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生态、节约与传承——城市湿地公园规划设计中的乡土景观元素 被引量:31
作者 孙新旺 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2009年第4期105-109,共5页
通过对当前城市湿地公园建设中出现的过度公园化、景观同质化、文化缺位等问题的分析,指出了乡土景观元素在城市湿地公园规划中的应用可以起到节约资源、提高生态效益和传承地域文脉的作用。将乡土景观元素归纳为自然乡土景观元素、人... 通过对当前城市湿地公园建设中出现的过度公园化、景观同质化、文化缺位等问题的分析,指出了乡土景观元素在城市湿地公园规划中的应用可以起到节约资源、提高生态效益和传承地域文脉的作用。将乡土景观元素归纳为自然乡土景观元素、人工乡土景观元素和非物质形态乡土景观元素三类,并分别阐述这三类乡土景观元素在城市湿地公园规划设计中的具体运用手法。 展开更多
关键词 城市湿地公园 乡土景观元素 地域文化 传承
空难概括死亡赔偿金性质及相关问题 被引量:15
作者 张新宝 明俊 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第1期139-148,共10页
空难事故中的概括性死亡赔偿金包括了被扶养人生活费、精神损害赔偿与单纯的 (狭义的)死亡赔偿等内容,应主要和优先用于被扶养人生活费之满足。在有剩余时依次作 为精神损害赔偿金与单纯死亡赔偿金,后者可作为遗产继承。
关键词 死亡赔偿金 扶养 精神损害赔偿金 遗产继承 单纯 生活费 空难事故 剩余 优先 内容
遗产与旅游:传统与现代的并置与背离 被引量:25
作者 彭兆荣 郑向春 《广西民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第3期33-39,共7页
文化遗产是人类创造并延续的传统,蕴含着人类存续与发展的重要意义。然而在如今时代、权力、商业等因素的操控中,遗产成为了一种被出售的传统,特别是20世纪以来大规模的群众旅游,为这一传统的出售提供了巨大的消费群。以遗产作为品牌的... 文化遗产是人类创造并延续的传统,蕴含着人类存续与发展的重要意义。然而在如今时代、权力、商业等因素的操控中,遗产成为了一种被出售的传统,特别是20世纪以来大规模的群众旅游,为这一传统的出售提供了巨大的消费群。以遗产作为品牌的遗产旅游,一方面体现了这种传统与现代的并置;另一方面,旅游者对遗产传统文化的消费本身根植了现代性对这一文化的损害,如何消费传统的问题成为了关系人类自身可持续发展的重要问题。 展开更多
关键词 遗产 旅游 遗产旅游 传统 现代
北京奥运会遗产展望:不同洲际奥运会举办国家的比较研究 被引量:18
作者 董进霞 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第7期3-12,共10页
对过去半个世纪举办过奥运会的不同洲际的8个城市在有形遗产和无形遗产方面进行比较研究,发现由于经济发展水平不同,文化背景差异和国际大环境的变化,每个举办城市所留下的遗产各有特色。2008年第29届奥运会的遗产将体现在现代的城市、... 对过去半个世纪举办过奥运会的不同洲际的8个城市在有形遗产和无形遗产方面进行比较研究,发现由于经济发展水平不同,文化背景差异和国际大环境的变化,每个举办城市所留下的遗产各有特色。2008年第29届奥运会的遗产将体现在现代的城市、一流的体育设施、增长的经济、具有中国特色的开/闭幕式、公私合作的奥运运作模式、奥运价值的认同、自愿服务意识建立等方面。 展开更多
关键词 遗产 奥运会 29届 北京
遗产层摞与创造:北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会遗产战略研究 被引量:19
作者 崔乐泉 王安荣 《武汉体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期20-26,共7页
作为国际奥委会《奥林匹克2020议程》颁布后首届全面规划管理奥运遗产的盛会,北京冬奥会提出的“创造丰厚冬奥遗产”理念,在扩展学界对遗产认识新视野的同时,亦为北京冬奥会遗产战略计划的实施提出了新课题,同时也为既往学界提出的遗产... 作为国际奥委会《奥林匹克2020议程》颁布后首届全面规划管理奥运遗产的盛会,北京冬奥会提出的“创造丰厚冬奥遗产”理念,在扩展学界对遗产认识新视野的同时,亦为北京冬奥会遗产战略计划的实施提出了新课题,同时也为既往学界提出的遗产层摞与创造理念提供了实践范例。一批有影响、可持续的冬奥遗产价值正在逐步显现,无论是直接遗产还是间接遗产,无论是有形遗产还是无形遗产,均已经或正在对国家、区域和主办城市的发展发挥着积极作用。研究认为,在北京冬奥会筹办过程中提出的创造遗产理念,是以与奥运相关的既往遗产层摞为起点的。对北京2008年奥运会遗产及其相关遗产的层摞,为北京冬奥会筹办提供了遗产传承的基础;而北京冬奥会筹办过程中对遗产的创造,在为其举办一届“精彩、非凡、卓越”奥运盛会提供有利条件的同时,还将继续融入到国家、区域和城市发展之中,成为人民追求幸福美好生活重要、长久的推动力,成为弘扬奥林匹克精神,引领社会文明进步的重要基础。 展开更多
关键词 北京冬奥会 遗产 文化遗产 层摞 创造
三峡石柱土司文化遗产的保护与开发 被引量:14
作者 东人达 《中南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期44-47,共4页
关键词 三峡 石柱 土司文化遗产 保护 开发
从比较法角度解析和构建遗产的物权变动过程——兼评《继承法》及《物权法》第29条 被引量:10
作者 肖立梅 《法学论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期83-90,共8页
我国《继承法》和《物权法》在遗产的物权变动方面规定不一致,在对法条的理解上也众说纷纭。遗产的物权变动因具体原因不同而有所区别,不能一概而论。在继承开始后,遗产发生第一次物权变动,即由继承人概括取得遗产所有权;再根据遗赠、... 我国《继承法》和《物权法》在遗产的物权变动方面规定不一致,在对法条的理解上也众说纷纭。遗产的物权变动因具体原因不同而有所区别,不能一概而论。在继承开始后,遗产发生第一次物权变动,即由继承人概括取得遗产所有权;再根据遗赠、遗赠扶养协议等具体原因和法律确定的遗产分配规则进行划分,完成遗产最终的物权变动。第一次物权变动是基于被继承人死亡而发生,属于事件;第二次物权变动是根据法律行为而发生,应当符合我国物权变动模式的要求。 展开更多
关键词 遗产 物权变动 继承 遗赠 遗赠扶养协议
广州海山仙馆的遗痕与遗产 被引量:11
作者 李睿 冯江 《建筑遗产》 CSSCI 2021年第4期9-19,共11页
文章以已湮没的清代著名园林广州海山仙馆为例,在没有实物遗存的情况下,从"遗痕"而非"史料"的视角出发,探讨已消失的园林及其遗产。通过园址、地形,以及中西游园者留下的图、像、笔记和游记等不同媒介的遗痕,分析... 文章以已湮没的清代著名园林广州海山仙馆为例,在没有实物遗存的情况下,从"遗痕"而非"史料"的视角出发,探讨已消失的园林及其遗产。通过园址、地形,以及中西游园者留下的图、像、笔记和游记等不同媒介的遗痕,分析历史上海山仙馆的择址、布局和主体建筑"一堂一台",讨论不同文化背景的接受者对园林的差异性认识,并回顾海山仙馆衰败后,其遗痕在不同历史时期被忽略、清除、再发现和被不断用于塑造荔枝湾景观的过程。文章认为已消失园林的遗痕传播与景观重塑过程中所形成层叠的历史记忆是其遗产价值的重要体现。 展开更多
