▲6月1~3日,第九届国际低温外科会议。地点:法国巴黎。联系人及地址:Jean Paul Homasson, The Centre Hospitalier Specialise en Pneumologie, 24, rue Albert Thuret—94669, Chevilly Larue, Cedex-France。 ▲6月5~9日,国际心胸...▲6月1~3日,第九届国际低温外科会议。地点:法国巴黎。联系人及地址:Jean Paul Homasson, The Centre Hospitalier Specialise en Pneumologie, 24, rue Albert Thuret—94669, Chevilly Larue, Cedex-France。 ▲6月5~9日,国际心胸外科医师学会第五届世界大会。地点:波多黎各Dorado。联系人及地址:B.I.F.Noda,M.D.Cirugia General,Toracica Y Cardiovascular El Monte Mall Shop-展开更多
人类对世间万物的认识总是由浅入深,由表及里。对于freezingtemperatures的认识,也是从初期的惧怕到目前的种种利用。Cryobiology就是迄今为止人类对freezing temperatures的是为“尖端”的利用。 什么是Cryobiology,本文在首段就用一...人类对世间万物的认识总是由浅入深,由表及里。对于freezingtemperatures的认识,也是从初期的惧怕到目前的种种利用。Cryobiology就是迄今为止人类对freezing temperatures的是为“尖端”的利用。 什么是Cryobiology,本文在首段就用一同位语对它作解释:the study ofextreme cold on living organisms. 我们知道: …scientists can remove the clear outer covering of the eye, thecornea (角膜), from persons who have died. The cornea is frozen. It is later warmedand re-used in someone whose cornea has been damaged. 本文让我们知道,事情并非那么简单: Cells are about 80 percent water. The water freezes faster than other fluids in thecells. And when the water freezes, ice crystals form. Solid ice crystals take up moreroom than liquid water. So the cells expand. Sometimes, this causes the cells to burst. 为了保护细胞,就需降低细胞中水分的freezing point.而glycerol(甘油)/dimethyl sulfoxide(二甲亚砜)则是理想的“助手”因为: Several chemicals freeze at lower temperatures than water. They can be mixedwith water to lower its freezing point.展开更多
文摘▲6月1~3日,第九届国际低温外科会议。地点:法国巴黎。联系人及地址:Jean Paul Homasson, The Centre Hospitalier Specialise en Pneumologie, 24, rue Albert Thuret—94669, Chevilly Larue, Cedex-France。 ▲6月5~9日,国际心胸外科医师学会第五届世界大会。地点:波多黎各Dorado。联系人及地址:B.I.F.Noda,M.D.Cirugia General,Toracica Y Cardiovascular El Monte Mall Shop-
文摘人类对世间万物的认识总是由浅入深,由表及里。对于freezingtemperatures的认识,也是从初期的惧怕到目前的种种利用。Cryobiology就是迄今为止人类对freezing temperatures的是为“尖端”的利用。 什么是Cryobiology,本文在首段就用一同位语对它作解释:the study ofextreme cold on living organisms. 我们知道: …scientists can remove the clear outer covering of the eye, thecornea (角膜), from persons who have died. The cornea is frozen. It is later warmedand re-used in someone whose cornea has been damaged. 本文让我们知道,事情并非那么简单: Cells are about 80 percent water. The water freezes faster than other fluids in thecells. And when the water freezes, ice crystals form. Solid ice crystals take up moreroom than liquid water. So the cells expand. Sometimes, this causes the cells to burst. 为了保护细胞,就需降低细胞中水分的freezing point.而glycerol(甘油)/dimethyl sulfoxide(二甲亚砜)则是理想的“助手”因为: Several chemicals freeze at lower temperatures than water. They can be mixedwith water to lower its freezing point.