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基于反馈环全光纤干涉的定位系统 被引量:23
作者 孙尧 贾波 张天照 《传感器与微系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期44-46,共3页
提出了一种用于长距离定位监测的新型传感系统。该系统在全光纤干涉系统中构建反馈环,首次采用单芯光纤作为传感光纤,结合快速傅里叶变换和小波变换对信号进行处理,实现了对随机扰动源的监测定位。实验获得了清晰的频谱图像,系统定位的... 提出了一种用于长距离定位监测的新型传感系统。该系统在全光纤干涉系统中构建反馈环,首次采用单芯光纤作为传感光纤,结合快速傅里叶变换和小波变换对信号进行处理,实现了对随机扰动源的监测定位。实验获得了清晰的频谱图像,系统定位的相对误差小于0.08%,可实现定位监测功能。 展开更多
关键词 光纤 定位 干涉仪 反馈环 分布式传感器
基于光纤光栅的高灵敏度流速传感器 被引量:19
作者 陈建军 张伟刚 +4 位作者 涂勤昌 邹玉姣 赵天工 杜晓娜 董孝义 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第8期1136-1139,共4页
利用光纤光栅压强传感机构和汾丘里管设计了一种基于光纤光栅的流速传感器,并推导了光纤光栅中心波长漂移量与流速的关系式。实验表明,该传感器具有较高的灵敏度,稳定性较好,光纤光栅的中心波长随流速的增加而不断向短波方向漂移,... 利用光纤光栅压强传感机构和汾丘里管设计了一种基于光纤光栅的流速传感器,并推导了光纤光栅中心波长漂移量与流速的关系式。实验表明,该传感器具有较高的灵敏度,稳定性较好,光纤光栅的中心波长随流速的增加而不断向短波方向漂移,而带宽几乎没有变化,实验和理论符合得较好。该流速传感器的动态感测范围为51.0~148.2mm/s,在该范围内,至少可感测到0.3mm/s的流速变化,这是目前所报道的最优值。优化光纤光栅压强传感机构及汾丘里管的参量,可测量其它速度段的流速,并可进一步提高传感灵敏度。 展开更多
关键词 光纤光学 光纤光栅 流速 传感器 开H环
Amplification and Compression of Ultrashort Fundamental Solitons in An Erbium-Doped Nonlinear Amplifying Fiber Loop Mirror 被引量:14
作者 P. K. A. Wai 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第S1期393-394,共2页
A nonlinear amplifying loop mirror constructed from erbium-doped fiber is proposed for simultaneous amplification and compression of ultrashort fundamental solitons. Numerical simulations show that, the proposed devic... A nonlinear amplifying loop mirror constructed from erbium-doped fiber is proposed for simultaneous amplification and compression of ultrashort fundamental solitons. Numerical simulations show that, the proposed device performs efficient high-quality amplification and compression of solitons. 展开更多
关键词 of length that for Amplification and Compression of Ultrashort Fundamental Solitons in An Erbium-Doped Nonlinear Amplifying fiber loop Mirror in
光纤腔衰荡光谱技术及其最新进展 被引量:11
作者 刘亚萍 张伟刚 +4 位作者 姜萌 张绮 刘波 王志 刘艳格 《物理学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期401-409,共9页
阐述了腔衰荡光谱技术的基本原理及应用;从结构设计的角度考虑,归纳出光纤衰荡腔的三种基本结构,并对光纤腔衰荡光谱技术及其最新进展进行了评述;报道了我们采用脉冲光纤环衰荡光谱技术进行液体检测取得的最新进展;在总结光纤腔衰荡光... 阐述了腔衰荡光谱技术的基本原理及应用;从结构设计的角度考虑,归纳出光纤衰荡腔的三种基本结构,并对光纤腔衰荡光谱技术及其最新进展进行了评述;报道了我们采用脉冲光纤环衰荡光谱技术进行液体检测取得的最新进展;在总结光纤腔衰荡光谱技术优点的基础上,展望了其发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 腔衰荡光谱 光纤腔衰荡光谱 光纤环 吸收光谱检测
High-Sensitivity Temperature Sensor Based on Polarization Maintaining Fiber Sagnac Loop 被引量:10
作者 Laipeng SHAO Junhui HU +3 位作者 Hanglin LU Jing DU Tianyin WU Yiping WANG 《Photonic Sensors》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第1期25-32,共8页
