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外耳道胆脂瘤与外耳道阻塞性角化病──两种不同的疾病 被引量:22
作者 汤建国 曹克利 《临床耳鼻咽喉科杂志》 CSCD 1999年第1期43-44,共2页
关键词 外耳道 胆脂瘤 EACC ko 阻塞性角化病 鉴别诊断
海南海桑的育苗造林技术 被引量:13
作者 钟才荣 李海生 +2 位作者 黄仲琪 陈建海 陈桂株 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第A19期224-226,共3页
海南海桑Sonneratia hainanensis KO,E,Y.Chen et W.Y.Chen是我国特有的海桑科红树林濒危植物,仅天然分布于中国的海南岛。海南海桑采用种子育苗。每年6-9月为最佳采种期。洗净的种子应置于含有水的储存缸中,避光、阴凉处储存备用。育... 海南海桑Sonneratia hainanensis KO,E,Y.Chen et W.Y.Chen是我国特有的海桑科红树林濒危植物,仅天然分布于中国的海南岛。海南海桑采用种子育苗。每年6-9月为最佳采种期。洗净的种子应置于含有水的储存缸中,避光、阴凉处储存备用。育苗采用配制培养土,育苗过程中应注意补充淡水降低苗床盐度,并注意预防螃蟹、病虫对幼苗的危害。造林可选秋茄(Kandelia candel)等其它树种营造混交林。选用40~80cm高的苗木,株行距规格可为4m×4m,在抚育期内应注意清除藻类及残次林木等。 展开更多
关键词 海南海桑Sonneratia hainanensis ko E.Y.Chen ET W.Y.Chen 育苗技术 造林
2种Gal抗原缺失小鼠的免疫学特性比较研究 被引量:10
作者 邵安良 魏利娜 +2 位作者 范昌发 陈亮 徐丽明 《药物分析杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期1285-1295,共11页
目的:考察2种Gal抗原缺失小鼠对外来抗原刺激的免疫应答特性,分析其用于Gal抗原阳性材料免疫毒性评价的敏感性。方法:采用外来Gal抗原(兔血红细胞,RRBC)免疫刺激2种Gal抗原缺失小鼠(GGTA1单基因敲除,KO与GGTA1/iGb3S双基因敲除,DKO),比... 目的:考察2种Gal抗原缺失小鼠对外来抗原刺激的免疫应答特性,分析其用于Gal抗原阳性材料免疫毒性评价的敏感性。方法:采用外来Gal抗原(兔血红细胞,RRBC)免疫刺激2种Gal抗原缺失小鼠(GGTA1单基因敲除,KO与GGTA1/iGb3S双基因敲除,DKO),比较分析经免疫刺激后2种小鼠的免疫应答特性和敏感性,包括:特异性抗-Gal抗体水平,与免疫排斥反应及炎症反应相关的细胞因子表达水平和脾脏淋巴细胞亚型分型比例。结果:GGTA1/iGb3S DKO小鼠经腹腔内RRBC免疫刺激2次后,血清抗-Gal IgG和抗-Gal IgM水平与未接受免疫刺激的小鼠相比,分别升高约41倍和184倍;同时,脾脏T细胞亚型标志物(CD3^+CD8^+)水平轻度增高。GGTA1 KO小鼠经RRBC免疫刺激2次后,血清抗-Gal IgG和抗-Gal IgM水平与未接受免疫刺激小鼠相比,分别升高约92倍和407倍;同时,脾脏B细胞亚型标志物(CD3^-CD19^+)水平轻度升高。然而,与GGTA1/iGb3S DKO小鼠相比,可能由于个体间差异较大,除了2次免疫后抗-Gal IgG在800倍稀释,抗-GalIgM在3 200倍稀释时略高之外,其他并不存在显著性差异。2种Gal抗原缺失小鼠在RRBC免疫刺激后的NK细胞亚型标志物水平及细胞因子(IFN-gama,IL-4与IL-12P70)表达水平未见明显变化。结论:2种Gal抗原缺失小鼠均对外来抗原刺激具有较强的敏感性,表现为特异性抗-Gal抗体的显著升高,然而,GGTA1/iGb3S DKO小鼠与GGTA1 KO小鼠相比,未表现出更高的敏感性。因此,作为异种免疫原的免疫学评价模型,GGTA1 KO小鼠和GGTA1/iGb3S DKO小鼠都是敏感的实验动物模型。本研究采用的RRBC预免疫方法既能够提升小鼠的抗-Gal抗体水平,又不引起显著的免疫毒性反应,为后期用于动物源性生物材料的免疫学评价实验动物模型的应用奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 GGTA1 ko GGTA1/iGb3S Dko 外来抗原 兔血红细胞 抗-Gal抗体 免疫毒性
溶解氧对氧化沟同步硝化反硝化脱氮比率的影响 被引量:8
作者 薛武丹 彭党聪 +1 位作者 王攀 董涛 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第7期3305-3310,共6页
微孔曝气变速氧化沟是一种新型的氧化沟。本研究通过批式实验,测定同步硝化反硝化(SND)溶解氧抑制系数KO,依此计算不同DO浓度下的SND比率,并与实际运行状况进行对比。结果表明:活性污泥的KO为0.7801 mg/L;当DO浓度分别为1.2、1.0和0.8 m... 微孔曝气变速氧化沟是一种新型的氧化沟。本研究通过批式实验,测定同步硝化反硝化(SND)溶解氧抑制系数KO,依此计算不同DO浓度下的SND比率,并与实际运行状况进行对比。结果表明:活性污泥的KO为0.7801 mg/L;当DO浓度分别为1.2、1.0和0.8 mg/L时,理论的SND比率分别为45.11%、47.57%和50.88%,而相同条件下氧化沟中实际SND比率分别为47.38%、52.75%和60.31%;同步硝化反硝化在微孔变速氧化沟中是一种重要的脱氮路径。 展开更多
关键词 溶解氧 同步硝化反硝化 脱氮 氧化沟 溶解氧抑制系数
High-throughput screening of mouse gene knockouts identifies established and novel skeletal phenotypes 被引量:7
作者 Robert Brommage Jeff Liu +6 位作者 Gwenn M Hansen Laura L Kirkpatrick David G Potter Arthur T Ss Brian Zambrowicz David R Powell Peter Vogel 《Bone Research》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期152-181,共30页
