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MEBT/MEBO对皮肤创面愈合过程中VEGF、bFGF、EGF mRNA表达影响的研究 被引量:64
作者 唐乾利 韩珊珊 +5 位作者 付军 代波 冯婧 黄欣 李杰辉 狄钾骐 《右江民族医学院学报》 2012年第5期597-601,共5页
目的探讨MEBT/MEBO促进创面愈合的作用机制。方法建立大鼠急性损伤创面模型,观察MEBT/MEBO对模型创面组织VEGF、bFGF、EGF mRNA表达的影响。结果①创面肉芽组织生长大体情况:造模后第8天,MEBT/MEBO组、贝复济组大鼠创面肉芽组织生长情... 目的探讨MEBT/MEBO促进创面愈合的作用机制。方法建立大鼠急性损伤创面模型,观察MEBT/MEBO对模型创面组织VEGF、bFGF、EGF mRNA表达的影响。结果①创面肉芽组织生长大体情况:造模后第8天,MEBT/MEBO组、贝复济组大鼠创面肉芽组织生长情况明显好于模型组,MEBT/MEBO组和贝复济组大鼠创面较红润,可见散在的肉芽颗粒生长,模型组大鼠创面较苍白,生长缓慢。②愈合时间:MEBT/MEBO组大鼠创面平均愈合时间为(12.50±0.83)天,短于贝复济组(13.15±0.88)天,明显短于模型组(14.20±1.28)天,MEBT/MEBO组与贝复济组、模型组在愈合时间方面相比差异均有显著性(P<0.05,P<0.01)。③VEGF、bFGF、EGF mRNA表达:模型组大鼠的表达量在造模后8天时相点显著低于MEBT/MEBO组、贝复济组(P<0.01),MEBT/MEBO组在造模后8天时相点比贝复济组的表达量稍高,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论①MEBT/MEBO可以提高大鼠肉芽组织中VEGF、bFGF、EGFmRNA的表达水平,推测MEBO可能通过对VEGF、bFGF、EGF的调控,促进创面成纤维细胞的分裂增殖及新生毛细血管的增殖,从而促进肉芽组织形成,加速创面愈合。②MEBT/MEBO能明显缩短实验性SD雄性大鼠体表创伤创面修复愈合时间,具有促进大鼠体表创伤创面愈合的作用。 展开更多
Mesenchymal stromal cells-exosomes:a promising cell-free therapeutic tool for wound healing and cutaneous regeneration 被引量:34
作者 Peng Hu Qinxin Yang +5 位作者 Qi Wang Chenshuo Shi Dali Wang Ubaldo Armato Ilaria Dal Prà Anna Chiarini 《Burns & Trauma》 SCIE 2019年第1期346-355,共10页
Cutaneous regeneration at the wound site involves several intricate and dynamic processes which require a series of coordinated interactions implicating various cell types,growth factors,extracellular matrix(ECM),nerv... Cutaneous regeneration at the wound site involves several intricate and dynamic processes which require a series of coordinated interactions implicating various cell types,growth factors,extracellular matrix(ECM),nerves,and blood vessels.Mesenchymal stromal cells(MSCs)take part in all the skin wound healing stages playing active and beneficial roles in animal models and humans.Exosomes,which are among the key products MSCs release,mimic the effects of parental MSCs.They can shuttle various effector proteins,messenger RNA(mRNA)and microRNAs(miRNAs)to modulate the activity of recipient cells,playing important roles in wound healing.Moreover,using exosomes avoids many risks associated with cell transplantation.Therefore,as a novel type of cell-free therapy,MSC-exosome-mediated administration may be safer and more efficient than whole cell.In this review,we provide a comprehensive understanding of the latest studies and observations on the role of MSC-exosome therapy in wound healing and cutaneous regeneration.In addition,we address the hypothesis of MSCs microenvironment extracellular vesicles(MSCs-MEVs)or MSCs microenvironment exosomes(MSCs-MExos)that need to take stock of and solved urgently in the related research about MSC-exosomes therapeutic applications.This review can inspire investigators to explore new research directions of MSC-exosome therapy in cutaneous repair and regeneration. 展开更多
关键词 cutaneous regeneration Mesenchymal stromal cell EXOSOMES wound healing MICROENVIRONMENT
