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老年人肌力流失与肌肉疲劳的肌动图研究 被引量:24
作者 刘宇 彭千华 田石榴 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期57-64,共8页
研究目的:探讨老年人肌力流失对肌肉质量、最大肌力与爆发力的影响,并以肌动图(MMG)来观察老年人股外肌在不同强度表现时运动单位的激活与老化对肌肉疲劳的影响。研究方法:受试者为老年组与年轻组各10位。受试者实施股四头肌最大等长收... 研究目的:探讨老年人肌力流失对肌肉质量、最大肌力与爆发力的影响,并以肌动图(MMG)来观察老年人股外肌在不同强度表现时运动单位的激活与老化对肌肉疲劳的影响。研究方法:受试者为老年组与年轻组各10位。受试者实施股四头肌最大等长收缩、最快速度不同强度(75%、60%、45%1 RM)的伸膝动作及45%的疲劳测试,记录向心期不同强度的MMG讯号。研究结果:老年组的绝对/相对最大肌力与爆发力皆明显低于年轻组(P<0.05),而相对最大爆发力比最大肌力下降的比例高达46.2%;各强度的MMG振幅与平均功率频率皆小于年轻组(P<0.05),显示老年组的肌纤维以慢肌为主,并发现老年组75%强度时的MMG振幅下降,表示老年人因高负荷募集不到快肌所致;MMG中位频率则无年龄差异。研究结论:老年人在静、动态力量表现有肌力流失的现象,老化对爆发力影响远超过对肌力影响,MMG讯号反应肌肉收缩的力学活动。 展开更多
关键词 老年 老化 肌力流失 肌肉疲劳 肌动图
外加弹性紧身装置对田径运动员下肢肌力、疲劳与肌肉活动的影响 被引量:16
作者 傅维杰 刘宇 +1 位作者 熊晓洁 魏书涛 《中国运动医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期631-635,共5页
目的:利用下肢等动肌力测试,配合生物信号分析工具——肌电图与肌动图,探讨不同紧度的外加紧身装置对力量输出、疲劳表现以及肌肉活动的影响。方法:利用力量传感器和砝码测得紧身装置的张力-长度曲线,并据此选取紧度张力分别为66.4N和85... 目的:利用下肢等动肌力测试,配合生物信号分析工具——肌电图与肌动图,探讨不同紧度的外加紧身装置对力量输出、疲劳表现以及肌肉活动的影响。方法:利用力量传感器和砝码测得紧身装置的张力-长度曲线,并据此选取紧度张力分别为66.4N和85.8N的中等和高等紧度负荷。由12名田径专项男运动员分别完成无紧身装置、中等紧度负荷和高等紧度负荷三种紧度条件下的测试,包括5秒最大等长收缩和两种速度(60°.s-1和300°.s-1)下的连续25次最大伸膝等动向心运动,并同步采集力量输出参数(力矩、功率、做功)、股直肌肌电和肌动信号(均方根振幅)。结果:三种紧度条件下峰值力矩、峰值功率、前5次平均功率和总做功量无显著性差异;在两种速度下的最大等动向心运动中,相比无紧度条件,高等紧度条件下最大力矩衰减更为缓慢,同时肌电振幅随着外加紧度增加(从无到高)呈显著递减趋势(P<0.05),但肌动振幅的变化却不明显。结论:紧身装置未改变下肢短时间收缩时的肌力和爆发力,然而通过增加一定范围的紧度能够帮助肌肉在募集更少运动单位的情况下维持相似的力量输出,进而对肌肉疲劳和长时间的运动表现产生积极的影响。 展开更多
关键词 紧身装置 肌力 疲劳 肌电图 肌动图
加速度法和肌力法在肌松监测中的比较 被引量:8
作者 张欢 许幸 张京范 《中华麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第9期523-526,共4页
研究加速度法和肌力法的相关性;观察肌力法监测下,T_1/T_0和T_(4)/T_1的对应关系。方法:16例ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ级择期手术病人,左右手随机与加速度神经刺激器或改良应力计相连,以超强刺激电流TOF刺激方式刺激双侧尺神经。诱导用异丙酚2~2.5mg&... 研究加速度法和肌力法的相关性;观察肌力法监测下,T_1/T_0和T_(4)/T_1的对应关系。方法:16例ASA Ⅰ~Ⅱ级择期手术病人,左右手随机与加速度神经刺激器或改良应力计相连,以超强刺激电流TOF刺激方式刺激双侧尺神经。诱导用异丙酚2~2.5mg·kg^-1、维库溴铵0.1mg·kg^-1、芬太尼0.1mg。持续输注异丙酚4~8mg·kg^-1·h^-1复合连续硬膜外麻醉。比较双拇内收肌T_1/T_0和T_4/T_1的恢复情况。结果:两种方法高度相关(r>0.7,P<0.001),回归图中加速度法95%可信区间较宽。加速度法在深度(肌力法T_1/T_0≤25%)、轻度(肌力法T_1/T_0>25%)阻滞时较肌力法T_1/T_0恢复滞后。肌力法监测下T_4/T_1和T_1/T_0存在曲线相关关系。当T_1/T_0已恢复到对照值时,T_4/T_1仅相当于70%左右。结论:两种方法存在高度相关性;使用肌力法监测肌松,其稳定性和重复性较之加速度法似更优越,T_4/T_1较T_1/T_0更敏感。 展开更多
关键词 加速度法 肌力法 神经肌肉接头 维库溴铵 肌松药
卒中后偏瘫患者肘关节肌痉挛的肌动图评估 被引量:7
作者 吴臻 王辉 +3 位作者 王俊 李光林 杨万章 向云 《中西医结合心脑血管病杂志》 2014年第12期1456-1458,共3页
目的应用Spearman相关分析探讨肌动图(mechanomyography,MMG)在偏瘫患者上肢上臂肌痉挛等级评定中的应用价值。方法同一治疗师对29例脑卒中后偏瘫患者的患侧肘关节进行改良Ashworth量表(MAS)评估,同时用Delsys三轴无线加速度传感器记录... 目的应用Spearman相关分析探讨肌动图(mechanomyography,MMG)在偏瘫患者上肢上臂肌痉挛等级评定中的应用价值。方法同一治疗师对29例脑卒中后偏瘫患者的患侧肘关节进行改良Ashworth量表(MAS)评估,同时用Delsys三轴无线加速度传感器记录患者被动屈肘和被动伸肘时肱二头肌和肱三头肌的肌动图MMG信号。其中,X轴为肌纤维纵向运动方向,Y轴为肌纤维横向振动方向,Z轴为与肌肉表面垂直的方向。分别计算肱二头肌、肱三头肌三轴MMG信号均方根值(root mean square,RMS),采用Spearman相关分析方法。结果经Spearman相关分析,发现MMG信号与MAS评分有相关性。被动屈肘时,肱二头肌X轴、Y轴、Z轴MMG RMS与MAS相关性有统计学意义(P<0.05),肱三头肌Z轴MMG RMS与MAS相关性有统计学意义(P<0.05);被动伸肘时,肱三头肌Y轴、Z轴MMG RMS与MAS相关性有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 MMG信号能客观的对脑卒中后偏瘫患者上肢肌痉挛等级进行评估,为科研和临床肌张力评估和痉挛的治疗提供一种定量化的手段。 展开更多
