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世界体坛格局变化与中国竞技体育实力研究 被引量:9
作者 郭洪亮 王小平 +2 位作者 王海霞 周迎春 陆国田 《南京体育学院学报(自然科学版)》 2017年第6期110-115,共6页
运用文献资料、数理统计、比较分析等方法对北京奥运会、伦敦奥运会、里约奥运会奖牌排行榜分布情况进行对比分析研究。结果表明:近三届奥运会世界体坛格局变化较为明显,美国依旧强势,霸主地位难以撼动,英国金牌榜排名实现对中国的反超... 运用文献资料、数理统计、比较分析等方法对北京奥运会、伦敦奥运会、里约奥运会奖牌排行榜分布情况进行对比分析研究。结果表明:近三届奥运会世界体坛格局变化较为明显,美国依旧强势,霸主地位难以撼动,英国金牌榜排名实现对中国的反超,位居第二位,中国竞技体育整体实力明显下滑,形成了以"美、英、中"为第一集团的新三足鼎立格局。洲际金牌分布具有明显的地域特征,两极分化态势显著。中国竞技体育项目分布呈现传统优势项目领地缩减、潜优势项目实现突破、基础项目个别提高的特征;男女运动员竞技实力之间的差距进一步缩小,中国竞技体育由"阴盛阳衰"向"龙凤呈祥"渐进式过渡;年龄结构以新为主,老将为辅,结构合理、层次分明,年轻运动员实力雄厚,逐渐成长为中国竞技体育的领航者。 展开更多
关键词 奥运会 竞技体育 中国 优势项目 潜优势项目
山东省竞技体育潜优势项目的现状分析 被引量:5
作者 程静静 胡在栋 +2 位作者 钟明宝 程虎 范琳红 《武汉体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第7期97-100,共4页
运用文献资料、实证分析、数理统计和帕雷托截集法等研究方法,分析了山东省竞技体育潜优势项目的现状,认为山东省应在稳定优势项目的前提下,着力发展潜优势项目,使潜优势转变成优势,要跟国家竞技体育的步伐一致;运用"点对点"... 运用文献资料、实证分析、数理统计和帕雷托截集法等研究方法,分析了山东省竞技体育潜优势项目的现状,认为山东省应在稳定优势项目的前提下,着力发展潜优势项目,使潜优势转变成优势,要跟国家竞技体育的步伐一致;运用"点对点"策略,加强潜优势小项目的发展;投入倾斜、潜优势项目的"小灶策略";确定山东省潜优势项目发展理念。这样才能实现山东省"体育强省"的宏伟目标和推动整个体育事业的顺利发展。 展开更多
关键词 山东省 竞技体育 潜优势项目
Tectonic-thermal history and hydrocarbon potential of the Pearl River Mouth Basin,northern South China Sea:Insights from borehole apatite fission-track thermochronology 被引量:2
作者 Xiao-yin Tang Shu-chun Yang Sheng-biao Hu 《China Geology》 CAS CSCD 2023年第3期429-442,共14页
The Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB)is one of the most petroliferous basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea.Knowledge of the thermal history of the PRMB is significant for understanding its tectonic evoluti... The Pearl River Mouth Basin(PRMB)is one of the most petroliferous basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea.Knowledge of the thermal history of the PRMB is significant for understanding its tectonic evolution and for unraveling its poorly studied source-rock maturation history.Our investigations in this study are based on apatite fission-track(AFT)thermochronology analysis of 12 cutting samples from 4 boreholes.Both AFT ages and length data suggested that the PRMB has experienced quite complicated thermal evolution.Thermal history modeling results unraveled four successive events of heating separated by three stages of cooling since the early Middle Eocene.The