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蓖麻碱的生物活性研究与应用开发前景 被引量:35
作者 刘骁 李端 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期76-78,共3页
蓖麻碱是蓖麻中的主要毒素之一,具有一定的生物活性。在杀虫方面,对天幕毛虫、桃蚜和小菜蛾等3种害虫有不同程度的杀灭作用;在药理方面,蓖麻碱具有一定的肝保护作用和中枢神经兴奋作用,低剂量时具有改善记忆的效果,较大剂量时可作为工具... 蓖麻碱是蓖麻中的主要毒素之一,具有一定的生物活性。在杀虫方面,对天幕毛虫、桃蚜和小菜蛾等3种害虫有不同程度的杀灭作用;在药理方面,蓖麻碱具有一定的肝保护作用和中枢神经兴奋作用,低剂量时具有改善记忆的效果,较大剂量时可作为工具药,用于制备癫痫动物模型来筛选抗惊厥药。 展开更多
关键词 生物碱类 蓖麻属 杀虫药 植物 惊厥
Use of probiotics and botanical extracts to improve ruminant production in the tropics: A review 被引量:23
作者 Muhammed A.Arowolo Jianhua He 《Animal Nutrition》 SCIE 2018年第3期241-249,共9页
Ruminant production, especially in the tropics and developing countries suffers a setback when compared with the temperate and developed countries, which is attributable to the kinds of available feed resources in the... Ruminant production, especially in the tropics and developing countries suffers a setback when compared with the temperate and developed countries, which is attributable to the kinds of available feed resources in the region of production. In the tropics, ruminants are restricted to grazing on low-quality forages, crop residues and agro-industrial by-products with very little or no concentrate diets, which adversely affect the animals in exhibiting their full production potential. Considering this fact, there is an increasing interest in improving the digestibility of these feed resources. In recent years, researchers have explored several methods to enhance the functions of rumen microflora, improve digestion and fermentation processes, as well as increase bioavailability and utilization of nutrients through feed supplementation. This review aims to explore the positive effects of supplementation of ruminant diets with probiotics or botanical extracts and their metabolites on the productivity of the animals. Moreover, the functions of these non-pathogenic and non-toxic live microorganisms(probiotics) and plant biologically active compounds(botanical extract)are explored because of the ban on non-therapeutic use of antibiotics as growth promoters coupled with the critical preference of consumers to high quality and safe animal products. It has been reported that these alternative supplemental products have a beneficial impact on both animal health and productivity, which is affecting stabilization of rumen environment, inhibition of pathogenic bacteria proliferation in gastrointestinal tract, modulation of immune response, increase in fibre degradation and fermentation, nutrients availability and utilization, animal growth performance and milk production, among others. However,long-term in vivo studies are still required to determine the synergetic effects of these 2 safe supplemental products. 展开更多
关键词 RUMINANT Supplementation PROBIOTICS botanical extracts TROPICS
国内常见植物源农药的研究进展 被引量:21
作者 尤龙 李曰鹏 任士伟 《广州化工》 CAS 2018年第13期12-13,19,共3页
部分植物提取物中含有多种活性成分,具有杀虫杀菌作用,相对于化学农药具有易降解、对人畜毒性低的特点,且不污染环境和不破坏生态平衡。随着国内对食品安全和环保意识意识的增强,植物源农药被受到广泛的关注,具有很大的发展前途。为了... 部分植物提取物中含有多种活性成分,具有杀虫杀菌作用,相对于化学农药具有易降解、对人畜毒性低的特点,且不污染环境和不破坏生态平衡。随着国内对食品安全和环保意识意识的增强,植物源农药被受到广泛的关注,具有很大的发展前途。为了开发天然植物源农药的利用,本文对市面常见植物源农药的性质进行了整理,简要说明了其提取方法,并对主要的应用成果进行了综述。 展开更多
关键词 植物源 农药 应用
欧前胡素的中药源与药理作用研究进展 被引量:21
作者 伍冠一 陈佳妤 +3 位作者 徐小丽 毛益光 钟柳玲 陆祥城 《中医药导报》 2017年第20期54-56,共3页
关键词 欧前胡素 植物源 药理作用
我国植物源灭鼠药剂的研究及应用 被引量:17
作者 张宏利 韩崇选 +3 位作者 杨学军 王明春 贺春玲 杨清娥 《西北林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期129-132,共4页
研究表明,植物在鼠害的防治中发挥着重要作用,这种作用主要表现在对害鼠的驱避、毒杀和使害鼠产生不育作用。植物源灭鼠剂主要分为植物源杀鼠剂和植物源鼠类不育剂。植物源杀鼠剂可直接杀死害鼠,而植物源鼠类不育剂可以使鼠类产生不育作... 研究表明,植物在鼠害的防治中发挥着重要作用,这种作用主要表现在对害鼠的驱避、毒杀和使害鼠产生不育作用。植物源灭鼠剂主要分为植物源杀鼠剂和植物源鼠类不育剂。植物源杀鼠剂可直接杀死害鼠,而植物源鼠类不育剂可以使鼠类产生不育作用,这2种方法均可使鼠类种群数量减少,从而减轻其危害。本文介绍我国植物源灭鼠药剂的研究及应用情况,并分析了植物源灭鼠药剂的发展趋势和应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 植物源 灭鼠剂 不育剂 应用
药用植物染料的特征和功能实现(I):药性、颜色与染色 被引量:17
