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两系亚种间杂交稻结实生理调节的研究 被引量:42
作者 庄宝华 林菲 洪植蕃 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第2期111-114,共4页
两系亚种间杂交稻结实生理调节的研究庄宝华,林菲,洪植蕃(福建农学院,福州350002)PhysiologicalRegulationsonFertilityofTwo-lineIntersubspeciesRiceH... 两系亚种间杂交稻结实生理调节的研究庄宝华,林菲,洪植蕃(福建农学院,福州350002)PhysiologicalRegulationsonFertilityofTwo-lineIntersubspeciesRiceHybrids¥ZHUANGBaoh... 展开更多
关键词 亚种间 杂交水稻 生理调节
Research Progress on Heat Stress of Rice at Flowering Stage 被引量:22
作者 WANG Yaliang WANG Lei +8 位作者 ZHOU Jianxia HU Shengbo CHEN Huizhe XIANG Jing ZHANG Yikai ZENG Yongjun SHI Qinghua ZHU Defeng ZHANG Yuping 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第1期1-10,共10页
Global warming has caused frequent occurrence of heat stress at the flowering stage of single-season rice in the Yangtze River region of China, which results in declines of spikelet fertility and yield in rice. Rice f... Global warming has caused frequent occurrence of heat stress at the flowering stage of single-season rice in the Yangtze River region of China, which results in declines of spikelet fertility and yield in rice. Rice flowering stage is the most sensitive period to high temperatures, and therefore, the key for heat stress happening is the flowering stage coinciding with high temperature, which causes spikelet fertility decreasing in heat-sensitive varieties, and is the major factor for heat injury differences among various rice planting regions. With the development of rice breeding, temperature indexes for heat stress has been converted from daily maximum temperature of 35 oC to 38 oC with the stress duration of more than 3 d. During the flowering stage, anther dehiscence inhibition and low pollen shedding onto the stigma are two main reasons for spikelet fertility reduction under high temperatures. At panicle initiation stage, high temperatures aggravate spikelet degeneration, and destroy floral organ development. Various types of rice varieties coexist in production, and indica-japonica hybrid rice demonstrates the highest heat resistance in general, followed by indica and japonica rice varieties. In production, avoiding high temperature is the main strategy of preventing heat stress, and planting suitable cultivars and adjustment of sowing date are the most effective measures. Irrigation is an effective real-time cultivation measure to decline the canopy temperature during the rice flowering stage. We suggested that further study should be focused on exploring heat injury differences among different rice variety types, and innovating rice-planting methods according to planting system changes in rice planting regions with extreme heat stress. Meanwhile, high temperature monitor and warning systems should be improved to achieve optimal heat stress management efficiencies. 展开更多
