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人文—经济地理学和区域发展研究基本脉络的透视——对该领域在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所发展历程的讨论 被引量:30
作者 樊杰 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期387-396,共10页
在回顾中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所人文—经济地理学和区域发展研究领域发展历程的基础上,梳理出该学科建设的基本脉络。20世纪后半叶,一是确定了交叉学科的学科性质定位和服务国民经济与社会发展需求的学科发展导向,并开拓了技术... 在回顾中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所人文—经济地理学和区域发展研究领域发展历程的基础上,梳理出该学科建设的基本脉络。20世纪后半叶,一是确定了交叉学科的学科性质定位和服务国民经济与社会发展需求的学科发展导向,并开拓了技术经济的研究方法;二是在人文—经济地理地域分异格局研究方面取得辉煌成就,突出体现在农业区划和土地利用研究为代表的地域分异系统的研究,以及以区位论及"点—轴系统"研究为代表的空间结构组织的研究方面。21世纪的前10年,继续沿袭地域分异和空间结构的研究脉络,在地域功能区形成与演化,空间相互作用,城乡等不同地域统筹发展等空间组织方面产生了具有影响的理论和应用成就。与此同时,一方面由于新地域空间和新因素的研究产生的人文化趋向,以及新生领域的不断涌现,包括对信息化、全球化的响应研究及旅游地理学、金融地理学等学科方向的形成,使人文—经济地理学增强了活力和多样性;另一方面由于地球系统科学的形成及解决区域可持续发展重大现实问题的牵引,资源环境承载能力与资源环境效应的研究得到重视,以社会经济发展与资源环境的相互作用研究为特色、以区域可持续发展为主题的研究方向在本所得到确立。目前开始着手建设的中国科学院区域可持续发展分析与模拟重点实验室,以及区域可持续发展模拟与决策支持系统,将以数据库为基础,以模型库为主要支撑手段,以可视化的地理过程表达及人机互动的辅助决策过程实现为成果的主要出口,努力通过技术方法的改进推动学科能力建设的实质性提升。未来学科建设的重点将聚焦在人地关系地域系统理论体系的创新和应用方面。 展开更多
关键词 人文-经济地理学 人地关系地域系统 可持续性 区域发展 城市化 农业区划 土地利用 点-轴理论 地域功能 空间结构 资源环境承载能力 资源环境效应
基于灰色关联度的AHP权重矩阵构建方法改进及在农地评价中的应用 被引量:23
作者 汪权方 晏群 +4 位作者 徐慧 王新生 张景雄 李兆华 陈志杰 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1249-1257,共9页
合理确定评价指标的权重是准确测度农业土地资源可持续利用能力的关键所在。本文依据灰色关联度对层次分析法(AHP)中判断矩阵的构建方法进行了改进,并获取各项评价指标的权重。在此基础上,分别采用多目标线性加权函数综合评价模型和障... 合理确定评价指标的权重是准确测度农业土地资源可持续利用能力的关键所在。本文依据灰色关联度对层次分析法(AHP)中判断矩阵的构建方法进行了改进,并获取各项评价指标的权重。在此基础上,分别采用多目标线性加权函数综合评价模型和障碍因子诊断模型,对2001-2012年湖北省枣阳市的农业土地资源可持续利用水平及其制约因素进行评估和辨析。结果显示:基于灰色关联分析法(GRA)改进后的AHP方法在确定指标权重时不仅能有效降低主观赋权的影响,也可避免熵值法等客观赋权法所存在的弊端;地均农业生产总值、人均耕地面积、化肥使用强度、有效灌溉面积、年降水量、人均GDP和农村居民家庭人均纯收入是制约枣阳市农业土地资源可持续利用的最主要因素,但在不同年份各因素的阻碍度表现不一。2001年以来,枣阳市农业土地资源利用的社会经济可持续性水平较高,综合可持续利用水平指数整体上呈增加的态势;但在生态可持续方面,2006年之后不仅明显低于之前年份,而且也显著低于同时期的社会经济可持续性。 展开更多
关键词 农业土地资源 可持续利用能力 层次分析法 灰色关联分析法 障碍因子诊断 湖北省枣阳市
开发区土地利用的可持续性评价及实践研究——以芜湖经济技术开发区为例 被引量:19
作者 许素芳 周寅康 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期453-457,共5页
目前国内土地资源可持续利用的研究主要集中在城市和县域尺度,关于开发区这一特殊经济区域的相关研究还较少。开发区是我国当前经济的重要增长点,所具有的良好示范和带动作用可促进其腹地甚至其他地区的可持续发展,因此评价和监测开发... 目前国内土地资源可持续利用的研究主要集中在城市和县域尺度,关于开发区这一特殊经济区域的相关研究还较少。开发区是我国当前经济的重要增长点,所具有的良好示范和带动作用可促进其腹地甚至其他地区的可持续发展,因此评价和监测开发区土地可持续发展的状态和程度具有重要意义。以芜湖经济技术开发区为例,从土地开发利用状况、社会影响和环境质量三方面构建了开发区土地可持续利用的综合评价指标体系,运用模糊数学的方法对芜湖经济技术开发区土地利用的可持续性进行了综合评价,评价结果为该区土地利用的可持续性对中度可持续的隶属度0.539最大,根据最大隶属度原则,该区土地利用的可持续性为中度可持续。 展开更多
关键词 开发区 可持续性 土地利用 隶属度 模糊综合评价
江西省土地利用可持续性评价与时空特征研究 被引量:14
作者 余敦 陈文波 《中国土地科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期43-47,69,共6页
研究目的:对江西省土地利用可持续性进行评价,并对其时空特征进行研究。研究方法:文献资料法、因果分析法、特尔菲法。研究结果:(1)2006年江西省土地利用可持续性评价结果为赣中高于赣南和赣北,赣西高于赣东。(2)江西省近5年来的土地利... 研究目的:对江西省土地利用可持续性进行评价,并对其时空特征进行研究。研究方法:文献资料法、因果分析法、特尔菲法。研究结果:(1)2006年江西省土地利用可持续性评价结果为赣中高于赣南和赣北,赣西高于赣东。(2)江西省近5年来的土地利用可持续性指数的总体趋势是先抑后扬。研究结论:江西省土地利用可持续性程度整体上良好,但不同城市及不同年份的土地利用可持续性指数存在着明显差异。 展开更多
关键词 可持续性评价 土地利用 时空特征 江西省
贵阳市生态足迹与土地利用持续性研究 被引量:12
作者 余万军 吴次芳 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第4期131-136,共6页
应用生态足迹模型对贵阳市1992~2002年生态足迹进行了测算,分析了该市11年来各类土地生态足迹消费和供给的动态变化趋势。在生态足迹基础上,结合系统信息熵原理,研究了该市土地资源利用的持续性状况。结果表明:(1)贵阳市生态足迹消费从... 应用生态足迹模型对贵阳市1992~2002年生态足迹进行了测算,分析了该市11年来各类土地生态足迹消费和供给的动态变化趋势。在生态足迹基础上,结合系统信息熵原理,研究了该市土地资源利用的持续性状况。结果表明:(1)贵阳市生态足迹消费从1992年的0.7386公顷/人增加到2002年的1.9352公顷/人,增加了1.62倍,而土地生态供给能力基本稳定;(2)生态足迹消费大于土地生态系统的承载力,表现为生态赤字,赤字水平由1992年的0.3806公顷/人上升到了2002年的1.6062公顷/人,区域内土地利用处于非持续性状态;(3)土地生态系统和消费系统总体上有向稳定性方向发展的趋势,消费结构的变化会引起土地利用结构的变化。最后对理论应用方面的问题进行了探讨,并提出了贵阳市土地持续利用的对策。 展开更多
