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我国玉米品质现状、问题及发展优质食用玉米对策 被引量:144
作者 石德权 郭庆法 +3 位作者 汪黎明 孟昭东 温义昌 郭珍 《玉米科学》 CAS CSCD 2001年第2期3-7,共5页
本文依据我国玉米生产的发展和市场需求的变化提出了我国玉米生产已进入了一个新的阶段 ,即提高单产改善品质的阶段。对我国玉米品质现状进行了分析 ,介绍了食用玉米研究进展。
关键词 玉米品质 食用玉米 发展对策
黑龙江省不同年代玉米杂交种产量对种植密度和施氮水平的响应 被引量:34
作者 钱春荣 于洋 +5 位作者 宫秀杰 姜宇博 赵杨 王俊河 杨忠良 张卫建 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1864-1874,共11页
明确不同年代春玉米生产力对种植密度和氮肥水平的响应特征及其趋势,对高产高效的耐密品种选育和密植抗倒栽培具有重要的理论参考和技术指导意义。本文以黑龙江近50年来第一积温带大面积种植的8个典型春玉米品种为材料,于2009和2010年... 明确不同年代春玉米生产力对种植密度和氮肥水平的响应特征及其趋势,对高产高效的耐密品种选育和密植抗倒栽培具有重要的理论参考和技术指导意义。本文以黑龙江近50年来第一积温带大面积种植的8个典型春玉米品种为材料,于2009和2010年进行密度和施肥的田间试验,比较不同年代主栽品种生产力演变特征。结果显示,黑龙江省1970s—2000s玉米品种更替过程中,单株生产力与群体产量均明显提高,平均增幅分别为每10年16.96g和790kghm–2;植株空秆率和倒伏率显著下降,株高、穗位、单株叶面积、穗粒数、千粒重显著提高。随着密度的提高,各年代玉米的单株产量呈显著下降趋势,群体产量呈抛物线形上升,群体最高产量的理论密度增幅为每10年3507株hm–2;空秆率显著提高,但倒伏率仅1970s和1980s的品种呈递增趋势;株高、单株叶面积、棒三叶面积、穗粒数与千粒重均呈现下降趋势,穗位随密度增加呈显著上升趋势。各年代品种株高、穗位、单株叶面积和千粒重随氮肥水平提高呈增加趋势。在150~450kghm–2的施氮水平范围,随着氮肥水平的提高,各年代品种增产效果不明显。各主要指标在年代、密度和氮肥水平之间存在显著的互作效应。对照东北玉米现有的品种特性、种植密度和施肥现状表明,选育耐密品种和实施密植抗倒栽培的增产潜力大,在现在的施肥水平上进一步提高种植密度是东北春玉米高产增效耕作栽培的技术创新方向。 展开更多
关键词 中国东北 粮食安全 玉米品种 年代差异 高产高效
玉米国际市场可依赖程度研究——基于四种粮食作物的对比分析 被引量:24
作者 赵明正 《国际贸易问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第9期109-121,共13页
本文基于1990-2013年的国际数据,将玉米、小麦、稻谷、大豆的生产、消费和贸易情况进行对比分析,构造出口产出弹性指标评价四个粮食品种国际市场和中国玉米进口来源国的可依赖程度。研究发现:玉米是世界上产量最高的粮食品种,2002年以... 本文基于1990-2013年的国际数据,将玉米、小麦、稻谷、大豆的生产、消费和贸易情况进行对比分析,构造出口产出弹性指标评价四个粮食品种国际市场和中国玉米进口来源国的可依赖程度。研究发现:玉米是世界上产量最高的粮食品种,2002年以来产量增速较快,但玉米贸易量增长慢于产量增长。玉米的消费主要用于饲料和工业加工,生物能源的发展及发展中国家肉食消费增加导致了玉米需求的增长。从出口产出弹性来看,中国玉米进口来源国中的巴西、保加利亚、加拿大、印度、老挝、俄罗斯、南非和乌克兰可依赖程度高。中国应当增加从上述国家进口玉米,有利于降低玉米进口风险,同时增加"一带一路"战略的区域合作内涵。 展开更多
关键词 粮食安全 国际贸易 玉米 一带一路
东北地区粮食生产结构时空演变 被引量:22
作者 刘大千 刘世薇 温鑫 《经济地理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期163-170,共8页
以东北地区粮食生产结构为研究对象,以县域为尺度,运用数据统计对比、层次聚类分析等方法,结合GIS制图,对比分析2010-2015年东北地区(包括东北三省和内蒙古东四盟)玉米、水稻和大豆占粮食总产量的比例的时空格局和演变特征,探究东北地... 以东北地区粮食生产结构为研究对象,以县域为尺度,运用数据统计对比、层次聚类分析等方法,结合GIS制图,对比分析2010-2015年东北地区(包括东北三省和内蒙古东四盟)玉米、水稻和大豆占粮食总产量的比例的时空格局和演变特征,探究东北地区粮食生产类型的空间分布、演化规律及成因。研究发现,东北地区玉米占比高值区域分布在东北地区中西部地区,近年来东北西部地区和北部地区的玉米高值区明显增加。水稻的占比相对高值区集中分布在松嫩平原、三江平原和辽河流域的部分县市区,近年来总体呈现北增南减的变化趋势。大豆占比相对高值区仅仅集中分布在东北地区北部大兴安岭地区,近年来高值区大范围缩减。层级聚类的分类结果表明,东北地区粮食生产类型多样性降低,玉米为主要粮食类型的区域范围在不断扩大,相应的大豆为主的类型区则严重萎缩,水稻生产优势区范围明显扩大。东北地区粮食生产结构的变化,主要是由于粮食种植结构的调整而引起的。 展开更多
关键词 粮食安全 粮食生产结构 水稻、玉米和大豆 结构调整 层次聚类 东北地区
扫描电镜和稳定碳同位素比质谱法鉴别马铃薯淀粉中的掺假玉米淀粉 被引量:18
作者 王绍清 武士奎 +2 位作者 穆同娜 曹红 曹宝森 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第22期332-335,共4页
为有效辨别食用淀粉掺假,运用扫描电镜和稳定碳同位素比质谱技术对马铃薯淀粉中掺假玉米淀粉行为进行定性和半定量鉴别。根据马铃薯淀粉与玉米淀粉在颗粒超微形貌上的明显差别,运用扫描电镜清晰辨别出马铃薯淀粉中掺假的玉米淀粉颗粒。... 为有效辨别食用淀粉掺假,运用扫描电镜和稳定碳同位素比质谱技术对马铃薯淀粉中掺假玉米淀粉行为进行定性和半定量鉴别。根据马铃薯淀粉与玉米淀粉在颗粒超微形貌上的明显差别,运用扫描电镜清晰辨别出马铃薯淀粉中掺假的玉米淀粉颗粒。当玉米淀粉的掺假量大于10%时,根据二者在稳定碳同位素比上的自然显著差异,稳定碳同位素比法不仅能够定性鉴别马铃薯淀粉中的玉米淀粉掺假行为,而且依照给出的公式可以估算出掺假玉米淀粉的含量。本法可作为国内淀粉市场上产品质量监督的检测方法。 展开更多
