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中国西南三地HCV基因型的分布及临床特征 被引量:21
作者 温先勇 唐敏 +1 位作者 邓正华 李宝林 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第23期42-46,共5页
目的了解丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)基因型在四川(川)、云南(滇)、贵州(黔)等中国西南地区汉族丙型肝炎患者中的分布及临床特征,为丙型肝炎的防治提供依据。方法对221例来自川、滇、黔地区的丙型肝炎患者,采用焦磷酸测序法进行HCV基因分型并分... 目的了解丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)基因型在四川(川)、云南(滇)、贵州(黔)等中国西南地区汉族丙型肝炎患者中的分布及临床特征,为丙型肝炎的防治提供依据。方法对221例来自川、滇、黔地区的丙型肝炎患者,采用焦磷酸测序法进行HCV基因分型并分析不同基因型丙型肝炎致病性的差异。结果 1216例HCVRNA阳性的丙肝患者被成功分型,共发现1、2、3、6等4种常见基因型和1a、1b、2a、2b、3a、3b、6a等7种常见基因亚型,其所占比例为:1a型5.1%(11/216)、1b型36.1%(78/216)、2a型3.7%(8/216)、2b型0.9%(2/216)、3a型7.4%(16/216)、3b型27.8%(60/216)、6a型17.1%(37/216),此外,还发现其他少见亚型(4a/6n)共4例,占1.9%(4/216)。2川、滇、黔分布前3位的基因亚型分别是3b、1b、6a和3b、1b、2a/3a及1b、6a、3b;男、女患者比例最高的亚型分别是3b(33.1%)和1b(48.3%);>40岁患者以1b(39.8%)、3b(18.6%)、6a(15.9%)为主;<40岁患者以3b(37.9%)、1b(32.1%)、6a(18.4%)为主;感染方式以输血(血制品)40.1%为主,其他及不明原因者也占较大比例(33.8%)。3急性丙型肝炎、慢性丙型肝炎、丙肝后肝硬化和肝癌4种临床类型的丙型肝炎均以1b型比例最高,其次是3b、6a型;1b型患者的HCV载量及肝功能损害指标均高于其他亚型患者(P<0.05)。结论川、滇、黔等中国西南部地区HCV-RNA阳性的汉族HCV感染者以1b、3b、6a为优势基因,且呈多样化分布;HCV载量较高的1b亚型,可能更容易导致患者肝功能的损害以及丙型肝炎的慢性化、肝脏的纤维化和癌变。 展开更多
关键词 丙型肝炎病毒 基因型 临床特征 焦磷酸测序
临床微生物快速检测新技术发展现状与前景 被引量:10
作者 宁雅婷 杨启文 +3 位作者 陈新飞 郁谨菡 李雪 徐英春 《协和医学杂志》 CSCD 2021年第4期427-432,共6页
感染性疾病起病急、进展快,早期精准识别和监测病原体耐药性对患者预后及遏制耐药至关重要。临床微生物常规技术已无法满足快速诊疗的需求,因此快速检测技术成为检验与临床关注的焦点。本文论述快速鉴定与药物敏感性检测的最新技术研究... 感染性疾病起病急、进展快,早期精准识别和监测病原体耐药性对患者预后及遏制耐药至关重要。临床微生物常规技术已无法满足快速诊疗的需求,因此快速检测技术成为检验与临床关注的焦点。本文论述快速鉴定与药物敏感性检测的最新技术研究现状、问题及未来发展要点,旨在为临床微生物实验室未来新技术的引入提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 临床微生物学 快速检测 鉴定 基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱 光谱技术 电化学生物传感器 宏基因组测序 体外抗菌药物敏感性试验
纳米孔测序技术在病原体检测中的应用研究进展 被引量:5
作者 周逸伦 孙晨曦 高志芹 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期1906-1910,共5页
基因测序技术是当前生物技术的核心所在,其检测方法迅速发展,目前正处于从二代测序向三代测序的过渡转变期。纳米孔(Nanopore)检测技术是近年来出现的较大规模、迅速发展的检测技术,该技术有效避免了传统二代测序技术短片段拼接和仪器... 基因测序技术是当前生物技术的核心所在,其检测方法迅速发展,目前正处于从二代测序向三代测序的过渡转变期。纳米孔(Nanopore)检测技术是近年来出现的较大规模、迅速发展的检测技术,该技术有效避免了传统二代测序技术短片段拼接和仪器笨重等弊端,代之以非扩增方式测序、实验周期短、携带方便等优势更适于现场快速检测。本综述围绕纳米孔测序技术的原理、检测方法、技术特点及其在病原体检测中的应用进行介绍,并探讨了其发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 纳米孔测序 第三代测序技术 临床测序 病原体检测 现场快速检测
作者 刘鑫 王璇 +7 位作者 叶胜兵 李学广 方茹 王小桐 章如松 陆珍凤 饶秋 夏秋媛 《临床与实验病理学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第4期358-362,共5页
目的探讨低级别嗜酸细胞性肾肿瘤(low-grade oncocytic tumor of kidney,LOT)的临床病理特征、免疫表型、分子改变及鉴别诊断,同时寻找敏感的客观指标辅助诊断。方法收集14例LOT的临床病理资料,行光镜观察、免疫组化染色等,其中8例送检... 目的探讨低级别嗜酸细胞性肾肿瘤(low-grade oncocytic tumor of kidney,LOT)的临床病理特征、免疫表型、分子改变及鉴别诊断,同时寻找敏感的客观指标辅助诊断。方法收集14例LOT的临床病理资料,行光镜观察、免疫组化染色等,其中8例送检了高通量靶向基因突变检测。结果14例中男性4例,女性10例,年龄46~88岁,中位年龄57.5岁,平均61.1岁,平均随访6~90个月,1例患者肿瘤复发,其余无瘤生存;镜下肿瘤以实性片状、小巢状结构为主,常兼有大片出血与疏松水肿区域;胞质嗜酸性、细颗粒状,细胞核圆,核仁不明显,常见核周空晕,不易见核皱缩、核多形。免疫表型:LOT免疫表型一致性较好,所有病例均呈现经典的CK7+/CD117-表型(14/14,100%);CD10、CK20、vimentin均呈阴性(0/14,0);Ki67增殖指数1%~3%;此外,新提出的鉴别抗体GPNMB(14/14,100%)弥漫强阳性;GATA3(14/14,100%)至少部分区域中等程度核阳性。高通量测序:8例送检NGS测序,均有MTOR或TSC1基因致病性/可能致病性突变(7例有MTOR基因突变,1例有TSC1基因突变)。结论LOT是一种低级别嗜酸性肿瘤,具有可辨识的形态学特点和免疫表型、分子特征,偏向惰性生物学行为,是一种独立的嗜酸性肿瘤亚型。 展开更多
