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近视LASIK术后角膜膨隆的研究进展 被引量:10
作者 曹志杰 王勤美 《国际眼科杂志》 CAS 2004年第6期1088-1091,共4页
角膜膨隆是近视LASIK术后少见而严重的并发症之一。它严重损害视功能,是对公众健康的潜在危胁。本文从近视LASIK术后角膜膨隆的一般概况、发病的危险因素、病理变化、发病机制、临床特征及诊断、处理等方面总结了近年来对其研究现状及... 角膜膨隆是近视LASIK术后少见而严重的并发症之一。它严重损害视功能,是对公众健康的潜在危胁。本文从近视LASIK术后角膜膨隆的一般概况、发病的危险因素、病理变化、发病机制、临床特征及诊断、处理等方面总结了近年来对其研究现状及进展。 展开更多
关键词 角膜膨隆 近视 LASIK 并发症 治疗
角膜屈光手术后继发性圆锥角膜的RGP矫正疗效观察 被引量:7
作者 赵江浩 吴年浪 张惠成 《医学研究杂志》 2012年第5期146-149,共4页
目的评价硬性透气性角膜接触镜(rigid permeability contact lenses,RGP)矫正角膜屈光手术后圆锥角膜的疗效。方法选择笔者医院收治的11例(21眼)角膜屈光手术后圆锥角膜患者配戴RGP,观察1年后角膜前后表明曲率,RGP和普通软性角膜接触镜... 目的评价硬性透气性角膜接触镜(rigid permeability contact lenses,RGP)矫正角膜屈光手术后圆锥角膜的疗效。方法选择笔者医院收治的11例(21眼)角膜屈光手术后圆锥角膜患者配戴RGP,观察1年后角膜前后表明曲率,RGP和普通软性角膜接触镜的角膜地形图改变。结果配戴RGP1年后角膜前表面最平平均曲率值和后表面曲率值没有明显变化。RGP矫正1年后角膜前表面的最陡平均曲率明显下降,角膜地形图SRI,SAI,散光减少,PVA提高。对照组佩戴普通软性角膜接触镜1年后角膜地形图无明显改善。结论经1年的随访观察,RGP对角膜屈光手术后的圆锥角膜能明显改善患者的角膜前表面最陡平均曲率,角膜后表面和角膜前表面最平平均曲率保持稳定。是目前矫正角膜屈光手术后圆锥角膜的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 硬性透气性角膜接触镜 角膜屈光手术 圆锥角膜 视力
兔眼准分子激光近视角膜切削术后角膜膨出的研究 被引量:5
作者 黄小勇 贺翔鸽 谭小玲 《眼科学报》 2002年第2期119-122,共4页
目的:探讨兔眼在准分子激光近视角膜切削术(Excimer laser in-situ he。tomileusis,LASIK)手术后在不同的眼压下角膜膨出的程度。方法:26兔52眼随机分为对照组、LASIK手术组,单盲法,术前、术后测量角膜厚度和角膜地形图后,再将两组随... 目的:探讨兔眼在准分子激光近视角膜切削术(Excimer laser in-situ he。tomileusis,LASIK)手术后在不同的眼压下角膜膨出的程度。方法:26兔52眼随机分为对照组、LASIK手术组,单盲法,术前、术后测量角膜厚度和角膜地形图后,再将两组随机交叉分为正常眼压组、低度高眼压组、高度高眼压组,并观察1个月,用角膜地形图对实验前后的角膜形态进行分析,并应用统计学方法将手术切削量和眼压两个因素对角膜扩张的影响做双因素方差分析。结果:LASIK手术的角膜切削量、术后高眼压以及两者的交互效应对角膜抵抗力都有显著影响。较大的切削量和术后持续高眼压后的兔眼角膜地形图经分析符合圆锥角膜模式,并出现前、后弹力膜断裂的形态学改变。结论:角膜较大的切削量和术后持续的高眼压是导致兔眼LASIK术后发生圆锥角膜的重要原因。 展开更多
关键词 准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术 眼压 角膜膨出 角膜切削量 近视
Ⅱ型胶原酶构建兔角膜离体扩张模型 被引量:5
作者 乔静 李海丽 +5 位作者 宋文静 汤韵 荣蓓 杨松霖 吴元 晏晓明 《中华眼视光学与视觉科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2016年第5期275-279,共5页
目的 探索使用Ⅱ型胶原酶建立兔角膜离体扩张模型的方法及其可行性.方法 实验研究.20只离体兔角膜采用随机数字表法分为Ⅰ组(阴性对照组)、Ⅱ组(5 mg/mlⅡ型胶原酶组)、Ⅲ组(10 mg/mlⅡ型胶原酶组)及Ⅳ组(15 mg/mlⅡ型胶原酶组)... 目的 探索使用Ⅱ型胶原酶建立兔角膜离体扩张模型的方法及其可行性.方法 实验研究.20只离体兔角膜采用随机数字表法分为Ⅰ组(阴性对照组)、Ⅱ组(5 mg/mlⅡ型胶原酶组)、Ⅲ组(10 mg/mlⅡ型胶原酶组)及Ⅳ组(15 mg/mlⅡ型胶原酶组),每组5只角膜.刮除上皮后角膜置于人工前房上,各组采用不同浓度Ⅱ型胶原酶溶液浸泡60 min.分别记录处理前后各组角膜在不同人工前房内压力[模拟眼压(I0P)]下(15、30、45 mmHg)角膜平均曲率及角膜中央厚度,并对处理后各组角膜进行组织学检查.各组处理前后角膜平均曲率差值△Km及角膜中央厚度差值△CCT的变化采用单因素方差分析.结果 不同IOP梯度下,4组角膜处理前后角膜平均曲率差值△Km差异有统计学意义(F=8.46、9.24、8.58,P<0.01);在各个IOP梯度下各组比较发现Ⅳ组与Ⅰ组的△Km差异均有统计学意义(P<0.01),Ⅱ组、Ⅲ组与Ⅰ组的△Km差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).不同IOP梯度下,4组角膜处理前后角膜中央厚度差值△CCT差异均无统计学意义(F=0.22、0.66、1.60,P>0.05).与阴性对照组相比,胶原酶处理过的角膜基质胶原纤维排列疏松,基质水肿.结论 15 mg/mlⅡ型胶原酶溶液浸泡角膜60min能使角膜平均曲率增加,可用于建立兔角膜离体扩张模型. 展开更多
关键词 基质金属蛋白酶8 圆锥角膜 角膜扩张 角膜曲率 角膜厚度 Matrix metallo PROTEINASE 8
近视眼患者LASIK和LASEK术后角膜后表面变化的比较研究 被引量:6
作者 李雪 赵延军 +2 位作者 张丽 胡琦 王珂萌 《眼科新进展》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第6期545-547,共3页