关键词 食品掺假 马铃薯淀粉 玉米淀粉 超微形貌 扫描电镜(SEM) 稳定碳同位素比(SCIR)
1987—2016年中国粮食贸易时空格局演变及贸易结构安全性评估 被引量:15
作者 吕梦轲 张丽君 +3 位作者 秦耀辰 张梦梦 杨佳昕 于燕 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期838-848,共11页
粮食进出口贸易结构影响国家粮食安全。在开放的全球粮食贸易系统中,贸易格局与贸易安全水平息息相关,因此,准确评判中国粮食贸易结构的安全程度成为亟待解决的重要问题。本文采用净贸易量计算法、香农熵指数法对中国1987-2016年主要粮... 粮食进出口贸易结构影响国家粮食安全。在开放的全球粮食贸易系统中,贸易格局与贸易安全水平息息相关,因此,准确评判中国粮食贸易结构的安全程度成为亟待解决的重要问题。本文采用净贸易量计算法、香农熵指数法对中国1987-2016年主要粮食(玉米、小麦、稻米、大豆)的进出口贸易时空格局和贸易结构安全性进行了分析。研究发现:①2008年之前,小麦、大豆以进口为主,玉米、稻米以出口为主,2007-2008年世界粮食危机后皆表现为入超特征。②小麦主要进口国(美、加、澳)较为稳定,大豆、玉米、稻米主要进口国变化较大。③粮食进出口结构安全水平存在差异,总体贸易结构安全程度得到提高。④"反向抑制区"国家粮食进出口比例与其香农熵值成反比,"协同增长区"国家粮食进出口比例与其香农熵值成正比,粮食贸易伙伴进出口比例与其对本国贸易结构稳定性的贡献度呈非线性关系。本文揭示了1987-2016年间中国4种粮食对外贸易的时空格局变化,分析了粮食贸易结构演变的动态特征,丰富了对中国粮食贸易的实证研究。 展开更多
关键词 粮食贸易 时空格局 贸易结构 中国 小麦 稻米 玉米 大豆
Influence of surface ozone on crop yield of maize in China 被引量:8
作者 YI Fu-jin FENG Jia-ao +1 位作者 WANG Yan-jun JIANG Fei 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第2期578-589,共12页
This study investigated the adverse effect of surface ozone on the maize yield using a unique panel from 880 counties in China.To identify the impact of elevated surface ozone concentrations,we constructed an economet... This study investigated the adverse effect of surface ozone on the maize yield using a unique panel from 880 counties in China.To identify the impact of elevated surface ozone concentrations,we constructed an econometric model by controlling the impact of climate variables and related economic variables.This study also considered the potential spatial correlation in the measurement of the impact of surface ozone on maize yield.Results confirmed that the increase of ozone concentration decreased the maize yield.Moreover,maize was found to be the most sensitive to ozone at the end of the second month of the growing season.The average annual loss of maize caused by ozone pollution is about 4.234 million tons in 2013–2015,accounting for 1.9%of the average output. 展开更多
关键词 ozone pollution maize YIELD food security
基于COST-DEA模型的中国玉米生产成本节约潜力分析 被引量:3
作者 张龙 穆月英 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期216-223,共8页
针对中国玉米生产成本过高的问题,运用2020年中国和美国的截面数据,比较两国及中国各地区间玉米生产成本结构差异,并采用刻画等产量曲线的方法揭示玉米生产中机械投入与劳动力投入和土地投入与肥料投入的替代关系,明晰各地区玉米生产的... 针对中国玉米生产成本过高的问题,运用2020年中国和美国的截面数据,比较两国及中国各地区间玉米生产成本结构差异,并采用刻画等产量曲线的方法揭示玉米生产中机械投入与劳动力投入和土地投入与肥料投入的替代关系,明晰各地区玉米生产的投入特征。在此基础上,采用COST-DEA模型测算2010—2020年中国玉米主产省份的技术效率、要素投入效率、配置效率以及成本效率,分析玉米生产成本节约潜力。结果表明:玉米生产的人工成本和土地成本较高是导致中美玉米生产成本悬殊的重要原因;中国玉米生产成本效率平均为0.568,其效率损失主要来源于技术效率过低;从区域分布看,成本效率呈现西北和东北高、西南低的局面;从不同投入要素看,种子和肥料的利用率更高,土地和劳动力投入的节约潜力更大。因此,应综合提升玉米生产的技术效率和配置效率,降低玉米生产成本,提升中国农产品竞争力,保障粮食安全。 展开更多
关键词 玉米成本 成本效率 节约潜力 农产品竞争力 粮食安全
Soybean maize strip intercropping:A solution for maintaining food security in China
