Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)-synthesized RNA, a nongenetic code-based RNA is suitable for unraveling the structural constraints imposed on the regulation (transcription, translation, siRNA etc.) of metabolism by gene...Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)-synthesized RNA, a nongenetic code-based RNA is suitable for unraveling the structural constraints imposed on the regulation (transcription, translation, siRNA etc.) of metabolism by genetic code. GDH-synthesized RNAs have been induced in whole plants to knock out target mRNA populations thereby producing plant phenotypes that are allergen-free;enriched in fatty acids, essential amino acids, shikimic acid, resveratrol etc. Methods applied hereunder for investigating the structural properties of GDH-synthesized RNA included purification of GDH isoenzymes, synthesis of RNA by the isoenzymes, reverse transcription of the RNA to cDNA, sequencing of the cDNA, computation of the G+C-contents, profiling the stability through PCR amplification compared with genetic code-based DNA;and biochemical characterization of the RNAs synthesized by individual hexameric isoenzymes of GDH. Single product bands resulted from the PCR amplification of the cDNAs of GDH-synthesized RNA, whereas several bands resulted from the amplification of genetic code-based DNA. The cDNAs have wide G+C-contents (35% to 59%), whereas genetic code-based DNA has narrower G+C-contents (50% to 60%). The GDH β6 homo-hexameric isoenzyme synthesized the A+U-rich RNAs, whereas the a6, and α6 homo-hexameric isoenzymes synthesized the G+C-rich RNAs. Therefore, the RNA synthesized by GDH is different from genetic code-based RNAs. In vitro chemical reactions revealed that GDH-synthesized RNA degraded total RNA to lower molecular weight products. Therefore, GDH-synthesized RNA is RNA enzyme. Dismantling of the structural constraints imposed on RNA by genetic code liberated RNA to become an enzyme with specificity to degrade unwanted transcripts. The RNA enzyme activity of GDH-synthesized RNA is ubiquitous in cells;it is readily induced by treatment of plants with mineral nutrients etc. and may simplify experimental approaches in plant enzymology and molecular biology research projects.展开更多
Glutamate dehydrogenase regulates crop development, growth, and biomass yield through its synthesis of non-genetic code-based RNA. Understanding the mechanism of GDH-synthesized RNA enzyme would enhance the agricultur...Glutamate dehydrogenase regulates crop development, growth, and biomass yield through its synthesis of non-genetic code-based RNA. Understanding the mechanism of GDH-synthesized RNA enzyme would enhance the agriculture innovation capacity of the more than a billion urban gardeners, smallholder, and limited resources indigenous farmers. Different metabolic variants were prepared by treating peanut growing on healthy soil with stoichiometric mixes of mineral salt solutions. Peanut GDH charge isomers were purified to homogeneity by electrophoresis, and made to synthesize RNA enzyme. Peanut total RNA was 5’-end labeled with [γ-32P]ATP and made to react as substrate in vitro with GDH-synthesized RNA from another metabolic variant of peanut. Agarose, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the reaction products showed that tRNA, rRNA, and most of the mRNAs were degraded to mononucleotides, but total RNAs that were not mixed with GDH-synthesized RNAs were not degraded. When the non-homologous sequence sections of the GDH-synthesized RNA were clipped out, the homologous sections failed to produce Northern bands with peanut total RNA. Therefore, the non-homologous sequence sections served to identify, position, and align the GDH-synthesized RNA to its target total RNA site independent of genetic code;the degradation of total RNA being via non-canonical base alignments in the enzyme-substrate complex, followed by electromagnetic destruction of the total RNA, the less stable of the two kinds of RNA. This is the science-based corner stone that buttresses the crop production efforts of limited resources farmers because GDH-synthesized RNAs quickly degrade superfluous total RNA of the crop in response to the soil mineral nutrient deficiencies thereby minimizing wastage of metabolic energy in the synthesis of unnecessary protein enzymes while optimizing biomass metabolism, crop growth, and maximum crop yields. In vitro hydrolysis of total RNA by GDH-synthesized RNA is the game changing, prototype, R&D methods for cleansing展开更多
