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具有随机保费风险模型的最优分红策略(英文) 被引量:9
作者 项明寅 危佳钦 《应用概率统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期39-47,共9页
与经典Craméer-Lundberg风险模型中保费收取过程是时间的线性函数不同, 我们考虑聚合的保费收取过程是复合Poisson过程, 研究了在此模型下的常数分红策略问题. Dickson和Waters(2004)指出在破产发生时,股东还应有责任偿付破产时的... 与经典Craméer-Lundberg风险模型中保费收取过程是时间的线性函数不同, 我们考虑聚合的保费收取过程是复合Poisson过程, 研究了在此模型下的常数分红策略问题. Dickson和Waters(2004)指出在破产发生时,股东还应有责任偿付破产时的赤字. 因此, 在本文中考虑的最优准则是最大化破产发生前的分红折现值与破产发生时赤字的差的期望. 做为例子, 当个体保费收取额和索赔额均为指数分布时, 给出了计算分红障碍的条件. 展开更多
关键词 分红 常数分红策略 随机保费 复合poisson过程 指数分布
复合泊松分布和泊松过程的可加性 被引量:4
作者 唐玲 徐怀 《安徽建筑工业学院学报(自然科学版)》 2007年第5期80-81,91,共3页
关键词 泊松分布 复合泊松分布 泊松过程 特征函数 可加性
个体风险模型的复合Poisson逼近 被引量:4
作者 李贤德 杨静平 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第5期609-617,共9页
具体讨论个体风险模型的复合Poisson逼近。引入了 3个准则 ,在这 3个准则下 ,分别讨论Poisson参数的选取。证明了个体风险模型为一复合二项分布模型 ;在 3种准则下 ,讨论了参数的计算 ,并给出参数的计算公式 ;对指数分布和Pareto分布 。
关键词 个体风险模型 复合poisson分布 索赔量 复合poisson逼近 保险精算学 保险风险理论
过离散次数分布模型的尾部特征 被引量:6
作者 孟生旺 《数理统计与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期449-456,共8页
在保险精算和生物统计等领域,离散型次数分布模型的应用十分广泛.当实际数据的尾部较长(即过离散),且零点的概率较大时,许多模型的拟合效果往往欠佳.本文通过计算概率之比的极限和偏度系数,对混合泊松分布和复合泊松分布的右尾特征和零... 在保险精算和生物统计等领域,离散型次数分布模型的应用十分广泛.当实际数据的尾部较长(即过离散),且零点的概率较大时,许多模型的拟合效果往往欠佳.本文通过计算概率之比的极限和偏度系数,对混合泊松分布和复合泊松分布的右尾特征和零点概率进行了比较,给出了它们的尾部排列顺序,以及尾部长短与零点概率的关系,从而为模型的构造或选择提供了一种指导.本文最后应用一组实际数据说明了在构造或选择次数分布模型时如何考虑尾部特征,从而改善对实际数据的拟合效果. 展开更多
关键词 过离散 混合泊松 复合泊松 尾部特征 零膨胀分布
Estimation of Poisson-Generalized Pareto Compound Extreme Value Distribution by Probability-Weighted Moments and Empirical Analysis 被引量:4
作者 刘晶 史道济 吴新荣 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第1期50-54,共5页
This paper puts forward a Poisson-generalized Pareto (Poisson-GP) distribution. This new form of compound extreme value distribution expands the existing application of compound extreme value distribution, and can be ... This paper puts forward a Poisson-generalized Pareto (Poisson-GP) distribution. This new form of compound extreme value distribution expands the existing application of compound extreme value distribution, and can be applied to predicting financial risk, large insurance settlement and high-grade earthquake, etc. Compared with the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and compound moment estimation (CME), probability-weighted moment estimation (PWME) is used to estimate the parameters of the distribution function. The specific formulas are presented. Through Monte Carlo simulation with sample sizes 10, 20, 50, 100, 1 000, it is concluded that PWME is an efficient method and it behaves steadily. The mean square errors (MSE) of estimators by PWME are much smaller than those of estimators by CME, and there is no significant difference between PWME and MLE. Finally, an example of foreign exchange rate is given. For Dollar/Pound exchange rates from 1990-01-02 to 2006-12-29, this paper formulates the distribution function of the largest loss among the investment losses exceeding a certain threshold by Poisson-GP compound extreme value distribution, and obtains predictive values at different confidence levels. 展开更多
关键词 poisson-generalized Pareto compound extreme value distribution probability-weightedmoment estimation maximum likelihood estimation compound moment estimation
Some Results for the Compound Poisson Process That Is Perturbed by Diffusion 被引量:1
