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电子装备热控新技术综述(上) 被引量:52
作者 平丽浩 钱吉裕 徐德好 《电子机械工程》 2008年第1期1-10,共10页
随着微电子技术特别是军用电子和微波器件的飞速发展,以及军用高功率密度器件和微波器件的使用,电子设备功率密度越来越大。因此对冷却技术的要求就越来越高。文中综述了当前电子设备冷却技术的发展现状,该综述分两部分,这部分内容主要... 随着微电子技术特别是军用电子和微波器件的飞速发展,以及军用高功率密度器件和微波器件的使用,电子设备功率密度越来越大。因此对冷却技术的要求就越来越高。文中综述了当前电子设备冷却技术的发展现状,该综述分两部分,这部分内容主要包括热传导技术和界面材料、热扩展技术、热管及衍生物以及一些高导热性能材料的研究现状。文章分析了现有冷却技术的优缺点,同时也指出了未来冷却技术的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 电子设备 热传导 高导热材料 泡沫石墨 碳纳米管 高取向性导热石墨 热管 CPL PHP Vapor chamber
软岩硐室围岩注浆加固作用与浆液扩散规律 被引量:29
作者 谢文兵 陆士良 殷少举 《中国矿业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第4期406-409,共4页
关键词 软岩 硐室 注浆加固 扩散规律 浆液扩散
Effects of different nitrogen fertilizer management practices on wheat yields and N_2O emissions from wheat fields in North China 被引量:30
作者 LIU Ya-nan LI Ying-chun +5 位作者 PENG Zheng-ping WANG Yan-qun MA Shao-yun GUO Li-ping LIN Er-da HAN Xue 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1184-1191,共8页
Nitrogen(N) is one of the macronutrients required for plant growth, and reasonable application of N fertilizers can increase crop yields and improve their quality. However, excessive application of N fertilizers wil... Nitrogen(N) is one of the macronutrients required for plant growth, and reasonable application of N fertilizers can increase crop yields and improve their quality. However, excessive application of N fertilizers will decrease N use efficiency and also lead to increases in N2O emissions from agricultural soils and many other environmental issues. Research on the effects of different N fertilizer management practices on wheat yields and N2O emissions will assist the selection of effective N management measures which enable achieving high wheat yields while reducing N2O emissions. To investigate the effects of different N management practices on wheat yields and soil N2O emissions, we conducted field trials with 5 treatments of no N fertilizer(CK), farmers common N rate(AN), optimal N rate(ON), 20% reduction in optimal rate+dicyandiamide(ON80%+DCD), 20% reduction in optimal rate+nano-carbon(ON80%+NC). The static closed chamber gas chromatography method was used to monitor N2O emissions during the wheat growing season. The results showed that there were obvious seasonal characteristics of N2O emissions under each treatment and N2O emissions were mainly concentrated in the sowing-greening stage, accounting for 54.6–68.2% of the overall emissions. Compared with AN, N2O emissions were decreased by 23.1, 45.4 and 33.7%, respectively, under ON, ON80%+DCD and ON80%+NC, and emission factors were declined by 22.2, 66.7 and 33.3%, respectively. Wheat yield was increased significantly under ON80%+DCD and ON80%+NC by 12.3 and 11.9%, respectively, relative to AN while there was no significant change in yield in the ON treatment. Compared with ON, overall N2O emissions were decreased by 29.1 and 13.9% while wheat yields improved by 18.3 and 17.9% under ON80%+DCD and ON80%+NC, respectively. We therefore recommend that ON80%+DCD and ON80%+NC be referred as effective N management practices increasing yields while mitigating emissions. 展开更多
关键词 emissions wheat fertilizer chamber accounting declined Wheat seasonal panicle seedling
药物肠道吸收研究方法 被引量:26
作者 祝诚诚 何新 《药物评价研究》 CAS 2010年第3期222-227,共6页
