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Management of Post-Operative Pain after Gyneco-Obstetrical Surgery: Practice of Transversus Abdominis Plane Bloc (Tap Block) Echoguide at the Ignace Deen National Hospital
作者 Donamou Joseph Bangoura Almamy +8 位作者 Touré Abdoulaye Camara Amadou Yalla Traoré Abdourahamane Dine Camara M’Mah Lamine Camara M’Mah Lamine Dramé Boubacar Atigou Camara Mariama Mohamed Orou Yerima Therese Touré Aboubacar 《Open Journal of Anesthesiology》 2021年第10期316-324,共9页
<b>Objectives:</b> To describe the practice of ultrasound-guided TAP in the management of postoperative pain after gyneco-obstetric surgery. <b>Methods:</b> This was a descriptive prospective s... <b>Objectives:</b> To describe the practice of ultrasound-guided TAP in the management of postoperative pain after gyneco-obstetric surgery. <b>Methods:</b> This was a descriptive prospective study carried out at the Gynecology-Obstetrics department of the Ignace Deen National Hospital over a period of three (03) months from February 01, 2020 to April 31, 2020. <b>Results:</b> In total, we collected 95 patients. These patients had a mean age of 30 ± 9.5 years. The ASA I class was the most represented with 76% of the cases and the cesarean was the most performed intervention. Regarding the assessment of the pain score by the simple verbal scale (SVE) postoperatively at rest, the mean SLE scores at H6 were 0.17 ± 0.38;at H12 of 1.15 ± 0.62;at H24 of 0.84 ± 0.51;at H36 0.45 ± 0.52 and at H48 0.09 ± 0.29. On mobilization, the mean pain scores were 0.77 ± 0.51 at H6, at H12 1.89 ± 0.61;at H24 of 1.53 ± 0.56;at H36 of 1 ± 0.29 and at H48 of 0.82 ± 0.44. The majority of our patients (66.3%) had a mobilization time of less than 24 hours. The mean length of stay was 3.1 ± 1.3 days and most patients (82%) were satisfied with the management of their pain by ultrasound-guided TAP block. <b>Conclusion:</b> Ultrasound-guided TAP is an effective technique for the management of postoperative pain in gyneco-obstetrics surgery. Its integration in a context of multimodal analgesia could improve the management of postoperative pain in gynecological obstetrics. 展开更多
关键词 Postoperative Pain TAP Block Ultrasound Guidance gyneco-obstetrics
作者 罗元恺 《广州中医学院学报》 1990年第4期197-203,共7页
中国古代重视产育。《黄帝内经》中对女性解剖生理和一些妇产科疾病已有记载。从战国始有妇产科专业医生。唐宋以前,中国医学较重产科,对难产、下胎及新生儿破伤风等均有一些防治方法。元至清朝,产科没有更多进展,而妇科诊疗技术发展较... 中国古代重视产育。《黄帝内经》中对女性解剖生理和一些妇产科疾病已有记载。从战国始有妇产科专业医生。唐宋以前,中国医学较重产科,对难产、下胎及新生儿破伤风等均有一些防治方法。元至清朝,产科没有更多进展,而妇科诊疗技术发展较好,专著亦较多,有较系统的辨证施治,医案众多。建国四十年来,中医妇科在理论上更加系统化,出版了许多教科书和专著,并创新了不少经实验及临床验证疗效优良的方药,还建立了治疗宫外孕的中西医结合非手术疗法,以及不孕症、滑胎、盆腔炎、阴道炎等病症的中医疗法,在计划生育研究方面也有进展。 展开更多
关键词 中医妇产科学 发展趋势 历史
妇产科实习生缺乏“活标本”的现状思考 被引量:16
作者 毕云霞 毕云凤 《医学与哲学》 北大核心 2005年第2期75-75,77,共2页
近来 ,医学院校妇产科实习生面临着“活标本”缺乏的一大难题 ,主要是受高校扩招、病人及家属的传统观念及患者维权意识提高等方面的影响。可通过以下途径解决这个问题 :合理配置教学资源、加强医学科学宣传 ,运用立法、司法程序等。
关键词 妇产科实习生 活标本 临床实习
模拟教学法对妇产科实习学生学习能力及技术水平的影响 被引量:3
作者 季菲 何艳 +1 位作者 杜蓉 马彩玲 《中国继续医学教育》 2016年第19期1-2,共2页
目的分析采用模拟教学法对妇产科实习生学习能力及技术水平的影响。方法选取我校2015年6月同年级的妇产科护理专业学生70名,将所有学生随机分为两组,各35名。对照组采用常规教学模式,观察组采用模拟教学模式,比较两组教学结果。结果观... 目的分析采用模拟教学法对妇产科实习生学习能力及技术水平的影响。方法选取我校2015年6月同年级的妇产科护理专业学生70名,将所有学生随机分为两组,各35名。对照组采用常规教学模式,观察组采用模拟教学模式,比较两组教学结果。结果观察组优良率高于对照组,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义;观察组满意度为100%,高于对照组的74.29%,P<0.05,差异有统计学意义。结论模拟教学法在妇产科实习生中可有效提高学习能力及技术水平,增强学生对护理工作的信心。 展开更多
关键词 模拟教学法 妇产科实习生 学习能力及技术水平
作者 尤昭玲 杨年初 +1 位作者 黄青 向延华 《湖南中医学院学报》 1991年第2期48-50,共3页
