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从“总分匹配”到“专业导向”——高考志愿模式的转变对高校专业建设的驱动作用分析 被引量:41
作者 王存宽 吕慈仙 杨桂珍 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期81-88,共8页
为了深化高校考试招生制度改革,作为首批综合改革试点省份的浙江省和上海市相继发布了实施方案。方案首次打破了传统的文理分科,提出了"3+3"的选考科目,并且探索实行"专业+学校"的平行志愿填报模式。新模式在考生... 为了深化高校考试招生制度改革,作为首批综合改革试点省份的浙江省和上海市相继发布了实施方案。方案首次打破了传统的文理分科,提出了"3+3"的选考科目,并且探索实行"专业+学校"的平行志愿填报模式。新模式在考生价值判断方式上实现了高考志愿从"总分匹配"向"专业导向"的转变,并且符合Gale-Shapley机制,具有公平和抗策略性。新模式在一定程度上扩大了学生的自主选择权、促进了高中系列课程改革,更重要的是驱动了高校优化专业布局、提升专业内涵、凝练专业特色,当然也可能存在让很多学生无所适从、给高中课程标准带来负面影响,以及间接促使区域、城乡教育不公平进一步拉大等弊端。 展开更多
关键词 高考改革 总分匹配 专业导向 专业建设
股权激励与企业研发投入——基于PSM的实证分析 被引量:34
作者 孙菁 周红根 李启佳 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期63-79,共17页
文章通过选取沪深两市上市公司相关数据,采用倾向得分匹配(PSM)方法探讨了在不同激励类型和公司实际控制人条件下股权激励对企业研发投入的影响。实证结果显示,在有效控制样本选择偏误的情况下,总体而言股权激励对企业研发投入具有促进... 文章通过选取沪深两市上市公司相关数据,采用倾向得分匹配(PSM)方法探讨了在不同激励类型和公司实际控制人条件下股权激励对企业研发投入的影响。实证结果显示,在有效控制样本选择偏误的情况下,总体而言股权激励对企业研发投入具有促进作用。进一步对股权激励进行分类可以发现,相比较于股票激励,企业选取期权激励对研发活动的促进效果更为显著。而且在不同实际控制人下,企业研发投入对股权激励的敏感性也存在着显著的差异。对于实际控制人为非国有性质的样本公司而言,股权激励能有效缓解企业所面临的代理问题,使得企业更关注长期业绩,调动企业技术研发的积极性。 展开更多
关键词 股权激励 研发投入 实际控制人 倾向得分匹配
上市大学衍生企业的研发强度与创新绩效研究 被引量:5
作者 张晨宇 白朴贤 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第9期128-133,共6页
基于沪深A股上市企业2007~2016年的面板数据,实证检验了依托大学母体优势学科与科技资源的大学衍生企业是否会取得更高的研发强度和更好的创新绩效。结果发现:相对非大学控制的上市企业,大学衍生企业会有更多的研发投入,并获得更多的专... 基于沪深A股上市企业2007~2016年的面板数据,实证检验了依托大学母体优势学科与科技资源的大学衍生企业是否会取得更高的研发强度和更好的创新绩效。结果发现:相对非大学控制的上市企业,大学衍生企业会有更多的研发投入,并获得更多的专利授予;大学衍生企业创新水平越高,会更倾向于选择实质性创新而非策略性创新。机制检验结果进一步发现,大学衍生企业通过创新行为最终提升了企业价值。 展开更多
关键词 大学衍生企业 研发强度 创新绩效 倾向得分匹配
车辆购置税优惠对新能源汽车企业创新绩效的影响分析 被引量:5
作者 高新伟 周春燕 《中国石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第1期11-19,共9页
以2009—2018年中国新能源汽车上市公司的面板数据为样本,从消费视角出发,运用双重差分倾向得分匹配法探究车辆购置税优惠对新能源汽车企业创新绩效的影响。结果表明:车辆购置税优惠能显著提升新能源汽车企业的创新绩效;企业资金和市场... 以2009—2018年中国新能源汽车上市公司的面板数据为样本,从消费视角出发,运用双重差分倾向得分匹配法探究车辆购置税优惠对新能源汽车企业创新绩效的影响。结果表明:车辆购置税优惠能显著提升新能源汽车企业的创新绩效;企业资金和市场需求在其中发挥了中介作用;异质性分析表明,车辆购置税优惠对小规模企业创新绩效的激励作用强于大规模企业,对非国有企业创新绩效的激励作用强于国有企业,对高成长性企业创新绩效的激励作用强于低成长性企业。建议提高车辆购置税优惠的实施强度,重视政策在消费端的间接激励作用,针对企业规模、所有权性质和成长性执行差异化政策。 展开更多
关键词 车辆购置税优惠 新能源汽车 创新绩效 双重差分倾向得分匹配
作者 陈钦萍 刘振滨 +1 位作者 王波 石懿 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期75-85,共11页
为探究农户适应性行为及其对农业产出的影响效应,基于福建省6个县市19个乡镇312户茶农的微观调研数据,采取倾向得分匹配模型,实证分析气候变化适应性行为对茶农收入的影响.研究表明:①面对气候变化及其影响,58.65%的茶农会采取应对措施,... 为探究农户适应性行为及其对农业产出的影响效应,基于福建省6个县市19个乡镇312户茶农的微观调研数据,采取倾向得分匹配模型,实证分析气候变化适应性行为对茶农收入的影响.研究表明:①面对气候变化及其影响,58.65%的茶农会采取应对措施,41.35%的茶农未采取任何措施.②控制适应性行为内生性后,相较于未采取组茶农而言,采取组茶农茶叶收入水平平均提高了29.01%.基于收入依赖与经营规模的异质性分析,发现相较于全样本而言,收入完全依赖组和经营大规模组茶农具有更高的平均效应值(ATT)值,且不同组间适应性行为对茶农茶叶收入的作用效果从大到小依次为收入完全依赖、大规模、全样本. 展开更多
关键词 气候变化适应性行为 茶叶收入 倾向得分匹配模型
后脱贫时代民族地区金融素养的防贫效应研究——基于新疆地区的微观调查数据 被引量:1
作者 谭卓敏 雷汉云 《兰州财经大学学报》 2022年第2期94-105,共12页
