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柴达木盆地全球末次冰期介形类动物群的演变 被引量:6
作者 孙镇城 曹丽 +7 位作者 张海泉 张永华 董宁 乔子真 孙乃达 袁秀君 路艳丽 张宏欣 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期365-377,共13页
晚更新世晚期 ,柴达木盆地达参 1井井深 4 6m以下的沉积物内 ,水生生物化石有很高的丰度和分异度。介形类为Cyprideistorosa- Ilyocyprisinermis组合 ,伴生有轮藻类、腹足类、双壳类、植物和鱼类等化石。井深 4 6~ 10m ,为全球末次冰... 晚更新世晚期 ,柴达木盆地达参 1井井深 4 6m以下的沉积物内 ,水生生物化石有很高的丰度和分异度。介形类为Cyprideistorosa- Ilyocyprisinermis组合 ,伴生有轮藻类、腹足类、双壳类、植物和鱼类等化石。井深 4 6~ 10m ,为全球末次冰期盛冰阶 (2 5~ 10kaB P )沉积 ,当时气候极端干冷 ,出现干盐湖地质事件 ,沉积物由湖相泥岩迅速演变为石盐层 ,生物化石罕见 ,几近绝迹。平均 4 0m厚的石盐沉积遍及三湖 (台吉乃尔湖、达布逊湖和霍布逊湖 )地区 ,形成了该区天然气赖以保存的最后一道屏障———天然气藏的盖层。井深约10m以上 ,为全新世暖期或称现代间冰期沉积物 ,渐变为浅湖相泥岩和粉砂岩夹膏盐沉积。当时处于氧同位素阶段 1,湖水盐度逐渐降低 ,水生生物丰度和分异度再度增高 ,介形类更替为半咸水—淡水Candonaneglecta- Candoniellalactea组合 ,伴生有丰富的轮藻、腹足类、双壳类等。直到现代 ,台吉乃尔湖、达布逊湖和霍布逊湖以南由于受昆仑山充足的淡水补给影响 ,水生生物丰富。三湖以北 ,远离主要淡水补给区 ,水体较咸 ,介形类则为典型的盐湖介形类Eucyprisinflata所替代 ,膏盐沉积比三湖以南明显增多。 展开更多
关键词 柴达木盆地 末次冰期 介形类动物群 演变 晚更新世 古气候 盛冰阶
Paleoclimatological records of the Great Ghost Lake in Taiwan' 被引量:6
作者 罗建育 陈镇东 万政康 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 1997年第3期284-292,共9页
Distinctive white laminations appear in the black sediments of the Great Ghost Lake in Taiwan.Compared with the black sediments, these white laminations have lower porosity, organic matter content and C/N ra-tio, but ... Distinctive white laminations appear in the black sediments of the Great Ghost Lake in Taiwan.Compared with the black sediments, these white laminations have lower porosity, organic matter content and C/N ra-tio, but higher C/S and N/S ratios, and with organic matter characterized by the phytoplanktons. It suggests thatthey may be deposited in cooler and drier periods. The organic matter of the black sediments was mainiy from landplants, suggesting deposition under warmer and wetter climates. Major white laminations appear in 0 AD, 500 AD,70D AD, 900 AD, 1 350 AD, 1 500 AD, etc., and cortespond to the periods of cold/dry and frequent dust stormsfrom the historical and natural records of China or Peru. These seem to reflect large-scale climatic changes. 展开更多
关键词 great GHOST LAKE palcolimate LITTLE ice age MEDIEVAL WARM Period.
