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话语标记语well的语用功能 被引量:282
作者 冉永平 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期58-64,共7页
本文以言语交际中的话语标记语well为研究对象,重点探讨它在会话互动中的语用功能。借助语料,我们分析了well在不同语境条件下的四种语用功能:(1)言语行为面子威胁缓和语;(2)言语行为缓延标记语;(3)信息短缺标记语;(4)信息修正标记语。... 本文以言语交际中的话语标记语well为研究对象,重点探讨它在会话互动中的语用功能。借助语料,我们分析了well在不同语境条件下的四种语用功能:(1)言语行为面子威胁缓和语;(2)言语行为缓延标记语;(3)信息短缺标记语;(4)信息修正标记语。类似的微观研究有助于我们重新认识well等“小词”以及其它附属结构在交际中的实际作用,以进一步揭示自然语言交际的动态性。 展开更多
关键词 话语标记语 WELL 语用功能 言语行为面子威胁缓和语 言语行为缓延标记语 信息短缺标记语 信息修正标记语 微观研究 附属结构 言语交际 动态性 英语
英语专业学生习得话语标记语WELL语用功能之实证研究 被引量:75
作者 李民 陈新仁 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期21-26,共6页
本文通过语料库文本分析与问卷调查相结合的方式,探讨了英语专业学生习得话语标记语well各种语用功能的情况,并与英语本族语使用者对该话语标记语的使用情况进行了对比。结果显示,尽管话语标记语well是英语本族语会话中最常出现的标记... 本文通过语料库文本分析与问卷调查相结合的方式,探讨了英语专业学生习得话语标记语well各种语用功能的情况,并与英语本族语使用者对该话语标记语的使用情况进行了对比。结果显示,尽管话语标记语well是英语本族语会话中最常出现的标记语之一,但我国英语学习者总体上来说明显地过少使用此话语标记语,他们仅能经常使用其“话语起始语”功能;定性分析显示,我国英语专业学生仅能较好理解其“延缓标记语”与“话语分割语”功能。双变量相关分析显示,英语本族语使用者对well各语用功能的使用频次没有显著影响到我国英语专业学生对此词的理解,并且后者对此词的理解状况也未显著影响到他们对其各功能的实际运用。 展开更多
关键词 话语标记语 WELL 语用功能 语用习得 语料库文本分析
模糊数学在区块整体调剖选井中的应用 被引量:37
作者 冯其红 陈月明 +1 位作者 姜汉桥 王树义 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第3期76-79,共4页
油田选择调剖井的指标主要有渗透率、吸水剖面、注入动态和注水井的井口压降曲线等,目前一般以定性分析结合经验判断来选择调剖井。这样做,一方面考虑因素不全面,往往以某一项指标为主来判断;另一方面,指标与指标之间出现矛盾时很... 油田选择调剖井的指标主要有渗透率、吸水剖面、注入动态和注水井的井口压降曲线等,目前一般以定性分析结合经验判断来选择调剖井。这样做,一方面考虑因素不全面,往往以某一项指标为主来判断;另一方面,指标与指标之间出现矛盾时很难判断。利用模糊数学方法,将选择调剖井的指标表达成决策因子,利用模糊综合评判的方法来优选调剖井。应用该方法,在晋45断块五砂组选择了3口调剖井,现场施工后,注水剖面得到改善,区块水驱油效果变好,增加可采储量40.5×104t,增产油量3145t。现场应用表明,该方法可使调剖井的选择定量化,选择结果与实际情况比较吻合,有一定实用意义。图1表2参4(郭海莉摘) 展开更多
关键词 模糊数学 区块整体调剖 调剖井 注水井
小康社会的高校体育——我国普通高校体育教学俱乐部探讨 被引量:39
作者 刘志敏 凌青东 石磊 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期69-72,共4页
采用文献资料、教学实验、典型调查与比较法 ,对我国普通高校体育教学俱乐部的发展现状及全国实验院校的实验效果进行分析 ,从大课程观的角度对以体育俱乐部形式教学的思路进行探讨 ;对体育俱乐部的内涵给予了粗浅的界定 ;对我国部分高... 采用文献资料、教学实验、典型调查与比较法 ,对我国普通高校体育教学俱乐部的发展现状及全国实验院校的实验效果进行分析 ,从大课程观的角度对以体育俱乐部形式教学的思路进行探讨 ;对体育俱乐部的内涵给予了粗浅的界定 ;对我国部分高校体育教学俱乐部的模式进行比较 ;对国内外体育俱乐部的模式进行综述 ;并提出了在普通高校以体育俱乐部形式进行教学的必要性、可行性及对策。 展开更多
关键词 普通高校 体育教学 中国 体育俱乐部 小康社会 教学模式
井下卡钻分析及处理 被引量:43
作者 张林强 《海洋石油》 CAS 2007年第3期112-115,共4页
井下卡钻事故在钻井过程中属常见事故。在钻井过程中不仅要确保钻井效率,还要确保钻井过程中井下安全。为了更好的预防井下卡钻事故,提高整体作业的质量以及达到满意的施工效果,通过分析地质特点、储层特点和经济技术特点及泥浆性能等,... 井下卡钻事故在钻井过程中属常见事故。在钻井过程中不仅要确保钻井效率,还要确保钻井过程中井下安全。为了更好的预防井下卡钻事故,提高整体作业的质量以及达到满意的施工效果,通过分析地质特点、储层特点和经济技术特点及泥浆性能等,对在钻井过程中遇到的卡钻事故,针对性地提出了及时有效的处理方案和预防方法。 展开更多
关键词 井下 卡钻 分析处理 预防
塔里木盆地沙雅隆起星火1井寒武系烃源岩特征 被引量:48
作者 朱传玲 闫华 +2 位作者 云露 韩强 马慧明 《石油实验地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期626-632,共7页
在对塔里木盆地北部星火1井寒武系玉尔吐斯组灰黑、黑色碳质泥岩进行一系列有机地球化学特征测试分析的基础上,从有机碳、氯仿沥青"A"、生烃潜量、热解峰温、海相镜状体反射率、烃源岩可溶抽提物和饱和烃色质特征等方面着手,... 在对塔里木盆地北部星火1井寒武系玉尔吐斯组灰黑、黑色碳质泥岩进行一系列有机地球化学特征测试分析的基础上,从有机碳、氯仿沥青"A"、生烃潜量、热解峰温、海相镜状体反射率、烃源岩可溶抽提物和饱和烃色质特征等方面着手,对该烃源岩的有机质丰度、成熟度及类型进行分析。结合前人研究成果,讨论了这套烃源岩与以往报道的寒武系烃源岩的异同,并开展了与塔河原油的油—岩对比分析。结果表明,该套烃源岩有机质丰度高,而且已达高成熟热演化阶段,与柯坪露头肖尔布拉克剖面下寒武统玉尔吐斯组烃源岩特征类似;星火1井下寒武统黑色碳质页岩有机质地化特征与塔河油田原油具亲源性。 展开更多
关键词 烃源岩 地化特征 寒武系 星火1井 沙雅隆起 塔里木盆地 WELL XH1
The second natural gas hydrate production test in the South China Sea 被引量:48