cooling events occurred approximately in the Late Eocene,early Oligocene,and the Late Miocene,possibly attributed to the Zhuqiong II Event,Nanhai Event,and Dongsha Event,respectively.The erosion amount during the first cooling stage is roughly estimated to be about 455-712 m,with an erosion rate of 0.08-0.12 mm/a.The second erosion-driven cooling is stronger than the first one,with an erosion amount of about 747-814 m and an erosion rate between about 0.13-0.21 mm/a.The erosion amount calculated related to the third cooling event varies from 800 m to 3419 m,which is speculative due to the possible influence of the magmatic activity. 展开更多
关键词 Oil and gas Hydrocarbon potential Apatite fission-track Tectonic-thermal evolution Thermal history modeling Cooling event Heating event Marine geological survey engineering Erosion amount and rate Oil-gas exploration engineering Pearl River Mouth Basin The South China Sea
某些辐射应用实践的潜在照射表现及其控制 被引量:3
作者 王时进 娄云 +1 位作者 金应龙 马永忠 《辐射防护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期161-171,共11页
本文介绍了在放射源和含密封源仪表、X和γ射线工业探伤、γ源辐照装置、非医用加速器和医学放射治疗实践中的多种潜在照射表现,提出了相应的预防措施。这些材料是按照辐射应用实践的类别和发生潜在照射事件的原因分类的。文中也强调... 本文介绍了在放射源和含密封源仪表、X和γ射线工业探伤、γ源辐照装置、非医用加速器和医学放射治疗实践中的多种潜在照射表现,提出了相应的预防措施。这些材料是按照辐射应用实践的类别和发生潜在照射事件的原因分类的。文中也强调了设计、管理和辐射事故经验总结等是重要的预防潜在照射的环节。 展开更多
关键词 潜在照射 放射事件 辐射实践 事故预防
作者 李慧玲 黄雨萌 李瑶 《沈阳师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2023年第2期168-172,共5页
主要研究林德勒加速度对修正史瓦西黑洞周围引力势变化及光的轨迹的影响。引入拉格朗日方程,得到修正史瓦西黑洞周围引力势变化和光在赤道平面内的偏折规律。在黑洞附近,由于势垒的存在,一部分光在到达黑洞时发生反射;而光子球附近的光... 主要研究林德勒加速度对修正史瓦西黑洞周围引力势变化及光的轨迹的影响。引入拉格朗日方程,得到修正史瓦西黑洞周围引力势变化和光在赤道平面内的偏折规律。在黑洞附近,由于势垒的存在,一部分光在到达黑洞时发生反射;而光子球附近的光将围绕黑洞旋转很多次,然后逃逸到无穷远处,使得黑洞周围产生更大的亮度,这也是黑洞周围“光环”形成的原因;当碰撞参数增大时,势垒逐渐变小,直至消失,这部分光由于没有遇到势垒,进入黑洞内部,形成黑洞内部“阴影”。此外,还讨论了不同林德勒加速度对修正史瓦西黑洞事件视界半径、光子球半径及碰撞参数的影响,林德勒加速度越大,对应的事件视界半径、光子球半径和碰撞参数越小。 展开更多
关键词 林德勒加速度 引力势 事件视界 碰撞参数
我国单板U型场地滑雪项目的发展与项群训练理论的应用 被引量:31
作者 李淑媛 《冰雪运动》 2008年第3期45-48,共4页
采用文献资料法、专家访谈法及对比分析等方法,就我国单板U型场地滑雪项目的综合实力进行分析,女子整体排名好于男子,处在单项世界排名前列,但中国队单板U型场地滑雪的单项世界排名仍很不理想。目前存在选材局限、运动员伤病困扰以及缺... 采用文献资料法、专家访谈法及对比分析等方法,就我国单板U型场地滑雪项目的综合实力进行分析,女子整体排名好于男子,处在单项世界排名前列,但中国队单板U型场地滑雪的单项世界排名仍很不理想。目前存在选材局限、运动员伤病困扰以及缺乏高难度技术创新能力等问题和不足。提出为备战冬奥会,运用项群训练理论为指导,扩大运动员的选材范围、强化基本技术学习及运用综合诊断方法降低伤病的出现等问题,使选材、训练、竞赛更加系统科学,并努力将此"潜优势"项目发展成为我国冬季雪上又一夺金的优势项目。 展开更多