In view of the fact that the quantum computer attack is not considered in the cloud storage environment,this paper selects the code-based public key encryption scheme as the security protection measure in the cloud st...In view of the fact that the quantum computer attack is not considered in the cloud storage environment,this paper selects the code-based public key encryption scheme as the security protection measure in the cloud storage.Based on random linear code encryption scheme,it employs the structure of the RLCE scheme and Polar code polarization properties,using the Polar code as underlying encoding scheme,through the method of RLCEspad,putting forward a kind of improved public key encryption scheme which considers semantic security and is resistant to adaptively chosen ciphertext attacks.The improved scheme is applied to cloud storage to ensure that the storage environment will not be attacked by quantum computer while ensuring the confidentiality,availability and reliability.展开更多
Recent earthquakes in the Sichuan Province have contributed to significantly expand the existing ground-motion database for China with new,high-quality ground-motion records.This study investigated the compatibility o...Recent earthquakes in the Sichuan Province have contributed to significantly expand the existing ground-motion database for China with new,high-quality ground-motion records.This study investigated the compatibility of ground-motion prediction equations(GMPEs)established by the NGA-West2 project in the US and local GMPEs for China,with respect to magnitude scaling,distance scaling,and site scaling implied by recent Chinese strong-motion data.The NGA-West2 GMPEs for shallow crustal earthquakes in tectonically active regions are considerably more sophisticated than widely used previous models,particularly in China.Using a mixed-effects procedure,the study evaluated event terms(inter-event residuals)and intra-event residuals of Chinese data relative to the NGA-West2 GMPEs.Distance scaling was investigated by examining trends of intra-event residuals with source-to-site distance.Scaling with respect to site conditions was investigated by examining trends of intra-event residuals with soil type.The study also investigated other engineering characteristics of Chinese strong ground motions.In particular,the records were analyzed for evidence of pulse-like forward-directivity effects.The elastic median response spectra of the selected stations were compared to code-mandated design spectra for various mean return periods.Results showed that international and local GMPEs can be applied for seismic hazard analysis in Sichuan with minor modification of the regression coefficients related to the source-to-site distance and soil scaling.Specifically,the Chinese data attenuated faster than implied by the considered GMPEs and the differences were statistically significant in some cases.Near-source,pulse-like ground motions were identified at two recording stations for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake,possibly implying rupture directivity.The median recorded spectra were consistent with the code-based spectra in terms of amplitude and shape.The new ground-motion data can be used to develop advanced ground-motion models for China and 展开更多
针对现有Niederreiter公钥密码方案容易遭受区分攻击和信息集攻击(ISD)的现状,提出一种改进的Niederreiter公钥密码方案。首先,对Niederreiter公钥密码方案中的置换矩阵进行了改进,把原有的置换矩阵替换为随机矩阵;其次,对Niederreiter...针对现有Niederreiter公钥密码方案容易遭受区分攻击和信息集攻击(ISD)的现状,提出一种改进的Niederreiter公钥密码方案。首先,对Niederreiter公钥密码方案中的置换矩阵进行了改进,把原有的置换矩阵替换为随机矩阵;其次,对Niederreiter公钥密码方案中的错误向量进行了随机拆分,隐藏错误向量的汉明重量;最后,对Niederreiter公钥密码方案的加解密过程进行了改进,以提高方案的安全性。分析表明,改进方案可以抵抗区分攻击和ISD;改进方案的公钥量小于Baldi等提出的方案(BALDI M,BIANCHI M,CHIARALUCE F,et al.Enhanced public key security for the Mc Eliece cryptosystem.Journal of Cryptology,2016,29(1):1-27)的公钥量,在80比特的安全级下,改进方案的公钥量从原方案的28 408比特降低到4 800比特;在128比特的安全级下,改进方案的公钥量从原方案的57 368比特降低到12 240比特。作为抗量子密码方案之一,改进方案的生存力和竞争力增强。展开更多
TCHo公钥密码体制是"Trapdoor Cipher,Hardware Oriented"的缩写,是受快速相关攻击中的陷门密码启发而得到的一种基于编码的公钥密码体制。它能抵抗量子计算机的攻击,是一种后量子密码体制。2006年,Finiasz和Vaudenay提出了T...TCHo公钥密码体制是"Trapdoor Cipher,Hardware Oriented"的缩写,是受快速相关攻击中的陷门密码启发而得到的一种基于编码的公钥密码体制。它能抵抗量子计算机的攻击,是一种后量子密码体制。2006年,Finiasz和Vaudenay提出了TCHo公钥密码体制的一种非多项式解密时间的早期版本。2007年,Aumasson等人介绍了使用启发式算法多项式复杂度的TCHo密码体制。2013年,Alexandre和Serge在"Advances in Network Analysis and its Applications"一书中系统介绍了TCHo密码体制。它的安全性基于低重量多项式的倍式问题和带噪声的LFSR区分问题,因此参数的选择决定了密码体制的安全性与可靠性。文章详细介绍了TCHo密码体制,针对TCHo密码体制的参数选择进行了分析,指出该密码体制达到唯一译码的条件,并给出了衡量密码体制可靠性程度的计算公式,同时提出了参数选择的一种方法,从而使密码体制更可靠。展开更多