作者 Chun-sheng ZHANG, Lian-zeng ZHANG, Rong WUDepartment of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjing 300071, China 《Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica》 SCIE CSCD 2002年第1期153-160,共8页
In the present paper surplus process perturbed by diffusion are considered. The distributions of the surplus immediately before and at ruin corresponding to the probabilities of ruin caused by oscillation and ruin cau... In the present paper surplus process perturbed by diffusion are considered. The distributions of the surplus immediately before and at ruin corresponding to the probabilities of ruin caused by oscillation and ruin caused by a claim are studied. Some joint distribution densities are obtained. Techniques from martingale theory and renewal theory are used. 展开更多
关键词 compound poisson process DIFFUSION Ruin Probability OSCILLATION CLAIM SURPLUS Joint distribution
作者 Abdelaziz GHRIBI Afif MASMOUDI 《Acta Mathematica Scientia》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第6期1767-1784,共18页
We introduce here the concept of Bayesian networks, in compound Poisson model, which provides a graphical modeling framework that encodes the joint probability distribution for a set of random variables within a direc... We introduce here the concept of Bayesian networks, in compound Poisson model, which provides a graphical modeling framework that encodes the joint probability distribution for a set of random variables within a directed acyclic graph. We suggest an approach proposal which offers a new mixed implicit estimator. We show that the implicit approach applied in compound Poisson model is very attractive for its ability to understand data and does not require any prior information. A comparative study between learned estimates given by implicit and by standard Bayesian approaches is established. Under some conditions and based on minimal squared error calculations, we show that the mixed implicit estimator is better than the standard Bayesian and the maximum likelihood estimators. We illustrate our approach by considering a simulation study in the context of mobile communication networks. 展开更多
关键词 Bayesian network compound poisson distribution multinomial distribution implicit approach mobile communication networks
复合风险组合中有关理赔总额分布的分析 被引量:2
作者 鹿艳锦 黎锁平 《甘肃科学学报》 2008年第3期27-30,共4页
针对短期个别风险模型和长期聚合风险模型的理赔总额分布性质及特征作了较深入的分析,研究了混合型随机变量和的概率分布和短期个别风险模型理赔总额的统计特征;在复合分布框架下解析了聚合风险模型理赔总额和个别理赔额之间的分布关系... 针对短期个别风险模型和长期聚合风险模型的理赔总额分布性质及特征作了较深入的分析,研究了混合型随机变量和的概率分布和短期个别风险模型理赔总额的统计特征;在复合分布框架下解析了聚合风险模型理赔总额和个别理赔额之间的分布关系,给出了个别理赔额分布的实用计算方法及理赔总额近似分布,所给方法是原有方法的推进. 展开更多
关键词 理赔总额 复合风险模型 复合poisson分布 复合负二项分布
Risk estimation based on mixed normal distribution model for diabetes-related hospitalization claims
作者 WANG Xin-wang WANG Juan FANG Ji-qian 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第9期774-778,共5页
Medical insurance service, the important part of national healthcare supporting system with a history dating back more than 100 years ago, remains a global challenge because of its high rates of compensation and diffi... Medical insurance service, the important part of national healthcare supporting system with a history dating back more than 100 years ago, remains a global challenge because of its high rates of compensation and difficulty in risk control. When developing the diabetes related, hospitalization insurance, we found that the risk loss of the diabetic inpatients does not follow a symmetrical unimodal distribution: in fact, it is hard to describe its risk loses distribution with a single probability distribution model. Therefore, we put forward a risk measurement method based on a mixed normal distributions model for medical insurance of inpatients with diabetes. 展开更多
