The spatial resolution of general circulation models (GCMs) is too coarse to represent regional climate variations at the regional, basin, and local scales required for many environmental modeling and impact assessm...The spatial resolution of general circulation models (GCMs) is too coarse to represent regional climate variations at the regional, basin, and local scales required for many environmental modeling and impact assessments. Weather research and forecasting model (WRF) is a nextgeneration, fully compressible, Euler non-hydrostatic mesoscale forecast model with a runtime hydrostatic option. This model is useful for downscaling weather and climate at the scales from one kilometer to thousands of kilometers, and is useful for deriving meteorological parameters required for hydrological simulation too. The objective of this paper is to validate WRF simulating 5 km/ 1 h air temperatures by daily observed data of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) stations, and by hourly in-situ data of the Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research Project. The daily validation shows that the WRF simulation has good agreement with the observed data; the R2 between the WRF simulation and each station is more than 0.93; the absolute of meanbias error (MBE) for each station is less than 2℃; and the MBEs of Ejina, Mazongshan and Alxa stations are near zero, with R2 is more than 0.98, which can be taken as an unbiased estimation. The hourly validation shows that the WRF simulation can capture the basic trend of observed data, the MBE of each site is approximately 2℃, the R2 of each site is more than 0.80, with the highest at 0.95, and the computed and observed surface air temperature series show a significantly similar trend.展开更多
本文利用新一代中尺度数值天气模式Weather Research and Forecasting Model(v3.1.1,WRFV3)、日本气象厅20 km分析资料及自动站观测数据等模拟了2008年8月25日上海一次特大暴雨过程,并研究了城市化对这次暴雨过程的影响.研究结果表明:WR...本文利用新一代中尺度数值天气模式Weather Research and Forecasting Model(v3.1.1,WRFV3)、日本气象厅20 km分析资料及自动站观测数据等模拟了2008年8月25日上海一次特大暴雨过程,并研究了城市化对这次暴雨过程的影响.研究结果表明:WRFV3模式能够较好地模拟出上海0825暴雨的主要分布特征,强降水中心以及暴雨随时间变化趋势;上海城市化使得这次暴雨过程在城市中心区域和迎风区降雨增强,城市背风区降雨减少;而城市化引起的陆面粗糙度等变化的动力作用对城市地区低层风场产生阻挡,使得城市迎风区垂直上升运动增强、水汽增多,是造成城市迎风区降雨增强的主要原因.展开更多
利用Weather Research and Forecasting Model(WRF)模式分城市下垫面(wrf-ucm)、城市冠层下垫面(wrf+ucm)和自然下垫面(wrf-no urban)三种情况模拟了南京地区2005年7月17-18日的2 d天气过程.当模拟城市冠层效应时,WRF模式与Urban Canopy...利用Weather Research and Forecasting Model(WRF)模式分城市下垫面(wrf-ucm)、城市冠层下垫面(wrf+ucm)和自然下垫面(wrf-no urban)三种情况模拟了南京地区2005年7月17-18日的2 d天气过程.当模拟城市冠层效应时,WRF模式与Urban Canopy Model(UCM)模式耦合.结合同期外场试验观测结果和模式模拟结果,分析城市冠层效应对局地天气的影响.结果发现:考虑冠层效应时,城市地区的2 m温度比不考虑冠层效应时略低一些,但都高于自然下垫面;白天地面感热通量与不考虑冠层时基本相当,而在夜间前者高于后者,两者都明显高于自然下垫面情形;地面潜热通量比不考虑冠层低,均远低于自然下垫面.考虑冠层效应的地面通量模拟结果较为接近观测结果.冠层效应使得城市地区近地层水平风速明显减小;考虑冠层时城市地区气流垂直运动强于自然下垫面,冠层对气流的影响夜间强于白天.展开更多
The research of coupling WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model) with a land surface model is enhanced to explore the interaction of the atmosphere and land surface; however, regional applicability of WRF model...The research of coupling WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model) with a land surface model is enhanced to explore the interaction of the atmosphere and land surface; however, regional applicability of WRF model is questioned. In order to do the validation of WRF model on simulating forcing data for the Heihe River Basin, daily meteorological observation data from 15 stations of CMA (China Meteorological Administration) and hourly meteorological observation data from seven sites of WATER (Watershed Airborne Telemetry Experimental Research) are used to compare with WRF simulations, with a time range of a whole year for 2008. Results show that the average MBE (Mean Bias Error) of daily 2-m surface temperature, surface pressure, 2-m relative humidity and 10-m wind speed were -0.19 ℃, -4.49 hPa, 4.08% and 0.92 m/s, the average RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of them were 2.11 ℃, 5.37 hPa, 9.55% and 1.73 m/s, and the average R (correlation