关键词 FLOWERING STAGE heat stress spikelet fertility high temperature YIELD VARIETY
高温下水稻开花习性对受精率的影响 被引量:24
作者 周建霞 张玉屏 +4 位作者 朱德峰 林贤青 向镜 陈惠哲 胡声博 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期297-303,共7页
以籼稻Ⅱ优7954(中等敏感)和Ⅱ优7号(耐高温)为材料采用人工气候箱在水稻抽穗开花期进行38℃高温处理,研究高温下颖花开放特性对受精率的影响。结果表明,高温下Ⅱ优7号与Ⅱ优7954花时较对照提前,Ⅱ优7号花时集中,而Ⅱ优7954花时分散;Ⅱ... 以籼稻Ⅱ优7954(中等敏感)和Ⅱ优7号(耐高温)为材料采用人工气候箱在水稻抽穗开花期进行38℃高温处理,研究高温下颖花开放特性对受精率的影响。结果表明,高温下Ⅱ优7号与Ⅱ优7954花时较对照提前,Ⅱ优7号花时集中,而Ⅱ优7954花时分散;Ⅱ优7954处理温度与高温处理时间之间存在互作,随着高温处理时间延长受精率下降;高温处理时段和变温模式直接影响水稻的开花习性,对受精率的影响很大。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 开花习性 受精率 高温
水稻特定位颖花结实率作为孕穗开花期耐冷性鉴定指标 被引量:15
作者 徐福荣 余腾琼 +4 位作者 严红梅 汤翠凤 叶昌荣 梁斌 戴陆园 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期411-416,共6页
以十和田与昆明小白谷的重组自交系(RIL)F8和F9群体为研究材料,在4种海拔条件下连续两年进行孕穗期耐冷性鉴定,采用方差分析、相关分析和多元逐步回归分析等方法对单株结实率与单株特定位颖花结实率间的相关性进行了研究.结果表明,单株... 以十和田与昆明小白谷的重组自交系(RIL)F8和F9群体为研究材料,在4种海拔条件下连续两年进行孕穗期耐冷性鉴定,采用方差分析、相关分析和多元逐步回归分析等方法对单株结实率与单株特定位颖花结实率间的相关性进行了研究.结果表明,单株结实率与特定位颖花结实率呈极显著相关(r=0.9011~0.7364),在低温冷害条件下,单株结实率与特定位颖花结实率间的相关系数高于无冷害条件;单株结实率和特定位颖花结实率与穗抽出度均呈极显著正相关.遗传分析表明,特定位颖花结实率可以替代单株结实率作为孕穗开花期耐冷性鉴定指标,而穗抽出度可作为孕穗开花期耐冷性鉴定的一个辅助指标. 展开更多
关键词 水稻 单株结实率 耐冷性 鉴定指标
水稻花期高温胁迫影响颖花育性生理机理研究进展 被引量:15
作者 陈仁天 唐茂艳 +5 位作者 王强 陈雷 李炜 陈畅 Farooq Shah 梁天锋 《南方农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期753-758,共6页
全球气候变暖产生的局部短期极端高温,会对水稻形成高温胁迫,影响水稻的各种生理代谢过程,其出现频率有增加趋势。高温胁迫对水稻的影响主要是在开花期,极易导致严重的颖花不育。水稻耐高温胁迫能力存在基因型间的差异。在当天温度较低... 全球气候变暖产生的局部短期极端高温,会对水稻形成高温胁迫,影响水稻的各种生理代谢过程,其出现频率有增加趋势。高温胁迫对水稻的影响主要是在开花期,极易导致严重的颖花不育。水稻耐高温胁迫能力存在基因型间的差异。在当天温度较低的时段开花,花粉活性高,花药长,花药基部开裂长度较长、开裂孔较大,是水稻耐高温胁迫的重要表型指标。热激蛋白的表达,提高花药的抗氧化能力,以及维持结构蛋白、酶和细胞膜的稳定性是增强柱头及柱头上花粉粒耐高温胁迫的重要生理机制。目前,国内外学者对高温胁迫影响水稻颖花受精结实的特征、水稻耐高温胁迫的形态与生理机理方面进行了大量研究,但未深入研究缓解水稻高温胁迫伤害的方法与策略,今后应结合水稻耐高温胁迫的形态与生理机理,加强有效缓解高温胁迫方法的探索与研究。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 花期 高温胁迫 颖花育性 生理机理 策略
水稻籼粳杂种不育性及其类型 被引量:11
作者 严长杰 梁国华 +3 位作者 顾世梁 陆驹飞 汤述翥 顾铭洪 《作物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期574-580,共7页
克服栽培稻不同亚种间杂种F1的不育性是有效利用亚种间杂种优势的前提。本研究选择了籼粳两亚种不同生态型的 19个水稻品种作为试验材料 ,研究了它们之间杂种不育性的表现特点及遗传特性。试验按p×q设计进行 ,以籼稻作为母本 ,共... 克服栽培稻不同亚种间杂种F1的不育性是有效利用亚种间杂种优势的前提。本研究选择了籼粳两亚种不同生态型的 19个水稻品种作为试验材料 ,研究了它们之间杂种不育性的表现特点及遗传特性。试验按p×q设计进行 ,以籼稻作为母本 ,共配置了 90个籼粳交组合。调查了各组合F1的小穗育性和花粉育性。研究结果表明 :(1)各组合的小穗育性和花粉育性都存在显著的差异。 (2 )花粉育性和胚囊育性分别由不同的遗传系统所控制 ,两者共同决定小穗育性的高低。 (3)起源于我国华南的籼稻品种比具有国际稻血缘的籼稻品种与粳稻的分化更远。 (4 )根据花粉育性和小穗育性为指标的聚类分析结果可知 :本研究中 90个籼粳交F1可分为 4个类型 ,即花粉育性和小穗育性都高 ;小穗育性高 ,但花粉育性低 ;小穗育性低 ,但花粉育性高 ;小穗育性和花粉育性都低。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 籼粳 杂种优势 不育性 品种类型 遗传特性 小穗育性 花粉育性
美国稻的广亲和性及其遗传研究 被引量:13
作者 李自超 王象坤 才宏伟 《北京农业大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 1994年第2期120-127,共8页