作者 Jian-liang Ye Xu-wen Qin +24 位作者 Wen-wei Xie Hai-long Lu Bao-jin Ma Hai-jun Qiu Jin-qiang Liang Jing-an Lu Zeng-gui Kuang Cheng Lu Qian-yong Liang Shi-peng Wei Yan-jiang Yu Chunsheng Liu Bin Li Kai-xiang Shen Hao-xian Shi Qiu-ping Lu Jing Li Bei-bei Kou Gang Song Bo Li He-en Zhang Hong-feng Lu Chao Ma Yi-fei Dong Hang Bian 《China Geology》 2020年第2期197-209,共13页
Clayey silt reservoirs bearing natural gas hydrates(NGH)are considered to be the hydrate-bearing reservoirs that boast the highest reserves but tend to be the most difficult to exploit.They are proved to be exploitabl... Clayey silt reservoirs bearing natural gas hydrates(NGH)are considered to be the hydrate-bearing reservoirs that boast the highest reserves but tend to be the most difficult to exploit.They are proved to be exploitable by the first NGH production test conducted in the South China Sea in 2017.Based on the understanding of the first production test,the China Geological Survey determined the optimal target NGH reservoirs for production test and conducted a detailed assessment,numerical and experimental simulation,and onshore testing of the reservoirs.After that,it conducted the second offshore NGH production test in 1225 m deep Shenhu Area,South China Sea(also referred to as the second production test)from October 2019 to April 2020.During the second production test,a series of technical challenges of drilling horizontal wells in shallow soft strata in deep sea were met,including wellhead stability,directional drilling of a horizontal well,reservoir stimulation and sand control,and accurate depressurization.As a result,30 days of continuous gas production was achieved,with a cumulative gas production of 86.14×104 m3.Thus,the average daily gas production is 2.87×10^4 m^3,which is 5.57 times as much as that obtained in the first production test.Therefore,both the cumulative gas production and the daily gas production were highly improved compared to the first production test.As indicated by the monitoring results of the second production test,there was no anomaly in methane content in the seafloor,seawater,and atmosphere throughout the whole production test.This successful production test further indicates that safe and effective NGH exploitation is feasible in clayey silt NGH reservoirs.The industrialization of hydrates consists of five stages in general,namely theoretical research and simulation experiments,exploratory production test,experimental production test,productive production test,and commercial production.The second production test serves as an important step from the exploratory production test to exper 展开更多
关键词 Natural gas hydrates Second production test Horizontal well Reservoir stimulation Environmental impact NGH exploration trial engineering South China Sea
地下储气库完整性管理体系及相关技术应用研究 被引量:36
作者 魏东吼 董绍华 梁伟 《油气储运》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第2期115-121,共7页