coefficient) of them were 0.99, 0.98, 0.80 and 0.55, respectively. The average MBE of hourly 2-m surface temperature, surface pressure, 2-m relative humidity, 10-m wind speed, downward shortwave radiation and downward longwave were-0.16 ℃,-6.62 hPa,-5.14%, 0.26 m/s, 33.0 W/m^2 and-6.44 W/m^2, the average RMSE of them were 2.62 ℃, 17.10 hPa, 20.71%, 2.46 m/s, 152.9 W/m^2 and 53.5 W/m^2, and the average R of them were 0.96, 0.97, 0.70, 0.26, 0.91 and 0.60, respectively. Thus, the following conclusions were obtained: (1) regardless of daily or hourly validation, WRF model simulations of 2-m surface temperature, surface pressure and relative humidity are more reliable, especially for 2-m surface air temperature and surface pressure, the values of MBE were small and R were more than 0.96; (2) the WRF simulating downward shortwave radiation was relatively good, the average R between WRF simulation and hourly observation data was above 0.9, and the average R of downward longwave radiation was 0.6; (3) both wind speed and rainfall simulated fr展开更多
海上风电在“双碳”目标的引领下快速发展,其选址布局若缺乏整体协调规划会因尾流效应损害已建成下游陆上风电场的发电量与经济效益。为提高区域资源利用率,保障风电产业的协调可持续发展,该文以中国盐城某海上风电场及相邻陆上风电场...海上风电在“双碳”目标的引领下快速发展,其选址布局若缺乏整体协调规划会因尾流效应损害已建成下游陆上风电场的发电量与经济效益。为提高区域资源利用率,保障风电产业的协调可持续发展,该文以中国盐城某海上风电场及相邻陆上风电场为研究对象,提出一种耦合风电场参数化方案(wind farm parameterization,WFP)和天气研究与预报模式(weather research and forecasting model,WRF)的海陆风电场间尾流扰动影响评估方法(WRF-WFP),通过比较有无海上风电场的算例输出间的差异,分析典型真实大气状况下海上风电场整体尾流强度的空间分布特性,并结合实测数据验证了WRF-WFP的有效性与参数灵敏度。量化评估了典型工况下海上风电场对下游陆上风电场的运行扰动作用的时空特性,归纳了陆上风电场的相对功率损失规律。结果表明在典型大气状况下,海上风电场的尾流可以延伸36~73km,最大宽度5.8~10km;尾流对下游陆上风电场的扰动作用在夜间的频次与强度更为显著,风速衰减达5.83%时,平均功率亏损可达15.47%。展开更多
Two intense quasi-linear mesoscale convective systems(QLMCSs) in northern China were simulated using the WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting) model and the 3D-Var(three-dimensional variational) analysis system ...Two intense quasi-linear mesoscale convective systems(QLMCSs) in northern China were simulated using the WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting) model and the 3D-Var(three-dimensional variational) analysis system of the ARPS(Advanced Regional Prediction System) model.A new method in which the lightning density is calculated using both the precipitation and non-precipitation ice mass was developed to reveal the relationship between the lightning activities and QLMCS structures.Results indicate that,compared with calculating the results using two previous methods,the lightning density calculated using the new method presented in this study is in better accordance with observations.Based on the calculated lightning densities using the new method,it was found that most lightning activity was initiated on the right side and at the front of the QLMCSs,where the surface wind field converged intensely.The CAPE was much stronger ahead of the southeastward progressing QLMCS than to the back it,and their lightning events mainly occurred in regions with a large gradient of CAPE.Comparisons between lightning and non-lightning regions indicated that lightning regions featured more intense ascending motion than non-lightning regions;the vertical ranges of maximum reflectivity between lightning and non-lightning regions were very different;and the ice mixing ratio featured no significant differences between the lightning and non-lightning regions.展开更多
利用WRF模式模拟发生在成都地区的典型雷暴天气过程,得到相应雷电活动过程中微物理和动力输出场,将其与雷电监测定位网所探测到的地闪资料进行对比分析,在电荷分离的微物理学基础上讨论了WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式输...利用WRF模式模拟发生在成都地区的典型雷暴天气过程,得到相应雷电活动过程中微物理和动力输出场,将其与雷电监测定位网所探测到的地闪资料进行对比分析,在电荷分离的微物理学基础上讨论了WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式输出的不同微物理及动力因子与地闪的相关性。结果表明:-10°C到-20°C之间的电荷分离区域内,冰晶粒子与霰粒子质量混合比最大值与地闪频数随时间变化趋势基本保持一致。在雷电活动中后期,霰、冰晶及雪晶粒子最大值位置与地闪密度大值中心位置对应性较好,空间上均能指示地闪发生区域。最大上升速度与风暴相对螺旋度可以指示地闪频数变化,风暴相对螺旋度空间上可指示地闪密度大值中心。模拟结果表明WRF模式微物理及动力输出场可以指示地闪活动的发生时间和位置,表现了日益成熟WRF模式进行雷电数值预报与研究的潜能。展开更多
