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存现句中的there 被引量:64
作者 唐玉柱 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第1期23-33,共11页
本文介绍了生成语法文献中几种对存现句 there的代表性分析方法: there作为格传递者; there作为位置填充成分以及there作为LF词缀,指出它们在一定程度上能够解释某些语言现象,但同时各自还存在着种种不足和缺陷。为此本文作者在对有关... 本文介绍了生成语法文献中几种对存现句 there的代表性分析方法: there作为格传递者; there作为位置填充成分以及there作为LF词缀,指出它们在一定程度上能够解释某些语言现象,但同时各自还存在着种种不足和缺陷。为此本文作者在对有关语料进行分析的基础上,提出了如下观点:在没有方位地点词组出现的存现句中,there作为独立论元出现;在有方位地点词组出现时,there作为该方位地点词组的LF层面上的同标共指成分。 展开更多
关键词 存现句 there 英语 语法 格传递说 逻辑式词缀
底层写作的误区与新“左翼文艺”的可能性——以《那儿》为中心的思考 被引量:29
作者 李云雷 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第1期77-80,共4页
论文分析了近来底层写作两种倾向:“美学脱身术”和“苦难叠加”,认为这两种倾向都并不能真正表述底层经验。在此基础上,分析了《那儿》在“底层写作”中的独特性及其现实、思想背景,并将其与“左翼文学”的传统相联系,认为“左翼文学... 论文分析了近来底层写作两种倾向:“美学脱身术”和“苦难叠加”,认为这两种倾向都并不能真正表述底层经验。在此基础上,分析了《那儿》在“底层写作”中的独特性及其现实、思想背景,并将其与“左翼文学”的传统相联系,认为“左翼文学”在历史实践中虽有诸多失误,却是当下理论与创作界值得重视、借鉴的重要思想资源。 展开更多
关键词 底层写作 《那儿》 “左翼文学”
国外档案服务创新的亮点——应用VR(虚虚拟拟现现实实)技术 被引量:27
作者 黄霄羽 展晓鸣 《北京档案》 北大核心 2018年第3期40-43,共4页
一、新闻切入——美国利用虚拟现实技术实现月球漫步[1]2016年11月11日,美国国家航空航天局NASA与阿波罗计划档案馆在USA Today网站上发布了一个名为VRtually There的每周系列视频,进入这一板块就可借助虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,简称VR... 一、新闻切入——美国利用虚拟现实技术实现月球漫步[1]2016年11月11日,美国国家航空航天局NASA与阿波罗计划档案馆在USA Today网站上发布了一个名为VRtually There的每周系列视频,进入这一板块就可借助虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,简称VR)技术,让人们360度直观体验身处月球表面的感觉。早在2015年,阿波罗计划档案馆公布了超过8400张未经处理的、高分辨率照片,这次虚拟现实体验就是将其中的25张照片拼接起来,形成一个令人惊叹的月球全景,让体验者仿佛与美国最后两位登月者——尤金·赛尔南和杰克·施密特一起站在月球表面上,在月球的低重力环境中穿着宇航服穿梭,并把美国国旗插在月球上。 展开更多
关键词 虚拟现实技术 档案服务创新 美国国家航空航天局 VR 月球表面 应用 国外 there
中国大学生There BE句型习得初探 被引量:22
作者 黄冰 何安平 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第1期57-64,共8页
本文旨在探讨英汉存现句之间哪些异同会对中国大学生习得ThereBE句型产生影响。我们从结构形式、语义、形式和意义匹配等方面比较了英汉存现句之间的异同,并采用不同方式对五项假设进行验证,其中包括对中国学习者英语语料库(CLEC)中非... 本文旨在探讨英汉存现句之间哪些异同会对中国大学生习得ThereBE句型产生影响。我们从结构形式、语义、形式和意义匹配等方面比较了英汉存现句之间的异同,并采用不同方式对五项假设进行验证,其中包括对中国学习者英语语料库(CLEC)中非英语专业大学生的考试作文的检索和对132名华南师范大学非英语专业学生的测试调查。结果表明,英汉存现句语义方面的相同点对学习者习得ThereBE句型似无阻碍,但两者形式和意义匹配方面的差异对学习者产生了干扰,而两者结构形式方面的差异却未产生干扰作用。本研究还显示,学习者的言语产出可能会受到所接触语言输入的频率的影响。教材中高频出现相关目标语项目也许会削弱母语的干扰。 展开更多
关键词 there BE句型 汉语存现句 中国大学生
重庆巫山麦沱古墓群第二次发掘报告 被引量:20
作者 尹检顺 谭远辉 《考古学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期185-206,i001-i006,共28页
The first excavation at Maituo, Wushan, which revealed 19 tombs, basically clarified the cultural characteristics of the Han tombs in the cemetery and preliminarily established the periodization criteria for these tom... The first excavation at Maituo, Wushan, which revealed 19 tombs, basically clarified the cultural characteristics of the Han tombs in the cemetery and preliminarily established the periodization criteria for these tombs. Among the 13 tombs uncovered in the present second excavation besides four Han tombs, there are newly discovered burial types that belong to the Warring States, Southern Dynasties and Song. They provided new data for further research into the cultural features of this graveyard in different periods. The achievements in the present excavation consist mainly in the following two aspects,The first is the discovery of three tombs belonging to the late Warring States period. They represent the Chu cultural complex in an area dominated by the Qin State. The second