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A Nonlocal Operator Method for Partial Differential Equations with Application to Electromagnetic Waveguide Problem 被引量:38
作者 Timon Rabczuk Huilong Ren Xiaoying Zhuang 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2019年第4期31-55,共25页
A novel nonlocal operator theory based on the variational principle is proposed for the solution of partial differential equations.Common differential operators as well as the variational forms are defined within the ... A novel nonlocal operator theory based on the variational principle is proposed for the solution of partial differential equations.Common differential operators as well as the variational forms are defined within the context of nonlocal operators.The present nonlocal formulation allows the assembling of the tangent stiffness matrix with ease and simplicity,which is necessary for the eigenvalue analysis such as the waveguide problem.The present formulation is applied to solve the differential electromagnetic vector wave equations based on electric fields.The governing equations are converted into nonlocal integral form.An hourglass energy functional is introduced for the elimination of zeroenergy modes.Finally,the proposed method is validated by testing three classical benchmark problems. 展开更多
关键词 nonlocal operator method Variational principle nonlocal operators Hourglass mode
一种基于非局部BSCB模型的图像修复方法 被引量:5
作者 胡海平 刘晓振 《应用数学与计算数学学报》 2015年第3期374-382,共9页
提出了一种基于非局部BSCB(Bertalmio-Sapiro-Caselles-Bellester)的图像修复方法,并用它做图像修复.这种修复方法的基本思想是:将到达修补区域边界的等照度线连续延拓到修补区域中,并在这个延拓过程中,将待修复区域边界上的非局部意义... 提出了一种基于非局部BSCB(Bertalmio-Sapiro-Caselles-Bellester)的图像修复方法,并用它做图像修复.这种修复方法的基本思想是:将到达修补区域边界的等照度线连续延拓到修补区域中,并在这个延拓过程中,将待修复区域边界上的非局部意义的图像信息沿着等照线方向逐渐延伸到修复区域,从而保持图像边缘方向和图像纹理信息.实验结果表明,这种方法不仅能够与BSCB和TV(total variation)方法相媲美,更重要的是它能更好地保留图像纹理信息和边缘信息. 展开更多
关键词 BSCB(Bertalmio-Sapiro-Caselles-Bellester)模型 非局部模型 拉普拉斯算子 梯度算子 法向量
Nonlocal unambiguous discrimination among N nonorthogonal qudit states lying in a higher-dimensional Hilbert space 被引量:4
作者 CHEN LiBing LU Hong 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第1期55-59,共5页
We give a strategy for nonlocal unambiguous discrimination (UD) among N linearly independent nonorthogonal qudit states lying in a higher-dimensional Hilbert space. The procedure we use is a nonlocal positive operator... We give a strategy for nonlocal unambiguous discrimination (UD) among N linearly independent nonorthogonal qudit states lying in a higher-dimensional Hilbert space. The procedure we use is a nonlocal positive operator valued measurement (POVM) in a direct sum space. This scheme is designed for obtaining the conclusive nonlocal measurement results with a finite probability of success. We construct a quantum network for realizing the nonlocal UD with a set of two-level remote rotations, and thus provide a feasible physical means to realize the nonlocal UD. 展开更多
关键词 nonlocal unambiguous discrimination linearly independent nonorthogonal states positive operator valued measurement (POVM) remote rotation
基于非局部曲率驱动扩散的图像修复 被引量:3
作者 王卫卫 李莉 韩雨 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1634-1638,共5页
将空间非局部导数算子引入曲率驱动扩散方程,建立了一个基于非局部曲率驱动扩散的图像修复模型。与原模型的主要差别在于,原模型利用待修复像素的空间局部信息来估计丢失像素,而新模型利用和待修复像素相似的所有像素来估计丢失像素,充... 将空间非局部导数算子引入曲率驱动扩散方程,建立了一个基于非局部曲率驱动扩散的图像修复模型。与原模型的主要差别在于,原模型利用待修复像素的空间局部信息来估计丢失像素,而新模型利用和待修复像素相似的所有像素来估计丢失像素,充分利用了图像的全局信息。数值实验表明,新模型在图像修复,尤其是纹理图像的修复方面非常有效。 展开更多
关键词 图像处理 曲率驱动 非局部算子 图像修复
Existence of Global Solutions to the Nonlocal mKdV Equation on the Line
作者 Anran LIU Engui FAN 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第4期497-528,共32页