基于新疆地区居民家庭微观调查数据,通过因子分析法构建金融素养指标,运用probit模型、工具变量法和中介效应模型实证分析民族地区个体家庭金融素养与贫困发生率的关系。结果显示:提高金融素养能够显著抑制民族地区居民家庭绝对贫困与... 基于新疆地区居民家庭微观调查数据,通过因子分析法构建金融素养指标,运用probit模型、工具变量法和中介效应模型实证分析民族地区个体家庭金融素养与贫困发生率的关系。结果显示:提高金融素养能够显著抑制民族地区居民家庭绝对贫困与相对贫困的发生,倾向得分匹配法检验表明该结果具有稳健性。进一步研究发现,优化家庭金融决策是金融素养发挥作用的重要传导机制。基于上述结论,民族地区政府部门应建立有效金融教育体系,加大金融教育力度,多途径提高居民金融素养水平。 展开更多
关键词 绝对贫困 相对贫困 金融素养 工具变量法 倾向得分匹配法
作者 张敏 孙志明 +2 位作者 施雯慧 周健 杨月华 《中国计划生育学杂志》 2023年第11期2538-2543,共6页
目的:利用倾向性评分匹配方法(PSM),探讨人工流产即时放置宫内节育器(IUD)不良事件发生情况及其危险因素。方法:通过避孕药具首诊登记和随访信息系统,获取2015-2020年月经后放置和人工流产即时放置IUD的妇女共45111名,其中人工流产即时... 目的:利用倾向性评分匹配方法(PSM),探讨人工流产即时放置宫内节育器(IUD)不良事件发生情况及其危险因素。方法:通过避孕药具首诊登记和随访信息系统,获取2015-2020年月经后放置和人工流产即时放置IUD的妇女共45111名,其中人工流产即时放置4692名,月经后放置40419名。采用倾向性评分匹配法按照1:1匹配后,每组样本量为4692例,分析人工流产即时放置IUD与不良事件发生风险的关系,计算相对危险度(RR)及其95%可信区间,利用时间依存的Cox比例风险模型对不良事件发生影响因素进行分析。结果:PSM后发现人工流产即时放置组1年累计脱落率高于月经后放置组(RR=1.56,95%CI 1.03~2.36)、1年、3年和5年月经问题的发生率(RR=1.60,95%CI 1.26~2.04;RR=1.28,95%CI 1.07~1.53;RR=1.22,95%CI 1.03~1.44)高于月经后放置组,1年不良事件发生率也高于月经后放置组(RR=1.18,95%CI 1.01~1.37)。时间依存的Cox比例风险模型发现人工流产即时放置对IUD不良事件发生风险没有影响(HR=1.08,95%CI 0.96~1.21)。结论:人工流产后即时放置IUD不会增加总不良事件发生风险,但其月经问题发生风险明显增加。 展开更多
关键词 人工流产术后 宫内节育器 不良事件 发生风险 倾向性匹配方法
竞争性选拔干部中的“高分低能”问题研究 被引量:1
作者 山西省委组织部课题组 盛茂林 张葆 《中国延安干部学院学报》 2015年第5期71-77,共7页
"高分低能"是竞争性选拔干部中的一个重要问题。"高分低能"干部能力欠缺的主要表现是组织协调能力偏弱、改革创新能力不足、解决实际问题能力欠缺、科学决策能力不强。产生"高分低能"的原因主要是资格条... "高分低能"是竞争性选拔干部中的一个重要问题。"高分低能"干部能力欠缺的主要表现是组织协调能力偏弱、改革创新能力不足、解决实际问题能力欠缺、科学决策能力不强。产生"高分低能"的原因主要是资格条件设置不合理、测试测评环节本身在程序设计、内容设定、技术选配上存在的不规范、不科学、测试内容不够科学、考评队伍和题库建设重视不够、测试手段不够先进、对测试测评结果分析研判不够、跟踪管理培养不够。解决这一问题需要科学分析岗位需求、优化程序组合和设计、提高命题的科学性、构建科学的以人岗匹配为基础的胜任力测评方法、强化跟踪管理、加大培养力度等。 展开更多
关键词 高分低能 人岗匹配 胜任力测评
倾向指数第二讲倾向指数常用研究方法 被引量:50
作者 王永吉 蔡宏伟 +1 位作者 夏结来 蒋志伟 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期584-585,共2页
倾向指数(编者注:国内有学者译为倾向评分)方法最主要作用是通过均衡暴露组和对照组间的协变量分布来控制组间偏倚。通过倾向指数调整,倾向指数相同或相近的两个研究对象,虽然可能拥有不同的特征变量,但进入倾向指数模型调整的多... 倾向指数(编者注:国内有学者译为倾向评分)方法最主要作用是通过均衡暴露组和对照组间的协变量分布来控制组间偏倚。通过倾向指数调整,倾向指数相同或相近的两个研究对象,虽然可能拥有不同的特征变量,但进入倾向指数模型调整的多个特征变量之间总体上是均衡的。 展开更多
关键词 倾向指数 匹配 分层 协变量调整
Laparoscopic versus open pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma:a propensity score matching analysis 被引量:17
作者 Wentao Zhou Weiwei Jin +9 位作者 Dansong Wang Chao Lu Xuefeng Xu Renchao Zhang Tiantao Kuang Yucheng Zhou Wenchuan Wu Dayong Jin Yiping Mou Wenhui Lou 《Cancer Communications》 SCIE 2019年第1期582-592,共11页
Background:A growing body of evidence supports the use of laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy(LPD)as an efficient and feasible surgical technique.However,few studies have investigated its applicability in pancreatic ... Background:A growing body of evidence supports the use of laparoscopic pancreaticoduodenectomy(LPD)as an efficient and feasible surgical technique.However,few studies have investigated its applicability in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma(PDAC),and the long-term efficacy of LPD on PDAC remains unclear.This study aimed to compare the short-and long-term