The basic structure and cloud features of Typhoon Nida(2016) are simulated using a new microphysics scheme(Liuma) within the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model. Typhoon characteristics simulated with the Lium...The basic structure and cloud features of Typhoon Nida(2016) are simulated using a new microphysics scheme(Liuma) within the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model. Typhoon characteristics simulated with the Liuma microphysics scheme are compared with observations and those simulated with a commonly-used microphysics scheme(WSM6). Results show that using different microphysics schemes does not significantly alter the track of the typhoon but does significantly affect the intensity and the cloud structure of the typhoon. Results also show that the vertical distribution of cloud hydrometeors and the horizontal distribution of peripheral rainband are affected by the microphysics scheme. The mixing ratios of rain water and graupel correlate highly with the vertical velocity component and equivalent potential temperature at the typhoon eye-wall region. According to the simulation with WSM 6 scheme,it is likely that the very low typhoon central pressure results from the positive feedback between hydrometeors and typhoon intensity. As the ice-phase hydrometeors are mostly graupel in the Liuma microphysics scheme, further improvement in this aspect is required.展开更多
电线积冰是电网正常运行中最大的气象灾害之一,而冻雨是造成电线积冰事故的主要灾害性天气。利用耦合了中尺度天气研究和预报(weather research and forecasting,WRF)模式的美国空军气象局(Air Force Weather Agency,AWFA)冻雨预报系统...电线积冰是电网正常运行中最大的气象灾害之一,而冻雨是造成电线积冰事故的主要灾害性天气。利用耦合了中尺度天气研究和预报(weather research and forecasting,WRF)模式的美国空军气象局(Air Force Weather Agency,AWFA)冻雨预报系统,对发生在中国南方的3次冻雨事件进行预报,通过威胁指数(threat scores,TS)评分对AWFA系统在中国地区的冻雨预报能力进行了评估,并根据其输出的冻雨参数,用覆冰增长模型对三次冻雨过程中,电线积冰厚度进行了模拟。结果表明:冻雨事件的发生必须同时满足逆温层、空中高液态含水量和地温低于0℃这三个气象条件;AFWA冻雨预报系统对中国冻雨也有一定的预报能力,但预测范围较实际观测的区域偏大,三次冻雨事件预报TS评分在0.30~0.63,平均为0.45;模拟电线积冰厚度的范围与观测的冻雨密集区相当吻合,对明显的冻雨过程有较好的预报能力且能够获得电线积冰厚度的精细化分布。研究结果对中国南方冻雨预报、电线积冰预报有重大的参考价值,并为电网的防灾减灾提供了坚实的理论支撑。展开更多
Using the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model with two different microphysics schemes,the Predicted Particle Properties(P3)and the Morrison double-moment parameterizations,we simulated a stratiform rainfall eve...Using the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model with two different microphysics schemes,the Predicted Particle Properties(P3)and the Morrison double-moment parameterizations,we simulated a stratiform rainfall event on 20–21 April 2010.The simulation output was compared with precipitation and aircraft observations.The aircraft-observed moderate-rimed dendrites and plates indicated that riming contributed significantly to ice particle growth at the mature precipitation stage.Observations of dendrite aggregation and capped columns suggested that aggregation coexisted with deposition or riming and played an important role in producing many large particles.The domain-averaged values of the 24-h surface precipitation accumulation from the two schemes were quite close to each other.However,differences existed in the temporal and spatial evolutions of the precipitation distribution.An analysis of the surface precipitation temporal evolution indicated faster precipitation in Morrison,while P3 indicated slower rainfall by shifting the precipitation pattern eastward toward what was observed.The differences in precipitation values between the two schemes were related to the cloud water content distribution and fall speeds of rimed particles.P3 simulated the stratiform precipitation event better as it captured the gradual transition in the mass-weighted fall speeds and densities from unrimed to rimed particles.展开更多
基金Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 40901202, 40925004), and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2009AA122104). The input data for WRF model are from the Research Data Archive (RDA) which is maintained by the Computational and Information Systems Laboratory (CISL) at the National Center for Atmo- spheric Research (NCAR). The original data are available from the RDA ( in Dataset No. ds083.2.