关键词 肌痉挛 肌动图 改良 Ashworth量表 被动运动
基于肌音信号的四种手部动作模式的识别方法 被引量:5
作者 曹炜 夏春明 +1 位作者 曾勇 曹恒 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期644-649,共6页
肌音(MMG)是指肌肉收缩时发出的2~100 Hz的低频"声音"。近年来,有研究将前臂肌音信号作为生理信号源应用于假肢手的控制,并取得了一定的进展。利用主成分分析法(PCA)对多通道采集的前臂肌音信号的18个时、频域特征的特征空... 肌音(MMG)是指肌肉收缩时发出的2~100 Hz的低频"声音"。近年来,有研究将前臂肌音信号作为生理信号源应用于假肢手的控制,并取得了一定的进展。利用主成分分析法(PCA)对多通道采集的前臂肌音信号的18个时、频域特征的特征空间进行降维,并采用线性分类器对4种手部动作模式(手掌握紧、手掌张开、腕部弯曲、腕部伸直)进行判别。用本方法对32名受试者的前臂肌音信号进行采集分析研究,并对通道数的确定和采集位置敏感性等作了研究。实验结果表明:该方法可以实现高达95%以上的识别率,在1~4通道采集点分布于前臂4块肌肉的情况下,采用3个通道综合性能最优,采用4个通道无明显优势,4块肌肉采集位置的选取对识别效果基本没有影响。 展开更多
关键词 肌音 手部动作 模式识别 主成分分析 线性分类器
基于肌音信号分形维数的上斜方肌静态疲劳研究 被引量:5
作者 蒋文都 夏春明 +1 位作者 章悦 封万俊 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期259-264,共6页
目的利用采集的上斜方肌的肌音信号,研究肌音信号的非线性特征分形维数(fractal dimension,FD)趋势与肌肉疲劳的对应关系。方法在恒力做耸肩静态动作时,提取上斜方肌的肌音信号,采用一种自适应噪声的完备经验模态分解(complete ensemble... 目的利用采集的上斜方肌的肌音信号,研究肌音信号的非线性特征分形维数(fractal dimension,FD)趋势与肌肉疲劳的对应关系。方法在恒力做耸肩静态动作时,提取上斜方肌的肌音信号,采用一种自适应噪声的完备经验模态分解(complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise,CEEMDAN)算法去噪,选用平均功率频率(mean power frequency,MPF)和中值频率(median frequency MDF),提取肌音信号的特征值,并用非线性特征分形维数来表征疲劳程度。结果 CEEMDAN算法去噪效果明显,肌音信号的分形维数随肌肉疲劳程度的加深呈现近似线性下降的趋势,在肌肉疲劳评估中与MPF、MDF效果相似。结论肌音信号的分形维数特征可评估肌肉疲劳程度。 展开更多
关键词 肌音信号 肌肉静态疲劳 完备经验模态分解 分形维数
融合实时超声影像的多模态肌肉运动特性研究 被引量:4
作者 李乔亮 易万贯 +4 位作者 陈昕 郭燕荣 郑永平 郭静宜 张治国 《中国生物医学工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期518-525,共8页
人体肌肉活动是一个复杂过程,常用的研究方法包括肌电信号、肌音信号、超声影像等。提出一种多模态方法,联合这三种信号对肌肉活动特性进行研究。研发了多通道运动信号采集系统,对包括超声影像在内的多种信号进行实时同步采集。开发了... 人体肌肉活动是一个复杂过程,常用的研究方法包括肌电信号、肌音信号、超声影像等。提出一种多模态方法,联合这三种信号对肌肉活动特性进行研究。研发了多通道运动信号采集系统,对包括超声影像在内的多种信号进行实时同步采集。开发了一种新的图像追踪算法,实现肌肉边界的自动追踪。对膝关节伸展时股直肌等长收缩的情况进行研究,对采集的各种信号进行特性分析,并联合多种参数对关节力矩进行估计。研究表明,这三种信号的线性组合与关节力矩之间存在显著的线性关系,拟合度达到0.99,高于分别用3种信号进行线性拟合的情况。与单独研究一种信号相比,这种多模态的方法能提供更多关于肌肉运动的信息,为进一步深入研究提供一种可行的方法。 展开更多
关键词 超声影像 肌电信号 肌音信号 多模态 肌肉
基于肌音信号图像化和卷积神经网络的手语识别研究 被引量:2
作者 王新平 夏春明 颜建军 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期242-249,共8页
时间序列信号被广泛应用于各种模式识别的场合,针对大量目标的时间序列信号模式识别率低的问题,借助多种图像化手段,将时间序列信号转换为图像,采用图像分类算法实现模式识别。实验中采集了前臂上30种手语对应的肌音信号(Mechanomyograp... 时间序列信号被广泛应用于各种模式识别的场合,针对大量目标的时间序列信号模式识别率低的问题,借助多种图像化手段,将时间序列信号转换为图像,采用图像分类算法实现模式识别。实验中采集了前臂上30种手语对应的肌音信号(Mechanomyography,MMG),将其转换为不同风格的图像,设计卷积神经网络(Convolution Neural Network,CNN)框架,对图像化的肌音信号训练集建立模式识别的分类模型,并且应用迁移学习(transfer learning)算法对模型进行多次优化,建立的分类模型识别率达98.7%,高于普通机器学习算法的识别率。实验结果证明了图像化处理时间序列信号可以有效提高多分类肌音信号模式识别的识别率,该研究可以为其他时间序列信号的模式识别研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 肌音信号 模式识别 时间序列图像化 卷积神经网络 迁移学习
基于肌音信号短时傅里叶变换的桡侧腕屈肌疲劳程度研究 被引量:2
作者 章悦 夏春明 +1 位作者 钟豪 顾晓琳 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期286-291,共6页
