基金Canadian Institute of Health Research CCI-92216:MOP 62823国家自然科学基金资助国际合作交流项目(30811120439) Acknowledgements The research on frailty has been supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and by the Fountain Innovation Fund of the Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ Health Sciences Foundation. Professor Kenneth Rockwood receives career support through Foundation as the Dalhousie the Kathryn Medical Research Allen Weldon Professor of Alzheimer Research. The CanadaChina Collaboration is funded jointly by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research and the National Natural Science Foundation of China ( CIHR CCI-92216 : MOP62823 and NSFC30811120439). This paper is written as part of that collaboration. References
文摘一个科学家小组上周请求美国主管遗传工程安全事务的监护人允许将一个合成基因导入人体。它的发起人说:给政府检查人员介绍的第一次人体试验是一次“演习”。这程序将不治疗疾病,但是,它将试验把外源基因插入人体的方法。它也将有助于逐渐地缓和将有争论的技术应用到实际的争议。主要的实验发起人——W·French Anderson 和必须审查该提案的国家卫生研究院正尝试期待非议。上周,Anderson 将十公斤左右的文件呈递给 NIH 的重组 DNA