Screening gene function in vivo is a powerful approach to discover novel drug targets. We present high-throughput screening (HTS) data for 3 762 distinct global gene knockout (KO) mouse lines with viable adult hom... Screening gene function in vivo is a powerful approach to discover novel drug targets. We present high-throughput screening (HTS) data for 3 762 distinct global gene knockout (KO) mouse lines with viable adult homozygous mice generated using either gene-trap or homologous recombination technologies. Bone mass was determined from DEXA scans of male and female mice at 14 weeks of age and by microCT analyses of bones from male mice at 16 weeks of age. Wild-type (WT) cagemates/littermates were examined for each gene KO. Lethality was observed in an additional 850 KO lines. Since primary HTS are susceptible to false positive findings, additional cohorts of mice from KO lines with intriguing HTS bone data were examined. Aging, ovariectomy, histomorphometry and bone strength studies were performed and possible non-skeletal phenotypes were explored. Together, these screens identified multiple genes affecting bone mass: 23 previously reported genes (Calcr, Cebpb, Crtap, Dcstamp, Dkkl, Duoxa2, Enppl, Fgf23, Kissl/Kisslr, Kl (Klotho), Lrp5, Mstn, Neol, Npr2, Ostml, Postn, Sfrp4, S1c30a5, Sic39a13, Sost, Sumf1, Src, Wnt10b), five novel genes extensively characterized (Cldn18, Fam20c, Lrrkl, Sgpll, Wnt16), five novel genes with preliminary characterization (Agpat2, RassfS, Slc10a7, Stc26a7, Slc30a10) and three novel undisclosed genes coding for potential osteoporosis drug targets. 展开更多
关键词 ko High-throughput screening of mouse gene knockouts identifies established and novel skeletal phenotypes BMD HTS DEXA gene
应用CRISPR/Cas9技术构建Raji-Luc CD19 KO淋巴瘤细胞系
作者 刘静静 刘秀盈 +3 位作者 冯娅茹 冯义超 于梦圆 王建勋 《现代检验医学杂志》 CAS 2024年第1期10-15,99,共7页
目的应用CRISPR/cas9技术构建敲除CD19的Raji-Luc淋巴瘤细胞,并对其免疫逃逸能力进行初步验证。方法构建PB-CRISPR-CD19小向导RNA(small guide RNA,sgRNA)质粒,筛选最优的sgRNA序列,用pCAG-PBase转座酶、PB-CD19 sgRNA及PB-CRISPR-Cas9... 目的应用CRISPR/cas9技术构建敲除CD19的Raji-Luc淋巴瘤细胞,并对其免疫逃逸能力进行初步验证。方法构建PB-CRISPR-CD19小向导RNA(small guide RNA,sgRNA)质粒,筛选最优的sgRNA序列,用pCAG-PBase转座酶、PB-CD19 sgRNA及PB-CRISPR-Cas9共同电转染Raji-Luc细胞,采用流式分选和极限稀释法筛选得到稳定敲除的单克隆细胞株。经过基因序列检测对敲除效果进行验证;酶标仪检测细胞系表面荧光素酶的表达情况;以实验室前期构建的CD19 CAR-T和CD38 CAR-T作为效应细胞,用荧光素酶化学发光法验证Raji-Luc CD19 KO细胞株的免疫逃逸能力。结果电转染制备的Raji-Luc CD19 KO细胞转染效率较高,筛选所得两组单克隆细胞敲除效率均达到99%以上,与原始Raji-Luc细胞的荧光素酶表达无显著差异,且不能激活CD19 CAR-T细胞对其进行杀伤。结论成功构建了Raji-Luc CD19 KO淋巴瘤细胞系。 展开更多
关键词 嵌合抗原受体-T细胞 白细胞分化抗原19 ko 电转染 淋巴瘤 Raji-Luc细胞
Experimental research on unloading properties of clay under high stress 被引量:3
作者 MA Jin-rong CUI Guang-xin +1 位作者 QIN Yong ZHOU Guo-qing 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第1期122-124,共3页
Abstract: Mechanical properties of clay under high stress are quite different from those under low stress. It is necessary to investi- gate unloading properties of clay under high stress for the design and constructi... Abstract: Mechanical properties of clay under high stress are quite different from those under low stress. It is necessary to investi- gate unloading properties of clay under high stress for the design and construction of deep underground engineering projects. A series of experiments were conducted to investigate the unloading properties of clay under high confining pressures by using a SKA-1 high pressure consolidation instrument designed by us. The stress versus strain relationship and the way that K0 values of clay change during the loading-unloading process were discovered. The results show that there are clear differences in the state of stress and deformation behavior of the clay along different unloading paths. 展开更多
