A great deal of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic evidence suggests that a predominant temperature drop and an aridiflcation occurred at ca. 4.0 ka BP. Palaeoclimate studies in China support this dedution. The co...A great deal of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic evidence suggests that a predominant temperature drop and an aridiflcation occurred at ca. 4.0 ka BP. Palaeoclimate studies in China support this dedution. The collapse of ancient civilizations at ca. 4.0 ka BP in the Nile Valley and Mesopotamia has been attributed to climate-induced aridification. A widespread alternation of the ancient cultures was also found in China at ca. 4.0 ka BP in concert with the collapse of the civilizations in the Old World. Palaeoclimatic studies indicate that the abrupt climate change at 4.0 ka BP is one of the realizations of the cold phase in millennial scale climate oscillations, which may be related to the modulation of the Thermohaline Circulation (THC) over the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, this study conducts a numerical experiment of a GCM with SST forcing to simulate the impact of the weakening of the THC. Results show a drop in temperature from North Europe, the northern middle East Asia, and northern East Asia and a significant reduction of precipitation in East Africa, the Middle East, the Indian Peninsula, and the Yellow River Valley. This seems to support the idea that coldness and aridification at ca. 4.0 ka BP was caused by the weakening of the THC.展开更多
文章通过对河西地区最近150 ka河流阶地年龄数据的处理,发现存在7个明显的河流阶地发育时期,即150、100、70、40、30、12和6 ka B.P.。经过相关构造和气候资料的论证,文章认为,在150和70 ka B.P.附近形成的两级河流阶地代表了河西地区...文章通过对河西地区最近150 ka河流阶地年龄数据的处理,发现存在7个明显的河流阶地发育时期,即150、100、70、40、30、12和6 ka B.P.。经过相关构造和气候资料的论证,文章认为,在150和70 ka B.P.附近形成的两级河流阶地代表了河西地区两期主要的构造抬升,而在100、40、30、12和6 ka B.P.附近形成的5级河流阶地则对应于河西地区5期气候变化事件。展开更多
文章选择沙漠/黄土过渡带的榆林市白河庙村钻孔(38°35'9.89″N,109°24'0.71″E)泥炭沉积,通过建立良好的年代序列和高分辨率花粉记录分析,重建研究区内植被演替和气候环境变化过程。在此基础上,结合考古学资料,探讨...文章选择沙漠/黄土过渡带的榆林市白河庙村钻孔(38°35'9.89″N,109°24'0.71″E)泥炭沉积,通过建立良好的年代序列和高分辨率花粉记录分析,重建研究区内植被演替和气候环境变化过程。在此基础上,结合考古学资料,探讨适宜的气候环境阶段和极端气候事件对人类活动的影响。结果表明,6 ka B.P.以来研究区植被类型经历典型草原、荒漠草原、干草原、荒漠草原4个阶段,指示6.0~4.2 ka B.P.气候较为暖湿,为全新世适宜期;4.2 ka B.P.时发生极端干旱事件,之后(4.2~1.1 ka B.P.)气候向干旱化发展;1.1~0.5 ka B.P.,气候经历短暂的湿润期;0.5 ka B.P.之后,气候再次转干。另外,通过统计沙漠/黄土过渡带6~3 ka B.P.考古遗址数量及其空间分布变化信息,发现史前人类活动与气候、生态系统变化紧密相关。东亚夏季风带来的降水量控制干旱/半干旱地区水资源变化,从而影响依赖水资源的旱作农业发展、人类活动强弱和考古学文化兴衰。6.0~4.2 ka B.P.降水较多,植被盖度高,毛乌素沙地固定,沙漠/黄土过渡带发育古土壤,并向西北移动。适宜的气候环境和良好的生态条件有利于旱作农业生产,导致人口增加,遗址点数量增多,人类活动范围扩大,仰韶时期和龙山时期的考古学文化繁荣发展。而4.2~3.0 ka B.P.遗址点大幅减少,人类活动规模减小,考古学文化衰退。4.2 ka B.P.极端干旱事件及之后持续的干旱,导致植被退化,毛乌素沙地沙丘活化,沙漠/黄土过渡带向东南方向摆动。水资源短缺和生态环境破坏,对以粟为主的旱作农业生产和人类生存造成严重影响,可能是导致该地区史前考古学文化大范围衰退的重要原因。展开更多
西藏西部台错湖T1阶地的两个剖面沉积中,除下部10余厘米含炭化植物和50~70cm处为暗色碳酸盐粘土及粘土外,中、上部全系粘土碳酸盐层,含丰富的介形类和轮藻类。据碳酸盐、介形类、轮藻类的碳、氧稳定同位素值与微体古生物群落生态特征...西藏西部台错湖T1阶地的两个剖面沉积中,除下部10余厘米含炭化植物和50~70cm处为暗色碳酸盐粘土及粘土外,中、上部全系粘土碳酸盐层,含丰富的介形类和轮藻类。据碳酸盐、介形类、轮藻类的碳、氧稳定同位素值与微体古生物群落生态特征等提供的环境气候变化指标,指示该区距今41.4~4.5 ka BP间气候变化为:在41.4~26.2kaBP气候较湿润;26.2~25.5 ka BP偏暖稍干;25.5~22.5 ka BP气候暖湿;22.5~21.0 ka BP气候偏冷湿;20.5~17.5 ka BP气候骤冷、偏湿,反映本区处于末次冰期盛冰期;17.5~16.0kaBP偏冷偏干;16.0~11.8kaBP气候偏暖湿,为全球间歇性暖事件的响应;11.8~10.4 ka BP气候较冷干,大致相当于新仙女木期,10.4 ka BP气温开始回升;10.4~9.4 ka BP气候偏暖湿;9.4~8.5kaBP气候呈现短暂暖湿颤动;8.5~7.9 ka BP气候偏干冷,为冰后期强烈降温偏干事件;7.8~6.3kaBP气候偏暖湿;6.3~4.5 kaB P气候趋向冷干,4.5 ka BP记录了晚更新世晚期以来最大的干燥期。展开更多
