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差压热耦合蒸馏节能技术 被引量:32
作者 李洪 李鑫钢 罗铭芳 《化工进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期1125-1128,共4页
开发了一种广泛适用于蒸馏分离过程的新型差压热耦合蒸馏技术,该技术将精馏塔分割为两个压力不同的塔,利用高压塔顶蒸汽作为低压塔底的热源,实现热能的耦合匹配,达到蒸馏过程大幅度节能的目的。利用计算机模拟方法对该技术应用在丙烯-... 开发了一种广泛适用于蒸馏分离过程的新型差压热耦合蒸馏技术,该技术将精馏塔分割为两个压力不同的塔,利用高压塔顶蒸汽作为低压塔底的热源,实现热能的耦合匹配,达到蒸馏过程大幅度节能的目的。利用计算机模拟方法对该技术应用在丙烯-丙烷分离和混合C4分离过程中的节能效果进行了计算和分析,结果表明与现有常规蒸馏过程相比,差压热耦合低能耗蒸馏过程能耗可以分别降低92.3%和87.1%,节能效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 差压 热耦合 蒸馏 节能
基于耦合电感的高增益低电压应力Boost变换器 被引量:33
作者 姚子睿 曾君 刘俊峰 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第12期3659-3666,共8页
随着能源危机的不断严重,可再生能源越来越受到关注。鉴于可再生能源发电装置自身输出电压过低的缺陷,文章提出一种新型高增益Boost变换器。所提结构通过耦合电感及两个升压单元来实现输出电压的高增益。该变换器能有效吸收漏感能量,降... 随着能源危机的不断严重,可再生能源越来越受到关注。鉴于可再生能源发电装置自身输出电压过低的缺陷,文章提出一种新型高增益Boost变换器。所提结构通过耦合电感及两个升压单元来实现输出电压的高增益。该变换器能有效吸收漏感能量,降低开关管电压应力和电压尖峰,从而可选取低导通电阻的开关器件,提升变换器效率和可靠性,并且该变换器通过利用漏感的能量可有效地抑制输出二极管的反向恢复问题。详细介绍变换器的工作原理和工作方式,分析变换器的稳态特性,并搭建100W的实验样机进行验证,验证的结果证明了所提结构的可行性,还通过仿真和实验给出不同负载下变换器的效率。 展开更多
关键词 耦合电感 高增益 BOOST变换器 开关电容 新能源 升压单元
负载型复合半导体V_2O_5-TiO_2/SiO_2表面V_2_O5和TiO_2的相互修饰作用 被引量:10
作者 胡蓉蓉 钟顺和 《催化学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期32-36,共5页
采用表面改性法制备了负载型复合半导体材料V2 O5 TiO2 /SiO2 ,并用X射线衍射、比表面积测定、拉曼光谱、程序升温还原和紫外 可见漫反射光谱等技术对固体材料的结构和光响应性能进行了表征 .结果表明 ,V2 O5和TiO2 在负载型复合半导体V... 采用表面改性法制备了负载型复合半导体材料V2 O5 TiO2 /SiO2 ,并用X射线衍射、比表面积测定、拉曼光谱、程序升温还原和紫外 可见漫反射光谱等技术对固体材料的结构和光响应性能进行了表征 .结果表明 ,V2 O5和TiO2 在负载型复合半导体V2 O5 TiO2 /SiO2 表面有相互修饰的作用 .一方面 ,V2 O5能扩展TiO2 的光响应范围 ,使TiO2 的吸光区域由紫外光区拓宽至可见光区 ,从而提高了复合半导体对光能的利用率 ;另一方面 ,TiO2 则有助于提高V2 O5在载体表面的分散程度 ,抑制VOx的聚合 ,减小V2 O5的微晶尺寸 ,提高固体材料的能隙值和氧化还原能力 . 展开更多
关键词 表面改性法 复合半导体 五氧化二钒 二氧化钛 负载型催化剂 光催化 吸光性 分散度 能隙值
RLC电路弹簧耦合系统的级数解 被引量:16
作者 崔一辉 杨志安 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期76-77,108,共3页
为了研究RLC电路弹簧耦合系统的非线性振动,用统一的能量法考虑机电耦合系统的电场能、磁场能和机械能,应用拉格朗日-麦克斯韦方程建立起一个受到简谐激励的RLC电路弹簧耦合系统的数学模型,该机电耦合系统具有平方非线性。根据线性振动... 为了研究RLC电路弹簧耦合系统的非线性振动,用统一的能量法考虑机电耦合系统的电场能、磁场能和机械能,应用拉格朗日-麦克斯韦方程建立起一个受到简谐激励的RLC电路弹簧耦合系统的数学模型,该机电耦合系统具有平方非线性。根据线性振动理论对系统运动微分方程组进行分析,得到了一个受简谐激励的M ath ieu方程,通过积分变换,得到了M ath ieu方程的级数形式解。分别用龙格库塔法和级数法计算了在无外激励的情况下,有阻尼和无阻尼时系统分别对应的时间响应,通过M atlab软件进行模拟分析,发现二者得到的响应曲线吻合,证明了级数法对分析类似系统是个很有效的手段。 展开更多
关键词 RLC电路 机电耦合 级数解 能量法 非线性振动
Infrared radiation signature of exhaust plume from solid propellants with different energy characteristics 被引量:14
作者 Wang Weichen Li Shipeng +1 位作者 Zhang Qiao Wang Ningfei 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期594-600,共7页
