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浅水湖泊湖沼学与太湖富营养化控制研究 被引量:101
作者 秦伯强 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期1229-1243,共15页
自2007年无锡暴发饮用水危机事件以来,太湖经历了前所未有的高强度、大规模治理,各种治理措施累计投资已经超过千亿元.监测显示,在治理初期太湖的氮、磷浓度下降明显,水质有所好转,但最近几年关键水质指标总磷与浮游植物叶绿素α浓度出... 自2007年无锡暴发饮用水危机事件以来,太湖经历了前所未有的高强度、大规模治理,各种治理措施累计投资已经超过千亿元.监测显示,在治理初期太湖的氮、磷浓度下降明显,水质有所好转,但最近几年关键水质指标总磷与浮游植物叶绿素α浓度出现了波动,蓝藻水华有所反弹.研究表明,太湖的外源负荷并没有减少,这与城镇用水量增加、污水排放标准偏低、面源污染削减不足有很大的关系;同时,内源负荷也因为蓝藻水华的持续而加重,浅水湖泊水深浅、扰动强的特点强化了磷的循环利用效率,加剧了内源负荷对湖泊富营养化和蓝藻水华的影响.气候变暖叠加营养盐富集的复合效应、流域风速下降以及暴雨事件频次和强度增加等气象水文条件变化,都促进了太湖蓝藻水华的暴发;蓝藻水华的时空分布特征则受湖泊水动力的决定性影响.太湖治理的曲折过程,凸显了大型浅水湖泊湖沼学研究的不断深入与发展,未来需要继续加强多学科交叉研究,特别是基于湖泊-流域系统的气象水文、生物地球化学和生物生态学的学科交叉.对于太湖生态环境的综合治理和管理,既要注重湖泊与流域相结合,更需要重视自然科学和人文科学的有机融合,才能真正达到控制太湖富营养化、维护流域水环境安全与社会经济可持续发展的目标. 展开更多
关键词 浅水湖泊 太湖 蓝藻水华 气候变化 富营养化治理 湖沼学
广东流溪河水库湖沼学变量的时空动态特征 被引量:39
作者 林国恩 望甜 +1 位作者 林秋奇 韩博平 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期387-394,共8页
流溪河水库是位于北回归线上的大型山谷型水库,是一座典型的热带-亚热带过渡区水体.为了解该水库的特点,于2006年对水库的水文、营养盐状况及相关理化因子进行了逐月监测,对其主要的湖沼学变量的季节动态和空间分布进行了分析,探讨了湖... 流溪河水库是位于北回归线上的大型山谷型水库,是一座典型的热带-亚热带过渡区水体.为了解该水库的特点,于2006年对水库的水文、营养盐状况及相关理化因子进行了逐月监测,对其主要的湖沼学变量的季节动态和空间分布进行了分析,探讨了湖沼学特征和生态过程的主要驱动因子.流溪河水库全年表层水温在14.9-31.6℃之间,水柱热分层开始于3月初,一直持续到12月,呈单循环混合模式.水库的水动力学主要受降水和水库用水的影响,2006年全年降雨量为2960mm,平均水力滞留时间长170d;降雨量集中在丰水期(4-9月),导致丰水期水力滞留时间短(65d),丰水期与枯水期水文水动力季节性差别显著,水文水动力学变化剧烈.2006年全年湖泊区的TN、TP、Chl.a、SD的平均值分别为0.66mg/L,0.016mg/L,2.2mg/m3,3.1m,指示该水库为贫中营养型水体.N/P的质量比为41:1,DIN/DIP的质量比为78:1,说明该水库浮游植物生长在强烈的磷限制性水体中,较高的N/P比是由流域中热带-亚热带红壤中营养盐组成特点所决定.营养盐、透明度和叶绿素a等变量的分布具有明显的时空异质性,丰水期初期(4-5月)营养盐浓度显著地高于其它月份,说明地表径流是输送营养盐入库的主要途径;沿入库河流至水库大坝方向,营养盐和Chl.a具有递减规律,即:河流区>过渡区>湖泊区.受季风的影响,丰水期的降水集中加上水库的本身形态是导致流溪河水库湖沼学特征呈显著的季节性和空间梯度的关键因素. 展开更多
关键词 湖沼学 季节性 空间质异性 热带亚热带 流溪河水库
贵州高原百花湖水库湖沼学变量特征及环境效应 被引量:20
作者 夏品华 李秋华 +1 位作者 林陶 胡继伟 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期1660-1669,共10页
为了揭示贵州高原百花湖水库湖沼学变量特征及其与突发性水质恶化的关系,对百花湖水库的水文、营养盐及相关理化因子进行了调查.结果表明:百花湖水库表层水温在10.2~27.0℃之间,4—9月形成分层,水体分层结构为单循环混合模式;总氮(TN)... 为了揭示贵州高原百花湖水库湖沼学变量特征及其与突发性水质恶化的关系,对百花湖水库的水文、营养盐及相关理化因子进行了调查.结果表明:百花湖水库表层水温在10.2~27.0℃之间,4—9月形成分层,水体分层结构为单循环混合模式;总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、叶绿素a(Chl.a)和透明度(SD)分别为1.60mg·L-1、0.067mg·L-1、18.9μg·L-1和1.4m,指示百花湖水库为中-富营养型水体;营养盐等理化因子在河流区高于过渡区和湖泊区,且在丰水期(5—9月)显著地高于其他月份,说明水库营养盐主要来自流域地表径流的输入;氮磷质量比(N/P)在2~120之间,底层溶解氧在0.3~8.0mg·L-1之间,表明百花湖水库是一个底层滞留带季节性缺氧的高氮、磷限制水库,较高的N/P比是由贵州高原土壤中营养盐组成特点所决定,底层季节性缺氧是水体分层的结果,富营养化加剧了底层的缺氧;突发性水质恶化与水体的分层及富营养化有关,水体分层阻碍了上下层水体的交换,导致了水化学的分层,气温突降使水体分层失稳,从而发生缺氧等水质恶化事件. 展开更多
关键词 湖沼学 突发性水质恶化 富营养化 百花湖水库 贵州高原
Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions: How Lacustrine Environmental Factors Respond in Northwestern and Northeastern China 被引量:13
