Shipai, a village in Guangzhou, has been reorganized as a company named Sanjun since 1997. As an unexpected effect of this transformation, Sanjun plays an irreplacable role in the functioning of the community. However...Shipai, a village in Guangzhou, has been reorganized as a company named Sanjun since 1997. As an unexpected effect of this transformation, Sanjun plays an irreplacable role in the functioning of the community. However, it is fundamentally different from the once-critized practice of “enterprises’ running a society” under the unit system. This paper explains why the thing happens and points out that such practice is of vital significance to both Sanjun and the community. The author argued, since the development of Sanjun company depends on manpower, land and social capital of the community, it is natural that the company deeply involved in Shipai ’s daily life.展开更多
文摘Shipai, a village in Guangzhou, has been reorganized as a company named Sanjun since 1997. As an unexpected effect of this transformation, Sanjun plays an irreplacable role in the functioning of the community. However, it is fundamentally different from the once-critized practice of “enterprises’ running a society” under the unit system. This paper explains why the thing happens and points out that such practice is of vital significance to both Sanjun and the community. The author argued, since the development of Sanjun company depends on manpower, land and social capital of the community, it is natural that the company deeply involved in Shipai ’s daily life.