肌肉疲劳是由运动引起的肌肉最大随意收缩力减小的现象,其研究可应用于生理医学的职业病预防或体育工程的运动员训练等方面。本文采用短时傅里叶变换对肌音信号进行处理,提取频域特征平均功率频率(Mean Power Frequency,MPF)和中值频率(... 肌肉疲劳是由运动引起的肌肉最大随意收缩力减小的现象,其研究可应用于生理医学的职业病预防或体育工程的运动员训练等方面。本文采用短时傅里叶变换对肌音信号进行处理,提取频域特征平均功率频率(Mean Power Frequency,MPF)和中值频率(Median Frequency,MDF),研究其与肌肉疲劳程度之间的关系。9名健康的男性志愿者参与了本次试验,采用等值于60%最大随意收缩力(MVC)的力产生恒力肌肉疲劳,同步记录每一位受试者桡侧腕屈肌的肌音信号,对提取的频域参数进行分析。将持续30s的肌肉疲劳过程分为6个时间阶段(每个阶段为5s),并对每个时间阶段内的MPF和MDF计算均值。结果表明,随着肌肉疲劳程度加深,肌音信号的MPF和MDF在每个时间阶段内的均值均呈现近似线性下降的趋势。在30s肌肉疲劳过程中,从第1阶段(1~5s)到第6阶段(26~30s),MPF均值下降了15.8%,MDF均值下降了26.1%。基于短时傅里叶变换提取的MPF和MDF指标能良好地反映疲劳敏感性和稳定性,在评定肌肉静态疲劳方面是较好的参考指标。本文采用的方法和得到的结果为后期更深入地使用肌音信号对肌肉疲劳程度进行量化研究提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 肌音 短时傅里叶变换 平均功率频率 中值频率
基于肌音信号的头部动作模式识别 被引量:2
作者 顾晓琳 吴清 +2 位作者 夏春明 章悦 钟豪 《华东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期704-711,共8页
肌音信号(MMG)是一种肌肉收缩时发出的低频信号,通过测量分析颈部前后两侧的胸锁乳突肌和头夹肌的肌音信号,成功识别点头、抬头、左摆、右摆、左转、右转6个头部动作模式。实验中采集了4个通道的数据,经滤波、归一化的预处理后,用不等... 肌音信号(MMG)是一种肌肉收缩时发出的低频信号,通过测量分析颈部前后两侧的胸锁乳突肌和头夹肌的肌音信号,成功识别点头、抬头、左摆、右摆、左转、右转6个头部动作模式。实验中采集了4个通道的数据,经滤波、归一化的预处理后,用不等长分割法分割出动作帧。提取了动作帧的小波包系数能量及双谱对角切片特征,经主元分析法(PCA)和Fisher线性判别分析(FLDA)降维,用支持向量机(SVM)分类。最后对小波包系数能量和双谱对角切片特征进行FLDA降维,识别率达95.92%。 展开更多
关键词 肌音 头部动作 特征提取 小波包 双谱
肌力流失对老年人肌力、肌电、肌动图及肌疲劳影响研究 被引量:1
作者 王艳春 周思红 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2016年第12期105-109,共5页
近年来国内外关于老年人的肌力流失、肌肉机能变化方面的研究引起了学界的广泛关注。老年人肌力流失后的肌肉力量、肌电图、肌动图、肌疲劳等方面的变化均有研究进展,但多数限于单一领域,综合考察可以发现:老年人因为年龄的原因会导致... 近年来国内外关于老年人的肌力流失、肌肉机能变化方面的研究引起了学界的广泛关注。老年人肌力流失后的肌肉力量、肌电图、肌动图、肌疲劳等方面的变化均有研究进展,但多数限于单一领域,综合考察可以发现:老年人因为年龄的原因会导致不同程度的肌力流失,肌力流失会造成肌肉力量、肌电与肌动图均发生改变,若不经常运动将会导致肌力流失更加严重,若在运动方式、运动项目的选择等方面进行科学干预,将会使这种肌力流失减轻,也会改善老年人的健康状况。 展开更多
关键词 老年人 肌肉力量 肌电图 肌动图
等张收缩肱二头肌特性的多信号结合研究 被引量:1
作者 胡淑娴 施俊 +1 位作者 郭静宜 郑永平 《生物医学工程学进展》 CAS 2009年第4期195-199,共5页
表面肌电图(Surface Electromyography,SEMG)表征了骨骼肌的电生理特性;而肌动图(Mechanomyography,MMG)则是反映骨骼肌收缩时的肌纤维振动的力学特性。超声可以清晰的观测骨骼肌空间形态变化,我们把超声扫描骨骼肌得到的有关骨骼肌结... 表面肌电图(Surface Electromyography,SEMG)表征了骨骼肌的电生理特性;而肌动图(Mechanomyography,MMG)则是反映骨骼肌收缩时的肌纤维振动的力学特性。超声可以清晰的观测骨骼肌空间形态变化,我们把超声扫描骨骼肌得到的有关骨骼肌结构形态变化的信息定义为"声肌图(Sonomyography,SMG)"。本文同步采集了肘关节屈伸引起的肱二头肌等张收缩时的超声图像、肘关节角度、SEMG和MMG信号,初步分析了不同信号之间的关系,多角度结合研究了骨骼肌的特性,表明了多信号结合研究骨骼肌特性是发展的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 肱二头肌 声肌图 表面肌电信号 肌动信号 肘关节角度
Electromyographic and Mechanomyographic Responses During Isokinetic Leg Extensions in Children Versus Adolescents
作者 Zachary M.Gillen Marni E.Shoemaker Joel T.Cramer 《Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise》 CSCD 2023年第3期226-235,共10页
Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine peak torque(PT),mean power(MP),electromyographic(EMG)amplitude,mechanomyographic(MMG)amplitude,and neuromuscular efficiency from EMG and MMG amplitude(NME_(EMG)and NME_... Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine peak torque(PT),mean power(MP),electromyographic(EMG)amplitude,mechanomyographic(MMG)amplitude,and neuromuscular efficiency from EMG and MMG amplitude(NME_(EMG)and NME_(MMG),respectively)across the velocity spectrum in children versus adolescents.Methods Seventeen children(n=8 males,n=9 females)and 22 adolescents(n=11 males,n=11 females)participated.Participants completed maximal concentric isokinetic leg extensions at 60,120,180,240 and 300°/s.PT,MP,EMG amplitude,and MMG amplitude were quantified during all muscle actions.NME_(EMG)and NME_(MMG)were quantified by expressing PT relative to EMG and MMG amplitude,respectively,for each muscle action.Results PT,MP,NME_(EMG),and NME_(MMG)were greater for the adolescents than the children collapsed across sex and veloc-ity(P≤0.021).There were no significant differences for EMG amplitude(P≥0.051),while MMG amplitude increased significantly from 60 to 240°/s(P<0.001)then decreased significantly from 240 to 300°/s(P<0.001)for all groups.Conclusion Overall,regardless of velocity,the expression of PT relative to EMG and MMG amplitude(NME_(EMG)and NME_(MMG),respectively),in conjunction with measurements of torque and power production,may provide practitioners a unique method of examining growth and development-related augmentations in neuromuscular function during dynamic movements. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROMYOGRAPHY mechanomyography Neuromuscular efficiency Growth and development
经颅磁刺激下肌音与肌电特征对比及其系统辨识研究 被引量:1
作者 章含阳 钟燕彪 +2 位作者 章悦 夏春明 单春雷 《航天医学与医学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期59-67,共9页
目的验证经颅磁刺激下靶向肌肉之肌音信号用于检测运动诱发电位的可行性,并对其进行系统辨识。方法 5名健康受试者参加测试实验,同步记录经颅磁刺激下受试者右侧拇短展肌的肌音与肌电信号,提取持续时间、幅值、峰峰值、区域、厚度以及... 目的验证经颅磁刺激下靶向肌肉之肌音信号用于检测运动诱发电位的可行性,并对其进行系统辨识。方法 5名健康受试者参加测试实验,同步记录经颅磁刺激下受试者右侧拇短展肌的肌音与肌电信号,提取持续时间、幅值、峰峰值、区域、厚度以及潜伏期6种特征做对比分析;用传递函数和状态空间法辨识经颅磁刺激-肌音信号系统。结果肌音和肌电信号皆显示相似特征变化,并且在幅值、峰峰值和潜伏期这3个特征的变化上,肌音信号较肌电信号呈现线性变化,辨识经颅磁刺激-肌音信号系统存在4阶模型,且使用传递函数法和状态空间法辨识率均可达80%。结论经颅磁刺激下靶向肌肉的肌音信号可客观反映运动诱发电位特征、体现肌肉收缩情况,能用于医学检查运动神经信息从皮质到肌肉的传递、传导通路的整体同步性和完整性。 展开更多
关键词 经颅磁刺激 肌音 肌电 特征对比 系统辨识
Caffeine Increases Rate of Torque Development Without Affecting Maximal Torque
作者 B rent M.Peterson Lee E.Brown +2 位作者 Daniel A.Judelson Samantha Gallo-Rebert Jared W.Coburn 《Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise》 2019年第3期248-256,共9页
Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of caffeine on peak torque(PT),rate of torque development(RTD),and muscle activation in college-age men.Methods Fifteen men(23.3±2.2 years,177.6±8... Purpose The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of caffeine on peak torque(PT),rate of torque development(RTD),and muscle activation in college-age men.Methods Fifteen men(23.3±2.2 years,177.6±8.7 cm,90.3±19.1 kg)volunteered to participate in this study.During each of two test sessions,maximal leg extension PT and RTD were determined and