关键词 低级别嗜酸细胞性肾肿瘤 临床病理 免疫组织化学 NGS测序
作者 高萍 高学松 +6 位作者 张亦瑾 孙磊 刘楠 李洪杰 刘亚平 高丽丽 段雪飞 《实用肝脏病杂志》 CAS 2024年第3期386-389,共4页
目的探讨血色病(HC)患者的临床特点,以提高临床诊治水平。方法2012年~2022年我院诊治的8例HC患者,对其临床特征、铁生化指标、腹部影像学、肝组织病理学和基因检测结果进行分析。结果8例患者均为男性,其中原发性血色病(HHC)3例,继发性... 目的探讨血色病(HC)患者的临床特点,以提高临床诊治水平。方法2012年~2022年我院诊治的8例HC患者,对其临床特征、铁生化指标、腹部影像学、肝组织病理学和基因检测结果进行分析。结果8例患者均为男性,其中原发性血色病(HHC)3例,继发性血色病(SHC)5例;乏力、肝脾肿大和皮肤色素沉着为其常见的临床表现;5例进展至肝硬化,2例合并糖尿病,1例合并多发性关节炎;5例血清铁(ST)水平升高,8例均有不同程度转铁蛋白饱和度(TSAT)和血清铁蛋白(SF)水平升高;8例肝组织均显示铁过多沉积,腹部影像学均提示肝脏铁沉积表现;3例基因检测提示基因突变,支持HHC诊断;放血或驱铁治疗,1例病情好转,1例失访,1例死亡,5例SHC患者病情相对稳定。结论了解HC的临床特征,对原因不明的肝损害患者及时行肝组织和基因检测,可帮助诊断。 展开更多
关键词 血色病 临床特征 影像学 基因检测 诊断
作者 乌日嘎 韩建文 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 2024年第6期419-421,共3页
患者,女,28岁。颈部、双肘窝皮疹无痒痛20余年。提取患者外周血DNA行全外显子基因检查可检测到ABCC6基因突变,对其变异进行一代测序验证,检出c.4404-1G>A和c.3703C>T:p.R1235W均为杂合变异。根据皮肤损害及基因检查,诊断考虑弹性... 患者,女,28岁。颈部、双肘窝皮疹无痒痛20余年。提取患者外周血DNA行全外显子基因检查可检测到ABCC6基因突变,对其变异进行一代测序验证,检出c.4404-1G>A和c.3703C>T:p.R1235W均为杂合变异。根据皮肤损害及基因检查,诊断考虑弹性纤维性假黄瘤。治疗上颈部皮下结节给予手术治疗,术后随诊6个月未复发。 展开更多
关键词 弹性纤维性假黄瘤 临床表现 基因测序
An Unusual Case of BSND Gene–Related (Type IV) Bartter Syndrome Presenting as Antenatal Bartter Syndrome:A Case Report and Review of Literature
作者 Aleena M.Shajan Manish Kumar +2 位作者 Preethi Navaneethan Sumita Danda Manisha M.Beck 《Maternal-Fetal Medicine》 CSCD 2023年第2期128-130,共3页
Bartter syndrome is a group of autosomal recessive renal tubular disorders;it has two types of presentation:antenatal and classic.The antenatal type presents as severe unexplained polyhydramnios in the second trimeste... Bartter syndrome is a group of autosomal recessive renal tubular disorders;it has two types of presentation:antenatal and classic.The antenatal type presents as severe unexplained polyhydramnios in the second trimester.This is due to fetal urinary losses of sodium,chloride,and potassium,leading to fetal polyuria.The classic type presents in the late neonatal or infancy stage,with dehydration,dyselectrolytemia,failure to thrive,and nephrocalcinosis.Antenatal scans are normal in such cases.Type I and II Bartter syndrome presents in the antenatal period,whereas type IV has a classic presentation.We describe an unusual case of type IVa Bartter syndrome presenting in the antenatal period,with severe polyhydramnios.The initial diagnosis was made based on amniotic fluid chloride levels and later confirmed by performing a genetic test.Genetic testing is important for confirming diagnosis and prognostication regarding the condition. 展开更多
关键词 Antenatal Bartter’s syndrome BSND gene Sensorineural hearing loss POLYHYDRAMNIOS Prenatal diagnosis Amnioreduction clinical exome sequencing
罕见ICF综合征1例临床表型和分子遗传学分析 被引量:4
作者 陆勇刚 姚如恩 +4 位作者 李牛 郁婷婷 王秀敏 沈亦平 王剑 《临床儿科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第8期621-624,共4页