作者 Jiang Liu Wenyu Yang 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第7期2503-2506,共4页
The practice of intercropping leguminous and gramineous crops is used for promoting sustainable agriculture,optimizing resource utilization,enhancing biodiversity,and reducing reliance on petroleum products.However,pr... The practice of intercropping leguminous and gramineous crops is used for promoting sustainable agriculture,optimizing resource utilization,enhancing biodiversity,and reducing reliance on petroleum products.However,promoting conventional intercropping strategies in modern agriculture can prove challenging.The innovative technology of soybean maize strip intercropping(SMSI)has been proposed as a solution.This system has produced remarkable results in improving domestic soybean and maize production for both food security and sustainable agriculture.In this article,we provide an overview of SMSI and explain how it differs from traditional intercropping.We also discuss the core principles that foster higher yields and the prospects for its future development. 展开更多
关键词 strip intercropping food security SOYBEAN maize spatial arrangement
严格管控类耕地特定农作物重金属安全性评估 被引量:5
作者 张慧敏 鲍广灵 +3 位作者 周晓天 高琳琳 胡宏祥 马友华 《中国农学通报》 2022年第3期52-58,共7页
严格管控类耕地是指土壤重金属(镉、汞、砷、铅、铬)含量超过《土壤环境质量农用地风险管控标准》(GB15618—2018)中风险管制值的耕地。本文对严格管控类耕地种植可食用农作物的重金属安全性进行了评估,旨在为严格管控类耕地种植结构调... 严格管控类耕地是指土壤重金属(镉、汞、砷、铅、铬)含量超过《土壤环境质量农用地风险管控标准》(GB15618—2018)中风险管制值的耕地。本文对严格管控类耕地种植可食用农作物的重金属安全性进行了评估,旨在为严格管控类耕地种植结构调整以及受污染耕地安全利用提供参考。现有的研究表明,严格管控类耕地种植油料作物,如油菜、花生、芝麻、向日葵籽粒等,重金属易超标,但植物油中的重金属含量如砷和铅等在安全限量以下,可安全食用;但油茶籽油重金属超标率较高,在严格管控类耕地种植需进一步评估品种的积累特性以及籽粒油的安全性;油料作物粕饼经过重金属去除后,可以作为优良的动物饲料和有机肥,能将资源利用最大化。严格管控类耕地种植玉米作为青贮饲料,存在重金属超标风险,而玉米籽粒重金属超标风险相对较低,可进一步筛选低积累玉米品种以达到籽粒安全食用的目的;严格管控类耕地开辟茶园,茶叶的重金属安全性有待进一步研究。需进一步开展食用农作物重金属安全性系列研究,完善食用类作物重金属安全限量标准体系,加强严格管控类耕地作物秸秆处理与资源化利用技术研发,建立严格管控类耕地特定农作物秸秆回收处理与生态补偿机制。 展开更多
关键词 严格管控类耕地 重金属 食品安全 油料作物 玉米 茶树
华北平原春玉米多熟种植模式对土壤真菌群落的影响 被引量:5
作者 陈兴琼 李金娜 +6 位作者 国一凡 陈琳 徐洁 隋鹏 刘瑾 高旺盛 陈源泉 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期1588-1600,共13页
为探究华北平原春玉米多熟种植模式对土壤质量的影响,基于田间定位试验,利用DNA Illumina高通量测序方法从土壤微生物的角度对6种种植模式0~20 cm耕层土壤真菌群落多样性进行了研究。结果表明:1)与春玉米单作(MM,对照)相比,5种多熟种植... 为探究华北平原春玉米多熟种植模式对土壤质量的影响,基于田间定位试验,利用DNA Illumina高通量测序方法从土壤微生物的角度对6种种植模式0~20 cm耕层土壤真菌群落多样性进行了研究。结果表明:1)与春玉米单作(MM,对照)相比,5种多熟种植模式[黑麦-春玉米(MR)、冬小麦-夏玉米(MW)、菠菜-春玉米(MSp)轮作模式及马铃薯/春玉米(MPo)、豌豆/春玉米(MP)套作模式]均能够显著提高土壤真菌群落多样性(P<0.05),Shannon指数分别较MM提高12.18%、12.17%、10.37%、11.69%及8.44%,各模式间土壤真菌丰富度无显著性差异。2)各种植模式中,土壤子囊菌门(Ascomycota)、被孢霉门(Mortierellomycota)、担子菌门(Basidiomycota)、壶菌门(Chytridiomycota)、隐菌门(Rozellomycota)是优势种群,其中子囊菌门相对丰度达80%以上。3)多熟种植模式有利于增加有益真菌,MR、MW及MSp中被孢霉属(Mortierella)及绿僵菌属(Metarhizium)等潜在有益菌相对富集,MSp中绿僵菌属尤为丰富;而有作物致病风险的拟棘壳孢属(Pyrenochaetopsis)在各种植模式中相对丰度表现为:MM>MW>MP>MR>MSp>MPo。4)FUNGuild功能预测结果表明,种植模式改变了土壤真菌营养型的占比:MM处理主要为腐生型(26.09%)、病理型(22.48%)及病理-腐生-共生过渡型(26.39%),MW处理主要为腐生型(29.99%),其他多熟模式中腐生型(21.11%~27.88%)及病理型(23.74%~30.40%)均占较大比例。5)相关分析表明,土壤田间持水量、有机质含量及容重是影响土壤真菌群落结构的主要环境因子。综上,与春玉米单作相比,春玉米轮、套作其他作物能够显著提高土壤真菌群落的多样性。其中黑麦-春玉米、菠菜-春玉米及冬小麦-夏玉米轮作模式在提高土壤真菌多样性,富集有益微生物群落均有良好表现。此外,春玉米-黑麦、菠菜-春玉米轮作模式在一定程度上能降低潜在致病菌丰度。因此,从土壤微生物角度,综合节水与保地的� 展开更多