The infrared radiation signature of the plume from solid propellants with different energy characteristics is not the same. Three kinds of double-base propellants of different energy characteristics are chosen to meas... The infrared radiation signature of the plume from solid propellants with different energy characteristics is not the same. Three kinds of double-base propellants of different energy characteristics are chosen to measure the infrared spectral radiance from 1000 cm 1 to 4500 cm 1 of their plumes. The radiative spectrum is obtained in the tests. The experimental results indicate that the infrared radiation of the plume is determined by the energy characteristics of the propellant. The radiative transfer calculation models of the exhaust plume for the solid propellants are established. By including the chemical reaction source term and the radiation source term into the energy equation, the plume field and the radiative transfer are solved in a coupled way. The calculated results are consistent with the experimental data, so the reliability of the models is confirmed. The temperature distribution and the extent of the afterburning of the plume are distinct for the propellants of different energy characteristics, therefore the plume radiation varies for different propellants. The temperature of the fluid cell in the plume will increase or decrease to some extent by the influence of the radiation term. 展开更多
关键词 coupled solution energy characteristics Exhaust plume Infrared radiation signature Solid propellant
变长度柔性提升系统纵向-横向受迫耦合振动分析 被引量:14
作者 张鹏 朱昌明 张梁娟 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期202-207,共6页
以任意变长度柔性提升系统的纵向-横向耦合振动为研究对象,采用Hamilton原理建立了在受到外界横向激励情况下柔性部件的振动和振动能量的偏微分方程,并使用Galerkin方法对运动方程进行离散化求解。最后,以电梯悬挂提升系统为例对所建模... 以任意变长度柔性提升系统的纵向-横向耦合振动为研究对象,采用Hamilton原理建立了在受到外界横向激励情况下柔性部件的振动和振动能量的偏微分方程,并使用Galerkin方法对运动方程进行离散化求解。最后,以电梯悬挂提升系统为例对所建模型进行验算。数值结果表明:高速电梯系统在受到一定的横向扰动(激励)时,柔性部件在以横向振动为主的耦合振动状态下运动,并且在上行阶段存在一定的不稳定区域。这一现象与实际当中的发现所一致。 展开更多
关键词 柔性提升系统 电梯 耦合振动 能量 数值解
A computational platform for considering the effects of aerodynamic and seismic load combination for utility scale horizontal axis wind turbines 被引量:12
作者 Mohammad-Amin Asareh Ian Prowell +1 位作者 Jeffery Volz William Schonberg 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期91-102,共12页
The wide deployment of wind turbines in locations with high seismic hazard has led engineers to take into account a more comprehensive seismic design of such structures. Turbine specific guidelines usually use simplif... The wide deployment of wind turbines in locations with high seismic hazard has led engineers to take into account a more comprehensive seismic design of such structures. Turbine specific guidelines usually use simplified methods and consider many assumptions to combine seismic demand with the other operational loads effecting the design of these structures. As the turbines increase in size and capacity, the interaction between seismic loads and aerodynamic loads becomes even more important. In response to the need for a computational tool that can perform coupled simulations of wind and seismic loads, a seismic module is developed for the FAST code and described in this research. This platform allows