electromyographic(EMG)and mechano-myographic(MMG)signals were collected to examine electrical and mechanical aspects of muscle activation,respectively.Participants also performed the Wingate Anaerobic Test(WAnT)for the determination of peak power(PP),mean power(MP),and fatigue percentage(FP).For the first test session,participants were randomly assigned to ingest either a caffein-ated drink(6 mg/kg)or a placebo 1 h prior to testing.The second test session was identical to the first,but the drink not previously administered was ingested prior to testing.Results The results indicated there were no significant effects of caffeine on PT,PP,MP,FP,or EMG and MMG measures.However,RTD was positively affected by caffeine(856.4±246.4 Nm/s)compared to the placebo condition(710.9±267.9 Nm/s).Conclusions These results suggest that caffeine can be an effective aid for sport activities requiring maximal rates of force or torque development during very short time periods. 展开更多
关键词 Ergogenic aid Wingate anaerobic test ELECTROMYOGRAPHY mechanomyography
The Influence of Window Length Analysis on the Time and Frequency Domain of Mechanomyographic and Electromyographic Signals of Submaximal Fatiguing Contractions
作者 Guilherme Nogueira-Neto Eduardo Scheeren +2 位作者 Eddy Krueger Percy Nohama Vera Lucia S.N.Button 《Open Journal of Biophysics》 2013年第3期178-190,共13页
Mechanomyography (MMG) acquires the oscillatory waves of contracting muscles. Electromyography (EMG) is a tool for monitoring muscle overall electrical activity. During muscle contractions, both techniques can investi... Mechanomyography (MMG) acquires the oscillatory waves of contracting muscles. Electromyography (EMG) is a tool for monitoring muscle overall electrical activity. During muscle contractions, both techniques can investigate the changes that occur in the muscle properties. EMG and MMG parameters have been used for detecting muscle fatigue with diverse test protocols, sensors and filtering. Depending on the analysis window length (WLA), monitoring physiological events could be compromised due to imprecision in the determination of parameters. Therefore, this study investigated the influence of WLA variation on different MMG and EMG parameters during submaximal isometric contractions monitoring MMG and EMG parameters. Ten male volunteers performed isometric contractions of elbow joint. Triaxial accelerometer-based MMG sensor and EMG electrodes were positioned on the biceps brachii muscle belly. Torque was monitored with a load cell. Volunteers remained seated with hip and elbow joint at angles of 110° and 90°, respectively. The protocol consisted in maintaining torque at 70% of maximum voluntary contraction as long as they could. Parameter data of EMG and the modulus of MMG were determined for four segments of the signal. Statistical analysis