关键词 土壤质量 粮食安全 种植制度 春玉米 真菌群落 DNA高通量测序 真菌功能类型
作者 叶和 《福建稻麦科技》 2023年第2期41-43,共3页
为有效提高政和县土地综合利用率和高山区粮食种植面积,保障粮食生产安全。2020年12月—2022年11月在政和县进行了高山区花椰菜套种玉米栽培模式试验。结果表明此栽培模式2 a每667m^(2)年总产值分别为1.83万元和1.79万元,年平均纯收入达... 为有效提高政和县土地综合利用率和高山区粮食种植面积,保障粮食生产安全。2020年12月—2022年11月在政和县进行了高山区花椰菜套种玉米栽培模式试验。结果表明此栽培模式2 a每667m^(2)年总产值分别为1.83万元和1.79万元,年平均纯收入达到1.4万元,有效增加了高山区农民收入。总结了高山区花椰菜套种玉米栽培模式所选择的种植品种、茬口安排及栽培技术要求。 展开更多
关键词 粮食安全 栽培模式 高山区 花椰菜 玉米
作者 冯颖 郭英 +2 位作者 陈晓璐 刘孟竹 沈彦俊 《中国生态农业学报(中英文)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期1602-1612,共11页
准确地掌握并监测区域内的作物分布及时空变化信息对科学指导流域内农业生产布局具有重要指导意义。本研究选择中国的粮食主产区——松花江流域为研究区,基于MODIS数据计算的归一化植被指数(NDVI)、植被增强型指数(EVI)及地表水分指数(L... 准确地掌握并监测区域内的作物分布及时空变化信息对科学指导流域内农业生产布局具有重要指导意义。本研究选择中国的粮食主产区——松花江流域为研究区,基于MODIS数据计算的归一化植被指数(NDVI)、植被增强型指数(EVI)及地表水分指数(LSWI)指标,结合不同作物生长发育的物候期构建决策树模型,对2000年和2020年研究区内主要作物——水稻、玉米和大豆种植区进行了提取;提取结果通过实地考察、Google Earth选点和统计年鉴数据进行了验证。水稻、玉米和大豆提取精度分别为0.9090、0.9026和0.8200,Kappa系数为0.79,总体精度为0.84。松花江流域种植农作物类型以玉米为主,水稻、大豆为辅,流域内形成“北大豆,南玉米,河流附近皆水稻”的生产格局,是我国重要的玉米、水稻和大豆生产基地。2000—2020年流域种植规模处于持续扩张状态,作物种植结构显著改变,总种植面积由95556.26 km^(2)增加到173070.00 km^(2),增幅为81.12%,其中水稻、玉米和大豆种植面积分别增加24911.36 km^(2)、54432.07 km^(2)、20719.77 km^(2),水稻、玉米和大豆种植面积占总种植面积比例分别增加8.56%、16.86%和0.39%。从空间变化来看,水稻种植面积在松花江流域范围内大部分区域明显增加,尤其是在河流附近水资源丰富的区域;玉米种植面积在流域内大部分区域显著增加;大豆种植面积在流域北部偏东区域增加明显。松花江流域各市形成了具有特色的种植结构,绝大部分地区由双作物主导型转变为玉米主导型;2020年流域内新增水稻主导型市,玉米-水稻主导型市和大豆-水稻主导型市消失,玉米-水稻主导型市和玉米-大豆主导型市均转变为玉米主导型市,作物种植类型逐渐趋于集中。本文提取的作物分布结果与松花江流域内实际情况一致,可为松花江流域的种植结构调整及指导农业生产提供科学支撑。 展开更多
关键词 松花江流域 作物提取 MODIS 粮食安全 植被指数 水稻 玉米 大豆
大力开发杂粮食品 缓解未来粮食压力 被引量:1
作者 高国强 《农产品加工(下)》 2005年第3期42-44,共3页
关键词 食品加工 杂粮 玉米 食品安全
Assessing the Impact of Climate Change on Maize (<i>Zea mays</i>) and Cassava (<i>Manihot esculenta</i>) Yields in Rivers State, Nigeria 被引量:1
作者 Susan I. Ajiere Vincent E. Weli 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2018年第2期274-285,共12页
Globally climate change has threatened agriculture and food security which is of great importance to the economy of a nation. In Nigeria it has become a great concern to the government and people because of the obviou... Globally climate change has threatened agriculture and food security which is of great importance to the economy of a nation. In Nigeria it has become a great concern to the government and people because of the obvious changes in the climate systems, therefore, assessing the impact of climate change on crop yield in an oil producing state is of great importance especially where rain fed agriculture is the main determinant