青藏高原在末次冰期晚期(30—40 ka B.P.,相当于MIS3a阶段)出现的暖湿气候事件强烈地影响了川西高原东缘河流地质生态环境。表现在深切河谷中普遍发育大型滑坡、泥石流、冲洪积扇体等灾变事件和古堰塞湖沉积。本文重点剖析了岷江上游、...青藏高原在末次冰期晚期(30—40 ka B.P.,相当于MIS3a阶段)出现的暖湿气候事件强烈地影响了川西高原东缘河流地质生态环境。表现在深切河谷中普遍发育大型滑坡、泥石流、冲洪积扇体等灾变事件和古堰塞湖沉积。本文重点剖析了岷江上游、大渡河中游大型堵江事件的地形地貌特点、沉积物发育特征、沉积年代学、新构造背景等,同时分析了黄河上游玛曲段大型冲-洪积扇体的沉积特征与时代。结果表明在川西高原东缘深切河谷普遍存在距今30—40 ka时期的堵江事件,而这一时期在黄河上游发生大型冲-洪积事件和黄河袭夺若尔盖古湖事件,二者均与青藏高原末次冰期暖湿事件同步。研究认为这期急剧气温变化增强了河谷侵蚀和卸载能力,而东缘强烈的地震断层活动又触发了突发事件的发生,暖湿气候事件与新构造运动在时空上的耦合共同塑造了晚更新世晚期川西高原东缘深切河谷系统特殊的地质生态环境及其演变。展开更多
This paper for the first time reveals high-resolution core records of Zabuye Salt Lake in the interior of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. According to 1346 samples taken continuously, relatively accurate 14^C, U-series dis...This paper for the first time reveals high-resolution core records of Zabuye Salt Lake in the interior of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. According to 1346 samples taken continuously, relatively accurate 14^C, U-series disequilibrium and ESR ages have been obtained, thus revealing that the lake core ages from 0 to 83.63 m of hole SZK02 are -800 to over 128 ka. In the paper, the lake core sedimentary characteristics (including the lithologies and mineral assemblages) are analyzed in detail and correlated with ostracod assemblages I to XX and sporopollen zones A to I, and on the basis of an integrated analysis of the δ^18O values of authigenic calcium-magnesium carbonate and environmental proxies of minerals, sporopollen and microfossils in the lake core, a correlation has been made of oxygen isotope change between this lake core and the Greenland GISP2 and GRIP and Guliya ice cores, and the climate of Zabuye Salt Lake since 128 ka BP is divided into the last interglacial stage (including substages e, d, c, b and a) of oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 5, early glacial stadial of the last glacial stage of OIS 4, interglacial stadial of the last glacial stage of OIS 3, late glacial stadial of the last glacial stage or Last Glacial Maximum of OIS 2 and postglacial state of OIS 1; in addition, 6 Heinrich (H6-H1) events, Younger Dryas event and 8.2 ka BP cold event have been recognized.展开更多
大同盆地地处我国季风影响的北部边缘,第四纪以来盆地内发育厚层的河湖相地层,其上覆盖马兰黄土或全新世沉积,蕴含着丰富的气候环境变迁信息,是研究气候环境变化的理想场所.在对盆地内地层考察的基础上,对晚近地质时期河湖相与风成相互...大同盆地地处我国季风影响的北部边缘,第四纪以来盆地内发育厚层的河湖相地层,其上覆盖马兰黄土或全新世沉积,蕴含着丰富的气候环境变迁信息,是研究气候环境变化的理想场所.在对盆地内地层考察的基础上,对晚近地质时期河湖相与风成相互层沉积剖面的磁化率、粒度变化进行了分析.结果表明:220 ka BP以来大同盆地气候变化经历了中更新世(220-199 ka BP)暖湿期、中更新世(199-138 ka BP)干冷期、末次间冰期(138-71 ka BP)暖湿期、末次冰期(71-11 ka BP)干冷期、全新世(11 ka BP至今)频繁的干冷暖湿波动变化过程,每个阶段仍有次一级的气候波动.大同盆地这种气候变化与深海氧同位素以及我国北方萨拉乌苏河地区、岱海等地揭示的气候变化有很好的对应,反映出本区气候变化是对全球冰期-间冰期气候波动的响应.展开更多