大冰期成因探讨 被引量:5
作者 杨树庄 《世界地质》 CAS CSCD 2004年第3期252-254,294,共4页
大冰期的形成不仅需要气温低,而且需要大量海水转移到大陆上形成冰川。元古代晚期全球规模白云岩建造形成之后,火山作用在洋壳和陆壳上的表现大不相同:洋壳型火山作用是岩浆静静涌出,大量蒸发海水;陆壳型火山作用是猛烈爆发,烘烤碳酸盐... 大冰期的形成不仅需要气温低,而且需要大量海水转移到大陆上形成冰川。元古代晚期全球规模白云岩建造形成之后,火山作用在洋壳和陆壳上的表现大不相同:洋壳型火山作用是岩浆静静涌出,大量蒸发海水;陆壳型火山作用是猛烈爆发,烘烤碳酸盐岩层产生二氧化碳喷发形成“干冰制冷机制”,使大气降温。洋壳型火山与陆壳型火山共同作用形成大冰期。震旦纪大冰期后开始了显生宙。大冰期与生物的演化发展密切相关的原因是二氧化碳的大量介入。 展开更多
关键词 大冰期 成因 洋壳型与陆壳型 火山作用 干冰制冷 二氧化碳
A new viewpoint on the causes of formation of the Great Ice Age 被引量:1
作者 Tang, MC Dong, WJ 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1997年第14期1203-1206,共4页
THERE have been seven Great Ice Age (GIA) events during the Earth’s evolutionary history of4.6 Ga. Li Siguang put forward an explanation about the causes of their formation andref. [3] summarized various theories con... THERE have been seven Great Ice Age (GIA) events during the Earth’s evolutionary history of4.6 Ga. Li Siguang put forward an explanation about the causes of their formation andref. [3] summarized various theories concerned. A commonly accepted point is that the even-tual formation of GIA is due to lesser solar radiation absorbed by the Earth. But no one can ex-plain the fact that no GIA had ever appeared from 2.2 to 1.0 Ga B. P. A new viewpoint 展开更多
关键词 GALACTIC ARMS GEOMAGNETIC polarity GALACTIC and Earth’s magnetic fields coupling great ice age.
The Great Ice Age cycles associated with the variation of the atmospheric heat engine efficiency
作者 汤懋苍 郭维栋 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2000年第3期286-292,共7页
Investigating all the Great Ice Age events throughout the Earth’s history, each was found to follow a strong mountain-making process. Therefore, a hypothesis was put forward with its causality chain as: strong mounta... Investigating all the Great Ice Age events throughout the Earth’s history, each was found to follow a strong mountain-making process. Therefore, a hypothesis was put forward with its causality chain as: strong mountain-making process→great disparity in topography on the Earth surface→introducing efficient atmospheric circulation system (plateau monsoon)→increase in global atmospheric heat engine efficiency →generating more atmospheric kinetic energy → enhancing the planetary westerly (under the condition that the huge relief is longitudinal on the whole )→widening the temperature difference between the equator and the polar regions (restrained by the thermal wind law)→sharp cooling in high latitudes and the polars (supposing the solar radiation was approximately constant)→forming a Great Ice Age event. 展开更多
关键词 STRONG mountain-making process PLATEAU MONSOON ATMOSPHERIC heat engine efficiency the great ice age.
华南新元古代南华大冰期气候岩石地层对比 被引量:4
作者 卢定彪 张德明 +2 位作者 吴开彬 跃连红 黄文俊 《中国科技论文》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第9期1060-1067,共8页
针对"南华系"自提出并在2001年正式使用以来,至今仍不能指定其标准剖面和底界层型这一问题,以湘黔桂交界区连续完整的黎家坡南华系剖面为基础、以南华大冰期各气候波动阶段所留下的沉积记录—特殊的气候岩石地层组合为标准,... 针对"南华系"自提出并在2001年正式使用以来,至今仍不能指定其标准剖面和底界层型这一问题,以湘黔桂交界区连续完整的黎家坡南华系剖面为基础、以南华大冰期各气候波动阶段所留下的沉积记录—特殊的气候岩石地层组合为标准,建立了南华大冰期气候岩石地层对比标志。将湘黔桂交界区的南华系与黔东北、湘西北、峡东等地区的南华系进行气候岩石地层对比,证明了湘黔桂交界区的黎家坡南华系剖面是华南最完整的南华系剖面。以黎家坡南华系剖面为基础,开展南华系标准剖面建立和底界层型研究,将有可能取得突破。 展开更多
关键词 地层对比 气候岩石地层 黎家坡南华系剖面 南华大冰期 华南
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