目的探讨近视眼LASIK及LASEK术后角膜后表面变化的差异及意义。方法随机选取近视眼准分子激光患者72例143眼,根据患者接受手术方式的不同分成LASIK组(简称IK组)和LASEK组(简称EK组),根据术后剩余角膜基质床厚度/术前角膜厚度(residual c... 目的探讨近视眼LASIK及LASEK术后角膜后表面变化的差异及意义。方法随机选取近视眼准分子激光患者72例143眼,根据患者接受手术方式的不同分成LASIK组(简称IK组)和LASEK组(简称EK组),根据术后剩余角膜基质床厚度/术前角膜厚度(residual corneal stroma thickness/cornea thickness,RCST/CT)的不同将IK组患者分为IK-I组(RCST/CT<55%;15例30眼)、IK-II组(55%≤RCST/CT<60%;17例34眼)和IK-III组(RCST/CT≥60%;19例38眼),EK组(21例41眼)RCST/CT均≥60%。分别于术前、术后1个月、3个月和6个月应用Oculyzer眼前节分析系统检测角膜后表面高度差异(difference posterior elevation,Diff)值的变化。结果 IK组与EK组术后角膜后表面均向前膨隆。IK-I组术后1个月时Diff值为34.15±24.73,3个月、6个月时分别为28.15±24.82和29.19±23.54,术后1个月与3个月、6个月相比差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05),3个月和6个月比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。IK-II组和K-III组术后各时间点角膜后表面Diff值分别为22.59±11.00、22.63±14.08、22.36±14.96和18.72±10.37、18.72±11.93、17.22±10.47,组内比较差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。术后不同时间点IK-I组和IK-III组比较角膜后表面Diff的差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05),IK-I组和IK-II组、IK-II组和IK-III组间比较差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。EK组术后1个月、3个月和6个月时角膜后表面Diff值分别为14.41±10.44,13.73±10.41和14.72±12.31,同术前相比差异均有统计学意义(均为P<0.05),但术后各时间点间比较差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。术后不同时间点IK-III组和EK组Diff值的变化差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。结论 LASIK及LASEK术后角膜后表面均有膨隆,术后RCST/CT越大,对角膜后表面膨隆的影响越小。RCST/CT可以作为临床评估准分子激光角膜屈光手术安全性的重要指标。 展开更多
关键词 LASIK LASEK 角膜 角膜后表面 角膜膨隆
Clinical outcomes after implantation of a new intrastromal corneal ring with 140-degree of arc in patients with corneal ectasia 被引量:3
作者 Jordana Sandes Larissa R.S.Stival +5 位作者 Marcos Pereira de Avila Paulo Ferrara Guilherme Ferrara Leopoldo Magacho Luana P.N.Araujo Leonardo Torquetti 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2018年第5期802-806,共5页
AIM:To evaluate the clinical and tomographic outcomes after implantation of a new intrastromal corneal ring segment(ICRS) with 140-degrees of arc in eyes with corneal ectasia.METHODS:We evaluated patients with cor... AIM:To evaluate the clinical and tomographic outcomes after implantation of a new intrastromal corneal ring segment(ICRS) with 140-degrees of arc in eyes with corneal ectasia.METHODS:We evaluated patients with corneal ectasia implanted with Ferrara 140° ICRS from April 2010 to February 2015.Outcome measures included preoperative and postoperative corrected distance visual acuity(CDVA),keratometry simulated(K) reading,tomographic astigmatism and asphericity.All patients were evaluated using the Pentacam Scheimpflug system.RESULTS:The study evaluated 58 eyes.The mean followup was 16.81±10.8 mo.The CDVA(logM AR) improved from 0.5±0.20(20/60) to 0.3±0.21(20/40)(P〈0.01).The average K reduced from 49.87±7.01 to 47.34±4.90 D(P〈0.01).The asphericity changed from-0.60±0.86 to-0.23±0.67 D(P〈0.01).The mean preoperative tomographic astigmatism decreased from-8.0±3.45 to-4.53±2.52 D(P〈0.01).CONCLUSION:The new ICRS model with 140-degrees of arc effectively improve the visual acuity and reduce the high astigmatism usually found in patients with corneal ectasia. 展开更多