consisted of analyses of variance and Fisher’s least square differences post-hoc test. Also, Pearson’s correlation was calculated to determine whether parameters that monitor similar physiological events would have strong correlation. The modulus of MMG mean power frequency (MPF) and the number of crossings in the baseline could detect changes between fresh and fatigued muscle with 1.0 s WLA. MPF and the skewness of the spectrum (μ3), parameters related to the compression of the spectrum, behaved differently when monitored with a triaxial MMG sensor. The EMG results show that for the 1.0 s and 2.0 s WLAs have normalized RMS difference with fatigued muscle and that there was strong correlation between parameters of different domains. 展开更多
关键词 mechanomyography ELECTROMYOGRAPHY Window Length Analysis Local Muscle Fatigue
Sex-Related Differences in Performance Fatigability Independent of Blood Flow Following a Sustained Muscle Action at a Low Perceptual Intensity
作者 Joshua L.Keller Terry J.Housh +3 位作者 Ethan C.Hill Cory M.Smith Richard J.Schmidt Glen O.Johnson 《Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise》 2020年第2期173-182,共10页
The purpose of this investigation was to use the RPE clamp protocol to examine sex-related differences in performance fati-gability and neuromuscular responses as the result of a sustained isometric leg extension musc... The purpose of this investigation was to use the RPE clamp protocol to examine sex-related differences in performance fati-gability and neuromuscular responses as the result of a sustained isometric leg extension muscle action anchored to RPE=2.Twenty adults(10 men,10 women)performed sustained muscle actions at RPE=2 for 5-min.Maximal voluntary isometric contractions(MVIC)were performed prior to and following the sustained muscle actions.Neuromuscular(electromyographic and mechanomyographic)parameters and force were recorded,and the values were normalized to respective MVICs and cal-culated every 5%across the 5-min work bout.Femoral artery blood flow(FABF)was assessed at pretest,immediately posttest,and 5-min posttest.Polynomial regression was used to define the individual and composite normalized neuromuscular and force versus time relationships during the sustained muscle action.Mixed factorial ANOVAs were used to examine differences in performance fatigability and blood flow.For performance fatigability,the men(62.4±14.4 kg-43.1±11.5 kg)exhibited a significantly(P<0.05)greater decrease pretest to posttest in MVIC than the women(44.1±4.8 kg vs.38.1±6.1 kg).There were different fatigue-induced neuromuscular patterns of responses between the men and women across time.For blood flow responses,however,there was no sex-related difference,but pretest(283.3±70.8 mL/min)was significantly(P<0.05)less than immediately posttest(424.5±133.5 mL/min)and 5-min posttest(324.4±78.3 mL/min).Thus,men demonstrated a greater degree of performance fatigability than the women,which was independent of differences in FABF.Factors such as the neuromuscular system and muscle morphology likely contributed to the difference in performance fatigability. 展开更多
