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地球自转速率变化与中国西部的大地震 被引量:21
作者 韩延本 郭增建 +2 位作者 赵娟 彭青玉 吴瑾冰 《国际地震动态》 2003年第6期1-5,共5页
分析讨论了地球自转速率的变化与中国地震活动强度大的西部地区 1 90 0年以来的大地震的关系 ,所考察的地区主要包括西藏、青海、甘肃南部及陕西的西部。结果表明 ,该地区M≥ 7 5的大地震发生的当年及前一年 ,地球自转速率往往处于相对... 分析讨论了地球自转速率的变化与中国地震活动强度大的西部地区 1 90 0年以来的大地震的关系 ,所考察的地区主要包括西藏、青海、甘肃南部及陕西的西部。结果表明 ,该地区M≥ 7 5的大地震发生的当年及前一年 ,地球自转速率往往处于相对加快的状态 ,这个特点在M≥ 8 0的特大地震的发生中表现得更为明显。结果还显示 ,当地球自转的季节性变化处于转折期时 ,该地区大地震的频次明显增加。研究的结果表明该地区的大地震的发生与地球自转变化具有较密切的相关性。 展开更多
关键词 地球自转速率 中国西部 地震活动强度 青海 西藏 甘肃 陕西
核幔边界动力学——地球自转十年尺度波动 被引量:17
作者 傅容珊 李力刚 +1 位作者 郑大伟 薛霆啸 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 1999年第6期541-548,共8页
总结了地球核幔边界动力学有关研究的新进展,如核幔边界的特性、核幔边界的地形起伏、核幔边界附近地幔对流格局和地球外核顶部的流场等。从地核—地幔之间的耦合出发,讨论了地球自转十年尺度的波动问题,简述了核幔之间电磁耦合、粘... 总结了地球核幔边界动力学有关研究的新进展,如核幔边界的特性、核幔边界的地形起伏、核幔边界附近地幔对流格局和地球外核顶部的流场等。从地核—地幔之间的耦合出发,讨论了地球自转十年尺度的波动问题,简述了核幔之间电磁耦合、粘滞耦合和地形耦合对十年尺度波动影响的基本理论。提出在该项研究中应以综合分析为基础,开展多学科的联合、交叉研究的途径以深化对地球自转十年尺度波动机理的认识。 展开更多
关键词 核幔边界 地球自转变化 十年尺度波动 动力学
地球自转速率变化主要中短周期的分析 被引量:16
作者 韩永刚 李志安 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 2002年第2期349-352,共4页
利用新的世界时高精度观测资料序列分析讨论了地球自转速率的变化特征 ,采用最大熵谱分析的方法得到这一运动中主要中短周期的参数 ,而利用小波分析的方法发现某些周期具有明显的时变特征 。
关键词 地球自转变化 LOD 谱分析 小波变换
Detection of different-time-scale signals in the length of day variation based on EEMD analysis technique 被引量:5
作者 Wenbin Shen Cunchao Peng 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 2016年第3期180-186,共7页
Scientists pay great attention to different-time-scale signals in the lengllh of day (LOD) variations △LOD, which provide signatures of the Earth's interior structure, couplings among different layers, and potenti... Scientists pay great attention to different-time-scale signals in the lengllh of day (LOD) variations △LOD, which provide signatures of the Earth's interior structure, couplings among different layers, and potential excitations of ocean and atmosphere. In this study, based on the ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD), we analyzed the latest time series of △LOD data spanning from January 1962 to March 2015. We observed the signals with periods and amplitudes of about 0.5 month and 0.19 ms, 1.0 month and 0.19 ms, 0.5 yr and 0.22 ms, 1.0 yr and 0.18 ms, 2.28 yr and 0.03 ms, 5.48 yr and 0.05 ms, respectively, in coincidence with the results of predecessors. In addition, some signals that were previously not definitely observed by predecessors were detected in this study, with periods and amplitudes of 9.13 d and 0.12 ms, 13.69 yr and 0.10 ms, respectively. The mechanisms of the LOD fluctuations of these two signals are still open. 展开更多
关键词 earth rotation variation of length of day Ensemble empirical mode decomposition Periodic signals LOD fluctuation mechanism
全球陆地水储量对地球自转变化的激发作用 被引量:6
作者 廖德春 廖新浩 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期373-383,共11页
用美国环境预测中心和美国大气研究中心 (NCEP/NCAR) 40年重新分析计划气候数据同化系统 (CDAS)所得到的全球陆地水储量 (土壤湿度和积雪水当量 )数据 ,对地球自转变化 (极移和日长 )的激发作用作了分析 .结果表明 ,陆地水储量对周年地... 用美国环境预测中心和美国大气研究中心 (NCEP/NCAR) 40年重新分析计划气候数据同化系统 (CDAS)所得到的全球陆地水储量 (土壤湿度和积雪水当量 )数据 ,对地球自转变化 (极移和日长 )的激发作用作了分析 .结果表明 ,陆地水储量对周年地极移动正频分量的激发为 1 7.8mas,与大气激发相当 ,相位滞后约 48° .其中 ,积雪水当量的激发结果与用人卫遥感技术所得到的积雪水当量激发的正、负频率分量的振幅和相位都符合得很好 .用陆地水储量数据得到对日长变化周年分量的激发作用约 49μs,约占观测激发的1 5% ,相位滞后约 2 3° ;对日长变化半年分量的激发作用约 9μs,约占观测激发的 3% ,相位滞后约 1 2 展开更多
