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Macroecological Patterns of Climatic Niche Breadth Variation in Lacertid Lizards 被引量:1
作者 Mengchao FANG Xiaming ZHU +2 位作者 Yu DU Lin ZHANG Longhui LIN 《Asian Herpetological Research》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第1期41-47,共7页
Measuring climatic niche position and breadth may help to determine where species can occur over space and time. Using GIS-based and phylogenetic comparative methods, we investigated global patterns of variation in cl... Measuring climatic niche position and breadth may help to determine where species can occur over space and time. Using GIS-based and phylogenetic comparative methods, we investigated global patterns of variation in climatic niche breadth in lacertid lizards to test the following three hypotheses about climatic niche widths. First, does a species' temperature or precipitation niche breadth relate to its temperature or precipitation niche position(the mean value of annual mean temperature or annual precipitation across sampled localities in the range of each species)? Second, are there trade-offs between a species' temperature niche breadth and precipitation niche breadth? Third, does a species' temperature or precipitation niche breadth relate to altitude or latitude? We expect that:(1) species distributed in cold regions are specialized for low-temperature environments(i.e. narrow niche breadth center around low temperatures);(2) a negative relationship between species niche breadth on temperature and precipitation axes according to the tradeoff hypothesis(i.e. species that tolerate a broad range of precipitation regimes cannot also tolerate a broad range of temperatures);(3) precipitation niche breadth decreases with altitude or latitude, whereas temperature climatic niche breadth increases with altitude or latitude. Based on the analytical results we found that:(1) temperature niche breadth and position are negatively related, while precipitation niche breadth and position are positively related;(2) there is no trade-off between temperature and precipitation niche breadths; and (3) temperature niche breadth and latitude/altitude are positively related, but precipitation niche breadth and latitude/altitude are not significantly related. Our results show many similarities with previous studies on climatic niche widths reported for amphibians and lizards, which provide further evidence that such macroecological patterns of variation in climatic niche breadths may be widespread. 展开更多
最大熵原理及其在生态学研究中的应用 被引量:137
作者 邢丁亮 郝占庆 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期295-302,共8页
最大熵原理(the principle of maximum entropy)起源于信息论和统计力学,是基于有限的已知信息对未知分布进行无偏推断的一种数学方法。这一方法在很多领域都有成功应用,但只是近几年才被应用到生态学研究中,并且还存在很多争论。我们... 最大熵原理(the principle of maximum entropy)起源于信息论和统计力学,是基于有限的已知信息对未知分布进行无偏推断的一种数学方法。这一方法在很多领域都有成功应用,但只是近几年才被应用到生态学研究中,并且还存在很多争论。我们从基本概念和方法出发,用掷骰子的例子阐明了最大熵原理的概念,并提出运用最大熵原理解决问题需要遵从的步骤。最大熵原理在生态学中的应用主要包括以下方面:(1)用群落水平功能性状的平均值作为约束条件来预测群落物种相对多度的模型;(2)基于气候、海拔、植被等环境因子构建物种地理分布的生态位模型;(3)对物种多度分布、种-面积关系等宏生态学格局的推断;(4)对物种相互作用的推断;(5)对食物网度分布的研究等等。最后我们综合分析了最大熵原理在生态学应用中所存在的争议,包括相应模型的有效性、可靠性等方面,介绍了一些对最大熵原理预测能力及其局限性的检验结果,强调了生态学家应用最大熵原理需要注意的问题,比如先验分布的选择、约束条件的设置等等。在物种相互作用、宏生态学格局等方面对最大熵原理更广泛的讨论与应用可能会给生态学带来新的发展机会。 展开更多
关键词 最大熵方法 贝叶斯统计 植物性状 物种地理分布 宏生态学 物种相互作用 度分布 中性理论
大数据背景下的生态系统观测与研究 被引量:42