药物在肠道内的吸收程度和吸收特征是影响口服药物生物利用度的重要因素。肠道吸收研究可以预测影响药物在肠道吸收的机制与因素,研究方法主要包括体内法(invivo)、在体法(insitu)、体外法(invitro)等。就目前药物小肠吸收的研究方法及... 药物在肠道内的吸收程度和吸收特征是影响口服药物生物利用度的重要因素。肠道吸收研究可以预测影响药物在肠道吸收的机制与因素,研究方法主要包括体内法(invivo)、在体法(insitu)、体外法(invitro)等。就目前药物小肠吸收的研究方法及其特点进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 肠吸收 在体肠灌流法 外翻肠囊法 Ussing chamber 细胞培养模型法 药物溶出/吸收动态仿生系统法(DDASS)
ABR反应器处理生活污水的研究 被引量:10
作者 刘大银 毕亚凡 +3 位作者 李庆新 郭立 张燕 刘煦晴 《华中师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期514-517,共4页
研究了ABR反应器对生活污水中COD的去除效果、影响因素及不同隔室的作用.实验表明,ABR可使生活污水COD出水指标达GB8978-1996二级水质标准,并达到或接近一级标准.除第一隔室外,第二隔室、第三隔室发挥了明显的关键作用.HRT为6~10h、反... 研究了ABR反应器对生活污水中COD的去除效果、影响因素及不同隔室的作用.实验表明,ABR可使生活污水COD出水指标达GB8978-1996二级水质标准,并达到或接近一级标准.除第一隔室外,第二隔室、第三隔室发挥了明显的关键作用.HRT为6~10h、反应温度18℃左右即可取得较好的处理效果,明显优于UASB反应器,体现了第三代厌氧反应器的优势,表明ABR具有去除有机污染物的巨大潜能和广阔的应用前景. 展开更多
关键词 ABR反应器 生活污水 化学需氧量(COD)) 隔室
4种精子计数方法的比较 被引量:22
作者 胡毓安 陆金春 +2 位作者 吕年青 邵永 黄宇烽 《中华男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2006年第3期222-224,227,共4页
目的:评价血细胞计数池、Makler计数池、CellVU计数池和计算机辅助精液分析(CASA)系统4种精子计数方法的准确性和精确性。方法:使用两种已知浓度的质控乳胶珠溶液,1份浓度为(35±5)×106/ml,另1份浓度为(18.0±2.5)×10... 目的:评价血细胞计数池、Makler计数池、CellVU计数池和计算机辅助精液分析(CASA)系统4种精子计数方法的准确性和精确性。方法:使用两种已知浓度的质控乳胶珠溶液,1份浓度为(35±5)×106/ml,另1份浓度为(18.0±2.5)×106/ml,评价4种计数方法的准确性和精确性,并比较4种方法计数精液的结果。结果:计数乳胶珠时,CellVU计数池的结果最接近已知浓度,分别为(39.70±4.76)、(19.09±2.02)×106/ml,变异系数(CV)值分别为12.80%和10.58%;血细胞计数池和Makler计数池结果均高于已知浓度,前者为(44.84±4.86)×106/ml、(21.04±1.87)×106/ml,CV值分别为10.81%和8.89%,后者为(52.36±7.78)×106/ml、(24.54±3.67)×106/ml,CV值分别为14.86%和14.96%;CASA系统结果低于已知浓度,为(28.53±2.06)、(14.62±0.95)×106/ml,但CV值最低,分别为7.22%和6.50%。计数精液时,CellVU计数池与CASA系统结果差异无显著性(P=0.71),分别为(45.28±34.52)、(41.96±31.93)×106/ml,血细胞计数池和Makler计数池结果差异无显著性(P=0.14),分别为(76.98±59.90)、(63.89±53.84)×106/ml,CellVU计数池、CASA系统与血细胞计数池、Makler计数池结果间差异显著(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论:计数精液时,CASA系统与CellVU计数结果差异无显著性。各实验室可选择合适的手工或CASA计数方法。 展开更多
关键词 血细胞计数池 Makler计数池 Cell—VU计数池 计算机辅助精液分析 精子计数
Size distribution of the secondary organic aerosol particles from the photooxidation of toluene 被引量:21
作者 HAO Li-qing WANG Zhen-ya HUANG Ming-qiang PEI Shi-xin YANG Yong ZHANG Wei-jun 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期912-916,共5页
In a smog chamber, the photooxidation of toluene was initiated by hydroxyl radical (OH.) under different experimental conditions. The size distribution of secondary organic aerosol(SOA) particles from the above re... In a smog chamber, the photooxidation of toluene was initiated by hydroxyl radical (OH.) under different experimental conditions. The size distribution of secondary organic aerosol(SOA) particles from the above reaction was measured using aerodynamic particle sizer spectrometer. It was found from our experimental results that the number of SOA particles increased with increasing the concentration of toluene. As the reaction time prolonged, the sum of SOA particles was also increased. After a reaction time of 130 min, the concentration of secondary organic aerosol particles would be kept constant at 2300 particles/cm^3. Increasing illumination power of blacklamps could significantly induce a higher concentration of secondary organic aerosol particle. The density of SOA particles would also be increased with increasing concentration of CH30NO, however, it would be decreased as soon as the concentration of CH30NO was larger than 225.2 ppm. Nitrogen oxide with initial concentration higher than 30. 1 ppm was also found to have little effect on the formation of secondary organic aerosol. 展开更多