作者 ZHANG Chengjun FAN Rong +3 位作者 LI Jun Steffen MISCHKE laise DEMBELE HU Xiaolan 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期1344-1354,共11页
Surface lake sediments, 28 from Hoh XU, 24 from northeastern China, 99 from Lake Bosten, 31 from Ulungur and 26 from Heihai were collected to determine δ13C and δ18O values. Considering the impact factors, conductiv... Surface lake sediments, 28 from Hoh XU, 24 from northeastern China, 99 from Lake Bosten, 31 from Ulungur and 26 from Heihai were collected to determine δ13C and δ18O values. Considering the impact factors, conductivity, alkalinity, pH, TOC, C/N and carbonate-content in the sediments, CI, P, S, and metal element ratios of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, Fe/Mn of bulk sediments as environmental variables enable evaluation of their influences on δ13C and δ18O using principal component analysis (PCA) method. The closure and residence time of lakes can influence the correlation between δ13C and δ18O. Lake water will change from fresh to brackish with increasing reduction and eutrophication effects. Mg/Ca in the bulk sediment indicates the characteristic of residence time, Sr/Ca and Fe/Mn infer the salinity of lakes. Carbonate formation processes and types can influence the 6~3C--~1So correlation. ~180 will be heavier from Mg-calcite and aragonite formed in a high-salinity water body than calcite formed in freshwater conditions. When carbonate content is less than 30%, there is no relationship with either 613C or 6180, and also none between δ13C and δ18O. More than 30%, carbonate content, however, co-varies highly to δ13C and δ18O, and there is also a high correlation between δ13C and δ18O. Vegetation conditions and primary productivity of lakes can influence the characteristics of δ13C and δ18O, and their co-variance. Total organic matter content (TOC) in the sediments is higher with more terrestrial and submerged plants infilling. In northeastern and northwestern China, when organic matter in the lake sediments comes from endogenous floating organisms and algae, the δ13C value is high. δ13C is in the range of-4‰ to 0‰ when organic matter comes mainly from floating organisms (C/N〈6); in the range of-4‰ to 8‰ when organic matter comes from diatoms (C/N=6 to 8); and -8‰ to -4‰ when organic matter comes from aquatic and terrestrial plants (C/N〉8). 展开更多
关键词 limnology isotopic analysis CARBONATES organic matter PCA Tibet Xinjiang Northeastern China
淡水浮游植物功能类群划分方法及其生态学应用研究进展(综述) 被引量:10
作者 田永强 《亚热带植物科学》 2015年第4期349-354,共6页