outcomes between LPD and open pancreaticoduodenectomy(OPD)for PDAC.Methods:The data of patients who had OPD or LPD for PDAC between January 2013 and September 2017 were retrieved.Their postoperative outcomes and survival were compared after propensity score matching.Results:A total of 309 patients were included.After a 2:1 matching,93 cases in the OPD group and 55 in the LPD group were identified.Delayed gastric emptying(DGE),particularly grade B/C DGE,occurred less frequently in the LPD group than in the OPD group(1.8%vs.36.6%,P<0.001;1.8%vs.22.6%,P=0.001).The overall complication rates were significantly lower in the LPD group than in the OPD group(49.1%vs.71.0%,P=0.008),whereas the rates of major complications were similar(10.9%vs.14.0%,P=0.590).In addition,the median overall survival was comparable between the two groups(20.0 vs.18.7 months,P=0.293).Conclusion:LPD was found to be technically feasible with efficacy similar to OPD for patients with PDAC. 展开更多
关键词 LAPAROSCOPY Open pancreaticoduodenectomy Pancreatic cancer Overall survival Gastric emptying COMPLICATIONS Adjuvant chemotherapy Propensity score matching
倾向性评分匹配法在多分类数据中的比较和应用 被引量:15
作者 邬顺全 吴骋 贺佳 《中国卫生信息管理杂志》 2013年第5期448-451,共4页
目的构建多分类倾向性评分匹配方法,并将其应用到分组变量为三分类的流行病学调查数据中。方法数据来源于前期的流行病学调查数据,从五个城市中随机抽取3600名受访者,收集他们的人口学信息。让受访者自己评价其健康情况,分析自评健康为... 目的构建多分类倾向性评分匹配方法,并将其应用到分组变量为三分类的流行病学调查数据中。方法数据来源于前期的流行病学调查数据,从五个城市中随机抽取3600名受访者,收集他们的人口学信息。让受访者自己评价其健康情况,分析自评健康为好、一般和差的受访者其慢性病发病率是否相同,并探讨慢性病发病与否同时还受其他混杂因素的影响。结果在不同倾向性评分匹配方法中,只有马氏距离匹配可消除不同组间协变量的不均衡,设定匹配时的平均马氏距离为0.12。结论马氏距离匹配适用于本研究的数据类型,可有效控制三组间的混杂因素。 展开更多
关键词 倾向性评分 匹配方法 自评健康 慢性病
Antiviral therapy for hepatitis B virus-related hepatocellular carcinoma after radical hepatectomy 被引量:11
作者 Yang Ke Liang Ma +4 位作者 Xue-Mei You Sheng-Xin Huang Yong-Rong Liang Bang-De Xiang Le-Qun Li 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第3期158-164,共7页
Objective: To assess the effect of antiviral therapy for hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after radical hepatectomy. Methods: A total of 478 HBV-related HCC patients treated by radi... Objective: To assess the effect of antiviral therapy for hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after radical hepatectomy. Methods: A total of 478 HBV-related HCC patients treated by radical hepatectomy were retrospectively collected. Patients in the treatment group (n=141) received postoperative lamivudine treatment (100 rag/d), whereas patients in the control group (n=337) did not. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) rates, overall survival (OS) rates, treatments for recurrent HCC and cause of death were compared between the two groups. Propensity score matching (PSM) analysis was also conducted to reduce confounding bias between the two groups. Results: The 1-, 3-, and 5-year RFS rates didn't significantly differ between the two groups (P=0.778); however, the 1-, 3-, and 5-year OS rates in the treatment group were significantly higher than those in the control group (P=0.002). Similar results were observed in the matched data. Subgroup analysis showed that antiviral treatment conferred a significant survival benefit for Barcelona Clinical Liver Cancer stage A/B patients. Following HCC recurrence, more people in the treatment group were able to choose curative treatments than those in the control group (P=0.031). For cause of death, fewer people in the treatment group died of liver failure than those in the control group (P=0.041). Conclusion: Postoperative antiviral therapy increases chances of receiving curative treatments for recurrent HCC and prevents death because of liver failure, thereby significantly prolonging OS, especially in early- or intermedian-stage tumors. 展开更多
关键词 Antiviral therapy hepatocellular carcinoma propensity score matching recurrence-free survival rate
基于稀疏超完备表示的目标检测算法 被引量:10
作者 逯鹏 张姗姗 +2 位作者 刘驰 黄石磊 汤玉合 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1273-1278,共6页
基于视觉超完备机制的图像稀疏表示是一种新的图像表征方法。针对目标检测问题,提出了一种基于视觉稀疏超完备表示的计算模型,实现了非结构化场景中的目标检测。该方法首先基于能量模型和评分匹配(score matching)方法建立稀疏超完备计... 基于视觉超完备机制的图像稀疏表示是一种新的图像表征方法。针对目标检测问题,提出了一种基于视觉稀疏超完备表示的计算模型,实现了非结构化场景中的目标检测。该方法首先基于能量模型和评分匹配(score matching)方法建立稀疏超完备计算模型,进而设计了基于神经元响应以及动态阈值策略的目标检测算法,最后通过多类型交通图像验证算法有效性。结果表明,该方法与计算机视觉方法比较具有较高的准确率,能够利用少样本实现大交通流量中目标的检测。 展开更多
关键词 稀疏超完备 非结构化 目标检测 评分匹配
经倾向指数匹配后的GP方案与NP方案治疗非小细胞肺癌的疗效评价 被引量:10
作者 赵晓蒙 李炳海 +5 位作者 王素珍 李京 孟维静 任艳峰 王小礼 李婵娟 《中国卫生统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期34-36,共3页
【提要】目的将非小细胞肺癌患者分为吉西他滨联合顺铂(GP)方案和长春瑞滨联合顺铂(NP)方案两组,用倾向指数匹配法均衡组问的协变量,评价两种治疗方案的效果。方法以分组变量为因变量,协变量为白变量建立logistic回归模型,计算... 【提要】目的将非小细胞肺癌患者分为吉西他滨联合顺铂(GP)方案和长春瑞滨联合顺铂(NP)方案两组,用倾向指数匹配法均衡组问的协变量,评价两种治疗方案的效果。方法以分组变量为因变量,协变量为白变量建立logistic回归模型,计算非小细胞肺癌病人的倾向指数,然后按照倾向指数进行组间卡钳匹配,对匹配后的数据进行生存分析。结果匹配前GP组和NP组的中位生存期分别为2.12年和2.18年;其置信区间分别为(1.76~2.51)年和(1.82~2.54)年:GP组和NP组的1年生存率分别为83.98%和85.25%;2年生存率分别为55.68%和58.13%;3年生存率分别为23.47%和24.99%。Logrank检验两组生存曲线间没有统计学差异(P〉0.05)。匹配后中位生存时间分别为1.96年和2.31年;其置信区间分别为(1.56~2.36)年及(1.87~2.66)年;GP组和NP组的1年生存率分别为82.83%和85.23%;2年生存率分别为49.29%和58.04%;3年生存率分别为23.18%和25.26%。Logrank检验结果表明两组生存曲线之间差别无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论采用倾向指数匹配法能有效的降低混杂偏倚,GP和NP两种化疗方案均可作为NSCLC的一线治疗方案。 展开更多
关键词 倾向指数 匹配法 非小细胞肺癌 生存分析
Safety and efficacy of stent-assisted coiling for acutely ruptured wide-necked intracranial aneurysms:comparison of LVIS stents with laser-cut stents 被引量:10
作者 Gaici Xue Qiao Zuo +9 位作者 Xiaoxi Zhang Haishuang Tang Rui Zhao Qiang Li Yibin Fang Pengfei Yang Bo Hong Yi Xu Qinghai Huang Jianmin Liu 《Chinese Neurosurgical Journal》 CSCD 2021年第2期116-125,共10页