关键词 TOLUENE hydroxyl radical secondary organic aerosol smog chamber
热风炉蓄热室内传热过程计算 被引量:13
作者 张胤 刘中兴 贺友多 《内蒙古科技大学学报》 CAS 2001年第1期4-7,共4页
应用三维非稳态热量传输方程 ,对高炉热风炉在燃烧过程中蓄热室内格子砖与气体之间的对流和辐射传热 ,以及格子砖内部的导热过程进行了耦合求解
关键词 热风炉 蓄热室 格子砖 传热计算
软岩硐室围岩作用关系分析 被引量:18
作者 谢文兵 陈玉华 陆士良 《湖南科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2004年第2期6-9,共4页
在现场锚注加固试验基础上,根据注浆量统计结果,对软岩硐室围岩间空隙分布进行反分析,采用FLAC建立相应数值分析模型,分析了不同支护围岩关系对支护体内力和围岩自承能力的影响以及支护体的变形破坏特征,得出的结论对改进煤矿大断面软... 在现场锚注加固试验基础上,根据注浆量统计结果,对软岩硐室围岩间空隙分布进行反分析,采用FLAC建立相应数值分析模型,分析了不同支护围岩关系对支护体内力和围岩自承能力的影响以及支护体的变形破坏特征,得出的结论对改进煤矿大断面软岩硐室支护工艺有一定意义.图6,表2。 展开更多
关键词 软岩 硐室 围岩作用 煤矿 支护工艺
Canopy and leaf gas exchange of Haloxylon ammodendron under different soil moisture regimes 被引量:17
作者 GAO Song,SU PeiXi,YAN QiaoDi & DING SongShuang Linze Inland River Basin Research Station,Plant Stress Ecophysiology and Biotechnology Laboratory,Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Lanzhou 730000,China 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2010年第6期718-728,共11页
In order to reveal the drought resistance and adaptation of the C4 desert plant Haloxylon ammodendron under artificially controlled soil moisture regimes,representative plants were selected to measure canopy photosynt... In order to reveal the drought resistance and adaptation of the C4 desert plant Haloxylon ammodendron under artificially controlled soil moisture regimes,representative plants were selected to measure canopy photosynthesis using canopy photosynthetic measurement system.The results showed that appropriate soil moisture significantly enhances the canopy and leaf photosynthetic capacity,and extremely high soil moisture is not conducive to the photosynthesis of H.ammodendron. 展开更多
深部大断面硐室破坏机制与锚注控制方法研究 被引量:17
作者 王琦 张皓杰 +4 位作者 江贝 黄玉兵 张朋 许硕 刘博宏 《采矿与安全工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1094-1103,共10页
随着矿井开采深度增加,深部大断面硐室围岩出现大变形、底鼓、支护失效、非对称破坏甚至冒顶等控制难题。本文以厚冲积层万福煤矿永久泵房为背景,通过现场监测、钻孔探测对破碎围岩进行分区,分析原支护方案下围岩的变形破坏机制。系统... 随着矿井开采深度增加,深部大断面硐室围岩出现大变形、底鼓、支护失效、非对称破坏甚至冒顶等控制难题。本文以厚冲积层万福煤矿永久泵房为背景,通过现场监测、钻孔探测对破碎围岩进行分区,分析原支护方案下围岩的变形破坏机制。系统研究硐室相对位置和开挖次序、锚注支护和关键部位补强支护等不同因素对围岩变形控制效果的影响机制,建立围岩控制率和变形协调率评价指标,提出深部大断面硐室优化设计方法,同时提出“一次钎杆注浆定孔,二次锚网喷浆支护,三次锚注一体加固,关键部位加密强化,完整砌碹强度储备”的大断面硐室非对称分阶段控制方法。现场应用表明,该方法有效控制了深部大断面硐室的非对称变形,为类似硐室设计与施工提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 深部 大断面 硐室 破坏机制 锚注控制
等离子体气动效应对燃烧室流场的影响 被引量:16
作者 兰宇丹 何立明 +3 位作者 王峰 杜宏亮 陈鑫 梁华 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期217-222,共6页
为了研究等离子体气动效应的内在机理,建立燃烧室助燃激励器中等离子体气动效应的数值仿真模型,通过求解电势方程和电荷密度方程,得到等离子体气动效应的体积力分布函数,将动量以源项的形式引入Navier-Stokes方程求解,对助燃激励器中等... 为了研究等离子体气动效应的内在机理,建立燃烧室助燃激励器中等离子体气动效应的数值仿真模型,通过求解电势方程和电荷密度方程,得到等离子体气动效应的体积力分布函数,将动量以源项的形式引入Navier-Stokes方程求解,对助燃激励器中等离子体气动效应诱导燃烧室空气流动进行了数值模拟,研究激励电压、气体流量和电荷密度对燃烧室中等离子体气动效应效果的影响。计算结果表明:在等离子体气动效应的作用下,燃烧室流场紊流度增大,速度分布不均匀;随着激励电压的升高,燃烧室轴向速度振荡幅度增大;等离子体气动效应对燃烧室流场的影响随着进口流速的增加不断减小;随着电荷密度的增加,火焰稳定器前后燃烧室流场轴向速度的振荡不断加剧。 展开更多
关键词 等离子体 气动效应 电场 流场 燃烧室 体积力
煤矿避难硐室提升钻孔系统研究 被引量:14
作者 李钊源 金龙哲 +2 位作者 李芳玮 黄志凌 陈韬屹 《中国安全科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期97-101,共5页
为解决矿井灾害条件下避险人员进入避难硐室后只能被动等待救援的问题,提出在硐室内部创建应急逃生新通道的方法,对基于单人救援提升钻孔系统的避难硐室的构建进行研究。以王家岭煤矿永久避难硐室为实例,通过分析国内外紧急避险技术、... 为解决矿井灾害条件下避险人员进入避难硐室后只能被动等待救援的问题,提出在硐室内部创建应急逃生新通道的方法,对基于单人救援提升钻孔系统的避难硐室的构建进行研究。以王家岭煤矿永久避难硐室为实例,通过分析国内外紧急避险技术、现场调研、理论研究及方案设计,确定提升钻孔的尺寸、成孔工艺、提升方法及硐室内部系统配备等关键技术。结果表明:在王家岭煤矿将构建的基于提升钻孔的避难硐室,可在24 h内实现100人的应急救援提升工作,提高了避难硐室的可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 紧急避险 避难硐室 救援逃生通道 提升钻孔 提升系统
