With the increasing explosively of data in network,more and more people pay attention to the networked storage ,currently the main technology of networked storage is NAS ( Network Attached Storage )and SAN ( Storage A...With the increasing explosively of data in network,more and more people pay attention to the networked storage ,currently the main technology of networked storage is NAS ( Network Attached Storage )and SAN ( Storage Area Network ). They are different ,and they are not competed but complement ,they are used in different occasion.To reduce the TOC (total of cost),people hope to merges the two technology :design a united storage network,it can supply the virtues and overcome the drawbacks of the NAS and SAN. This paper analysis and discuss the topic.展开更多
通过网络存储技术,SAN(Storage Area Network, 存储区域网)正急剧地改变着传统的存储模式,与此同时,它也相应地带来了新的挑战,具体包括:大量的异构服务器和存储系统;多重冗余的光纤交换机连接;相互交织在一起的应用系统。在一般大型存...通过网络存储技术,SAN(Storage Area Network, 存储区域网)正急剧地改变着传统的存储模式,与此同时,它也相应地带来了新的挑战,具体包括:大量的异构服务器和存储系统;多重冗余的光纤交换机连接;相互交织在一起的应用系统。在一般大型存储网络系统中,存储空间的平均利用率只有4 0%,而且分布很不均匀。虚拟存储技术正是基于这样的考虑:将这些存储资源"集中"起来,统一管理。虚拟存储技术起步于上世纪七八十年代,但真正开始大规模市场化却是进入二十一世纪之后。2004年, 随着EMC、HDS、IBM等国际大厂商陆续推出基于虚拟存储技术的新品,"存储虚拟化"已经从一开始对其可行性以及技术方面的推崇,过渡到相关产品的不断面市。虚拟存储不只是一个概念,而是一个成熟的、已实施的技术,众多的虚拟实施成功案例也充分证明了这点。2005年,全面的存储虚拟化技术--包括设备虚拟化和服务整合,必将成为存储业界的一大热点,也必将有更多、更好的存储虚拟化产品问世,进一步丰富虚拟存储的产品阵线。但面对各个厂商推出的众多虚拟技术,用户感到迷惑:什么被虚拟了?在哪里被实施了?他们说的是虚拟还是抽象的概念?虚拟是不是他们给设备共享起的一个漂亮动听的名字?各种宣传的虚拟技术有多少真正可以实施?展开更多
文摘With the increasing explosively of data in network,more and more people pay attention to the networked storage ,currently the main technology of networked storage is NAS ( Network Attached Storage )and SAN ( Storage Area Network ). They are different ,and they are not competed but complement ,they are used in different occasion.To reduce the TOC (total of cost),people hope to merges the two technology :design a united storage network,it can supply the virtues and overcome the drawbacks of the NAS and SAN. This paper analysis and discuss the topic.