地下储气库作为天然气输配系统中重要的组成单元,其完整性直接影响整个天然气输配系统的安全平稳运行。地下储气库完整性管理旨在对处于动态变化中的储气库现场设备进行风险识别和评价,制定相应的风险控制对策,不断改善储气库的运行环境... 地下储气库作为天然气输配系统中重要的组成单元,其完整性直接影响整个天然气输配系统的安全平稳运行。地下储气库完整性管理旨在对处于动态变化中的储气库现场设备进行风险识别和评价,制定相应的风险控制对策,不断改善储气库的运行环境,从而降低事故的发生概率,将储气库的运行风险水平控制在可接受范围内。为此,对地下储气库完整性管理体系技术进行研究,阐述了储气库完整性管理理念,提出了储气库地面设施和井的完整性管理体系内容,重点研究了井的完整性管理体系,包括井的风险识别、监测、检测、评估技术,建立了井筒完整性监测方案,以及井口和井下设备、采气树、套管等的风险识别、完整性检测和评价方案。针对套管因注采条件变化及介质腐蚀影响而易受损的特点,重点提出了含缺陷套管的强度评价及寿命预测方案。结合生产实际,提出了储气库完整性管理的相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 储气库 地面设施 完整性管理 完整性技术 完整性检测
论话语标记语WELL语用功能在英译汉中的再现 被引量:33
作者 吴勇 郑树棠 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第7期47-52,共6页
本文以狄更斯的原著《大卫·考坡菲》及张谷若先生的译本为语料,分析并阐述了话语标记语well的不同语用功能及其翻译处理方法。本文分析了张谷若先生在译文中保留well语用功能的成功例子,同时也指出一些译文的语用功能缺失问题。... 本文以狄更斯的原著《大卫·考坡菲》及张谷若先生的译本为语料,分析并阐述了话语标记语well的不同语用功能及其翻译处理方法。本文分析了张谷若先生在译文中保留well语用功能的成功例子,同时也指出一些译文的语用功能缺失问题。作者提出首先可以通过研究对话的上下文来识别说话者的言外之意,从而认定well在对话中的语用功能,然后可选择符合汉语习惯的词语来发挥相同的语用功能,使译文保留well原有的语用功能。 展开更多
关键词 话语标记语 WELL 语用功能 言外功能
Possible link between long-term and short-term water injections and earthquakes in salt mine and shale gas site in Changning,south Sichuan Basin, China 被引量:30
作者 XingLin Lei ZhiWei Wang JinRong Su 《Earth and Planetary Physics》 CSCD 2019年第6期510-525,共16页
Late at night on 17 June 2019,a magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Shuanghe Town and its surrounding area in Changning County,Sichuan,China,becoming the largest earthquake recorded within the southern Sichuan Basin.A ser... Late at night on 17 June 2019,a magnitude 6.0 earthquake struck Shuanghe Town and its surrounding area in Changning County,Sichuan,China,becoming the largest earthquake recorded within the southern Sichuan Basin.A series of earthquakes with magnitudes up to 5.6 occurred during a short period after the mainshock,and we thus refer to these earthquakes as the Changning M6 earthquake sequence(or swarm).The mainshock was located very close to a salt mine,into which for^3 decades fresh water had been extensively injected through several wells at a depth of 2.7–3 km.It was also near(within^15 km)the epicenter of the 18 December 2018 M5.7 Xingwen earthquake,which is thought to have been induced by shale gas hydraulic fracturing(HF),prompting questions about the possible involvement of industrial activities in the M6 sequence.Following previous studies,this paper focuses on the relationship between injection and seismicity in the Shuanghe salt field and its adjacent Shangluo shale gas block.Except for a period of serious water loss after the start of cross-well injection in 2005–2006,the frequency of earthquakes shows a slightly increasing tendency.Overall,there is a good correlation between the event rate in the Shuanghe area and the loss of injected water.More than 400 M≥3 earthquakes,including 40 M≥4 and 5 M≥5 events,had been observed by the end of August 2019.Meanwhile,in the Shangluo area,seismicity has increased during drilling and HF operations(mostly in vertical wells)since about 2009,and dramatically since the end of 2014,coincident with the start of systematic HF in the area.The event rate shows a progressively increasing background with some fluctuations,paralleling the increase in HF operations.More than 700 M≥3 earthquakes,including 10 M≥4 and 3 M≥5 in spatially and temporally clustered seismic events,are correlated closely with active fracturing platforms.Well-resolved centroid moment tensor results for M≥4 earthquakes were shown to occur at very shallow depths around shale formations with 展开更多