The paper makes some analyses on 11 trace elements in the Milanggouwan stratigraphical section in the Salawusu River valley, which is regarded as a prototype geology-palaeoclimate record since 150 ka BP. The results s...The paper makes some analyses on 11 trace elements in the Milanggouwan stratigraphical section in the Salawusu River valley, which is regarded as a prototype geology-palaeoclimate record since 150 ka BP. The results show that the content and variation of trace elements has experienced remarkably regular changes in the pace with coarse and fine sedimentary cycles of palaeo-aeolian sands to its overlying fluvio-lacustrine facies or/and palaeosols. The trace elements with chemical properties of relatively active (V, Sr, Cu, Ni, As) and relatively stable (P, Pb, Rb, Mn, Nb, Zr) are a manifestation of the corresponding 27 changeable cycles between peak and valley values, appearing a multi-fiuctuational process line of relative gathering and migration since then. The low numerical value distribution of these two types of trace elements in the aeolian sand facies represents erosion and accumulation under wind force during the cold-dry climate. Whereas their enrichments in both fluvio-lacustrine facies and palaeosols are related to the valley’s special low-lying physiognomic position between the Ordos Plateau and the Loess Plateau under the warm and humid climate conditions. The above relatively migrated and gathered change of the trace elements is the result of 27 climatic cycles of cold-dry and warm-humid, which is probably caused by repeated alternations of winter monsoon and summer monsoon in the Mu Us Sandy Land influenced by the climate vicissitudes in northern hemisphere during glacial and interglacial periods since 150 ka BP.展开更多
基金supported by the National Key Basic Research Special Funds of China(G1998040900)the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos.40005004 and 40205011.
文摘A great deal of palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic evidence suggests that a predominant temperature drop and an aridiflcation occurred at ca. 4.0 ka BP. Palaeoclimate studies in China support this dedution. The collapse of ancient civilizations at ca. 4.0 ka BP in the Nile Valley and Mesopotamia has been attributed to climate-induced aridification. A widespread alternation of the ancient cultures was also found in China at ca. 4.0 ka BP in concert with the collapse of the civilizations in the Old World. Palaeoclimatic studies indicate that the abrupt climate change at 4.0 ka BP is one of the realizations of the cold phase in millennial scale climate oscillations, which may be related to the modulation of the Thermohaline Circulation (THC) over the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, this study conducts a numerical experiment of a GCM with SST forcing to simulate the impact of the weakening of the THC. Results show a drop in temperature from North Europe, the northern middle East Asia, and northern East Asia and a significant reduction of precipitation in East Africa, the Middle East, the Indian Peninsula, and the Yellow River Valley. This seems to support the idea that coldness and aridification at ca. 4.0 ka BP was caused by the weakening of the THC.
