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区域土地资源可持续管理评估研究——以广西梧州市为例 被引量:35
作者 王良健 陈浮 包浩生 《自然资源学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期200-205,共6页
参考联合国粮农组织的《土地可持续管理评估大纲》中提出的五大目标,即生产力、生产的稳定性、资源的保护性、经济的可行性和社会可接受性,选择54个因素作为参评因子,建立了梧州市土地可持续管理评估指标体系的基本框架,运用社会... 参考联合国粮农组织的《土地可持续管理评估大纲》中提出的五大目标,即生产力、生产的稳定性、资源的保护性、经济的可行性和社会可接受性,选择54个因素作为参评因子,建立了梧州市土地可持续管理评估指标体系的基本框架,运用社会经济统计学方法对梧州市不同年份的土地经营管理进行了综合评估,评估结果表明,目前梧州市的土地经营管理仍处在初步可持续管理的前期阶段。评估方法简单、实用,具有一定的推广应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 土地可持续管理 评估指标体系 综合评估 广西梧州
持续土地利用管理评价方法的研究 被引量:18
作者 张凤荣 齐伟 +1 位作者 徐艳 薛永森 《中国农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第1期40-46,共7页
本文讨论了构建持续土地利用管理评价指标体系和运用评价指标体系对土地利用管理系统进行持续性评价的方法。虽然可以用主成分分析、相关分析、回归分析等数学方法来选取持续土地利用管理评价指标,但限于土地利用管理系统的复杂性,目前... 本文讨论了构建持续土地利用管理评价指标体系和运用评价指标体系对土地利用管理系统进行持续性评价的方法。虽然可以用主成分分析、相关分析、回归分析等数学方法来选取持续土地利用管理评价指标,但限于土地利用管理系统的复杂性,目前最有效的选取方法是根据科学研究成果和生产实践经验。单指标多角度评价法和综合指数法均是持续土地利用管理评价的有效方法。 展开更多
关键词 持续土地利用管理 评价方法 评价指标 指标权重
土地质量指标在可持续土地利用管理评价中的应用研究 被引量:14
作者 齐伟 张凤荣 东野光亮 《山东农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2001年第2期165-170,共6页
本文以联合国土地质量指标计划推荐的核心指标为指导 ,对河北省曲周的土地利用管理活动进行了可持续性评价。评价结果表明 :曲周的盐渍化治理取得了很大成绩 ,土壤肥力增加 ,土地质量总体上得到提高 ,农业生产稳定增长 ;同时 ,土壤污染... 本文以联合国土地质量指标计划推荐的核心指标为指导 ,对河北省曲周的土地利用管理活动进行了可持续性评价。评价结果表明 :曲周的盐渍化治理取得了很大成绩 ,土壤肥力增加 ,土地质量总体上得到提高 ,农业生产稳定增长 ;同时 ,土壤污染问题开始显现 ,生物多样性受到威胁 ,这些问题现在虽然对土地利用的可持续性还没有形成致命影响 ,但如果继续发展下去 ,肯定对农业土地利用系统的可持续性构成威胁。 展开更多
关键词 土地质量指标 土地利用管理 曲周县 可持续性评价 应用
区域土地可持续管理评估及实践研究 被引量:11
作者 陈浮 彭补拙 +1 位作者 濮励杰 周寅康 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第4期529-539,共11页
参考FAO《FESLM :AnInternationalFrameworkForEvaluationSustainableLandManagement》 ,从“保持和提高生产率 ,降低生产风险 ,保护自然资源的潜力和防止土壤和水质的退化 ,经济上可行性和社会可以接受”出发 ,选择 46个因素作为参评变... 参考FAO《FESLM :AnInternationalFrameworkForEvaluationSustainableLandManagement》 ,从“保持和提高生产率 ,降低生产风险 ,保护自然资源的潜力和防止土壤和水质的退化 ,经济上可行性和社会可以接受”出发 ,选择 46个因素作为参评变量 ,建立区域土地可持续管理评价指标体系。在区域层次进行实证研究 ,提出土地可持续管理的障碍因素和改进措施。 展开更多
关键词 区域土地利用 可持续管理 评估指标 障碍诊断
21世纪我国土地资源可持续利用管理战略 被引量:9
作者 王静 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第S2期36-38,共3页
本文在分析我国土地资源可持续利用管理面临严峻形势的基础上 ,提出了 2 1世纪我国土地资源可持续利用管理的粮食安全、土地资源合理配置。
关键词 土地资源可持续利用管理 粮食安全 土地资源合理配置 土地综合整治 土地产权安全
IPCC《气候变化与土地特别报告》解读 被引量:11
作者 黄磊 王长科 巢清尘 《气候变化研究进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第1期1-8,共8页
总结了IPCC《气候变化与土地特别报告》中有关陆气相互作用、粮食系统与粮食安全、土地退化和荒漠化、可持续土地管理等的主要结论,分析了报告中争议较大的粮食系统温室气体排放、生物质能源、土地温室气体通量等问题。我国在粮食系统... 总结了IPCC《气候变化与土地特别报告》中有关陆气相互作用、粮食系统与粮食安全、土地退化和荒漠化、可持续土地管理等的主要结论,分析了报告中争议较大的粮食系统温室气体排放、生物质能源、土地温室气体通量等问题。我国在粮食系统全生命周期温室气体排放量估算、基于遥感测量和地面测量的大气浓度等数据反演温室气体排放量等方面需要深入研究。同时,我国要继续加强可持续土地管理,提高相应的技术措施和能力建设。 展开更多
关键词 气候变化 荒漠化 土地退化 粮食安全 可持续土地管理
区域可持续土地利用管理评价指标体系探讨 被引量:6
作者 齐伟 张凤荣 东野光亮 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期40-43,共4页
借鉴国内外研究基础,探讨了区域可持续土地利用管理评价指标设计的结构和原则,并且以农用土地为侧重点,系统提出区域可持续土地利用管理评价的指标体系框架。该框架以整个区域农用土地为对象,以土地质量指标为主体,构建了5个方面的评价... 借鉴国内外研究基础,探讨了区域可持续土地利用管理评价指标设计的结构和原则,并且以农用土地为侧重点,系统提出区域可持续土地利用管理评价的指标体系框架。该框架以整个区域农用土地为对象,以土地质量指标为主体,构建了5个方面的评价标准,即土地质量维持或提高、土地资源的供应与当前及未来需求目标的平衡、非再生资源合理使用、土地资源的非生产功能得到兼顾、良好的社会政策环境支持。并分别建议了评价指标。 展开更多
关键词 可持续土地利用管理 评价指标 土地质量指标
发达地区城市土地可持续管理评估实践研究 被引量:4
作者 安旭东 周生路 彭补拙 《南京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期749-756,共8页
定量的可持续管理评估是城市土地可持续管理实现的前提和基础 .针对发达地区城市土地利用特征 ,建立系统化的社会统计学方法进行城市土地可持续管理评估实践研究 :选取38个因素作为参评因子 ,构建评估指标体系 ,选用模糊隶属函数和线性... 定量的可持续管理评估是城市土地可持续管理实现的前提和基础 .针对发达地区城市土地利用特征 ,建立系统化的社会统计学方法进行城市土地可持续管理评估实践研究 :选取38个因素作为参评因子 ,构建评估指标体系 ,选用模糊隶属函数和线性加权函数进行综合测算 ,评判出南京市城市土地可持续管理综合水平 ;引进“障碍度”概念 ,运用数理统计方法进行定量的障碍诊断 。 展开更多
关键词 城市土地 可持续管理 评估指标 障碍度 南京市 社会统计学方法 模糊隶属函数
Modelling Land Use/Land Cover Change of River Rwizi Catchment, South-Western Uganda Using GIS and Markov Chain Model
作者 Lauben Muhangane Morgan Andama 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 CAS 2024年第2期181-206,共26页