目的探讨免疫缺陷、着丝粒不稳定和面部异常(ICF)综合征的临床特征和遗传特点。方法回顾分析1例ICF综合征患儿的临床资料和基因检测结果。结果男性患儿,4岁,有反复感染;面部特征为圆脸、眼距稍宽、下颌尖、鼻梁稍扁、内眦赘皮明显、耳... 目的探讨免疫缺陷、着丝粒不稳定和面部异常(ICF)综合征的临床特征和遗传特点。方法回顾分析1例ICF综合征患儿的临床资料和基因检测结果。结果男性患儿,4岁,有反复感染;面部特征为圆脸、眼距稍宽、下颌尖、鼻梁稍扁、内眦赘皮明显、耳位低。免疫学检测示IgA缺如。基因测序发现患儿DNMT3B基因存在一个纯合错义突变c.2506G>A,父母为杂合携带者,确诊为ICF综合征I型。结论DNMT3B基因突变可引发ICF综合征,基因检测有助于提高此类罕见病的诊断。 展开更多
关键词 ICF综合征 临床表现 DNMT3B基因突变 基因测序
1例常染色体隐性遗传多囊肾的PKHD1基因分析 被引量:3
作者 周熙惠 李媛 +3 位作者 惠智艳 张葳 宋红霞 肖谧 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2012年第1期9-12,共4页
目的 对1例患常染色体隐性遗传多囊肾疾病(ARPKD)的新生儿进行家族史、临床、病理调查,并对致病基因PKHD1进行突变鉴定,探讨该病的临床特点和分子发病机制.方法 根据患儿产前超声、临床表现、死亡后病理检查及家族史进行临床诊断,应用... 目的 对1例患常染色体隐性遗传多囊肾疾病(ARPKD)的新生儿进行家族史、临床、病理调查,并对致病基因PKHD1进行突变鉴定,探讨该病的临床特点和分子发病机制.方法 根据患儿产前超声、临床表现、死亡后病理检查及家族史进行临床诊断,应用PCR扩增、DNA直接测序技术对患儿及其父母进行PKHD1基因突变分析.结果 患儿PKHD1基因第58号外显子发生了无义突变c.9319C〉T,从而使PKHD1蛋白多肽链的合成提前终止.结论 ARPKD可在胎儿期及生后早期导致不良的结局,临床医生应提高对该病的认识,PKHD1基因突变是ARPKD的遗传基础,进行PKHD1基因突变分析有助于产前基因诊断技术的开展. 展开更多
关键词 常染色体隐性遗传多囊肾疾病 PKHD1基因 临床分析 DNA序列测定 基因突变
Nanopore测序技术在临床中的应用进展 被引量:3
作者 黄丹 陈曦 刘燕 《生物化工》 2021年第1期153-156,159,共5页
基因测序技术是生命科学和生物科技的核心技术之一,目前正处于从主流的二代测序技术向三代技术升级的过渡阶段。纳米孔(Nanopore)测序技术已被应用于微生物种群鉴定、全基因组测序、新物种发现等方面,更以其超长读长、实时检测和可以直... 基因测序技术是生命科学和生物科技的核心技术之一,目前正处于从主流的二代测序技术向三代技术升级的过渡阶段。纳米孔(Nanopore)测序技术已被应用于微生物种群鉴定、全基因组测序、新物种发现等方面,更以其超长读长、实时检测和可以直接检测碱基甲基化修饰等优势在医学领域作出了较大贡献。本文描述了纳米孔测序仪(MinION)的技术特征,主要关注该技术在临床应用中的最新进展,并探讨了其发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 基因组学 NANOPORE 临床测序 MinION
Current scenario of the genetic testing for rare neurological disorders exploiting next generation sequencing 被引量:2
作者 Chiara Di Resta Giovanni Battista Pipitone +1 位作者 Paola Carrera Maurizio Ferrari 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第3期475-481,共7页
Next generation sequencing is currently a cornerstone of genetic testing in routine diagnostics,allowing for the detection of sequence variants with so far unprecedented large scale,mainly in genetically heterogenous ... Next generation sequencing is currently a cornerstone of genetic testing in routine diagnostics,allowing for the detection of sequence variants with so far unprecedented large scale,mainly in genetically heterogenous diseases,such as neurological disorders.It is a fast-moving field,where new wet enrichment protocols and bioinformatics tools are constantly being developed to overcome initial limitations.Despite the as yet undiscussed advantages,however,there are still some challenges in data analysis and the interpretation of variants.In this review,we address the current state of next generation sequencing diagnostic testing for inherited human disorders,particularly giving an overview of the available high-throughput sequencing approaches;including targeted,whole-exome and whole-genome sequencing;and discussing the main critical aspects of the bioinformatic process,from raw data analysis to molecular diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 clinical practice genetic testing NEUROGENESIS next generation sequencing sequencing approaches variant interpretation
RNA sequencing role and application in clinical diagnostic 被引量:1
作者 Fatemeh Peymani Aiman Farzeen Holger Prokisch 《Pediatric Investigation》 CSCD 2022年第1期29-35,共7页