关键词 KERATOCONUS intrastromal corneal ring segment corneal ectasia
作者 莫菲(综述) 李莹(审校) 《中华实验眼科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期376-385,共10页
角膜屈光手术是一种安全、有效的屈光不正矫正方式。尽管因术后角膜组织完整性改变,导致角膜生物力学稳定性下降,但术后角膜结构绝大多数是安全的。如果术前存在危险因素,如屈光度数高、角膜薄、角膜地形图形态欠规则、散光度数高、双... 角膜屈光手术是一种安全、有效的屈光不正矫正方式。尽管因术后角膜组织完整性改变,导致角膜生物力学稳定性下降,但术后角膜结构绝大多数是安全的。如果术前存在危险因素,如屈光度数高、角膜薄、角膜地形图形态欠规则、散光度数高、双眼对称性差、过敏体质、有揉眼习惯等,术后有可能发生屈光回退和角膜膨隆。角膜胶原交联术可增强角膜生物力学,有效阻止角膜膨隆、圆锥角膜或其他扩张性疾病的发生和发展。近年来,国内外一些研究者相继尝试一种新型的屈光手术设计,即角膜屈光手术联合预防性角膜胶原交联术,以期改善屈光术后角膜的生物力学稳定性,进而潜在预防角膜扩张和屈光回退。多项研究已经观察到联合手术具有良好的视力和屈光预后,尤其是对于术前评估角膜存在相对扩张风险的患者。本文将主要从有效性、安全性、可预测性、稳定性及并发症5个方面综述该联合手术矫治屈光不正的疗效及安全性。 展开更多
关键词 屈光不正 角膜交联 屈光手术 疗效 安全性 角膜扩张 角膜生物力学
圆锥角膜形态与力学异常早期诊断的研究进展 被引量:4
作者 冼艺勇 沈阳 +2 位作者 赵婧 张晓宇 周行涛 《复旦学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期596-605,共10页
圆锥角膜是一种原发性、非炎症性角膜膨隆性疾病,可引起严重的视力下降。早期或亚临床期圆锥角膜起病隐匿,缺乏典型临床表现,诊断较为困难,也是角膜屈光术后发生角膜膨隆的重要危险因素。近年来,国内外学者采用Pentacam眼前节全景仪、Co... 圆锥角膜是一种原发性、非炎症性角膜膨隆性疾病,可引起严重的视力下降。早期或亚临床期圆锥角膜起病隐匿,缺乏典型临床表现,诊断较为困难,也是角膜屈光术后发生角膜膨隆的重要危险因素。近年来,国内外学者采用Pentacam眼前节全景仪、Corvis ST角膜生物力学测量仪、眼前节光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomograph,OCT)、活体共聚焦显微镜等,从角膜地形图形态、厚度、生物力学、角膜显微结构变化等各方面揭示了圆锥角膜的早期变化,有助于圆锥角膜的早期识别及诊断。本文主要介绍圆锥角膜的早期诊断新技术和新方法。 展开更多
关键词 圆锥角膜 角膜扩张 早期诊断 角膜生物力学
Accelerated versus standard corneal cross linking in the treatment of ectasia post refractive surgery and penetrating keratoplasty: a medium term randomized trial 被引量:1
作者 Hany A.Khairy Moataz F.Elsawy +2 位作者 Khaled Said-Ahmed Marwa A.Zaki Sameh S Mandour 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2019年第11期1714-1719,共6页
AIM: To compare the clinical outcomes of the standard corneal cross linking(CXL) and the accelerated CXL in patients with progressive corneal ectasia post refractive surgery and penetrating keratoplasty.METHODS: Total... AIM: To compare the clinical outcomes of the standard corneal cross linking(CXL) and the accelerated CXL in patients with progressive corneal ectasia post refractive surgery and penetrating keratoplasty.METHODS: Totally 120 eyes of 83 patients scheduled to receive either standard CXL(3 m W/cm^2 for a period of 30 min) or accelerated CXL(18 m W/cm2 for a period of 5 min). The main outcomes for comparison were the change in: maximum-K reading(K-max), manifest refractive spherical equivalent(SE), central corneal thickness(CCT), and the best corrected distance visual acuity(CDVA).RESULTS: One hundred