作者 于贵瑞 何洪林 周玉科 《中国科学院院刊》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期832-837,共6页
全球变化和可持续发展等一系列全球化的资源环境问题日益严峻,成为国际社会关注及科学研究热点,生态学的研究重点也逐渐开始由小尺度的个体、群落和生态系统向区域、大陆乃至全球尺度转变。同时,伴随传感器技术和信息网络技术发展,生态... 全球变化和可持续发展等一系列全球化的资源环境问题日益严峻,成为国际社会关注及科学研究热点,生态学的研究重点也逐渐开始由小尺度的个体、群落和生态系统向区域、大陆乃至全球尺度转变。同时,伴随传感器技术和信息网络技术发展,生态系统观测也从短时间观测逐渐向长期观测以及生态系统的宏观结构和生态服务时空格局变化协同观测转变;由过去的定位及小规模合作观测向区域甚至全球大规模联合的网络化观测、天-空-地立体综合观测方向转变。生态学研究已经进入大数据时代,如何应用大数据技术,实现传统的基于过程的生态学研究与基于大数据驱动的生态学研究的有机整合,推动生态学大理论发展、区域及全球生态系统演变机理研究,支撑以应对全球气候变化、生态系统功能维持等为核心的人类社会可持续发展理论和应用研究,是大数据时代生态观测研究面临的重大挑战及机遇。文章评述了生态系统观测研究现状,探讨了大数据背景下生态系统观测研究的重要特征,并建议遵循"大科学、大数据"理念,组织实施国家生态系统观测大科学工程建设,实现我国生态观测研究与全球生态观测研究体系的融合,实现在区域、国家及全球尺度上观测地球生命系统变化,诊断生态系统功能状态,理解生态系统过程机理、维持和保护生态系统功能,服务人类社会可持续发展的科技目标。 展开更多
关键词 生态观测网络 大数据 宏生态学 物联网 大科学工程
森林生态系统性状的空间格局与影响因素研究进展——基于中国东部样带的整合分析 被引量:21
作者 何念鹏 张佳慧 +12 位作者 刘聪聪 徐丽 陈智 刘远 王瑞丽 赵宁 徐志伟 田静 王情 朱剑兴 李颖 侯继华 于贵瑞 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第18期6359-6382,共24页
性状(Trait)或功能性状(Functional trait)是植物、动物和微生物等对外界环境长期适应和进化后所呈现出来的可量度的特征,也是人们认识自然、利用或改造自然的重要途径和技术手段。近几十年来,科学家对植物、动物和微生物功能性状的研... 性状(Trait)或功能性状(Functional trait)是植物、动物和微生物等对外界环境长期适应和进化后所呈现出来的可量度的特征,也是人们认识自然、利用或改造自然的重要途径和技术手段。近几十年来,科学家对植物、动物和微生物功能性状的研究取得了令人瞩目的成就,尤其在物种水平的植物叶片和根性状的研究领域;然而,自然生态系统是复杂的,植物、动物和微生物自身的多种性状间及其不同生物间性状的相互作用是广泛存在的,因此需要跨学科、系统性、集成式地调查和研究。以中国东部南北样带(NSTEC)森林生态系统为对象开展了植物、微生物和土壤性状的综合测定;基于其核心的研究结论并适当整合NSTEC前期的相关研究成果,希望能给性状研究提供新的调查模式和分析思路。沿NSTEC从热带雨林到寒温带针叶林3700km样带选取了9个地带性森林生态系统,在群落结构调查基础上对群落内所有植物种类(总计1177物种)开展了系统性的性状测定(叶-枝-干-根多元素含量,叶片形态性状-气孔性状-解剖性状-叶绿素含量-多元素含量-非结构性碳水化合物、细根形态性状-解剖性状-多元素含量等),测定了土壤微生物群落结构、酶活性、土壤有机质结构与组成、土壤碳氮周转及其温度敏感性等参数。基于上述数据,不仅按传统途径系统性地探讨了植物、微生物和土壤多种性状的纬度变异规律与影响因素;还从不同角度探讨了"如何科学地将器官水平测定性状推导至天然森林群落水平"科学难题,并从多个性状角度建立了自然森林生态系统中性状与功能的定量关系。在此基础上提出"性状网络"和"生态系统性状"概念,以其更好地用于揭示自然界复杂的森林生态系统,为验证和发展生态学理论、探讨多种性状间协同(权衡)的生态系统生产力优化机制提供重要的数据支撑。希望通过解 展开更多
关键词 样带 生态系统 性状 宏生态学 空间格局 影响因素 性状网络 生物地理学
区域生态学研究热点及进展 被引量:10
作者 彭宗波 蒋英 蒋菊生 《生态科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期91-96,共6页
区域生态学是近年才发展起来的一门新兴学科,综述了区域生态学的学科特点、近期研究进展,以及区域生态学发展中存在的主要问题及其主要的研究热点。其研究热点主要集中在物种分布-多度模型、体型与分布范围、物种多样性纬度梯度格局、... 区域生态学是近年才发展起来的一门新兴学科,综述了区域生态学的学科特点、近期研究进展,以及区域生态学发展中存在的主要问题及其主要的研究热点。其研究热点主要集中在物种分布-多度模型、体型与分布范围、物种多样性纬度梯度格局、区域生态学与生物保护及区域生态学的新陈代谢理论等几个方面。尽管目前区域生态学研究中还存在研究方法、数据质量限制、数据统计、研究尺度不确定等一系列问题,它对于解决目前紧迫的区域环境问题及生物保护仍然具有重要意义,而且随着其研究方法和手段的进步,将发挥越来越重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 区域生态学 生物多样性 研究进展 研究热点
中国蛇类物种丰富度地理格局及其与生态因子的关系 被引量:10
作者 蔡波 黄勇 +3 位作者 陈跃英 胡军华 郭宪光 王跃招 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期343-353,共11页
物种丰富度地理格局成因是生态学和生物地理学研究重要目标之一。生态假说在解释物种丰富度地理格局的成因上受到广泛关注。该文基于100km×100km空间分辨率研究中国蛇类物种丰富度的地理分布格局,并结合生态假说探讨影响蛇类分布... 物种丰富度地理格局成因是生态学和生物地理学研究重要目标之一。生态假说在解释物种丰富度地理格局的成因上受到广泛关注。该文基于100km×100km空间分辨率研究中国蛇类物种丰富度的地理分布格局,并结合生态假说探讨影响蛇类分布格局的因素。该研究采用主轴邻距法获得基于特征值的空域数据,并同生态因子进行多元回归分析,结果表明:(1)中国蛇类物种丰富度在经、纬度上呈现多峰分布格局,物种丰富度最高的地区位于东洋界亚热带、热带,丰富度较低的地区位于青藏高原、北方草原荒漠、黄淮平原、两湖平原及鄱阳湖平原等;(2)多元回归分析能解释56.5%的蛇类物种丰富度变化,分析得出蛇类物种丰富度格局的主要影响因子是归一化植被指数、最冷季降水量和年温差。(3)模型选择结果显示,在多元回归分析中,P<0.05的变量(归一化植被指数、最冷季降水量和年温差)组成的模型是解释蛇类物种丰富度格局的最优模型。这说明蛇类物种丰富度格局是由不同生态因子共同作用的结果。基于中国蛇类物种丰富度地理格局成因研究的复杂性,该文提出在进一步研究中,需重视各假说中影响因子的选择和人类活动的影响,并在不同空间尺度上对蛇类物种丰富度地理格局进行综合分析。 展开更多
关键词 宏生态学 生态假说 生物地理学 空间分布格局 能量假说 生境异质性假说
宏生态学(Macroecology)及其研究 被引量:9
作者 胡慧建 蒋志刚 王祖望 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期1192-1199,共8页