Analysis of catchment Land use/Land cover (LULC) change is a vital tool in ensuring sustainable catchment management. The study analyzed land use/land cover changes in the Rwizi catchment, south western Uganda from 19... Analysis of catchment Land use/Land cover (LULC) change is a vital tool in ensuring sustainable catchment management. The study analyzed land use/land cover changes in the Rwizi catchment, south western Uganda from 1989-2019 and projected the trend by 2040. Landsat images, field observations, key informant interviews and focus group discussions were used to collect data. Changes in cropland, forestland, built up area, grazing land, wetland and open water bodies were analyzed in ArcGIS version 10.2.2 and ERDAS IMAGINE 14 software and a Markov chain model. All the LULC classes increased in area except grazing land. Forest land and builtup area between 2009-2019 increased by 370.03% and 229.53% respectively. Projections revealed an increase in forest land and builtup area by 2030 and only built up area by 2040. LULCC in the catchment results from population pressure, reduced soil fertility and high value of agricultural products. 展开更多
关键词 land Cover River Catchment Geographic Information System Markov Model sustainable land management
Evaluation of Sustainable Land Management and Diagnosis of Obstacle at County Scale in Sichuan Basin:Taking Lezhi County as Example 被引量:3
作者 CHEN Guangjian 1, 2, 3 , LIU Qing 1 1. Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041, Sichuan,China 2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China 3. Academy of Land Reconnaissance and Layout of Sichuan Province , Chengdu 610031, Sichuan, China 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 EI CAS 2006年第4期1046-1051,共6页
This paper established sustainable land resources evaluating indicators fit for hilly area in Sichuan Basin, Southwest of China, and evaluated the case of sustainable land management of Lezhi County from 1990 to 2001.... This paper established sustainable land resources evaluating indicators fit for hilly area in Sichuan Basin, Southwest of China, and evaluated the case of sustainable land management of Lezhi County from 1990 to 2001. The result showed that the land resource sustainable utilization ability in Lezhi County is belong to Second level (better sustainable). Secondly, this paper diagnosed some years obstacles of sustainable land management of Lezhi County from base period to goal period and compared the obstacles factors in the indicators system. There were 16 indexes orderly become major affect factor to land sustainable utilization of Lezhi county in indicator system, of which there are 8 obstacles indexes exist both in 1990 and 2001. The value of obstacles degree of five indicators exceeded 5 in 1990, but in 2001, only two indicators' values were more than 5. 展开更多
关键词 land resources sustainable land management assessment indicators diagnosis of obstacle
Food Security of Shifting Cultivation Systems: Case Studies from Luang Prabang and Oudomxay Provinces, Lao PDR 被引量:3
作者 Linkham Douangsavanh Anan Polthanee Roengsak Katawatin 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第1期48-57,共10页
The Government of the Lao PDR’s policy is to eliminate the cultivation of upland rice by means of ‘slash-and-burn’ cultivation and to replace it with more ecologically stable systems based on sustainable land use a... The Government of the Lao PDR’s policy is to eliminate the cultivation of upland rice by means of ‘slash-and-burn’ cultivation and to replace it with more ecologically stable systems based on sustainable land use at the village and household level. The objectives of this policy are to alleviate poverty and to introduce more sustainable management of agricultural resources. In order to achieve these objectives, the