and eleven eyes completed the study. The main outcome measurement was the K-max reading. Both group showed significant improvement in the value postoperatively at 6 and 12 mo. The mean change in the standard group was 1.21±0.11 D and in the accelerated group was 0.90±0.05 D at the end of 12 mo postoperatively, with no statistically significant difference between the 2 groups. Similarly, CDVA improved significantly from their preoperative value in the standard group by 2.98±0.11 letters, and in the accelerated group by 2.20±0.06 letters, with no statistically significant difference between the two groups. Both of the SE, and CCT showed no statistically significant difference at the end of follow up period in each group.CONCLUSION: Both standard CXL and accelerated CXL are safe and effective treatment in halting ectasia after corneal refractive surgery. The accelerated CXL results are comparable to the standard CXL with short time exposure of the cornea to ultraviolet irradiation, leading to reduced operation time, reduced operative ocular discomfort, and corneal haze. 展开更多
关键词 corneal cross LINKING ACCELERATED refractivesurgery PENETRATING KERATOPLASTY corneal ectasia
Keratoconus in a patient with Alport syndrome: A case report 被引量:2
作者 Majid Moshirfar David F Skanchy +3 位作者 Aaron T Gomez Yasmyne C Ronquillo Benjamin Buckner Phillip C Hoopes 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2019年第19期3012-3017,共6页
BACKGROUND Known ocular manifestations of Alport syndrome include features such as anterior lenticonus and fleck retinopathy. Reports of keratoconus in such patients are limited. We report tomographic findings consist... BACKGROUND Known ocular manifestations of Alport syndrome include features such as anterior lenticonus and fleck retinopathy. Reports of keratoconus in such patients are limited. We report tomographic findings consistent with keratoconus in a patient with Alport syndrome.CASE SUMMARY A 52-year-old female was referred to our ophthalmology clinic with decreased vision and increased tearing. She was diagnosed with stage Ⅲ Alport syndrome two years prior. Upon examination she was found to have average keratometries of 48D bilaterally with tomographic evidence of keratoconus.CONCLUSION Although a rare presentation, concurrent Alport syndrome and keratoconus should be considered when reviewing the ocular health of Alport syndrome patients and appropriate management steps should be taken upon the diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 Alport syndrome Keratoconus Type COLLAGEN COL4A GENES corneal ectasia Case report
作者 徐未清 陈琦 《临床与病理杂志》 CAS 2024年第5期752-758,共7页