浮游植物功能类群分类方法是一种以浮游植物个体生态学特征为依据的生态分类法,弥补了传统分类方法在生态学应用上存在的不足,是开展淡水生态研究的重要工具。文中概述浮游植物功能类群的理论基础、分类依据及其生态学研究中的优势,并... 浮游植物功能类群分类方法是一种以浮游植物个体生态学特征为依据的生态分类法,弥补了传统分类方法在生态学应用上存在的不足,是开展淡水生态研究的重要工具。文中概述浮游植物功能类群的理论基础、分类依据及其生态学研究中的优势,并介绍功能类群分类法在国内外淡水浮游植物生态学研究中的应用进展和现状,最后探讨浮游植物功能类群研究中存在的问题及未来发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 浮游植物 功能类群 湖沼学 生态学 水生生态系统
湖沼学是研究内陆水体的多学科整合科学——兼论我国湖沼学发展面临的挑战与机遇 被引量:5
作者 刘正文 苏雅玲 杨柳 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期1244-1253,共10页
湖沼学是研究内陆水体的多学科交叉综合性科学,自从Forel F.A.于1892年首次对湖沼学做出定义以来已有近130年历史.湖沼学的主要分支学科包括地质湖沼学(包括古湖沼学)、物理湖沼学、化学(生物地球化学)湖沼学和生物湖沼学.湖沼学的关键... 湖沼学是研究内陆水体的多学科交叉综合性科学,自从Forel F.A.于1892年首次对湖沼学做出定义以来已有近130年历史.湖沼学的主要分支学科包括地质湖沼学(包括古湖沼学)、物理湖沼学、化学(生物地球化学)湖沼学和生物湖沼学.湖沼学的关键自然属性是通过跨学科的整合,从水生态系统水平综合分析相关过程与机理,并对生态系统变化进行预测.因此,湖泊学也是支撑水资源与生态系统保护、管理与修复的核心科学.然而,目前我国湖沼学发展面临分支学科发展不平衡、研究碎片化等问题,而人类活动加剧和气候变化对内陆水体生态系统的影响及管理对策是湖沼学研究面临的挑战与机遇.我国湖沼学研究亟需围绕人类活动、气候变化的影响,重点开展以下几个方面的工作:1)水动力与水文地貌特征变化及其环境生态效应;2)营养盐和有机质生物地球化学循环及其环境生态效应;3)食物网结构与功能;4)外来入侵物种的影响与控制对策;5)与水环境有关的传染病防治;6)地表水生态评价;7)生态系统演变机理与退化生态系统修复等. 展开更多
关键词 湖沼学 历史 水资源 生态系统 管理
Aqueous Geochemistry and Limnology of the Sleeper Pit Lake, Nevada, USA: Evidence for Long-Term Subaqueous Solute Generation in Mine Pit Lakes
作者 Connor P. Newman Tyler Cluff +1 位作者 Thomas Gray Geoff Beale 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2019年第3期64-81,共18页
Predictive geochemical and limnologic modeling of pit lakes is an important aspect of modern mine-site permitting. One of the key assumptions of many predictive pit-lake models is that open-pit high walls and in-pit b... Predictive geochemical and limnologic modeling of pit lakes is an important aspect of modern mine-site permitting. One of the key assumptions of many predictive pit-lake models is that open-pit high walls and in-pit backfill become geochemically unreactive once submerged by the filling pit lake. Existing pit lakes provide useful data to test this assumption. The Sleeper pit lake (northwestern Nevada, USA) is approaching hydrologic equilibrium and contains good-quality water that generally meets regulatory requirements for pit lakes. Despite the overall stable geochemical composition, seasonal trends in the hypolimnion indicate the generation of dissolved metals associated with the ore deposit (e.g., Mn and Zn) and cyclical variations in pH. This study applies mass balance, analysis of subaqueous pyrite oxidation, and trends in solute concentrations to evaluate the potential causes of long-term solute generation in the hypolimnion of the Sleeper pit lake. Three separate conceptual models (subaqueous pyrite oxidation;redox reactions;and diffusion of solutes from a permanently stratified bottom layer) were tested against the high-quality dataset available for the pit lake. Evaluation of the monitoring dataset