关键词 生态足迹 信息熵 持续性 区域土地利用 贵阳市
黑龙江省耕地利用生态可持续性研究 被引量:6
作者 杨凤海 赵烨荣 +1 位作者 赫轩 李玉琢 《东北农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第9期77-84,共8页
以黑龙江省耕地利用生态可持续为目标,生态足迹模型和GIS技术为方法,采用生态可持续指数评价分析2013年13个地市耕地利用生态可持续性。结果表明,黑龙江省耕地资源总体呈现生态盈余;总体上由北向南呈现耕地利用可持续状态逐渐减弱的空... 以黑龙江省耕地利用生态可持续为目标,生态足迹模型和GIS技术为方法,采用生态可持续指数评价分析2013年13个地市耕地利用生态可持续性。结果表明,黑龙江省耕地资源总体呈现生态盈余;总体上由北向南呈现耕地利用可持续状态逐渐减弱的空间分布态势,临界可持续地区与弱可持续地区的生态安全得到重视;修正可持续状态分析得出,哈尔滨、大兴安岭地区、黑河的耕地生态可持续程度下降或改善不明显;耕地生态可持续指数预警值为0.449。该研究可为黑龙江省耕地利用生态可持续发展、耕地生态安全预警和政府部门土地利用总体规划提供科学依据和决策支持。 展开更多
关键词 生态可持续性 耕地利用 能值分析
基于城市设计与风景园林相融合的可持续土地利用模式研究 被引量:6
作者 于长明 郝石盟 《风景园林》 2017年第4期14-20,共7页
城市设计领域面临的一个难点是如何将分散的、微观的设计实践整合,实现城市宏观层面的可持续发展。不同学科对城市设计的认识差异是这种局面形成的原因之一。本文从凝聚学科共识出发,提出一个融合风景园林与城市设计有益观点的理论研究... 城市设计领域面临的一个难点是如何将分散的、微观的设计实践整合,实现城市宏观层面的可持续发展。不同学科对城市设计的认识差异是这种局面形成的原因之一。本文从凝聚学科共识出发,提出一个融合风景园林与城市设计有益观点的理论研究框架:可持续土地利用模式。通过分析可持续发展理念沿革,界定土地利用模式可持续性的基本概念;提出土地利用形态紧凑、功能可达,以及形态与功能相协同的可持续土地利用模式特征,并将此作为凝聚共识的努力方向。 展开更多
关键词 城市设计 风景园林 可持续性 土地利用模式 协同
Sustainability Assessment of Smallholder Farms in the Savannah Transition Agro-Ecological Zone of Ghana
作者 Johnny Kofi Awoonor Edward Yeboah +1 位作者 Bright Fafali Dogbey Fowzia Adiyah 《Agricultural Sciences》 2021年第11期1185-1214,共30页
The ever-increasing human population has resulted in political pressure to increase crop production. Currently, smallholder farmers are expected to be environmentally considerate, adapt to extreme climatic conditions ... The ever-increasing human population has resulted in political pressure to increase crop production. Currently, smallholder farmers are expected to be environmentally considerate, adapt to extreme climatic conditions and deal with financial instability. Despite these recent developments, farmers and their farming activities in these rural environs of developing countries need to improve household food and income security on a sustainable basis. A minimum data set selected from extensive data was used to determine indicators for soil sustainability assessment. This method involved expert opinion and statistical data reduction techniques. The results indicated that SOC, MBC, BS, EC, Spo and sand were the most important variables selected as MDS using PC analysis. Forest and Grassland had a high sustainability index (SI) while Savannah woodland, Fallow and Cropland were rated not sustainable (NS). For Cumulative rating using the total dataset (CR-TDS), Forest had a high sustainability index (HS), Savannah woodland and Grassland were sustainable (S) compared to Fallow and Cropland, which were sustainable with high input (SWHI). Also, for cumulative rating using the minimum dataset (CR-MDS), Forest, Savannah woodland and Grassland had high sustainability (SH) indices compared to Fallow and Cropland, which were considered sustainable with high input (SWHI). Sustainability index (SI) and Cumulative rating (CR) using the total dataset (CR-TDS) had a strong correlation (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.91, p < 0.05) compared to SI versus CR-MDS (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.44, p < 0.05) and CR-TDS versus CR-MDS (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.60, p < 0.05). These methods consider that these management goals dictate soil functions affecting the selection of indicators. Using PCA and variance analysis, silt, clay, EC, SOC, MBC and CEC relating to soil texture and fertility were identified as the most influential (sensitive) indicators for soil sustainability assessment. The selected soil attributes can serve as target indicators for soil fertility restoration, 展开更多