Although whole-exome sequencing and whole-genome sequencing has tremendously improved our understanding of the genetic etiology of human disorders,about half of the patients still do not receive a molecular diagnosis.... Although whole-exome sequencing and whole-genome sequencing has tremendously improved our understanding of the genetic etiology of human disorders,about half of the patients still do not receive a molecular diagnosis.The high fraction of variants with uncertain significance and the challenges of interpretation of noncoding variants have urged scientists to implement RNA sequencing(RNA-seq)in the diagnostic approach as a high throughput assay to complement genomic data with functional evidence.RNA-seq data can be used to identify aberrantly spliced genes,detect allele-specific expression,and identify gene expression outliers.Amongst eight studies utilizing RNA-seq,a mean diagnostic uplift of 15%has been reported.Here,we provide an overview of how RNA-seq has been implemented to aid in identifying the causal variants of Mendelian disorders. 展开更多
关键词 Aberrant expression clinical diagnosis Gene expression outliers Genetics diagnosis RNA phenotype RNA sequencing TRANSCRIPTOME
遗传代谢性肝病患者临床和基因突变特征分析 被引量:1
作者 王帅 张威 +3 位作者 张帆 钱珍 王亚如 辛雪萍 《实用肝脏病杂志》 CAS 2022年第1期70-73,共4页
目的总结过去20年洛阳市各大医院诊治的遗传代谢性肝病(IMLD)患者的临床特征。方法2000~2021年期间洛阳市各大医院诊治的IMLD患者16例,总结、分析其临床特征。结果在16例IMLD患者中,男性10例,女性6例,平均年龄为(26±15)岁;其中金... 目的总结过去20年洛阳市各大医院诊治的遗传代谢性肝病(IMLD)患者的临床特征。方法2000~2021年期间洛阳市各大医院诊治的IMLD患者16例,总结、分析其临床特征。结果在16例IMLD患者中,男性10例,女性6例,平均年龄为(26±15)岁;其中金属代谢障碍性疾病8例(肝豆状核变性7例、遗传性血色病1例),遗传性高胆红素血症3例(Gilbert综合征2例、Dubin-Johnson综合征1例),遗传性胆汁淤积症4例【良性复发性肝内胆汁淤积症(BRIC)2例、Alagille综合征1例、Citrin缺乏症1例】和糖原累积病1例;7例肝豆状核变性患者分别来自4个家族,主要为ATP7B基因突变;遗传性血色病为HFE基因突变,Gilbert综合征为UGT1A1基因突变,Dubin-Johnson综合征为ABCC2基因突变,BRIC为ATP8B1基因突变,Alagille综合征为JAG1基因突变,Citrin缺乏症为SLC25A13基因突变,糖原累积病为G6Pase基因突变。结论IMLD以肝豆状核变性较常见,大多IMLD的诊断需要依靠临床资料综合和基因检测。 展开更多
关键词 遗传代谢性肝病 临床特征 基因突变
A mysterious cause of recurrent acute liver dysfunction for over a decade
作者 Ahmet Burak Dirim Tugba Kalayci +5 位作者 Merve Guzel Dirim Semra Demir Bilger Cavus Asli Cifcibasi Ormeci Filiz Akyuz Sabahattin Kaymakoglu 《Gastroenterology Report》 SCIE EI 2022年第1期622-624,共3页
Introduction Acute liver failure(ALF)is an uncommon disease in pediatric cases.Etiology includes infections,autoimmune diseases,inborn errors of metabolism,and intoxications.Metabolic disorders account for 25%of resol... Introduction Acute liver failure(ALF)is an uncommon disease in pediatric cases.Etiology includes infections,autoimmune diseases,inborn errors of metabolism,and intoxications.Metabolic disorders account for 25%of resolved cases.However,the etiology remains unknown in half of pediatric ALF[1].The recognition of molecular etiopathogenesis has been facilitated after the common use of next-generation sequencing techniques.Recently,biallelic variants in neuroblastoma-amplified sequence(NBAS),Leucyl-tRNA synthetase 1(LARS1),and RAD50-interacting protein(RINT1)were identified in recurrent ALF(RALF)[2–4]. 展开更多