文摘文章通过对河西地区最近150 ka河流阶地年龄数据的处理,发现存在7个明显的河流阶地发育时期,即150、100、70、40、30、12和6 ka B.P.。经过相关构造和气候资料的论证,文章认为,在150和70 ka B.P.附近形成的两级河流阶地代表了河西地区两期主要的构造抬升,而在100、40、30、12和6 ka B.P.附近形成的5级河流阶地则对应于河西地区5期气候变化事件。
文摘文章选择沙漠/黄土过渡带的榆林市白河庙村钻孔(38°35'9.89″N,109°24'0.71″E)泥炭沉积,通过建立良好的年代序列和高分辨率花粉记录分析,重建研究区内植被演替和气候环境变化过程。在此基础上,结合考古学资料,探讨适宜的气候环境阶段和极端气候事件对人类活动的影响。结果表明,6 ka B.P.以来研究区植被类型经历典型草原、荒漠草原、干草原、荒漠草原4个阶段,指示6.0~4.2 ka B.P.气候较为暖湿,为全新世适宜期;4.2 ka B.P.时发生极端干旱事件,之后(4.2~1.1 ka B.P.)气候向干旱化发展;1.1~0.5 ka B.P.,气候经历短暂的湿润期;0.5 ka B.P.之后,气候再次转干。另外,通过统计沙漠/黄土过渡带6~3 ka B.P.考古遗址数量及其空间分布变化信息,发现史前人类活动与气候、生态系统变化紧密相关。东亚夏季风带来的降水量控制干旱/半干旱地区水资源变化,从而影响依赖水资源的旱作农业发展、人类活动强弱和考古学文化兴衰。6.0~4.2 ka B.P.降水较多,植被盖度高,毛乌素沙地固定,沙漠/黄土过渡带发育古土壤,并向西北移动。适宜的气候环境和良好的生态条件有利于旱作农业生产,导致人口增加,遗址点数量增多,人类活动范围扩大,仰韶时期和龙山时期的考古学文化繁荣发展。而4.2~3.0 ka B.P.遗址点大幅减少,人类活动规模减小,考古学文化衰退。4.2 ka B.P.极端干旱事件及之后持续的干旱,导致植被退化,毛乌素沙地沙丘活化,沙漠/黄土过渡带向东南方向摆动。水资源短缺和生态环境破坏,对以粟为主的旱作农业生产和人类生存造成严重影响,可能是导致该地区史前考古学文化大范围衰退的重要原因。
文摘西藏西部台错湖T1阶地的两个剖面沉积中,除下部10余厘米含炭化植物和50~70cm处为暗色碳酸盐粘土及粘土外,中、上部全系粘土碳酸盐层,含丰富的介形类和轮藻类。据碳酸盐、介形类、轮藻类的碳、氧稳定同位素值与微体古生物群落生态特征等提供的环境气候变化指标,指示该区距今41.4~4.5 ka BP间气候变化为:在41.4~26.2kaBP气候较湿润;26.2~25.5 ka BP偏暖稍干;25.5~22.5 ka BP气候暖湿;22.5~21.0 ka BP气候偏冷湿;20.5~17.5 ka BP气候骤冷、偏湿,反映本区处于末次冰期盛冰期;17.5~16.0kaBP偏冷偏干;16.0~11.8kaBP气候偏暖湿,为全球间歇性暖事件的响应;11.8~10.4 ka BP气候较冷干,大致相当于新仙女木期,10.4 ka BP气温开始回升;10.4~9.4 ka BP气候偏暖湿;9.4~8.5kaBP气候呈现短暂暖湿颤动;8.5~7.9 ka BP气候偏干冷,为冰后期强烈降温偏干事件;7.8~6.3kaBP气候偏暖湿;6.3~4.5 kaB P气候趋向冷干,4.5 ka BP记录了晚更新世晚期以来最大的干燥期。
文摘青藏高原在末次冰期晚期(30—40 ka B.P.,相当于MIS3a阶段)出现的暖湿气候事件强烈地影响了川西高原东缘河流地质生态环境。表现在深切河谷中普遍发育大型滑坡、泥石流、冲洪积扇体等灾变事件和古堰塞湖沉积。本文重点剖析了岷江上游、大渡河中游大型堵江事件的地形地貌特点、沉积物发育特征、沉积年代学、新构造背景等,同时分析了黄河上游玛曲段大型冲-洪积扇体的沉积特征与时代。结果表明在川西高原东缘深切河谷普遍存在距今30—40 ka时期的堵江事件,而这一时期在黄河上游发生大型冲-洪积事件和黄河袭夺若尔盖古湖事件,二者均与青藏高原末次冰期暖湿事件同步。研究认为这期急剧气温变化增强了河谷侵蚀和卸载能力,而东缘强烈的地震断层活动又触发了突发事件的发生,暖湿气候事件与新构造运动在时空上的耦合共同塑造了晚更新世晚期川西高原东缘深切河谷系统特殊的地质生态环境及其演变。
文摘This paper for the first time reveals high-resolution core records of Zabuye Salt Lake in the interior of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. According to 1346 samples taken continuously, relatively accurate 14^C, U-series disequilibrium and ESR ages have been obtained, thus revealing that the lake core ages from 0 to 83.63 m of hole SZK02 are -800 to over 128 ka. In the paper, the lake core sedimentary characteristics (including the lithologies and mineral assemblages) are analyzed in detail and correlated with ostracod assemblages I to XX and sporopollen zones A to I, and on the basis of an integrated analysis of the δ^18O values of authigenic calcium-magnesium carbonate and environmental proxies of minerals, sporopollen and microfossils in the lake core, a correlation has been made of oxygen isotope change between this lake core and the Greenland