In this paper,the authors address the existence of global solutions to the Cauchy problem for the integrable nonlocal modified Korteweg-de Vries(nonlocal mKdV for short)equation under the initial data u0∈H^(3)(R)∩H^... In this paper,the authors address the existence of global solutions to the Cauchy problem for the integrable nonlocal modified Korteweg-de Vries(nonlocal mKdV for short)equation under the initial data u0∈H^(3)(R)∩H^(1,1)(R)with the L^(1)(R)small-norm assumption.A Lipschitz L2-bijection map between potential and reflection coefficient is established by using inverse scattering method based on a Riemann-Hilbert problem associated with the Cauchy problem.The map from initial potential to reflection coefficient is obtained in direct scattering transform.The inverse scattering transform goes back to the map from scattering coefficient to potential by applying the reconstruction formula and Cauchy integral operator.The bijective relation naturally yields the existence of global solutions in a Sobolev space H^(3)(R)∩H^(1,1)(R)to the Cauchy problem. 展开更多
关键词 nonlocal mKdV equation Riemann-Hilbert problem Plemelj projection operator Lipschitz continuous Global solutions
梁振动方程非局部问题mild解的存在性 被引量:3
作者 史伟 赵思宇 马婷 《内蒙古农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第1期88-91,共4页
关键词 发展方程 非局部问题 算子半群 MILD解 存在性
基于非局部微分算子的近场动力学及固体材料应力数值模拟 被引量:2
作者 李树忱 马鹏飞 +1 位作者 王修伟 刘祥坤 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期42-51,共10页
在经典近场动力学模型的基础上引入非局部微分算子求解理论,建立近场动力学微弹性应力分析模型。在近场动力学模型物质点处进行泰勒级数展开,利用正交非局部函数构建微分算子的数值积分方程并且根据矩阵正交性求解函数未知系数,最终由... 在经典近场动力学模型的基础上引入非局部微分算子求解理论,建立近场动力学微弹性应力分析模型。在近场动力学模型物质点处进行泰勒级数展开,利用正交非局部函数构建微分算子的数值积分方程并且根据矩阵正交性求解函数未知系数,最终由平衡方程等价性建立近场动力学应力求解模型。采用所提出的方法对固体材料变形破坏过程中的应力进行模拟,并将计算结果与理论解对比以验证方法有效性,同时对粒子离散间距、泰勒项数及权函数的数值收敛性进行分析。结果表明:该文提出的方法可以较准确的反映完整及非完整固体脆性材料在荷载作用下的应力分布,并且离散间距及权函数对数值收敛结果具有显著影响,可为使用近场动力学方法模拟变形破坏时提供新的应力分析思路,有着较为广泛的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 数值模拟 非局部方法 近场动力学 微分算子 应力分析
一类带退化椭圆算子的非局部方程解的存在性 被引量:1
作者 鲁雄 安育成 《井冈山大学学报(自然科学版)》 2023年第1期14-17,共4页
关键词 非局部方程 退化椭圆算子 山路引理
具有非紧半群的发展方程非局部问题mild解的存在性 被引量:2
作者 陈鹏玉 张旭萍 李永祥 《应用泛函分析学报》 2015年第2期139-151,共13页
本文研究抽象空间中一类具有非紧半群的半线性发展方程非局部问题.在非线性项满足适当增长条件的情形下,运用算子半群理论、Sadovskii不动点定理及凝聚映射的拓扑度不动点定理获得了所研究问题mild解的存在性.特别地,我们发现本文所得... 本文研究抽象空间中一类具有非紧半群的半线性发展方程非局部问题.在非线性项满足适当增长条件的情形下,运用算子半群理论、Sadovskii不动点定理及凝聚映射的拓扑度不动点定理获得了所研究问题mild解的存在性.特别地,我们发现本文所得结论对抽象空间中的常微分方程非局部问题同样成立.最后,我们给出一个具体的抛物型偏微分方程非局部问题的例子来说明本文所得抽象结果的可行性. 展开更多
关键词 发展方程 非局部问题 算子半群 MILD解 非紧性测度 存在性
带有非局部条件的Sobolev型积分微分系统解的存在性 被引量:1
作者 毛秀青 高常忠 宋惠元 《烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版)》 CAS 2004年第3期170-175,共6页
Sobolev型方程是数学物理方程中重要的一类.本文利用算子半群理论和Schauder不动点定理在Banach空间讨论了一类带有非局部条件的非线性Sobolev型积分微分系统的适度解和强解的存在性.给出了预解算子的定义、适度解和强解存在性定理以及... Sobolev型方程是数学物理方程中重要的一类.本文利用算子半群理论和Schauder不动点定理在Banach空间讨论了一类带有非局部条件的非线性Sobolev型积分微分系统的适度解和强解的存在性.给出了预解算子的定义、适度解和强解存在性定理以及定理的详细证明.这些结论为进一步研究此类方程的可控性提供了理论指导. 展开更多
关键词 积分微分系统 非局部条件 预解算子
带有非局部算子的Kirchhoff方程基态解的存在性 被引量:2
作者 周递芝 储昌木 蔡志鹏 《东北师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第3期34-38,共5页
关键词 Kirchhoff型方程 非局部算子 凹凸非线性项 变号位势函数 变分法
Nodal Solution for a Kirchhoff-Type Problem in R<sup><i>N</i></sup>
作者 Leilei Sha 《Applied Mathematics》 2020年第1期42-52,共11页
In this paper, we study the existence of nodal solutions of the following general Sch&#246;dinger-Kirchhoff type problem: where a,b > 0, N ≥ 3, g : R → R+ is an even differential function and g''(s) ... In this paper, we study the existence of nodal solutions of the following general Sch&#246;dinger-Kirchhoff type problem: where a,b > 0, N ≥ 3, g : R → R+ is an even differential function and g''(s) ≥ 0 for all s ≥ 0, h : R → R is an odd differential function. These equations are related to the generalized quasilinear Sch&#246;dinger equations: Because the general Sch&#246;dinger-Kirchhoff type problem contains the nonlocal term, it implies that the equation (KP1) is no longer a pointwise identity and is very different from classical elliptic equations. By introducing a variable replacement, we first prove that (KP1) is equivalent to the following problem: whereand G-1 is the inverse of G. Next, we prove that (KP2) is equivalent to the following system with respect to : For every integer k > 0, radial solutions of (KP1) with exactly k nodes are obtained by dealing with the system (S) under some appropriate assumptions. Moreover, this paper established the nonexistence results if N ≥ 4 and b is sufficiently large. 展开更多