对13个美国稻的亲和性研究表明:美国稻与粳稻杂交亲和性较好,F_1结实基本正常,但与籼稻的亲和性较差,说明随机所取的所有供试美国水稻品种均为偏粳类型。根据亲和性测验结果,从美国稻中筛选出 Cpslo,Cpslol 7,Calbelle 三个 WCVS,同时... 对13个美国稻的亲和性研究表明:美国稻与粳稻杂交亲和性较好,F_1结实基本正常,但与籼稻的亲和性较差,说明随机所取的所有供试美国水稻品种均为偏粳类型。根据亲和性测验结果,从美国稻中筛选出 Cpslo,Cpslol 7,Calbelle 三个 WCVS,同时也鉴定出籼稻品种光辉稻为 WCV。酯酶同工酶分析结果表明,美国稻中亲和性较好的品种基本上都有7A 酶带,无7A 的品种亲和性都较差。因此,在鉴定美国稻的广亲和性时可采取先用酯酶同工酶淘汰不具7A 的品种然后用籼稻作测验种与其测交的方法。本文对一般 WCV 的筛选提出了先观察后测交的简便方法。讨论了 WCVS 的分级标准。另外还提出了广亲和基因的遗传作用模式假说,即"几个位点的广亲和原始基因累加作用"假说。 展开更多
关键词 美国稻 广亲和品种 酯酶同工酶
水稻亚种间广亲和性鉴定标准的研究 被引量:12
作者 闵绍楷 熊振民 +2 位作者 程式华 曹立勇 徐云碧 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 1990年第1期1-6,共6页
对受测品种与籼、粳测验种测交 F_1的黑染花粉率与小穗结实率的分析表明,两者相关不显著,建议在广亲和性品种筛选中宜以 F_1小穗结实率作为亲本亲和性鉴定的主要指标。提出当某品种与籼、粳测验种测交 F_1的平均结实率显著高于测验种间... 对受测品种与籼、粳测验种测交 F_1的黑染花粉率与小穗结实率的分析表明,两者相关不显著,建议在广亲和性品种筛选中宜以 F_1小穗结实率作为亲本亲和性鉴定的主要指标。提出当某品种与籼、粳测验种测交 F_1的平均结实率显著高于测验种间籼粳交 F_1的平均结实率而与测验种的平均结实率无显著差异时,可视为亲和性品种;在与籼、梗广泛测交中全部或绝大多数组合的结实率都在正常水平范围内的品种,可视为广亲和性品种。本研究筛选和验证了一批亚种间杂交具有亲和性的品种:皖9024、T984、Pecos、六千辛、中国91、秀水117、L201和 Douradaprecoce。其中 T984和中国91被进一步鉴定为广谱型的亲和性品种。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 亚种 广亲和性 鉴定 育种
Temperature Difference Between the Air and Organs of Rice Plant and Its Relation to Spikelet Fertility 被引量:8
作者 YAN Chuan DING Yan-feng LIU Zheng-hui WANG Qiang-sheng LI Gang-hua HE Ying WANGShao-hua 《Agricultural Sciences in China》 CAS CSCD 2008年第6期678-685,共8页
Based on the experiment of measuring panicles and leaves, air temperature, and humidity above the canopy of rice cultivars after heading in 2005 and 2006, we investigated the temperature difference (TD) between the ... Based on the experiment of measuring panicles and leaves, air temperature, and humidity above the canopy of rice cultivars after heading in 2005 and 2006, we investigated the temperature difference (TD) between the air and organs of rice plant and its relationship with spikelet fertility. The results showed that TDs between the air and organs of rice varied with air temperature, air humidity, and plant type. For similar air humidity, TDs were lower at the air temperature of 28.5℃ than at higher temperature of 35.5℃, whereas for the same air temperature, the TDs decreased as the air humidity increased. TDs were also affected by plant type of the cultivars. Erect panicle cultivars showed higher TDs than those with droopy panicles under similar climatic conditions, and cultivars with panicles above flag leaf (PAFL) had higher TDs than those with panicles below the flag leaf (PBFL). Cultivars grown in a location with lower air humidity and higher temperature, such as Taoyuan, China, had higher spikelet fertility than those in higher humidity under the similar air temperature during the grain filling stage. This is partially attributed to the larger TDs under the lower humidity. Rowspacing and the ratio of basal-tillering to panicle-spikelet fertilizer showed a significant influence on TD and subsequently on spikelet fertility, suggesting the possibility of increasing spikelet fertility by agronomic management. 展开更多