for the pit lake indicates that the Sleeper pit lake has variable limnologic behavior, wherein the lake is consistently stratified (meromictic) in some years, while it undergoes full mixing (holomixis) in other time periods. Comparison of the data with the three conceptual models illustrates that none of these models can be completely implicated as causing the seasonal geochemical variations in the bottom of the pit lake, but that a combination of the processes is likely partially responsible. Additional data collection including sediment cores and in-situ pore-water analysis would aid in understanding geochemical processes occurring over time. 展开更多
关键词 Mine Pit LAKES limnology Subaqueous Sulfide Oxidation Redox Reactions MEROMIXIS
The Limnology of Ohana Lake, a Potential Manmade Aquaculture System in Nigeria
作者 Paul O. Ajah 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2013年第2期232-246,共15页
The concentrations of heavy metals (Fe > Zn > Cu > Pb > Ag) in bottom sediments and fish gills in Ohana Lake, were found to be significantly high and far exceeded FEPA and WHO environmental standards for w... The concentrations of heavy metals (Fe > Zn > Cu > Pb > Ag) in bottom sediments and fish gills in Ohana Lake, were found to be significantly high and far exceeded FEPA and WHO environmental standards for water quality by 1.5 to 18 times, respectively. Six classes of each of phytoplankton and zooplankton with a total of 35 phytoplankton taxa comprising 46 species i.e. 35(46) and 22(28) faunal were observed. The class Chlorophyceae dominated the phytoplankton community with 18(22) followed by Cyanobacteria 6(10). The aquatic fauna was dominated by the Rotifera 8(11), followed by the Copepoda 6(9). The benthic flora community consisted of five classes of phytoplankton made up of 28(36). The class Bacillariophyceae 11(15) dominated the group followed by Chlorophyceae 10(11). Benthic fauna were made up of seven classes of 13(13). The dominant class Nemata 4(4) was followed closely by Protozoa 2(3). Ohana Lake is fast turning to a eutrophic ecosystem with accompanied algal bloom due to very high nutrient contents. The equitability or evenness indices (J) for both phytoplankton and zooplankton were lowly indicating generally low species diversities as well as predominantly unstable ecosystem. The aquacultural implications of these parameters are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 limnology AQUACULTURE Productivity Pollution FISHERY BENTHOS
国内外湖泊研究机构学术影响力分析评价 被引量:1
作者 郭娅 吕新华 《情报探索》 2013年第1期1-6,共6页
关键词 湖泊 研究机构 学术影响力 国内外
邛海湖盆形态研究 被引量:1
作者 袁国林 李昌侯 +2 位作者 米鸿雁 张秀敏 贺彬 《海洋湖沼通报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期18-22,共5页