关键词 high pressure ko consolidation equipment CLAY value of ko unloading property
作者 李洪 徐自力 +1 位作者 杨杰 龚雯 《中国石油石化》 2024年第12期52-53,共2页
SP983队在科威特市场打造了一支“吃得苦、耐得烦”的西南铁军。近日,中石化西南石油工程有限公司科威特项目SP983队再一次与科威特国家石油公司(KOC)续签为期一年的合同,成为KOC历史上第一支成功签订连续9年合同的井队。成功的秘诀是什... SP983队在科威特市场打造了一支“吃得苦、耐得烦”的西南铁军。近日,中石化西南石油工程有限公司科威特项目SP983队再一次与科威特国家石油公司(KOC)续签为期一年的合同,成为KOC历史上第一支成功签订连续9年合同的井队。成功的秘诀是什么?答案就在8年时间里,在科威特工区完成修井逾300井次,转战科威特多个油气田;就在无论是两天完成一次设备搬迁的高强度施工,还是高含硫化氢井的高风险施工,都出色地完成各项工作任务,日费率连续8年保持100%。 展开更多
关键词 国家石油公司 设备搬迁 科威特 ko 合同 油气田 高风险
A Case Study of Periodical Terminologies’Mis-translations in History of Chinese Journalism by Ko Kung-chen under Analysis-Synthesis Translation Mode
作者 XIANG Shao-jing WANG Hai 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2024年第1期54-78,共25页
From the perspective of analysis-synthesis translation mode,this paper discusses the translator’s responsibility and the translator’s role in the translation of historiography,based on the case of Ko Kung-chen’s Hi... From the perspective of analysis-synthesis translation mode,this paper discusses the translator’s responsibility and the translator’s role in the translation of historiography,based on the case of Ko Kung-chen’s History of Chinese Journalism.Missionary J.S.Roberts believed that translation is the logical combination of two processes of analysis and synthesis.The analysis process is characterized by understanding,emphasizing accurate understanding and professional analysis of the source text,while the synthesis process focuses on the transformation of language and culture.The two processes are dependent,forming the whole process of translation altogether.As the indisputable subject of translation,the translator should assume his own subjective responsibility in the two processes.The translator should be responsible for the fact and professional academics in the analysis process,and language and culture and translation itself in the synthesis process,playing the role of a reviewer,disseminator and translator to ensure that the translation text would be correct,accurate and professional so as to realize the value of himself and translation. 展开更多
关键词 analysis-synthesis translation mode History of Chinese Journalism by ko Kung-chen translation of periodical terminology
Outlook of PINK1/Parkin signaling in molecular etiology of Parkinson's disease,with insights into Pink1 knockout models 被引量:3
作者 Zhangting Wang See-Wing Chan +2 位作者 Hui Zhao Kai-Kei Miu Wai-Yee Chan 《Zoological Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第3期559-576,共18页