for crop yield. Expost-facto research method in the context of quasi experimental research design was adopted for the study. Data for rainfall and temperature and that for crop yields were obtained from Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) and federal ministry of Agriculture;Agricultural Development Program (ADP) respectively. Analysis of data was achieved using descriptive statistics, trend graphs and multiple linear regressions. Results showed that there had been a steady but gradual increase in the annual minimum, maximum and mean temperatures over the study period of thirty years and a decrease in rainfall. Mean temperature is increasing annually at the rate of 0.0253 per annum and rainfall is decreasing at the rate of -0.5817 mm per annum. The multiple regression model showed r2 values of 0.28 for maize and 0.29 for cassava revealing that only 28% - 29% of maize and cassava yields could be explained by rainfall and temperature in the state and the result was significant at p < 0.05 revealing that cassava and maize yields significantly depended on rainfall and temperature. This study strongly advocates for a better and practicable environmental policies and improved agricultural techniques alternative source of water which will include irrigation farming, mulching since it is evident that there is a reduction in rainfall and increase in temperature in the state while creating sustainable food security. 展开更多
关键词 Climate Change maize CASSAVA food Security RIVERS State NIGERIA
Assessment of Chemical, Rheological and Sensory Properties of Fermented Maize-Cardaba Banana Complementary Food
作者 Helen Nwakego Ayo-Omogie Regina Ogunsakin 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 2013年第8期844-850,共7页
Traditional processing of fermented maize (“ogi”), a popular weaning food in the West African sub-region, results in considerable nutrient losses. Several attempts at improving its nutritional and sensory properties... Traditional processing of fermented maize (“ogi”), a popular weaning food in the West African sub-region, results in considerable nutrient losses. Several attempts at improving its nutritional and sensory properties have focused on fortification with plant and animal products. Banana flour, rich in micronutrients and vitamins, could increase the micronutrient and vitamin contents of ogi. This study aimed at evaluating the physicochemical properties and sensory attributes of ogi as influenced by banana flour supplementation. Fermented maize flour was substituted with ripe Cardaba banana flour at levels of 10% -?50% and the flour mixes subjected to chemical, rheological and sensory evaluation. Crude protein decreased from 1.59% to 1.43% as banana flour substitution increased, while ash, total sugar (3.64% to 