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Ground-0 Axioms vs.First Principles and Second Law:From the Geometry of Light and Logic of Photon to Mind-Light-Matter Unity-AI&QI
作者 Wen-Ran Zhang 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第3期534-553,共20页
Without the geometry of light and logic of photon,observer-observability forms a paradox in modern science,truthequilibrium finds no unification,and mind-light-matter unity is unreachable in spacetime.Subsequently,qua... Without the geometry of light and logic of photon,observer-observability forms a paradox in modern science,truthequilibrium finds no unification,and mind-light-matter unity is unreachable in spacetime.Subsequently,quantum mechanics has been shrouded with mysteries preventing itself from reaching definable causality for a general purpose analytical quantum computing paradigm.Ground-0 Axioms are introduced as an equilibrium-based,dynamic,bipolar set-theoretic unification of the first principles of science and the second law of thermodynamics.Related literatures are critically reviewed to justify the self-evident nature of Ground-0 Axioms.A historical misinterpretation by the founding fathers of quantum mechanics is identified and corrected.That disproves spacetime geometries(including but not limited to Euclidean and Hilbert spaces)as the geometries of light and truth-based logics(including but not limited to bra-ket quantum logic)as the logics of photon.Backed with logically definable causality and Dirac 3-polarizer experiment,bipolar quantum geometry(BQG)and bipolar dynamic logic(BDL)are identified as the geometry of light and the logic of photon,respectively,and wave-particle complementarity is shown less fundamental than bipolar complementarity.As a result,Ground-0 Axioms lead to a geometrical and logical illumination of the quantum and classical worlds as well as the physical and mental worlds.With logical resolutions to the EPR and Schr?dinger’s cat paradoxes,an analytical quantum computing paradigm named quantum intelligence(QI)is introduced.It is shown that QI makes mind-light-matter unity and quantum-digital compatibility logically reachable for quantumneuro-fuzzy AI-machinery with groundbreaking applications.It is contended that Ground-0 Axioms open a new era of science and philosophy—the era of mind-light-matter unity in which humanlevel white-box AI&QI is logically prompted to join Einstein’s grand unification to foster major scientific advances. 展开更多
关键词 Analytical quantum computing bipolar fuzzy sets bipolar quantum agents business intelligence cognitive neuroscience dynamic equilibrium einstein-bohr debate information conservational computing/cryptography computational psychiatry international relations logically definable causality quantum intelligence quantum-neuro-fuzzy AI human level AI&QI quantum superposition/entanglement white-box brain model
爱因斯坦的物理学研究纲领和他对量子力学的一些基本观点 被引量:2
作者 黄政新 《南京航空学院学报》 CSCD 1989年第3期123-127,共5页
关键词 物理学 量子力学 爱因斯坦
量子力学创立的历史概要 第五届索尔维会议90年 被引量:1
作者 王正行 《科学文化评论》 2017年第3期43-63,共21页
本文扼要叙述了创立量子力学关键的几步:海森伯提出用依赖于两个态的观测量数组代替只描述一个态的物理量,玻恩和约当以及狄拉克分别据此提出正则对易关系,给出量子力学的海森伯表象;薛定谔根据德布罗意波建立波动方程,给出量子力学的... 本文扼要叙述了创立量子力学关键的几步:海森伯提出用依赖于两个态的观测量数组代替只描述一个态的物理量,玻恩和约当以及狄拉克分别据此提出正则对易关系,给出量子力学的海森伯表象;薛定谔根据德布罗意波建立波动方程,给出量子力学的薛定谔表象;玻恩提出波函数的统计诠释;狄拉克和约当分别给出量子力学的表象变换理论,统一量子力学的不同表象;海森伯发现测不准关系,给出量子力学的物理基础。在此基础上介绍了第五届索尔维物理会议,和爱因斯坦与玻尔的争论。 展开更多
关键词 量子力学的创立 第五届索尔维会议 爱因斯坦与玻尔的争论
EPR论证之哲学意蕴 被引量:2
作者 陈国庆 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期9-13,共5页
爱因斯坦等人用EPR论证,揭示量子力学内在地允许超光速现象存在——这和相对论相矛盾,以此反对以玻尔为代表的哥本哈根学派认为量子力学体系是完备的观点。可若干年后围绕检验贝尔不等式一系列实验表明,微观粒子确实存在超光速关联的现... 爱因斯坦等人用EPR论证,揭示量子力学内在地允许超光速现象存在——这和相对论相矛盾,以此反对以玻尔为代表的哥本哈根学派认为量子力学体系是完备的观点。可若干年后围绕检验贝尔不等式一系列实验表明,微观粒子确实存在超光速关联的现象,这就引出了量子力学和相对论这两大理论存在不相容这一重大理论问题。围绕上述问题的争论,启发了同时代及后来的科学家、哲学家,激励他们对以往的物理概念作深入思考,加深了我们对科学的发展是一个不断相对真理走向绝对真理的辩证过程的认识。 展开更多
关键词 玻尔 爱因斯坦 EPR论证
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