关键词 sustainability land use Principal Component Analysis sustainability Index Smallholder Farms
Analysis of Urban Land Use and Land Cover Change for Sustainable Development: A Case of Lafia, Nasarawa State, Nigeria 被引量:1
作者 Banki Thomas Chunwate Sani Yahaya +1 位作者 Ishaya Kunden Samaila Shittu Whanda Ja’afaru 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2019年第3期347-358,共12页
Inventories on land use/cover changes are assessed at increasing importance in various sectors, like agriculture, settlement, environmental studies and urban planning. This research was carried out to analyse the chan... Inventories on land use/cover changes are assessed at increasing importance in various sectors, like agriculture, settlement, environmental studies and urban planning. This research was carried out to analyse the changes in urban land use/cover of Lafia for the years 1986, 2000 and 2014. Remotely sensed data from Landsat TM and Nigeria sat 8 were classified using GIS technique, to which six categories of land use/cover were identified such as: bare surfaces, built up areas, cultivated lands, rocky outcrops, vegetation cover and wetlands. Population data of the study area for 1986, 2000 and 2014 were also used to compare the relationship between population growth and landuse/cover changes in the study area using descriptive statistics. The result revealed an increase in built up areas from 1.56% to 15% between 1986 and 2014 while vegetation cover showed decrease: from 25% in 1986 to 12% in 2014. Cultivated lands increased from 56% in 1986 to 67% in 2014. Others classes such as: bare surfaces decreased, as wetlands and rock outcrops seem to be fluctuated. Therefore results from the analyses indicate a general change in landcover for the periods under this study. This study recommends that: there is a need to monitor the changes that occurred on land use so as to provide proper planning and effective management of the land resources in a sustainable manner. 展开更多
关键词 land use/Cover CHANGES sustainability Development GIS Application
Land Use Capability and the Sustainable Scale: An Overview of Agriculture in São Paulo State, Brazil
作者 Oscar Sarcinelli Ademar Ribeiro Romeiro +1 位作者 Lauro Charlet Pereira Sergio Gomes Tosto 《Natural Resources》 CAS 2022年第8期171-180,共10页
Establishing a sustainable scale in natural resources management enables effective economic and ecological policies and guarantees the long-term sustainability of economic production. In agriculture, land evaluations ... Establishing a sustainable scale in natural resources management enables effective economic and ecological policies and guarantees the long-term sustainability of economic production. In agriculture, land evaluations determine the land use sustainable scales, that is, those that avoid land degradation and allow the provision of food, wood, energy, and ecosystem services over time. The paper assessed S&atilde;o Paulo State’s agricultural sustainability by analyzing the current land use adequacy to the land use capability map that follows FAO 1976 “guide for land evaluation” and was applied to S&atilde;o Paulo by the State Agricultural Secretariat. Results indicate inefficiencies in land use at the state level, where more than one-third of agricultural lands do not satisfy technical land capability indications. According to technical land use capability, more