关键词 Perception Resistance training ELECTROMYOGRAPHY Fatigue mechanomyography RPE clamp
Day to Day Consistency and Inter-subject Variability of Neuromuscular Responses and Performance Fatigability as the Result of Maximal,Bilateral,Dynamic Leg Extensions
作者 Joshua L.Keller Terry J.Housh +4 位作者 John Paul V.Anders Cory M.Smith Ethan C.Hill Richard J.Schmidt Glen O.Johnson 《Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise》 2021年第2期195-204,共10页
Purpose The purpose of the present study was to examine the day-to-day consistency and inter-subject variability of com-posite and individual,neuromuscular and torque patterns of responses as a result of a fatiguing b... Purpose The purpose of the present study was to examine the day-to-day consistency and inter-subject variability of com-posite and individual,neuromuscular and torque patterns of responses as a result of a fatiguing bout of maximal,bilateral,isokinetic leg extension muscle actions.Methods Ten men (Mean ± SD =21.6 ± 2.5 years) completed two testing visits consisting of pretest and posttest maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) as well as 25 maximal,bilateral,isokinetic (180°/s),leg extension muscle actions.Electromyographic (EMG) and mechanomyographic (MMG) signals were collected from the vastus lateralis and normalized to the MVIC.Performance fatigability was defined as the percent decline in torque between the average of repetitions 1,2,and 3 and repetitions 23,24,and 25.Polynomial regression was used to examine the individual and composite relation-ships between EMG amplitude (AMP),EMG mean power frequency (MPF),MMG AMP,MMG MPF,and torque versus repetitions.Results There was no significant difference (d =0.80;P =0.17) in the performance fatigability between Day 1 (19.3% ± 7.1%)and Day 2 (26.9% ± 11.3%).Polynomial regression indicated substantial inter-subject variability,but high day-to-day consistency.Conclusion The composite EMG AMP,MMG AMP,and MMG MPF patterns of responses demonstrated consistency across days.The composite EMG MPF patterns of responses,however,were not consistent between Day 1 and Day 2.In addition,based on the high inter-subject variability,future studies should present both composite patterns of neuromuscular responses and the patterns of responses on a subject-by-subject basis to make inferences regarding fatigue-induced changes in motor unit activation strategies. 展开更多
关键词 Performance fatigability Electromyography mechanomyography BILATERAL DYNAMIC