government has initiated a program of relocation to upland ‘focal areas’ from which marketing, distribution and other services can be supplied, these being essential preconditions for effective agricultural development in these regions. This diagnostic study has examined communal and household strategies for addressing food security issues, and has highlighted the main problems encountered in the pursuit of food security on the local level. The specific objective was to conduct a broadly focused participatory problem diagnosis of the study areas in two districts Phonsay and Namo, in order to understand farmers’ problems, livelihood goals and how their perspectives on food security have changed, and to investigate food security in shifting cultivation systems in Luang Prabang andOudomxay provinces. Within these two provinces Phonsay and Namo districts were selected as the research areas. The two districts are the poorest districts in the Luang Prabang and Oudomxay provinces and two of ten priority poorest districts in the whole country. Semi-structured interviews were conducted for the study. The results of this study were reviewed against the sustainable land use systems strategy formulated from the Lao PDR policy. The study highlights both the benefits and stresses on household welfare, food insecurity conditions in the study areas, and interrelated problems of insufficient rice for household consumption. Finally based on these results the authors propose recommendations and future research indications. 展开更多
关键词 Shifting cultivation food security RICE sustainable land management Lao PDR
Testing of Decision Making Tools for Village Land Use Planning and Natural Resources Management in Kilimanjaro Region 被引量:1
作者 Anthony Z. Sangeda Frederick C. Kahimba +3 位作者 Reuben A. L. Kashaga Ernest Semu Christopher P. Mahonge Francis X. Mkanda 《Open Journal of Soil Science》 2014年第13期446-458,共13页
This paper focuses on participatory testing of decision making tools (DMTs) at village level to assist in development of land use plans (LUPs) for sustainable land management (SLM) in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. Dat... This paper focuses on participatory testing of decision making tools (DMTs) at village level to assist in development of land use plans (LUPs) for sustainable land management (SLM) in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. Data were collected using conditional surveys through key informant interviews with the project’s district stakeholders in each district, focused group discussions with selected villagers and participatory mapping of natural resources. Soil health, land degradation, carbon stock, and hydrological conditions were assessed in the seven pilot villages in all seven districts using DMTs as part of testing and validation. Results indicated soils of poor to medium health, and land degradation as portrayed by gullies and wind erosion in lowlands and better in uplands. Carbon and forest disturbance status could not be assessed using one-year data but hydrological analysis revealed that water resources were relatively good in uplands and poor in the lowlands. Challenges with regard to land use include increased gully erosion, decreased stream flow, reduced vegetation cover due to shifting from coffee with tree sheds to annual crops farming, cultivation near water sources, and overgrazing. Empowering the community with decision making tools at village level is essential to ensure that village land uses are planned in a participatory manner for sustainable land and natural resources management in Kilimanjaro and other regions in Tanzania. 展开更多
关键词 DECISION Making Tool land Use Planning sustainable land management Natural RESOURCES management KILIMANJARO