关键词 项群训练理论 单板U型场地滑雪 “潜优势”项目
Neuroprotection against vascular dementia after acupuncture combined with donepezil hydrochloride:P300 event related potential 被引量:31
作者 Qiang Liu Xiu-juan Wang +3 位作者 Zhe-cheng Zhang Rong Xue Ping Li Bo Li 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第3期460-464,共5页
Acupuncture can be used to treat various nervous system diseases.Here,168 vascular dementia patients were orally administered donepezil hydrochloride alone(5 mg/day,once a day for 56 days),or combined with acupunctu... Acupuncture can be used to treat various nervous system diseases.Here,168 vascular dementia patients were orally administered donepezil hydrochloride alone(5 mg/day,once a day for 56 days),or combined with acupuncture at Shenting(DU24),Tianzhu(BL10),Sishencong(Extra),Yintang(Extra),Renzhong(DU26),Neiguan(PC6),Shenmen(HT7),Fengchi(GB20),Wangu(GB12) and Baihui(DU20)(once a day for 56 days).Compared with donepezil hydrochloride alone,P300 event related potential latency was shorter with an increased amplitude in patients treated with donepezil hydrochloride and acupuncture.Mini-Mental State Examination score was also higher.Moreover,these differences in P300 latency were identified within different infarcted regions in patients treated with donepezil hydrochloride and acupuncture.These findings indicate that acupuncture combined with donepezil hydrochloride noticeably improves cognitive function in patients with vascular dementia,and exerts neuroprotective effects against vascular dementia. 展开更多
关键词 nerve regeneration vascular dementia acupuncture donepezil hydrochloride event related potential cognitive function infarct focus neural regeneration
视觉诱发电位脑-机接口实验范式研究进展 被引量:22
作者 李鹏海 许敏鹏 +2 位作者 万柏坤 靳世久 明东 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期2340-2351,共12页
近年兴起可实现人脑直接对外信息交流和控制、让"思想"立即变"行动"的脑-机接口(BCI)新技术已在脑科学、神经计算、人工智能与机器人等多领域显示诱人前景。实验范式设计是研究与开发BCI系统的首要关键步骤。针对... 近年兴起可实现人脑直接对外信息交流和控制、让"思想"立即变"行动"的脑-机接口(BCI)新技术已在脑科学、神经计算、人工智能与机器人等多领域显示诱人前景。实验范式设计是研究与开发BCI系统的首要关键步骤。针对常见的各类视觉诱发电位(VEP)实验范式,从首个传统反应式VEP-BCI实验范式入手介绍了其诱发平台、实验流程和整体性能研究现状与存在问题及发展瓶颈;比较分析了近些年研究开发的多种改进型VEP-BCI实验范式,并展望了可能的实验范式发展新动向,希冀为研究开发高性能BCI提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 视觉诱发电位 事件相关电位 脑-机接口 实验范式
常见神经心理疾病的认知电位特征 被引量:13