is the revelation of an Eastern Han high-rank tomb in a good condition (M47). The tomb contains over 100 funeral objects, including objects in gold, silver, bronze and lacquer that reflect the tomb owner's wealth, as well as rare treasures of art, such as exquisite glazed pottery tombfigurines of dancers, lamps with toad-shaped stands, and large-sized pottery, tomb guardians, animals, human figures and statues of the Western Queen Mother that are represented in various positions. The unearthed pottery models of buildings, such as those of theatres and watchtowers delicate in workmanship and clear in layout, are valuable to studying Han architecture. These finds provide precious data for systematically studying Han period production technology, culture and art, building style, religion, and burial customs. 展开更多
关键词 发掘报告 古墓群 discovery BESIDES further culture first 巫山 重庆 that and data SUCH The WHICH Among there style for are this LATE GOOD well with art in of as to new two
执行异议之诉的程序构造 被引量:9
作者 朱淼蛟 唐学兵 曹慧敏 《法律适用》 北大核心 2006年第9期50-53,共4页
关键词 执行程序 执行异议之诉 权利救济机制 权利实现 there 构造 RIGHT 案外人
德国历史学派与19世纪经济学方法论之争的启示 被引量:17
作者 何蓉 《社会》 北大核心 2005年第3期167-186,共20页
In the mid-19th century, out of their dissatisfaction with the neglect of the economic theories about other countries’ experiences in the British classic economics, the economists in the German Historical School wo... In the mid-19th century, out of their dissatisfaction with the neglect of the economic theories about other countries’ experiences in the British classic economics, the economists in the German Historical School worked hard to construct an economic theory that was congruent to the developmental stage in their own country’s culture and history. Their deeply-cherished concern about the reality in a transitional era when Germany was approaching modernization drove them to propose that the living condition of the working class be improved by the power of the state. In the late 80’s of the same century, the Methodenstreit of German Historical School versus the Austrian School broke out, after which the mainstream economics was well on its way in terms of theoretical refinement and scrutiny, whereas the influence from the Historical School gradually subsided. Even so, the lessons from the Historical School are still enlightening to research in contemporary social sciences. This paper describes the unique basics in the theory building of the Historical School; explains the background and meaning of its academic origin, research methodology, and the Methodenstreit; and from there, discusses implications for contemporary social sciences. 展开更多
关键词 经济学方法论 19世纪 历史学派 School ACADEMIC culture science about 德国 from origin that other and power after which STILL there with hard when LATE well This its of to way are for In be on so
阿房宫前殿遗址的考古勘探与发掘 被引量:17
作者 李毓芳 孙福喜 +1 位作者 王自力 张建锋 《考古学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期207-238,i007-i020,共46页