than 4.5 million hectares are being underused (economic inefficiency) and another 2.2 million hectares are being overused (environmental inefficiency). Pasturelands represent the most unsustainable land use, where 3.7 million hectares are allocated in high quality lands with high agricultural production potential, and another 0.7 million hectares are allocated in lands with very low quality for agriculture, most of than area degraded. To achieve sustainability, lands with high agricultural production potential should be used to improve agriculture and food production and, on the other hand, lands with very low agricultural production potential should be used for wood production, agroforestry, ecotourism and natural ecosystems conservation. Our results provide a framework for improving land use policies in S&atilde;o Paulo State and highlight an opportunity to achieve land use sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 land use Planning land Capability Agricultural sustainability
Land Use Change and Driving Forces in Guangzhou City during 1996- 2012 被引量:1
作者 Yiying YAO Dafang WU +5 位作者 Yanyan LIU Yihua LIU Qixian CHEN Haolong CHEN Jiaxin WU Jialiang ZHONG 《Asian Agricultural Research》 2015年第9期33-40,共8页
Based on the statistical data of land use change,from the perspective of sustainable use,we use literature inquiry,statistical analysis,GIS spatial analysis and dynamic degree model of land use,to analyze the land use... Based on the statistical data of land use change,from the perspective of sustainable use,we use literature inquiry,statistical analysis,GIS spatial analysis and dynamic degree model of land use,to analyze the land use change characteristics,land use amount and spatial distribution characteristics in Guangzhou City during 1996- 2012,and further elaborate the driving forces of land use change to get the basic law of land use change in Guangzhou City. The results show that the construction land was rapidly expanded,causing a significant reduction in arable land( from 129286 ha in 1996 to 84567 ha in 2012); in construction land,the land for residential,industrial and mining use and transportation land dramatically increased,and the single dynamic degree of transportation land was close to 7. 1%. In comparison with other developed cities,it is found that economic factors and policy factors are important factors affecting land use change in Guangzhou City,and the growth rate of economic density of land was high in Tianhe District and Yuexiu District. From the perspective of sustainable use,the future land use in Guangzhou City needs to better coordinate the relationship between various types of land,between socio-economic development and coordinated land use development,between environmental protection and land development and utilization. Through a series of land consolidation activities,it is necessary to strengthen the protection of farmland,improve the intensive and economical use of construction land,improve the ecological environment,and coordinate development of urban and rural areas,to ultimately achieve sustainable land use in Guangzhou City. 展开更多
关键词 land use CHANGE Driving FORCES sustainability Guan
基于中观尺度的产量—土地质量指数方法初探 被引量:1
作者 徐梦洁 庄舜尧 《农业系统科学与综合研究》 CSCD 2006年第3期201-204,共4页