文摘The spatial resolution of general circulation models (GCMs) is too coarse to represent regional climate variations at the regional, basin, and local scales required for many environmental modeling and impact assessments. Weather research and forecasting model (WRF) is a nextgeneration, fully compressible, Euler non-hydrostatic mesoscale forecast model with a runtime hydrostatic option. This model is useful for downscaling weather and climate at the scales from one kilometer to thousands of kilometers, and is useful for deriving meteorological parameters required for hydrological simulation too. The objective of this paper is to validate WRF simulating 5 km/ 1 h air temperatures by daily observed data of China Meteorological Administration (CMA) stations, and by hourly in-situ data of the Watershed Allied Telemetry Experimental Research Project. The daily validation shows that the WRF simulation has good agreement with the observed data; the R2 between the WRF simulation and each station is more than 0.93; the absolute of meanbias error (MBE) for each station is less than 2℃; and the MBEs of Ejina, Mazongshan and Alxa stations are near zero, with R2 is more than 0.98, which can be taken as an unbiased estimation. The hourly validation shows that the WRF simulation can capture the basic trend of observed data, the MBE of each site is approximately 2℃, the R2 of each site is more than 0.80, with the highest at 0.95, and the computed and observed surface air temperature series show a significantly similar trend.
文摘本文利用新一代中尺度数值天气模式Weather Research and Forecasting Model(v3.1.1,WRFV3)、日本气象厅20 km分析资料及自动站观测数据等模拟了2008年8月25日上海一次特大暴雨过程,并研究了城市化对这次暴雨过程的影响.研究结果表明:WRFV3模式能够较好地模拟出上海0825暴雨的主要分布特征,强降水中心以及暴雨随时间变化趋势;上海城市化使得这次暴雨过程在城市中心区域和迎风区降雨增强,城市背风区降雨减少;而城市化引起的陆面粗糙度等变化的动力作用对城市地区低层风场产生阻挡,使得城市迎风区垂直上升运动增强、水汽增多,是造成城市迎风区降雨增强的主要原因.
文摘利用Weather Research and Forecasting Model(WRF)模式分城市下垫面(wrf-ucm)、城市冠层下垫面(wrf+ucm)和自然下垫面(wrf-no urban)三种情况模拟了南京地区2005年7月17-18日的2 d天气过程.当模拟城市冠层效应时,WRF模式与Urban Canopy Model(UCM)模式耦合.结合同期外场试验观测结果和模式模拟结果,分析城市冠层效应对局地天气的影响.结果发现:考虑冠层效应时,城市地区的2 m温度比不考虑冠层效应时略低一些,但都高于自然下垫面;白天地面感热通量与不考虑冠层时基本相当,而在夜间前者高于后者,两者都明显高于自然下垫面情形;地面潜热通量比不考虑冠层低,均远低于自然下垫面.考虑冠层效应的地面通量模拟结果较为接近观测结果.冠层效应使得城市地区近地层水平风速明显减小;考虑冠层时城市地区气流垂直运动强于自然下垫面,冠层对气流的影响夜间强于白天.