关键词 Changning EARTHQUAKE injection-induced EARTHQUAKE deep WELL INJECTION hydraulic FRACTURING salt WELL mine SHALE gas
注水井回灌过程中堵塞问题的试验研究 被引量:30
作者 黄修东 束龙仓 +1 位作者 刘佩贵 王恩 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期430-434,共5页
采用砂柱在试验室内模拟井灌过程中注水井周围砂层的堵塞过程。通过测定渗透系数的变化来分析堵塞的程度,同时,通过测定水样悬浮物浓度(SS)、细菌数目、溶解氧(DO)、TOC等水质参数的变化来分析井灌过程中可能发生的物理、生物堵塞。试... 采用砂柱在试验室内模拟井灌过程中注水井周围砂层的堵塞过程。通过测定渗透系数的变化来分析堵塞的程度,同时,通过测定水样悬浮物浓度(SS)、细菌数目、溶解氧(DO)、TOC等水质参数的变化来分析井灌过程中可能发生的物理、生物堵塞。试验分别采用平均粒径为0.59mm和0.34mm的两种砂样。试验结果分析表明:悬浮物颗粒填充砂粒介质空隙引起的机械堵塞和微生物积聚、繁殖堵塞介质空隙引起的生物堵塞是砂柱堵塞的主要原因;砂柱上部对悬浮物和微生物的过滤、吸附作用强,堵塞也更严重;介质粒径差异对堵塞过程和堵塞程度的影响明显,平均粒径较小的砂柱更容易发生堵塞,而平均粒径为0.59mm的砂柱渗透系数减小的持续时间长,渗透系数减小的幅度大。 展开更多
关键词 人工回灌 机械堵塞 生物堵塞 粒径特征
再论中产阶级:理论、历史与类型学 兼及一种全球化的视野 被引量:27
作者 周晓虹 《社会》 北大核心 2005年第4期1-24,共24页
The emergence of the middle class was closely related to the appearance of industrial society and its consequential constant changes in the social structure. Karl Marx and other theorists in the same camp were among t... The emergence of the middle class was closely related to the appearance of industrial society and its consequential constant changes in the social structure. Karl Marx and other theorists in the same camp were among the earliest scholars who discussed that topic. For a quite long period of time, the debate was mainly focused on the characteristics of the “new middle class.” The middle class, however, has undergone a categorical transformation from the old to the new middle-class, and furthermore, this transformation itself has signified the transition in social patterns from industrial to post-industrial society as well as economic globalization, both of which have contributed to the growth and global expansion of the middle class, having thus fundamentally renovated the middle class. 展开更多
关键词 中产阶级 全球化 类型学 structure 历史 global from other among QUITE WHICH and CAMP that time this well both have The new HAS of to its in who For
岩溶地下水富集的地貌组合形态 被引量:24
作者 王宇 王梓溦 《中国岩溶》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期314-324,共11页
岩溶地貌组合形态是地质背景条件、地壳隆升、断裂和褶皱等构造运动及溶蚀、侵蚀作用等内外动力地质作用的综合表象。特定的岩溶地貌组合形态,能够反映地下岩溶发育的过程和特征,表现地下水的运动及赋存状态,因而可作为寻找和圈定地下... 岩溶地貌组合形态是地质背景条件、地壳隆升、断裂和褶皱等构造运动及溶蚀、侵蚀作用等内外动力地质作用的综合表象。特定的岩溶地貌组合形态,能够反映地下岩溶发育的过程和特征,表现地下水的运动及赋存状态,因而可作为寻找和圈定地下水富集区段的标志。文章通过总结区域水文地质调查实践的成果及经验,列出了8种能够有效反映地下水富集区段的岩溶地貌组合形态,分别是:岩溶山间平坝区、谷地及洼地古地表干流遗迹线、沟口洼地孤峰下、溶蚀沟谷交汇处、岩溶陡崖下、岩溶谷中湾对湾段、缓坡及浅洼地边缘、垄岗台地丘陵区。并逐一描述各个地貌形态特征,通过典型实例剖析,分析了它们的赋水机制。实践证明这些地貌组合形态可作为寻找地下水富集区段的标志。 展开更多
关键词 地貌 岩溶 地下水
Prediction of natural gas hydrate formation region in wellbore during deepwater gas well testing 被引量:22
作者 王志远 孙宝江 +1 位作者 王雪瑞 张振楠 《Journal of Hydrodynamics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2014年第4期568-576,共9页