宏生态学是生态学与其他宏观学科不断交叉和融合后的产物。它以个体、种群和物种的生态特征在大时空尺度上的格局和变化规律为主要研究内容 ,它比其他生态学更强调归纳和推论 ,也更依赖数据的积累。近年来 ,宏生态学在对物种 -面积关系... 宏生态学是生态学与其他宏观学科不断交叉和融合后的产物。它以个体、种群和物种的生态特征在大时空尺度上的格局和变化规律为主要研究内容 ,它比其他生态学更强调归纳和推论 ,也更依赖数据的积累。近年来 ,宏生态学在对物种 -面积关系进行探讨的基础上 ,对生物类群间的物种数量的协同变化以及物种和高级分类单元间的关系等进行了新的研究 ;宏生态学试图将有机论和个体论结合来探讨和总结群落结构中的物种组成规律 ;并对物种多度和分布格局间的关系从生态位和异质种群角度进行新的解释 ;个体大小频次分布规律是宏生态学一重要内容 ,对其深入研究和探讨已与物种多度、能量、分布面积、历史起源等多方面特征相结合 ,并得到一些普遍性规律 ;最后 ,宏生态学还探讨物种在地理区域上的普遍性的分布模式 ,并对其假说进行检验和探讨。宏生态学在中国还处于刚起步阶段 ,但中国具有资源的优势 ,并具有一定的数据积累 。 展开更多
关键词 宏生态学 物种多度 物种组成 个体大小频次分布
生态系统性状对宏生态研究的启示与挑战 被引量:7
作者 何念鹏 刘聪聪 +1 位作者 徐丽 于贵瑞 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期1-16,共16页
功能性状在器官-物种-种群-群落-生态系统水平都具有其特定的适应或功能优化的意义,但目前对功能性状的测定和研究大都局限于器官或物种水平。然而,当前高速发展的宏生态新研究技术和方法(如遥感观测、通量观测、模型模拟)的研究对象都... 功能性状在器官-物种-种群-群落-生态系统水平都具有其特定的适应或功能优化的意义,但目前对功能性状的测定和研究大都局限于器官或物种水平。然而,当前高速发展的宏生态新研究技术和方法(如遥感观测、通量观测、模型模拟)的研究对象都是在生态系统或区域尺度上,如何将传统功能性状与其相连结并服务于生态环境问题和全球变化问题是科学界的一大难题。为了解决传统性状与宏生态研究"尺度不统一"和"量纲不统一"的难题,研究人员最新发展了"生态系统性状(Ecosystem traits,ESTs)"概念体系,并从"理念-数据源-推导方法-应用"等多角度为后续研究提供了可借鉴案例。生态系统性状将传统性状研究从器官水平拓展到了群落和生态系统水平,以单位土地面积为基础构建了传统性状与宏生态研究(或地学研究)的桥梁,开启了性状研究从"器官到群落"、从"经典理论验证到宏观应用"的美好愿景,为多学科交叉提供了新思路。然而,它在方法学和数据源等方面还存在诸多问题与挑战;在此,我们呼吁相关专家从研究方法、概念体系和应用实践上赋予"生态系统性状"更强大的生命力,尤其从动物群落性状和微生物群落性状等角度。本文在深入解读先前生态性状概念体系、理论意义和潜在挑战的基础上,结合最新进展进行了补充,希望通过广泛讨论,完善生态系统性状概念体系,逐步形成"以性状为基础的生态系统生态学"新研究框架,切实推动宏生态研究和区域生态环境问题的解决。 展开更多
关键词 性状 功能性状 属性 生态系统 宏生态学 通量观测 遥感 模型
阿尔泰山小东沟林区乔木物种丰富度空间分布规律 被引量:7
作者 井学辉 曹磊 臧润国 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期2886-2895,共10页
对一定区域内生物多样性的合理保护往往需要在景观水平上了解生物多样性分布的总体规律。借助于典型抽样调查和遥感及地理信息系统相结合的方法来预测物种丰富度是定量研究生物多样性宏观分布规律的重要途径。以阿尔泰山小东沟林区为对... 对一定区域内生物多样性的合理保护往往需要在景观水平上了解生物多样性分布的总体规律。借助于典型抽样调查和遥感及地理信息系统相结合的方法来预测物种丰富度是定量研究生物多样性宏观分布规律的重要途径。以阿尔泰山小东沟林区为对象,在外业调查的基础上,选取主要气象因子、地形因子和植被指数(NDVI)作为预测变量,利用主成分分析和多元回归分析分别提取主要环境信息和构建物种丰富度预测模型,借助ArcGIS9.1的空间分析功能,得到了阿尔泰山小东沟林区乔木物种丰富度空间分布预测图,并利用残差图评价其精度。将小东沟乔木物种丰富度预测图分别与坡度、坡向和海拔图叠加,分析不同地形条件下乔木物种丰富度的空间分布规律。结果表明:占总研究区面积70.28%的区域,其乔木物种丰富度在3到4种之间。坡度0—5°的地形条件下乔木物种丰富度出现频率最高的数值是3,其余坡度条件下,乔木物种丰富度出现频率最高的数值是4;乔木物种丰富度在西坡和西北坡出现频率最高的数值是3,其余坡向乔木物种丰富度出现频率最高的数值均是4;海拔梯度上,乔木物种丰富度出现频率最高的数值呈现先增加后减少的趋势。残差类型面积统计表明,较强预测水平面积和中等预测水平面积占研究区总面积的94.62%,表明预测效果较好。 展开更多
关键词 阿尔泰山 小东沟林区 物种丰富度 预测模型 空间分布 地形 宏观生态
Altitudinal patterns of maximum plant height on the Tibetan Plateau 被引量:5
作者 Lingfeng Mao Shengbin Chen +1 位作者 Jinlong Zhang Guangsheng Zhou 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期85-91,共7页
Aims Several studies have shown that plant height changes along environmen-tal gradients.However,altitudinal patterns of plant height across species are still unclear,especially in regions sensitive to climate change.... Aims Several studies have shown that plant height changes along environmen-tal gradients.However,altitudinal patterns of plant height across species are still unclear,especially in regions sensitive to climate change.As canopy height decreases dramatically near the tree line in alpine areas,we hypothesize that plant height across all species also decreases with increasing altitude,and distinct thresholds exist along this gradient.Methods Using a large dataset of maximum plant height and elevation range(400 to 6000 m a.s.l.)of 4295 angiosperms from the regional flora of the Tibetan Plateau,we regressed plant height for every 100 m belt against elevation to explore the relationships.To identify the approximate boundaries where dramatic changes in plant height