基金supported by grant from the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863) of China (Grant No.2009AA122104)grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.40901202, No.40925004)+1 种基金supported by the CAS Action Plan for West Development Program (Grant No.KZCX2-XB2-09)Chinese State Key Basic Research Project (Grant No.2007CB714400)
文摘The research of coupling WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model) with a land surface model is enhanced to explore the interaction of the atmosphere and land surface; however, regional applicability of WRF model is questioned. In order to do the validation of WRF model on simulating forcing data for the Heihe River Basin, daily meteorological observation data from 15 stations of CMA (China Meteorological Administration) and hourly meteorological observation data from seven sites of WATER (Watershed Airborne Telemetry Experimental Research) are used to compare with WRF simulations, with a time range of a whole year for 2008. Results show that the average MBE (Mean Bias Error) of daily 2-m surface temperature, surface pressure, 2-m relative humidity and 10-m wind speed were -0.19 ℃, -4.49 hPa, 4.08% and 0.92 m/s, the average RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) of them were 2.11 ℃, 5.37 hPa, 9.55% and 1.73 m/s, and the average R (correlation coefficient) of them were 0.99, 0.98, 0.80 and 0.55, respectively. The average MBE of hourly 2-m surface temperature, surface pressure, 2-m relative humidity, 10-m wind speed, downward shortwave radiation and downward longwave were-0.16 ℃,-6.62 hPa,-5.14%, 0.26 m/s, 33.0 W/m^2 and-6.44 W/m^2, the average RMSE of them were 2.62 ℃, 17.10 hPa, 20.71%, 2.46 m/s, 152.9 W/m^2 and 53.5 W/m^2, and the average R of them were 0.96, 0.97, 0.70, 0.26, 0.91 and 0.60, respectively. Thus, the following conclusions were obtained: (1) regardless of daily or hourly validation, WRF model simulations of 2-m surface temperature, surface pressure and relative humidity are more reliable, especially for 2-m surface air temperature and surface pressure, the values of MBE were small and R were more than 0.96; (2) the WRF simulating downward shortwave radiation was relatively good, the average R between WRF simulation and hourly observation data was above 0.9, and the average R of downward longwave radiation was 0.6; (3) both wind speed and rainfall simulated fr
文摘海上风电在“双碳”目标的引领下快速发展,其选址布局若缺乏整体协调规划会因尾流效应损害已建成下游陆上风电场的发电量与经济效益。为提高区域资源利用率,保障风电产业的协调可持续发展,该文以中国盐城某海上风电场及相邻陆上风电场为研究对象,提出一种耦合风电场参数化方案(wind farm parameterization,WFP)和天气研究与预报模式(weather research and forecasting model,WRF)的海陆风电场间尾流扰动影响评估方法(WRF-WFP),通过比较有无海上风电场的算例输出间的差异,分析典型真实大气状况下海上风电场整体尾流强度的空间分布特性,并结合实测数据验证了WRF-WFP的有效性与参数灵敏度。量化评估了典型工况下海上风电场对下游陆上风电场的运行扰动作用的时空特性,归纳了陆上风电场的相对功率损失规律。结果表明在典型大气状况下,海上风电场的尾流可以延伸36~73km,最大宽度5.8~10km;尾流对下游陆上风电场的扰动作用在夜间的频次与强度更为显著,风速衰减达5.83%时,平均功率亏损可达15.47%。
基金supported jointly by the National Key Basic Research and Development (973) Program of China (Grant No. 2014CB441401)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41405007, 41175043, 41475002, and 41205027)
文摘Two intense quasi-linear mesoscale convective systems(QLMCSs) in northern China were simulated using the WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting) model and the 3D-Var(three-dimensional variational) analysis system of the ARPS(Advanced Regional Prediction System) model.A new method in which the lightning density is calculated using both the precipitation and non-precipitation ice mass was developed to reveal the relationship between the lightning activities and QLMCS structures.Results indicate that,compared with calculating the results using two previous methods,the lightning density calculated using the new method presented in this study is in better accordance with observations.Based on the calculated lightning densities using the new method,it was found that most lightning activity was initiated on the right side and at the front of the QLMCSs,where the surface wind field converged intensely.The CAPE was much stronger ahead of the southeastward progressing QLMCS than to the back it,and their lightning events mainly occurred in regions with a large gradient of CAPE.Comparisons between lightning and non-lightning regions indicated that lightning regions featured more intense ascending motion than non-lightning regions;the vertical ranges of maximum reflectivity between lightning and non-lightning regions were very different;and the ice mixing ratio featured no significant differences between the lightning and non-lightning regions.
