为考察热载荷、横向剪切变形以及边界条件的影响,根据得到的精确解给出了两端固定、两端简支以及一端固定一端简支边界条件下的具体数值算例,讨论了梁在面内热载荷作用下的过屈曲行为,并与经典结果进行了比较。该文得到的精确解可以用于验证或改进各类近似理论和数值方法。 展开更多
关键词 精确解 过屈曲 面内热载荷 一阶剪切变形梁理论
高速铁路高立柱大跨度钢横梁框架墩设计研究 被引量:7
作者 历付 《中国铁路》 2020年第6期94-102,共9页
以商合杭高铁商丘特大桥框架墩为依托,介绍高速铁路大跨度连续刚构拱桥的结构设计,对大跨度框架墩横梁结构形式的选择、钢横梁设计要点进行研究。研究结果表明,大跨度框架墩宜采用钢结构,横梁的稳定性、结构强度及动力性能满足高速铁路... 以商合杭高铁商丘特大桥框架墩为依托,介绍高速铁路大跨度连续刚构拱桥的结构设计,对大跨度框架墩横梁结构形式的选择、钢横梁设计要点进行研究。研究结果表明,大跨度框架墩宜采用钢结构,横梁的稳定性、结构强度及动力性能满足高速铁路无砟轨道的各项指标要求。钢结构具有自质量轻、施工速度快、干扰小的特点,适用于跨既有线作业,在高速铁路跨越既有线设计方案中广泛应用,研究成果可为类似工程提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 商合杭高铁 高速铁路 商丘特大桥 高立柱 框架墩 大跨度 钢横梁
双向大跨度预应力混凝土厂房结构设计 被引量:7
作者 叶修喜 张锦松 赖海斌 《工程建设与设计》 2011年第6期70-73,共4页
预应力混凝土结构可满足建筑内部大空间的使用需求,具有增加室内净空、节约成本、提高经济效益等优势。合肥某公司装配车间设计中,采用了后张法预应力混凝土技术,有效解决了混凝土结构在大跨度、重荷载建筑结构中应用的难题。介绍了预... 预应力混凝土结构可满足建筑内部大空间的使用需求,具有增加室内净空、节约成本、提高经济效益等优势。合肥某公司装配车间设计中,采用了后张法预应力混凝土技术,有效解决了混凝土结构在大跨度、重荷载建筑结构中应用的难题。介绍了预应力混凝土框架梁的设计过程及相关构造措施。 展开更多
关键词 预应力混凝土 后张法 预应力筋 框架梁
城市轨道交通高架桥结构设计研究 被引量:5
作者 罗刚 刘志军 《现代城市轨道交通》 2019年第5期100-104,共5页
依托贵阳市轨道交通1号线高架桥结构设计,对城市轨道交通高架桥结构设计中的常规跨度箱梁预应力张拉、小半径曲线梁横向抗倾覆、大跨度结构工后徐变等关键技术问题进行分析研究,研究结果表明:多联现浇箱梁施工时,采用设后浇带预应力张... 依托贵阳市轨道交通1号线高架桥结构设计,对城市轨道交通高架桥结构设计中的常规跨度箱梁预应力张拉、小半径曲线梁横向抗倾覆、大跨度结构工后徐变等关键技术问题进行分析研究,研究结果表明:多联现浇箱梁施工时,采用设后浇带预应力张方案对结构影响较小、施工方便;双线简支梁支座的横向间距不能小于2.0m,以确保梁体的稳定性;在工期不控制的情况下,推迟轨道铺设时间可减小梁体徐变下挠;道岔区梁部应进行截面环框分析,以确保横向受力满足要求。 展开更多
关键词 城市轨道交通 高架结构 预应力张拉 抗倾覆 工后徐变 道岔梁
火灾后方钢管混凝土压弯构件滞回性能理论分析 被引量:1
作者 林晓康 韩林海 《地震工程与工程振动》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期104-109,共6页
采用数值计算方法,对ISO-834标准火灾作用后方钢管混凝土压弯构件荷载-位移滞回关系曲线进行理论分析,计算结果与实验结果吻合较好,并比较规程BS5400(1979)、LRFD-AISC(1999)、AIJ(1997)、EC4(1994)、GJB4142-2000(2001)、DBJ13-51(2003... 采用数值计算方法,对ISO-834标准火灾作用后方钢管混凝土压弯构件荷载-位移滞回关系曲线进行理论分析,计算结果与实验结果吻合较好,并比较规程BS5400(1979)、LRFD-AISC(1999)、AIJ(1997)、EC4(1994)、GJB4142-2000(2001)、DBJ13-51(2003)在进行火灾后方钢管混凝土压弯构件往复荷载作用下极限承载力计算时的差异。在此基础上,对该类构件荷载-位移关系骨架线进行了参数分析,选用的参数包括含钢率、钢材屈服极限、混凝土抗压强度、轴压比、长细比、受火时间。 展开更多
关键词 火灾后 方钢管混凝土 压弯构件 滞回性能
Post-acceleration study for neutrino super-beam at CSNS 被引量:1
作者 吴杨 唐靖宇 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第9期55-60,共6页
A post-acceleration system based on the accelerators at CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) is pro- posed to build a super-beam facility for neutrino physics. Two post-acceleration schemes, one using superconduct... A post-acceleration system based on the accelerators at CSNS (China Spallation Neutron Source) is pro- posed to build a super-beam facility for neutrino physics. Two post-acceleration schemes, one using superconducting dipole magnets in the main ring and the other using room temperature magnets, have been studied, both to achieve the final proton energy of 128 GeV and the beam power of 4 MW by taking 10% of the CSNS beam from the neutron source. The main design features and the comparison for the two schemes are presented. The CSNS super-beam facility will be very competitive in long-baseline neutrino physics studies, compared with other super-beam facilities proposed in the world. 展开更多
关键词 neutrino oscillation super-beam post-acceleration beam power
40m跨后张法预应力混凝土T型梁质量控制 被引量:3
作者 吕贵敏 《水科学与工程技术》 2009年第2期74-76,共3页
关键词 后张法 预应力 混凝土T梁 质量控制
组合式工业货架 被引量:1
作者 王转 《物流技术与应用》 1996年第1期36-39,共4页
关键词 组合式 货架 立柱 横梁 仓库
作者 李世荣 程昌钧 周又和 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI 2003年第5期514-520,共7页