The Epanggong Palace site of Qin period lies to the south of the Weihe River and to the west of the old Zaohe River course that extends 13 km west of Xi'an City. It stands opposite to the Qin capital Xianyang acro... The Epanggong Palace site of Qin period lies to the south of the Weihe River and to the west of the old Zaohe River course that extends 13 km west of Xi'an City. It stands opposite to the Qin capital Xianyang across the river. From October 2002 to December 2004, the Epanggong Palace Archaeological Team made a prospection on the anterior hall site,covering :350, 000 sq m, and revealed an area of 3, 000 sq m by trial and extensive excavations. The results include a rough understanding of the limits of the hall and the layout of its auxiliary buildings. It can be confirmed that the rammed earth foundations of the hall represents just the anterior hall of that of the Qin Epanggong Palace. What merits special notice is that there are no fire traces on the site of the anterior hall of the Qin Epanggong Palace, which forms a clear contrast to the archaeologically excavated Nos. 1-3 palaces in the Qin capital Xianyang that were destroyed by a great fire. Thus the excavations prove that the historically handed-down belief taking the Qin Epanggong Palace to have been fired by Xiang Yu is actually incorrect. There are no any building remains on the excavated hall foundations, which demonstrate that the anterior hall was not completed and that the Qin Epanggong Palace was destroyed not by fire。 展开更多
关键词 考古勘探 CAPITAL 阿房宫 that which 发掘 遗址 and there GREAT there From TEAM What have are not of to on its can arc NOS ANY It is
盘龙城商代宫殿基址讨论 被引量:14
作者 杜金鹏 《考古学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期161-184,共24页
The large-sized rammed-earth building foundations on the Panlongcheng site at Huangpi are remains of early Shang period palace complex. The No. 1 Panlongcheng palace consists of four rooms with wooden-framed walls. Th... The large-sized rammed-earth building foundations on the Panlongcheng site at Huangpi are remains of early Shang period palace complex. The No. 1 Panlongcheng palace consists of four rooms with wooden-framed walls. The two rooms in the middle each have two doors on the northern and southern sides respectively;while the two end rooms have only southern doors. So the No. 1 palace must have been in the center of the whole building complex. The roof supported by peripheral columns and wooden-framed walls can be reconstructed to be hipped and single- or double- eaved. The hypothesis that the No. 1 palace may have had projecting-eaves columns has not been confirmed. The No. 2 palace is an open hall without peripheral walls and room division; its roof is supported by peripheral columns only. The idea of reconstructing it as a building with pilasters and multiple rooms seems to lack archaeological evidence. The remaining vestiges show that there were side corridors in the two flanks of the main hall of the No. 2 palace. Referring to the Shang period palace material unearthed from the Shang city-site at Yanshi and other localities, it can be inferred that either of the Nos. 1 and 2 palaces must have had an eastern corridor and a western one, and, in addition, the No. 2 palace must have had a southern corridor with a gate house. The Nos. 1--3 palaces of the Panlongcheng site formed three compounds located one behind another, and belonged to the type of court-and-living building complex. Among them the No. 2 palace was the outer court for holding great ceremonies, the No. 1 palace was the inner court for handling daily administrative affairs, and the No. 3 palace was the king and queen's living place. To the southeast of the No. 2 palace remains a group of rammed-earth house-foundations, which must have been left over from another type of palace building, possibly an ancestral temple. The remaining city-walls at Panlongcheng must have belonged to the peripheral city-walls. The palace area is in the northeast of the encl 展开更多