关键词 RICE air temperature temperature of organs spikelet fertility
大穗型水稻品种抽穗开花期遭遇高温后的结实表现 被引量:10
作者 陈建珍 闫浩亮 +4 位作者 刘科 穆麒麟 朱开典 张运波 田小海 《中国农业气象》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期84-91,共8页
培育大穗型水稻品种是进一步提高水稻产量的途径之一,但是大穗型水稻的颖花受精和籽粒灌浆易受环境影响而产生波动。以大穗型水稻品种BL006和R-农白为试验材料,中穗型品种黄华占为对照,利用人工气候室模拟湖北典型高温天气的昼夜温度变... 培育大穗型水稻品种是进一步提高水稻产量的途径之一,但是大穗型水稻的颖花受精和籽粒灌浆易受环境影响而产生波动。以大穗型水稻品种BL006和R-农白为试验材料,中穗型品种黄华占为对照,利用人工气候室模拟湖北典型高温天气的昼夜温度变化,研究大穗型水稻在抽穗开花期遭遇高温(日平均气温30℃和33℃)后的结实表现。结果表明:高温处理后,各品种的颖花受精率显著降低;30℃处理后,BL006、R-农白和黄华占的颖花受精率分别下降10.37、10.05和7.24个百分点,33℃处理后,分别降低53.17、65.38和8.17个百分点;30℃高温处理后,弱势颖花受精率的降幅较大,33℃高温处理后,强势颖花受精率的降幅较大;颖花受精率的变化与品种的光合特征有关。与常温相比,30℃高温处理后,BL006和R-农白的千粒重均降低1.69%,黄华占升高2.45%;33℃处理后,BL006和黄华占分别降低18.38%和11.65%,R-农白升高3.10%。此外,千粒重的变化也受粒位影响。因此,选育强耐高温的大穗型水稻品种,要整体提升穗部颖花的高温耐性水平和品种的光合能力。 展开更多
关键词 大穗型水稻 抽穗开花期 颖花受精率 千粒重 光合能力
低纬高原和高纬平原粳稻主要耐冷相关性状的遗传分析 被引量:10
作者 徐福荣 汤翠凤 +7 位作者 余腾琼 阿新祥 张恩来 杨雅云 张敦宇 董超 彭新禧 戴陆园 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期481-488,共8页
利用3个来自云南低纬高原的粳稻品种和3个来自日本、韩国高纬平原地区的粳稻品种,以及应用完全双列杂交获得的30个F1为试验材料,利用加性-显性-母体效应(ADM)遗传模型,在5种不同生长环境下,对单株结实率、特定结实率、穗抽出度和抽穗天... 利用3个来自云南低纬高原的粳稻品种和3个来自日本、韩国高纬平原地区的粳稻品种,以及应用完全双列杂交获得的30个F1为试验材料,利用加性-显性-母体效应(ADM)遗传模型,在5种不同生长环境下,对单株结实率、特定结实率、穗抽出度和抽穗天数等4个主要耐冷相关性状进行了遗传分析。4个耐冷相关性状中,单株结实率和特定结实率主要受基因型×环境互作效应的影响,不存在母体效应;单株结实率和特定结实率以互作广义遗传率最高,分别为63.5%和56.5%。单株结实率与特定结实率间的表现型、基因型、加性和显性效应的相关均达到极显著水平,相关系数介于0.717~1.000;单株结实率与穗抽出度间的表现型、基因型、加性和显性效应相关也均达到极显著水平,相关系数介于0.161~0.975。穗抽出度的变异系数变幅最大,穗抽出度也是耐冷性鉴定评价中不可忽视的重要性状。穗抽出度和抽穗天数以广义遗传率为最大,分别为59.6%和81.4%。抽穗天数主要受遗传主效应控制,受环境的影响最小。低温胁迫是选择培育耐冷性品种的必要条件,一品稻(Ilpumbyeo)×昆明小白谷是培育强耐冷性粳稻新品种的最优组合。 展开更多
关键词 粳稻 耐冷性 遗传分析 纬度 海拔 结实率 穗抽出度 抽穗期
Avoidance of Linkage Drag Between Blast Resistance Gene and the QTL Conditioning Spikelet Fertility Based on Genotype Selection Against Heading Date in Rice 被引量:7
作者 LIU Wen-qiang FAN Ye-yang CHEN Jie SHI Yong-feng Wu Jian-li 《Rice science》 SCIE 2009年第1期21-26,共6页
Previous study showed that a linkage drag between a blast resistance gene Pi25(t) and QTLs conditioning spikelet fertility (qSF-6) and number of filled grains per panicle (qNFGP-6) was detected on the short arm ... Previous study showed that a linkage drag between a blast resistance gene Pi25(t) and QTLs conditioning spikelet fertility (qSF-6) and number of filled grains per panicle (qNFGP-6) was detected on the short arm of chromosome 6. A larger population was used for further verification, and the results confirmed the linkage drag between