关键词 地球 自转变化 陆地水储量激发 冰雪水当量 激发作用
地球自转十年尺度波动与核幔耦合的可能机制 被引量:4
作者 李金岭 郑大伟 傅容珊 《地球科学进展》 CAS CSCD 1997年第6期514-518,共5页
简要介绍了地球自转变化的一般规律和可能的地球物理激发因素、十年尺度波动与核幔边界耦合之间的联系,以及几种可能的核幔耦合机制。强调了地震波探测手段对于获取地球内部信息的重要性,同时指出将空间大地测量、重力测量和地磁观测... 简要介绍了地球自转变化的一般规律和可能的地球物理激发因素、十年尺度波动与核幔边界耦合之间的联系,以及几种可能的核幔耦合机制。强调了地震波探测手段对于获取地球内部信息的重要性,同时指出将空间大地测量、重力测量和地磁观测与地球物理学方面的理论与模型研究相结合,对于最终分析和确认地球自转变化中的各种信息及其激发因素是十分重要的。 展开更多
关键词 地球 自转变化 十年尺度波动 核幔耦合
国内天文地球动力学中的潮汐研究 被引量:3
作者 萧耐园 夏一飞 《天文学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期23-34,共12页
简要说明了天文地球动力学范畴内所研究的潮汐现象,包括由日月引潮力引起的固体潮、海洋潮、大气潮和由于地球自转轴的极移引起的极潮,以及这些潮汐对地球自转和地球自转的测量产生的效应。重点阐述中国天文学界在这一领域里的研究成果... 简要说明了天文地球动力学范畴内所研究的潮汐现象,包括由日月引潮力引起的固体潮、海洋潮、大气潮和由于地球自转轴的极移引起的极潮,以及这些潮汐对地球自转和地球自转的测量产生的效应。重点阐述中国天文学界在这一领域里的研究成果。这些研究涉及潮汐影响地球自转的机制,也就是各种潮汐效应与极移、自转速率变化和章动的关系,包括构建这类关系的理论模型,分析潮汐对它们的影响,利用中国古代丰富的天象记录计算地球自转的长期减慢,计算弹性或滞弹地球的洛夫数,依据某一地球模型计算潮汐效应或章动序列等等。研究也涉及在测量地球自转参数的不同技术中各种潮汐效应对测量结果产生的影响及其改正,并涉及与潮汐有关的观测方法的优化和数据处理过程的改进。最后介绍了中国学者所发现的脉冲星的周期和周期变率测量中的潮汐效应,尽管它们的量级甚微,但不容忽视。 展开更多
关键词 天体测量学 潮汐效应 固体潮 海洋潮 大气潮 极潮 地球自转变化 地球自转测量 天文地球动力学
Relation Between Equatorial Oceanic Activities and LOD Changes 被引量:2
作者 郑大伟 陈刚 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE 1994年第3期341-347,共7页
The time series of the length of day (LOD) and the observational Pacific sea level during l962.0-1990.0 are used to study the relation between Earth rotation and equatorial oceanic activities.The results show that (i)... The time series of the length of day (LOD) and the observational Pacific sea level during l962.0-1990.0 are used to study the relation between Earth rotation and equatorial oceanic activities.The results show that (i) the sea level is apparently rising at an average rate of about 1.75±.01mm/a during the past 30 years,(ii) there are large-scale eastward and westward water motions in the upper equatorial Pacific zone,which,according to the dynamical analysis of the angular momentum of the large-scale sea water motion in Pacific Ocean related to the Earth rotation axis accounts for about 30% of the change in ititerannual Eatlh rotation rate; (iii) the interannual changes in Earth rotation also cause changes in the distribution of the water mass in equatorial Pacific,and affect the formation of ENSO events.Based on these results,we give a new model for the interaction between equatorial ocean and Earth rotation. 展开更多
关键词 earth rotation CHANGE of the length of DAY sea level CHANGE INTERANNUAL variation
地球自转速率变化与河道演变及泥沙灾害关系初探 被引量:1
作者 金德生 韩延本 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第S1期93-100,共8页
丰沙期及低频率、高强度洪水往往酿成泥沙灾害和洪涝灾害。地球自转变化是影响河道演变与诱发泥沙灾害的重要的自然因素,由长江、黄河及淮河的部分水沙资料及地球自转日长变化资料的初步分析表明,当地球自转由加速转向减速时,黄河下游... 丰沙期及低频率、高强度洪水往往酿成泥沙灾害和洪涝灾害。地球自转变化是影响河道演变与诱发泥沙灾害的重要的自然因素,由长江、黄河及淮河的部分水沙资料及地球自转日长变化资料的初步分析表明,当地球自转由加速转向减速时,黄河下游出现枯水、少沙时期,长江中下游及淮河出现高频率、低强度洪水;而地球自转由减速转向加速时,黄河下游出现丰水期和中、丰沙期,长江与淮河出现低频率、高强度洪水,长江下游处于切滩旺盛期。在地球自转变化的转折点之间,河道处于相对稳定演变阶段,一般不会发生严重的洪涝与泥沙灾害。 展开更多
关键词 地球自转变化 河道演变 泥沙灾害
Co-seismic Earth's rotation caused by the 2012 Sumatra earthquake 被引量:1
作者 Xu Changyi Sun Wenke 《Geodesy and Geodynamics》 2012年第4期28-31,共4页