Cassava Groundnut Intercropping: A Sustainable Land Management Practice for Increasing Crop Productivity and Organic Carbon Stock on Smallholder Farms
作者 Keiwoma M. Yila Mohamed S. Lebbie +3 位作者 Abdul R. Conteh Mohamed S. Kamara Lamin I. Kamara Mathew L. S. Gboku 《Agricultural Sciences》 CAS 2023年第1期73-87,共15页
Cassava-groundnut intercropping is not a common practice among smallholder farmers in Sierra Leone even though both crops are well suited for intercropping. On-farm trials were conducted in three locations (Bai Largor... Cassava-groundnut intercropping is not a common practice among smallholder farmers in Sierra Leone even though both crops are well suited for intercropping. On-farm trials were conducted in three locations (Bai Largor, Bassah, and Njala Kanima) in the Moyamba district during the 2021 cropping season to investigate the efficacy of cassava-groundnut intercropping for increasing crop productivity and soil organic carbon stock on smallholder farms in the Moyamba district, Southern Sierra Leone. The experimental design was a randomized complete block design in three replications with treatments of sole groundnut, sole cassava and cassava-groundnut intercropping. Data on the yield and yield components of cassava and groundnut were analysed using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS 9.4 and means were compared using the standard error of difference (SED). The above-ground biomass, number of roots per plant, and fresh root yield of cassava were not significantly (p > 0.05) affected by the cassava-based cropping system. Averaged across locations, intercropping cassava with groundnut decreased the above-ground biomass, the number of roots per plant, and fresh root yield of cassava by 17%, 11%, and 17%, respectively. The above-ground biomass, number of pods per plant and fresh pod yield of groundnut were significantly (p 1), the highest net revenue and benefit-cost ratio. The benefit-cost ratio was also favourable for the sole cassava (BCR > 1) but not favourable for the sole groundnut (BCR < 1). Averaged across locations, intercropping cassava with groundnut increased the benefit-cost ratio by 121% and 13% when compared to the sole groundnut and sole cassava. In the event of a 40% yield loss for the cassava and groundnut, the benefit-cost ratio was favourable (1.12) only for the cassava groundnut intercropping system. The net soil organic carbon stock was favourable only for the cassava-groundnut intercrop. Averaged across locations, the net soil organic carbon for the cassava-groundnut intercropping increased by 3.4% when comp 展开更多
关键词 Benefit-Cost Ratio Cassava-Groundnut Intercropping land Equivalent Ratio Soil Organic Carbon sustainable land management
水力侵蚀的自然与人为驱动机制 被引量:3
作者 陈培济 俞慎 《福建农林大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期433-450,共18页
水力侵蚀是一种自然现象,在土壤特性、地形、植被和气候等自然因素的驱动下,在地球表面呈条带状或区域化分布.然而,在人类活动(农业活动、城市建设、工业发展和水利工程建设)引起的地表剧烈变化及全球气候变化的驱动下,水力侵蚀模式会... 水力侵蚀是一种自然现象,在土壤特性、地形、植被和气候等自然因素的驱动下,在地球表面呈条带状或区域化分布.然而,在人类活动(农业活动、城市建设、工业发展和水利工程建设)引起的地表剧烈变化及全球气候变化的驱动下,水力侵蚀模式会发生转变.本文综述了自然和人类活动共同驱动下的水力侵蚀机制.土壤母质决定了土壤的本质属性,其中包括土壤可蚀性;通常,水力侵蚀速率随着坡度、坡长和降雨强度的增大而升高,而植被因子负反馈调控水力侵蚀过程.自然水力侵蚀过程是缓慢的;然而,在人类活动的强烈干扰下,土壤、地形、植被和气候发生了巨变,极大加速了自然水力侵蚀过程.人类对陆地表面的改造,引起全球土地利用格局的巨大变化,导致植被锐减和全球气候变化;人为的植被破坏成为全球水力侵蚀加剧的主要因素;气候变化,极大地改变了水力侵蚀模式,导致极端水力侵蚀事件频发.可持续的土地管理可降低人类活动和气候变化带来的不利影响;基于流域尺度的水力侵蚀预报模型的建立与应用,有利于水力侵蚀的预报、预警和防治. 展开更多
关键词 水力侵蚀 驱动机理 人类活动 气候变化 可持续土地管理 预报模型
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of the Noun Floodplain (Cameroon) Using Remote Sensing
作者 Junie Albine Atangana Kenfack Harold Gwet +2 位作者 Bonaventure Olivier Souley Rufis Fregue Tagne Tiegam Paul Tchawa 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2022年第10期66-82,共17页