engineers working in this industry to directly consider interaction between seismic and other environmental loads for turbines. This paper details the practical application and theory of this platform and provides examples for the use of different capabilities. The platform is then used to show the suitable earthquake and operational load combination with the implicit consideration of aerodynamic damping by estimating appropriate load factors. 展开更多
关键词 renewable energy horizontal axis wind turbines aerodynamic-seismic load interaction aerodynamicdamping coupled simulations
感应耦合无线电能传输系统的能量法模型及特性分析 被引量:13
作者 疏许健 张波 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期28-32,共5页
感应耦合无线电能传输(ICPT)基于电磁感应原理,目前采用电路模型的分析方法,由于该方法无法深入了解ICPT系统能量传输的过程,所以提出了一种ICPT系统的能量法建模方法,建立了串联—串联(SS)、串联—并联(SP)、并联—串联(PS)和并联—并... 感应耦合无线电能传输(ICPT)基于电磁感应原理,目前采用电路模型的分析方法,由于该方法无法深入了解ICPT系统能量传输的过程,所以提出了一种ICPT系统的能量法建模方法,建立了串联—串联(SS)、串联—并联(SP)、并联—串联(PS)和并联—并联(PP)型4种ICPT系统的能量法模型,分析了能量法模型与耦合模型的相互关系,研究了它们的等效性及数学意义上的等效条件,并通过MATLAB仿真研究,证明了理论分析的正确性。此外,目前ICPT系统与磁耦合谐振式无线电能传输(MCRWPT)系统原理相混淆,因而基于能量法模型分析了ICPT系统与MCRWPT系统在原理上的区别,得出只有在谐振、弱耦合、高品质因数的物理条件下,SS型ICPT系统才与MCRWPT系统等效,由此阐明了ICPT系统与MCRWPT系统原理上的差异性,为进一步精确设计和优化ICPT系统与MCRWPT系统设计提供了模型基础。 展开更多
关键词 无线电能传输 感应耦合 磁耦合谐振 能量法模型 耦合模型
负载型复合半导体MoO_3-TiO_2/SiO_2的结构与吸光性能 被引量:7
作者 胡蓉蓉 钟顺和 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期389-394,共6页
采用表面改性法制备了负载型复合半导体材料MoO3TiO2/SiO2,用X射线衍射、比表面测定、透射电子显微镜、红外光谱、拉曼光谱、紫外可见漫反射等技术对固体材料的结构进行了表征,并从固体材料的光响应性能和化学吸附性能方面进行了评价.... 采用表面改性法制备了负载型复合半导体材料MoO3TiO2/SiO2,用X射线衍射、比表面测定、透射电子显微镜、红外光谱、拉曼光谱、紫外可见漫反射等技术对固体材料的结构进行了表征,并从固体材料的光响应性能和化学吸附性能方面进行了评价.结果表明,MoO3TiO2/SiO2表面存在着高度分散的MoO3和TiO2微晶,它们之间有一定的复合和键联作用,形成了Mo-O-Ti键;MoO3TiO2/SiO2复合材料表面对丙烷分子有化学吸附性能,Mo=O键上的端氧是C3H8的活性吸附位;与本体MoO3和TiO2相比,复合后MoO3TiO2/SiO2的能隙值有所增加,在紫外光区的吸光强度也明显加强,使得光生载流子的复合效率得到抑制,并产生了一定的量子尺度效应. 展开更多
关键词 复合半导体 表面改性法 光催化 能隙值 吸光强度
冒落矿震动能释放及其破坏性的研究 被引量:9
作者 方建勤 彭振斌 颜荣贵 《矿冶工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期12-15,共4页
未处理空区或暗空场冒落矿震触发系统地压是我国矿山灾难地压的主要形式。冒落矿震触发系统地压灾害是一个静 动 静耦合作用的过程 ,其中冒落矿震动能释放的大小及其破坏过程的研究是整个研究的关键。建立了冒落矿震动能释放的大小及... 未处理空区或暗空场冒落矿震触发系统地压是我国矿山灾难地压的主要形式。冒落矿震触发系统地压灾害是一个静 动 静耦合作用的过程 ,其中冒落矿震动能释放的大小及其破坏过程的研究是整个研究的关键。建立了冒落矿震动能释放的大小及其破坏过程的研究方法及公式体系 ,首次综合考虑了岩体强度、碎胀系数、侧向塌陷等诸多因素对冒落矿震动能释放大小的耦合作用 ,并将岩体碎胀系数引入动能计算公式体系中。 展开更多
关键词 冒落矿震 系统地压 耦合作用 动能 碎胀系数 动态效应
基于能量有限元法的功能梯度梁振动分析 被引量:9
作者 王迪 朱翔 +2 位作者 李天匀 衡星 高双 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期119-124,共6页
功能梯度材料(Functionally Graded Material,FGM)由于其优良的结构性能和重要的应用价值,近些年来得到了广泛的研究和关注。采用能量有限元法对功能梯度梁和耦合梁的弯曲振动特性进行研究,推导了功能梯度材料梁的能量密度控制方程、能... 功能梯度材料(Functionally Graded Material,FGM)由于其优良的结构性能和重要的应用价值,近些年来得到了广泛的研究和关注。采用能量有限元法对功能梯度梁和耦合梁的弯曲振动特性进行研究,推导了功能梯度材料梁的能量密度控制方程、能量有限元矩阵方程以及耦合梁的能量有限元方程,从而得到梁中的能量密度和能量流。以一简支功能梯度梁为例,分别采用该方法和传统有限元法计算了梁弯曲振动时的能量密度,通过对比验证了能量有限元法求解的准确性。在此基础上进一步对耦合功能梯度梁结构的能量密度和能量流进行了求解,得到其能量分布特征。该研究为基于能量有限元法分析复杂功能梯度材料结构的振动特性提供了理论基础。 展开更多