4.97%), carbohydrate and acidity increased. However, diastatic activity, crude fibre and fat were not significantly (p ≤ 0.05) affected. Results of functional properties revealed the following: 86.49 -?83.63 g/ml, 0.41 -?0.44 g/cm3, 6.44 -?7.46 g/ml, 3.30 -?4.50 g/ml, and 10.40 - 10.80 g/ml for water absorption capacity, bulk density, gel consistency, syneresis and swelling capacity, respectively. Significant (p ≤ 0.05) variations were observed in the pasting viscosities of the flours. The 50:50 maize-banana flour mix was the most preferred in terms of aroma, taste, colour and general acceptability. The addition of Cardaba banana flour to ogi may enhance its micronutrient content as evidenced by increased ash content, sensory, functional and pasting properties, thereby making it a potential substitute for complementary feeding of infants. 展开更多
关键词 Cardaba BANANA Complementary food FERMENTED maize MICRONUTRIENTS Ogi RHEOLOGICAL SENSORY Substitution
Global Socio-Economic and Environmental Dimensions of GM Maize Cultivation
作者 József Popp Zoltán Lakner 《Food and Nutrition Sciences》 2013年第6期8-20,共13页
The increased population density, coupled with changes in dietary habits in developing countries towards high quality food and the increasing use of grains for livestock feed is projected to increase demand for food p... The increased population density, coupled with changes in dietary habits in developing countries towards high quality food and the increasing use of grains for livestock feed is projected to increase demand for food production by 70% by 2050. Crop yields would continue to grow but at a slower rate than in the past. Yield growth will play an important role as only a slow expansion of agricultural land is expected. Future yield increases on lands currently supporting high production levels must come from continued yield enhancing genetic modifications. The most important grain and feed is maize. Genetic improvement has not only contributed to yield increases but also to other desirable plant components such as resistance to lodging and tolerance to increased plant populations, insects, and diseases. Maize production has increased from 200 million tons in 1960 to over 800 million tons in 2011 but has not changed very much recently. The reviews suggest that the overall assessment of farm-level costs and benefits of GM maize has severe limitations. Nonetheless, GM maize is a potential tool to increase farmers’ income and thus might contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable social and rural economic development, especially in developing countries. The results support the contention that the adoption of GM maize leads on average to a higher economic performance, i.e., benefits, for farmers than conventional (non-GM) crops. An important