the blast resistance gene and QTL conditioning spikelet fertility, other than QTL conditioning number of filled grains per panicle. Breakdown or avoidance of the linkage drag could be achieved by selection against the genotype background of a heading-date gene (qHD-7) that resided in the region between RM2 and RM214 on chromosome 7. For further validation, two lines with almost identical genotypes on all chromosomal regions except the Pi25(t) region on chromosome 6 were chosen to develop a new population The results showed that qSF-6 could be further subdivided into qSF-6-1 and qSF-6-2. When the genotype of the region between RM2 and RM214 was from rice variety Zhong 156, the linkage drag between Pi25(t) and qSF-6-2 was detected and the allele of qSF-6-2 from rice variety Gumei 2 reduced the spikelet fertility. When the genotype of the region between RM2 and RM214 was from Gumei 2, no linkage drag was detected. This indicates that the linkage drag between the blast resistance gene and the QTL conditioning spikelet fertility could be broken down or avoided under a certain background genotype selection against heading-date and provides a marker aided solution for high level of blast resistance and yield breeding in rice and other crops as well. 展开更多
关键词 rice (Oryza sativa) linkage drag blast resistance quantitative trait locus spikelet fertility heading date
Enclosed stigma contributes to higher spikelet fertility for rice(Oryza sativa L.) subjected to heat stress 被引量:6
作者 Chao Wu Kehui Cui +4 位作者 Qiuqian Hu Wencheng Wang Lixiao Nie Jianliang Huang Shaobing Peng 《The Crop Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第3期335-349,共15页
With global warming, rice plants may be subjected to heat stress more regularly during the heatsensitive flowering stage, causing spikelet sterility and grain yield loss.Stigma exsertion is considered to increase poll... With global warming, rice plants may be subjected to heat stress more regularly during the heatsensitive flowering stage, causing spikelet sterility and grain yield loss.Stigma exsertion is considered to increase pollen reception and promote female reproductive success.The aim of this study was to investigate the role of stigma exsertion on spikelet fertility at high temperatures.Five rice cultivars(Liangyoupeijiu, Shanyou 63, Huanghuazhan, Nagina 22, and IR64) with differing degrees of stigma exsertion were cultivated and exposed to high temperature at anthesis.Heat-tolerant cultivars did not always show a high percentage of spikelets with exserted stigmas, and vice versa.Irrespective of the presence of more pollen grains on exserted stigmas, spikelets with exserted stigmas did not show greater spikelet fertility than spikelets with