关键词 功能梯度梁 能量有限元法 耦合梁 能量密度 能量流
作者 Yuantai Hu Ting Hu Qing Jiang 《Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica》 SCIE EI 2007年第4期296-308,共13页
The authors analyze a piezoelectric energy harvester as an electro-mechanically coupled system. The energy harvester consists of a piezoelectric bimorph with a concentrated mass attached at one end, called the harvest... The authors analyze a piezoelectric energy harvester as an electro-mechanically coupled system. The energy harvester consists of a piezoelectric bimorph with a concentrated mass attached at one end, called the harvesting structure, an electric circuit for energy storage, and a rectifier that converts the AC output of the harvesting structure into a DC input for the storage circuit. The piezoelectric bimorph is assumed to be driven into flexural vibration by an ambient acoustic source to convert the mechanical energies into electric energies. The analysis indicates that the performance of this harvester, measured by the power density, is characterized by three important non-dimensional parameters, i.e., the non-dimensional inductance of the storage circuit, the non-dimensional aspect ratio (length/thickness) and the non-dimensional end mass of the harvesting structure. The numerical results show that: (1) the power density can be optimized by varying the non-dimensional inductance for each fixed non-dimensional aspect ratio with a fixed non-dimensional end mass; and (2) for a fixed non-dimensional inductance, the power density is maximized if the non-dimensional aspect ratio and the non-dimensional end mass are so chosen that the harvesting structure, consisting of both the piezoelectric bimorph and the end mass attached, resonates at the frequency of the ambient acoustic source. 展开更多
关键词 energy harvester piezoelectric bimorph harvesting structure RLC modulatingcircuit coupled interaction power density
轴向运动弦线横向振动的控制:能量方法 被引量:7
作者 张伟 陈立群 《机械强度》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期201-204,共4页
基于行波能量的传输原理,研究轴向运动弦线耦合系统的纵向振动控制。通过使系统的能量耗散最大而获得的控制器最优控制参数,使系统的能量达到最小值,从而达到控制弦线横向振动的目的。采用有限差分法进行数值模拟的结果证实此方法的有... 基于行波能量的传输原理,研究轴向运动弦线耦合系统的纵向振动控制。通过使系统的能量耗散最大而获得的控制器最优控制参数,使系统的能量达到最小值,从而达到控制弦线横向振动的目的。采用有限差分法进行数值模拟的结果证实此方法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 轴向运动弦线 横向振动 耦合系统 振动控制 能量
Highly efficient extraction of lithium from salt lake brine by LiAl-layered double hydroxides as lithium-ion-selective capturing material 被引量:7
作者 Ying Sun Xiaoyu Guo +1 位作者 Shaofang Hu Xu Xiang 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第7期80-87,共8页