occurs for herbaceous plants,shrubs,trees,woody plants and all angiosperms,we used piecewise linear regression.Phylogenetically independent contrast was used to test the potential evolutionary influences on altitudinal patterns at the family level.Important Findings Results showed that for herbaceous plants,shrubs,trees,woody plants and all angiosperms,plant height decreases significantly as altitude increases.In addition,we found that altitude,a proxy for many environmental factors,had obvious thresholds(breakpoints)dictating patterns of plant height.The results of phylogenetically independent contrast also emphasized the importance of evolution-ary history in determining the altitudinal patterns of plant height for some growth forms.Our results highlight the relative intense filter-ing effect of environmental factors in shaping patterns of functional traits and how this could vary for different ranges of environmental variables. 展开更多
关键词 functional traits macroecologY growth form phylogenetically independent contrast(PIC) tree line TIBET
A global consistent positive effect of urban green area size on bird richness 被引量:2
作者 Lucas M.Leveau Adriana Ruggiero +1 位作者 Thomas J.Matthews M.Isabel Bellocq 《Avian Research》 CSCD 2019年第3期271-284,共14页
Background: Although the species-urban green area relationship (SARu) has been analyzed worldwide, the global consistency of its parameters, such as the fit and the slope of models, remains unexplored. Moreover,the SA... Background: Although the species-urban green area relationship (SARu) has been analyzed worldwide, the global consistency of its parameters, such as the fit and the slope of models, remains unexplored. Moreover,the SARu can be explained by 20 different models. Therefore, our objective was to evaluate which models provide a better explanation of SARus and, focusing on the power model,to evaluate the global heterogeneity in its fit and slope. Methods: We tested the performance of multiple statistical models in accounting for the way in which species richness increases with area, and examined whether variability in model form was associated with various methodological and environmental factors. Focusing on the power model, we analyzed the global heterogeneity in the fit and slope of the models through a meta-analysis. Results: Among 20 analyzed models, the linear model provided the best fit to the most datasets, was the top ranked model according to our efficiency criterion, and was the top overall ranked model.The Kobayashi and power models were the second and third overall ranked models, respectively.The number of green areas and the minimum number of species within a green area were the only significant variables explaining the variation in model form and performance, accounting for less than 10% of the variation. Based on the power model,there was a consistent overall fit (r2=0.50) and positive slope of 0.20 for the species richness increase with area worldwide.Conclusions:The good fit of the linear model to our SARu datasets contrasts with the non-linear SAR frequently found in true and non-urban habitat island systems;however, this finding may be a result of the small sample size of many SARu datasets. The overall power model slope of 0.20 suggests low levels of isolation among urban green patches, or alternatively that habitat specialist and area sensitive species have already been extirpated from urban green areas. 展开更多