Wellbore temperature field equations are established with considerations of the enthalpy changes of the natural gas during the deep-water gas well testing. A prediction method for the natural gas hydrate formation reg... Wellbore temperature field equations are established with considerations of the enthalpy changes of the natural gas during the deep-water gas well testing. A prediction method for the natural gas hydrate formation region during the deep-water gas well testing is proposed, which combines the wellbore temperature field equations, the phase equilibrium conditions of the natural gas hydrate formation and the calculation methods for the pressure field. Through the sensitivity analysis of the parameters that affect the hydrate formation region, it can be concluded that during the deep-water gas well testing, with the reduction of the gas production rate and the decrease of the geothermal gradient, along with the increase of the depth of water, the hydrate formation region in the wellbore enlarges, the hydrate formation regions differ with different component contents of natural gases, as compared with the pure methane gas, with the increase of ethane and propane, the hydrate formation region expands, the admixture of inhibitors, the type and the concentrations of which can be optimized through the method proposed in the paper, will reduce the hydrate formation region, the throttling effect will lead to the abrupt changes of temperature and pressure, which results in a variation of the hydrate formation region, if the throttling occurs in the shallow part of the wellbore, the temperature will drop too much, which enlarges the hydrate formation region, otherwise, if the throttling occurs in the deep part of the wellbore, the hydrate formation region will be reduced due to the decrease of the pressure. 展开更多
关键词 deep-water gas well testing temperature and pressure fields HYDRATE throttling effect
“硬关井”水击压力计算及其应用 被引量:20
作者 李相方 郑权方 《石油钻探技术》 北大核心 1995年第3期1-3,60,共4页
根据气侵后环空气液两相流分布特点及水击压力在气液两相流及单相流中传播特点,计算了“硬关井”情况下的水击压力变化情况。研究表明:对于气侵情况,硬关井引起的水击压力对井眼中下部影响很小,主要作用于井口装置;如果并口流速不... 根据气侵后环空气液两相流分布特点及水击压力在气液两相流及单相流中传播特点,计算了“硬关井”情况下的水击压力变化情况。研究表明:对于气侵情况,硬关井引起的水击压力对井眼中下部影响很小,主要作用于井口装置;如果并口流速不太大,可以采用硬关并,以便减少地层流体进一步侵入。 展开更多
关键词 hard shut-in water+pressure gas cutting well control
重庆巫山麦沱古墓群第二次发掘报告 被引量:20
作者 尹检顺 谭远辉 《考古学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期185-206,i001-i006,共28页
The first excavation at Maituo, Wushan, which revealed 19 tombs, basically clarified the cultural characteristics of the Han tombs in the cemetery and preliminarily established the periodization criteria for these tom... The first excavation at Maituo, Wushan, which revealed 19 tombs, basically clarified the cultural characteristics of the Han tombs in the cemetery and preliminarily established the periodization criteria for these tombs. Among the 13 tombs uncovered in the present second excavation besides four Han tombs, there are newly discovered burial types that belong to the Warring States, Southern Dynasties and Song. They provided new data for further research into the cultural features of this graveyard in different