圆锥角膜是导致全球致盲性角膜疾病的重要原因,早期因缺乏典型症状而难以诊断,未能及时干预治疗以至病情严重需要角膜移植才来就诊。而中国角膜库稀缺,给患者复明带来严重困难。目前,随着角膜地形图、角膜生物力学、眼前节光学相干断层... 圆锥角膜是导致全球致盲性角膜疾病的重要原因,早期因缺乏典型症状而难以诊断,未能及时干预治疗以至病情严重需要角膜移植才来就诊。而中国角膜库稀缺,给患者复明带来严重困难。目前,随着角膜地形图、角膜生物力学、眼前节光学相干断层扫描(optical coherence tomography,OCT)和角膜共聚焦显微镜(corneal confocal microscopy,CCM)等眼科设备及人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)技术的进步,大大提高了早期圆锥角膜的诊断效率。各种眼科诊断设备可以从角膜的形态学、生物力学、角膜厚度、活体细胞结构等方面提供多种角膜参数,而AI技术可以综合多种参数,辅助高效诊断早期圆锥角膜,在临床上有较高的实用价值。早期圆锥角膜的诊断技术为及时干预治疗圆锥角膜、帮助挽救患者视力提供了参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 圆锥角膜 角膜扩张 人工智能
作者 魏俊超 陈鹏 +6 位作者 韩鹏飞 刘晓娜 侯杰 武策 宋婕 陈维毅 李晓娜 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS 北大核心 2024年第1期129-135,143,共8页
扩张性角膜疾病中角膜的力学性能显著降低,但其不同区域力学性能的变化尚不清楚。本文利用Ⅱ型胶原酶降解中央6 mm直径内的角膜基质建立了兔角膜扩张模型,造模1月后采用光学相干断层扫描仪检测在体角膜形态(角膜厚度与角膜曲率);分别采... 扩张性角膜疾病中角膜的力学性能显著降低,但其不同区域力学性能的变化尚不清楚。本文利用Ⅱ型胶原酶降解中央6 mm直径内的角膜基质建立了兔角膜扩张模型,造模1月后采用光学相干断层扫描仪检测在体角膜形态(角膜厚度与角膜曲率);分别采用双轴和单轴拉伸方法检测整体和中央局部角膜组织的各向异性和粘弹性力学特性。结果表明:术后1月模型组角膜中央厚度显著降低,角膜曲率无显著变化。不同应变下,无论整体还是中央局部角膜,对照组与模型组角膜沿上-下方向与鼻-颞方向的弹性模量差异无统计学意义;模型组弹性模量均显著低于正常对照组;模型组中央角膜弹性模量显著低于模型组整体角膜。与对照组相比,模型组角膜的蠕变率与整体变形率均显著增高,而瞬时模量与平衡模量则显著降低;但整体角膜与中央局部角膜各参数之间均无显著差异。本文结果提示,胶原酶处理引起角膜扩张后未导致角膜各向异性特征发生改变,但粘弹性力学性能显著下降。本研究为探究扩张性角膜疾病不同区域角膜力学性能变化规律提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 角膜扩张 各向异性 粘弹性 蠕变
准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术联合角膜交联加固术后角膜形态参数异常评估的经验与教训 被引量:2
作者 魏升升 李晶 +4 位作者 刘建国 王利 杜婧 高金荣 李勇 《山东大学耳鼻喉眼学报》 CAS 2021年第6期59-64,共6页
继发性角膜后扩张是一种角膜手术后出现的进行性角膜厚度变薄,角膜前表面曲率和后表面高度增加为特征的罕见疾病。通常见于激光角膜屈光手术后几月到几年间,患者术前往往有或无不典型的圆锥角膜早期表现。角膜交联手术通过增加角膜胶原... 继发性角膜后扩张是一种角膜手术后出现的进行性角膜厚度变薄,角膜前表面曲率和后表面高度增加为特征的罕见疾病。通常见于激光角膜屈光手术后几月到几年间,患者术前往往有或无不典型的圆锥角膜早期表现。角膜交联手术通过增加角膜胶原纤维之间的连接来加固角膜。准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术LASIK联合角膜交联手术可以增加LASIK术后角膜的生物力学,防止术后屈光回退和继发性角膜后扩张。报告一例31岁女性患者在行LASIK联合角膜交联手术后出现罕见的角膜形态学参数改变。患者术后1个月复查时Pentacam检查表现出角膜厚度异常变薄,角膜后表面高度增高,容易被误诊为继发性角膜后扩张。通过眼前节光学相干断层成像的测量,发现角膜厚度存在较大差异,并且在长时间随访中,患者的Pentacam检查结果恢复正常。虽然Pentacam可以相对准确的测量角膜厚度、角膜曲率和前后表面的高度,但在LASIK联合角膜交联手术后出现可疑继发性角膜后扩张时,应同时进行其他设备的检查,避免出现假阳性的可能。 展开更多
关键词 准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术 角膜交联 角膜地形图 角膜扩张 厚度
Keratoconus therapeutics advances 被引量:1
作者 Martha Jaimes Arturo Ramirez-Miranda +1 位作者 Enrique O Graue-Hernández Alejandro Navas 《World Journal of Ophthalmology》 2013年第3期20-31,共12页
Keratoconus is a progressive, usually bilateral disease of the cornea that significantly diminishes visual acuity, secondary to a progressive corneal deformity which is characterized by corneal thinning, variable degr... Keratoconus is a progressive, usually bilateral disease of the cornea that significantly diminishes visual acuity, secondary to a progressive corneal deformity which is characterized by corneal thinning, variable degrees of irregular astigmatism and specific abnormal topographic patterns. Normally it initiates during puberty and is