外用细胞生长因子对点阵超脉冲C02激光术后创伤修复的研究 被引量:11
作者 艾俊俊 宋为民 +2 位作者 查伟锋 郑俊惠 郭波 《中华皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期255-258,共4页
目的比较点阵超脉冲CO2激光术后外用重组人表皮细胞生长因子(rhEGF)与重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(rb—bFGF)促进创面修复的效应。方法将20只雄性豚鼠背部皮肤脱毛后划分为4个区域,分别使用点阵超脉冲CO:激光进行照射,术后4个... 目的比较点阵超脉冲CO2激光术后外用重组人表皮细胞生长因子(rhEGF)与重组牛碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(rb—bFGF)促进创面修复的效应。方法将20只雄性豚鼠背部皮肤脱毛后划分为4个区域,分别使用点阵超脉冲CO:激光进行照射,术后4个区域分别使用rhEGF、rb—bFGF、rhEGF与rb—bFGF联合(联合治疗组)、生理氯化钠溶液(对照组),观察创面的愈合情况,在不同时段对4个区域分别做皮肤生理功能指标的测定,对所得数据进行方差分析。取皮肤标本进行组织病理检查,比较皮肤弹性变化和成纤维细胞含量的差异。结果激光术后3~7d,治疗组结痂完全脱落,对照组有部分痂壳未脱落;14~28d,治疗组和对照组创面均完全愈合,较之周围未照射激光区域皮肤组织鲜嫩、色红,治疗组皮肤创面较对照组缩小,颜色较之红润。在激光术后28d,联合治疗组的皮肤弹性为262.29±62.40,rhEGF治疗组为202.00±65.62,rb—bFGF治疗组为188.86±35.02,对照组为167.14±42.49,4组问差异有统计学意义;而皮肤黑素指数差异无统计学意义。组织病理检查结果显示,联合治疗组胶原纤维排列有序、致密,而对照组排列杂乱、疏松。结论点阵超脉冲CO2激光术后联合应用rhEGF和rb—bFGF能加快创面愈合,同时提高创面皮肤弹性。 展开更多
关键词 投药 皮肤 成纤维细胞生长因子 表皮生长因子 激光 伤口愈合
生肌象皮膏不同使用方法对皮肤疮面模型兔疮面愈合的影响 被引量:9
作者 卢旭亚 徐强 +2 位作者 李品川 朱朝军 张朝晖 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第13期1142-1146,共5页
目的探讨生肌象皮膏治疗皮肤疮面的最佳使用方法及可能机制。方法 60只新西兰大白兔建立疮面模型后随机分为16.67 g纱布组、25.00 g纱布组、33.33 g纱布组、16.67 g棉片组、25.00 g棉片组、33.33 g棉片组,每组10只。各组分别采用含生肌... 目的探讨生肌象皮膏治疗皮肤疮面的最佳使用方法及可能机制。方法 60只新西兰大白兔建立疮面模型后随机分为16.67 g纱布组、25.00 g纱布组、33.33 g纱布组、16.67 g棉片组、25.00 g棉片组、33.33 g棉片组,每组10只。各组分别采用含生肌象皮膏16.67 g、25.00 g、33.33 g纱布或棉片换药,每两天换药1次,共6天。检测各组疮面分泌物重量及血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)和表皮细胞生长因子(EGF)水平,观察疮面愈合时间。结果 33.33 g纱布组6天内伤口分泌物总重量最大,16.67 g纱布组分泌物重量最小(P<0.05);25.00 g棉片组第6天时单位面积分泌物重量最大且疮面愈合时间最短,16.67 g纱布组最小且愈合时间最长(P<0.05)。治疗第4天时25.00 g棉片组VEGF、EGF水平最高,与其余各组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 25 g/100 cm2棉片具有更好的疮面愈合效果,其机制可能与增加分泌物中VEGF和EGF水平从而促进肉芽组织形成有关。 展开更多
关键词 皮肤疮面 生肌象皮膏 疮面愈合 煨脓长肉
负压封闭引流装置在大面积皮肤缺损植皮中的应用 被引量:9
作者 李彬 田峰 +1 位作者 田立杰 闫梦洋 《中国综合临床》 2012年第4期403-405,共3页
目的探讨负压封闭引流(VSD)装置在大面积游离植皮手术中的价值。方法通过前瞻性随机对照研究,将64例因大面积皮肤缺损而需要进行游离植皮的患者术前随机分成两组(每组32例),分别用传统打包技术(传统打包组)和VSD装置(VSD组)... 目的探讨负压封闭引流(VSD)装置在大面积游离植皮手术中的价值。方法通过前瞻性随机对照研究,将64例因大面积皮肤缺损而需要进行游离植皮的患者术前随机分成两组(每组32例),分别用传统打包技术(传统打包组)和VSD装置(VSD组)加压固定皮片,以手术时间、皮片成活率和创面感染率为评价指标进行比较。结果传统打包组手术时间(77±16)min,VSD组(834±12)min,两组手术时间差异无统计学意义(P=0.06);皮片坏死率和局部创面感染例数打包组为(204-7)%和6例,VSD组为(6±1)%和1例,VSD组患者皮片坏死率和局部创面感染率明显优于传统打包组患者(P〈0.001,P=0.039)。结论大面积皮肤缺损游离植皮覆盖创面时应用VSD装置可以显著提高手术疗效。 展开更多
关键词 负压封闭引流 皮肤缺损 游离植皮 创面愈合
艾灸对大鼠皮肤创伤成纤维细胞和KGF表达的影响 被引量:8
作者 孙忠人 王迪 +3 位作者 尹洪娜 张秦宏 孙琦 岳金换 《针灸临床杂志》 2014年第4期70-72,共3页
目的:研究艾灸对大鼠创伤皮肤组织成纤维细胞和角化细胞生长因子(KGF)表达的影响,探讨艾灸对大鼠皮肤创伤修复的作用。方法:建立大鼠背部皮肤创伤模型,采用随机数字表法,将24只大鼠分为治疗组和模型组。根据治疗时间的不同,又将每组分为... 目的:研究艾灸对大鼠创伤皮肤组织成纤维细胞和角化细胞生长因子(KGF)表达的影响,探讨艾灸对大鼠皮肤创伤修复的作用。方法:建立大鼠背部皮肤创伤模型,采用随机数字表法,将24只大鼠分为治疗组和模型组。根据治疗时间的不同,又将每组分为1天、3天、7天共3个时间点,每个时间点4只大鼠。治疗组进行艾灸治疗,每次30 min,每日1次。以HE染色法检测1天、3天、7天3个时间点修复组织内成纤维细胞数;以免疫组化法检测1天、3天、7天等3个时间点修复组织成纤维细胞生长因子的表达情况。结果:大鼠创面愈合指数治疗组高于模型组(P<0.05)。大鼠皮肤创面成纤维细胞数,7天治疗组皮肤创面成纤维细胞数高于模型组(P<0.05);3天两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。大鼠创面KGF表达情况,3天模型组KGF表达呈弱阳性,治疗组表达呈阳性;7天模型组KGF表达呈阳性,治疗组表达呈强阳性。结论:艾灸能促进大鼠皮肤创伤愈合,其机制可能与调节不同时间内创面组织成纤维细胞数和KGF含量有关。 展开更多