Based on the nonlinear geometric theory of axially extensible beams and by using the shooting method, the thermal post-buckling responses of an elastic beams,with immovably simply supported ends and subjected to a tra... Based on the nonlinear geometric theory of axially extensible beams and by using the shooting method, the thermal post-buckling responses of an elastic beams,with immovably simply supported ends and subjected to a transversely non-uniformly distributed temperature rising, were investigated. Especially, the influences of the transverse temperature change on the thermal post-buckling deformations were examined and the corresponding characteristic curves were plotted. The numerical results show that the equilibrium paths of the beam are similar to what of an initially deformed beam because of the thermal bending moment produced in the beam by the transverse temperature change. 展开更多
关键词 elastic beam transverse temperature change thermal post-buckling shooting method numerical solution
变截面连续梁的初始后屈曲分析 被引量:2
作者 王石刚 钱勤 +1 位作者 黄玉盈 钟伟芳 《华中理工大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1995年第10期92-97,共6页
基于Koiter理论,提出了一个分析变截面连续梁初始后屈曲的方法。它的主要原理是借助传递矩阵的概念,首先导出连续梁在临界状态下首跨右端(或末跨左端)的刚度系数算式,然后进一步考虑后屈曲时该系数由于超临界变形所引起的变... 基于Koiter理论,提出了一个分析变截面连续梁初始后屈曲的方法。它的主要原理是借助传递矩阵的概念,首先导出连续梁在临界状态下首跨右端(或末跨左端)的刚度系数算式,然后进一步考虑后屈曲时该系数由于超临界变形所引起的变化,从而可将连续梁的初始后屈问题化为带弹性支承的单根粱处理。实例表明了这一方法的有效性. 展开更多
关键词 后屈曲 变截面连续梁 传递矩阵 连续梁 屈曲
空心板梁模板施工技术的研究 被引量:2
作者 陈保家 《价值工程》 2010年第3期206-207,共2页
后张法预应力混凝土空心板梁是预应力混凝土简支梁桥和先简支后连续桥中常用的结构形式之一,它具有自重轻、抗震抗裂性能好、稳定性高、梁高较低、预制架设方便等特点。随着我国高等级建筑建设的不断发展,预制预应力混凝土桥梁日益显示... 后张法预应力混凝土空心板梁是预应力混凝土简支梁桥和先简支后连续桥中常用的结构形式之一,它具有自重轻、抗震抗裂性能好、稳定性高、梁高较低、预制架设方便等特点。随着我国高等级建筑建设的不断发展,预制预应力混凝土桥梁日益显示出广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 后张法 预应力 混凝土 空心板梁
无限长预应力弹性地基梁后屈曲问题的数值解 被引量:2
作者 于永平 王中强 孙维鹏 《吉林大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期37-40,共4页
基于无限长预应力弹性地基梁的积-微分方程控制方程,通过引进新变量将其扩展成微分方程组,再利用打靶法求解该扩展系统进而得到该问题的数值解.结果表明:后屈曲载荷与后屈曲挠度曲线都依赖于梁挠度为零点的正斜率;而后屈曲波长不随此斜... 基于无限长预应力弹性地基梁的积-微分方程控制方程,通过引进新变量将其扩展成微分方程组,再利用打靶法求解该扩展系统进而得到该问题的数值解.结果表明:后屈曲载荷与后屈曲挠度曲线都依赖于梁挠度为零点的正斜率;而后屈曲波长不随此斜率的增加而变化. 展开更多
关键词 后屈曲 无限梁 预应力 弹性地基 打靶法
浅谈后张法预应力梁板施工控制要点 被引量:2
作者 王正 《价值工程》 2010年第21期123-124,共2页
关键词 后张法 预应力 梁板施工 质量控制
作者 殷学纲 杜思义 +1 位作者 胡继云 丁剑平 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI 2005年第9期1181-1187,共7页
Based on the multi-rigid body discretization model, namely, finite segment model,a chain multi-rigid-body-hinge-spring system model of a beam was presented, then a nonlinear parametrically exacted vibration equation o... Based on the multi-rigid body discretization model, namely, finite segment model,a chain multi-rigid-body-hinge-spring system model of a beam was presented, then a nonlinear parametrically exacted vibration equation of multi-degrees of freedom system was established using the coordination transformation method, and its resonance fields were derived by the restriction parameter method, that is, the dynamical buckling analysis of the beam. Because the deformation of a beam is not restricted by the discrete model and dynamic equation, the post buckling analysis can be done in above math model. The numerical solutions of a few examples were obtained by direct integrated method, which shows that the mechanical and math model gotten is correct. 展开更多
关键词 beam finite segment method dynamic buckling parametrically exacted vibration post buckling
Joinery and Structure:Cultural and Technical Comparison between Traditional Wooden Framing Systems in East Asia and Western Europe 被引量:1
作者 LIU Yan 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2022年第1期89-118,共30页