关键词 海山仙馆 行商园林 遗痕 遗产 记忆
赫哲族鱼皮工艺简论 被引量:9
作者 徐万邦 《内蒙古大学艺术学院学报》 2004年第1期11-16,共6页
在民族学和人类学研究中 ,鱼皮文化有重要价值。它承载着一段文明和历史。人类在其发展过程中 ,有过大大超出后人想象的对环境的适应力和创造力。赫哲人的勤劳、智慧和对生活的热爱程度令人赞叹。鱼皮染色工艺现已失传 ,缝鱼皮衣的线已... 在民族学和人类学研究中 ,鱼皮文化有重要价值。它承载着一段文明和历史。人类在其发展过程中 ,有过大大超出后人想象的对环境的适应力和创造力。赫哲人的勤劳、智慧和对生活的热爱程度令人赞叹。鱼皮染色工艺现已失传 ,缝鱼皮衣的线已改变成的确良线 ,已没人以鱼皮剪纹样做堆绣了 ,鱼皮服装工艺处于濒危状态。 展开更多
关键词 赫哲族 鱼皮工艺 民族学 人类学 遗产
建立我国遗产体系的紧迫性与可能性 被引量:6
作者 彭兆荣 《西北民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期151-160,共10页
我国目前的遗产运动、“遗产热”如火如茶,但是,有关遗产的知识谱系、价值体系有待认识和提升。随着我国在联合国教科文组织中成为公认的“名录遗产大国”,建立中国的遗产体系也提到了历史性的议程中。本文就相关问题提出一些想法,... 我国目前的遗产运动、“遗产热”如火如茶,但是,有关遗产的知识谱系、价值体系有待认识和提升。随着我国在联合国教科文组织中成为公认的“名录遗产大国”,建立中国的遗产体系也提到了历史性的议程中。本文就相关问题提出一些想法,希望起到抛砖引玉的作用。 展开更多
关键词 遗产 遗产体系 中国遗产体系
理想的构件模型与性能分析 被引量:2
作者 王斌君 王靖亚 郝克刚 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第12期81-84,共4页
After analysing the problem of Object-Oriented technology, advantages and disadvantages of three typical component technology are appraised. According to software architecture philosophy ,an ideal component model is g... After analysing the problem of Object-Oriented technology, advantages and disadvantages of three typical component technology are appraised. According to software architecture philosophy ,an ideal component model is given,and the legacy and dynamic maintenance of the component technology is covered. 展开更多
关键词 面向对象 软件开发方法 构件模型 性能分析
Leveraging React Components in Business Process Management (BPM) Applications
作者 Ashok Reddy Annaram 《Journal of Computer and Communications》 2024年第4期86-94,共9页
As organizations increasingly embrace digital transformation, the integration of modern web technologies like React.js with Business Process Management (BPM) applications has become essential. React components offer f... As organizations increasingly embrace digital transformation, the integration of modern web technologies like React.js with Business Process Management (BPM) applications has become essential. React components offer flexibility, reusability, and scalability, making them ideal for enhancing user interfaces and driving user engagement within BPM environments. This article explores the benefits, challenges, and best practices of leveraging React components in BPM applications, along with real-world examples of successful implementations. 展开更多
关键词 React.js Digital Transformation User Interface (UI) Development Component-Based Architecture Declarative UI Development User Experience (UX) REUSABILITY Modularity INTEGRATION CUSTOMIZATION Developer Productivity legacy System Integration
酉阳土司文化遗产保护与开发论证 被引量:7
作者 东人达 《涪陵师范学院学报》 2005年第6期143-148,共6页
酉阳土司曾管辖今重庆市的酉阳、彭水、黔江与秀山的广大地域,在长达800年的时间里,积淀了以土家族为主的少数民族文化遗产。酉阳土司文化内容丰富,表现形式多样。我们应该在一般保护原则的基础上,结合客观实际情况,探讨开发式的文化遗... 酉阳土司曾管辖今重庆市的酉阳、彭水、黔江与秀山的广大地域,在长达800年的时间里,积淀了以土家族为主的少数民族文化遗产。酉阳土司文化内容丰富,表现形式多样。我们应该在一般保护原则的基础上,结合客观实际情况,探讨开发式的文化遗产保护与振兴方法。发展土司文化旅游产业,是一条可行的方法,对渝东南社会经济的发展将起到重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 酉阳 土司 遗产 保护 开发
Seasonal compensation implied no weakening of the land carbon sink in the Northern Hemisphere under the 2015/2016 El Niño 被引量:1
作者 Fangzhong SHI Xiuchen WU +9 位作者 Xiaoyan LI Philippe CIAIS Hongyan LIU Chao YUE Yuting YANG Shulei ZHANG Shushi PENG Yi YIN Benjamin POULTER Deliang CHEN 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期281-294,共14页