关键词 mixed normal distribution model compound poisson distribution diabetes PREMIUM ruin probability reserve
Simulated Minimum Cramér-Von Mises Distance Estimation for Some Actuarial and Financial Models
作者 Andrew Luong Christopher Blier-Wong 《Open Journal of Statistics》 2017年第5期815-833,共19页
Minimum Cramér-Von Mises distance estimation is extended to a simulated version. The simulated version consists of replacing the model distribution function with a sample distribution constructed using a simulate... Minimum Cramér-Von Mises distance estimation is extended to a simulated version. The simulated version consists of replacing the model distribution function with a sample distribution constructed using a simulated sample drawn from it. The method does not require an explicit form of the model density functions and can be applied to fitting many useful infinitely divisible distributions or mixture distributions without closed form density functions often encountered in actuarial science and finance. For these models likelihood estimation is difficult to implement and simulated Minimum Cramér-Von Mises (SMCVM) distance estimation can be used. Asymptotic properties of the SCVM estimators are established. The new method appears to be more robust and efficient than methods of moments (MM) for the models being considered which have more than two parameters. The method can be used as an alternative to simulated Hellinger distance (SMHD) estimation with a special feature: it can handle models with a discontinuity point at the origin with probability mass assigned to it such as in the case of the compound Poisson distribution where SMHD method might not be suitable. As the method is based on sample distributions instead of density estimates it is also easier to implement than SMHD method but it might not be as efficient as SMHD methods for continuous models. 展开更多
关键词 compound poisson distribution Double EXPONENTIAL JUMP Diffusion distribution MIXTURE distribution Robustness Influence Functions
两类风险过程总理赔量分布的平移伽玛近似 被引量:1
作者 花春荣 刘永陈 《常熟理工学院学报》 2005年第2期21-24,共4页
关键词 风险过程 理赔 近似 poisson分布 伽玛 平移 计算结果
作者 赵惠文 张凤鸣 张聪娥 《信息工程大学学报》 2006年第3期219-221,共3页
基于复合Poisson分布建立了单个种类成虫数量预测模型,并且给出了成活率参数和产卵均值参数的估计。在此基础上,针对随机数量的Poisson样本的混合问题,提出了一种混合型复合Poisson分布的产卵和成活预测模型,讨论了它的性质、应用条件... 基于复合Poisson分布建立了单个种类成虫数量预测模型,并且给出了成活率参数和产卵均值参数的估计。在此基础上,针对随机数量的Poisson样本的混合问题,提出了一种混合型复合Poisson分布的产卵和成活预测模型,讨论了它的性质、应用条件、参数估计及分布阶数的确定。实践证明,该模型适用于混合型复合样本,预测的生长数量与统计数据非常接近,具有很好的精度。 展开更多
关键词 母函数 复合poisson分布 混合型复合样本
海啸波高重现值的统计推算 被引量:2
作者 翟金金 董胜 《自然灾害学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期40-47,共8页
地震海啸是一种破坏性极其严重但发生次数较少的地震次生海洋灾害。如何确定地震海啸波高重现值,对于海岸地区海啸的防灾减灾规划与工程设计具有重要意义。以美国Crescent海岸地区实测海啸过程中出现的最大波高序列为例,首先采用5种极... 地震海啸是一种破坏性极其严重但发生次数较少的地震次生海洋灾害。如何确定地震海啸波高重现值,对于海岸地区海啸的防灾减灾规划与工程设计具有重要意义。以美国Crescent海岸地区实测海啸过程中出现的最大波高序列为例,首先采用5种极值分布(Gumbel、Weibull、Pearson III型、对数正态和广义极值分布)对海啸波高进行拟合,选取拟合较好的分布型式;然后考虑海啸发生过程的泊松分布,采用4种泊松复合分布(Poisson-Weibull、Poisson-Pearson III型、Poisson-对数正态和Poisson-广义极值分布)计算了地震海啸波高重现值,实现了对海啸波高的长期统计分析。计算结果表明:考虑地震海啸发生次数的泊松分布,采用泊松复合极值分布,可以很好地估计海啸最大波高的重现值。 展开更多
关键词 地震海啸 最大波高 泊松复合分布 重现值
数字信号误码损伤模拟研究 被引量:1
作者 李玲 王喜成 《桂林电子工业学院学报》 2000年第1期100-103,共4页