Traditional wooden joinery is the craft of connecting wood pieces for buildings or producing utensils by utilizing only the geometry of the components and material properties of the wood,without other materials such a... Traditional wooden joinery is the craft of connecting wood pieces for buildings or producing utensils by utilizing only the geometry of the components and material properties of the wood,without other materials such as glue or metal connectors.In its thousands of years of tradition,this construction technique has achieved high accomplishment in both East Asian and European architectural civilizations.Although sharing the same basic principles,joinery techniques vary between regions and cultures,rooted in the geographical environment,available wood species and their material properties,characteristics of craftsmanship,tools,and structural systems.Wood framing systems from China,Japan,and Western Europe are selected for comparison to assess the relationship between wood joinery and other aspects of building technology.The main conclusions include:in East Asia,the building tradition pays great attention to the design and execution of joinery(sunmao榫卯),making it responsible for multiple functions including architectural mechanics and the stability of the entire frame,which leads to a broader role meant by the term“joint”itself,while in Europe joinery is treated as the“node”or literally“joint”of the structure.Although in both East Asia and Europe wooden joinery serves as an aesthetic factor of the structure,its expression in East Asia is subtle,veiled,and restrained,while in Europe it is explicit and direct.The most important lesson we learn from the study of traditional joinery technology is that it should be seen in the context of the building process as a whole,taking into account geographical environment,material resources,craftsmanship,tools,construction methods,structural form,and the structural system. 展开更多
关键词 wooden joint chuandou tailiang sunmao Fachwerk(half-timbering timber framing) traditional Chinese wooden structure traditional Japanese wooden structure traditional European wooden structure post-and-beam construction
后张法预应力混凝土箱梁张拉次序的有限元分析 被引量:1
作者 胡杰 宁贵霞 《河南城建学院学报》 CAS 2009年第6期8-10,19,共4页
预应力的张拉是预应力混凝土结构施工中的一个重要环节。针对某双线铁路就地浇筑的预应力混凝土整体箱梁,采用MIDAS/CIVIL结构分析软件对该梁施工中预应力筋的分批张拉过程进行了仿真分析。从中探讨了在不同张拉次序下箱梁的应力、变形... 预应力的张拉是预应力混凝土结构施工中的一个重要环节。针对某双线铁路就地浇筑的预应力混凝土整体箱梁,采用MIDAS/CIVIL结构分析软件对该梁施工中预应力筋的分批张拉过程进行了仿真分析。从中探讨了在不同张拉次序下箱梁的应力、变形的变化规律,并通过对仿真计算结果进行分析比较,给出了预应力筋的合理张拉次序,可为同类工程的设计与施工提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 双线铁路 PC箱梁 后张法 张拉次序 梁单元
Lateral shear performance of sheathed post-and-beam wooden structures with small panels
作者 Weiguo LONG Wenfan LU +3 位作者 Yifeng LIU Qiuji LI Jiajia OU Peng PAN 《Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第7期1117-1131,共15页
Sheathed post-and-beam wooden structures are distinct from light-wood structures.They allow for using sheathing panels that are smaller(0.91 m×1.82 m)than standard-sized panels(1.22 m×2.44 m or 2.44 m×2... Sheathed post-and-beam wooden structures are distinct from light-wood structures.They allow for using sheathing panels that are smaller(0.91 m×1.82 m)than standard-sized panels(1.22 m×2.44 m or 2.44 m×2.44 m).Evidence indicates that nail spacing and panel thickness determine the lateral capacity of the wood frame shear walls.To verify the lateral shear performance of wood frame shear walls with smaller panels,we subjected 13 shear walls,measuring 0.91 m in width and 