复杂地质体中地下硐室的施工优化与稳定性评价 被引量:5
作者 张玉祥 包四根 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期722-725,共4页
以金川公司龙首矿卷扬机硐室为例 ,论述复杂工程地质环境中地下硐室施工优化与稳定性评价的方法与步骤 ,通过围岩工程地质研究 ,建立工程地质模型 ,为硐室优化模拟输入真实的地质力学参数 ,模拟优化硐室的施工 ,并结合工程变形监测 。
关键词 硐室 优化 数值模拟 稳定性 复杂地质环境
Construction and Characterization of an Atmospheric Simulation Smog Chamber 被引量:13
作者 武山 吕子峰 +5 位作者 郝吉明 赵喆 李俊华 Hideto TAKEKAWA Hiroaki MINOURA Akio YASUDA 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第2期250-258,共9页
Currently, air pollution in Beijing has become a complex problem with two types of source pollutants: coal smoke and photochemical smog. Furthermore the maximum hourly mean concentration of O3 increases continuously,... Currently, air pollution in Beijing has become a complex problem with two types of source pollutants: coal smoke and photochemical smog. Furthermore the maximum hourly mean concentration of O3 increases continuously, especially in the summer. In order to simulate the photochemical reaction, develop an air quality simulation model and further improve the air quality of Beijing, a precisely temperature-controlled, indoor, smog chamber facility was designed and constructed at Tsinghua University. Characterization experiments have been carried out to acquire the basic parameters of the smog chamber, such as the wall loss rates of NO2, NO, O3, C3H6 and particulate matter (PM), the intensity of ultraviolet (UV) light in the chamber, the reactivity of the purified air and the reproducibility of the experimental results. The results indicate that the facility performs up to specifications, and can meet the demands required for simulating the photochemical reaction. The effect of high primary contaminated PM on the formation of ozone and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is under investigation. 展开更多
关键词 photochemical smog smog chamber CONSTRUCTION characterization experiments SOA
Reservoir-forming features of abiotic origin gas in Songliao Basin 被引量:13
作者 郭占谦 王先彬 刘文龙 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 1997年第6期621-626,共6页
The vertical structure of the crustal block of the Songliao Basin can be divided into upper, middle and low Earth's crust according to density. There is an about 3-km-thick low density interval between the upper c... The vertical structure of the crustal block of the Songliao Basin can be divided into upper, middle and low Earth's crust according to density. There is an about 3-km-thick low density interval between the upper crust and the middle crust. This interval may be a magma chamber accumulated in crust by 'fluid phase' which is precipitated and separated from upper mantle meltmass. The abiogenetic natural gas, other gaseous mass and hydrothermal fluids are provided to the Songliao rifted basin through crustal faults and natural earthquakes. This is a basic condition to form an abiogenetic gas reservoir in the Songliao Basin. On both flanks of the upper crust (or named basin basement) fault there are structural traps in and above the basement and unconformity surface or lateral extended sand, which contains communicated pores, as migration pathway and natural gas reservoir; up to gas reservoirs there is shale as enclosed cap rock, and the suitable arrangement of these conditions is the basic features of abiogenetic gas reservoir. 展开更多
关键词 MAGMA chamber deep fault UNCONFORMITY surface TRAP RESERVOIR cap rock earthquake.
Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell-loaded amniotic membrane for the repair of radial nerve injury 被引量:13
作者 Zhi Li Hanjiao Qin +5 位作者 Zishan Feng Wei Liu Ye Zhou Lifeng Yang Wei Zhao Youjun Li 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第36期3441-3448,共8页
In this study, we loaded human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells onto human amniotic membrane with epithelial cells to prepare nerve conduits, i.e., a relatively closed nerve regeneration chamber. After neurolysis... In this study, we loaded human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells onto human amniotic membrane with epithelial cells to prepare nerve conduits, i.e., a relatively closed nerve regeneration chamber. After neurolysis, the injured radial nerve was enwrapped with the prepared nerve conduit, which was fixed to the epineurium by sutures, with the cell on the inner surface of the conduit. Simultaneously, a 1.0 mL aliquot of human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell suspension was injected into the distal and proximal ends of the injured radial nerve with 1.0 cm intervals. A total of 1.75 x 107 cells were seeded on the amniotic membrane. In the control group, patients received only neurolysis. At 12 weeks after cell transplantation, more than 80% of patients exhibited obvious improvements in muscular strength, and touch and pain sensations. In contrast, these improvements were observed only in 55-65% of control patients. At 8 and 12 weeks, muscular electrophysiological function in the region dominated by the injured radial nerve was significantly better in the transplantation group than the control group. After cell transplantation, no immunological rejections were observed. These findings suggest that human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell-loaded amniotic membrane can be used for the repair of radial nerve injury. 展开更多
关键词 neural regeneration stem cells peripheral nerve injury cells radial nerve amniotic membrane nerve electrophysiology motor SENSORY neuroregeneration human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem conduit nerve regeneration chamber
Device interchangeability on anterior chamber depth and white-to-white measurements: a thorough literature review 被引量:13
作者 Alberto Domínguez-Vicent Cari Pérez-Vives +2 位作者 Teresa Ferrer-Blasco Santiago García-Lázaro Robert Montés-Micó 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2016年第7期1057-1065,共9页
We have reviewed a set of recently published studies that compared the anterior chamber depth(ACD) and/or white-to-white(WTW) distance obtained by means of different measuring devices.Since some of those studies r... We have reviewed a set of recently published studies that compared the anterior chamber depth(ACD) and/or white-to-white(WTW) distance obtained by means of different measuring devices.Since some of those studies reached contradictory conclusions regarding device interchangeability,this review was carried out in attempting to clarify which clinical devices can or cannot be considered as interchangeable in clinical practice to measure ACD and/or WTW distance,among these devices:A-scan,ultrasound biomicroscopy,Orbscan and Orbscan Ⅱ(Bausch&Lomb Surgical Inc.,San Dimas,California,USA),Pentacam and Pentacam HR(Oculus,Wetzlar,Germany),Galilei(Ziemer,Switzerland),Visante optical coherence tomography(Visante OCT,Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc.,Dublin,California,USA),lOLMaster(Carl Zeiss Meditec,Jena,Germany),and Lenstar LS 900/Biograph(Haag-Streit AG,Koeniz,Switzerland/Alcon Laboratories Inc.,Ft Worth,Texas,USA). 展开更多
