Worldwide cotton is the most profitable cash crop.Each year the production of this crop suffers because of several diseases.At an early stage,computerized methods are used for disease detection that may reduce the los...Worldwide cotton is the most profitable cash crop.Each year the production of this crop suffers because of several diseases.At an early stage,computerized methods are used for disease detection that may reduce the loss in the production of cotton.Although several methods are proposed for the detection of cotton diseases,however,still there are limitations because of low-quality images,size,shape,variations in orientation,and complex background.Due to these factors,there is a need for novel methods for features extraction/selection for the accurate cotton disease classification.Therefore in this research,an optimized features fusion-based model is proposed,in which two pre-trained architectures called EfficientNet-b0 and Inception-v3 are utilized to extract features,each model extracts the feature vector of length N×1000.After that,the extracted features are serially concatenated having a feature vector lengthN×2000.Themost prominent features are selected usingEmperor PenguinOptimizer(EPO)method.The method is evaluated on two publically available datasets,such as Kaggle cotton disease dataset-I,and Kaggle cotton-leaf-infection-II.The EPO method returns the feature vector of length 1×755,and 1×824 using dataset-I,and dataset-II,respectively.The classification is performed using 5,7,and 10 folds cross-validation.The Quadratic Discriminant Analysis(QDA)classifier provides an accuracy of 98.9%on 5 fold,98.96%on 7 fold,and 99.07%on 10 fold using Kaggle cotton disease dataset-I while the Ensemble Subspace K Nearest Neighbor(KNN)provides 99.16%on 5 fold,98.99%on 7 fold,and 99.27%on 10 fold using Kaggle cotton-leaf-infection dataset-II.展开更多
基金supported by the Technology Development Program of MSS[No.S3033853]by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT)(No.2021R1A4A1031509).
文摘Worldwide cotton is the most profitable cash crop.Each year the production of this crop suffers because of several diseases.At an early stage,computerized methods are used for disease detection that may reduce the loss in the production of cotton.Although several methods are proposed for the detection of cotton diseases,however,still there are limitations because of low-quality images,size,shape,variations in orientation,and complex background.Due to these factors,there is a need for novel methods for features extraction/selection for the accurate cotton disease classification.Therefore in this research,an optimized features fusion-based model is proposed,in which two pre-trained architectures called EfficientNet-b0 and Inception-v3 are utilized to extract features,each model extracts the feature vector of length N×1000.After that,the extracted features are serially concatenated having a feature vector lengthN×2000.Themost prominent features are selected usingEmperor PenguinOptimizer(EPO)method.The method is evaluated on two publically available datasets,such as Kaggle cotton disease dataset-I,and Kaggle cotton-leaf-infection-II.The EPO method returns the feature vector of length 1×755,and 1×824 using dataset-I,and dataset-II,respectively.The classification is performed using 5,7,and 10 folds cross-validation.The Quadratic Discriminant Analysis(QDA)classifier provides an accuracy of 98.9%on 5 fold,98.96%on 7 fold,and 99.07%on 10 fold using Kaggle cotton disease dataset-I while the Ensemble Subspace K Nearest Neighbor(KNN)provides 99.16%on 5 fold,98.99%on 7 fold,and 99.27%on 10 fold using Kaggle cotton-leaf-infection dataset-II.
文摘由于桥梁裂缝图像具有分布不规则、缝宽较小、背景像素比例较高等特性,为提高其检测精度和速度,提出了一种改进的YOLOv4算法,优化原主干网络CSPDarkNet53为EfficientNet B7网络以增强特征学习能力,并使用深度可分离卷积代替标准卷积,在提升模型运行效率的同时,也提高了其检测精度和准确率.并通过平移、旋转等数据增强方法将数据集正负样本扩增至6371张,增强了网络的拟合效果和泛化能力.实验结果表明:YOLOv4-EfficientNet B7的均值平均精度(Mean Average Precision,mAP)为80.11%,比YOLOv4的高出3.85%;检测精确率(precision)为80.13%,召回率(recall)由74.34%提升至78.63%,F1值(F1-score)高达80.61%,提高了2.94%;相较于原YOLOv4算法,检测精确率提高了1.86%,召回率增长了4.29%;与其他主流的裂缝检测算法相比,本算法在mAP和召回率上都有了显著提升,实现了精确检测桥梁裂缝的目的.