Parkinson’s disease(PD)relates to defective mitochondrial quality control in the dopaminergic motor network.Genetic studies have revealed that PINK1 and Parkin mutations are indicative of a heightened propensity to P... Parkinson’s disease(PD)relates to defective mitochondrial quality control in the dopaminergic motor network.Genetic studies have revealed that PINK1 and Parkin mutations are indicative of a heightened propensity to PD onset,pinpointing mitophagy and inflammation as the culprit pathways involved in neuronal loss in the substantia nigra(SNpc).In a reciprocal manner,LRRK2 functions in the regulation of basal flux and inflammatory responses responsible for PINK1/Parkin-dependent mitophagy activation.Pharmacological intervention in these diseasemodifying pathways may facilitate the development of novel PD therapeutics,despite the current lack of an established drug evaluation model.As such,we reviewed the feasibility of employing the versatile global Pink1knockout(KO)rat model as a self-sufficient,spontaneous PD model for investigating both disease etiology and drug pharmacology.These rats retain clinical features encompassing basal mitophagic flux changes with PD progression.We demonstrate the versatility of this PD rat model based on the incorporation of additional experimental insults to recapitulate the proinflammatory responses observed in PD patients. 展开更多
关键词 Parkinson’s disease MITOPHAGY Inflammatory response Genetic model Pink1 ko rats
鸢尾苷元的大鼠在体肠吸收研究 被引量:4
作者 陈岚 李笑晓 +3 位作者 文莺惠 张芸榕 魏薇 杨俊毅 《华西药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2018年第1期80-83,共4页
目的 研究鸢尾苷元在大鼠肠道内的吸收规律。方法 采用大鼠在体小肠循环灌流的方法,利用紫外分光光度法和HPLC法分别测定循环液中酚红和鸢尾苷元的浓度。研究鸢尾苷元在大鼠全肠段及十二指肠、空肠、回肠、结肠中的吸收情况。结果 鸢尾... 目的 研究鸢尾苷元在大鼠肠道内的吸收规律。方法 采用大鼠在体小肠循环灌流的方法,利用紫外分光光度法和HPLC法分别测定循环液中酚红和鸢尾苷元的浓度。研究鸢尾苷元在大鼠全肠段及十二指肠、空肠、回肠、结肠中的吸收情况。结果 鸢尾苷元可在大鼠小肠中吸收,低、中、高浓度的吸收速率常数Ka分别为0.0997±0.0177、0.1330±0.0190、0.1513±0.0134 h^(-1);鸢尾苷元在十二指肠、空肠、回肠、结肠的吸收速率常数Ka分别为0.0657±0.0233、0.0576±9.6×10^(-3)、0.1778±0.0879、0.0809±0.0254 h^(-1)。按吸收速率常数由高到低排列为回肠〉结肠〉十二指肠≈空肠。结论 鸢尾苷元在大鼠小肠全段有不同程度的吸收,回肠可能为其主要吸收部位;鸢尾苷元在大鼠小肠中的吸收机制并非单纯的被动扩散,可能存在着载体介导的转运。 展开更多
关键词 射干 鸢尾苷元 在体肠吸收 口服给药 小肠循环灌流 吸收速率常数Ka 酚红 肠壁吸附
竞技体育中搏击场上的生命思考——以散打运动员上官鹏飞遭KO逝世为例 被引量:2
作者 孙莹 《衡水学院学报》 2013年第4期52-55,共4页
2011年,中国散打选手上官鹏飞KO不治身亡,通过这个案例来分析竞技体育中搏击场上惨剧发生的原因,主要是竞技场上的"战争思维"和参与赛事者对赛事安全事宜缺乏理性思考.指出国内搏击场上出现的问题和纰漏:商业比赛的噱头、防... 2011年,中国散打选手上官鹏飞KO不治身亡,通过这个案例来分析竞技体育中搏击场上惨剧发生的原因,主要是竞技场上的"战争思维"和参与赛事者对赛事安全事宜缺乏理性思考.指出国内搏击场上出现的问题和纰漏:商业比赛的噱头、防护手段的缺失、运动员比赛保险的不完善都是惨剧发生时各种细节的不注重.惨剧的发生告诫我们不论竞技体育比赛中运动员本身的保护、裁判系统的确认还是在举办赛事的主办方和医疗保障方面,我们需要注重的细节还有很多. 展开更多
关键词 竞技体育 博击 武术散打 上官鹏飞 ko
松材线虫不同虫态发育通路表达与蛔甙成分差异 被引量:1
作者 杜永斌 宁静 +4 位作者 张驰 周娇 黄晨颖 樊建庭 赵莉蔺 《植物病理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第6期898-911,共14页
松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)是一种对我国林业危害极大的外来入侵种,具有繁殖力强,扩散范围广的特点。为探究松材线虫的发育调控机制,本研究通过转录组分析和实时荧光定量PCR技术,比较了不同虫态松材线虫发育差异表达基因及... 松材线虫(Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)是一种对我国林业危害极大的外来入侵种,具有繁殖力强,扩散范围广的特点。为探究松材线虫的发育调控机制,本研究通过转录组分析和实时荧光定量PCR技术,比较了不同虫态松材线虫发育差异表达基因及功能富集分析。利用LC/MS技术检测了松材线虫代谢物中的蛔甙成分及含量。结果显示:繁殖型和扩散型虫态的差异表达基因主要与滞育和发育调控相关。繁殖型虫态的daf-9基因表达水平显著高于扩散型松材线虫,扩散型L_(Ⅳ)期线虫的daf-12、daf-2及daf-16基因表达量显著高于繁殖型松材线虫。L_(n)和L_(Ⅲ)的蛔甙成分比较分析结果显示:繁殖型松材线虫短链蛔甙asc-C3、asc-ΔC7含量显著高于扩散型松材线虫,长链蛔甙asc-C9含量低于扩散型松材线虫。推测松材线虫DAFs基因与蛔甙可能参与松材线虫扩散型虫态的形成。 展开更多
关键词 松材线虫 转录组 ko GO 发育 化学信号
Generation of a Double KO Mouse by Simultaneous Targeting of the Neighboring Genes Tmem176a and Tmem176b Using CRISPR/Cas9:Key Steps from Design to Genotyping 被引量:1
