A CMOS voltage reference, which is based on VGs and/x ΔGS in the weak inversion region, has been designed and implemented in standard 0.6μm CMOS technology. No diodes and parasitic bipolar junction transistors (BJT...A CMOS voltage reference, which is based on VGs and/x ΔGS in the weak inversion region, has been designed and implemented in standard 0.6μm CMOS technology. No diodes and parasitic bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are used. The proposed voltage reference uses a current-mode topology by summing a PTAT current and a CTAT current into a re- sistor to generate the required reference voltage. It can also provide more than one reference voltage output, which is quite suitable for systems requiring many different reference voltages simultaneously. The occupied chip area is 0. 023mm^-2 . The operation supply voltage is from 2.5 to 6V, and the maximum supply current is 8.25μA. The designed three different out- puts are respectively about 203mV, 1.0V, and 2.05V at room temperature when the supply voltage is 4V. The circuit achieves a temperature coefficient of 31ppm/℃ in the temperature range of 0 to 100℃ and an average line regulation of ± 0. 203%/V. The voltage reference has been successfully applied in a white LED backlight driver chip.展开更多
A complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) voltage-to-current(VTC)converter with high linearity for current-mode analog and digital integrated circuits is described. A high gain operational amplif...A complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) voltage-to-current(VTC)converter with high linearity for current-mode analog and digital integrated circuits is described. A high gain operational amplifier (OPA) is utilized to form negative feedback. A proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) current reference with transistors operated in a weak inversion is used as the bias circuit. The resistor and the OPA nonlinearity behavior are analyzed in detail. By optimizing parameters in OPA and adopting a small voltage coefficient polysilicon resistor as a linear device, a high linearity is achieved. The circuit is implemented in a standard 0. 6 μm CMOS technology. The low frequency gain of the OPA exceeds 90 dB. The test results indicate that the total harmonic distortion (THD)is 0. 000 2%. The common-mode input linearity range is 0 to 2. 6 V. Correspondingly, the output current range is 50 to 426μA. The sensitivity of the PTAT current reference to Vdd is approximately 0. 021 7. The chip consumes a power of less than 1.3 mW for a 5 V supply, and occupies an area of 0. 112 mm^2.展开更多
文摘A CMOS voltage reference, which is based on VGs and/x ΔGS in the weak inversion region, has been designed and implemented in standard 0.6μm CMOS technology. No diodes and parasitic bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) are used. The proposed voltage reference uses a current-mode topology by summing a PTAT current and a CTAT current into a re- sistor to generate the required reference voltage. It can also provide more than one reference voltage output, which is quite suitable for systems requiring many different reference voltages simultaneously. The occupied chip area is 0. 023mm^-2 . The operation supply voltage is from 2.5 to 6V, and the maximum supply current is 8.25μA. The designed three different out- puts are respectively about 203mV, 1.0V, and 2.05V at room temperature when the supply voltage is 4V. The circuit achieves a temperature coefficient of 31ppm/℃ in the temperature range of 0 to 100℃ and an average line regulation of ± 0. 203%/V. The voltage reference has been successfully applied in a white LED backlight driver chip.
文摘A complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor transistor (CMOS) voltage-to-current(VTC)converter with high linearity for current-mode analog and digital integrated circuits is described. A high gain operational amplifier (OPA) is utilized to form negative feedback. A proportional to absolute temperature (PTAT) current reference with transistors operated in a weak inversion is used as the bias circuit. The resistor and the OPA nonlinearity behavior are analyzed in detail. By optimizing parameters in OPA and adopting a small voltage coefficient polysilicon resistor as a linear device, a high linearity is achieved. The circuit is implemented in a standard 0. 6 μm CMOS technology. The low frequency gain of the OPA exceeds 90 dB. The test results indicate that the total harmonic distortion (THD)is 0. 000 2%. The common-mode input linearity range is 0 to 2. 6 V. Correspondingly, the output current range is 50 to 426μA. The sensitivity of the PTAT current reference to Vdd is approximately 0. 021 7. The chip consumes a power of less than 1.3 mW for a 5 V supply, and occupies an area of 0. 112 mm^2.