progressive until the third or fourth decade of life, when normally the progression rate is diminished or waned. There are multiple scales to clinically classify keratoconus. One of the most commonly used is Amsler-Krumeich and recently with the development of morphometric and aberrometric techniques, additional scales have been created that allow keratoconus to be classified according to its severity. Despite certain etiology of keratoconus remains unknown, current treatment options are available in patients with ectatic corneas and they vary depending on the severity of the disease and they include spectacles, contact lenses, intrastromal rings, keratoplasty both penetrant or lamellar, cross-linking, refractive lens exchange withintraocular lens implant, phakic intraocular lenses and the combination of these alternatives. Some authors have been using excimer laser in patients with keratoconus but the safety of the procedure is controversial. Currently, the techniques for the management of keratoconus can be classified in 3 types: corneal strengthening techniques, optical optimization techniques and combined techniques. 展开更多
Large Penetrating Keratoplasty in the Management of Keratoglobus: A Case Report
作者 Lamprini Papaioannou Miltiadis Papathanassiou 《Open Journal of Ophthalmology》 2016年第1期51-55,共5页
Background: Keratoglobus is a rare noninflammatory corneal disorder characterized by diffuse corneal thinning and globular protrusion of the cornea. Surgical management of keratoglobus is challenging and the standard ... Background: Keratoglobus is a rare noninflammatory corneal disorder characterized by diffuse corneal thinning and globular protrusion of the cornea. Surgical management of keratoglobus is challenging and the standard method has not yet been defined. Aim: To present the role of large penetrating keratoplasty (PK) in the management of keratoglobus. Case Presentation: A 29-year-old male patient with bilateral keratoglobus presented with acute corneal hydrops in his right eye following extensive Descemet’s membrane rupture, with a visual acuity in this eye limited to hand movement. Peripheral cornea was extremely thin and blue sclera was present. Acute hydrops was managed conservatively at this stage and two months later large PK was performed in the right eye using 9.5 mm diameter graft over a 9 mm patient’s cornea trephination. Minor aqueous leakage was seen on the first postoperative day, managed with 2 more interrupted 10.0 nylon sutures. No further complications were noticed and postoperative course was uneventful. Fifteen months postoperatively the graft was clear and best corrected visual acuity was 20/60. Conclusions: Large penetrating keratoplasty has an important role in the management of keratoglobus, in cases where peripheral tuck-in lamellar keratoplasty or epikeratoplasty present serious intraoperative difficulties in host lamellar dissection and in stabilizing the graft due to extensive peripheral corneal and scleral thinning. 展开更多
