Enhanced recovery after surgery(ERAS), a multidisciplinary program designed to minimize stress response to surgery and promote the recovery of organ function, has become a standard of perioperative care for elective c...Enhanced recovery after surgery(ERAS), a multidisciplinary program designed to minimize stress response to surgery and promote the recovery of organ function, has become a standard of perioperative care for elective colorectal surgery. In an elective setting, ERAS program has consistently been shown to decrease postoperative complication, reduce length of hospital stay, shorten convalescence, and lower healthcare cost. Recently, there is emerging evidence that ERAS program can be safely and effectively applied to patients with emergency colorectal conditions such as acute colonic obstruction and intraabdominal infection. This review comprehensively covers the concept and application of ERAS program for emergency colorectal surgery. The outcomes of ERAS program for this emergency surgery are summarized as follows:(1) The ERAS program was associated with a lower rate of overall complication and shorter length of hospital stay – without increased risks of readmission,reoperation and death after emergency colorectal surgery; and(2) Compliance with an ERAS program in emergency setting appeared to be lower than that in an elective basis. Moreover, scientific evidence of each ERAS item used in emergency colorectal operation is shown. Perspectives of ERAS pathway in emergency colorectal surgery are addressed. Finally, evidence-based ERAS protocol for emergency colorectal surgery is presented.展开更多
文摘Enhanced recovery after surgery(ERAS), a multidisciplinary program designed to minimize stress response to surgery and promote the recovery of organ function, has become a standard of perioperative care for elective colorectal surgery. In an elective setting, ERAS program has consistently been shown to decrease postoperative complication, reduce length of hospital stay, shorten convalescence, and lower healthcare cost. Recently, there is emerging evidence that ERAS program can be safely and effectively applied to patients with emergency colorectal conditions such as acute colonic obstruction and intraabdominal infection. This review comprehensively covers the concept and application of ERAS program for emergency colorectal surgery. The outcomes of ERAS program for this emergency surgery are summarized as follows:(1) The ERAS program was associated with a lower rate of overall complication and shorter length of hospital stay – without increased risks of readmission,reoperation and death after emergency colorectal surgery; and(2) Compliance with an ERAS program in emergency setting appeared to be lower than that in an elective basis. Moreover, scientific evidence of each ERAS item used in emergency colorectal operation is shown. Perspectives of ERAS pathway in emergency colorectal surgery are addressed. Finally, evidence-based ERAS protocol for emergency colorectal surgery is presented.
文摘目的探究腹腔感染患者腹腔引流液中病原菌分布及其耐药性情况.方法选择2015-01/2017-11天津市宁河区医院就诊并行腹腔引流术的腹腔感染患者92例进行回顾性分析,统计患者的腹腔引流液细菌培养和药敏结果 ,分析不同菌群和耐药性的差异,并应用Cox回归分析模型探究影响患者预后的独立危险因素.结果共培养出菌株145例,其中革兰氏阳性菌44株、革兰氏阴性菌97株和真菌4株;大肠埃希菌(31.72%),肺炎克雷伯杆菌(24.14%),金黄色葡萄球菌(15.86%),肠球菌属(11.72%),铜绿假单胞菌(7.59%)的构成比较高.金黄色葡萄球菌和肠球菌属的耐药率较高,但均对万古霉素高度敏感;其中,肠球菌属对红霉素、氯霉素、左氧氟沙星的耐药率高于金黄色葡萄球菌,金黄色葡萄球菌对氨苄青霉素的耐药性较高.G-菌属均存在较高的耐药率,但均对β-内酰胺类/β-内酰胺酶(extended-spectrumβ-lactamase,ESBLs)抑制剂、亚胺培南/西司他丁和阿米卡星具有较高的敏感性;其中,超广谱ESBLs+的菌属以及铜绿假单胞菌对头孢曲松、头孢他啶、头孢吡肟和左氧氟沙星的耐药率较高.多因素Cox回归分析显示,多重耐药菌(multi drug resistance bacteria,MDRO)、ESBLs+和发热至培养时间是腹腔感染患者死亡的独立危险因素.结论腹腔感染患者腹腔引流液中病原菌分布以革兰氏阴性菌为主,且病原菌对常用抗菌素具有较高的耐药性,MDRO、ESBLs+和发热至培养时间是腹腔感染患者死亡的独立危险因素.