A high-sensitivity all-fiber temperature sensor based on a Sagnac interferometer is demonstrated by splicing a section of polarization maintaining fiber(PMF)between two sections of standard single mode fibers(SMFs).In... A high-sensitivity all-fiber temperature sensor based on a Sagnac interferometer is demonstrated by splicing a section of polarization maintaining fiber(PMF)between two sections of standard single mode fibers(SMFs).In this sensor,the SMF-PMF-SMF structure in the Sagnac loop is bent into a circle to enhance the sensitivity.The length and curvature of the PMF in the loop are investigated and can be optimized to further increase the temperature sensitivity of the sensor. Results show that the radius of the circle has an important effect upon temperature sensitivity due to the bend-induced birefringence variation of the PMF.The SMF-PMF-SMF structure bent into a circle with a radius of 30mm exhibits a high-sensitivity temperature of 1.73nm/℃.The sensor is provided with the advantages of easy fabrication,low-insertion loss,and high sensitivity,which may find potential applications in the field of high precision temperature measurement. 展开更多
关键词 Optical fiber SENSOR POLARIZATION maintaining fiber temperature SENSOR SAGNAC loop
公里级湍流大气环境下光纤激光高效相干合成 被引量:10
作者 支冬 马阎星 +4 位作者 马鹏飞 粟荣涛 陈子伦 周朴 司磊 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期87-90,共4页
光纤激光阵列光束相干合成可在提升输出激光总功率的同时保持良好的光束质量,进而提升激光亮度,是激光技术领域的研究热点。目前光纤激光相干合成实验已在实验室内获得了大量、良好的验证,然而在真实湍流大气环境下的长距离传输实验却... 光纤激光阵列光束相干合成可在提升输出激光总功率的同时保持良好的光束质量,进而提升激光亮度,是激光技术领域的研究热点。目前光纤激光相干合成实验已在实验室内获得了大量、良好的验证,然而在真实湍流大气环境下的长距离传输实验却开展较少,相干合成技术对湍流大气引入的相位畸变的校正能力尚需实验验证。目标在回路技术是实现长距离湍流大气环境下阵列光束到靶相干合成的重要方案,是近年来国际上的重点研究方向。基于自适应光纤准直器阵列和共形发射系统,搭建了6路光纤激光目标在回路相干合成系统,成功校正了湍流大气带来的相位畸变,实现了公里级作用距离、湍流大气环境下阵列光束在目标表面的相干合成。 展开更多
关键词 相干合成 光纤激光 目标在回路 湍流大气 共形发射
金属镀层光纤环的热应力及其引起的弹光效应 被引量:8
作者 彭星玲 张华 李玉龙 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期75-81,共7页
为了研究金属镀层对光纤宏弯损耗性能的影响,建立了带金属镀层的光纤环所受热应力及热应力引起的弹光效应的数学模型。计算了金属镀层光纤环的热应力系数和折射率热应力系数。仿真分析了光纤环向热应力系数K。径向热应力系数Krt和折射... 为了研究金属镀层对光纤宏弯损耗性能的影响,建立了带金属镀层的光纤环所受热应力及热应力引起的弹光效应的数学模型。计算了金属镀层光纤环的热应力系数和折射率热应力系数。仿真分析了光纤环向热应力系数K。径向热应力系数Krt和折射率热应力系数K。的主要影响因素。结果表明:Kθt远大于Krt光纤主要受到环向热应力,径向热应力可忽略;热应力及其引起的折射率变化与径向位置和镀层厚度有关,与光纤环的弯曲半径基本无关;镀层厚度在0-2000μm范围内,随着厚度增加,Kθt和Krt均会先快速增大,再缓慢增大并趋于稳定;Krt为负值,随着温度增加,热应力将引起光纤折射率逐渐减小。该模型从理论上解释了金属镀层光纤环的热应力会引起光纤折射率变小,从而改变光纤的宏弯损耗。 展开更多
关键词 光纤光学 金属镀层 光纤环 热应力 弹光效应
基于Sagnac干涉仪的级联型梳状滤波器 被引量:7
作者 马红玉 陈根祥 冯彩霞 《光纤与电缆及其应用技术》 2011年第1期28-32,共5页
密集波分复用(DWDM)系统光信道数量的增加,使得与DWDM技术有关的各种光学滤波器技术成为当前光纤通信领域的研究热点。高双折射(HiBi)光纤环具有易于制作、性能稳定以及良好的滤波特性等特点,近年来受到广泛关注;通过增加Sagnac环内HiB... 密集波分复用(DWDM)系统光信道数量的增加,使得与DWDM技术有关的各种光学滤波器技术成为当前光纤通信领域的研究热点。高双折射(HiBi)光纤环具有易于制作、性能稳定以及良好的滤波特性等特点,近年来受到广泛关注;通过增加Sagnac环内HiBi光纤和偏振控制器的个数,或者采用多个HiBi光纤Sagnac环的级联形式,可使输出的反射谱和透射谱的谱宽和中心波长调谐得更为精细。推导了HiBi光纤、耦合器以及偏振控制器的Jones矩阵,利用Jones矩阵理论对基于HiBi光纤和Sagnac环的滤波器的传输矩阵进行了理论分析,分析并设计了两种高阶级联的HiBi光纤Sagnac环的可调谐梳状滤波器,通过调节压电陶瓷(PZT)实现对HiBi光纤相位的控制,最终实现对基于HiBi光纤Sagnac干涉仪的梳状滤波器中心波长调谐的目的。 展开更多
关键词 高双折射光纤 SAGNAC环 JONES矩阵 HBFSolc-Sagnac干涉仪 HBFLyot-Sagnac干涉仪
Stable noise-like pulse generation in all-PM mode-locked Tm-doped fiber laser based on NOLM 被引量:6
作者 Meng Wang Minqiu Liu +4 位作者 Yewang Chen Deqin Ouyang junqing Zhao Jihong Pei Shuangchen Ruan 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第9期58-62,共5页