文摘Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH)-synthesized RNA, a nongenetic code-based RNA is suitable for unraveling the structural constraints imposed on the regulation (transcription, translation, siRNA etc.) of metabolism by genetic code. GDH-synthesized RNAs have been induced in whole plants to knock out target mRNA populations thereby producing plant phenotypes that are allergen-free;enriched in fatty acids, essential amino acids, shikimic acid, resveratrol etc. Methods applied hereunder for investigating the structural properties of GDH-synthesized RNA included purification of GDH isoenzymes, synthesis of RNA by the isoenzymes, reverse transcription of the RNA to cDNA, sequencing of the cDNA, computation of the G+C-contents, profiling the stability through PCR amplification compared with genetic code-based DNA;and biochemical characterization of the RNAs synthesized by individual hexameric isoenzymes of GDH. Single product bands resulted from the PCR amplification of the cDNAs of GDH-synthesized RNA, whereas several bands resulted from the amplification of genetic code-based DNA. The cDNAs have wide G+C-contents (35% to 59%), whereas genetic code-based DNA has narrower G+C-contents (50% to 60%). The GDH β6 homo-hexameric isoenzyme synthesized the A+U-rich RNAs, whereas the a6, and α6 homo-hexameric isoenzymes synthesized the G+C-rich RNAs. Therefore, the RNA synthesized by GDH is different from genetic code-based RNAs. In vitro chemical reactions revealed that GDH-synthesized RNA degraded total RNA to lower molecular weight products. Therefore, GDH-synthesized RNA is RNA enzyme. Dismantling of the structural constraints imposed on RNA by genetic code liberated RNA to become an enzyme with specificity to degrade unwanted transcripts. The RNA enzyme activity of GDH-synthesized RNA is ubiquitous in cells;it is readily induced by treatment of plants with mineral nutrients etc. and may simplify experimental approaches in plant enzymology and molecular biology research projects.
文摘Glutamate dehydrogenase regulates crop development, growth, and biomass yield through its synthesis of non-genetic code-based RNA. Understanding the mechanism of GDH-synthesized RNA enzyme would enhance the agriculture innovation capacity of the more than a billion urban gardeners, smallholder, and limited resources indigenous farmers. Different metabolic variants were prepared by treating peanut growing on healthy soil with stoichiometric mixes of mineral salt solutions. Peanut GDH charge isomers were purified to homogeneity by electrophoresis, and made to synthesize RNA enzyme. Peanut total RNA was 5’-end labeled with [γ-32P]ATP and made to react as substrate in vitro with GDH-synthesized RNA from another metabolic variant of peanut. Agarose, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the reaction products showed that tRNA, rRNA, and most of the mRNAs were degraded to mononucleotides, but total RNAs that were not mixed with GDH-synthesized RNAs were not degraded. When the non-homologous sequence sections of the GDH-synthesized RNA were clipped out, the homologous sections failed to produce Northern bands with peanut total RNA. Therefore, the non-homologous sequence sections served to identify, position, and align the GDH-synthesized RNA to its target total RNA site independent of genetic code;the degradation of total RNA being via non-canonical base alignments in the enzyme-substrate complex, followed by electromagnetic destruction of the total RNA, the less stable of the two kinds of RNA. This is the science-based corner stone that buttresses the crop production efforts of limited resources farmers because GDH-synthesized RNAs quickly degrade superfluous total RNA of the crop in response to the soil mineral nutrient deficiencies thereby minimizing wastage of metabolic energy in the synthesis of unnecessary protein enzymes while optimizing biomass metabolism, crop growth, and maximum crop yields. In vitro hydrolysis of total RNA by GDH-synthesized RNA is the game changing, prototype, R&D methods for cleansing
基金the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.61572521)The Scientific Foundation of the Scientific Research and Innovation Team of Engineering University of PAP(No.KYTD201805).