文摘利用WRF模式模拟发生在成都地区的典型雷暴天气过程,得到相应雷电活动过程中微物理和动力输出场,将其与雷电监测定位网所探测到的地闪资料进行对比分析,在电荷分离的微物理学基础上讨论了WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting)模式输出的不同微物理及动力因子与地闪的相关性。结果表明:-10°C到-20°C之间的电荷分离区域内,冰晶粒子与霰粒子质量混合比最大值与地闪频数随时间变化趋势基本保持一致。在雷电活动中后期,霰、冰晶及雪晶粒子最大值位置与地闪密度大值中心位置对应性较好,空间上均能指示地闪发生区域。最大上升速度与风暴相对螺旋度可以指示地闪频数变化,风暴相对螺旋度空间上可指示地闪密度大值中心。模拟结果表明WRF模式微物理及动力输出场可以指示地闪活动的发生时间和位置,表现了日益成熟WRF模式进行雷电数值预报与研究的潜能。
基金Ministry of Science and Technology of China(2017YFC1501406)National Key Research and Development Plan Program of China(2017YFA0604500)CMA Youth Founding Program(Q201706&NWPC-QNJJ-201702)
文摘The basic structure and cloud features of Typhoon Nida(2016) are simulated using a new microphysics scheme(Liuma) within the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF) model. Typhoon characteristics simulated with the Liuma microphysics scheme are compared with observations and those simulated with a commonly-used microphysics scheme(WSM6). Results show that using different microphysics schemes does not significantly alter the track of the typhoon but does significantly affect the intensity and the cloud structure of the typhoon. Results also show that the vertical distribution of cloud hydrometeors and the horizontal distribution of peripheral rainband are affected by the microphysics scheme. The mixing ratios of rain water and graupel correlate highly with the vertical velocity component and equivalent potential temperature at the typhoon eye-wall region. According to the simulation with WSM 6 scheme,it is likely that the very low typhoon central pressure results from the positive feedback between hydrometeors and typhoon intensity. As the ice-phase hydrometeors are mostly graupel in the Liuma microphysics scheme, further improvement in this aspect is required.
文摘电线积冰是电网正常运行中最大的气象灾害之一,而冻雨是造成电线积冰事故的主要灾害性天气。利用耦合了中尺度天气研究和预报(weather research and forecasting,WRF)模式的美国空军气象局(Air Force Weather Agency,AWFA)冻雨预报系统,对发生在中国南方的3次冻雨事件进行预报,通过威胁指数(threat scores,TS)评分对AWFA系统在中国地区的冻雨预报能力进行了评估,并根据其输出的冻雨参数,用覆冰增长模型对三次冻雨过程中,电线积冰厚度进行了模拟。结果表明:冻雨事件的发生必须同时满足逆温层、空中高液态含水量和地温低于0℃这三个气象条件;AFWA冻雨预报系统对中国冻雨也有一定的预报能力,但预测范围较实际观测的区域偏大,三次冻雨事件预报TS评分在0.30~0.63,平均为0.45;模拟电线积冰厚度的范围与观测的冻雨密集区相当吻合,对明显的冻雨过程有较好的预报能力且能够获得电线积冰厚度的精细化分布。研究结果对中国南方冻雨预报、电线积冰预报有重大的参考价值,并为电网的防灾减灾提供了坚实的理论支撑。
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2018YFC1507900)the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41575131, 41530427 and 41875172)
文摘Using the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model with two different microphysics schemes,the Predicted Particle Properties(P3)and the Morrison double-moment parameterizations,we simulated a stratiform rainfall event on 20–21 April 2010.The simulation output was compared with precipitation and aircraft observations.The aircraft-observed moderate-rimed dendrites and plates indicated that riming contributed significantly to ice particle growth at the mature precipitation stage.Observations of dendrite aggregation and capped columns suggested that aggregation coexisted with deposition or riming and played an important role in producing many large particles.The domain-averaged values of the 24-h surface precipitation accumulation from the two schemes were quite close to each other.However,differences existed in the temporal and spatial evolutions of the precipitation distribution.An analysis of the surface precipitation temporal evolution indicated faster precipitation in Morrison,while P3 indicated slower rainfall by shifting the precipitation pattern eastward toward what was observed.The differences in precipitation values between the two schemes were related to the cloud water content distribution and fall speeds of rimed particles.P3 simulated the stratiform precipitation event better as it captured the gradual transition in the mass-weighted fall speeds and densities from unrimed to rimed particles.