关键词 recurrent acute liver failure NBAS(neuroblastoma-amplified sequence) immunodysregulation clinical exome sequencing
Whole-exome sequencing of a multicenter cohort identifies genetic changes associated with clinical phenotypes in pediatric nephrotic syndrome
作者 Jia Jiao Li Wang +22 位作者 Fenfen Ni Mo Wang Shipin Feng Xiaojie Gao Han Chan Xueying Yang Hao Lee Huan Chi Xuelan Chen Daoqi Wu Gaofu Zhang Baohui Yang Anshuo Wang Qin Yang Junli Wan Sijie Yu Xiaoqin Li Mei Wang Xiaofeng Chen Xianying Mai Xiongzhong Ruan Haiping Yang Qiu Li 《Genes & Diseases》 SCIE 2022年第6期1662-1673,共12页
Understanding the association between the genetic and clinical phenotypes in children with nephrotic syndrome(NS)of different etiologies is critical for early clinical guidance.We employed whole-exome sequencing(WES)t... Understanding the association between the genetic and clinical phenotypes in children with nephrotic syndrome(NS)of different etiologies is critical for early clinical guidance.We employed whole-exome sequencing(WES)to detect monogenic causes of NS in a multicenter cohort of 637 patients.In this study,a genetic cause was identified in 30.0%of the idiopathic steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome(SRNS)patients.Other than congenital nephrotic syndrome(CNS),there were no significant differences in the incidence of monogenic diseases based on the age at manifestation.Causative mutations were detected in 39.5%of patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis(FSGS)and 9.2%of those with minimal change disease(MCD).In terms of the patterns in patients with different types of steroid resistance,a single gene mutation was identified in 34.8%of patients with primary resistance,2.9%with secondary resistance,and 71.4%of children with multidrug resistance.Among the various intensified immunosuppressive therapies,tacrolimus(TAC)showed the highest response rate,with 49.7%of idiopathic SRNS patients achieving complete remission.Idiopathic SRNS patients with monogenic disease showed a similar multidrug resistance pattern,and only 31.4%of patients with monogenic disease achieved a partial remission on TAC.During an average 4.1-year follow-up,21.4%of idiopathic SRNS patients with monogenic disease progressed to end-stage renal disease(ESRD).Collectively,this study provides evidence that genetic testing is necessary for presumed steroid-resistant and idiopathic SRNS patients,especially those with primary and/or multidrug resistance. 展开更多
关键词 clinical phenotypes Genetic phenotypes Multicenter cohort Nephrotic syndrome PEDIATRIC Whole-exome sequencing
Clinical exome sequencing facilitates the understanding of genetic heterogeneity in Leber congenital amaurosis patients with variable phenotype in southern India 被引量:1
作者 Sriee Viswarubhiny Rupa Anjanamurthy +3 位作者 Ayyasamy Vanniarajan Devarajan Bharanidharan Vijayalakshmi Perumalsamy Periasamy Sundaresan 《Eye and Vision》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第1期192-202,共11页