The recurrent extreme El Niño events are commonly linked to reduced vegetation growth and the land carbon sink over many but discrete regions of the Northern Hemisphere(NH).However,we reported here a pervasive an... The recurrent extreme El Niño events are commonly linked to reduced vegetation growth and the land carbon sink over many but discrete regions of the Northern Hemisphere(NH).However,we reported here a pervasive and continuous vegetation greening and no weakened land carbon sink in the maturation phase of the 2015/2016 El Niño event over the NH(mainly in the extra-tropics),based on multiple evidences from remote sensing observations,global ecosystem model simulations and atmospheric CO_(2)inversions.We discovered a significant compensation effect of the enhanced vegetation growth in spring on subsequent summer/autumn vegetation growth that sustained vegetation greening and led to a slight increase in the land carbon sink over the spring and summer of 2015(average increases of 23.34%and 0.63%in net ecosystem exchange from two independent datasets relative to a 5-years average before the El Niño event,respectively)and spring of 2016(6.82%),especially in the extra-tropics of the NH,where the water supply during the pre-growing-season(November of the previous year to March of the current year)had a positive anomaly.This seasonal compensation effect was much stronger than that in 1997 and 1998 and significantly alleviated the adverse impacts of the 2015/2016 El Niño event on vegetation growth during its maturation phase.The legacy effect of water supply during the pre-growing-season on subsequent vegetation growth lasted up to approximately six months.Our findings highlight the role of seasonal compensation effects on mediating the land carbon sink in response to episodic extreme El Niño events. 展开更多
关键词 El Niño Seasonal compensation effect Vegetation greening Land carbon sink Net ecosystem exchange legacy effect
公序良俗在情人遗赠纠纷中的适用——基于私法与基本权利冲突理论的二元视角 被引量:1
作者 刘耀东 《交大法学》 北大核心 2024年第1期39-49,共11页
遗赠是否违背公序良俗应以遗赠本身为审查对象,而不能以遗赠以外之事实为断。同时,情人遗赠行为是否违背公序良俗,尤应考察当事人一方遗赠的动机是否是将性奉献与经济上的对待给付联结起来,抑或是存在其他更值得尊重的动机。但在私法视... 遗赠是否违背公序良俗应以遗赠本身为审查对象,而不能以遗赠以外之事实为断。同时,情人遗赠行为是否违背公序良俗,尤应考察当事人一方遗赠的动机是否是将性奉献与经济上的对待给付联结起来,抑或是存在其他更值得尊重的动机。但在私法视角下,情人遗赠的效力,总是呈现出完全有效或完全无效的形态。而在基本权利冲突与权衡的视角下,各基本权利相互较量各自在具体个案中的分量,此种权衡和较量之结果体现在法律行为效力上,即既非完全有效亦非完全无效,而是在两者间存在多种可能性,因而更能适应个案中的具体情况,也更具灵活性。 展开更多
关键词 公序良俗 遗赠 基本权利 遗嘱自由
Soil polygon disaggregation through similarity-based prediction with legacy pedons 被引量:5
作者 LIU Feng GENG Xiaoyuan +3 位作者 ZHU A-xing Walter FRASER SONG Xiaodong ZHANG Ganlin 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期760-772,共13页