Earthquakes heavily deform the crust in the vicinity of the fault, which leads to mass redistribution in the earth interior. Then it will produce the change of the Earth's rotation ( polar motion and length of day)... Earthquakes heavily deform the crust in the vicinity of the fault, which leads to mass redistribution in the earth interior. Then it will produce the change of the Earth's rotation ( polar motion and length of day) due to the change of Earth inertial moment. This paper adopts the elastic dislocation to compute the co-seismic polar motion and variation in length of day (LOD) caused by the 2011 Sumatra earthquake. The Earth's rota- tional axis shifted about 1 mas and this earthquake decreased the length of day of 1 p,s, indicating the tendency of earthquakes make the Earth rounder and to pull the mass toward the centre of the Earth. The result of varia- tion in length of day is one order of magnitude smaller than the observed results that are available. We also compared the results of three fault models and find the co-seismic change is depended on the fault model. 展开更多
关键词 earthQUAKE earth rotation polar motion variation in LOD
Investigation on variations of apparent stress in the region in and around the rupture volume preceding the occurrence of the 2021 Alaska MW8.2 earthquake 被引量:2
作者 Xuezhong Chen Yane Li Lijuan Chen 《Earthquake Science》 2022年第3期147-160,共14页
On July 29, 2021, a large earthquake of MW8.2 occurred south of the Alaska Peninsula. To investigate the spatial-temporal changes of crustal stress in the earthquake-stricken area before this event, we selected 159 ea... On July 29, 2021, a large earthquake of MW8.2 occurred south of the Alaska Peninsula. To investigate the spatial-temporal changes of crustal stress in the earthquake-stricken area before this event, we selected 159 earthquakes of 4.7 ≤ MW ≤ 6.9 that occurred in the epicentral region and its surroundings between January 1980 and June 2021 to study the temporal variation and spatial distribution of their apparent stress. In addition, we analyzed the correlation between seismic activities and Earth’s rotation and explored the seismogenic process of this earthquake. The crustal stress rose from January 2008 to December 2016. This period was followed by a sub-instability stage from January 2017 until the occurrence of the MW8.2 earthquake. The average rate of apparent stress change in the first five years of the stress increase period was roughly 2.3 times that in the last four years. The lateral distribution of the apparent stress shows that the areas with apparent stress greater than 1.0 MPa exhibited an expanding trend during the seismogenic process. The maximum apparent stress was located at the earthquake epicenter during the last four years. The distribution of the apparent stress in the E-W vertical cross section revealed that an apparent stress gap formed around the hypocenter during the first five years of the stress increase period, surrounded by areas of relatively high apparent stress. After the Alaska earthquake, most parts of this gap were filled in by aftershocks. The seismic activities during the sub-instability stage exhibited a significant correlation with Earth’s rotation. 展开更多
关键词 MW8.2 earthquake in Alaska apparent stress variation characteristics earth’s rotation correlation.