finding of the analysis is that the kind and magnitude of benefits are heterogeneous across crops, traits, countries and regions. However, while the literature on the economic impact of GM crops has grown in recent years there is still a need for more comparative studies across space and time in order to pin down these impacts and allow for a better assessment of the contribution that this technology can make to sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 food Security Yield Improvement GM maize ECONOMIC BENEFITS
Nutrient Composition of Cereal (Maize), Legume (Soybean) and Fruit (Banana) as a Complementary Food for Older Infants and Their Sensory Assessment
作者 Chike Timothy Ezeokeke Anita Blessing Onuoha 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第3期139-148,共10页
Four complementary foods were prepared from local foodstuffs which are maize (Zea mays), soyabean (Glycine max) and banana (Musa acuminate colla). Four complementary samples were produced from the proportion of ... Four complementary foods were prepared from local foodstuffs which are maize (Zea mays), soyabean (Glycine max) and banana (Musa acuminate colla). Four complementary samples were produced from the proportion of maize/soyabean/banana composite flours as 60%: 30%: 10% (B), 60%: 25%: 15% (C), 60%: 20%: 20% (D), 50%: 30%: 20% (E) and Nestle Cerelac was the control sample (A). The formulated diets were subjected to nutritional analysis-along with a commonly used proprietary infant cereal (Nestle Cerelac) as control. Standard chemical methods were used to determine the proximate nutrient composition, some micronutrients and anti-nutritional factors. The samples produced have increased nutrients of fibre that enhances digestibility (2.07%-3.11%), protein and ash contents. The supplementation of up to 20% soybean flour and banana flour recorded the best results in terms of proximate and mineral compositions and compared favourably with the control sample, in terms of sensory evaluation using hedonic method, sample A was most accepted but did not differ significantly from sample D. Therefore, nutritious and acceptable complementary food can be produced from fermented maize, soybean and banana flours. Results of molar ratios of some minerals and anti-nutritional factors in the compounded diets suggest that the anti-nutrients will not pose any serious problem in the usage of the complementary diets. The cost of producing the formulated diets is about N50-N100 (50 cents) per gram cheaper than cerelac. The study has therefore, revealed that with proper selection of local foodstuff, it is possible to prepare nutritious complementary diets that would be acceptable, readily available, affordable and nutritionally adequate. 展开更多
关键词 Complementary food blends maize and soybean.