关键词 BIRDS Conservation macroecologY Habitat ISLANDS SPECIES-AREA relationships Species-urban green area relationship URBAN parks Urbanization
中国两栖动物物种丰富度省级地理分布格局及其与气候因子的关系 被引量:4
作者 沈梦伟 毕孟杰 +2 位作者 敬琴 陈文德 陈圣宾 《四川动物》 北大核心 2016年第1期9-16,共8页
物种丰富度分布格局及其形成机制的研究对于生物多样性保护具有重要意义。为了解中国两栖动物物种丰富度分布格局,本文利用中国省级尺度两栖动物物种分布数据和环境信息,结合GIS和数理统计方法,探讨两栖动物物种丰富度的地理分布格局与... 物种丰富度分布格局及其形成机制的研究对于生物多样性保护具有重要意义。为了解中国两栖动物物种丰富度分布格局,本文利用中国省级尺度两栖动物物种分布数据和环境信息,结合GIS和数理统计方法,探讨两栖动物物种丰富度的地理分布格局与环境因子之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)物种丰富度随纬度增加呈逐渐递减趋势,但缺乏显著的经度梯度。丰富度最高的地区主要集中在南方,我国北方、西北干旱区和青藏高原北部地区丰富度较低;(2)最优模型由年均温、最冷月均温、净初级生产力、年降水量变化范围、月均降水量标准差组成,多层次方差分解表明,最冷月均温的独立解释能力(17.6%)高于年均温(11.5%);(3)方差分解表明,季节性因子的独立解释能力(5.6%)低于热量因子(6.1%),但高于水分因子(4.5%),因此我们认为季节性因子也是限制中国两栖动物分布的重要因素。 展开更多
关键词 生物地理学 空间分布格局 气候 宏生态学
作者 余锦 《当代体育科技》 2024年第12期105-108,共4页
贵州大生态战略已取得重大成效,在山地体育旅游与生态环境之间的矛盾日益凸显的形势下,山地体育旅游需要通过可持续发展道路来构建二者的平衡。该文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,对大生态战略背景下贵州山地体育旅游的可持续发展进行了... 贵州大生态战略已取得重大成效,在山地体育旅游与生态环境之间的矛盾日益凸显的形势下,山地体育旅游需要通过可持续发展道路来构建二者的平衡。该文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法,对大生态战略背景下贵州山地体育旅游的可持续发展进行了分析。研究表明,贵州山地体育旅游的发展正处于起步阶段,发展势头良好。贵州山地体育旅游应当以可持续发展观念为指导,以大数据、大旅游、大生态、大健康、大扶贫战略协同发展为目标,打造可持续发展的山地体育旅游体系。 展开更多
关键词 大生态 山地体育旅游 可持续发展 产业融合
The mid-domain effect in flowering phenology
作者 Yanjun Du Rongchen Zhang +5 位作者 Xinran Tang Xinyang Wang Lingfeng Mao Guoke Chen Jiangshan Lai Keping Ma 《Plant Diversity》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第4期502-509,共8页
The timing of flowering is an important driver of species distribution and community assembly patterns.However,we still have much to learn about the factors that shape flowering diversity(i.e.,number of species flower... The timing of flowering is an important driver of species distribution and community assembly patterns.However,we still have much to learn about the factors that shape flowering diversity(i.e.,number of species flowering per period) in plant communities.One potential explanation of flowering diversity is the mid-domain effect,which states that geometric constraints on species ranges within a bounded domain(space or time) will yield a mid-domain peak in diversity regardless of ecological factors.Here,we determine whether the mid-domain effect explains peak flowering time(i.e.,when most species of communities are flowering) across China.We used phenological data of 16,267 herbaceous and woody species from the provincial Flora in China and species distribution data from the Chinese Vascular Plant Distribution Database to determine relationships between the observed number of species flowering and the number of species flowering as predicted by the mid-domain effect model,as well as between three climatic variables(mean minimum monthly temperature,mean monthly precipitation,and mean monthly sunshine duration).We found that the mid-domain effect explained a significant proportion of the temporal variation in flowering diversity across all species in China.Further,the mid-domain effect explained a greater proportion of variance in flowering diversity at higher latitudes than at lower latitudes.The patterns of flowering diversity for both herbaceous and woody species were related to both the mid-domain effect and environmental variables.Our findings indicate that including geometric constraints in conjunction with abiotic and biotic predictors will improve predictions of flowering diversity patterns. 展开更多