The extraction of lithium from salt lake brine in the Chinese Qaidam Basin is challenging due to its high Mg/Li and Na/Li ratios. Herein, we utilized a reaction-coupled separation technology to separate sodium and lit... The extraction of lithium from salt lake brine in the Chinese Qaidam Basin is challenging due to its high Mg/Li and Na/Li ratios. Herein, we utilized a reaction-coupled separation technology to separate sodium and lithium ions from a high Na/Li ratio brine(Na/Li = 48.7, w/w) and extracted lithium with Li Al-layered double hydroxides(Li Al-LDHs). The Li Al-LDHs act as lithium-ion-selective capturing materials from multication brines. That is, the lithium ions selectively enter the solid phase to form Li Al-LDHs, and the sodium ions are still retained in the liquid phase. This is because the lithium ions can be incorporated into the structural vacancies of LiAl-LDHs, whereas the sodium ions cannot. The effects of reaction conditions on lithium loss and separation efficiency were investigated at both the nucleation and the crystallization stage, e.g., the nucleation rotating speed, the Li/Al molar ratio, the crystallization temperature and time, and co-existing cations. The lithium loss is as low as 3.93% under optimal separation conditions.The sodium ions remained in the solution. Consequently, an excellent Na/Li separation efficiency was achieved by this reaction-coupled separation technology. These findings confirm that LiAl-LDHs play a critical function in selectively capturing lithium ions from brines with a high Na/Li ratio, which is useful for the extraction of lithium ions from the abundant salt lake brine resources in China. 展开更多
关键词 LiAl-LDHs LITHIUM EXTRACTION energy metal Salt lake BRINE Reaction-coupled separation technology
2级叶片-轮盘系统模态特性研究 被引量:8
作者 葛长闯 王建军 刘永泉 《航空发动机》 2009年第5期19-23,共5页
关键词 叶片-轮盘(叶盘)系统 耦合振动 应变能
Application of Modified Progressive Hedging for Stochastic Unit Commitment in Electricity-Gas Coupled Systems 被引量:7
作者 Haizhou Liu Xinwei Shen +4 位作者 Qinglai Guo Hongbin Sun Mohammad Shahidehpour Wenzhi Zhao Xinyi Zhao 《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第4期840-849,共10页
The increasing number of gas-fired units has significantly intensified the coupling between electric and gas power networks.Traditionally,nonlinearity and nonconvexity in gas flow equations,together with renewable-ind... The increasing number of gas-fired units has significantly intensified the coupling between electric and gas power networks.Traditionally,nonlinearity and nonconvexity in gas flow equations,together with renewable-induced stochasticity,resulted in a computationally expensive model for unit commitment in electricity-gas coupled integrated energy systems(IES).To accelerate stochastic day-ahead scheduling,we applied and modified Progressive Hedging(PH),a heuristic approach that can be computed in parallel to yield scenario-independent unit commitment.Through early termination and enumeration techniques,the modified PH algorithm saves considerable com,putational time for certain generation cost settings or when the scale of the IES is large.Moreover,an adapted second-order