作者 Aurélie Lemoine Gaёlle Chauveau-Le Friec +1 位作者 Francina Langa Cédric Louvet 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期329-340,共12页
The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been tailored to a revolutionary genetic tool because of its remarkable simplicity and efficacy.While complex genome editing in the mouse since the 1990 s has been dominated by the use of em... The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been tailored to a revolutionary genetic tool because of its remarkable simplicity and efficacy.While complex genome editing in the mouse since the 1990 s has been dominated by the use of embryonic stem(ES) cells,CRISPR/Cas9 now offers a versatile and fast approach to precisely modify virtually any DNA regions directly in mouse zygotes.Yet,this relative simplicity does not preclude a conscientious preparatory work that is often neglected when initiating a project.Here,we describe the key steps leading to successful generation of a double knockout(KO) mouse by simultaneously targeting two homolog genes,Tmem176 a and Tmem176 b,which are located in the same genomic locus.Additionally,we show that similar efficiency can be obtained in a mixed genetic background or directly in the C57BL/6 inbred strain.Thus,presented as a detailed case study that should be helpful to the non-specialists,we focus on the genotyping strategy to anticipate the various possibilities. 展开更多
关键词 CRISPR/Cas9 C57BL/6 Double ko Genotyping NHEJ Deletion Inversion Off-targets Mosaicism
Weakly KKM Map,Intersection Theorems and Minimax Inequalities on Abstract Convex Spaces 被引量:1
作者 Yong Jie PIAO 《Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition》 CSCD 2010年第6期1091-1098,共8页
In this paper,we introduce the concept of weakly KKM map on an abstract convex space without any topology and linear structure,and obtain Fan's matching theorem and intersection theorem under very weak assumptions on... In this paper,we introduce the concept of weakly KKM map on an abstract convex space without any topology and linear structure,and obtain Fan's matching theorem and intersection theorem under very weak assumptions on abstract convex spaces.Finally,we give several minimax inequality theorems as applications.These results generalize and improve many known results in recent literature. 展开更多
关键词 abstract convex space map class K KC ko weakly KKM map matching theorem.
On Projective Modules with Constant Ranks
作者 陈焕艮 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1996年第3期74-78,共5页
On Projective Modules with Constant RanksIn this paper,we investigate module structures of rings over which every finitely generated projective module with constant rank is stably free. As applications,we give charact... On Projective Modules with Constant RanksIn this paper,we investigate module structures of rings over which every finitely generated projective module with constant rank is stably free. As applications,we give characterizations of some related rings. 展开更多
关键词 ko groups projective trivial rings group rings