Background:To compare the safety and efficacy of LVIS stent-assisted coiling with those of laser-cut stent-assisted coiling for the treatment of acutely ruptured wide-necked intracranial aneurysms.Methods:Patients wit... Background:To compare the safety and efficacy of LVIS stent-assisted coiling with those of laser-cut stent-assisted coiling for the treatment of acutely ruptured wide-necked intracranial aneurysms.Methods:Patients with acutely ruptured wide-necked intracranial aneurysms treated with LVIS stent-assisted coiling(LVIS stent group)and laser-cut stent-assisted coiling(laser-cut stent group)were retrospectively reviewed from January 2014 to December 2017.Propensity score matching was used to adjust for potential differences in age,sex,aneurysm location,aneurysm size,neck width,Hunt-Hess grade,and modified Fisher grade.Perioperative procedure-related complications and clinical and angiographic follow-up outcomes were compared.Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the associations between procedure-related complications and potential risk factors.Results:A total of 142 patients who underwent LVIS stent-assisted coiling and 93 patients who underwent laser-cut stent-assisted coiling were enrolled after 1:2 propensity score matching.The angiographic follow-up outcomes showed that the LVIS stent group had a slightly higher complete occlusion rate and lower recurrence rate than the laser-cut stent group(92.7%vs 80.6%;3.7%vs 9.7%,P=0.078).The clinical outcomes at discharge and follow-up between the two groups demonstrated no significant differences(P=0.495 and P=0.875,respectively).The rates of intraprocedural thrombosis,postprocedural thrombosis,postoperative early rebleeding,and procedure-related death were 0.7%(1/142),1.4%(2/142),2.8%(4/142),and 2.1%(3/142)in the LVIS stent group,respectively,and 4.3%(4/93),2.2%(2/93),1.1%(1/93),and 3.2%(3/93)in the laser-cut stent group,respectively(P=0.082,0.649,0.651,and 0.683).Nevertheless,the rates of overall procedure-related complications and intraprocedural rupture in the LVIS stent group were significantly lower than those in the laser-cut stent group(5.6%vs 14.0%,P=0.028;0.7%vs 6.5%,P=0.016).Multivariate analysis showed that laser-cut stent-assisted coil 展开更多
关键词 Ruptured intracranial aneurysm LVIS stent Laser-cut stent Propensity score matching
倾向性评分法和马氏距离法在匹配中的比较与应用 被引量:9
作者 陈会会 尤东方 +4 位作者 酒励 魏永越 柏建岭 陈峰 赵杨 《中国卫生统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期857-860,865,共5页
目的比较倾向性评分法与马氏距离法在匹配中的效果,在医学数据中验证倾向性评分悖论的观点。方法通过最邻近匹配及卡钳匹配选择最佳匹配方法,计算不同卡钳值下删减个体数后样本的不平衡性,比较倾向性评分法与马氏距离法的稳定性。结果... 目的比较倾向性评分法与马氏距离法在匹配中的效果,在医学数据中验证倾向性评分悖论的观点。方法通过最邻近匹配及卡钳匹配选择最佳匹配方法,计算不同卡钳值下删减个体数后样本的不平衡性,比较倾向性评分法与马氏距离法的稳定性。结果对于本研究的数据,倾向性评分法的卡钳匹配是最佳的匹配方法;倾向性评分法在删减个体数达到一定后,继续删减匹配较差个体会增加样本的不平衡性,马氏距离匹配的样本不平衡性随着删减个体数的增加而减少。结论倾向性评分匹配法调整混杂时,不宜删减较多个体寻找更加精确匹配的匹配集。 展开更多
关键词 倾向性评分 马氏距离 匹配 倾向性评分悖论
倾向指数匹配法在肺癌化疗效果评价中的应用 被引量:9
作者 吕军城 王素珍 《中国卫生统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期190-192,共3页