邛海是四川省第二大淡水湖泊,本研究是为更好地利用和保护该人类资源所做的基础研究工作之一。通过基于GPS-RTK技术以及测深仪的水下地形测量,结合原有历史资料,应用湖沼学理论,对邛海的湖盆形态进行定量化研究。经研究,邛海为南北长、... 邛海是四川省第二大淡水湖泊,本研究是为更好地利用和保护该人类资源所做的基础研究工作之一。通过基于GPS-RTK技术以及测深仪的水下地形测量,结合原有历史资料,应用湖沼学理论,对邛海的湖盆形态进行定量化研究。经研究,邛海为南北长、东西宽湖体较为接近半球体形式的断陷湖泊,正常高水位(1510.3m)下最大水深18.80m,平均水深10.63m,湖长10.85km,湖面最大宽度5.24km,平均宽度2.53km,岸线长37.4km,湖面面积27.408km2,湖底真面积27.411km2,容积291.43×107m3。研究结果对邛海流域的深入研究及保护与开发提供了基础信息支持。 展开更多
关键词 邛海 湖盆形态 水下地形 湖沼学
《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第4期385-388,共4页
Multivariate Analysis in the Climate Change Studies and Water Quality of Lake Patzcuaro (Mexico)
《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第8期469-481,共13页
In this study, the authors carried out the systemic analysis of water quality of Lake Patzcuaro in relationship with the climate change during a period of 85 years. The statistical comparison (medians, "t" Student ... In this study, the authors carried out the systemic analysis of water quality of Lake Patzcuaro in relationship with the climate change during a period of 85 years. The statistical comparison (medians, "t" Student test, regressions and correlations) for the precipitation, evaporation, observed temperature, minimum and maximum for the periods 1969-1988 (pre-impact) and 1988-2007 (post-impact) was realized. The "t" Student test for water quality during the period of 1981-2011, as well as, the regression analysis and multiple linear correlation of water quality from 2006 to 2011 were applied in joint way of the Cluster and Principal Component to observe the effects of climate change on water quality and vulnerability of Lake Patzcuaro. The comparative analysis of the meteorological data for 1921-1960 and 1973-2007 by the KOppen classification showed a climate change. The comparative Box Plots diagrams for 1973-1989 and 1989-2007, as well as, the "t" Student test, linear regression and correlation indicated significant changes in time for precipitation, evaporation, observed temperature, minimum and maximum (P ≤ 0.05). The correlation and regression analysis indicated significant positive trends for turbidity, conductivity, total phosphorus, aluminum, oils and grease, in contrast with Secchi disk depth, transparency, Redox potential and dissolved oxygen concentration. The "t" Student test showed significant differences between 1981 and 2011 for transparency, hardness, alkalinity, conductivity, nitrite, and phosphate. Cluster and Principal Components of the physicochemical and biological of 2006-2011 confirmed the vulnerability of the system by human growth and climate change influence. 展开更多
关键词 Climatic change limnology statistical analysis.