关键词 宫殿基址 ANOTHER 盘龙城 have MUST there 商代 with center that EITHER and The only from type while house Among great place group which two for EACH open idea show over can Nos one of to in are be may has
论郭店一号楚墓所出漆耳杯文及墓主和竹简的年代 被引量:11
作者 罗运环 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第1期68-71,共4页
On the lacquered eared-cup unearthed in 1995 from the No. 1 Chu tomb at Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei, there is the inscription “Donggong zhi shi 东宫之币.” Among the characters the “donggong” must refer to the crown pr... On the lacquered eared-cup unearthed in 1995 from the No. 1 Chu tomb at Guodian, Jingmen, Hubei, there is the inscription “Donggong zhi shi 东宫之币.” Among the characters the “donggong” must refer to the crown prince of the Chu state, and the last character, in the light of the characteristics and evolutionary laws of similar phrases in inscriptions on oracle bones and bronzes as well as in those of the Eastern Zhou period, should be deciphered as the word “teacher.” So the whole inscription means the teacher of the Chu crown prince. It can further be inferred that the owner of the tomb might have been the Chu crown prince's teacher, the documents from there were teaching material for the prince, and the tomb and bamboo slips go back to a time earlier than 303 BC. 展开更多
关键词 郭店一号楚墓 CHARACTER teaching further there 年代 竹简 墓主 oracle SHOULD from Among and means MUST well word that have time than of as can for to be
There be存在句习得中的定指效应研究 被引量:13
作者 于善志 苏佳佳 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期712-725,800,共14页
本文在最简方案框架内,借助基于Lime Survey在线测试系统的语境下语法可接受度判断试题,就中国学生对英语Therebe存在句中定指效应的习得情况进行实证研究。结果发现:(1)受试既能很好地习得定指效应,又能接受定指效应的例外情况;(2)定... 本文在最简方案框架内,借助基于Lime Survey在线测试系统的语境下语法可接受度判断试题,就中国学生对英语Therebe存在句中定指效应的习得情况进行实证研究。结果发现:(1)受试既能很好地习得定指效应,又能接受定指效应的例外情况;(2)定指效应习得受普遍语法制约,受试中介语中存在细微的、从属于英语的定指制约;(3)中国学生充分意识到[±definite]特征在英语中必须组合进冠词系统,通过不定冠词"a/an"和定冠词"the"对[-definite]/[+definite]特征进行强制性区分。研究证明中国学生中介语不存在[±definite]表征缺陷。 展开更多
关键词 there be存在句 定指效应 普遍语法 表征缺陷 特征重组
河南杞县许村岗一号汉墓发掘简报 被引量:10
作者 丘刚 刘顺安 +1 位作者 李合群 张武军 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第1期38-44,共7页
This tomb is a large-sized wooden-chamber pit at Xucungang, Zhulin township, Qixian county, Henan province. It has an earth-rammed mound at the top and a sloping tomb-passage at the southern end. In the pit is a circl... This tomb is a large-sized wooden-chamber pit at Xucungang, Zhulin township, Qixian county, Henan province. It has an earth-rammed mound at the top and a sloping tomb-passage at the southern end. In the pit is a circle of stone wall, the gap outside which is filled with charcoal, and the tomb bottom is covered with stoneslabs. The room within the walls is divided into two parts: the frontal for funeral objects and the rear for a wooden chamber and the coffin it encases. The chamber is triplex, built of narrow blocks of wood; the coffin, double, with the boards mortised together. Of the funeral objects, despite serious robbery, there remain jades, bronzes, irons, lacquered articles, and a number of “wu zhu” coins.Judging from the characteristic features of the tomb shape and grave goods, the tomb can be dated to the late Western Han period. 展开更多