关键词 艾灸 皮肤创伤 创伤修复 成纤维细胞 成纤维细胞生长因子
MMP-3和TIMP-1在不同类型慢性皮肤溃疡创面表达研究 被引量:8
作者 强燕 肖青青 +4 位作者 迮侃 李福伦 马天 李欣 李斌 《中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 2016年第2期74-77,80,共5页
目的观察基质金属蛋白酶-3(MMP-3)和基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制剂-1(TIMP-1)蛋白在不同类型慢性皮肤溃疡创面组织中的表达,探讨其病理机制。方法以静脉曲张性溃疡、血管炎性溃疡、压力性溃疡和坏疽性脓皮病患者及正常皮肤志愿者为研究对象... 目的观察基质金属蛋白酶-3(MMP-3)和基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制剂-1(TIMP-1)蛋白在不同类型慢性皮肤溃疡创面组织中的表达,探讨其病理机制。方法以静脉曲张性溃疡、血管炎性溃疡、压力性溃疡和坏疽性脓皮病患者及正常皮肤志愿者为研究对象,通过免疫组化法检测MMP-3和TIMP-1蛋白在不同类型慢性皮肤溃疡创面组织中的表达和分布规律。结果免疫组化显示:MMP-3和TIMP-1蛋白均呈核表达,相比正常皮肤,静脉曲张性溃疡、血管炎性溃疡和压力性溃疡MMP-3表达显著升高(P<0.05);相比血管炎性溃疡,静脉曲张性溃疡、压力性溃疡、坏疽性脓皮病和正常皮肤组织TIMP-1表达均降低(P<0.05)。结论 MMP-3和TIMP-1蛋白在不同类型慢性皮肤溃疡创面组织中表达存在差异:静脉曲张性溃疡和压力性溃疡创面组织中,MMP-3表达上调,TIMP-1表达下调;在血管炎性溃疡创面组织中TIMP-1表达上调。 展开更多
关键词 皮肤溃疡 创面修复 基质金属蛋白酶-3 基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂-1
生肌象皮膏“恋邪”作用对兔皮肤疮面的影响 被引量:5
作者 卢旭亚 徐强 +1 位作者 冀晓娜 张朝晖 《中国中医基础医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期625-628,654,共5页
目的:探讨生肌象皮膏"恋邪"作用对兔皮肤疮面的影响。方法:40只日本大耳白兔平均分为空白生肌组、醋酸凡士林组、醋酸生肌浅组、醋酸生肌深组4组。观察换药期间白兔大体状况、血白细胞水平及疮面组织病理变化。结果:观察期间... 目的:探讨生肌象皮膏"恋邪"作用对兔皮肤疮面的影响。方法:40只日本大耳白兔平均分为空白生肌组、醋酸凡士林组、醋酸生肌浅组、醋酸生肌深组4组。观察换药期间白兔大体状况、血白细胞水平及疮面组织病理变化。结果:观察期间醋酸生肌浅组白兔死亡率最高,各组中仅醋酸生肌浅组最小体质量与同组第0天比较存在统计学意义;第12天醋酸生肌浅组白细胞水平达(16.35±2.87)×10~9/L,与其余各组最大值比较差异有统计学意义;醋酸生肌浅组第4、8天和第12天病理提示为坏死性筋膜炎,且坏死深度随时间逐渐加深。结论:当疮面存在"邪"时,如疮面缺血或相对缺血且生肌象皮膏不能直接与疮面基底血运发生"药疮交互"作用时则可发生"恋邪"。 展开更多
关键词 恋邪 皮肤疮面 生肌象皮膏 护场
对皮肤疮面相关“腐”的再认识 被引量:5
作者 卢旭亚 徐强 +1 位作者 李品川 张朝晖 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期2884-2886,共3页
"腐去肌生"是皮肤疮面愈合过程中的重要规律,也是中医外科学经典理论之一。对于"腐"的全面认识和正确处理与皮肤疮面的治疗息息相关。目前中医外科多将"腐"界定在坏死组织或坏死组织分解物等单一有形之... "腐去肌生"是皮肤疮面愈合过程中的重要规律,也是中医外科学经典理论之一。对于"腐"的全面认识和正确处理与皮肤疮面的治疗息息相关。目前中医外科多将"腐"界定在坏死组织或坏死组织分解物等单一有形之物的层面,具有一定的局限性,对于皮肤疮面的中医临床治疗整体性的把握略显不足。笔者认为,结合现代医学可将腐的范围扩大到分子学领域,即一切阻碍疮面愈合的因素或新生物质,如变性坏死组织、分子产物、细菌生物膜、细胞因子等均可统一归入"腐"的范畴,以此为基础,通过选用适当"去腐"方法,即可最终实现疮面愈合。 展开更多
关键词 皮肤疮面 坏死组织 溃疡 疮疡 中医外科 再认识
间充质干细胞治疗皮肤创伤的研究进展 被引量:5
作者 朱明 肖南 +1 位作者 黄宏 徐祥 《中国细胞生物学学报》 CAS CSCD 2015年第6期911-918,共8页
间充质干细胞因具有易于分离培养获得、低免疫源性、多向分化潜能及旁分泌功能等特征,而被越来越多地用于组织再生与创伤修复研究,并显现了广阔的应用前景。间充质干细胞治疗皮肤创伤的研究已开展了十余年,无论动物模型或是临床病人,均... 间充质干细胞因具有易于分离培养获得、低免疫源性、多向分化潜能及旁分泌功能等特征,而被越来越多地用于组织再生与创伤修复研究,并显现了广阔的应用前景。间充质干细胞治疗皮肤创伤的研究已开展了十余年,无论动物模型或是临床病人,均显示了不错的疗效。然而,该治疗仍面临很多问题和挑战,离转化为临床常规治疗手段尚有距离。该文拟对间充质干细胞在皮肤创伤修复中的作用及其机制和提高疗效的手段等方面作一综述,并探讨面临的问题和未来的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 间充质干细胞 皮肤创伤 创伤修复
Tailoring bioinks of extrusion-based bioprinting for cutaneous wound healing 被引量:5
作者 Yuzhen Wang Xingyu Yuan +3 位作者 Bin Yao Shuoji Zhu Ping Zhu Sha Huang 《Bioactive Materials》 SCIE 2022年第11期178-194,共17页