《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1994年第4期385-388,共4页
The Influence of Seasonal Changes and Headwaters on Physico-chemical Dynamics of Temengor Reservoir, Malaysia
作者 Zarul Hazrin Hashim Asmah Patiroi +2 位作者 Mashhor Mansor Shahrul Anuar Md. Sah Donald C. Jackson 《湿地科学》 CSCD 2011年第4期314-321,共8页
A study on physico-chemical dynamics of Temengor Reservoir was conducted to determine whether headwaters and seasonal changes play a major role in regulating physico-chemical dynamics of Temengor Reservoir. Temengor R... A study on physico-chemical dynamics of Temengor Reservoir was conducted to determine whether headwaters and seasonal changes play a major role in regulating physico-chemical dynamics of Temengor Reservoir. Temengor Reservoir receives water from its surrounding water catchments and headwaters. Then, the water flows into a series of hydroelectric dams, namely the Bersia, Kenering and Chenderoh dams. Generally, water quality in Temengor Reservoir can be classified as Class I. Physico-chemical trends showed that water quality in euphotic zone of Temengor Reservoir is stable and consistent. Two-way ANOVA analyses showed that seasonal variations only affected water temperature, Secchi disc's depth and nitrate-nitrogen. Based on Tukey's post-hoc test, all three headwaters in this study exert no influence to the reservoir's water quality. These insignificant differences were probably due to water temperature and the size of the headwaters and the reservoir itself. In situ parameters profiling showed that the epilimnion zone in Temengor Reservoir is from the surface to 6 m depth, the metalimnion zone is from 6 m to 12 m depth and the hypolimnion zone is from 12 m depth onwards to the bottom of the reservoir. Thus, continuous water profiling monitoring that covers high and low water levels need to be conducted to determine characteristics of the physico-chemical dynamics in the water column and also to analyse changes in reservoir layers. Through these studies, discontinuity trends in the Perak River could be determined and suggestions to the respective agencies could be made to conserve and to sustain downstream biodiversity. 展开更多
关键词 湿地 物理化学 季节变化 研究分析
Spatial and Temporal Quality of Water in the Itupararanga Reservoir,Alto Sorocaba Basin(SP),Brazil
作者 Felipe Jose de Moraes Pedrazzi Fabiano Tomazini da Conceicao +2 位作者 Diego de Souza Sardinha Viviane Moschini-Carlos Marcelo Pompeo 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2013年第1期64-71,共8页
Considering the great importance of the Itupararanga Reservoir, Upper Alto Sorocaba basin/SP, this study aimed to report the variations of some parameters of water quality in the spatial and temporal gradients in this... Considering the great importance of the Itupararanga Reservoir, Upper Alto Sorocaba basin/SP, this study aimed to report the variations of some parameters of water quality in the spatial and temporal gradients in this multipurpose reservoir. The eutrophication of this reservoir was checked using the Carlson Index Modified and the results indicate that the surface water were classified as eutrophic and mesotrophic in wet and dry periods, being characterized the better quality of water in wet period. In the vertical gradient the results showed a stratiphication in all parameters analyzed, except for the electrical conductivity, with good correlation between total phosphorous and chlorophyll-a, indicating that eutrophication of the reservoir changes the conditions of algal growth, mainly in its initial area. Immediate interventions are needed, which must be directed to planning of land use, domestic effluents treatment, taking to an integrated management of this important watershed located in the Sao Paulo State. 展开更多
关键词 Itupararanga Reservoir limnology EUTROPHICATION Environmental Management
The Challenging Topics and Future Directions of the Research in Limnology and Watershed Sciences
作者 LengShuying YangGuishan +2 位作者 LiuZhengwen WuRuijin SongChangqing 《Science Foundation in China》 CAS 2003年第1期15-20,共6页
Based on reviewing the problems in limnology and watershed sciences in meeting the national demands and the development of theories and methodology, this paper proposed some challeng-ing topics to the sciences, coveri... Based on reviewing the problems in limnology and watershed sciences in meeting the national demands and the development of theories and methodology, this paper proposed some challeng-ing topics to the sciences, covering the process of lake evolution and the quantitative analysis of hu-man impacts, in-lake nutrient cycling an biogeo-chemical process, the process and mechanisms of material flow in lake-watershed system, digital watershed and the modeling of the surface pro-cess of lake-watershed, and ecosystem health and scientific management of lake- watershed. 展开更多