关键词 Flowering diversity Functional biogeography Latitudinal gradient macroecologY Macrophenology Null model
Ecological predictors of extinction risks of endemic mammals of China
作者 You-Hua CHEN 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期346-349,共4页
In this brief report, we analyzed ecological correlates of risk of extinction for mammals endemic to China using phylogenetic eigenvector methods to control for the effect of phylogenetic inertia. Extinction risks wer... In this brief report, we analyzed ecological correlates of risk of extinction for mammals endemic to China using phylogenetic eigenvector methods to control for the effect of phylogenetic inertia. Extinction risks were based on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List and ecological explanatory attributes that include range size and climatic variables. When the effect of phylogenetic inertia were controlled, climate became the best predictor for quantifying and evaluating extinction risks of endemic mammals in China, accounting for 13% of the total variation. Range size seems to play a trivial role, explaining -1% of total variation; however, when non-phylogenetic variation partitioning analysis was done, the role of range size then explained 7.4% of total variation. Consequently, phylogenetic inertia plays a substantial role in increasing the explanatory power of range size on the extinction risks of mammals endemic to China. Limitations of the present study are discussed, with a focus on under-represented sampling of endemic mammalian species. 展开更多
关键词 Trait evolution MACROEVOLUTION macroecologY Ecological processes and mechanisms
岛屿面积与气候共同影响舟山群岛种子植物丰富度格局 被引量:2
作者 商晓凡 张健 +4 位作者 高浩杰 库伟鹏 毕玉科 李修鹏 阎恩荣 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期120-131,共12页
岛屿因具有明确的地理边界,是检验多个生态学过程如何构建生物多样性的理想平台之一。岛屿属性、气候因素、人类干扰等通过影响物种选择、扩散等过程,进而影响着岛屿生物多样性格局。目前对于岛屿植物丰富度格局如何受这些因素的共同作... 岛屿因具有明确的地理边界,是检验多个生态学过程如何构建生物多样性的理想平台之一。岛屿属性、气候因素、人类干扰等通过影响物种选择、扩散等过程,进而影响着岛屿生物多样性格局。目前对于岛屿植物丰富度格局如何受这些因素的共同作用的认识仍不充分,尤其是在人类干扰较强的海岛。本文基于我国第一大群岛舟山群岛92个岛屿较完整的种子植物分布数据,采用一般线性回归和广义线性模型(伪泊松分布)定量评估岛屿属性(面积、隔离度、形状指数)、气候(温度、降水及其季节性)和人类干扰对本土植物总丰富度及不同生长型、叶物候型植物丰富度格局的影响,采用beta回归分析常绿阔叶木本比率(常绿阔叶木本植物丰富度/所有阔叶木本植物丰富度)的影响因素。结果发现:92个岛屿共记录本土植物1,158种,其中乔木108种、灌木318种、草本732种;岛屿面积是对植物总丰富度影响最大的因子,其次是年降水量和隔离度;乔木丰富度随隔离度增加而减少的趋势比灌木和草本更明显;常绿阔叶和落叶阔叶木本植物丰富度格局与总体基本一致,年降水量对常绿阔叶木本的影响大于落叶阔叶木本,但常绿阔叶木本比率仅受温度季节性的强烈影响。岛屿面积、年降水量、温度季节性等是塑造舟山群岛所有植物及其不同功能型组(生长型、叶物候型)植物丰富度格局的主要决定因素。 展开更多
关键词 岛屿生物地理学 宏生态学 亚热带森林 人类干扰 功能生物地理学
图书馆信息生态系统的完整性评价研究 被引量:2
作者 王瑶 武含冰 《教育教学论坛》 2019年第32期8-9,共2页
关键词 信息生态系统 完整性 宏观生态学
Long-term changes in the plant ecology of an African savanna landscape and the implications for ecosystem theory and conservation management 被引量:1
作者 David Western Victor N.Mose +1 位作者 David Maitumo Caroline Mburu 《Ecological Processes》 SCIE EI 2021年第1期213-224,共12页