Extrusion-based bioprinting (EBB) holds potential for regenerative medicine. However, the widely-used bioinks of EBB exhibit some limitations for skin regeneration, such as unsatisfactory bio-physical (i.e., mechanica... Extrusion-based bioprinting (EBB) holds potential for regenerative medicine. However, the widely-used bioinks of EBB exhibit some limitations for skin regeneration, such as unsatisfactory bio-physical (i.e., mechanical, structural, biodegradable) properties and compromised cellular compatibilities, and the EBB-based bioinks with therapeutic effects targeting cutaneous wounds still remain largely undiscussed. In this review, the printability considerations for skin bioprinting were discussed. Then, current strategies for improving the physical properties of bioinks and for reinforcing bioinks in EBB approaches were introduced, respectively. Notably, we highlighted the applications and effects of current EBB-based bioinks on wound healing, wound scar formation, vasculari-zation and the regeneration of skin appendages (i.e., sweat glands and hair follicles) and discussed the challenges and future perspectives. This review aims to provide an overall view of the applications, challenges and promising solutions about the EBB-based bioinks for cutaneous wound healing and skin regeneration. 展开更多
关键词 Bioink Extrusion-based bioprinting cutaneous wound healing Skin regeneration
Anti-leishmanial,immunomodulatory and anti-oxidative activity of quercetin against cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania major 被引量:3
作者 Ahmad Oryan Effat Bemani Somayeh Bahrami 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2023年第1期26-34,共9页
Objective:To evaluate the in vitro and in vivo efficacy of quercetin and its immunomodulatory and anti-oxidative activity against Leishmania major(L.major).Methods:L.major promastigotes and amastigotes were incubated ... Objective:To evaluate the in vitro and in vivo efficacy of quercetin and its immunomodulatory and anti-oxidative activity against Leishmania major(L.major).Methods:L.major promastigotes and amastigotes were incubated with different concentrations of quercetin to estimate EC_(50).For in vivo study,the base of tails of mice was infected with L.major.After developing ulcers in the inoculation site,mice were treated with 50 mg/kg quercetin orally for 28 consecutive days.The wound-healing potential of quercetin was evaluated by histopathological analysis of tissue sections stained by hematoxylin and eosin as well as Masson's trichrome.In addition,the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α,interleukin-6,malondialdehyde,and adiponectin,the ferric reducing ability of plasma,as well as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase activities were measured.Results:The EC_(50)values of quercetin against L.major promastigotes and intracellular amastigotes were 0.27 and 0.85μM,respectively.Histopathological analysis showed that fewer inflammatory cells,more fibroblasts,and more collagen deposition were observed in tissue sections of quercetin-treated mice.In addition,treatment with quercetin markedly increased glutathione peroxidase activity,the ferric reducing ability of plasma and adiponectin levels while decreasing malondialdehyde,interleukin-6,and tumor necrosis factor-αlevels.Conclusions:Quercetin shows anti-leishmanial activity,immunomodulatory,anti-oxidative,and anti-inflammatory effects.Therefore,it may be further explored as an effective drug in treating leishmaniasis. 