据伊巴涅斯书中所记,他是从纽约启程,坐弗兰科尼号轮船,走的是从古巴、巴拿马、夏威夷到日本的路线,取道朝鲜进入中国东北,并一路游历了沈阳、北京、南京、上海、广州、香港、澳门等地,然后再乘原船走菲律宾、新加坡、印度、苏丹、埃及...据伊巴涅斯书中所记,他是从纽约启程,坐弗兰科尼号轮船,走的是从古巴、巴拿马、夏威夷到日本的路线,取道朝鲜进入中国东北,并一路游历了沈阳、北京、南京、上海、广州、香港、澳门等地,然后再乘原船走菲律宾、新加坡、印度、苏丹、埃及一线返回欧洲。《一个小说家的环球旅行》(La Vuelta al Mundo de un Novelista)正是他这次远洋之旅的所见所闻,其中的中国游记集中在第一本的最后一章《去中国的路上》和第二本的前十三章中。展开更多
很多人都有环游世界的梦想。有一家公司推出了乘坐游轮环游世界的方案,全程需要三年时间。主题语境:环球旅行篇幅:364词建议用时:7分钟1 Have you ever dreamed of giving it all up, leaving it all behind and hitting the road to es...很多人都有环游世界的梦想。有一家公司推出了乘坐游轮环游世界的方案,全程需要三年时间。主题语境:环球旅行篇幅:364词建议用时:7分钟1 Have you ever dreamed of giving it all up, leaving it all behind and hitting the road to escape all your responsibilities? It sounds good, doesn't it? But it also sounds expensive. Now a cruise company is launching a 3-year, 210,000-kilometer, escape-your-dailylife cruise for a relatively affordable $30,000 per person per year.展开更多
丹麦一男子不坐飞机环游世界且中途从未回国,经过10年的旅程后终于达成目标。1 Torbjorn Pedersen is a Danish trav-eler who recently finished a trip around the world.But this wasn't just any trip.Mr Pedersen spent nearly...丹麦一男子不坐飞机环游世界且中途从未回国,经过10年的旅程后终于达成目标。1 Torbjorn Pedersen is a Danish trav-eler who recently finished a trip around the world.But this wasn't just any trip.Mr Pedersen spent nearly 10 years visiting every country in the world without flying.展开更多
文摘据伊巴涅斯书中所记,他是从纽约启程,坐弗兰科尼号轮船,走的是从古巴、巴拿马、夏威夷到日本的路线,取道朝鲜进入中国东北,并一路游历了沈阳、北京、南京、上海、广州、香港、澳门等地,然后再乘原船走菲律宾、新加坡、印度、苏丹、埃及一线返回欧洲。《一个小说家的环球旅行》(La Vuelta al Mundo de un Novelista)正是他这次远洋之旅的所见所闻,其中的中国游记集中在第一本的最后一章《去中国的路上》和第二本的前十三章中。
文摘很多人都有环游世界的梦想。有一家公司推出了乘坐游轮环游世界的方案,全程需要三年时间。主题语境:环球旅行篇幅:364词建议用时:7分钟1 Have you ever dreamed of giving it all up, leaving it all behind and hitting the road to escape all your responsibilities? It sounds good, doesn't it? But it also sounds expensive. Now a cruise company is launching a 3-year, 210,000-kilometer, escape-your-dailylife cruise for a relatively affordable $30,000 per person per year.
文摘丹麦一男子不坐飞机环游世界且中途从未回国,经过10年的旅程后终于达成目标。1 Torbjorn Pedersen is a Danish trav-eler who recently finished a trip around the world.But this wasn't just any trip.Mr Pedersen spent nearly 10 years visiting every country in the world without flying.