作者 柯贵珍 于伟东 徐卫林 《武汉科技学院学报》 2006年第1期43-46,共4页
关键词 植物染料 药用 染色性
植物源天然防腐剂来源及其抗菌物质基础 被引量:15
作者 张海玲 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2017年第33期76-78,80,共4页
关键词 植物源 天然防腐剂 抗菌 物质基础
植物源保鲜剂的研究进展 被引量:14
作者 崔欣悦 任虹 安磊 《中国调味品》 CAS 北大核心 2014年第9期138-140,共3页
天然保鲜剂的研究是食品保鲜剂开发的重要方向。植物有效成分在天然保鲜剂的开发和应用中具有独特的优势和广阔的前景。概述了植物源保鲜剂的国内外研究现状及最新热点,并根据化学成分将其分为多糖类、多酚类、挥发油类、生物碱类及醌类... 天然保鲜剂的研究是食品保鲜剂开发的重要方向。植物有效成分在天然保鲜剂的开发和应用中具有独特的优势和广阔的前景。概述了植物源保鲜剂的国内外研究现状及最新热点,并根据化学成分将其分为多糖类、多酚类、挥发油类、生物碱类及醌类,简要介绍了每类成分的保鲜应用及机理,并对目前植物源保鲜剂研究中存在的问题进行了分析,对其发展趋势和应用前景进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 天然 植物源 食品保鲜剂
Overview of the phytomedicine approaches against Helicobacter pylori 被引量:13
作者 Filipa F Vale Monica Oleastro 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第19期5594-5609,共16页
Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)successfully colonizes thehuman stomach of the majority of the human popula-tion.This infection always causes chronic gastritis,butmay evolve to serious outcomes,such as peptic ulcer,gastr... Helicobacter pylori(H.pylori)successfully colonizes thehuman stomach of the majority of the human popula-tion.This infection always causes chronic gastritis,butmay evolve to serious outcomes,such as peptic ulcer,gastric carcinoma or mucosa-associated lymphoid tis-sue lymphoma.H.pylori first line therapy recommend-ed by the Maastricht-4 Consensus Report comprises theuse of two antibiotics and a proton-pomp inhibitor,butin some regions failure associated with this treatmentis already undesirable high.Indeed,treatment failure isone of the major problems associated with H.pylori in-fection and is mainly associated with bacterial antibioticresistance.In order to counteract this situation,someeffort has been allocated during the last years in theinvestigation of therapeutic alternatives beyond antibi-otics.These include vaccines,probiotics,photodynamic inactivation and phage therapy,which are briefly revis-ited in this review.A particular focus on phytomedicine,also described as herbal therapy and botanical therapy,which consists in the use of plant extracts for medicinal purposes,is specifically addressed,namely considering its history,category of performed studies,tested com-pounds,active principle and mode of action.The herbs already experienced are highly diverse and usually selected from products with a long history of employ-ment against diseases associated with H.pylori infec-tion from each country own folk medicine.The studies demonstrated that many phytomedicine products have an anti-H.pylori activity and gastroprotective action.Al-though the mechanism of action is far from being com-pletely understood,current knowledge correlates the beneficial action of herbs with inhibition of essential H.pylori enzymes,modulation of the host immune system and with attenuation of inflammation. 展开更多
关键词 Helicobacter pylori Alternative treatment PHYTOMEDICINE Herbal medicine PHYTOTHERAPY botanical therapy Herb medicine PROBIOTICS Antibiotic resistance
Debris-flow Treatment:The Integration of Botanical and Geotechnical Methods 被引量:13
作者 崔鹏 林勇明 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2013年第2期97-104,共8页
Due to special topographical, geological and meteorological conditions, debris flows occur frequently and result in heavy losses of lives and properties in mountainous areas, which become a great threaten to the susta... Due to special topographical, geological and meteorological conditions, debris flows occur frequently and result in heavy losses of lives and properties in mountainous areas, which become a great threaten to the sustainable development of regional economy and society in western China. At present, debris-flow prevention has performed well in many mountainous countries and has made headway in early