展开更多
关键词 Leishmania major cutaneous leishmaniosis wound healing QUERCETIN IMMUNOMODULATOR
以掌背动脉远端皮支为蒂的逆行皮瓣修复手指创面 被引量:4
作者 祁强 李永林 林伟 《创伤外科杂志》 2008年第5期418-420,共3页
目的探讨应用以掌背动脉远端皮支为蒂皮瓣修复手指中远端软组织缺损。方法第2、3、4掌背动脉远端皮支皮瓣和皮神经显微缝合修复手指中远节软组织缺损伴指骨、肌腱外露共9例。其中,拇指2例,食指3例,中指3例,小指1例。创面面积:6.0 cm... 目的探讨应用以掌背动脉远端皮支为蒂皮瓣修复手指中远端软组织缺损。方法第2、3、4掌背动脉远端皮支皮瓣和皮神经显微缝合修复手指中远节软组织缺损伴指骨、肌腱外露共9例。其中,拇指2例,食指3例,中指3例,小指1例。创面面积:6.0 cm×2.0 cm^2.5 cm×1.5 cm。皮瓣大小:8.5 cm×3.5 cm^3.0 cm×2.5 cm,蒂长2.5 cm^4.0 cm。结果皮瓣成活,创面Ⅰ期愈合。术后随访6个月,皮瓣两点分辨觉7~9mm,指关节活动满意,供瓣区无伸肌腱黏连。结论掌背动脉远端皮支皮瓣和皮神经显微缝合是修复手指中远节软组织缺损恢复感觉的可靠方法。 展开更多
关键词 手指 软组织缺损 皮支皮瓣 掌背动脉 创面修复 感觉
Clinical Study on the Effectiveness of Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin for Treating Cutaneous Infections and Promoting Wound Healing in Patients with Perianal Abscess
作者 Xinjian Lu 《Journal of Clinical and Nursing Research》 2024年第3期187-193,共7页
Objective:To explore the effect of the Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin(XFHM)for treating cutaneous infections and promoting wound healing in patients with perianal abscesses.Methods:Sixty-one patients with perianal abscesses w... Objective:To explore the effect of the Xian Fang Huo Ming Yin(XFHM)for treating cutaneous infections and promoting wound healing in patients with perianal abscesses.Methods:Sixty-one patients with perianal abscesses who were admitted to our hospital(Xinghua City People’s Hospital)from May 2022 to May 2023 were selected and randomly divided into two groups,a control group(30 cases)and a study group(31 cases).Both groups received surgical treatment.The control group received conventional treatment and warm water fumigation,sitz bath,and surgical dressing change after surgery,while the research group received XFHM based on the control group.XFHM was taken orally and replaced with warm water for fumigation and sitz bathing.Both groups received treatment for 4 weeks but discontinued sitz bathing after 2 weeks.Various clinical indicators between the two groups were compared.Results:The total clinical effective rate and wound recovery rate of the study group were higher than that of the control group.There were differences in the wound pain scores,surrounding tissue edema,and wound secretions at different time points.Both groups experienced wound pain.The scores of wound pain,surrounding tissue edema,and wound secretions of the study group were lower than those of the control group,7 and 14 days after surgery.The serum interleukin 6(IL-6),tumor necrosis factor-alpha(TNF-α)levels,and pH values of the study group were lower than those of the control group 10 days after surgery(P<0.05).Conclusion:The application of XFHM for treating cutaneous infections and promoting wound healing in patients with perianal abscesses improved the treatment outcome,alleviated clinical symptoms,and promoted healing. 展开更多