A stable noise-like(NL)mode-locked Tm-doped fiber laser(TDFL)relying on a nonlinear optical loop mirror(NOLM)was experimentally presented.Different from the previous NL mode-locked TDFL with NOLM,the entire polarizati... A stable noise-like(NL)mode-locked Tm-doped fiber laser(TDFL)relying on a nonlinear optical loop mirror(NOLM)was experimentally presented.Different from the previous NL mode-locked TDFL with NOLM,the entire polarization-maintaining(PM)fiber construction was utilized in our laser cavity,which makes the oscillator have a better resistance to environmental perturbations.The robust TDFL can deliver stable bound-state NL pulses with a pulse envelope tunable from〜14.1 ns to〜23.6 ns and maximum pulse energy of〜40.3 nj at a repetition rate of〜980.6 kHz.Meanwhile,the all-PM fiber laser shows good power stability[less than〜0.7%)and repeatability. 展开更多
关键词 noise-like pulse all-polarization-maintaining fiber nonlinear loop mirror Tm-doped fiber laser
基于Sagnac环的可调谐双脉冲耗散孤子掺Yb光纤激光器 被引量:6
作者 朱晓军 耿健 +4 位作者 章国安 徐晨 金丽 曹娟 季彦呈 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期240-246,共7页
在全正色散(ANDi)系统中,设计出一种波长可调谐的双脉冲耗散孤子(DSs)被动锁模掺Yb光纤激光器。以Sagnac环为全光纤结构的可调谐光谱滤波器,以非线性偏振演化(NPE)效应为锁模机理,在ANDi掺Yb光纤系统中得到了稳定的双脉冲DSs锁模输出。... 在全正色散(ANDi)系统中,设计出一种波长可调谐的双脉冲耗散孤子(DSs)被动锁模掺Yb光纤激光器。以Sagnac环为全光纤结构的可调谐光谱滤波器,以非线性偏振演化(NPE)效应为锁模机理,在ANDi掺Yb光纤系统中得到了稳定的双脉冲DSs锁模输出。通过调节Sagnac环的偏振状态实现双脉冲DSs输出脉冲光谱的可调谐,其可调谐范围为1038.96~1044.80 nm。通过改变腔体抽运功率,双脉冲DSs的脉冲间隔可在0.034~0.021μs范围内变化。当抽运功率为520 mW时,双脉冲DSs的最大输出脉冲能量为34.3 nJ,重复频率为2.285 MHz。 展开更多
关键词 光纤光学 可调谐波长 双脉冲 全正色散 SAGNAC环 耗散孤子
Recent progress in multi-wavelength fiber lasers:principles,status,and challenges 被引量:6
作者 Hualong Chen Xiantao Jiang +1 位作者 Shixiang Xu Han Zhang 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第4期36-62,共27页
In recent years,multi-wavelength fiber lasers play a significant role in plenty of fields,ranging from optical communications to mechanical processing and laser biomedicine,owing to their high beam quality,low cost,an... In recent years,multi-wavelength fiber lasers play a significant role in plenty of fields,ranging from optical communications to mechanical processing and laser biomedicine,owing to their high beam quality,low cost,and excellent heat dissipation properties.Benefitting from increasing maturity of optical elements,the multi-wavelength fiber laser has made rapid developments.In this review,we summarize and analyze diverse implementation methods covering continuous wave and pulsed fiber lasers at room temperature conditions:inserting an optical filter device and intensity-dependent loss structure in the resonant cavity,and applying ultrafast nonlinear optical response of materials and a dual-cavity structure.Finally,future challenges and perspectives of the multi-wavelength fiber laser are discussed and addressed. 展开更多
关键词 multi-wavelength fiber laser optical filter nonlinear polarization rotation nonlinear amplification loop mirror 2D materials