目的收集临床肺癌病人观测资料,按照临床化疗方法不同将肺癌病人分为NP方案(长春瑞滨+顺铂)和TP方案(紫杉醇+顺铂)两组,用倾向指数匹配法均衡两组间的混杂因素,比较匹配前后差异,评价两种治疗方案的效果。方法采用logistic回归计算肺癌... 目的收集临床肺癌病人观测资料,按照临床化疗方法不同将肺癌病人分为NP方案(长春瑞滨+顺铂)和TP方案(紫杉醇+顺铂)两组,用倾向指数匹配法均衡两组间的混杂因素,比较匹配前后差异,评价两种治疗方案的效果。方法采用logistic回归计算肺癌病人的倾向指数,按照倾向指数进行组间卡钳匹配,采用Kaplan-Meier法对匹配后的数据进行分析,用log-rank检验比较两组生存差异。结果匹配前协变量在两组中不均衡,NP方案组和TP方案组的中位生存期分别为2.360年和2.100年,两组生存率无统计学差异(P=0.0516),匹配后协变量在两组中得到很好均衡,NP方案组和TP方案组的中位生存时间分别变为2.560年和2.180年,生存率间有统计学差异(P=0.0134)。结论倾向指数法能够弥补临床观测数据的不足,通过匹配可有效降低组间混杂偏倚,有利于对肺癌患者不同治疗方案疗效做出更准确评价。 展开更多
关键词 倾向指数 匹配法 肺癌 生存分析
Concurrent chemoradiotherapy with weekly docetaxel versus cisplatin in the treatment of locoregionally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma:a propensity score-matched analysis 被引量:9
作者 Jun-Fang Liao Qun Zhang +5 位作者 Xiao-Jing Du Mei Lan Shan Liu Yun-Fei Xia Xiu-Yu Cai Wei Luo 《Cancer Communications》 SCIE 2019年第1期368-378,共11页
Background:Promising efficacy and manageable toxicity of docetaxel-based concurrent chemoradiotherapy(CCRT)were reported in head and neck cancer.In addition,the effect of CCRT in combination with cisplatin and/or 5-fl... Background:Promising efficacy and manageable toxicity of docetaxel-based concurrent chemoradiotherapy(CCRT)were reported in head and neck cancer.In addition,the effect of CCRT in combination with cisplatin and/or 5-fluorouracil on both locoregionally advanced and metastatic/recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma(NPC)was verified.However,CCRT with docetaxel for locoregionally advanced NPC are not well studied.This study aimed to compare effectiveness and toxicities of CCRT with weekly docetaxel versus tri-weekly cisplatin for locoregionally advanced NPC.Methods:Clinical data of patients with locoregionally advanced NPC newly diagnosed between January 2010 and December 2014 receiving CCRT with either weekly docetaxel(15 mg/m2)or tri-weekly cisplatin(80-100 mg/m2)were reviewed.Propensity score matching at a 1:1 ratio was performed to balance baseline characteristics.Adverse events and survival were compared between the two groups.Results:A total of 962 patients were included as the whole cohort,and 448 patients were matched and were regarded as the matched cohort.The median follow-up duration was 48 months for the whole cohort.The 3-year nodal recurrence-free survival rate was significantly increased for patients treated with docetaxel in both the whole(hazard ratio[HR]=0.37,95%confidence interval[CI]0.19-0.72,P=0.030)and matched cohorts(HR=0.33,95%CI 0.14-0.79,P=0.023).However,no significant differences were observed in overall survival,local recurrence-free survival,and distant metastasis-free survival between the two groups in both cohorts.Significantly higher rates of grade 3 radiodermatitis(6.7%vs.1.8%,P=0.001),mucositis(74.5%vs.37.9%,P<0.001),and leucopenia(2.2%vs.11.6%,P<0.001)were observed in the docetaxel group,but any grade of renal injury(1.8%vs.15.1%,P<0.001),vomiting(18.8%vs.88.3%,P<0.001),and ALT elevation(19.2%vs.31.3%,P=0.027)were more common in the cisplatin group.Conclusions:CCRT with weekly low-dose docetaxel is an effective and tolerable therapeutic regimen for locally advanced NPC.It provides a surv 展开更多