Enzymatic Activity of Renal H-K-ATPase in the Outer Medullary Collecting Duct of Transgenic Mice
作者 Tyler Downing Amy Mangla +1 位作者 Michael Banta Suguru Nakamura 《International Journal of Clinical Medicine》 2014年第20期1239-1247,共9页
The H-K-ATPase (HKA), a potassium-dependent proton transporter in the outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD) plays an important role in acid-base homeostasis. The OMCD contains two HKA isoforms;gastric (HKAα1), domin... The H-K-ATPase (HKA), a potassium-dependent proton transporter in the outer medullary collecting duct (OMCD) plays an important role in acid-base homeostasis. The OMCD contains two HKA isoforms;gastric (HKAα1), dominant under normal dietary conditions (ND), and colonic (HKAα2), induced under a K-free diet (KD). The enzymatic activity (EA) of HKA in the OMCD is incompletely understood. The focus of the present study is elucidating the EA of the HKA in HKAα1 and HKAα2 knockout (KO) mice under ND and KD. KO mice were subjected to ND or KD for 10 days. Ten OMCD tubules were extracted, half placed in potassium-free media (Solution 2), half in potassium-containing media (Solution 3). Fluorescence measurements are based on the hydrolysis of ATP to ADP, coupled with the oxidation of NADH. ADP is determined by a decrease in NADH fluorescence. In K presence, NADH fluorescence of HKAα1 KO mice read 13.5 ± 0.7 ppm for ND and 10.3 ± 0.2 ppm for KD, indicating stimulation of the colonic isoform. HKAα2 KO mice averaged 6.8 ± 0.3 ppm for ND and 5.4 ± 0.3 ppm for KD in solution 2 (p p α2 isoform. A significant difference in ATP production in HKAα2 KO mice is likely due to enhanced EA of H-ATPase under potassium depletion. 展开更多
关键词 H-K-ATPase (HKA) Outer MEDULLARY Collecting Duct (OMCD) HKA ISOFORMS Gastric (HKAα1) and COLONIC (HKAα2) K-Free Diet (KD) Enzymatic Activity (EA) Normal Dietary Conditions [ND] KNOCkoUT (ko)
Analyses of fear memory in Arc/Arg3.1-deficient mice: intact short-term memory and impaired long-term and remote memory
作者 Kazuyuki Yamada Chihiro Homma +3 位作者 Kentaro Tanemura Toshio Ikeda Shigeyoshi Itohara Yoshiko Nagaoka 《World Journal of Neuroscience》 2011年第1期1-8,共8页
Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc/Arg3.1) was originally identified in patients with seizures. It is densely distributed in the hip-pocampus and amygdala in particular. Because the expression of ... Activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein (Arc/Arg3.1) was originally identified in patients with seizures. It is densely distributed in the hip-pocampus and amygdala in particular. Because the expression of Arc/Arg3.1 is regulated by nerve in-puts, it is thought to be an immediate early gene. As shown both in vitro and in vivo, Arc/Arg3.1 is in-volved in synaptic consolidation and regulates some forms of learning and memory in rats and mice [1,2]. Furthermore, a recent study suggests that Arc/Arg3.1 may play a significant role in signal transmission via AMPA-type glutamate receptors [3-5]. Therefore, we conducted a detailed analysis of fear memory in Arc/Arg3.1-deficient mice. As previously reported, the knockout