In Cameroon, the pressure on wetlands appears to be increasing, leading to desertification and land degradation. This study aims to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of land cover in the Noun floodplain i... In Cameroon, the pressure on wetlands appears to be increasing, leading to desertification and land degradation. This study aims to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of land cover in the Noun floodplain in Cameroon using multi-date satellite data. To achieve this, the methodology consisted in using remote sensing and geographical information’s systems techniques to identify spatial units and detect changes over a 22-year period (1999 to 2021). The land cover maps were produced from an unsupervised classification with maximum likelihood. The results identified eight classes: herbaceous savannahs with shrubs, forest galleries, fields and plantations, herbaceous tan, young fallows, mineralized and built-up soils, bare soils and surface waters. It appears that in 1999, the landscape was dominated by natural vegetation (72.6%) located from north to south of the Noun plain. However, since 2004, the landscape has been dominated by agricultural areas (56.8%). Natural formations have been progressively reduced in space over time. The evolution of the Noun floodplain landscape reveals that 14.3% of the space has remained stable. These are fields and plantations, young fallows, mineralized soils and surface water. This space has not migrated to other classes. While about 73.9% of the area has moved to higher classes, of which 35.6% to herbaceous tans and 26% to fields and plantations. On the other hand, 72.6% of the area (herbaceous savannahs and forests gallery) has been heavily degraded. These results show that the landscape of the Noun floodplain is marked by a progressive agricultural extension, which would be at the origin of the land degradation. Therefore they alert the different actors in the territory on the level of advanced land degradation and suggest sustainable land management on a local scale. 展开更多
关键词 Cameroon land Use land Degradation Remote Sensing sustainable land management
Reducing Land Degradation on the Highlands of Kilimanjaro Region: A Biogeographical Perspective 被引量:1
作者 Christine Noe 《Open Journal of Soil Science》 2014年第13期437-445,共9页
In 2012, governments across the world adopted “The Future We Want” outcome document in Rio De Janeiro as a commitment to achieve a land-degradation-neutral world. This document reasserts the importance of sustainabl... In 2012, governments across the world adopted “The Future We Want” outcome document in Rio De Janeiro as a commitment to achieve a land-degradation-neutral world. This document reasserts the importance of sustainable land management in the top of the debates on sustainable development. This paper provides an overview of Tanzania’s preparedness towards achieving these global objectives. The paper is based on a keynote address which was presented in the conference on reducing land degradation on the highlands of Kilimanjaro Region in Tanzania. Using a biogeographical perspective, the paper assesses challenges of adopting programmatic approach to sustainable land management in Tanzania. It also presents some opportunities that exist through Global Mechanism of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, which promote actions leading to coordination, mobilization and channeling of financial resources to assist member countries to coordinate and sustain sustainable land management projects. 展开更多
关键词 sustainable land management Bioregional PLANNING KILIMANJARO Tanzania
区域土地可持续管理评价与对比差异研究 被引量:2
作者 王莉 陈浮 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第11期6782-6783,6786,共3页