关键词 Concurrent chemoradiotherapy DOCETAXEL CISPLATIN Nasopharyngeal carcinoma Propensity score matching Intensity-modulated radiotherapy Overall survival Distant metastasis-free survival Locoregional recurrence-free survival Nodal recurrence-free survival
Progress in hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure treatment in China:A large,multicenter,retrospective cohort study using a propensity score matching analysis 被引量:9
作者 Lan-Lan Xiao Xiao-Xin Wu +5 位作者 Jia-Jia Chen Dong Yan Dong-Yan Shi Jian-Rong Huang Xiao-Wei Xu Lan-Juan Li 《Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第6期535-541,共7页
Background:Hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure(HBV-ACLF)has a high short-term mortality.However,the treatment progression for HBV-ACLF in China in the past decade has not been well characterized.T... Background:Hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure(HBV-ACLF)has a high short-term mortality.However,the treatment progression for HBV-ACLF in China in the past decade has not been well characterized.The present study aimed to determine whether the HBV-ACLF treatment has significantly improved during the past decade.Methods:This study retrospectively compared short-term(28/56 days)survival rates of two different nationwide cohorts(cohort I:2008-2011 and cohort II:2012-2015).Eligible HBV-ACLF patients were enrolled retrospectively.Patients in the cohorts I and II were assigned either to the standard medical therapy(SMT)group(cohort I-SMT,cohort II-SMT)or artificial liver support system(ALSS)group(cohort IALSS,cohort II-ALSS).Propensity score matching analysis was conducted to eliminate baseline differences,and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to explore the independent factors for 28-day survival.Results:Short-term(28/56 days)survival rates were significantly higher in the ALSS group than those in the SMT group(P<0.05)and were higher in the cohort II than those in the cohort I(P<0.001).After propensity score matching,short-term(28/56 days)survival rates were higher in the cohort II than those in the cohort I for both SMT(60.7%vs.53.0%,50.0%vs.39.8%,P<0.05)and ALSS(66.1%vs.56.5%,53.0%vs.44.4%,P<0.05)treatments.The 28-day survival rate was higher in patients treated with nucleos(t)ide analogs than in patients without such treatments(P=0.046).Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that ALSS(OR=0.962,95%CI:0.951-0.973,P=0.038),nucleos(t)ide analogs(OR=0.927,95%CI:0.871-0.983,P=0.046),old age(OR=1.028,95%CI:1.015-1.041,P<0.001),total bilirubin(OR=1.002,95%CI:1.001-1.003,P=0.004),INR(OR=1.569,95%CI:1.044-2.358,P<0.001),COSSH-ACLF grade(OR=2.683,95%CI:1.792-4.017,P<0.001),and albumin(OR=0.952,95%CI:0.924-0.982,P=0.002)were independent factors for 28-day mortality.Conclusions:The treatment for patients with HBV-ACLF has improved in the past decade. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure Propensity score matching analysis Short-term survival rate Standard medical therapy Artificial liver support system
A prospective cohort study on the relationship between vancomycin steady-state trough concentration and efficacy and safety in Chinese adults 被引量:8
作者 Chaohui Wu Huifen Lin +6 位作者 Weiwei Lin Yiwei Liu Xiang You Cuihong Lin Rongfang Lin Dayong Zeng Pinfang Huang 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2020年第5期341-354,共14页
Clinical guidelines recommend a steady-state vancomycin(VCM)trough concentration(SVTC)of 10–15 mg/L for regular infections and 15–20 mg/L for severe infections.However,clinical trials have shown that increasing SVTC... Clinical guidelines recommend a steady-state vancomycin(VCM)trough concentration(SVTC)of 10–15 mg/L for regular infections and 15–20 mg/L for severe infections.However,clinical trials have shown that increasing SVTC is not beneficial for efficacy,and instead it leads to nephrotoxicity.To verify whether increasing the SVTC results in improved clinical outcomes with sustainable adverse effects,we prospectively determined its correlation with clinical efficacy and safety.The participants included patients hospitalized with Gram-positive bacterial infections from March 2017 through October 2018.The patients were classified into group I(SVTC<10 mg/L),II(10≤SVTC≤20 mg/L),or III(SVTC>20 mg/L).Clinical,microbiological,and laboratory data were collected.Clinical outcomes between group I and II were matched after propensity score matching(PSM).A total of 331 patients were included in this study.Clinical failure occurred in 59(29%)of 204 patients on day 14,with no significant difference between groups I and II(P=0.535).Infection recurred at 28 d in 62(30%)of 204 patients,and no significant difference in infection recurrence was observed between both the groups(log-rank,P=0.674).Except for a significant increase in the incidence of acute kidney injury in group II,no significant difference was observed between two groups for any clinical results.The incidence of adverse events in groups I and II was significantly lower than that in group III(P<0.001).SVTC had an applicable cut-off point at 14.55 mg/L.SVTC was not correlated with VCM clinical efficacy,while it was a good indicator of nephrotoxicity. 展开更多
关键词 VANCOMYCIN Therapeutic drug monitoring NEPHROTOXICITY Propensity score matching
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