periods. The achievements in the present excavation consist mainly in the following two aspects,The first is the discovery of three tombs belonging to the late Warring States period. They represent the Chu cultural complex in an area dominated by the Qin State. The second is the revelation of an Eastern Han high-rank tomb in a good condition (M47). The tomb contains over 100 funeral objects, including objects in gold, silver, bronze and lacquer that reflect the tomb owner's wealth, as well as rare treasures of art, such as exquisite glazed pottery tombfigurines of dancers, lamps with toad-shaped stands, and large-sized pottery, tomb guardians, animals, human figures and statues of the Western Queen Mother that are represented in various positions. The unearthed pottery models of buildings, such as those of theatres and watchtowers delicate in workmanship and clear in layout, are valuable to studying Han architecture. These finds provide precious data for systematically studying Han period production technology, culture and art, building style, religion, and burial customs. 展开更多
关键词 发掘报告 古墓群 discovery BESIDES further culture first 巫山 重庆 that and data SUCH The WHICH Among there style for are this LATE GOOD well with art in of as to new two
关于油藏含水上升规律的若干问题 被引量:21
作者 李传亮 朱苏阳 《岩性油气藏》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期1-5,共5页
针对油藏含水上升规律研究的一些定量分析指标不够明确,及含水率上升与地质特征的对应关系尚未建立等问题,利用油藏地质模型和实例分析进行了研究,明确了含水率上升速度的定量分析指标,给出了水淹速度的评价指标及油井见水时间与底水类... 针对油藏含水上升规律研究的一些定量分析指标不够明确,及含水率上升与地质特征的对应关系尚未建立等问题,利用油藏地质模型和实例分析进行了研究,明确了含水率上升速度的定量分析指标,给出了水淹速度的评价指标及油井见水时间与底水类型的对应关系,并定义了2种非均质性,即离散型非均质和连续型非均质。离散型非均质性油藏和连续型非均质性油藏的含水率曲线分别呈阶跃式上升和连续上升。孔隙型介质的相渗曲线因高毛管压力而呈曲线形态,决定了其含水率上升曲线也呈曲线形态;缝洞型介质的相渗曲线因低毛管压力而呈对角直线,决定了其含水率上升曲线也呈直线形态。 展开更多
关键词 油藏 油井 含水率 见水 非均质性 底水 边水 水淹
话语标记词well用法译评 被引量:12
作者 吴国良 《中国翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期86-88,共3页
在英语常用词中,人们对well作为形容词与副词的一般用法并不陌生,但对于用作话语标记词的well则了解不深,尤其是对其深层次语义和语用功能,理解上往往不到位,从而影响到中英互译的准确性。本文拟从语言学的角度,结合翻译,对用作... 在英语常用词中,人们对well作为形容词与副词的一般用法并不陌生,但对于用作话语标记词的well则了解不深,尤其是对其深层次语义和语用功能,理解上往往不到位,从而影响到中英互译的准确性。本文拟从语言学的角度,结合翻译,对用作话语标记词的well及与之相关的词项作用法译评,以求教于外语界同行。 展开更多
关键词 WELL 标记词 用法 话语 译评 语用功能 常用词 形容词 深层次
德国历史学派与19世纪经济学方法论之争的启示 被引量:17
作者 何蓉 《社会》 北大核心 2005年第3期167-186,共20页
In the mid-19th century, out of their dissatisfaction with the neglect of the economic theories about other countries’ experiences in the British classic economics, the economists in the German Historical School wo... In the mid-19th century, out of their dissatisfaction with the neglect of the economic theories about other countries’ experiences in the British classic economics, the economists in the German Historical School worked hard to construct an economic theory that was congruent to the developmental stage in their own country’s culture and history. Their deeply-cherished concern about the reality in a transitional era when Germany was approaching modernization drove them to propose that the living condition of the working class be improved by the power of the state. In the late 80’s of the same century, the