warning, disaster mitigation by structural engineering methods, and risk analysis and management. In this paper, debris-flow prevention techniques have been introduced from the aspects of botanical methods, geotechnical engineering methods, and synthetic prevention system based on the above two methods. In addition, the treatment system of multilevel runoff and unconsolidated soil in the catchment with a chain of "slope-gully-valley" is set up in consideration of sediment load of main rivers, incorporation of slope improvement and gully retention, as well as micro-site factors for matching species with the site. Furthermore, attentions should be paid to the mechanism and technical details of vegetation measures for debris-flow prevention, as well as effective incorporation between botanical method and geotechnical method. 展开更多
关键词 debris flow HAZARD PREVENTION botanical method geotechnical method
植物源昆虫拒食剂研究进展 被引量:12
作者 韩招久 肖旭 +5 位作者 姜志宽 王宗德 曹勇平 谭伟龙 史东海 邢翠香 《中华卫生杀虫药械》 CAS 2014年第6期511-515,共5页
长期大量使用有机合成杀虫剂导致害虫抗药性产生和发展,引发严重的环境污染和农产品安全问题,对人畜健康带来风险。昆虫拒食剂是有机杀虫剂的重要替代。从植物中发现昆虫拒食剂并加以利用是拒食剂研究和发展的重要思路。本文对植物源昆... 长期大量使用有机合成杀虫剂导致害虫抗药性产生和发展,引发严重的环境污染和农产品安全问题,对人畜健康带来风险。昆虫拒食剂是有机杀虫剂的重要替代。从植物中发现昆虫拒食剂并加以利用是拒食剂研究和发展的重要思路。本文对植物源昆虫拒食剂的来源、主要有效成分以及发展前景进行了综述。 展开更多
关键词 昆虫拒食剂 植物源 前景
对美国FDA《植物药品企业指南》(草案)几点剖视 被引量:5
作者 祝国光 《中成药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期453-454,共2页
关键词 植物药 草案 法规 FDA 美国 指南 药品 中药
Efficacy of plant extracts in plant disease management 被引量:9
作者 Malkhan Singh Gurjar Shahid Ali +1 位作者 Masood Akhtar Kangabam Suraj Singh 《Agricultural Sciences》 2012年第3期425-433,共9页
The overzealous and indiscriminate use of most of the synthetic fungicides has created different types of environmental and toxicological problems. Recently, in different parts of the world, attention has been paid to... The overzealous and indiscriminate use of most of the synthetic fungicides has created different types of environmental and toxicological problems. Recently, in different parts of the world, attention has been paid towards exploitation of higher plant products as novel chemotherapeutants in plant protection. The popularity of botanical pesticides is once again increasing and some plant products are being used globally as green pesticides. Pyrethroids and neem products are well established commercially as botanical pesticides and recently some essential oils of higher plants have also been used as antimicrobials against storage pests because of their relatively safe status and wide acceptance by the consumers. Some of the volatile oils, which often contain the principal aromatic and flavouring components of herbs and spices, have been recommended as plant based antimicrobials to retard microbial contamination and reduction in spoilage of food commodities. In the context of agricultural pest management, botanical pesticides are best suited for use in organic food production in industrialized countries but can play a much greater role in the production and post harvest protection of food products in developing countries. 展开更多
Research and Application of Adlay in Medicinal Field 被引量:9
作者 Fei Yu Jun Zhang +2 位作者 Ya-zhuo Li Zhen-ying Zhao Chang-xiao Liu 《Chinese Herbal Medicines》 CAS 2017年第2期126-133,共8页
The traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) adlay has been used as a dietary supplement to promote health and treat various ailments for thousands of years.The effective and safe ingredients of TCM could be used as source... The traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) adlay has been used as a dietary supplement to promote health and treat various ailments for thousands of years.The effective and safe ingredients of TCM could be used as sources for developing new drugs.This paper reviews the main research and application of adlay seed in medicinal field in the following aspects:botanical resource,ethnopharmacological function,chemical constituents,pharmacology and pharmacokinetics,safety evaluation and toxicity,and clinical application.We hope that the review could help researchers mine the scientific values of adlay seed,innovative drug design,provide the guidance for the application in clinical therapy,and enhance the academic level and clinical efficacy of adlay seed. 展开更多