fewer exserted stigmas or hidden stigmas under heat stress.GA3 application augmented the percentage of spikelets with exserted stigmas;however, it did not increase spikelet fertility under heat stress.Spikelet fertility of whole panicles was negatively correlated with the percentage of spikelets with exserted stigmas, but positively with that with hidden stigmas.Viability of the hidden stigmas was less reduced than that of exserted stigmas under heat stress, suggesting that hidden stigmas have an advantage in maintaining viability.Heat stress delayed anther dehiscence and reduced the viabilities of both exserted stigmas and pollens, thereby causing low spikelet fertility.Together, these results suggest that high spikelet fertility does not depend on stigma exsertion and that enclosed stigma generally contributes to higher spikelet fertility and heat tolerance under high-temperature conditions during flowering in rice. 展开更多
关键词 Heat stress RICE (Oryza SATIVA L.) spikelet fertility STIGMA exsertion STIGMA and POLLEN viability
花期干旱胁迫对籼稻近等基因系育性的影响 被引量:8
作者 符冠富 陶龙兴 +2 位作者 宋健 熊杰 王熹 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期613-620,共8页
以27份形态性状发生突变的标记基因材料杂交并多次回交所构建的近等基因系及其轮回亲本浙辐802(早籼稻)为材料,于水稻主穗见穗至此后15d进行干旱胁迫,研究花期干旱胁迫条件下各品系的育性与农艺性状和耐旱性生理性状的关系。试验结果表... 以27份形态性状发生突变的标记基因材料杂交并多次回交所构建的近等基因系及其轮回亲本浙辐802(早籼稻)为材料,于水稻主穗见穗至此后15d进行干旱胁迫,研究花期干旱胁迫条件下各品系的育性与农艺性状和耐旱性生理性状的关系。试验结果表明,花期干旱胁迫使株高受抑,上3叶绿叶面积减少,稻株干物质量和结实率显著下降,材料的耐旱性与结实性无关。根据干旱胁迫指数将该近等基因系分为钝感(结实率下降<30%)、耐旱(结实率下降幅度在31%~50%)、不耐旱(结实率下降幅度在51%~80%)及敏感(结实率下降幅度>80%)4类,轮回亲本浙辐802为干旱敏感材料。具有卷叶、披叶等传统的耐旱性状的近等基因系未能表现出较强的耐旱性,而具有黄绿色叶与金黄色的谷色的近等基因系则有较高的耐旱性。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 近等基因系 干旱胁迫 花期 育性 胁迫指数
光温敏核不育水稻秋季割茬再生繁殖的研究 被引量:6
作者 刘峰 黄群策 《杂交水稻》 CSCD 北大核心 1996年第1期14-15,共2页
关键词 水稻 光温敏核不育 割茬 再生繁殖
Screening for Spikelet Fertility and Validation of Heat Tolerance in a Large Rice Mutant Population 被引量:5
作者 Sulaiman CHEABU Nat PANICHAWONG +5 位作者 Prisana RATTANAMETTA Boonthong WASURI Poonpipope KASEMSAP Siwaret ARIKIT Apichart VANAVICHIT Chanate MALUMPONG 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第4期229-238,共10页
A total of 10 000 M4 individuals in Jao Hom Nil (JHN) mutant population was treated with high temperature (40 ℃ to 45 ℃) during the day time (6 h) from the booting to the harvesting stages, and ambient temperature (... A total of 10 000 M4 individuals in Jao Hom Nil (JHN) mutant population was treated with high temperature (40 ℃ to 45 ℃) during the day time (6 h) from the booting to the harvesting stages, and ambient temperature (33 ℃ to 35℃) was used as the control. The results of screening and yield trials found that the mutant line M9962 had a high spikelet fertility of 78% under heat stress. In addition, the other