Background:Leber congenital amaurosis(LCA),primarily characterized by retinal degeneration is the most severe form of inherited retinal dystrophy(IRD)responsible for congenital blindness.The presence of phenotypic het... Background:Leber congenital amaurosis(LCA),primarily characterized by retinal degeneration is the most severe form of inherited retinal dystrophy(IRD)responsible for congenital blindness.The presence of phenotypic heterogeneity makes the diagnosis of LCA challenging,especially in the absence of pronounced disease pathognomonic,yet it can be well comprehended by employing molecular diagnosis.Therefore,the present study aimed to reveal the causative mutations in ten LCA patients with variable phenotypes using clinical exome sequencing(CES).Methods:CES was performed in ten unrelated LCA patients.Ophthalmic information and family history of all patients were obtained to make a meaningful interpretation.The clinical exome data was analyzed and prioritized using a bioinformatics pipeline to identify mutations,which was further validated by Sanger sequencing.Segregation analysis was also performed on available family members.Results:CES led to the identification of causative mutations in nine LCA patients.Seven patients harbored a mutation in six LCA candidate genes,including RPE65,LCA5(n=2),CRX,PRPH2,CEP290,and ALMS1,while two patients possess a mutation in IFT80 and RP1,known to cause other diseases.Three novel mutations in LCA5(c.1823del),CRX(c.848del)and CEP290(c.2483G>T)were identified.The current study reports for the first time,a mutation in PRPH2,CEP290,and ALMS1 from the Indian population.Additionally,we observed a novel association of LCA phenotype with IFT80 known to cause Jeune syndrome.Based on the genetic finding,the patient AS09,who harbored a mutation in the RP1 gene,was re-diagnosed with early-onset retinitis pigmentosa.Conclusion:In conclusion,the results underline the importance of CES in clinically diagnosed LCA patients with variable phenotypes.The correlation between mutations in candidate genes and clinical phenotypes,helps to refine the clinical diagnosis.However,molecular evaluation with a larger cohort of LCA patients is needed for better understanding of the mutational spectrum in southern Ind 展开更多
关键词 Leber congenital amaurosis clinical exome sequencing Southern India Molecular diagnosis Genotype-phenotype correlation
中国百日咳鲍特菌ptxS1和prn基因多态性分析 被引量:1
作者 张柳 徐颖华 +2 位作者 赵建宏 徐运强 张庶民 《中国生物制品学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2010年第11期1158-1162,共5页
目的分析我国近50年来分离的百日咳鲍特菌抗原百日咳毒素(Pertussistoxin,PT)S1亚基(ptxS1)和百日咳黏附素(Pertactin,prn)基因多态性。方法收集85株百日咳杆菌,分别进行ptxS1和prn基因的PCR扩增和测序,并对序列进行比较分析。结果共发... 目的分析我国近50年来分离的百日咳鲍特菌抗原百日咳毒素(Pertussistoxin,PT)S1亚基(ptxS1)和百日咳黏附素(Pertactin,prn)基因多态性。方法收集85株百日咳杆菌,分别进行ptxS1和prn基因的PCR扩增和测序,并对序列进行比较分析。结果共发现4个ptxS1基因型和6个prn基因型的百日咳杆菌。自20世纪60年代,非疫苗型ptxS1A菌株逐渐取代疫苗型菌株;含有prn2和prn3新基因型的菌株出现在2000年以后。基因的系统进化树显示,菌株ptxS1和prn基因型的核苷酸和氨基酸序列的同源性分别在97%以上。结论我国近50年流行的百日咳临床分离菌株ptxS1和prn基因存在抗原漂移现象,本研究为加强我国百日咳的流行病学监控与新型无细胞百日咳疫苗的研发奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 百日咳鲍特菌 临床分离株 基因 序列分析