Background:Studies of the African savannas have used national parks to test ecological theories of natural ecosystems,including equilibrium,non-equilibrium,complex adaptive systems,and the role of top-down and bottom-... Background:Studies of the African savannas have used national parks to test ecological theories of natural ecosystems,including equilibrium,non-equilibrium,complex adaptive systems,and the role of top-down and bottom-up physical and biotic forces.Most such studies have excluded the impact of pastoralists in shaping grassland ecosystems and,over the last half century,the growing human impact on the world’s rangelands.The mounting human impact calls for selecting indicators and integrated monitoring methods able to track ecosystem changes and the role of natural and human agencies.Our study draws on five decades of monitoring the Amboseli landscape in southern Kenya to document the declining role of natural agencies in shaping plant ecology with rising human impact.Results:We show that plant diversity and productivity have declined,biomass turnover has increased in response to a downsizing of mean plant size,and that ecological resilience has declined with the rising probability of extreme shortfalls in pasture production.The signature of rainfall and physical agencies in driving ecosystem properties has decreased sharply with growing human impact.We compare the Amboseli findings to the long-term studies of Kruger and Serengeti national parks to show that the human influence,whether by design or default,is increasingly shaping the ecology of savanna ecosystems.We look at the findings in the larger perspective of human impact on African grasslands and the world rangelands,in general,and discuss the implications for ecosystem theory and conservation policy and management.Conclusions:The Amboseli study shows the value of using long-term integrated ecological monitoring to track the spatial and temporal changes in the species composition,structure,and function of rangeland ecosystems and the role of natural and human agencies in the process of change.The study echoes the widespread changes underway across African savannas and world’s rangelands,concluding that some level of ecosystem management is needed to prevent 展开更多
关键词 SAVANNAS Plants Human dominance macroecologY CONSERVATION
Co-developing an international TLS network for the 3D ecological understanding of global trees:System architecture,remote sensing models,and functional prospects
作者 Yi Lin Sagi Filin +1 位作者 Roland Billen Nobuya Mizoue 《Environmental Science and Ecotechnology》 SCIE 2023年第4期38-51,共14页
Trees are spread worldwide,as the watchmen that experience the intricate ecological effects caused by various environmental factors.In order to better understand such effects,it is preferential to achieve finely and f... Trees are spread worldwide,as the watchmen that experience the intricate ecological effects caused by various environmental factors.In order to better understand such effects,it is preferential to achieve finely and fully mapped global trees and their environments.For this task,aerial and satellite-based remote sensing(RS)methods have been developed.However,a critical branch regarding the apparent forms of trees has significantly fallen behind due to the technical deficiency found within their globalscale surveying methods.Now,terrestrial laser scanning(TLS),a state-of-the-art RS technology,is useful for the in situ three-dimensional(3D)mapping of trees and their environments.Thus,we proposed co-developing an international TLS network as a macroscale ecotechnology to increase the 3D ecological understanding of global trees.First,we