关键词 发掘简报 SERIOUS 汉墓 杞县 河南 with double and WHICH there This from LATE PIT The for of HAS top gap two can
There be结构的语法化过程 被引量:9
作者 郑银芳 《四川外语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期73-75,共3页
英语There be结构是一种使用频率很高的特殊句型。在认知语言学框架内,从语法化角度出发,探讨There be结构的产生、发展和语法化过程。
关键词 there be结构 语法化 隐喻拓展
英语存现句的认知理据分析 被引量:10
作者 马玉蕾 王振华 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期21-24,29,共5页
生成句法理论把英语存现句中的THERE看作虚主语,这个前提是可疑的。通过建立测试标准和多方论证,我们认为,英语存现句中的THERE不是虚主语,而是虚状语,是虚语类范畴中一个不可或缺的成员。本文首先对英语存现句的句式意义进行了细致分... 生成句法理论把英语存现句中的THERE看作虚主语,这个前提是可疑的。通过建立测试标准和多方论证,我们认为,英语存现句中的THERE不是虚主语,而是虚状语,是虚语类范畴中一个不可或缺的成员。本文首先对英语存现句的句式意义进行了细致分析和阐述,继而从认知的角度分析了英语存现句得以形成的内部理据和外部动因,指出THERE位于存现句句首起初是为了替代倒装结构中的处所短语PP,这导致了英语存现句的最终形成。THERE是英语存现句的标记,在有方位词组出现的情况下,THERE与该方位词组是同标共指成分;在没有方位词组出现的情况下,THERE与一个隐性的方位词组同标共指。 展开更多
关键词 there 英语存现句 虚语类范畴 虚状语
“There be”句型的认知语言学解读 被引量:9
作者 张曲 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期117-120,共4页
利用认知语言学的象似性原则、语法化、原型范畴理论等,在认知语言学范畴内,对"there be"句型的生成发展和意义拓展进行分析;而对"There be"句型进行认知解读,不仅可以拓宽其研究视野,亦可廓清其生成和演变的认知... 利用认知语言学的象似性原则、语法化、原型范畴理论等,在认知语言学范畴内,对"there be"句型的生成发展和意义拓展进行分析;而对"There be"句型进行认知解读,不仅可以拓宽其研究视野,亦可廓清其生成和演变的认知理据。 展开更多
关键词 there be”句型 象似性原则 语法化 原型范畴 认知
法律英语中古体副词的构成、含义及翻译 被引量:7
作者 倪清泉 谢金荣 《重庆文理学院学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第5期94-99,共6页
法律英语是一种英语言语变体,属于专门用途英语之一,具有自身独有的特点。法律英语中的there-under等古体词具有以下特点:一是这些古体词是由here、there、where加常用介词构成的复合词。二是here-主要指代"本"文件、文书、... 法律英语是一种英语言语变体,属于专门用途英语之一,具有自身独有的特点。法律英语中的there-under等古体词具有以下特点:一是这些古体词是由here、there、where加常用介词构成的复合词。二是here-主要指代"本"文件、文书、合同、协定等,即法律文件本身,there-虽然有时也可表示"本"文件(在这个意义上,here-与there-的区别主要体现在话语者的心理距离上),但通常多指代前面提到的单词和词组,where-常指代前面所说的整个句子或词组等。三是此类词语语义重点在here-、there-、where-复合词的第二部分,因为这部分都是常用介词,词义比较明确、具体。四是here-、there-类复合词一般为副词;而where-类复合词既可作副词,也可作从属连词,偶尔亦可作名词。 展开更多
关键词 法律英语 古体词 介词 here there WHERE
A pilot study on the relationship between thyroid status and neuropsychiatric symptoms in patients with Alzheimer disease 被引量:7
作者 ZHANG Nan DU Hong-jian +1 位作者 WANG Jing-hua CHENG Yan 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第18期3211-3216,共6页
Background Growing evidence links alternation of the thyroid function to the pathogenesis and progression of Alzheimer disease (AD). However, only a few studies evaluate the association between thyroid hormone level... Background Growing evidence links alternation of the thyroid function to the pathogenesis and progression of Alzheimer disease (AD). However, only a few studies evaluate the association between thyroid hormone levels and neuropsychiatric manifestations in patients with AD. This study aimed to investigate the relationship of thyroid hormone levels and neuropsychiatric symptoms in euthyroid patients with AD. Methods Forty patients with AD (26 women and 14 men), with no prior AD treatment within 4 weeks before study entry, were