关键词 妇科病 计算机 中医诊疗系统 食疗
Management of Urological Lesions Secondary to Obstetrical Gyneco Surgery in the Urology Department of the Gabriel Toure University Hospital Centre
作者 Amadou Berthé Mamadou Tidiane Coulibaly +5 位作者 Adama Toutou Diallo Moumine Zié Diarra Ibrahim Yattara Zanafon Outtara Amidou Domegué Ouattara Thièrno Madane Diop 《Surgical Science》 2018年第7期203-209,共7页
Summarizes: The objective of this work was to study the clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of urological lesions secondary to gynaeco-obstetrical surgery in the urology department of the Gabrie... Summarizes: The objective of this work was to study the clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of urological lesions secondary to gynaeco-obstetrical surgery in the urology department of the Gabriel Touré University Hospital. Material and method: It was a transversal and retrospective study carried out in the urology department of the Gabriel Touré University Hospital Centre in Bamako over 8 years. It focused on the files of 25 patients operated on for a urological lesion secondary to gynaeco-obstetrical surgery. Sociodemographic, epidemiological, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary parameters were analysed. Results: Urologic lesions secondary to gynaeco-obstetrical surgery were found in 0.72% of urologically operated patients. The mean age of the patients was 39 ± 10.4 years (extremes: 18 and 60 years). The average time to diagnosis was 121, 88 ± 15 days (extremes: 0 and 365 days). Clinical signs were: oligo anuria (16%), urine leakage (52%), lumbar pain (24%). The diagnosis was made by the methylene blue test in 56% of patients, by the uro-scanner (20%) and by intravenous urography (16%). In 8% of patients, the diagnosis was made during surgery. The surgical interventions involved were: hysterectomy (48%), cesarean section (40%), genital prolapse cure (8%), ovarian cystectomy (4%). Lesions were dominated by vaginal vesico fistulas (48%) followed by ureterovaginal fistulas (20%), ureteral ligatures (16%). Treatment consisted of ureterovesical reimplantation according to Lich Gregory with ureteral intubation (36%), fistulography (48%). Healing was achieved in 92% of patients. Conclusion: Hysterectomy for cervical malignancy and cesarean section are the main etiologies of urological lesions secondary to gynaeco-obstetrical surgery. Open surgery is the only alternative for the management of these lesions in our context. Controlling anatomy is the main preventive measure. 展开更多
关键词 UROLOGIC LESIONS gyneco-obstetrical SURGERY
中西医结合要为妇女生殖健康创新页 被引量:13
作者 俞瑾 《中西医结合学报》 CAS 2004年第2期83-85,共3页
45年来 ,复旦大学妇产科医院在中西医结合临床及科研方面取得了可喜的成就。针刺促排卵的研究 ,通过观察血雌激素和中枢 β 内啡肽 (β EP)的关系 ,提出了针刺通过耗竭中枢 β EP而促排卵的新认识 ,认为针刺促排卵的主要适应症是青春期... 45年来 ,复旦大学妇产科医院在中西医结合临床及科研方面取得了可喜的成就。针刺促排卵的研究 ,通过观察血雌激素和中枢 β 内啡肽 (β EP)的关系 ,提出了针刺通过耗竭中枢 β EP而促排卵的新认识 ,认为针刺促排卵的主要适应症是青春期月经失调 ,并将针刺成功地应用于治疗神经性厌食 ;补肾化痰的俞氏温补方治疗多囊卵巢综合征 (polycysticovarysyndrome ,PCOS)被证实是通过提高血促卵泡激素 (folliclestimulatinghormone ,FSH)并诱发排卵而起作用 ;益肾化瘀的天癸方是通过降低患者及动物模型的雄激素和胰岛素 ,引起以中枢阿片促黑激素皮质素原、神经肽Y和瘦素受体为主的神经 内分泌 代谢网络调节而发挥促排卵和减肥作用 ,对高胰岛素型PCOS有良效 ,并在研究中提出了对PCOS分类的新设想 ;益肾清火的更年春通过提高中枢与周围组织的雌激素受体及其mRNA表达来调节围绝经期妇女的神经 内分泌 免疫 代谢网络而获优越疗效。这些研究表明 ,疾病是外环境影响下患者生命网络的某些主脉失调所致 ,而且亚健康状态的妇女具有初步网络失控的现象 ,中西医结合将为女性生殖医学研究找到捷径 。 展开更多
关键词 中西医结合治疗 妇女 生殖健康 针刺 促排卵 多囊卵巢综合征 俞氏温补方
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