generated the system architecture and tested the available RS models to deepen its ground stakes.Then,we verified the ecotechnology regarding the identification of its theoretical feasibility,a review of its technical preparations,and a case testification based on a prototype we designed.Next,we conducted its functional prospects by previewing its scientific and technical potentials and its functional extensibility.Finally,we summarized its technical and scientific challenges,which can be used as the cutting points to promote the improvement of this technology in future studies.Overall,with the implication of establishing a novel cornerstone-sense ecotechnology,the co-development of an international TLS network can revolutionize the 3D ecological understanding of global trees and create new fields of research from 3D global tree structural ecology to 3D macroecology. 展开更多
关键词 Global trees Terrestrial laser scanning(TLS) International TLS network Three-dimensional(3D)ecotechnology 3D global tree structural ecology 3D macroecology
Collective Computation,Information Flow,and the Emergence of Hunter-Gatherer Small-Worlds
作者 Marcus J.Hamilton 《Journal of Social Computing》 EI 2022年第1期18-37,共20页
Two key features of human sociality are anatomically complex brains with neuron-dense cerebral cortices,and the propensity to form complex social networks with non-kin.Complex brains and complex social networks facili... Two key features of human sociality are anatomically complex brains with neuron-dense cerebral cortices,and the propensity to form complex social networks with non-kin.Complex brains and complex social networks facilitate flows of fitness-enhancing energy and information at multiple scales of social organization.Here,we consider how these flows interact to shape the emergence of macroscopic regularities in hunter-gatherer macroecology relative to other mammals and non-human primates.Collective computation is the processing of information by complex adaptive systems to generate inferences in order to solve adaptive problems.In hunter-gatherer societies the adaptive problem is to resolve uncertainty in generative models used to predict complex environments in order to maximize inclusive fitness.The macroecological solution is to link complex brains in social networks to form collective brains that perform collective computations.By developing theory and analyzing data,the author shows hunter-gatherers bands of~16 people,or~4 co-residing families,form the largest collective brains of any social mammal.Moreover,because individuals,families,and bands interact at multiple time scales,these fission-fusion dynamics lead to the emergence of the macroscopic regularities in hunter-gatherer macroecology we observe in cross-cultural data.These results show how computation is distributed across spatially-extended social networks forming decentralized knowledge systems characteristic of hunter-gatherer societies.The flow of information at scales far beyond daily interactions leads to the emergence of small-worlds where highly clustered local interactions are embedded within much larger,but sparsely connected multilevel metapopulations. 展开更多
关键词 complex adaptive systems hierarchically modular networks collective brains macroecologY ALLOMETRY mammals PRIMATES
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