Food Consumption Patterns and Household Welfare in Eswatini: An Empirical Analysis Using Household Survey Data
作者 Nonjabuliso Simelane 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2019年第3期184-202,共19页
This paper analyzes the food consumption patterns of poor and non-poor rural households in Eswatini using the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) model to derive the estimates of price and expenditure elasti... This paper analyzes the food consumption patterns of poor and non-poor rural households in Eswatini using the Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) model to derive the estimates of price and expenditure elasticities for seven major food commodities. The derived elasticities are used in estimating the distributional welfare effects of a 43% price increase for maize using the compensating variation approach. The results of the study indicate that majority of the food items are demand inelastic with meat and dairy exhibiting elasticities greater than one, while maize is the least responsive to both price and expenditure. The results further show that high maize prices have a negative effect on poor households who generally spend more on maize to supplement their consumption requirements. Therefore, policy strategies that focus on expanding agricultural production and diversification of production activities especially at the household level can raise rural household income, lower the price of maize and ultimately improve food consumption for rural households. Moreover, this will insure net-buying households against market risks by lowering high reliance on the market and enable more consumption from own production. This study makes an important empirical contribution by providing useful insights on the estimates of demand elasticities for major food items consumed, taking into account that little attention has been devoted to empirical analysis of food consumption behavior in Eswatini. 展开更多
关键词 CONSUMPTION PATTERNS food PRICES maize QUAIDS model Eswatini
黑龙江省不同年代玉米杂交种氮肥利用效率对种植密度和施氮水平的响应 被引量:24
作者 钱春荣 于洋 +5 位作者 宫秀杰 姜宇博 赵杨 郝玉波 李梁 张卫建 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第11期2069-2077,共9页
以黑龙江省近50年来第1积温带大面积种植的8个典型春玉米品种为材料,于2009-2010年进行密度和施肥的田间试验,比较不同年代主栽品种氮肥偏生产力(PFP)、氮肥农学效率(NAE)、氮肥吸收利用率(NRE)及主要器官氮含量对密度和氮素的... 以黑龙江省近50年来第1积温带大面积种植的8个典型春玉米品种为材料,于2009-2010年进行密度和施肥的田间试验,比较不同年代主栽品种氮肥偏生产力(PFP)、氮肥农学效率(NAE)、氮肥吸收利用率(NRE)及主要器官氮含量对密度和氮素的响应差异。结果显示,1970s-2000s品种更替过程中,PFP和NRE呈递增趋势,增幅分别为每10年3.41kg kg^-1和2.26个百分点。NAE在1970s-1990s呈显著递增趋势,之后呈下降趋势。氮收获指数随年代递增呈显著下降趋势,平均每10年下降1.51个百分点;茎、叶和籽粒氮积累量随年代推进呈显著递增趋势,平均每10年分别递增0.09、0.07和0.12g株一;上述各主要指标在年代、密度和氮肥水平之间存在显著的互作效应。各年代品种的氮肥利用效率均随氮肥水平的提高而显著下降,随密度的增加呈抛物线形变化趋势,最高效率值出现在50000-70000株hm^-2范围内,现代品种的最高氮效率的种植密度高于老品种。各年代品种籽粒、叶片、茎氮素积累量和氮收获指数随密度增加呈显著递减趋势。各年代品种籽粒、茎和叶片氮素积累量随施氮量增加呈增加趋势,施氮量对氮收获指数影响各年代品种表现不同。上述结果表明,品种改良的氮肥增效潜力较大。在现有的品种状况下,增密不仅可以增产,而且可以显著提高肥料效率。 展开更多
关键词 中国东北 粮食安全 资源利用效率 品种演变 高产高效
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