Let B(H) be all bounded operators on a Hilbert space H and let C<sub>2</sub> denote the class of all Hilbert-Schmidt operators on H. An elementary operator X on the algebra B(H) is of the
W 县于猴年马月驴日晚上举行了一台大型演唱会。演唱会结束后有甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛八人分别写下了一篇日记。官员甲这个演唱会真是及时雨,把上半年没办法报销的费用都塞到里边解决了。可秘书太笨,说前不久给我母亲办丧事花的5万咋整?我让...W 县于猴年马月驴日晚上举行了一台大型演唱会。演唱会结束后有甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛八人分别写下了一篇日记。官员甲这个演唱会真是及时雨,把上半年没办法报销的费用都塞到里边解决了。可秘书太笨,说前不久给我母亲办丧事花的5万咋整?我让他算到歌星的头上。展开更多
文摘Let B(H) be all bounded operators on a Hilbert space H and let C<sub>2</sub> denote the class of all Hilbert-Schmidt operators on H. An elementary operator X on the algebra B(H) is of the