关键词 Sign-Changing Solutions nonlocal operator Kirchhoff-Type Equations
Higher Order Collocation Methods for Nonlocal Problems and Their Asymptotic Compatibility
作者 Burak Aksoylu Fatih Celiker George A.Gazonas 《Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation》 2020年第2期261-303,共43页
We study the convergence and asymptotic compatibility of higher order collocation methods for nonlocal operators inspired by peridynamics,a nonlocal formulation of continuum mechanics.We prove that the methods are opt... We study the convergence and asymptotic compatibility of higher order collocation methods for nonlocal operators inspired by peridynamics,a nonlocal formulation of continuum mechanics.We prove that the methods are optimally convergent with respect to the polynomial degree of the approximation.A numerical method is said to be asymptotically compatible if the sequence of approximate solutions of the nonlocal problem converges to the solution of the corresponding local problem as the horizon and the grid sizes simultaneously approach zero.We carry out a calibration process via Taylor series expansions and a scaling of the nonlocal operator via a strain energy density argument to ensure that the resulting collocation methods are asymptotically compatible.We fnd that,for polynomial degrees greater than or equal to two,there exists a calibration constant independent of the horizon size and the grid size such that the resulting collocation methods for the nonlocal difusion are asymptotically compatible.We verify these fndings through extensive numerical experiments. 展开更多
关键词 nonlocal operator Inhomogeneous local boundary condition nonlocal difusion Asymptotic compatibility Collocation method PERIDYNAMICS Functional calculus
Two-Phase Image Segmentation by the Allen-Cahn Equation and a Nonlocal Edge Detection Operator
作者 Zhonghua Qiao Qian Zhang 《Numerical Mathematics(Theory,Methods and Applications)》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第4期1147-1172,共26页
Based on a nonlocal Laplacian operator,a novel edge detection method of the grayscale image is proposed in this paper.This operator utilizes the information of neighbor pixels for a given pixel to obtain effective and... Based on a nonlocal Laplacian operator,a novel edge detection method of the grayscale image is proposed in this paper.This operator utilizes the information of neighbor pixels for a given pixel to obtain effective and delicate edge detection.The nonlocal edge detection method is used as an initialization for solving the Allen-Cahn equation to achieve two-phase segmentation of the grayscale image.Efficient exponential time differencing(ETD)solvers are employed in the time integration,and finite difference method is adopted in space discretization.The maximum bound principle and energy stability of the proposed numerical schemes are proved.The capability of our segmentation method has been verified in numerical experiments for different types of grayscale images. 展开更多
关键词 Image segmentation Allen-Cahn equation nonlocal edge detection operator maximum principle energy stability
Numerical Identification of Nonlocal Potentials in Aggregation
作者 Yuchen He Sung Ha Kang +2 位作者 Wenjing Liao Hao Liu Yingjie Liu 《Communications in Computational Physics》 SCIE 2022年第8期638-670,共33页
Aggregation equations are broadly used tomodel population dynamicswith nonlocal interactions,characterized by a potential in the equation.This paper considers the inverse problem of identifying the potential from a si... Aggregation equations are broadly used tomodel population dynamicswith nonlocal interactions,characterized by a potential in the equation.This paper considers the inverse problem of identifying the potential from a single noisy spatialtemporal process.The identification is challenging in the presence of noise due to the instability of numerical differentiation.We propose a robust model-based technique to identify