关键词 Perianal abscess Xian fang huo ming yin for treating cutaneous infections INTERLEUKIN Tumor necrosis factor wound healing
干细胞分泌因子对皮肤创伤犬的治疗作用 被引量:3
作者 蒋桃 卫朝辉 +5 位作者 蒲辉 张檬 曾梦颖 张迪 高洪 严玉霖 《动物医学进展》 北大核心 2018年第6期132-136,共5页
探讨干细胞分泌因子对犬皮肤创伤的治疗作用,建立犬皮肤损伤模型,观察其治疗犬皮肤创伤的临床效果。将皮肤创面为30mm×30mm的9只损伤模型幼犬,随机分为3组,分别为骨髓间充质干细胞分泌因子(BMSCF)治疗组、常规治疗组和对照组,取BM... 探讨干细胞分泌因子对犬皮肤创伤的治疗作用,建立犬皮肤损伤模型,观察其治疗犬皮肤创伤的临床效果。将皮肤创面为30mm×30mm的9只损伤模型幼犬,随机分为3组,分别为骨髓间充质干细胞分泌因子(BMSCF)治疗组、常规治疗组和对照组,取BMSCF加于皮肤损伤的犬创面,以平均愈合时间、愈合残留面积为指标,观察各组动物损伤皮肤的修复情况。结果显示,BMSCF治疗组皮肤平均修复时间为27.66d±0.87d,愈合残留面积分别为(8.043±0.124)cm^2/10d、(3.317±0.105)cm^2/20d、0cm^2/30d,相对于其他两组治疗时间明显缩短,创面愈合效果好(P<0.05)。皮肤组织切片结果显示,BMSCF治疗组皮肤组织结构愈合完整、快速、瘢痕面积小。结果表明相对于常规治疗,干细胞分泌因子对犬创面愈合治疗效果显著、疗程短,通过干细胞分泌因子治疗临床上犬难愈性创面是一种切实可行的新途径。 展开更多
关键词 干细胞分泌因子 皮肤创伤 创伤愈合
基质细胞衍生因子-1α在皮肤创伤愈合过程中的表达特点 被引量:3
作者 冯帅南 朱方强 +4 位作者 王莎莉 张波 蒋建新 王正国 黄宏 《第三军医大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期474-476,共3页
目的探讨小鼠全层皮肤缺损伤创面愈合过程中基质细胞衍生因子-1α(stromal cell derived factor-1α,SDF-1α)的表达规律及其在创伤愈合中的可能作用。方法建立小鼠背部正中近颈侧皮肤1.5cm×1.5cm的正方形全层缺损伤模型,分别于伤... 目的探讨小鼠全层皮肤缺损伤创面愈合过程中基质细胞衍生因子-1α(stromal cell derived factor-1α,SDF-1α)的表达规律及其在创伤愈合中的可能作用。方法建立小鼠背部正中近颈侧皮肤1.5cm×1.5cm的正方形全层缺损伤模型,分别于伤后1、2、3、4、5、7、10、14d获取创缘组织,应用RT-PCR方法检测SDF-1α mRNA表达,Western blot和免疫组织化学方法检测SDF-1α的蛋白表达。结果RT-PCR检测结果显示创面SDF-1α呈双峰表达,损伤后1d,与正常皮肤组织相比,表达显著增加(P<0.05),3d表达最低(P<0.05),5d表达达峰值(P<0.05);Western blot检测结果显示创面SDF-1α蛋白也呈双峰表达,峰值分别在伤后2d(P<0.05)和7d(P<0.05),免疫组织化学检测结果显示SDF-1α主要表达在新生表皮细胞和血管内皮细胞。结论SDF-1α可能参与了皮肤的创伤愈合过程。 展开更多
关键词 皮肤创伤 创伤愈合 基质细胞衍生因子-1Α
Skin cell-derived extracellular vesicles:a promising therapeutic strategy for cutaneous injury 被引量:3
作者 Min Wang Peipei Wu +4 位作者 Jin Huang Wenhui Liu Hui Qian Yaoxiang Sun Hui Shi 《Burns & Trauma》 SCIE 2022年第1期155-174,共20页
Wound healing refers to the healing process that occurs after the skin and other tissues are separated or damaged by internal or external forces.It is a complex combination of tissue regeneration,granulation tissue hy... Wound healing refers to the healing process that occurs after the skin and other tissues are separated or damaged by internal or external forces.It is a complex combination of tissue regeneration,granulation tissue hyperplasia,and scar formation,and shows the synergistic effects of these processes.After skin damage,the environment around the wound and the cells at site of the damage respond immediately,and a range of cytokines and growth factors are released.In cutaneous injury,extracellular vesicle(EV)signaling plays a vital role in the healing process via paracrine and endocrine mechanisms.EVs are natural