关键词 Keratoglobus Large Penetrating Keratoplasty corneal ectasia
Clinical outcomes at one year following keratoconus treatment with accelerated transepithelial cross-linking
作者 Alberto Artola 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2017年第4期652-655,共4页
This study evaluated the clinical outcomes in keratoconus corneas following accelerated transepithelial corneal collagen cross-linking(CXL)(Avedro KXL system,Waltham,MA,USA) over one year of follow-up.The mean de... This study evaluated the clinical outcomes in keratoconus corneas following accelerated transepithelial corneal collagen cross-linking(CXL)(Avedro KXL system,Waltham,MA,USA) over one year of follow-up.The mean depth of the demarcation line measured by optical coherence tomography(OCT) was 205.19 μm.One month after surgery,a non-statistically significant change was noted in sphere(P= 0.18) and in spherical equivalent(P= 0.17),whereas a significant improvement was observed in corrected distance visual acuity(P=0.04).A significant change was observed in topographic astigmatism(P= 0.03) and posterior corneal a sphericity(P= 0.04).Accelerated transepithelial CXL may be a useful technique for the management of progressive keratoconus. 展开更多
关键词 comeal collagen cross-linking KERATOCONUS transepithelial cross-linking accelerated transepithelial cross-linking corneal ectasia
Anterior Segment Optical Coherence Tomography Indices and Their Value in Diagnosing Corneal Ectasia
作者 Angel Atanassov Marieta Konareva-Kostianeva Marin Atanassov 《Open Journal of Ophthalmology》 2021年第4期313-324,共12页
<strong>Purpose:</strong> To determine the diagnostic value of the anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) indices in differentiating normal from ectatic corneas. <strong>Material and ... <strong>Purpose:</strong> To determine the diagnostic value of the anterior segment optical coherence tomography (AS-OCT) indices in differentiating normal from ectatic corneas. <strong>Material and Methods:</strong> Two groups of patients—with corneal ectasia and normal controls were compared. Each group consists of 80 eyes of 43 age and sex-matched patients. All of them underwent corneal topography with OCULUS Keratograph 5M and corneal pachymetry with AS-OCT with RTVue-100. The indices generated by the AS-OCT pachymetric scans were analyzed. <strong>Results:</strong> There was a statistically significant difference for all the examined indices between the two groups with p values <0.001 and a confidence interval of 95%. The