基于F-P干涉技术的通信波段可调谐激光器 被引量:4
作者 李智勇 刘俭辉 +2 位作者 葛春风 倪文俊 李世忱 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期266-268,共3页
根据F P干涉原理设计制作了楔型F P滤波器,使用这种滤波器进行可调谐掺铒光纤激光器实验,980nmLD泵浦功率为25mW时获得了稳定的单纵模激光输出,输出功率约0.6mW,线宽低于0.06nm,在34.2nm波长调谐范围内功率变化不超过0.5dB,边模抑制比大... 根据F P干涉原理设计制作了楔型F P滤波器,使用这种滤波器进行可调谐掺铒光纤激光器实验,980nmLD泵浦功率为25mW时获得了稳定的单纵模激光输出,输出功率约0.6mW,线宽低于0.06nm,在34.2nm波长调谐范围内功率变化不超过0.5dB,边模抑制比大于35dB。 展开更多
关键词 光纤激光器 F-P滤波器 环形腔 可调谐激光器
玄武岩纤维针织物的尺寸特性 被引量:5
作者 王秋美 宋鹏飞 +1 位作者 徐雪梅 邹志伟 《纺织学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期40-43,47,共5页
为研究纤维性能对针织物尺寸特性的影响,在横机上编织了5种弯纱深度的平针、1+1罗纹、满针罗纹和米拉诺组织玄武岩纤维针织物。通过对松弛后织物尺寸参数的测试,分析玄武岩纤维针织物纵向、横向以及面积尺寸随时间的变化规律,并对织物... 为研究纤维性能对针织物尺寸特性的影响,在横机上编织了5种弯纱深度的平针、1+1罗纹、满针罗纹和米拉诺组织玄武岩纤维针织物。通过对松弛后织物尺寸参数的测试,分析玄武岩纤维针织物纵向、横向以及面积尺寸随时间的变化规律,并对织物密度进行回归分析。结果表明,玄武岩纤维织物密度与线圈长度倒数呈正线性相关的关系。比较了玄武岩纤维针织物与毛/腈针织物的线圈形态,由于玄武岩纤维具有较高的抗弯刚度,其针织物的线圈形态较为扁平。通过对玄武岩纤维针织物尺寸特性的研究,可实现织前对织物尺寸的预测。 展开更多
关键词 玄武岩纤维 针织物 尺寸特性 线圈形态
玄武岩纤维纱线在电脑横机上可编织性的探讨 被引量:4
作者 何青 胡红 《东华大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期279-283,共5页
在电脑横机上,选用玻璃纤维纱和毛腈混纺纱作为玄武岩纤维纱的对比纱,在不同工艺参数(给纱张力、弯纱深度和牵拉力)下编织圆筒形纬平针和1x1罗纹织物,分析比较这些参数对线圈长度及纱线强力损伤率的影响趋势以及这3种纱线之间的差异,重... 在电脑横机上,选用玻璃纤维纱和毛腈混纺纱作为玄武岩纤维纱的对比纱,在不同工艺参数(给纱张力、弯纱深度和牵拉力)下编织圆筒形纬平针和1x1罗纹织物,分析比较这些参数对线圈长度及纱线强力损伤率的影响趋势以及这3种纱线之间的差异,重点探讨玄武岩纤维纱线的可编织性,并最终得出它的最佳编织工艺范围,为玄武岩纤维纱线选择合理的编织工艺参数提供了可靠的依据,具有实际应用价值. 展开更多
关键词 玄武岩纤维 纬编工艺 可编织性 线圈长度 纤维损伤
Random fiber laser using a cascaded fiber loop mirror
作者 Ming Shen Yanxin Li +1 位作者 Qianying Li Xuewen Shu 《Advanced Photonics Nexus》 2024年第3期81-88,共8页
Random fiber lasers(RFLs)have attracted extensive attention due to their rich physical properties and wide applications.Here,a RFL using a cascaded fiber loop mirror(CFLM)is proposed and presented.A CFLM with 10 fiber... Random fiber lasers(RFLs)have attracted extensive attention due to their rich physical properties and wide applications.Here,a RFL using a cascaded fiber loop mirror(CFLM)is proposed and presented.A CFLM with 10 fiber loop mirrors(FLMs)is simulated by the transfer matrix method and used to provide random feedback.Multiple spikes are observed in both the simulated and measured reflection spectra.The RFL operates in a single longitudinal mode near the threshold and a time-varying multilongitudinal mode at higher pump powers.The RFL exhibits a time-varying radio-frequency spectrum.The Lévy–Gaussian distribution transition is observed,as in many RFLs.The operation mechanism of the lasing longitudinal modes and the impact of complex mode competition and mode hopping on the output characteristics are discussed through experimental and theoretical results.In this study,we unveil an artificial random feedback structure and pave another way for the realization of RFLs,which should be a platform for multidisciplinary studies in complex systems. 展开更多
关键词 random fiber lasers fiber loop mirrors artificial scattering media.