cone relaxation(SOCR)is utilized to tackle the nonconvex gas flow equation.Case studies were performed on the IEEE 24.bus system/Belgium 20-node gas system and the IEEE 118-bus system/Belgium 20-node gas system.The computational efficiency when employing PH is 188 times that of commercial software,and the algorithm even outperforms Benders Decomposition.At the same time,the gap between the PH algorithm and the benchmark is less than 0.01% in both IES systems,which proves that the solutions produced by PH reach acceptable optimality in this stochastic UC problem. 展开更多
关键词 Electricity-gas coupled system integrated energy system modified Progressive Hedging second-order cone relaxation unit commitment
Lattice Solid/Boltzmann Microscopic Model to Simulate Solid/Fluid Systems——A Tool to Study Creation of Fluid Flow Networks for Viable Deep Geothermal Energy 被引量:5
作者 Peter Mora Yucang Wang Fernando Alonso-Marroquin 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期11-19,共9页
SUMMARY: Realizing the potential of geothermal energy as a cheap, green, sustainable resource to provide for the planet's future energy demands that a key geophysical problem be solved first: how to develop and mai... SUMMARY: Realizing the potential of geothermal energy as a cheap, green, sustainable resource to provide for the planet's future energy demands that a key geophysical problem be solved first: how to develop and maintain a network of multiple fluid flow pathways for the time required to deplete the heat within a given region. We present the key components for micro-scale particle-based numerical modeling of hydraulic fracture, and fluid and heat flow in geothermal reservoirs. They are based on the latest developments of ESyS-Particle--the coupling of the lattice sofid model (LSM) to simulate the nonlinear dynamics of complex solids with the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) applied to the nonlinear dynamics of coupled fluid and heat flow in the complex solid-fluid system. The coupled LSM/LBM can be used to simulate development of fracture systems in discontinuous media, elastic stress release, fluid injection and the consequent slip at joint surfaces, and hydraulic fractur- ing; heat exchange between hot rocks and water within flow pathways created through hydraulic fracturing; and fluid flow through complex, narrow, compact and gouge- or powder-f'flled fracture and joint systems. We demonstrate the coupled LSM/LBM to simulate the fundamental processes listed above, which are all components for the generation and sustainability of the hot-fractured rock geothermal energy fracture systems required to exploit this new green-energy resource. 展开更多
关键词 lattice Boltzmann particle-fluid interaction geothermal energy coupled lattice solid/lattice Boitzmann model discrete element method lattice solid model.