长期以来,土地可持续利用评价乃至基本的土地评价方法通常是静态的,评价结果是结论式的,与土地利用者的实际需求脱节,科学研究和成果应用被人为分割。Bouma等人提出的产量—土地质量指数方法不仅反映了土地可持续利用的农业生态内涵,其... 长期以来,土地可持续利用评价乃至基本的土地评价方法通常是静态的,评价结果是结论式的,与土地利用者的实际需求脱节,科学研究和成果应用被人为分割。Bouma等人提出的产量—土地质量指数方法不仅反映了土地可持续利用的农业生态内涵,其评价结果也是动态的,是不同利用方式下土地产量、经营风险和水土资源质量的组合,从而把研究和应用有机地结合。但是这种方法存在的最大缺点是需要长期大量的观测数据,使得其应用受到严格的限制,难以推广。因此依据其理论基础,立足于中观尺度,从社会经济的角度出发,改进并构建了产量—土地质量指数模型框架,该模型需要的数据较少,以社会经济的统计数据为主,因此还可对社会经济可持续性作进一步分析。参7。 展开更多
关键词 产量-土地质量指数 中观尺度 土地可持续利用
Agriculture and Forest Transition: Understanding of Land Use Change in a Cultural Landscape
作者 José Eduardo dos Santos Angela Terumi Fushita +2 位作者 Imyra Maíra Martins de Souza Lia Martucci Amorim Valéria Aparecida David Andrade 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2015年第12期797-807,共11页
Land use trajectory analysis provides both the time and kind of land cover changes to monitor land use dynamics. Land cover change trajectories for three different dates (1965, 1989 and 2014) extracted from satellite ... Land use trajectory analysis provides both the time and kind of land cover changes to monitor land use dynamics. Land cover change trajectories for three different dates (1965, 1989 and 2014) extracted from satellite images by vectorization of the thematic information were studied This study was carried out on a cultural landscape (S?o Carlos municipality, SP, Brazil) with three major land use-cover classes (forest, agriculture and other uses). The results showed the spatio temporal variability of landscape pattern and forest and agriculture change trajectories. Analysis based on these landscape trajectories demonstrates that agriculture and forest cover changes have been caused by human activities. The results reflect the conflicting interactions between environmental and human systems in the study area. A key question is that the pressure exerted on forest land use-cover depends on the incentives that move society from a conflicting relation with a municipal territory. A more sustainable landscape transition and trajectory for S?o Carlos municipality are extremely dependent on the regulatory role of the government through strategies related to the implementation of specific categories of legally protected areas (Legal Reserves and Areas of Permanent Preservation). 展开更多
关键词 land use-Cover Change Trajectories landSCAPE sustainability Legally Protected Areas Remote Sensing
Socio-Economic Metabolism and Sustainability at a Watershed
作者 Angela Terumi Fushita José Eduardo dos Santos 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2015年第11期678-687,共10页
This research relates to the change in land use and land cover and to socio-economic metabolism, which constitute two approaches to interdisciplinary research on the society-nature relationship. The study focuses on r... This research relates to the change in land use and land cover and to socio-economic metabolism, which constitute two approaches to interdisciplinary research on the society-nature relationship. The study focuses on relationships between the spatial pattern of land use, as exhibited through changes in Human Appropriation of Net Primary Productivity percentage (HANPP%), and socio- economic indicators (such as social exclusion/inclusion, income autonomy, human development, social equity and quality of life) of census sectors of a watershed. The analysis seeks to identify the existence of ecological and economic conflicts as a means of diagnosing the sustainability condition of the mid-upper Mogi Gua&ccedil;u River watershed in 2009. The spatial pattern of land use of the watershed in 2009 indicates that ecosystems and natural habitats had already been reduced to a fraction of their original sizes and