关键词 anterior camber depth measurement white to white measurement device interchangeability anterior chamber eye
Comparison of anterior section parameters using anterior segment optical coherence tomography and ultrasound biomicroscopy in myopic patients after ICL implantation 被引量:13
作者 Jing Zhang Hui-Hui Luo +1 位作者 Jing Zhuang Ke-Ming Yu 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2016年第1期58-62,共5页
AIM:To compare the agreement of anterior chamber depth(ACD)and central vault measurements obtained by anterior segment optical coherence tomography(AS-OCT)and ultrasound biomicroscopy(UBM)of post surgical high ... AIM:To compare the agreement of anterior chamber depth(ACD)and central vault measurements obtained by anterior segment optical coherence tomography(AS-OCT)and ultrasound biomicroscopy(UBM)of post surgical high myopic eyes with posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens(Visian ICL;STAAR Surgical)implantation.·METHODS:Fifty-two phakic eyes of 28 high myopic patients who underwent implantable Collamer lens(ICL)surgery for the correction of high myopia were studied.The postoperative ACD,the distance between the corneal endothelium and the anterior surface of ICL(cornea-ICL)and the central vault were measured with the AS-OCT system and the UBM system.Intraclass correlation coefficient(ICC)and the Bland-Altman plot were used to evaluate the repeatability and agreement of two devices.·R ESULTS:The mean ACD,cornea-ICL and central vault in the 52 phakic eyes after ICL surgery was 3.19±0.28 mm,2.47±0.28 mm,0.50±0.19 mm by AS-OCT and3.13±0.25 mm,2.49±0.25 mm,0.44±0.19 mm by UBM,respectively.Pairwise comparison of ACD and central vault measurements showed significant differences between AS-OCT and UBM(〈0.05).However,no statistically significant difference was found between these imaging techniques in cornea-ICL(〉0.05).The Pearson correlation coefficient()between AS-OCT and UBM measurements for ACD,cornea-ICL and vault was0.88,0.80 and 0.89,respectively(〈0.001).The ICC was0.89-0.94 for the measurements of AS-OCT and UBM.Bland-Altman analysis showed the 95%limits of agreement of ACD,cornea-ICL,central vault measurements between these two devices were-0.20 to 0.32 mm,-0.36to 0.32 mm and-0.12 to 0.24 mm,respectively.58·CONCLUSION:Central ACD and vault measurements using AS-OCT demonstrated a slight significantly higher value than using UBM in phakic eyes after ICL surgery.These two devices should not be used interchangeably for measurements of central ACD and vault in patients after phakic intraocular lens implantation. 展开更多
关键词 anterior chamber depth VAULT phakicintraocular lens anterior segment imaging optical coherencetomography ultrasound biomicroscopy
三维地下管线建模及系统实现研究 被引量:14
作者 钟远根 戴相喜 +1 位作者 李颖捷 唐海 《现代测绘》 2014年第1期25-27,共3页
城市地下管线探测成图已由二维进入三维时代,但是目前探测使用的数据标准仍然沿用传统数据标准,难以满足管线三维成图需求。本文分析了原数据标准在三维成图方面的不足,在传统管线数据标准的基础上,针对管线点数据方面的不足进行了设计... 城市地下管线探测成图已由二维进入三维时代,但是目前探测使用的数据标准仍然沿用传统数据标准,难以满足管线三维成图需求。本文分析了原数据标准在三维成图方面的不足,在传统管线数据标准的基础上,针对管线点数据方面的不足进行了设计和扩充,特别是对井室数据的调查和建模进行了详细探讨,最后通过软件开发,实现基于规则的三维地下管线模型自动建立,真实再现三维地下管线场景。 展开更多
关键词 地下管线 井室 三维建模 三维系统
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