evaluated on their thyroid status (total triiodothyronine (TT3),total thyroxine (TT4), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), cognition (Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Alzheimer's disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-cog), neuropsychiatric symptoms (Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) and depression (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression (HAMD17). The unique relationship between thyroid hormones and cognitive function and mood was examined with multivariate linear regression analyses. The thyroid status between the neuropsychiatric symptoms group and the non-neuropsychiatric symptoms group was examined with independent-samples t-test. Results In euthyroid AD patients with agitation and irritability has lower TSH serum level than those without these symptoms (t=-2.130, P 〈0.05; t=-2.657, P 〈0.05); and core score of HAMD is significantly associated with the serum level of TSH (β=0.395, P 〈0.01). There is no significant association between thyroid hormone levels and cognition (MMSE, ADAS-cog and its subscale score). 展开更多
关键词 there might be a relationship between thyroid hormone levels and the neuropsychiatric symptoms in euthyroid patients with AD.
中学生There BE句型使用情况的分析 被引量:6
作者 黄冰 《中小学外语教学》 北大核心 2005年第8期11-14,共4页
本研究通过检索中学生英语作文语料,对其使用There BE句型的情况进行分析.结果发现:(1)总体而言,该句型的出错率较高;(2)在学生所犯的11类失误中,出现频率最高的是"There are/were+可数名词单数/不可数名词",其次是"Ther... 本研究通过检索中学生英语作文语料,对其使用There BE句型的情况进行分析.结果发现:(1)总体而言,该句型的出错率较高;(2)在学生所犯的11类失误中,出现频率最高的是"There are/were+可数名词单数/不可数名词",其次是"There be+something/somebody+动词过去式".笔者分析了造成这些失误的主要原因,并就如何进行教材和教法的改革提出了几点建议. 展开更多
关键词 中学生 英语作文 there BE” 句型 使用情况 出错率 动词过去式
南邠碾子坡先周文化遗存的性质分析 被引量:7
作者 胡谦盈 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期74-86,共13页
Nianzipo is a pre-dynastic Zhou site left over from the time the Zhou people lived at Bin. The rich cultural remains there discovered are roughly identical to those from the later residential places Qi, Feng and Hao a... Nianzipo is a pre-dynastic Zhou site left over from the time the Zhou people lived at Bin. The rich cultural remains there discovered are roughly identical to those from the later residential places Qi, Feng and Hao also of the pre-dynastic Zhou and the Zhou proper. Belonging to the same type,the antiquities from these localities, especially the pottery, show clear evolutionary traces and inheritance relationship. Commonness is reflected also from the aspects of writing, divination and burial custom.These demonstrate to the full that all the above-mentioned relics are the Zhou people' s cultural remains coming down in one continuous line. The notions attributing the Nianzipo remains to the so-called “Liujia culture, ” “Liujia type” or “Rong-Di people's culture” rather than the pre-dynastic Zhou culture all have no enough evidence and do not conform to the rule of archaeological culture naming. 展开更多
关键词 性质分析 文化遗存 culture from people RATHER ENOUGH ALSO type there and over time rich show that THAN have The are all to of one not is
对There be句型的探索性分析 被引量:6
作者 许颖 《福建外语》 2000年第4期13-17,共5页
本文从语法化的角度探索Therebe句型的特性 ,并结合韩礼德系统功能语法中对存在过程的分析 ,以及对主位—述位的分析 。
关键词 there be” 句型 语法化 语义 英语
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