the potential by minimizing a regularized data fidelity term,and regularization is taken as the total variation and the squared Laplacian.A split Bregman method is used to solve the regularized optimization problem.Our method is robust to noise by utilizing a Successively Denoised Differentiation technique.We consider additional constraints such as compact support and symmetry constraints to enhance the performance further.We also apply thismethod to identify time-varying potentials and identify the interaction kernel in an agent-based system.Various numerical examples in one and two dimensions are included to verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 Aggregation equation nonlocal potential PDE identification Bregman iteration operator splitting
作者 Zuoqiang Shi Bao Wang 《Journal of Computational Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第6期865-879,共15页
We analyze the convergence of the weighted nonlocal Laplacian(WNLL)on the high dimensional randomly distributed point cloud.Our analysis reveals the importance of the scaling weight,µ∼|P|/|S|with|P|and|S|being t... We analyze the convergence of the weighted nonlocal Laplacian(WNLL)on the high dimensional randomly distributed point cloud.Our analysis reveals the importance of the scaling weight,µ∼|P|/|S|with|P|and|S|being the number of entire and labeled data,respectively,in WNLL.The established result gives a theoretical foundation of the WNLL for high dimensional data interpolation. 展开更多
关键词 Weighted nonlocal Laplacian Laplace-Beltrami operator Point cloud Highdimensional interpolation
Hölder Estimates for Nonlocal-Diffusion Equations with Drifts
作者 Zhen-Qing Chen Xicheng Zhang 《Communications in Mathematics and Statistics》 SCIE 2014年第3期331-348,共18页
We study a class of nonlocal-diffusion equations with drifts,and derive a priori-Hölder estimate for the solutions by using a purely probabilistic argument,whereis an intrinsic scaling function for the equation.
关键词 Parabolic function Hölder regularity nonlocal operator Drift Space-time Hunt process Lévy system
作者 郭仲凯 王文娅 《应用数学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期436-440,共5页
关键词 偏微分方程 温和解 非局部 Caputo意义下分数阶导数
作者 杨巍 林京 《合肥工业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期920-923,共4页
文章用拟小波方法数值求解一类非线性发展方程。空间导数用拟小波数值格式离散,时间导数用四阶Runge-Kutta方法离散,非局部算子用Newton-Simpson数值积分公式离散;在对非局部算子的处理中,由于拟小波基中含有Gauss正则因子,因此数值计算... 文章用拟小波方法数值求解一类非线性发展方程。空间导数用拟小波数值格式离散,时间导数用四阶Runge-Kutta方法离散,非局部算子用Newton-Simpson数值积分公式离散;在对非局部算子的处理中,由于拟小波基中含有Gauss正则因子,因此数值计算中,加快了收敛速度;通过数值算例验证了其数值解不满足最大值原则。 展开更多
关键词 拟小波 非线性发展方程 非局部算子 RUNGE-KUTTA方法
Nonlocal Symmetries of the Camassa-Holm Type Equations
作者 Lu ZHAO Changzheng QU 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第3期407-418,共12页
A class of nonlocal symmetries of the Camassa-Holm type equations with bi-Hamiltonian structures, including the Camassa-Holm equation, the modified Camassa-Holm equation, Novikov equation and Degasperis-Procesi equati... A class of nonlocal symmetries of the Camassa-Holm type equations with bi-Hamiltonian structures, including the Camassa-Holm equation, the modified Camassa-Holm equation, Novikov equation and Degasperis-Procesi equation, is studied. The nonlocal symmetries are derived by looking for the kernels of the recursion operators and their inverse operators of these equations. To find the kernels of the recursion operators, the authors adapt the known factorization results for the recursion operators of the KdV, modified KdV, Sawada-Kotera and Kaup-Kupershmidt hierarchies, and the explicit Liouville correspondences between the KdV and Camassa-Holm hierarchies, the modified KdV and modified Camassa-Holm hierarchies, the Novikov and Sawada-Kotera hierarchies, as well as the Degasperis-Procesi and Kaup-Kupershmidt hierarchies. 展开更多
关键词 nonlocal symmetry Recursion operator Camassa-Holm equation Modified Camassa-Holm equation Novikov equation Degasperis-Procesi equation Liouville correspondence
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