Pro. YANG Jie-bin specializes in acupuncture and herbology in treating diseases of internal medincine, gynecology, pediatrics and dermatology. He treats difficult and stubborn diseases through meridian differentiation...Pro. YANG Jie-bin specializes in acupuncture and herbology in treating diseases of internal medincine, gynecology, pediatrics and dermatology. He treats difficult and stubborn diseases through meridian differentiation of pathogenesis,treating pain syndrome by unblocking meridians and harmonizing qi and blood,treating acute and chronic stomach diseases from regulatingthe liver and spleen, treating liver and gallbladder diseases by discharging the liver and clearing the gallbladder, all with excellent effects. From this issue,we will publish his some proven medical records in acupuncture.展开更多
文摘Pro. YANG Jie-bin specializes in acupuncture and herbology in treating diseases of internal medincine, gynecology, pediatrics and dermatology. He treats difficult and stubborn diseases through meridian differentiation of pathogenesis,treating pain syndrome by unblocking meridians and harmonizing qi and blood,treating acute and chronic stomach diseases from regulatingthe liver and spleen, treating liver and gallbladder diseases by discharging the liver and clearing the gallbladder, all with excellent effects. From this issue,we will publish his some proven medical records in acupuncture.