Conventional soil maps generally contain one or more soil types within a single soil polygon.But their geographic locations within the polygon are not specified.This restricts current applications of the maps in site-... Conventional soil maps generally contain one or more soil types within a single soil polygon.But their geographic locations within the polygon are not specified.This restricts current applications of the maps in site-specific agricultural management and environmental modelling.We examined the utility of legacy pedon data for disaggregating soil polygons and the effectiveness of similarity-based prediction for making use of the under-or over-sampled legacy pedon data for the disaggregation.The method consisted of three steps.First,environmental similarities between the pedon sites and each location were computed based on soil formative environmental factors.Second,according to soil types of the pedon sites,the similarities were aggregated to derive similarity distribution for each soil type.Third,a hardening process was performed on the maps to allocate candidate soil types within the polygons.The study was conducted at the soil subgroup level in a semi-arid area situated in Manitoba,Canada.Based on 186 independent pedon sites,the evaluation of the disaggregated map of soil subgroups showed an overall accuracy of 67% and a Kappa statistic of 0.62.The map represented a better spatial pattern of soil subgroups in both detail and accuracy compared to a dominant soil subgroup map,which was commonly used in practice.Incorrect predictions mainly occurred in the agricultural plain area and the soil subgroups that are very similar in taxonomy,indicating that new environmental covariates need to be developed.We concluded that the combination of legacy pedon data with similarity-based prediction is an effective solution for soil polygon disaggregation. 展开更多
关键词 legacy pedon data similarity-based prediction spatial disaggregation conventional soil maps
More tree growth reduction due to consecutive drought and its legacy effect for a semiarid larch plantation in Northwest China
作者 Yanfang Wan Pengtao Yu +5 位作者 Yanhui Wang Jiamei Li Yushi Bai Yipeng Yu Bingbing Liu Xiaocha Wei 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期188-196,共9页
Extreme climate has increasingly led to negative impacts on forest ecosystems globally,especially in semiarid areas where forest ecosystems are more vulnerable.However,it is poorly understood how tree growth is affect... Extreme climate has increasingly led to negative impacts on forest ecosystems globally,especially in semiarid areas where forest ecosystems are more vulnerable.However,it is poorly understood how tree growth is affected by different drought events.In 2006–2009,the larch plantations in the semiarid areas of Northwest China were negatively affected by four consecutive dry years,which was a very rare phenomenon that may occur frequently under future climate warming.In this study,we analyzed the effect of these consecutive dry years on tree growth based on the data of the tree rings in the dominant layer of the forest canopy on a larch plantation.We found that the tree-ring width index(RWI)in dry years was lower than that in normal years,and it experienced a rapidly decreasing trend from 2006 to 2009(slope=-0.139 year^(-1),r=-0.94)due to water supply deficits in those dry years.Drought induced legacy effects of tree growth reduction,and consecutive dry years corresponded with greater growth reductions and legacy effects.Growth reductions and legacy effects were significantly stronger in the third and fourth consecutive dry years than that of single dry year(p<0.05),which might have been due to the cumulative stress caused by consecutive dry years.Our results showed that larch trees experienced greater tree growth reduction due to consecutive dry years and their legacy effect,and the trees had lower recovery rates after consecutive dry years.Our results highlight that consecutive dry years pose a new threat to plantations under climate warming,and thus,the effect of climate extremes on tree growth should be considered in growth models in semiarid areas. 展开更多