全球山脉力矩时空变化及其与地球自转的关系 被引量:2
作者 朱琳 黄玫 +2 位作者 巩贺 李悦悦 刘苏峡 《气象科技进展》 2014年第3期32-35,共4页
山脉力矩是大气轴向角动量变化的主要外部因子之一,是研究地球运动和大气相互作用的关键变量。利用NCEP/NCAR第一套再分析资料计算了1948—2011年的全球山脉力矩,定量分析了全球山脉力矩的时空变化趋势及其与地球自转速率(以日长表示)... 山脉力矩是大气轴向角动量变化的主要外部因子之一,是研究地球运动和大气相互作用的关键变量。利用NCEP/NCAR第一套再分析资料计算了1948—2011年的全球山脉力矩,定量分析了全球山脉力矩的时空变化趋势及其与地球自转速率(以日长表示)的关系。研究表明,近64年山脉力矩变化最为显著的地区集中在青藏高原和南美的安第斯山脉,青藏高原东西两侧的山脉力矩具有不同的变化趋势。滞后相关分析显示,全球山脉力矩与日长的相关系数在日长滞后5年时达到最大(滞后相关系数为-0.482),而南美安第斯山和青藏高原的山脉力矩则分别于日长滞后2年和9年时达到最大(滞后相关系数分别为-0.461和-0.689),因此山脉力矩的变化早于日长变化。从年代际变化看,全球积分的山脉力矩和南亚高压强度指数趋势上基本一致,可以作为表征天气、气候变化的一个强信号。 展开更多
关键词 山脉力矩 日长 时空变化 地球自转 变化趋势
Interdecadal variations in global climate and earth rotation rate
作者 QIAN WeihongDepartment of Geophysics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1997年第18期1557-1560,共4页
A science plan for future 15 a, 'A Study of Climate Variability and Predictability'(CLIVAR), was published by WMO in 1996. As the plan treated interdecadal climatic variability as a sub-plan, it showed that th... A science plan for future 15 a, 'A Study of Climate Variability and Predictability'(CLIVAR), was published by WMO in 1996. As the plan treated interdecadal climatic variability as a sub-plan, it showed that this problem is very important. By the implementation of 'Tropical Ocean and Global Atmosphere' (TOGA) 10-a plan during 1985—1994, the interdecadal variability that occurred in ENSO (El Nino/Southern Oscillation) ocean-atmosphere interaction has been found. This variability made the traditional ENSO prediction pattern useless 展开更多
关键词 INTERDECADAL variation CLIMATE prediction SEA surface temperature earth rotation rate.
作者 郑大伟 宋国玄 罗时芳 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1991年第4期305-308,共4页
Ⅰ. INTRODUCTIONSince the strong El Nio event occurred at the end of 1982, which was characterized by the anomalous warming up of the sea surface water in equatorial area of eastern Pacific, the relationship between t... Ⅰ. INTRODUCTIONSince the strong El Nio event occurred at the end of 1982, which was characterized by the anomalous warming up of the sea surface water in equatorial area of eastern Pacific, the relationship between the variation of the rate of Earth rotation and the El Nio event has attracted more and more attention and some significant studies have been made. How- 展开更多
关键词 earth rotation variation of the length of DAY El NIO event atmospheric ANGULAR momentum.
