《戏剧的十三个符号系统》是从 T·考弗臧的《文学和斯白克达克勒》(《Littérature et specta-cle》)一书的第三部分“在符号的世界里”摘译的。在这部分里,作者以大量生动、有趣的戏剧例证,说明了符号的概念、能指、所指和意...《戏剧的十三个符号系统》是从 T·考弗臧的《文学和斯白克达克勒》(《Littérature et specta-cle》)一书的第三部分“在符号的世界里”摘译的。在这部分里,作者以大量生动、有趣的戏剧例证,说明了符号的概念、能指、所指和意指作用以及戏剧符号的特性问题,并对戏剧演出所运用的主要的符号系统的形态、功能等进行了多层次的分类研究,对愿入此道者很有裨益。作者在讨论中所涉及的戏剧符号的系统特性问题,多层意指结构及意义生成与转换问题,戏剧符号的知觉和阐释问题,符号的“经济”问题等,则可视为戏剧符号学所应进一步开拓的一些重要领域。作者自己认为这部分的材料特别丰富,因此打算以此为基础再写一部关于戏剧艺术的符号学专著。“斯白克达克勒”是法语 Spectacle 的音译。这个词在法语、英语中都有“景象”、“场面”的意义,法语中还有“戏剧”、“演出”的意义。本书是在美学的意义上指那些诉诸观者视听、特别是诉诸视觉的(以戏剧和电影为代表的)运动着的时间和空间的表现形态。作者在书中主要是从美学的、主题的、符号学的三个方面,讨论了对“斯白克达克勒”艺术来说最重要的问题,即与文学的关系问题。由于作者锐敏的洞察力、缜密的论证以及他对问题的分类、整理,使得本书成为最具独创性的研究著作之一。而且,本书没有那种此类著述常犯的难解、晦涩的毛病,全书平易、易解,这更是难得的。正因此,它才经常为符号学的研究以及最近的戏剧美学研究的著作所引用,并荣获了“波兰科学院奖”。考弗臧的这部著作一九七五年用法语和波兰语在巴黎和华沙同时出版。本文是从渡边淳先生的日译本转译的,翻译过程中曾得到中央戏剧学院日本留学生小笠原周先生的指教,刘新月同志在法语方面提供了帮助。展开更多
Vassal states were the most important organized component of the Qing Tributary System. The organization and development of the Qing Dynasty’s system of vassal states went through four stages: 1) creation, 2) develop...Vassal states were the most important organized component of the Qing Tributary System. The organization and development of the Qing Dynasty’s system of vassal states went through four stages: 1) creation, 2) development, 3) flourishing, and 4) decline. Qing vassal states included three types. The establishment of vassal states was not entirely the result of military con trol. Aside from the vassal state relations directly established by the Qing court, the preexisting system of court - vassal state relations, which predated the Qing, was also maintained. These vassal states were concentrated in Central Asia and Southeast Asia.展开更多
文摘一、19世纪前拉达克是中国西藏的一部分拉达克(Ladwags),即今西藏阿里以西,以列城(Lch)为中心的地区.此地原为西藏阿里的一部分。公元7世纪初,吐蕃兴起于中国西南的西藏高原,其名王松赞干布逐渐统一了高原各部,建立了一个强盛的吐蕃政权。就在吐蕃政权正式建立前后,今拉达克地区即为吐蕃所征服,成为其组成部分之一。据敦煌发现的古藏文吐蕃历史文书记载,早在松赞干布父曩日松赞(gnam ri
文摘Vassal states were the most important organized component of the Qing Tributary System. The organization and development of the Qing Dynasty’s system of vassal states went through four stages: 1) creation, 2) development, 3) flourishing, and 4) decline. Qing vassal states included three types. The establishment of vassal states was not entirely the result of military con trol. Aside from the vassal state relations directly established by the Qing court, the preexisting system of court - vassal state relations, which predated the Qing, was also maintained. These vassal states were concentrated in Central Asia and Southeast Asia.