关键词 Tree rings Drought effects legacy effects Growth-climate relationships Larix principis-rupprechtii
Overstory functional groups indicate the legacy of land use in a secondary tropical forest in southwestern China
作者 Yun Deng Wenfu Zhang +9 位作者 Min Cao Jinlong Dong Hui Chen Xiaobao Deng Jiajia Liu Xiaoyang Song Shangwen Xia Liqing Sha Shengdong Yuan Luxiang Lin 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期91-105,共15页
Anthropogenic disturbances are widespread in tropical forests and influence the species composition in the overstory.However,the impacts of historical disturbance on tropical forest overstory recovery are unclear due ... Anthropogenic disturbances are widespread in tropical forests and influence the species composition in the overstory.However,the impacts of historical disturbance on tropical forest overstory recovery are unclear due to a lack of disturbance data,and previous studies have focused on understory species.In this study,the purpose was to deter-mine the influence of historical disturbance on the diver-sity,composition and regeneration of overstory species in present forests.In the 20-ha Xishuangbanna tropical sea-sonal rainforest dynamics plot in southwestern China,the historical disturbance boundaries were delineated based on panchromatic photographs from 1965.Factors that drove species clustering in the overstory layer(DBH≥40 cm)were analyzed and the abundance,richness and composition of these species were compared among different tree groups based on multiple regression tree analysis.The coefficient of variation of the brightness value in historical panchro-matic photographs from 1965 was the primary driver of spe-cies clustering in the overstory layer.The abundance and richness of overstory species throughout the regeneration process were similar,but species composition was always different.Although the proportion of large-seeded and vigorous-sprouting species showed no significant differ-ence between disturbed and undisturbed forests in the tree-let layer(DBH<20 cm),the difference became significant when DBH increased.The findings highlight that historical disturbances have strong legacy effects on functional group composition in the overstory and the recovery of overstory species was multidimensional.Functional group composi-tion can better indicate the dynamics of overstory species replacement during secondary succession. 展开更多
关键词 Historical disturbance legacy effects Secondary forests Overstory species Functional groups
Persistent greening against drying in northeast Asian semiarid grasslands:Asymmetrical responses of direct and legacy effects to intensified drought
作者 Yu-Tong MA Hai-Shan CHEN +4 位作者 Yao-Ming SONG Bo-Tao ZHOU Shan-Lei SUN Xin-Guan DU Yue SUN 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期9-20,共12页