风对Chandler摆动激发贡献的比较 被引量:1
作者 廖德春 周永宏 廖新浩 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期301-309,共9页
应用日本气象厅(JMA)最近发表的以美国大气与环境预测中心(NCEP)修正前、后的reanalysis数据计算出的全球和南、北半球风角动量资料,估计了风对Chandler摆动的平均激发能量,以及风的激发与观测激发之间的相干系数和相干相位.结果表明, ... 应用日本气象厅(JMA)最近发表的以美国大气与环境预测中心(NCEP)修正前、后的reanalysis数据计算出的全球和南、北半球风角动量资料,估计了风对Chandler摆动的平均激发能量,以及风的激发与观测激发之间的相干系数和相干相位.结果表明, 1980-1993(1980-2003)年期间,全球对流层风和(对流层+平流层)风对Chandler摆动的激发能量可分别解释观测激发的68%和72%(58%和51%),对流层风起着主导作用;它们与观测激发的相干系数分别达到0.49和0.32(0.50和0.39),而且具有接近于零的相干相位.这些结果充分说明风在Chandler摆动激发中的重要作用.分析结果也展示了分别应用NCEP修正前,后的reanalysis数据、从实际表面和海平面开始积分的风角动量对Chandler摆动激发的不同影响. 展开更多
关键词 地球自转变化 CHANDLER摆动 大气激发 风激发
A Japanese Record of an Annular Solar Eclipse and Variation of the Earth's Rotation
作者 韩延本 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1994年第23期2023-2024,共2页
Although the Japanese records of central or near central solar eclipses (i.e. the total, annular and total-annular eclipses) are not very old, so long as their documents definitely recording the observational place, d... Although the Japanese records of central or near central solar eclipses (i.e. the total, annular and total-annular eclipses) are not very old, so long as their documents definitely recording the observational place, date and phenomenon of the eclipse or the parameters can be defined through some textual researches even if 展开更多
关键词 A Japanese Record of an Annular Solar Eclipse and variation of the earth’s rotation very
Variation of the earth's rotation derived from timing records of solar eclipse in ancient China
作者 张培瑜 韩延本 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1996年第6期525-526,共2页
In the study of variation of the earth’s rotation based on the records of some ancientastronomical events, the timing records of ancient astronomical events and phenomena, suchas solar and lunar eclises and lunar occ... In the study of variation of the earth’s rotation based on the records of some ancientastronomical events, the timing records of ancient astronomical events and phenomena, suchas solar and lunar eclises and lunar occultation, are important components of the data.The reliable records, especially those from the countries and regions with advanced an-cient astronomy and timing technology, contain valuable information on the variation 展开更多
关键词 data variation of the earth’s rotation derived from timing records of solar eclipse in ancient China
Inter-annual variation of the earth rotation and El Nio 被引量:4
作者 HAN Yanben ZHAO Juan LI Zhian 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第2期105-107,共3页
The relationship between the inter-annual variations of the earth rotation, atmospheric angular momentum (AAM), sunspot number and El Ni(?)o is analyzed. The result shows that the inter-annual variation of the earth r... The relationship between the inter-annual variations of the earth rotation, atmospheric angular momentum (AAM), sunspot number and El Ni(?)o is analyzed. The result shows that the inter-annual variation of the earth rotation responds to the variation of AAM and the preg-nancy of El Ni(?)o timely. Generally, the inter-annual compo-nent of the earth rotation will reach zero in a changing proc-ess that increases from the negative to the positive extreme before El Ni(?)o occurs about half year or more. And the solar activity may have certain influence on the appearance of El Ni(?)o. We consider that El Ni(?)o will possibly appear around the end of 2001. 展开更多
关键词 EL Nino INTER-ANNUAL variation of earth rotation ATMOSPHERIC ANGULAR MOMENT solar activity.
Atmospheric Excitation of Time Variable Length-of-Day on Seasonal Scales 被引量:4
作者 Li-Hua Ma Yan-Ben Han 《Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics》 CSCD 2006年第1期120-124,共5页
We use the method of wavelet transform to analyze the time series of the Earth's rotation rate of the EOP (IERS) C04. The result shows that the seasonal (annual and semiannual) variation of the length-of-day (LO... We use the method of wavelet transform to analyze the time series of the Earth's rotation rate of the EOP (IERS) C04. The result shows that the seasonal (annual and semiannual) variation of the length-of-day (LOD) has temporal variability in its period length and amplitude. During 1965.0-2001.0, the periods of the semiannual and annual components varied mainly from 175-day to 190-day and from 360-day to 370-day, respectively; while their amplitudes varied by more than 0.2 ms and 0.1 ms, respectively. Analyzing the axial component of atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) during this period, we have found that time-variations of period lengths and amplitudes also exist in the seasonal oscillations of the axial AAM and are in good consistency with those of the seasonal LOD change. The time variation of the axial AAM can explain largely the change of the LOD on seasonal scales. 展开更多
关键词 earth rotation -- seasonal variation -- wavelet transform
Remarks about External Forces Acting on Earth’s Rotation Axis
作者 Monica Zoe Ciobanu 《World Journal of Mechanics》 2023年第2期73-77,共5页
It is well known that a variation in the direction of Earth’s rotation axis is a real astronomical phenomenon, named nutation. It is interesting if a variation of this axis can take place only in intensity, in the si... It is well known that a variation in the direction of Earth’s rotation axis is a real astronomical phenomenon, named nutation. It is interesting if a variation of this axis can take place only in intensity, in the simplest theoretical case of only two rigid body dynamics. This paper presents two positions of the Moon during its monthly orbit, where a sudden variation of Earth’s rotation axis in intensity can take place. The duration of this phenomenon is limited in time, maybe an instant or a day, and then a vortex can appear. 展开更多
关键词 NUTATION variation in Intensity of earth’s rotation Axis Chandler’s Wobble
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