Combined optical fiber interferometric sensors for the detection of acoustic emission 被引量:2
作者 LIANG Yi-jun MU Lin-lin LIU Jun-feng YU Xiao-tao 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2008年第3期184-187,共4页
A type of combined optical fiber interferometric acoustic emission sensor is proposed. The sensor can be independent on the laser source and make light interference by matching the lengths of two arms,so it can be use... A type of combined optical fiber interferometric acoustic emission sensor is proposed. The sensor can be independent on the laser source and make light interference by matching the lengths of two arms,so it can be used to monitor the health of large structure. Theoretical analyses indicate that the system can be equivalent to the Michelson interferometer with two optical fiber loop reflectors,and its sensitivity has been remarkably increased because of the decrease of the losses of light energy. PZT is powered by DC regulator to control the operating point of the system,so the system can accurately detect feeble vibration which is generated by ultrasonic waves propagating on the surface of solid. The amplitude and the frequency of feeble vibration signal are obtained by detecting the output light intensity of interferometer and using Fourier transform technique. The results indicate that the system can be used to detect the acoustic emission signals by the frequency characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Acoustic emissions Acoustics Electric network analysis fiber optics fibers Fourier transforms Geodetic satellites INTERFEROMETERS Interferometry Lattice vibrations Light sources Michelson interferometers Optical fibers Optical in Acoustic emission sensors Acoustic Emission signals fiber loop reflectors Fourier Frequency characteristics Interferometric sensors Laser sources Light energy Light intensities Operating points OPTICAL Vibration signals
用于光纤激光器阵列锁相的光纤环特性研究 被引量:3
作者 雷兵 冯莹 +1 位作者 魏立安 刘泽金 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期2479-2485,共7页
光纤环特性对基于公共光纤环的光纤激光器锁相阵列的性能具有重要影响。介绍了利用公共光纤环构建光纤激光器锁相阵列的结构、特征以及光纤环的作用。建立了研究该光纤环特性的理论模型,分别采用光强叠加和光场叠加法分析了光纤环的能... 光纤环特性对基于公共光纤环的光纤激光器锁相阵列的性能具有重要影响。介绍了利用公共光纤环构建光纤激光器锁相阵列的结构、特征以及光纤环的作用。建立了研究该光纤环特性的理论模型,分别采用光强叠加和光场叠加法分析了光纤环的能量传输与谐振选模特性,并在考虑输入光波谱宽的情况下征明了两种方法的一致性。研究表明增加成环耦合器的耦合比可以增强锁相阵列各单元激光器间的能量耦合,且在光纤环损耗较低时不会明显降低输出功率和组合效率。实验中观察到了光纤环的滤波选模效应,而输出功率随着耦合比的增加有规律的略微减小,两者均与理论分析结果一致。 展开更多
关键词 光纤激光器 锁相 光强叠加法 光场叠加法 光纤环 光纤耦合器
Coexistence of noise-like pulse and dark pulse in an Er/Yb co-doped fiber laser
作者 李婧 王春灿 王鹏 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期68-74,共7页
The coexistence of a noise-like pulse(NLP)and a dark pulse was experimentally demonstrated in a net-anomalous dispersion Er/Yb co-doped fiber(EYDF)laser,for the first time,to our knowledge.The cavity was mode-locked b... The coexistence of a noise-like pulse(NLP)and a dark pulse was experimentally demonstrated in a net-anomalous dispersion Er/Yb co-doped fiber(EYDF)laser,for the first time,to our knowledge.The cavity was mode-locked by nonlinear polarization rotation(NPR)technique.Meanwhile,a Sagnac loop with a section of polarization-maintaining fiber(PMF)was used as a comb filter to enable multiwavelength pulse operation.When