关键词 limnology and watershed sciences challenging topics future development directions
Seasonal variations of rotifers from a high altitude urban shallow water body, La Cantera Oriente (Mexico City, Mexico)
作者 Sergio González GUTIERREZ S.S.S. SARMA S. NANDINI 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1387-1397,共11页
La Cantera Oriente is a shallow freshwater volcanic water body located at an altitude of 2 270 m above sea level in the Ecological Reserve of San Angel Pedregal of Mexico City (Mexico). In order to ensure the conser... La Cantera Oriente is a shallow freshwater volcanic water body located at an altitude of 2 270 m above sea level in the Ecological Reserve of San Angel Pedregal of Mexico City (Mexico). In order to ensure the conservation of its biological heritage including zooplankton, the present work was undertaken to quantify the seasonal changes in the diversity and density of rotifers and the selected physico- chemical variables during 2013-2014. Qualitative analysis of the zooplankton samples yielded 68 rotifer species which represented 24 genera in 15 families. Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas, 1766, B. quadridentatus Hermann, 1783, Polyarthra vulgaris Carlin, 1943, Lecane closterocerca (Schmarda, 1859) and Keratella cochlearis (Gosse, 1851) were the most common species. Preston plots of species frequency-density revealed that as many as 30% of the rotifer taxa were dominant throughout the year. The species with high population densities were Brachionus quadridentatus, Lecane closterocerca, Keratella cochlearis, and Lepadellapatella; their peak densities were 2 000, 1 000, 180 and 90 ind./L, all occurring in summer. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that Platyias quadricornis was related to the concentration of phosphates available in the environment and the conductivity, while B. quadridentatus was positively correlated with chlorophyll-a. The trophic status of the lake was eutrophic based on Chl-a content but oligotrophic with relation to the Braehionus: Trichocerca ratio. 展开更多
关键词 high altitude ZOOPLANKTON seasonal density dynamics limnology ROTIFERA
《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期I0001-I0004,共4页
《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期449-452,共4页
Influence of land use/land cover on the water chemistry of Wular Lake in Kashmir Himalaya (India)
作者 Zahoor ul Hassan Javaid Ahmad Shah +1 位作者 Tasawoor Ahmad Kanth Ashok Kumar Pandit 《Ecological Processes》 SCIE EI 2015年第1期107-117,共11页
Introduction:The impacts of land use/land cover(LULC)pattern on surface components of water are less well recognized,particularly in the Kashmir Himalaya.The paper highlights the relationship between LULC and water ch... Introduction:The impacts of land use/land cover(LULC)pattern on surface components of water are less well recognized,particularly in the Kashmir Himalaya.The paper highlights the relationship between LULC and water chemistry for Wular Lake in Kashmir Himalaya.Methods:We used Indian Remote Sensing satellite(IRS)P6 using LISS III sensor with a spatial resolution of 23.5 m for various LULC categories.ERDAS IMAGINE 9.0 and ArcGIS 9.3 were used to generate the LULC map.Water parameters like pH and temperature were measured in the field,while parameters like dissolved oxygen,free carbon dioxide,chloride,alkalinity nitrogen and phosphorus values were determined by APHA(Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater,1998).Results:The present study provides us the information about the proportion of different land cover categories and their correlation with some limnological parameters of Wular Lake.Among the various physicochemical parameters,low dissolved oxygen(DO)was observed in the LULC class which has the highest percentage of agricultural land(47.04%;r=0.688 P<0.05)followed by horticultural land(19.10%;r=0.554;P<0.01)in its catchment.The catchment area with greater percentage of agricultural fields drains maximum fertilizers in the lake,resulting in growth of microorganisms that deplete the dissolved oxygen content in the water body.Conclusions:Pearson matrix predicts that agricultural land,built up,horticultural land and wasteland seem to be the foremost factors responsible for the deterioration of the water quality of the lake.Careful planning of land use is needed to bring significant reductions in nutrient exports from agriculture through various tributaries,in order to restore and maintain water quality of the lake.If this trend of agriculturization manifestation continues unabated,it will be difficult to restore the lake water quality and to subsequently correct ecological manifestation of eutrophication through which the lake is undergoing at present. 展开更多
关键词 limnology CATCHMENT Agricultural land Dense forest Wular Lake Kashmir Himalaya
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