2.925 m in height,to a low-cycle cyclic loading test with three kinds of nail spacing and three panel thicknesses.A nonlinear numerical simulation analysis of the wall was conducted using ABAQUS finite element(FE)software,where a custom nonlinear spring element was used to simulate the sheathing-frame connection.The results indicate that the hysteretic performance of the walls was mainly determined by the hysteretic performance of the sheathing-frame connection.When same nail specifications were adopted,the stiffness and bearing capacity of the walls were inversely related to the nail spacing and directly related to the panel thickness.The shear wall remained in the elastic stage when the drift was 1/250 rad and ductility coefficients were all greater than 2.5,which satisfied the deformation requirements of residential structures.Based on the test and FE analysis results,the shear strength of the post-and-beam wooden structures with sheathed walls was determined. 展开更多
关键词 post-and-beam wooden structures with sheathed walls low reversed cyclic loading bearing capacity STIFFNESS numerical simulation
作者 陈亦奇 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第S1期138-142,共5页
在框架结构房屋中,为了整体提高结构的承载能力和延性,避免浪费,对各构件及各部位的受力应视不同情况区别对待.本文按照规范将柱与梁、节点与杆、翦力与弯矩等之间的强弱对比关系进行了阐述,旨在使框架房屋的整体结构更驱合理,以... 在框架结构房屋中,为了整体提高结构的承载能力和延性,避免浪费,对各构件及各部位的受力应视不同情况区别对待.本文按照规范将柱与梁、节点与杆、翦力与弯矩等之间的强弱对比关系进行了阐述,旨在使框架房屋的整体结构更驱合理,以期达到经济,安全、合理。 展开更多
关键词 延性 节点 剪力 弯矩 整体结构
作者 谢田芳 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2017年第6期96-98,共3页
本文采用女性主义视角对加拿大女作家艾丽丝·门罗的《梁与柱》与中国女作家池莉的《锦绣沙滩》进行比较解读,通过分析两位女主人公在男权社会里相似的婚姻困境及其象征性的"突围"过程和结果,进一步探究了作家通过各自的... 本文采用女性主义视角对加拿大女作家艾丽丝·门罗的《梁与柱》与中国女作家池莉的《锦绣沙滩》进行比较解读,通过分析两位女主人公在男权社会里相似的婚姻困境及其象征性的"突围"过程和结果,进一步探究了作家通过各自的作品所表露的相似而相异的女性意识,门罗的女性意识更保守,更关注女性自我的呈现,而池莉则较为激进,更关注两性间的冲突。 展开更多
关键词 《梁与柱》 《锦绣沙滩》 男权社会 婚姻困境 “突围” 女性意识
Closed Solution for Initial Post-Buckling Behavior Analysis of a Composite Beam with Shear Deformation Effect
作者 Yongping Yu Lihui Chen +2 位作者 Shaopeng Zheng Baihui Zeng Weipeng Sun 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2020年第4期185-200,共16页
This paper is focused on the post-buckling behavior of the fixed laminated composite beams with effects of axial compression force and the shear deformation.The analytical solutions are established for the original co... This paper is focused on the post-buckling behavior of the fixed laminated composite beams with effects of axial compression force and the shear deformation.The analytical solutions are established for the original control equations(that is not simplified)by applying the Maclaurin series expansion,Chebyshev polynomials,the harmonic balance method and the Newton’s method.The validity of the present method is verified via comparing the analytical approximate solutions with the numerical ones which are obtained by the shooting method.The present third analytical approximate solutions can give excellent agreement with the numerical solutions for a wide range of the deformation amplitudes.What’s more,the effect of shear deformation on the post-bucking configuration of the sandwich beam is also proposed.It can be found that the shear angle has a great influence on the post-buckling load of composite beams.Therefore,the model simplifying the shear formation term as small quantity is not accurate for the case of sandwich beam with soft core. 展开更多
关键词 Analytical solution post-BUCKLING sandwich beam harmonic method
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