minimal corneal thickness (Min) was the best performing index according to the ROC analysis with an area under the curve of 0.976 and a combination of sensitivity and specificity of 0.925 and 0.911 respectively, and a “cut-off” value of 484 microns, followed by the indices of focal thinning—Min-Med and Min-Max with an area under the curve of 0.973 and 0.971 and sensitivity/specificity of 0.938/0.962 and 0.938/0.937 respectively. The rest of the examined parameters had an area under the curve in the range between 0.950 for the central corneal thickness and 0.814 for the outer superior segment. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> The anterior segment OCT indices showed excellent capability in differentiating ectatic from normal corneas. 展开更多
关键词 KERATOCONUS corneal ectasia Marginal Pellucid Degeneration Anterior Segment OCT PACHYMETRY
角膜扩张疾病模型的研究进展 被引量:2
作者 乔静 晏晓明 《国际眼科纵览》 2016年第4期246-251,共6页
角膜扩张是临床常见的伴有相应角膜结构进行性破坏的屈光不稳定性疾病,主要包括圆锥角膜、LASIK术后角膜扩张(post—LASIKkeratectasia,PLK)即医源性角膜扩张、透明边缘角膜变性(pellucidmarginaldegeneration,PMD)、Terrien边... 角膜扩张是临床常见的伴有相应角膜结构进行性破坏的屈光不稳定性疾病,主要包括圆锥角膜、LASIK术后角膜扩张(post—LASIKkeratectasia,PLK)即医源性角膜扩张、透明边缘角膜变性(pellucidmarginaldegeneration,PMD)、Terrien边缘角膜变性(Terrien's marginaldegeneration,TMD)和球形角膜等。角膜扩张疾病模型对于理解其发病机制、病理生理学改变及评价疾病治疗效果等具有重要意义,近年来已引起广泛关注,常见的模型包括LASIK术后角膜扩张动物模型、遗传性圆锥角膜模型、角膜扩张有限元模型及离体模型等,各种模型各具优缺点,但遗憾的是目前仍缺乏可用于基础研究的角膜扩张动物模型。 展开更多
关键词 角膜扩张 疾病模型 圆锥角膜
作者 王乐滢 韦振宇 +2 位作者 苏冠羽 张子俊 梁庆丰 《中华眼科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期939-941,共3页
8岁男童因"双眼视物不清进行性加重5年"来诊。既往多发性骨折病史;眼科检查:右眼矫正视力0.5, 左眼矫正视力0.6;双眼蓝巩膜、全角膜变薄、前膨。全身查体示多部位韧带较为松弛。该名患者诊断为先天性成骨发育不全, 给予患者... 8岁男童因"双眼视物不清进行性加重5年"来诊。既往多发性骨折病史;眼科检查:右眼矫正视力0.5, 左眼矫正视力0.6;双眼蓝巩膜、全角膜变薄、前膨。全身查体示多部位韧带较为松弛。该名患者诊断为先天性成骨发育不全, 给予患者特殊的大直径联合稳定边弧的方法设计的硬性角膜塑形镜治疗后, 双眼矫正视力提高至0.8。 展开更多
关键词 先天性成骨发育不全 角膜扩张症 硬性角膜塑形镜
角膜屈光手术后圆锥角膜的临床分析 被引量:10
作者 瞿小妹 李梅 《眼视光学杂志》 2004年第4期225-227,共3页
目的 :研究角膜屈光手术后出现的圆锥角膜的特性 ,探讨圆锥角膜发生的可能机制 ,为临床提供有价值的建议 ,并评价硬性透氧性角膜接触镜 (RGP)在术后圆锥角膜中的治疗作用。方法 :对角膜屈光手术后出现角膜膨出的 11例 18眼患者做常规裂... 目的 :研究角膜屈光手术后出现的圆锥角膜的特性 ,探讨圆锥角膜发生的可能机制 ,为临床提供有价值的建议 ,并评价硬性透氧性角膜接触镜 (RGP)在术后圆锥角膜中的治疗作用。方法 :对角膜屈光手术后出现角膜膨出的 11例 18眼患者做常规裂隙灯检查、主客观验光、角膜曲率测定、角膜厚度检测和角膜地形图检查 ,并根据角膜曲率特征选择试戴镜片 ,以荧光素图判断配适情况 ,选择镜片 ,并作片上验光。结果 :11例 18眼患者 ,术前屈光度 :球镜平均为 (-8.6 9± - 0 .94 )DS ,柱镜度数平均为 (- 1.2 8± - 0 .5 4 )DC。其中 14眼出现圆锥角膜为LASIK术后 ,2眼为PRK后 ,2眼为RK术后。表现圆锥角膜特征的时间在术后 2~ 12个月 ,平均为 (7.4 1± 3.95 )个月。圆锥的位置 :角膜正中 9眼 ,角膜正中上方 1眼 ,颞下方 1眼 ,外围 1眼 ,正下方 4眼 ,水平蝴蝶型 2眼。RGP镜片配适满意的达 90 % ,可以接受的为10 % ;患者戴镜后的矫正视力 0 .1~ 1.0D ,平均为 (0 .72± 0 .2 3)D。结论 :角膜屈光手术后圆锥角膜往往出现在高度数近收稿日期 :2 0 0 3 -0 5 -0 3 ;修回日期 :2 0 0 3 -10 -3 0作者简介 :瞿小妹 (1965 -) ,女 ,上海人 ,医学博士 ,副主任医师 ,研究方向 :眼视光学。E -mail:quxiaomei2 0 0 2 @hotmail. 展开更多
关键词 圆锥角膜 术后 角膜屈光手术 患者 角膜曲率 戴镜 术前 对角 结论 可能机制
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