mutant lines, including M3181 and M7988, had a spikelet fertility of approximately 70%. However, the JHN wild type, Sin Lek, RD15 and RD33 had very low spikelet fertility of 34%, 14%, 9% and 4%, respectively. The lower spikelet fertility at an elevated temperature resulted in a dramatic decrease of filled grain and contributed to a loss in 100-grain weight. M9962 is a potential genetic stock for use in a heat tolerance breeding programme. In addition, spikelet fertility at high temperature was representative of heat tolerance and can be used as a screening trait for heat tolerance during the reproductive phase on a large scale. 展开更多
关键词 high temperature RICE spikelet fertility heat TOLERANCE MUTANT
Responses of Yield Characteristics to High Temperature During Flowering Stage in Hybrid Rice Guodao 6 被引量:5
作者 Fu Guan-fu TAO Long-xing SONG Jian WANG Xi CAO Li-yong CHENG Shi-hua 《Rice science》 SCIE 2008年第3期215-222,共8页
By sowing at different dates during 2005 and 2006 both in paddy fields and greenhouse, a super hybrid rice combination Guodao 6 and a conventional hybrid rice combination Xieyou 46 (as control) were used to analyze ... By sowing at different dates during 2005 and 2006 both in paddy fields and greenhouse, a super hybrid rice combination Guodao 6 and a conventional hybrid rice combination Xieyou 46 (as control) were used to analyze the differences in heat injury index, seed setting rate, grain yield and its components. Guodao 6 showed more stable yield and spikelet fertility, and lower heat injury index than Xieyou 46. Further studies indicated that the spikelet sterility is positively correlated with the average daily temperature and the maximum daily temperature, with the coefficients of 0.8604 and 0.9850 (P〈0.05) respectively in Guodao 6. The effect of high temperature injury on seed setting caused by maximum daily temperature was lower than that by average daily temperature during the grain filling stage. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid rice high temperature stress high temperature injury spikelet fertility seed setting
赤霉素与多效唑协同影响超级稻甬优12产量形成的作用途径分析 被引量:7
作者 杨雪芹 陈婷婷 +4 位作者 赵霞 张彩霞 杨永杰 符冠富 陶龙兴 《中国水稻科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期53-61,共9页
以超级稻甬优12为材料,于水稻抽穗后3d喷施3.2%赤霉素·多效唑(俗名粒粒饱,LLB),分析3.2%赤霉素·多效唑对超级稻甬优12产量形成的影响,并探讨其作用途径。研究表明,3.2%赤霉素·多效唑可在一定程度上提高水稻产量,2012-201... 以超级稻甬优12为材料,于水稻抽穗后3d喷施3.2%赤霉素·多效唑(俗名粒粒饱,LLB),分析3.2%赤霉素·多效唑对超级稻甬优12产量形成的影响,并探讨其作用途径。研究表明,3.2%赤霉素·多效唑可在一定程度上提高水稻产量,2012-2013年的实际产量比对照(CK)分别高4.41%和4.31%,理论产量比对照分别高9.21%和6.26%。结实率和千粒重的增加是3.2%赤霉素·多效唑提高超级稻甬优12产量的主要因素。3.2%赤霉素·多效唑处理的结实率分别比对照高9.94%(2012年)和4.46%(2013年),而柱头花粉粒萌发率的提高是结实率增加的主要原因,因为和对照相比,3.2%赤霉素·多效唑处理对水稻花粉粒育性及柱头花粉粒数的影响不大,处理间差异不显著,但其柱头花粉萌发率显著高于对照。与对照相比,3.2%赤霉素·多效唑处理的千粒重分别增加0.39g(2012年)和0.46g(2013年),尤其弱势粒,其粒重增幅明显大于强势粒。此外,研究还表明,3.2%赤霉素·多效唑处理的剑叶叶绿素含量、光合速率及叶片比叶重在籽粒灌浆后期高于对照,而其籽粒和叶片可溶性糖含量比值低于对照,表明3.2%赤霉素·多效唑不仅可延缓叶片衰老,还可以促进光合同化物(可溶性糖)向籽粒转运。 展开更多