文摘In view of the fact that the quantum computer attack is not considered in the cloud storage environment,this paper selects the code-based public key encryption scheme as the security protection measure in the cloud storage.Based on random linear code encryption scheme,it employs the structure of the RLCE scheme and Polar code polarization properties,using the Polar code as underlying encoding scheme,through the method of RLCEspad,putting forward a kind of improved public key encryption scheme which considers semantic security and is resistant to adaptively chosen ciphertext attacks.The improved scheme is applied to cloud storage to ensure that the storage environment will not be attacked by quantum computer while ensuring the confidentiality,availability and reliability.
基金Community Based Disaster Management in Asia Programme Phase Ⅱ (CBDM Asia Phase Ⅱ) (00084327)
文摘Recent earthquakes in the Sichuan Province have contributed to significantly expand the existing ground-motion database for China with new,high-quality ground-motion records.This study investigated the compatibility of ground-motion prediction equations(GMPEs)established by the NGA-West2 project in the US and local GMPEs for China,with respect to magnitude scaling,distance scaling,and site scaling implied by recent Chinese strong-motion data.The NGA-West2 GMPEs for shallow crustal earthquakes in tectonically active regions are considerably more sophisticated than widely used previous models,particularly in China.Using a mixed-effects procedure,the study evaluated event terms(inter-event residuals)and intra-event residuals of Chinese data relative to the NGA-West2 GMPEs.Distance scaling was investigated by examining trends of intra-event residuals with source-to-site distance.Scaling with respect to site conditions was investigated by examining trends of intra-event residuals with soil type.The study also investigated other engineering characteristics of Chinese strong ground motions.In particular,the records were analyzed for evidence of pulse-like forward-directivity effects.The elastic median response spectra of the selected stations were compared to code-mandated design spectra for various mean return periods.Results showed that international and local GMPEs can be applied for seismic hazard analysis in Sichuan with minor modification of the regression coefficients related to the source-to-site distance and soil scaling.Specifically,the Chinese data attenuated faster than implied by the considered GMPEs and the differences were statistically significant in some cases.Near-source,pulse-like ground motions were identified at two recording stations for the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake,possibly implying rupture directivity.The median recorded spectra were consistent with the code-based spectra in terms of amplitude and shape.The new ground-motion data can be used to develop advanced ground-motion models for China and
文摘针对现有Niederreiter公钥密码方案容易遭受区分攻击和信息集攻击(ISD)的现状,提出一种改进的Niederreiter公钥密码方案。首先,对Niederreiter公钥密码方案中的置换矩阵进行了改进,把原有的置换矩阵替换为随机矩阵;其次,对Niederreiter公钥密码方案中的错误向量进行了随机拆分,隐藏错误向量的汉明重量;最后,对Niederreiter公钥密码方案的加解密过程进行了改进,以提高方案的安全性。分析表明,改进方案可以抵抗区分攻击和ISD;改进方案的公钥量小于Baldi等提出的方案(BALDI M,BIANCHI M,CHIARALUCE F,et al.Enhanced public key security for the Mc Eliece cryptosystem.Journal of Cryptology,2016,29(1):1-27)的公钥量,在80比特的安全级下,改进方案的公钥量从原方案的28 408比特降低到4 800比特;在128比特的安全级下,改进方案的公钥量从原方案的57 368比特降低到12 240比特。作为抗量子密码方案之一,改进方案的生存力和竞争力增强。
文摘TCHo公钥密码体制是"Trapdoor Cipher,Hardware Oriented"的缩写,是受快速相关攻击中的陷门密码启发而得到的一种基于编码的公钥密码体制。它能抵抗量子计算机的攻击,是一种后量子密码体制。2006年,Finiasz和Vaudenay提出了TCHo公钥密码体制的一种非多项式解密时间的早期版本。2007年,Aumasson等人介绍了使用启发式算法多项式复杂度的TCHo密码体制。2013年,Alexandre和Serge在"Advances in Network Analysis and its Applications"一书中系统介绍了TCHo密码体制。它的安全性基于低重量多项式的倍式问题和带噪声的LFSR区分问题,因此参数的选择决定了密码体制的安全性与可靠性。文章详细介绍了TCHo密码体制,针对TCHo密码体制的参数选择进行了分析,指出该密码体制达到唯一译码的条件,并给出了衡量密码体制可靠性程度的计算公式,同时提出了参数选择的一种方法,从而使密码体制更可靠。