animals exhib-ited impaired fear memory in both contextual and cued test situations. Although Arc/Arg3.1-deficient mice showed almost the same performance as wild-type littermates 4 hr after a conditioning trial, their performance was impaired in the retention test after 24 hr or longer, either with or without reconsolidation. Immunohistochemical analyses showed an abnormal density of GluR1 in the hip-pocampus of Arc/Arg3.1-deficient mice;however, an application of AMPA potentiator did not improve memory performance in the mutant mice. Memory impairment in Arc/Arg3.1-deficient mice is so ro-bust that the mice provide a useful tool for devel-oping treatments for memory impairment. 展开更多
关键词 Activity-Regulated Cytoskeleton-Associated Protein (Arc/Arg3.1) KNOCkoUT (ko) Mouse Short- Term MEMORY LONG-TERM MEMORY RECONSOLIDATION AMPA Receptor
作者 王海婴 赵玮 《兰州石化职业技术学院学报》 2005年第4期23-25,共3页
关键词 TTS ko 语音引擎
Potassium Depletion Stimulates Beta-Subunit of Colonic H<sup>+</sup>-K<sup>+</sup>-ATPase in Mice
作者 Guojun Wei James J. Ravellette Suguru Nakamura 《International Journal of Clinical Medicine》 2013年第5期244-250,共7页
H+-K+-ATPase (HKA) is composed of two different subunits: an alpha and a beta subunit. Previous studies have shown that in the kidney gastric HKA (HKA alpha 1) predominates under normal dietary conditions while coloni... H+-K+-ATPase (HKA) is composed of two different subunits: an alpha and a beta subunit. Previous studies have shown that in the kidney gastric HKA (HKA alpha 1) predominates under normal dietary conditions while colonic HKA (HKA alpha 2) predominates under potassium depleted conditions [1]. The purpose of the current study was to elucidate the association between the beta and different alpha subunits from stomach, colon and kidney under normal and potassium depleted conditions. Black Swiss mice were fed a potassium-free diet for 2 weeks, beta subunit expression of HKA in stomach mucosae, colon mucosae and renal outer medulla was examined and compared between normal diet and potassium depleted diet. In wild type (WT) mice, the concentrations of the beta subunit under potassium deficient conditions were found significantly increased compared with normal dietary conditions in colon mucosae (8.27 ± 0.73 vs 6.62 ± 0.55 μg/μl, n = 7, p = 0.0416), whereas in cHKA (HKA alpha 2) mice colon mucosae, the concentrations of the beta subunit were statistically the same (5.05 ± 0.31 vs 4.76 ± 0.37 μg/μl, n = 13, p = 0.2833), and the concentration of the beta subunit stayed the same in renal outer medulla and stomach mucosae as well. The data indicate that potassium deficiency results in a significant increase in the levels of HKA beta subunit concentration in the colonic tissue of WT mice. The results indicate that the HKA beta subunit associates with the cHKA (HKA alpha 2) in order to mediate bicarbonate reabsorption under potassium depletion (hypokalemia) 展开更多
关键词 H+-K+-ATPase (HKA) Knockout MICE (ko) WILD-TYPE MICE (WT) Gastric H+-K+-ATPase (gHKA) COLONIC H+-K+-ATPase (cHKA) Outer MEDULLARY Collecting Duct (OMCD)
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