Methodenstreit of German Historical School versus the Austrian School broke out, after which the mainstream economics was well on its way in terms of theoretical refinement and scrutiny, whereas the influence from the Historical School gradually subsided. Even so, the lessons from the Historical School are still enlightening to research in contemporary social sciences. This paper describes the unique basics in the theory building of the Historical School; explains the background and meaning of its academic origin, research methodology, and the Methodenstreit; and from there, discusses implications for contemporary social sciences. 展开更多
关键词 经济学方法论 19世纪 历史学派 School ACADEMIC culture science about 德国 from origin that other and power after which STILL there with hard when LATE well This its of to way are for In be on so
Characteristics of non-Darcy flow in low-permeability reservoirs 被引量:17
作者 Yao Yuedong Ge Jiali 《Petroleum Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第1期55-62,共8页
Well testing is recognized as an effective means of accurately obtaining the formation parameters of low-permeability reservoirs and effectively analyzing the deliverability.Well test models must comply with the parti... Well testing is recognized as an effective means of accurately obtaining the formation parameters of low-permeability reservoirs and effectively analyzing the deliverability.Well test models must comply with the particular characteristics of flow in low-permeability reservoirs in order to obtain reasonable well test interpretation.At present,non-Darcy flow in low-permeability reservoirs is attracting much attention.In this study,displacement tests were conducted on typical cores taken from low-permeability reservoirs.Two dimensionless variables were introduced to analyze the collected experimental data.The results of the dimensionless analysis show whether non-Darcy flow happens or not depends on the properties of fluid and porous media and the pressure differential.The combination of the above three parameters was named as dimensionless criteria coefficient(DCC).When the value of the DCC was lower than a critical Reynolds number(CRN),the flow could not be well described by Darcy's law(so-called non-Darcy flow),when the DCC was higher than CRN,the flow obeyed Darcy's law.Finally,this paper establishes a transient mathematical model considering Darcy flow and non-Darcy flow in low-permeability reservoirs,and proposes a methodology to solve the model.The solution technique,which is based on the Boltzmann transformation,is well suited for solving the flow model of low-permeability reservoirs.Based on the typical curves analysis,it was found that the pressure and its derivative curves were determined by such parameters as non-Darcy flow index and the flow characteristics.The results can be used for well test analysis of low-permeability reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 Low-permeability non-Darcy flow dimensionless analysis transient flow well testing
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