the PMF length was 0.3 m,an asymmetric two-peak spectrum with central wavelengths of 1565.3 and 1594.2 nm was obtained by adjusting polarization controllers(PCs).It is a composite state of NLP and dark pulse due to the cross-phase modulation between the two different wavelength components along orthogonal polarization axes.The two pulses are synchronized with a repetition rate of 7.53 MHz.By adjusting the PC in the Sagnac loop,the spectral ranges of NLPs and dark pulses can be tuned from 1560 to 1577.8 nm and from 1581.8 to 1605.4 nm,respectively.In addition,the pulse characteristics were investigated by incorporating the PMF with different lengths,where the coexistence patterns can be generated when the PMF lengths were 0.2 and 0.3 m.A longer PMF can lead to a narrowband comb filtering,which causes a larger loss and is not favorable for stable operation of the coexistence regime.This fiber laser demonstrates an interesting operation regime and has significant potential for numerous practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 coexistence state mode-locked fiber laser Sagnac loop tunable wavelength
Fiber loop ring-down cavity integrated U-bent single-mode-fiber for magnetic field sensing 被引量:3
作者 Yaofei Chen Tiegen Liu +2 位作者 Qun Han Wenchuan Yan Lin Yu 《Photonics Research》 SCIE EI 2016年第6期322-326,共5页
A novel magnetic field sensing system based on the fiber loop ring-down technique is proposed in this paper. In the fiber loop, a U-bent single-mode-fiber structure coated with magnetic fluid(MF) serves as the sensing... A novel magnetic field sensing system based on the fiber loop ring-down technique is proposed in this paper. In the fiber loop, a U-bent single-mode-fiber structure coated with magnetic fluid(MF) serves as the sensing head, and an erbium-doped fiber amplifier(EDFA) is introduced to compensate for the intrinsic loss of the cavity. The ring-down time of the system varies with the change of applied magnetic field due to the tunable absorption coefficient and refractive index of the MF. Therefore, measurement of the magnetic field can be realized by monitoring the ringdown time. The experimental results show that the performance of the system is extremely dependent on the interrogation wavelength, because both the gain of the EDFA and the loss of the sensing head are wavelength dependent.We found that at the optimal wavelength, the ratio of the gain to loss attained its maximum. The sensing system was experimentally demonstrated and a sensitivity of-0.5951 μs∕Oe was achieved. 展开更多
关键词 mode down ring EDFA fiber loop ring-down cavity integrated U-bent single-mode-fiber for magnetic field sensing
膨胀石墨/碳纤维复合材料化学镀及吸波性能研究 被引量:3
作者 李志鹏 贾瑛 +1 位作者 王峰 凌峰 《纳米科技》 2009年第4期55-59,64,共6页
采用化学镀法对膨胀石墨/碳纤维复合材料表面镀镍、铁、钴,对包覆后的样品进行了SEM、EDS、XRD、IR和磁性能表征,结果表明,膨胀石墨/碳纤维复合材料表面均匀包覆了一层金属物质,其镍、铁、钴总质量大约占75 ,磷大约占5 ,镀覆后... 采用化学镀法对膨胀石墨/碳纤维复合材料表面镀镍、铁、钴,对包覆后的样品进行了SEM、EDS、XRD、IR和磁性能表征,结果表明,膨胀石墨/碳纤维复合材料表面均匀包覆了一层金属物质,其镍、铁、钴总质量大约占75 ,磷大约占5 ,镀覆后产品在近红外波段反射率明显增大,磁性能明显增强,复合材料的磁滞回线的面积和剩磁都很小,属于软磁性材料。HP8722ES矢量网络分析仪测量了样品在2—18GHz频率范围的复介电常数和复磁导率,根据吸收屏理论公式计算出反射损耗、匹配频段及匹配厚度,结果表明,当dm=0.4mm时,反射衰减最大可达-14.6dB,反射衰减〈-5dB的频宽可达10.4GHz。 展开更多
关键词 嘭胀石墨 碳纤维 化学镀 磁滞回线 电磁参数
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