GISP2 and GRIP and Guliya ice cores, and the climate of Zabuye Salt Lake since 128 ka BP is divided into the last interglacial stage (including substages e, d, c, b and a) of oxygen isotope stage (OIS) 5, early glacial stadial of the last glacial stage of OIS 4, interglacial stadial of the last glacial stage of OIS 3, late glacial stadial of the last glacial stage or Last Glacial Maximum of OIS 2 and postglacial state of OIS 1; in addition, 6 Heinrich (H6-H1) events, Younger Dryas event and 8.2 ka BP cold event have been recognized.
文摘大同盆地地处我国季风影响的北部边缘,第四纪以来盆地内发育厚层的河湖相地层,其上覆盖马兰黄土或全新世沉积,蕴含着丰富的气候环境变迁信息,是研究气候环境变化的理想场所.在对盆地内地层考察的基础上,对晚近地质时期河湖相与风成相互层沉积剖面的磁化率、粒度变化进行了分析.结果表明:220 ka BP以来大同盆地气候变化经历了中更新世(220-199 ka BP)暖湿期、中更新世(199-138 ka BP)干冷期、末次间冰期(138-71 ka BP)暖湿期、末次冰期(71-11 ka BP)干冷期、全新世(11 ka BP至今)频繁的干冷暖湿波动变化过程,每个阶段仍有次一级的气候波动.大同盆地这种气候变化与深海氧同位素以及我国北方萨拉乌苏河地区、岱海等地揭示的气候变化有很好的对应,反映出本区气候变化是对全球冰期-间冰期气候波动的响应.
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 49971009State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology,Institute of Earth Environment, CAS, No. SKLLQG0008+1 种基金National Key Project for Basic Research No. G2000048701
文摘The paper makes some analyses on 11 trace elements in the Milanggouwan stratigraphical section in the Salawusu River valley, which is regarded as a prototype geology-palaeoclimate record since 150 ka BP. The results show that the content and variation of trace elements has experienced remarkably regular changes in the pace with coarse and fine sedimentary cycles of palaeo-aeolian sands to its overlying fluvio-lacustrine facies or/and palaeosols. The trace elements with chemical properties of relatively active (V, Sr, Cu, Ni, As) and relatively stable (P, Pb, Rb, Mn, Nb, Zr) are a manifestation of the corresponding 27 changeable cycles between peak and valley values, appearing a multi-fiuctuational process line of relative gathering and migration since then. The low numerical value distribution of these two types of trace elements in the aeolian sand facies represents erosion and accumulation under wind force during the cold-dry climate. Whereas their enrichments in both fluvio-lacustrine facies and palaeosols are related to the valley’s special low-lying physiognomic position between the Ordos Plateau and the Loess Plateau under the warm and humid climate conditions. The above relatively migrated and gathered change of the trace elements is the result of 27 climatic cycles of cold-dry and warm-humid, which is probably caused by repeated alternations of winter monsoon and summer monsoon in the Mu Us Sandy Land influenced by the climate vicissitudes in northern hemisphere during glacial and interglacial periods since 150 ka BP.