Despite experiencing a decadal shift towards drought conditions at the end of the 2Oth century,semiarid grasslands in northeast Asia(NEA)exhibited an evident greening trend from 1982 to 2020.However,the mechanism behi... Despite experiencing a decadal shift towards drought conditions at the end of the 2Oth century,semiarid grasslands in northeast Asia(NEA)exhibited an evident greening trend from 1982 to 2020.However,the mechanism behind this phenomenon remains unclear.Hence,we analysed the interdecadal changes in vegetation response to drought on the basis of the standardised precipitation evapotranspiration index(SPEI)and Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies LAI4g datasets,with an emphasis on the differences between direct and legacy effects(as measured by resilience),to explore the mechanism of persistent grassland greening.Results revealed that during the post-drought shift period(2000-2020),the sudden decrease in the water content of the intermediate soil layer triggered an intensified vegetation response to drought.Specifically,although direct effects and resilience were amplified,they exhibited asymmetric changes.Resilience was stronger than direct effects,and this difference increased with increasing drought(drought recovery)levels.These combined effects may account for persistent greening against intensified drying in the semiarid grasslands in NEA.Given the projected exacerbation of future droughts,this study holds notable importance for comprehending the long-term change dynamics of dryland ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 Semiarid grassland Drought decadal shift Direct effect legacy effect(resilience) Northeast Asia
A Survey on the Evolution of Bootkits Attack and Defense Techniques
作者 Yilin Zhou Guojun Peng +1 位作者 Zichuan Li Side Liu 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期102-130,共29页
According to the boot process of modern computer systems,whoever boots first will gain control first.Taking advantage of this feature,a malicious code called bootkit can hijack the control before the OS bootloader and... According to the boot process of modern computer systems,whoever boots first will gain control first.Taking advantage of this feature,a malicious code called bootkit can hijack the control before the OS bootloader and bypass security mechanisms in boot process.That makes bootkits difficult to detect or clean up thoroughly.With the improvement of security mechanisms and the emergence of UEFI,the attack and defense techniques for bootkits have constantly been evolving.We first introduce two boot modes of modern computer systems and present an attack model of bootkits by some sophistical samples.Then we discuss some classic attack techniques used by bootkits from their initial appearance to the present on two axes,including boot mode axis and attack phase axis.Next,we evaluate the race to the bottom of the system and the evolution process between bootkits and security mechanisms.At last,we present the possible future direction for bootkits in the context of continuous improvement of OS and firmware security mechanisms. 展开更多
关键词 BOOTKIT HOOK legacy BIOS security mechanisms UEFI
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