intercellular and inter-organ communication tools that carry various bioactive substances for message exchange.Stem cells and stem cell EVs facilitate tissue repair,showing promising potential in regenerative medicine.Nevertheless,EVs derived from specific skin tissue cells,such as epidermal cells,fibroblasts,vascular endothelial cells and inflammatory cells,also play important roles in cutaneous tissue repair.Here,we describe the characteristics of wound healing,concentrating on the production and functions of EVs derived from specific skin cells,and provide new ideas for wound therapy using EVs. 展开更多
关键词 Extracellular vesicles Specific skin tissue cell cutaneous injury wound healing
四种皮神经营养血管带蒂穿支皮瓣修复手部掌侧创面的效果 被引量:2
作者 王辉 周彤 +4 位作者 刘玉杰 张一晗 刘英 马铁鹏 杨晓溪 《中华烧伤与创面修复杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期1038-1046,共9页
目的探讨采用4种皮神经营养血管带蒂穿支皮瓣修复手部掌侧创面的效果。方法采用回顾性观察性研究方法。2012年5月—2021年7月,唐山市第二医院手外科收治122例符合入选标准的手部掌侧创面患者,其中男74例、女48例,年龄18~76岁,包括单纯... 目的探讨采用4种皮神经营养血管带蒂穿支皮瓣修复手部掌侧创面的效果。方法采用回顾性观察性研究方法。2012年5月—2021年7月,唐山市第二医院手外科收治122例符合入选标准的手部掌侧创面患者,其中男74例、女48例,年龄18~76岁,包括单纯手掌损伤者15例、单纯手指损伤者101例、手掌和手指同时受损者6例。创面面积为1.5 cm×1.2 cm~15.0 cm×6.0 cm,均经移植皮神经营养血管带蒂穿支皮瓣修复,其中移植带前臂内侧皮神经的尺动脉穿支皮瓣者16例、移植带掌背皮神经的掌背动脉穿支皮瓣者20例、移植带前臂外侧皮神经终末支的拇指指动脉背侧穿支皮瓣者21例、移植带指神经背侧支的第2~5指指动脉背侧穿支皮瓣者65例,皮瓣面积为1.8 cm×1.4 cm~20.0 cm×6.0 cm。术前行高频彩色多普勒超声检查对皮瓣穿支血管及皮神经进行定位和测量,术中均将皮瓣携带皮神经与受区神经吻合。将供瓣区创面直接闭合,或移植同侧大腿/前臂近端内侧游离中厚/全厚皮片修复。术后观察皮瓣与供瓣区移植皮片成活情况及供瓣区切口愈合情况。随访患者并于末次随访时,测量皮瓣静态两点辨别觉距离,参照Michigan手部功能问卷评定标准评估患者对皮瓣及供瓣区外观的满意度,根据中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评定患手功能。结果术后,1例患者移植的带前臂内侧皮神经的尺动脉穿支皮瓣及2例患者移植的带指神经背侧支的第2~5指指动脉背侧穿支皮瓣远端部分坏死,经换药处理愈合;其余119例患者移植的皮瓣均成活。术后供瓣区移植皮片均成活,供瓣区切口均愈合。随访时间为10~36个月,平均16个月。末次随访时,带前臂内侧皮神经的尺动脉穿支皮瓣静态两点辨别觉距离为10~20 mm,皮瓣外观满意度评估:非常满意者10例、满意者6例,供瓣区外观满意度评估:非常满意者7例、满意者9例,患 展开更多
关键词 手损伤 外科皮瓣 穿支皮瓣 超声检查 多普勒 彩色 皮神经 创面修复
Tackling Post-Operative Cutaneous Scarring with Autologous Cell Therapy
作者 Denis E. Solomon 《Open Journal of Regenerative Medicine》 2017年第3期27-33,共7页
Regenerative medicine has brought about refreshing new thinking about age old problems. However, some problems remain mostly untouched and are not being addressed. A point in question is the track of scar tissue left ... Regenerative medicine has brought about refreshing new thinking about age old problems. However, some problems remain mostly untouched and are not being addressed. A point in question is the track of scar tissue left behind post-operatively, which reveals the surgeon’s line of invasive incision. This confers on the patient an adverse psychological reminder and burden for the rest of his/her life. Most patients cannot afford corrective plastic surgery to ameliorate this skin defect. This paper seeks to ask whether biomedical scientists could play a role in arriving at a more pleasing cosmetic result, using a simple cell culture procedure of isolating un-manipulated autologous primary epidermal and dermal cells from a small skin tissue segment in close proximity to the surgeon’s incision line. 展开更多