根据 CCITT有关文件 ,构造了误码的简单 Poisson分布模型、复合 Poisson分布模型 ;根据其统计特性 ,推导出一种适用于工程的查表模拟法 ,并在计算机上进行了模拟分析。实验结果表明 :查表模拟法能较好地趋向规定的概率分布 ,为误码损伤... 根据 CCITT有关文件 ,构造了误码的简单 Poisson分布模型、复合 Poisson分布模型 ;根据其统计特性 ,推导出一种适用于工程的查表模拟法 ,并在计算机上进行了模拟分析。实验结果表明 :查表模拟法能较好地趋向规定的概率分布 ,为误码损伤模拟器具备模拟误码的 Poisson分布、复合 Poisson分布功能提供了理论及数值依据。 展开更多
关键词 误码损伤 数字信号 数字通信网
作者 张晓勤 《青海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2008年第3期4-6,共3页
关键词 混合poisson分布 复合poisson—Geometric分布 指数分布 索赔次数 平均索赔额
保费收取过程是随机过程的双险种风险模型 被引量:1
作者 郑彦玲 吴黎军 祝兵 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第19期74-83,共10页
关键词 破产理论 复合poisson分布 Lundberg上界 停时 平稳独立增量
复合泊松过程的可加性 被引量:1
作者 何朝兵 袁德强 《新乡师范高等专科学校学报》 2007年第5期13-14,共2页
关键词 泊松过程 复合泊松过程 可加性 同分布
作者 刘希军 王岳宝 《济南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第4期302-305,共4页
假设G是支撑在(-∞,+∞)上的适正分布,我们定义分布F(x)=sum from n=0 to ∞ pnG*n(x),其中pn,n≥0为R+上的序列,且对某个j≥1,pj>0。研究了在若干重尾分布族(如:正则变换,相容变换等)中F与G之间的关系,即给出支撑在(-∞,+∞)上的若... 假设G是支撑在(-∞,+∞)上的适正分布,我们定义分布F(x)=sum from n=0 to ∞ pnG*n(x),其中pn,n≥0为R+上的序列,且对某个j≥1,pj>0。研究了在若干重尾分布族(如:正则变换,相容变换等)中F与G之间的关系,即给出支撑在(-∞,+∞)上的若干重尾分布族随机和的封闭性和渐进性,并将其应用到复合泊松分布和复合几何分布。 展开更多
关键词 重尾分布 随机和 复合泊松分布 复合几何分布
Long-Term Statistics of Extreme Tsunami Height at Crescent City 被引量:1
作者 DONG Sheng ZHAI Jinjin TAO Shanshan 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期437-446,共10页
Historically, Crescent City is one of the most vulnerable communities impacted by tsunamis along the west coast of the United States, largely attributed to its offshore geography. Trans-ocean tsunamis usually produce ... Historically, Crescent City is one of the most vulnerable communities impacted by tsunamis along the west coast of the United States, largely attributed to its offshore geography. Trans-ocean tsunamis usually produce large wave runup at Crescent Harbor resulting in catastrophic damages, property loss and human death. How to determine the return values of tsunami height using relatively short-term observation data is of great significance to assess the tsunami hazards and improve engineering design along the coast of Crescent City. In the present study, the extreme tsunami heights observed along the coast of Crescent City from 1938 to 2015 are fitted using six different probabilistic distributions, namely, the Gumbel distribution, the Weibull distribution, the maximum entropy distribution, the lognormal distribution, the generalized extreme value distribution and the generalized Pareto distribution. The maximum likelihood method is applied to estimate the parameters of all above distributions. Both Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and root mean square error method are utilized for goodness-of-fit test and the better fitting distribution is selected. Assuming that the occurrence frequency of tsunami in each year follows the Poisson distribution, the Poisson compound extreme value distribution can be used to fit the annual maximum tsunami amplitude, and then the point and interval estimations of return tsunami heights are calculated for structural design. The results show that the Poisson compound extreme value distribution fits tsunami heights very well and is suitable to determine the return tsunami heights for coastal disaster prevention. 展开更多
关键词 earthquake tsunami maximum tsunami height interval estimation poisson compound distribution retum period
作者 花春荣 《常熟理工学院学报》 2006年第6期14-18,共5页
关键词 复合poisson分布 调节系数 Beekman—Bower近似 DE Vylder近似 正态近似
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