生长减缓是帮助早期识别营养问题的重要临床表现,尽早识别和干预婴幼儿生长减缓对改善其近远期健康结局意义重大。之前发表的相关指南和专家共识对生长减缓缺乏统一的定义,影响临床识别、评估与规范管理。2023年3月,Journal of Pediatri...生长减缓是帮助早期识别营养问题的重要临床表现,尽早识别和干预婴幼儿生长减缓对改善其近远期健康结局意义重大。之前发表的相关指南和专家共识对生长减缓缺乏统一的定义,影响临床识别、评估与规范管理。2023年3月,Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition杂志发表了《生长减缓婴幼儿的追赶生长:指导临床医师的专家建议》,不仅阐述了追赶生长的重要性,还针对如何适当地定义、评估和管理生长减缓制定了切实可行的共识建议,对临床医生具有现实的指导价值。本文结合我国临床现状,对该“建议”进行解读,以期为我国临床医师管理生长减缓婴幼儿提供指导和参考。展开更多
The paper analyzed the growth level and velocity to find the growth trend with the data collected in 8 investigations on growth of children aged 7~17 years in 1958~1995 in Xi′an. The results showed that child′s gr...The paper analyzed the growth level and velocity to find the growth trend with the data collected in 8 investigations on growth of children aged 7~17 years in 1958~1995 in Xi′an. The results showed that child′s growth level was elevated with the passage of years and was the lowest in 1962, the highest in 1995 during the 38 years. The height of boy of the same age in 1995 has average increased by 9 59 cm over 1958 and girl 8 38 cm. The weight of boy of the same age in 1995 has averagely increased by 8 35 kg over 1958 and girl 5 90 kg. The chest girth of boy of the same age in 1995 has average increased by 5 69 cm over 1958 and girl 4 66 cm. The growth level of children aged 9~15 years had greater increase than others in 7~17 years of age. The average increment per 10 years of boy's height was 2 57 cm and girl's 2 26 cm. The average increment of per 10 years of boy's weight was 2 17 kg and girl's 1 56 kg. The average increment of per 10 years of boy's chest girth was 1 50 cm and girl's 1 23 cm. The analysis of the growth velocity in different period during 38 years showed the velocity in 1958~1962 was a negative value and indicated a growth retard, but the velocity in 1962~1964 was the fastest and indicated a catch up growth. And then, growth velocities of height, weight and chest girth were different in different period. The analysis of the growth curves of height, weight and chest girth showed that the 2 cross ages were 1~3 years of age ahead of time and menarche and emission also were ahead of time that during the 38 years indicated there is a child's growth acceleration in Xi′an and the trend of child's growth acceleration could continue if there are more and better nourishment, sports requisites, health care and housing conditions.展开更多
文摘生长减缓是帮助早期识别营养问题的重要临床表现,尽早识别和干预婴幼儿生长减缓对改善其近远期健康结局意义重大。之前发表的相关指南和专家共识对生长减缓缺乏统一的定义,影响临床识别、评估与规范管理。2023年3月,Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition杂志发表了《生长减缓婴幼儿的追赶生长:指导临床医师的专家建议》,不仅阐述了追赶生长的重要性,还针对如何适当地定义、评估和管理生长减缓制定了切实可行的共识建议,对临床医生具有现实的指导价值。本文结合我国临床现状,对该“建议”进行解读,以期为我国临床医师管理生长减缓婴幼儿提供指导和参考。
文摘The paper analyzed the growth level and velocity to find the growth trend with the data collected in 8 investigations on growth of children aged 7~17 years in 1958~1995 in Xi′an. The results showed that child′s growth level was elevated with the passage of years and was the lowest in 1962, the highest in 1995 during the 38 years. The height of boy of the same age in 1995 has average increased by 9 59 cm over 1958 and girl 8 38 cm. The weight of boy of the same age in 1995 has averagely increased by 8 35 kg over 1958 and girl 5 90 kg. The chest girth of boy of the same age in 1995 has average increased by 5 69 cm over 1958 and girl 4 66 cm. The growth level of children aged 9~15 years had greater increase than others in 7~17 years of age. The average increment per 10 years of boy's height was 2 57 cm and girl's 2 26 cm. The average increment of per 10 years of boy's weight was 2 17 kg and girl's 1 56 kg. The average increment of per 10 years of boy's chest girth was 1 50 cm and girl's 1 23 cm. The analysis of the growth velocity in different period during 38 years showed the velocity in 1958~1962 was a negative value and indicated a growth retard, but the velocity in 1962~1964 was the fastest and indicated a catch up growth. And then, growth velocities of height, weight and chest girth were different in different period. The analysis of the growth curves of height, weight and chest girth showed that the 2 cross ages were 1~3 years of age ahead of time and menarche and emission also were ahead of time that during the 38 years indicated there is a child's growth acceleration in Xi′an and the trend of child's growth acceleration could continue if there are more and better nourishment, sports requisites, health care and housing conditions.