德国联邦法院于2016年3月针对斯洛伐克共和国与荷兰保险公司Achmea BV.之间的投资仲裁案件a请求欧洲联盟法院(Court of Justice of European Union,CJEU)作出先行裁决。CJEU于2018年3月6日公布裁决结果,指出荷兰--斯洛伐克双边投资协定(...德国联邦法院于2016年3月针对斯洛伐克共和国与荷兰保险公司Achmea BV.之间的投资仲裁案件a请求欧洲联盟法院(Court of Justice of European Union,CJEU)作出先行裁决。CJEU于2018年3月6日公布裁决结果,指出荷兰--斯洛伐克双边投资协定(BIT)及欧盟内部成员国间包含投资仲裁条款的BITs与欧盟法不相容。该案最终导致欧盟各成员国于2019年1月发表声明,将把2019年12月6日作为终止欧盟内部成员国之间所有BITs的最后期限。因此,成员国间投资争端将无法受多边投资仲裁庭的管辖,这无疑对双边投资保护协定促进ISDS(Investor-State Dispute Settlement)机制的良性发展带来挑战。欧盟法院的态度是否会影响中国与欧盟成员国已经签订的BITs,又是否会影响正在进行的中欧BIT谈判的争端解决机制,都是值得我们研究的问题。展开更多
Three high-resolution satellite precipitation products, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) standard precipitation products 3B42V6 and 3B42RT and the Climate Precipitation Center's (CPC) morphing techn...Three high-resolution satellite precipitation products, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) standard precipitation products 3B42V6 and 3B42RT and the Climate Precipitation Center's (CPC) morphing technique precipitation product (CMORPH), were evaluated against surface rain gauge observations from the Laohahe Basin in northern China. Widely used statistical validation indices and categorical statistics were adopted. The evaluations were performed at multiple time scales, ranging from daily to yearly, for the years from 2003 to 2008. The results show that all three satellite precipitation products perform very well in detecting the occurrence of precipitation events, but there are some different biases in the amount of precipitation. 3B42V6, which has a bias of 21%, fits best with the surface rain gauge observations at both daily and monthly scales, while the biases of 3B42RT and CMORPH, with values of 81% and 67%, respectively, are much higher than a normal receivable threshold. The quality of the satellite precipitation products also shows monthly and yearly variation: 3B42RT has a large positive bias in the cold season from September to April, while CMORPH has a large positive bias in the warm season from May to August, and they all attained their best values in 2006 (with 10%, 50%, and -5% biases for 3B42V6, 3B42RT, and CMORPH, respectively). Our evaluation shows that, for the Laohahe Basin, 3B42V6 has the best correspondence with the surface observations, and CMORPH performs much better than 3B42RT. The large errors of 3B42RT and CMORPH remind us of the need for new improvements to satellite precipitation retrieval algorithms or feasible bias adjusting methods.展开更多
准确估算区域降水对水文过程评价和水资源管理意义重大。为评估TRMM 3B42V7降水产品在海河流域南系的估算精度及其在土壤和水评估模型(Soil and Water Assessment Tool,SWAT)中的适用性,利用28个气象站降水观测数据(2007-2016年)和101...准确估算区域降水对水文过程评价和水资源管理意义重大。为评估TRMM 3B42V7降水产品在海河流域南系的估算精度及其在土壤和水评估模型(Soil and Water Assessment Tool,SWAT)中的适用性,利用28个气象站降水观测数据(2007-2016年)和101个雨量站观测数据(2010-2016年)开展研究。研究表明:站点尺度上,3B42V7降水产品对月降水估算的均方根误差小于15 mm,平均误差小于8.5 mm;在湿润季节的估算精度更好。流域尺度上,日降水估算精度较差,相关系数小于0.6。分区尺度上,3B42V7能够很好地捕捉到不同等级降水强度,但对微量降雨有所低估;山区和平原的年降水量均出现高估现象,平原区较为突出;此外,3B42V7能够较好地捕捉到研究区内极端降水的时间和空间分布。分2种情景进行水文模拟,利用月平均流量对模型进行校准和验证,在情景Ⅰ中,验证期模拟结果较好,决定系数在0.56~0.96之间,纳什效率系数在-11.09~0.94之间。TRMM 3B42V7可为海河流域及其类似区域的水资源管理提供参考。展开更多