参照联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)《可持续土地管理评价纲要》的要求,依据生产性、安全性、保护性、可行性和认同性五大目标,建立了区域土地可持续管理评价指标体系,并运用层次分析(AHP)法确定子目标及单项指标的权重;最后,运用多目标线... 参照联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)《可持续土地管理评价纲要》的要求,依据生产性、安全性、保护性、可行性和认同性五大目标,建立了区域土地可持续管理评价指标体系,并运用层次分析(AHP)法确定子目标及单项指标的权重;最后,运用多目标线性加权函数法选择徐州市和苏州市作为研究案例进行实证研究。结果显示,徐州市正处于可持续管理发展阶段,苏州市已进入初步可持续管理阶段。整体分析了制约2市土地实现可持续管理的因素,并对它们未来的发展提出了相应措施和政策建议。 展开更多
关键词 区域 土地可持续管理 评价 指标体系
生态系统恢复可持续土地管理措施的成本效益分析——基于中国西部干旱地区数据 被引量:1
作者 刘浩 刘璨 《林业经济》 北大核心 2015年第11期94-105,共12页
文章利用青海和甘肃两省200个样本农户3年的面板数据,在考虑交易成本和固碳效应的前提下,运用生产力变化方法和含有集群标准误的随机效应模型,开展了我国西部干旱地区生态系统恢复可持续土地管理(SLM)措施的成本效益分析。经验性结果显... 文章利用青海和甘肃两省200个样本农户3年的面板数据,在考虑交易成本和固碳效应的前提下,运用生产力变化方法和含有集群标准误的随机效应模型,开展了我国西部干旱地区生态系统恢复可持续土地管理(SLM)措施的成本效益分析。经验性结果显示:退耕还林(草)和太阳灶项目在经济上是可行的,沼气池和压沙田项目未产生显著的经济效益。低廉的碳汇价格和缓慢的森林生长率使SLM产生的固碳经济效益并不明显。 展开更多
关键词 土地退化 干旱地生态系统 可持续土地管理 成本效益分析 生产力变化方法
作者 韩斌 邹晓明 +1 位作者 付永能 陈爱国 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第12期2915-2919,共5页
从联合国粮农组织提出的土地资源可持续管理目标出发 ,采用层次分析法 (AHP) ,以西双版纳地区爱尼族大卡老寨为研究点 ,选择 4 1个因素作为参评变量 ,建立区域土地可持续管理评价指标体系。评估结果表明 ,目前大卡老寨的土地经营管理仍... 从联合国粮农组织提出的土地资源可持续管理目标出发 ,采用层次分析法 (AHP) ,以西双版纳地区爱尼族大卡老寨为研究点 ,选择 4 1个因素作为参评变量 ,建立区域土地可持续管理评价指标体系。评估结果表明 ,目前大卡老寨的土地经营管理仍处于初步可持续管理的前期阶段。主要因为土地生产力过低 ,其他保护性、安全性、生产性均处于较低水平。作者针对提出了改变土地经营模式等参考建议 :1发展生态农业模式 ,提高土地生产率 ;2应用科技成果 ,提高良种普及率 ;3保护耕地 ,推进规模经营 ;4充分发挥森林的经济、生态和社会效益 ;5提高人口素质 。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用 可持续管理 评估指标
Analysis of Staffing and Training Needs for Effective Delivery of Extension Service in Sustainable Land Management in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
作者 John F. Kessy 《Open Journal of Soil Science》 2014年第13期459-468,共10页
An assessment of staffing and training needs for effective delivery of extension services in mainstreaming sustainable land management (SLM) practices in Kilimanjaro Region was conducted in June/July 2013. Data collec... An assessment of staffing and training needs for effective delivery of extension services in mainstreaming sustainable land management (SLM) practices in Kilimanjaro Region was conducted in June/July 2013. Data collection methods included discussions with key informants at the regional and district levels, consultations with village level stakeholders and potential collaborators, review of human resources data both at regional, district and ward levels and collection of individual staff bio-data including capacity deficiencies. The staffing situation at the regional and district levels was considered to be adequate for effective mainstreaming of SLM interventions in the region. Staffing at ward and village levels was very poor and largely inadequate for sustainable execution of extension services. It is optimistically estimated that on average the staffing at ward level needs to be increased by at least 50%. In some districts the deficiency of extension staff at ward level was as high as 80%. Training needs exist at all levels from the region down to community level. At the regional and district levels both long and short term training programs were required. At the community level required training is more practical and purely focused in mainstreaming SLM interventions at individual households and community lands. Potential collaborators with local government were identified in four main categories namely, NGOs/CBOs, private sector, government departments and faith-based organizations. The study recommends a capacity building program on specific knowledge gaps identified at regional, district, ward and village levels. The study further recommends that immediate measures need to be taken by the district authorities to address the staffing problem at ward level including recruitment of volunteers and developing collaboration framework with identified potential partners. 展开更多
关键词 STAFFING TRAINING EXTENSION Services sustainable land management
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