关键词 cutaneous SCARRING POST-OPERATIVE EPIDERMAL Rosettes DERMAL Fibro-blasts AUTOLOGOUS Cell Therapy wound Healing
Health economic evaluation of moist wound care in chronic cutaneous leishmaniasis ulcers in Afghanistan 被引量:1
作者 Hans-Christian Stahl Faridullah Ahmadi +3 位作者 Sami Mohammad Nahzat Heng-Jin Dong Kurt-Wilhelm Stahl Rainer Sauerborn 《Infectious Diseases of Poverty》 SCIE 2018年第1期129-144,共16页
Background:The present health economic evaluation in Afghanistan aims to support public health decision makers and health care managers to allocate resources efficiently to appropriate treatments for cutaneous leishma... Background:The present health economic evaluation in Afghanistan aims to support public health decision makers and health care managers to allocate resources efficiently to appropriate treatments for cutaneous leishmaniasis(CL)elicited by Leishmania tropica or Leishmania major.Methods:A decision tree was used to analyse the cost and the effectiveness of two wound care regimens versus intra-lesional antimony in CL patients in Afghanistan.Costs were collected from a societal perspective.Effectiveness was measured in wound free days.The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio(ICER)and incremental net monetary benefit(NMB)were calculated.The model was parameterized with baseline parameters,sensitivity ranges,and parameter distributions.Finally,the model was simulated and results were evaluated with deterministic and probability sensitivity analyses.Final outcomes were the efficiency of the regimens and a budget impact analysis in the context of Afghanistan.Results:Average costs per patients were US$11(SE=0.016)(Group I:Intra-dermal Sodium Stibogluconate[IL SSG]),US$16(SE=7.58)(Group II:Electro-thermo-debridement[ETD]+Moist wound treatment[MWT])and US$25(SE=0.48)(Group III:MWT)in patients with a single chronic CL ulcer.From a societal perspective the budget impact analysis shows that the regimens’drug costs are lower than indirect disease cost.Average effectiveness in wound free days are 177(SE=0.36)in Group II,147(SE=0.33)in Group III,and 129(SE=0.27)in Group I.The ICER of Group II versus Group I was US$0.09 and Group III versus Group I US$0.77,which is very costeffective with a willingness-to-pay threshold of US$2 per wound free day.Within a Monte-Carlo probabilistic sensitivity analysis Group II was cost-effective in 80%of the cases starting at a willingness-to-pay of 80 cent per wound free day.Conclusions:Group II provided the most cost-effective treatment.The non-treatment alternative is not an option in the management of chronic CL ulcers.MWT of Group III should at least be practiced.The costeffectiveness of Grou 展开更多
关键词 cutaneous leishmaniasis wound healing COST-EFFECTIVENESS Sodium Stibogluconate Moist wound treatment
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