太阳能与空气源热泵耦合供热系统运行特性分析 被引量:6
作者 耿秀 胥小龙 +2 位作者 刘馨 吴修慧 宋萌萌 《建设科技》 2022年第10期82-85,共4页
太阳能利用技术与空气源热泵的结合,可缓解太阳能利用率与空气源热泵供热效果随自然条件变化的波动,弥补单一热源供热系统存在的缺陷。本文对太阳能与空气源热泵耦合供热系统进行叙述,分析太阳能光伏空气源热泵供热系统、太阳能光热空... 太阳能利用技术与空气源热泵的结合,可缓解太阳能利用率与空气源热泵供热效果随自然条件变化的波动,弥补单一热源供热系统存在的缺陷。本文对太阳能与空气源热泵耦合供热系统进行叙述,分析太阳能光伏空气源热泵供热系统、太阳能光热空气源热泵供热系统和太阳能光伏光热空气源热泵供热系统的特点和运行特性,从能源耦合角度出发,探求太阳能与空气源热泵耦合供热系统的运行特性,为推动清洁能源耦合供热技术的可持续发展与应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 耦合供热 太阳能 空气源热泵 运行特性
海-陆-气全球耦合模式能量收支的误差 被引量:6
作者 张韬 吴国雄 郭裕福 《气象学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期278-289,共12页
通过分析GOALS模式两个版本GOALS 1.1和GOALS 2的能量收支 ,并与观测对比 ,结果表明 :模式模拟的地表净短波辐射通量在高纬地区偏低 ,而净长波辐射通量又偏高 ,导致极地表面温度偏低 ,感热通量在高纬地区为很高的负值。而在陆地上感热... 通过分析GOALS模式两个版本GOALS 1.1和GOALS 2的能量收支 ,并与观测对比 ,结果表明 :模式模拟的地表净短波辐射通量在高纬地区偏低 ,而净长波辐射通量又偏高 ,导致极地表面温度偏低 ,感热通量在高纬地区为很高的负值。而在陆地上感热加热作用显著偏强 ,使地表有较大的向上净能量给大气 ,引起陆地上有些暖中心也偏强 ,这也解释了模式模拟地表面空气温度场的误差原因。海洋上潜热通量偏低 ,特别是在副热带洋面上偏少更明显。陆地上的欧亚和北美大陆大部分地区潜热通量仍偏低。这也是模式降水在大部分地区偏少的重要原因。两模式大气顶OLR偏低的模拟主要是在中低纬度 ,大气顶净短波辐射通量的模拟在中低纬度虽然与NCEP结果接近 ,但与地球辐射收支试验ERBE资料比较仍偏小较多 ,说明改进中低纬度云 辐射参数化方案对改进全球能量收支的模拟有重要意义。GOALS 2模式中诊断云方案模拟的云量除赤道地区外普遍偏小 ,尤以中纬度为甚 ,造成那里能量收支出现大的误差 。 展开更多
关键词 海-陆-气全球耦合模式 气候系统 能量收支 云参数化方案 潜热通量
The effect of Coriolis-Stokes forcing on upper ocean circulation in a two-way coupled wave-current model 被引量:5
作者 邓增安 谢立安 +2 位作者 韩桂军 张学峰 吴克俭 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期321-335,共15页
We investigated the Stokes drift-driven ocean currents and Stokes drift-induced wind energy input into the upper ocean using a two-way coupled wave-current modeling system that consists of the Princeton Ocean Model ge... We investigated the Stokes drift-driven ocean currents and Stokes drift-induced wind energy input into the upper ocean using a two-way coupled wave-current modeling system that consists of the Princeton Ocean Model generalized coordinate system (POMgcs), Simulating WAves Nearshore (SWAN) wave model, and the Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT). The Coriolis-Stokes forcing (CSF) computed using the wave parameters from SWAN was incorporated with the momentum equation of POMgcs as the core coupling process. Experimental results in an idealized setting show that under the steady state, the scale of the speed of CSF-driven current was 0.001 m/s and the maximum reached 0.02 m/s. The Stokes drift-induced energy rate input into the model ocean was estimated to be 28.5 GW, taking 14% of the direct wind energy rate input. Considering the Stokes drift effects, the total mechanical energy rate input was increased by approximately 14%, which highlights the importance of CSF in modulating the upper ocean circulation. The actual run conducted in Taiwan Adjacent Sea (TAS) shows that: 1) CSF-based wave-current coupling has an impact on ocean surface currents, which is related to the activities of monsoon winds; 2) wave-current coupling plays a significant role in a place where strong eddies present and tends to intensify the eddy's vorticity; 3) wave-current coupling affects the volume transport of the Taiwan Strait (TS) throughflow in a nontrivial degree, 3.75% on average. 展开更多
关键词 coupled wave-current model Coriolis-Stokes forcing (CSF) energy rate ocean circulation
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