Copy number variation profile-based genomic typing of premenstrual dysphoric disorder in Chinese 被引量:1
作者 Hong Xue Zhenggang Wu +10 位作者 Xi Long Ata Ullah Si Chen Wai-Kin Mat Peng Sun Ming-Zhou Gao Jie-Qiong Wang Hai-Jun Wang Xia Li Wen-Jun Sun Ming-Qi Qiao 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第12期1070-1080,共11页
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder(PMDD) affects nearly 5% of women of reproductive age. Symptomatic heterogeneity, together with largely unknown genetics, has greatly hindered its effective treatment. In the present stu... Premenstrual dysphoric disorder(PMDD) affects nearly 5% of women of reproductive age. Symptomatic heterogeneity, together with largely unknown genetics, has greatly hindered its effective treatment. In the present study, analysis of genomic sequencing-based copy number variations(CNVs) called from 100 kb white blood cell DNA sequence windows by means of semisupervized clustering led to the segregation of patient genomes into the D and V groups, which correlated with the depression and invasion clinical types,respectively, with 89.0% consistency. Application of diagnostic CNV features selected using the correlation-based machine learning method enabled the classification of the CNVs obtained into the D group, V group, total patient group, and control group with an average accuracy of 83.0%. The power of the diagnostic CNV features was 0.98 on average, suggesting that these CNV features could be used for the molecular diagnosis of the major clinical types of PMDD. This demonstrated concordance between the CNV profiles and clinical types of PMDD supported the validity of symptom-based diagnosis of PMDD for differentiating between its two major clinical types, as well as the predominantly genetic nature of PMDD with a host of overlaps between multiple susceptibility genes/pathways and the diagnostic CNV features as indicators of involvement in PMDD etiology. 展开更多
关键词 clinical subtyping Genomic sequencing Machine learning Recurrent copy number variation Replication phase Semisupervized
Identification of rare PTCH1 nonsense variant causing orofacial cleft in a Chinese family and an up-to-date genotype- phenotype analysis 被引量:1
作者 Wenjie Zhong Huaxiang Zhao +10 位作者 Wenbin Huang Mengqi Zhang Qian Zhang Yue Zhang Chong Chen Zulihumaer Nueraihemaiti Dilifeire Tuerhong Huizhe Huang Gulibaha Maimaitili Feng Chen Jiuxiang Lin 《Genes & Diseases》 SCIE 2021年第5期689-697,共9页