Study on The Likelihood Ratio Used to Evaluate the Muscle Tension of Upper Limb Spasm in Hemiplegia Patients
作者 Zhen Wu Hui Wang +2 位作者 Wanzhang Yang Guanglin Li Wuhua Xu 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2021年第4期185-192,共8页
Aim:To evaluate the clinical usability of mechanomyography(MMG)in the evaluation of upper-limb spasticity states of hemiplegia patients with likelihood ratio analysis.Methods:The MMG signals from the 30 hemiplegia pat... Aim:To evaluate the clinical usability of mechanomyography(MMG)in the evaluation of upper-limb spasticity states of hemiplegia patients with likelihood ratio analysis.Methods:The MMG signals from the 30 hemiplegia patients'biceps and triceps were recorded with three-dimensional wireless accelerometer(Trigno Wireless System,Delsys Inc),when they extended or bent their elbow passively.At the same time,the physiotherapist assessed the MAS(Modified Ashworth Scale)of all the patients who participated in the study and would be divided them into four groups based on the MAS values(MAS0,MAS1,MAS1+and MAS2).The MMG sensors were built with triaxial accelerometers named as X,Y and Z that represent the muscle fibers lengthwise movement,the cross movement and the vertical the muscle moving direction,respectively.The root mean square(RMS)value of the MMG signal was calculated for analysis.Likelihood ratio analysis were used in the study.Results:All of the variables of the X,Y,Z axis of signals of MMG of BB and TB have related with muscle spasticity grading during passive elbow flexion in multinomial logistic regression(P=0.000,P<0.001).The regression coefficient of Y axis signal of MMG of BB is the largest.The 5 variables of the X,Y,Z axis of signals of MMG of BB and X,Y axis of TB have related with Muscle spasticity grading during passive elbow extension in multinomial logistic regression(P=0.000,P<0.001).The regression coefficient ofY axis signal of MMG of BB is the largest in equation and the Y axis signal of MMG of TB is second large.Conclusions:The effect of agonist is more than the antagonist during the MAS assessment,especially the muscle fibers cross movement and the vertical movement by the MMG assessment. 展开更多
关键词 mechanomyography Muscle spasm Modify Ashworth scale(MAS) Passive movement Spasticity assessment
基于希尔伯特-黄变换的肌动图估计肌肉疲劳研究 被引量:5
作者 胡淑娴 施俊 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期243-247,共5页
肌动图(MMG)记录了肌纤维的低频侧向振动,表征了肌肉活动的力学特性。MMG信号可用于估计肌肉疲劳。希尔伯特-黄变换(HHT)作为一种时频分析方法,具有自适应性,适合于非线性、非平稳信号分析。本文利用HHT对上肢肱二头肌等长收缩疲劳实验... 肌动图(MMG)记录了肌纤维的低频侧向振动,表征了肌肉活动的力学特性。MMG信号可用于估计肌肉疲劳。希尔伯特-黄变换(HHT)作为一种时频分析方法,具有自适应性,适合于非线性、非平稳信号分析。本文利用HHT对上肢肱二头肌等长收缩疲劳实验中记录的MMG信号进行分析,提取计算瞬时频率的最高值与最低值的差(频带值)作为特征量,以估计肌肉疲劳特性。实验结果表明,当肌肉完全疲劳以后,50%最大力矩值和70%最大力矩值情况下,频带比分别为0.431±0.607和0.286±0.218,说明肌肉疲劳以后,频率有了明显地下降。 展开更多
关键词 肌动图 希尔伯特-黄变换 肌肉疲劳 肌电图 频带
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