关键词 3.2%赤霉素·多效唑 超级稻 产量 结实率 千粒重
Effects of Heat Stress at Vegetative and Reproductive Stages on Spikelet Fertility 被引量:5
作者 Sulaiman CHEABU Peerapon MOUNG-NGAM +2 位作者 Siwaret ARIKIT Apichart VANAVICHIT Chanate MALUMPONG 《Rice science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第4期218-226,共9页
Seed-setting rate, yield components and grain quality traits of 169 accessions from an exotic rice germplasm were tested under high temperatures from 40 oC to 45 oC for 6 h during the daytime at the vegetative and rep... Seed-setting rate, yield components and grain quality traits of 169 accessions from an exotic rice germplasm were tested under high temperatures from 40 oC to 45 oC for 6 h during the daytime at the vegetative and reproductive stages, respectively. The results showed that heat stress significantly decreased the seed-setting rate of all the accessions, but the heat stress effects varied among accessions. Based on the decreases in seed-setting rate at high temperatures, N22 was the most tolerant, followed by AUS17, M9962, SONALEE and AUS16. Moreover, the reductions in seed-setting rate and yield under heat stress were more serious at the vegetative stage (45 d before heading) than at the booting stage (15 d before heading). In addition, heat stress also affected grain quality, especially by conferring chalkiness to most of the accessions, but SONALEE did not change much. The heat-tolerant accessions identified here and the phenotype protocols developed could be used in future genetic studies and breeding programmes focused on heat tolerance. 展开更多
关键词 heat tolerance high temperature rice germplasm spikelet fertility seed-setting rate
亚洲栽培稻与普通野生稻种间杂种花粉和胚囊败育研究 被引量:6
作者 傅雪琳 卢永根 +2 位作者 李金泉 刘向东 赵杏娟 《植物遗传资源学报》 CAS CSCD 2008年第3期362-366,共5页
以亚洲栽培稻籼稻品种广陆矮4号(简称GLA)、粳稻品种辽粳944(简称944)、粳型亲籼系G2416-3(简称M12)与产于广东高州的普通野生稻(简称GP)配制6个正反交种间杂交组合,F1育性研究的结果表明:GLA/GP F1与GP/GLA F1之间的花粉育性(56.71%、5... 以亚洲栽培稻籼稻品种广陆矮4号(简称GLA)、粳稻品种辽粳944(简称944)、粳型亲籼系G2416-3(简称M12)与产于广东高州的普通野生稻(简称GP)配制6个正反交种间杂交组合,F1育性研究的结果表明:GLA/GP F1与GP/GLA F1之间的花粉育性(56.71%、56.15%)、胚囊育性(42.10%、33.33%)和小穗育性(33.66%、32.60%)差异较小;944/GP F1与GP/944 F1之间的花粉育性(79.01%、7.45%)、胚囊育性(50.00%、27.28%)和小穗育性(47.31%、17.59%)差异较大;M12/GPF1与GP/M12 F1的花粉育性(65.26%和49.55%)和小穗育性(73.16%和54.10%)差异介于前两者间,而胚囊育性(75.00%和40.00%)相差较大。各杂种F1败育花粉以典败类型为主;杂种F1败育胚囊主要有雌性生殖单位退化,卵器退化,极核异常排列,胚囊内组织混乱,助细胞退化且珠心组织吞噬胚囊,以及胚囊退化等。杂种胚囊育性和花粉育性直接影响小穗育性。以野生稻为母本的杂种育性较相应反交组合杂种的为低,表现出野生稻细胞质对栽野杂种育性的影响效应。可尝试利用人为创建的粳型亲籼系来开展克服栽培稻与普通野生稻种间杂种不育性的研究。 展开更多
关键词 亚洲栽培稻 普通野生稻 种间杂种 花粉败育 胚囊败育 小穗育性
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