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四川盆地及周缘下古生界页岩气深埋藏-强改造独特地质作用 被引量:122
作者 刘树根 邓宾 +6 位作者 钟勇 冉波 雍自权 孙玮 杨迪 姜磊 叶玥豪 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期11-28,共18页
四川盆地位于特提斯-喜马拉雅构造域和滨太平洋构造域的交接转换部位,盆地及其周缘海相、海陆过渡相富有机质页岩经历了多旋回构造体系下的深埋藏(高演化)、强隆升、强剥蚀和强变形,强改造作用过程。这是我国南方中上扬子地区页岩与北... 四川盆地位于特提斯-喜马拉雅构造域和滨太平洋构造域的交接转换部位,盆地及其周缘海相、海陆过渡相富有机质页岩经历了多旋回构造体系下的深埋藏(高演化)、强隆升、强剥蚀和强变形,强改造作用过程。这是我国南方中上扬子地区页岩与北美页岩气产层在地质特征和演化上的最大不同。晚白垩世以来四川盆地多阶段性隆升过程致使地表普遍具有1 000~4 000m剥蚀厚度。地表差异性剥蚀幅度与陆相地层沉积厚度共同控制着其下伏地层的古埋深。四川盆地及其周缘下志留统龙马溪组底界和下寒武统牛蹄塘组底界古埋深分别大于6 500m和9 000m,等深线总体呈NE-SW展布,且二者底界埋深均具有由北东向南西逐渐减小的趋势。龙马溪组底界古埋深最浅处位于盆地南缘宜宾南绥江地区(约6 000m),最大埋深处为川北地区(约9 000m),古埋深分别向盆地东南缘和北缘明显加深,且盆地中央具有明显的NE-SW向展布低值或浅埋深带,即绥江—宜宾—泸州地区和达州—巴中地区。牛蹄塘组底界古埋深特征与现今埋深特征总体相似,最大埋深处位于川西-川北前陆盆地(古埋深大于11 000m);最小古埋深处位于川中—川西南宜宾—自贡—遂宁一带(古埋深小于8 000m)。四川盆地及其周缘下古生界页岩深埋藏与其高演化具有密切相关性。下志留统龙马溪组和下寒武统牛蹄塘组黑色页岩热成熟度Ro值普遍大于2.4%和2.8%,与其古埋深相似均具有由盆地北东向南西逐渐减小的趋势。强隆升、强剥蚀和强变形作用致使下古生界页岩经历强改造作用,具有动态的应力-应变、温度和压力变化特征,及其保存条件有效性的动态调整。四川盆地及其周缘现今钻探成果揭示差异性埋藏-隆升剥蚀-构造变形作用对下古生界页岩气富集与分布具有较大的控制作用。因此,我国南方中上扬子地区下古生界页岩气地质 展开更多
关键词 深埋藏 强隆升 强变形 下古生界 页岩气 四川盆地
Main controlling factors and enrichment area evaluation of shale gas of the Lower Paleozoic marine strata in south China 被引量:32
作者 Xian-Ming Xiao Qiang Wei +5 位作者 Hai-Feng Gai Teng-Fei Li Mao-Lin Wang Lei Pan Ji Chen Hui Tian 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期573-586,共14页
The Lower Paleozoic shale in south China has a very high maturity and experienced strong tectonic defor- mation. This character is quite different from the North America shale and has inhibited the shale gas evaluatio... The Lower Paleozoic shale in south China has a very high maturity and experienced strong tectonic defor- mation. This character is quite different from the North America shale and has inhibited the shale gas evaluation and exploration in this area. The present paper reports a com- prehensive investigation of maturity, reservoir properties, fluid pressure, gas content, preservation conditions, and other relevant aspects of the Lower Paleozoic shale from the Sichuan Basin and its surrounding areas. It is found that within the main maturity range (2.5 % 〈 EqRo 〈 3.5 %) of the shale, its porosity develops well, having a positive cor- relation with the TOC content, and its gas content is con- trolled mainly by the preservation conditions related to the tectonic deformation, but shale with a super high maturity (EqRo 〉 3.5 %) is considered a high risk for shale gas exploration. Taking the southern area of the Sichuan Basin and the southeastern area of Chongqing as examples of uplifted/folded and faulted/folded areas, respectively, geo- logical models of shale gas content and loss were proposed. For the uplifted/folded area with a simple tectonic defor- mation, the shale system (with a depth 〉 2000 m) has lar- gely retained overpressure during uplifting without a great loss of gas, and an industrial shale gas potential is generally possible. However, for the faulted/folded area with a strong tectonic deformation, the sealing condition of the shale system was usually destroyed to a certain degree with a great loss of free gas, which decreased the pressure coefficient and resulted in a low production capacity. It is predicted that the deeply buried shale (〉3000 m) has a greater gas potential and will become the focus for further exploration and development in most of the south China region (outside the Sichuan Basin). 展开更多
关键词 lower paleozoic shale gas MATURITY Maincontrolling factors Tectonic deformation
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