that a significant portion of their primary productivity had been appropriated. The predominance of anthropogenic agricultural activities in the watershed was the main cause of the increase in the HANPP%. Lower HANPP% values are associated with census sectors in regions with legally protected conservation areas;higher values are associated with census sectors involved in anthropogenic agricultural and non-agricultural activities. A positive significant correlation was observed between HANPP% and social exclusion/inclusion, income autonomy and human development indicators, with values above the Basic Social Inclusion Standard, indicating lower trophic availability. With the exception of the quality of life indicator, lower (0.75 to 0.25) and higher (-0.75 to -0.25) social exclusion values were observed in rural and urban census sectors. The environmental sustainability of the middle Mogi Gua&ccedil;u River watershed has been compromised in terms of the amount of biomass available to the trophic community. However, socio-economic indicators demonstrate an improved quality of life for the populations of the census sectors 展开更多
关键词 HANPP sustainability INDICATOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC INDICATORS land use Change
Management Implications of Aquifer Fractures on Ecosystem and Habitat Suitability for Panthers in Southern Florida
作者 Wenjing Xu Sergio Bernardes +1 位作者 Sydney T. Bacchus Marguerite Madden 《Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection》 2018年第2期184-208,共25页
Our case study analyzed the proximity of previously mapped fractures in the aquifer matrix to 93 Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) dens mapped from 2007-2016 in south Florida. Dens occurred in five counties (Colli... Our case study analyzed the proximity of previously mapped fractures in the aquifer matrix to 93 Florida panther (Puma concolor coryi) dens mapped from 2007-2016 in south Florida. Dens occurred in five counties (Collier = 77, Dade = 1, Hendry = 9, Lee = 5, and Monroe = 1) and three sub-basins of the Greater Everglades Basin (Big Cypress Swamp = 83, Caloosahatchee = 3, and Everglades = 7). Fractured aquifers occur worldwide, but are not the focus of habitat suitability studies, despite evidence that fractures influence plant species composition and density. Habitat alterations can occur many kilometers from the surface footprint of groundwater alterations in the regional Floridan aquifer system via preferential flow through fractures. Increased natural discharge from and recharge to the aquifer occur at fracture intersections. Greater induced recharge and habitat changes also may occur at fracture intersections. All dens were within 5 km of a previously mapped fracture;36% and 74% were within 1 km and 2 km, respectively, of those fractures;and 47%, 74%, and 90% of dens were within 2 km, 3.25 km and 5 km, respectively, from the nearest fracture intersection. Results suggest fractures influence the suitability and/or availability of habitat for panther dens, selection of den sites, and availability as well as abundance of high quality prey items essential for the nutritional demands of successfully rearing panther kittens in the wild. We recommend more detailed investigations of: a) vegetation characteristics near dens, b) groundwater alterations and cumulative impacts of those alterations associated with fractures in panther habitat (e.g., altered plant species composition and density), and c) influence of aquifer fractures in all habitats underlain by fractures. 展开更多