文摘德国联邦法院于2016年3月针对斯洛伐克共和国与荷兰保险公司Achmea BV.之间的投资仲裁案件a请求欧洲联盟法院(Court of Justice of European Union,CJEU)作出先行裁决。CJEU于2018年3月6日公布裁决结果,指出荷兰--斯洛伐克双边投资协定(BIT)及欧盟内部成员国间包含投资仲裁条款的BITs与欧盟法不相容。该案最终导致欧盟各成员国于2019年1月发表声明,将把2019年12月6日作为终止欧盟内部成员国之间所有BITs的最后期限。因此,成员国间投资争端将无法受多边投资仲裁庭的管辖,这无疑对双边投资保护协定促进ISDS(Investor-State Dispute Settlement)机制的良性发展带来挑战。欧盟法院的态度是否会影响中国与欧盟成员国已经签订的BITs,又是否会影响正在进行的中欧BIT谈判的争端解决机制,都是值得我们研究的问题。
基金supported by the National Key Basic Research Program of China (the 973 Program,Grant No.2006CB400502)the Innovative Research Team Project of the State Key Laboratory of Hydrology-Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering (Grant No. 2009585412)+3 种基金the Special Basic Research Fund by the Ministry of Science and Technology,China (Grant No. 2009IM020104)the Programme of Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities by the Ministry of Educationthe State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs,China (the 111 Project,Grant No. B08048)the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Grants No. 2010B13614 and 2009B11614)
文摘Three high-resolution satellite precipitation products, the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) standard precipitation products 3B42V6 and 3B42RT and the Climate Precipitation Center's (CPC) morphing technique precipitation product (CMORPH), were evaluated against surface rain gauge observations from the Laohahe Basin in northern China. Widely used statistical validation indices and categorical statistics were adopted. The evaluations were performed at multiple time scales, ranging from daily to yearly, for the years from 2003 to 2008. The results show that all three satellite precipitation products perform very well in detecting the occurrence of precipitation events, but there are some different biases in the amount of precipitation. 3B42V6, which has a bias of 21%, fits best with the surface rain gauge observations at both daily and monthly scales, while the biases of 3B42RT and CMORPH, with values of 81% and 67%, respectively, are much higher than a normal receivable threshold. The quality of the satellite precipitation products also shows monthly and yearly variation: 3B42RT has a large positive bias in the cold season from September to April, while CMORPH has a large positive bias in the warm season from May to August, and they all attained their best values in 2006 (with 10%, 50%, and -5% biases for 3B42V6, 3B42RT, and CMORPH, respectively). Our evaluation shows that, for the Laohahe Basin, 3B42V6 has the best correspondence with the surface observations, and CMORPH performs much better than 3B42RT. The large errors of 3B42RT and CMORPH remind us of the need for new improvements to satellite precipitation retrieval algorithms or feasible bias adjusting methods.
文摘准确估算区域降水对水文过程评价和水资源管理意义重大。为评估TRMM 3B42V7降水产品在海河流域南系的估算精度及其在土壤和水评估模型(Soil and Water Assessment Tool,SWAT)中的适用性,利用28个气象站降水观测数据(2007-2016年)和101个雨量站观测数据(2010-2016年)开展研究。研究表明:站点尺度上,3B42V7降水产品对月降水估算的均方根误差小于15 mm,平均误差小于8.5 mm;在湿润季节的估算精度更好。流域尺度上,日降水估算精度较差,相关系数小于0.6。分区尺度上,3B42V7能够很好地捕捉到不同等级降水强度,但对微量降雨有所低估;山区和平原的年降水量均出现高估现象,平原区较为突出;此外,3B42V7能够较好地捕捉到研究区内极端降水的时间和空间分布。分2种情景进行水文模拟,利用月平均流量对模型进行校准和验证,在情景Ⅰ中,验证期模拟结果较好,决定系数在0.56~0.96之间,纳什效率系数在-11.09~0.94之间。TRMM 3B42V7可为海河流域及其类似区域的水资源管理提供参考。