关键词 botanical resource clinical application of adlay seed ethno-pharmacology pharmacology
Fifty Years of Botanical Gardens in China 被引量:10
作者 贺善安 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第9期1123-1133,共11页
The development, distribution and features of one hundred and forty botanical gardens (BGs) in China are reported and their functions on research, conservation, display and utilization of biodiversity are summarized i... The development, distribution and features of one hundred and forty botanical gardens (BGs) in China are reported and their functions on research, conservation, display and utilization of biodiversity are summarized in this paper. The contributions to the social and economic development in the early stage of Chinese BGs with the researches of economic plant (tobacco), medicinal plant (yam) and wild fruit tree resources are evaluated. The theoretical and applied achievements in recent years in seed science, plant conservation, economic plant introduction, acclimatization and breeding are also described. A general scope of living plant collections in Chinese BGs is presented and the outstanding ones, including Magnoliaceae, Zingiberaceae, Cycadaceae, medicinal plants, Actinidia and Rhododendron are particularly mentioned. With special reference to Chinese penjing art garden and silicified wood garden, the development of scientific popularization and tourism in BGs is reviewed. 展开更多
关键词 botanical garden BIODIVERSITY plant conservation medicinal plant plant introduction and acclimatization plant breeding plant collection
华南植物园信息管理系统的研建 被引量:4
作者 樊汉明 张征 赖志敏 《中国园林》 2000年第1期72-74,共3页
本文介绍了建立华南植物园信息管理系统之背景、原则、系统的开发过程及其功能。本系统根据植物园的实际情况确定了行政管理、科研科普、旅游开发这三大类型的数据库,使各项数据规范化,便于查询和分析,提高科学管理水平,促进植物园... 本文介绍了建立华南植物园信息管理系统之背景、原则、系统的开发过程及其功能。本系统根据植物园的实际情况确定了行政管理、科研科普、旅游开发这三大类型的数据库,使各项数据规范化,便于查询和分析,提高科学管理水平,促进植物园的各项工作,尽快能与国际接轨。同时制成图文并茂,中英文两种版本的网页,对提高植物园在国内外的声誉,扩大其社会效益和经济效益起到一定的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 植物园 信息管理系统 管理
植物学类科技期刊插图的优化与规范化编排 被引量:10
作者 蒋巧媛 《广西植物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期93-96,共4页
作者结合自己的实践,详细叙述了科技期刊插图的分类与规范化要求,就如何优化插图、确保质量提出了精选插图、认真审读图稿的全部内容、精心标注的方法,并阐述了插图的编辑加工和技术处理,探讨了统一格式、规范化编排插图的具体做法:即... 作者结合自己的实践,详细叙述了科技期刊插图的分类与规范化要求,就如何优化插图、确保质量提出了精选插图、认真审读图稿的全部内容、精心标注的方法,并阐述了插图的编辑加工和技术处理,探讨了统一格式、规范化编排插图的具体做法:即合成、压缩或删除、分解、缩放、调整、重新设计等手段,以及精心描绘和认真校对。 展开更多
关键词 植物学类科技期刊 插图 优化设计 审读 编辑 技术处理 规范化编排
天然产物抗紫外线辐射研究进展 被引量:9
作者 张凯 王聪聪 +3 位作者 李雅潇 李建宇 尹泽华 李霞 《武警后勤学院学报(医学版)》 CAS 2018年第12期1043-1048,共6页
我国是全世界高原地区分布最广的国家之一,高原地区的紫外线辐射强度往往是平原地区的数倍。随着高原地区旅游业的快速发展,对防紫外线辐射产品的需求也随着增加。现就近年来植物抗紫外线辐射方面的研究进展进行综述,为开发绿色环保的... 我国是全世界高原地区分布最广的国家之一,高原地区的紫外线辐射强度往往是平原地区的数倍。随着高原地区旅游业的快速发展,对防紫外线辐射产品的需求也随着增加。现就近年来植物抗紫外线辐射方面的研究进展进行综述,为开发绿色环保的防紫外线辐射产品提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 紫外线辐射 安全环保 植物 防晒剂
植物源杀虫剂活性成分研究进展 被引量:9
作者 崔东亚 蒋继志 +1 位作者 杨美玲 刘海燕 《山西农业科学》 2008年第6期42-44,共3页
关键词 植物源 杀虫剂 活性成分 机理
植物源抗菌消毒剂研究进展 被引量:9
作者 慈颖 王思 +1 位作者 王静 张晓龙 《中国国境卫生检疫杂志》 CAS 2020年第4期297-300,共4页
植物源抗菌消毒剂是指利用植物的某些活性部分或提取后分离纯化的有效成分加工而成的药剂。植物中含有很多有活性的次生代谢产物,遵循一定规律,对不同种类植物源抗菌消毒剂进行复配可以有效提高其性能。本文对近年来植物源抗菌消毒剂的... 植物源抗菌消毒剂是指利用植物的某些活性部分或提取后分离纯化的有效成分加工而成的药剂。植物中含有很多有活性的次生代谢产物,遵循一定规律,对不同种类植物源抗菌消毒剂进行复配可以有效提高其性能。本文对近年来植物源抗菌消毒剂的活性成分、抗菌机制、复配规律及应用范围进行了总结,并分析了植物源抗菌消毒剂开发中存在的问题及其发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 抗菌消毒剂 植物源 抗菌机制 复配
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