关键词 ECOSYSTEM Management Forest land and Water Resources GEOGRAPHIC Information System (GIS) land use Remote Sensing sustainability
Catchment Management and Its Effects on Arable Lands of Zimbabwe: A Look beyond the Fast Track Land Reform Program
作者 Kosamu Nyoni 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2013年第10期1123-1128,共6页
This study was carried out in selected districts of Mashonaland East and Central provinces of Zimbabwe in 2011 to determine the effects of soil erosion on arable lands and how this related to catchment management. Res... This study was carried out in selected districts of Mashonaland East and Central provinces of Zimbabwe in 2011 to determine the effects of soil erosion on arable lands and how this related to catchment management. Results show that the highest contribution is 53% and is obtained from arable land codes 5 and 7. These fields show signs of excessive sheet and gully erosion. The least contribution is 0.8% and this is on arable land codes 3, 4 and 8. These fields have properly done conservation works existing. 33% of the assessed arable lands have conservation works in place whilst 67% are not protected and as such the fields are eroded. Soil erosion results in the washing away of the precious top soil, responsible for plant growth and infiltration of rain or irrigation water. This reduces the usefulness of such affected arable lands as crops grown on it can’t thrive due to lack of soil fertility. The paper recommends that government policies focus more on promoting sustainable land use through integrated catchment area management. This will go a long way in achieving sustainable development in Zimbabwe. 展开更多
关键词 CATCHMENT Area MANAGEMENT Integrated CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT ARABLE lands sustainable land use sustainability TERRESTRIAL Carbon SEQUESTRATION
开发区土地利用的可持续性评价——以江苏昆山经济技术开发区为例 被引量:127
作者 龙花楼 蔡运龙 万军 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2000年第6期719-728,共10页
开发区土地利用的可持续性涉及到各土地利用单元自身的可持续性和整个区域土地利用结构的可持续性两个方面。运用景观生态分类法 ,对昆山经济技术开发区进行了土地利用分类 ,随后针对不同类型而采取不同的评价方法 ,进行了土地利用的可... 开发区土地利用的可持续性涉及到各土地利用单元自身的可持续性和整个区域土地利用结构的可持续性两个方面。运用景观生态分类法 ,对昆山经济技术开发区进行了土地利用分类 ,随后针对不同类型而采取不同的评价方法 ,进行了土地利用的可持续性评价。结果表明 :昆山经济技术开发区有较多的土地其利用方式是不可持续的 。 展开更多
关键词 土地利用可持续性 开发区 分类 评价 江苏
未来的大都市及其形态 被引量:13
作者 彼得.霍尔 陈闽齐 《国外城市规划》 2000年第2期23-27,共5页
本文讨论不同土地使用和开发方式的经济性。首先,文章追溯了自20世纪六、七十年代以来英国与美国有关城市形态经济的辩论;随后探讨了1980年代末、1990年代初得自英国的、具有重要意义的新结论;此外还总结了刚刚开始的、有... 本文讨论不同土地使用和开发方式的经济性。首先,文章追溯了自20世纪六、七十年代以来英国与美国有关城市形态经济的辩论;随后探讨了1980年代末、1990年代初得自英国的、具有重要意义的新结论;此外还总结了刚刚开始的、有关城市可持续发展的学术争论;最后讨论了欧洲一些有关城市交通和土地利用可持续发展的政策及其对未来的影响。 展开更多
关键词 城市形态经济 可持续发展 大都市 土地使用
流域可持续发展及其实现途径:土地利用空间重组 被引量:11
作者 陈文言 张雷 +1 位作者 刘慧 谢辉 《中国软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第2期125-129,共5页
关键词 流域管理 可持续发展 土地利用 空间重组 环境保护
基于纤维素类能源植物的可持续航空燃料全生命周期排放方法分析 被引量:1
作者 杨晓军 袁中楠 +1 位作者 丁水汀 侯德铭 《航空科学技术》 2024年第1期25-35,共11页
国际航空业要实现2050年净零碳排放的目标,目前唯一现实的能源解决方案是使用可持续航空燃料(SAF)。为了判断SAF能否真的实现持续的碳减排,有必要对生产的SAF的可持续性进行评估。本文基于国际航空碳抵消和减排计划(CORSIA)定义的生命... 国际航空业要实现2050年净零碳排放的目标,目前唯一现实的能源解决方案是使用可持续航空燃料(SAF)。为了判断SAF能否真的实现持续的碳减排,有必要对生产的SAF的可持续性进行评估。本文基于国际航空碳抵消和减排计划(CORSIA)定义的生命周期评价(LCA)方法,考虑了燃料生产过程中副产物的固碳效果对总排放的影响,计算了以某种纤维素类能源植物原料制SAF的三种工艺路径的全生命周期排放值,并进行了数据敏感性分析。结果显示,基于该能源植物的SAF各路径均可实现全生命周期碳减排,且考虑生物炭的固碳效果后最大减排量可达152.2%,对实现净零碳甚至负碳排放有关键作用。 展开更多
关键词 可持续航空燃料 可持续性标准 全生命周期排放 土地利用变化排放 核心生命周期排放
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