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作者 赵俊霞 邢希达 +3 位作者 张新彬 单欣 韦玉 张尧天 《光电子技术》 CAS 2024年第3期235-241,共7页
提出了一种基于结构优化特性优化的α-6T的传感器敏感特性增强方法。通过水热法和有机热蒸发,制备了不同α-6T厚度的α-6T/氧化锌(ZnO)层状复合气体传感器。与单一α-6T传感器相比,优化后的复合传感器具有更高的响应(是单一α-6T的2.14... 提出了一种基于结构优化特性优化的α-6T的传感器敏感特性增强方法。通过水热法和有机热蒸发,制备了不同α-6T厚度的α-6T/氧化锌(ZnO)层状复合气体传感器。与单一α-6T传感器相比,优化后的复合传感器具有更高的响应(是单一α-6T的2.14倍)、更快的响应(是单一α-6T传感器的18.81%)。此外,基于形态学特性和异质结理论分析建立了α-6T/ZnO复合薄膜的敏感特性增强机制。研究为基于α-6T的NO_(2)传感器提供一种简单的增强方法。 展开更多
关键词 二氧化氮传感器 α-六噻吩 氧化锌 复合材料
多壁碳纳米管/α-六噻吩双层OTFT气体传感器的制备及特性分析 被引量:2
作者 张波 太惠玲 +3 位作者 段成丽 谢光忠 蒋亚东 邬嫡波 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期41-44,50,共5页
以多壁碳纳米管(multi-walledcarbonnanotubes,MWCNTs)和α-六噻吩(α-sexithiophene,α-6T)双层膜作为有源层,二氧化硅(SiO2)为绝缘层,钛/金(Ti/Au)作为电极,制备了沟道宽长比为640的有机薄膜晶体管(organicthin-filmtransist... 以多壁碳纳米管(multi-walledcarbonnanotubes,MWCNTs)和α-六噻吩(α-sexithiophene,α-6T)双层膜作为有源层,二氧化硅(SiO2)为绝缘层,钛/金(Ti/Au)作为电极,制备了沟道宽长比为640的有机薄膜晶体管(organicthin-filmtransistors,OTFT)气体传感器.测试了该传感器对痕量二氧化氮(NO2)气体的实时响应特性,并分析了NO2 气体对OTFT传感器阈值电压、载流子迁移率等多参数的影响.研究结果表明,基于MWCNTs/α-6T 的OTFT器件有较好的电学特性,载流子迁移率为3.0×10-2cm2/V·s;OTFT传感器对NO2 气体具有较高的响应率,响应和恢复时间短,能检测(0.2~1)×10-6 的痕量NO2 气体,且具有良好的重复性;同时可以利用阈值电压和载流子迁移率等多参数来表征响应结果.形貌分析结果表明双层敏感膜的特殊形貌有利于提高器件的气敏性能. 展开更多
关键词 多壁碳纳米管 α-六噻吩 有机薄膜晶体管(OTFT) 气体传感器 NO2
Self-assembly of α-6T Molecule on Ag(100) and Related STM Induced Luminescence
作者 陈哥国 张超 +1 位作者 张瑞 董振超 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期659-664,I0003,共7页
We have investigated the self-assembly and light emission properties of organic α- sexithiophene (α-6T) molecules on Ag(100) under different coverage by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). At very low coverag... We have investigated the self-assembly and light emission properties of organic α- sexithiophene (α-6T) molecules on Ag(100) under different coverage by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). At very low coverage, the α-6T molecules form a unique enantiomer by grouping four molecules into a windmill supermolecular structure. As the coverage is increased,α-6T molecules tend to pack side by side into a denser stripe structure. Further increase of the coverage will lead to the layer-by-layer growth of molecules on Ag(100) with the lower-layer stripe pattern serving as a template. Molecular fluorescence for α-6T molecules on Ag(100) at a coverage of five monolayers has been detected by light excitations, which indicates a well decoupled electronic states for the top-layer α-6T molecules. However, the STM induced luminescent spectra for the same sample reveal only plasmonic-like emission. The absence of intramolecular fluorescence in this case suggests that the electronic decoupling is not a sufficient condition for generating photon emission from molecules. For intramolecular fluorescence to occur, the orientation of the dynamic dipole moment of molecules and the energy-level alignment at the molecule-metal interface are also important so that molecules can be effectively excited through efficient dipolar coupling with local plasmons and by injecting holes into the molecules. 展开更多
关键词 α-sexithiophene SELF-ASSEMBLY Scanning tunneling microscopy Tunneling electron induced luminescence Surface plasmon Plasmon-exciton coupling
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