The Patched 1(PTCH1)gene encodes a membrane receptor involved in the Hedge-hog(Hh)signaling pathway,an abnormal state of which may result in congenital defects or hu-man tumors.In this study,we conducted whole-exome s... The Patched 1(PTCH1)gene encodes a membrane receptor involved in the Hedge-hog(Hh)signaling pathway,an abnormal state of which may result in congenital defects or hu-man tumors.In this study,we conducted whole-exome sequencing on a three-generation Chinese family characterized with variable penetrance of orofacial clefts.A rare heterozygous variant in the PTCH1 gene(c.2833C>T p.R945X)was identified as a disease-associated mutation.Structural modeling revealed a truncation starting from the middle of the second extracellular domain of PTCH1 protein.This may damage its ligand recognition and sterol transportation abilities,thereby affecting the Hh signaling pathway.Biochemical assays indi-cated that the R945X protein had reduced stability compared to the wild-type in vitro.In addi-tion,we reviewed the locations and mutation types of PTCH1 variants in individuals with clefting phenotypes,and analyzed the associations between clefts and locations or types of variants within PTCH1.Our findings provide further evidence that PTCH1 variants result in or-ofacial clefts,and contributed to genetic counseling and clinical surveillance in this family. 展开更多
关键词 Cleft lip with or without palate clinical genetics Genotype-phenotype analysis PTCH1 Whole-exome sequencing
Advances in clinical genetics and genomics
作者 Sen Zhao Xi Cheng +4 位作者 Wen Wen Guixing Qiu Terry Jianguo Zhang Zhihong Wu Nan Wu 《Intelligent Medicine》 2021年第3期128-133,共6页
Developments in genetics and genomics are progressing at an unprecedented speed.Twenty years ago,the human genome project provided the first glimpses into the human genome sequence and launched a new era of human gene... Developments in genetics and genomics are progressing at an unprecedented speed.Twenty years ago,the human genome project provided the first glimpses into the human genome sequence and launched a new era of human genetics.The emerging of next-generation sequencing(NGS)in 2005 then made possible comprehensive genetic testing such as exome sequencing and genome sequencing.Meanwhile,great efforts have been put into the optimization of bioinformatic pipelines to make increasingly speedy and accurate variant analyses based on NGS data.These advances in sequencing technologies and analytical methods have revolutionized the diagnostic odyssey of suspected hereditary diseases.More recently,the genotype-phenotype relationship and polygenic risk scores(PRSs)generated from genome-wide association studies have expanded our horizon from rare genetic mutations to a genomic landscape implicated by the combined effect of both rare variants and polymorphisms.At the same time,clinicians and genetic counselors are facing huge challenges conferred by overwhelming genomic knowledge and long sheets of testing reports for comprehensive genomic sequencing.The path toward the“next-generation”clinical genetics and genomics may underlie semiautomatic pipelines assisted by artificial intelligence techniques. 展开更多
关键词 clinical genetics clinical genomics Next-generation sequencing Polygenic diseases
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