作者 吴大兴 姚树桥 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2002年第17期2510-2512,共3页
任何一个心理活动都伴有大脑神经电生理的变化,多种事件相关脑诱发电位,如P300、N400、MMN等被认为是大脑皮层活动的整合结果,与大脑复杂的认知过程有关,又称之为认知电位,可作为判断大脑高级功能的一个客观指标,用于神经精神科临床和... 任何一个心理活动都伴有大脑神经电生理的变化,多种事件相关脑诱发电位,如P300、N400、MMN等被认为是大脑皮层活动的整合结果,与大脑复杂的认知过程有关,又称之为认知电位,可作为判断大脑高级功能的一个客观指标,用于神经精神科临床和心理学研究。因此,探讨和研究常见神经心理疾病的认知电位特征并应用到疾病的早期诊断、治疗、预后等临床工作中将具有极其重要的意义。 展开更多
关键词 认知电位 事件相关电位 神经电生理 神经疾病 心理疾病
基于天气分型的北京地区雷电潜势预报预警系统 被引量:17
作者 熊亚军 廖晓农 +2 位作者 于波 魏东 吴庆梅 《灾害学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第2期67-71,81,共6页
对1997-2006年457个雷暴过程的环流形势进行对比分析,将北京地区的雷暴天气分为东北低涡低槽、贝蒙低涡低槽、西来槽等11种雷暴天气型;利用南郊观象台(54511站)的探空资料计算对流有效位能、抬升指数和相对风暴螺旋度等33个对流参数,通... 对1997-2006年457个雷暴过程的环流形势进行对比分析,将北京地区的雷暴天气分为东北低涡低槽、贝蒙低涡低槽、西来槽等11种雷暴天气型;利用南郊观象台(54511站)的探空资料计算对流有效位能、抬升指数和相对风暴螺旋度等33个对流参数,通过与北京地区SAFAIR3000获取的闪电定位资料进行统计分析,提取BCAPE、BLI、MDCI、BIC、KNEW和SWISS等6个对流参数作为北京地区潜势预报参数;采用事件概率回归(REEP)方法,利用获取的6个对流参数作为变量,形成了11种雷暴天气型下的潜势预报方法。利用WRF模式的预报场,建立适用于北京地区3~36 h雷电潜势预报系统。个例实验结果表明其具有较好准确性。由于该系统建立过程中使用了高分辨率探测资料和中尺度模式的输出结果,实现了雷电潜势预报由点到面,由粗到细的突破,对北京地区雷电预警预报具有一定的应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 天气分型 雷电潜势 预报预警 事件概率回归 北京地区
慢性肾功能衰竭患者事件相关电位P300研究 被引量:15
作者 林洪全 李文华 +3 位作者 韦武合 周瑞芝 文青松 谢院生 《临床神经电生理学杂志》 2003年第2期78-80,共3页
目的 :探讨慢性肾功能衰竭患者事件相关电位P30 0的变化特征。方法 :对 32例慢性肾功能衰竭患者进行事件相关电位P30 0测定并以 30例年龄性别匹配的正常人作对照。结果 :慢性肾功能衰竭患者P30 0潜伏期为 40 0 16± 5 1 36ms,波幅... 目的 :探讨慢性肾功能衰竭患者事件相关电位P30 0的变化特征。方法 :对 32例慢性肾功能衰竭患者进行事件相关电位P30 0测定并以 30例年龄性别匹配的正常人作对照。结果 :慢性肾功能衰竭患者P30 0潜伏期为 40 0 16± 5 1 36ms,波幅为 7 2 0± 4 71μV ,与正常对照组相比有显著性差异 ;P30 0异常率为 90 %,其中PL延长者占 41%(12例 ) ,PL及Amp均异常者 37%(11例 ) ,仅Amp降低者2 0 %(6例 ) ;P30 0异常 (PL延长及Amp降低 )与代谢异常密切相关 ,随代谢异常改善而改善。结论 :事件相关电位P30 0对慢性肾功能衰竭患者认知功能的评定及治疗效果的观察有一定临床意义。 展开更多
关键词 慢性肾功能衰竭 事件相关电位 P300 测定 认知功能 电解质紊乱 尿毒症
认知康复训练联合盐酸多奈哌齐对脑卒中后认知障碍P300的影响 被引量:15
作者 刘玲玉 范俐 +1 位作者 张红 MOHAMMADALI Soleimani Damaneh 《中国实用神经疾病杂志》 2017年第23期24-28,共5页
目的研究认知康复训练与盐酸多奈哌齐对脑卒中后认知障碍(post-stroke cognitive impairment,PSCI)患者事件相关电位P300的影响。方法筛选44例脑卒中后认知障碍患者作为研究对象。随机分成药物组(24例)和对照组(20例)。药物组除口服盐... 目的研究认知康复训练与盐酸多奈哌齐对脑卒中后认知障碍(post-stroke cognitive impairment,PSCI)患者事件相关电位P300的影响。方法筛选44例脑卒中后认知障碍患者作为研究对象。随机分成药物组(24例)和对照组(20例)。药物组除口服盐酸多奈哌齐外,2组患者均给予正规认知康复训练。治疗前和治疗4周后进行蒙特利尔认知评估量表(Montreal cognitive assessment scale,MoCA)评定、事件相关电位(event-related potential,ERP)P300检查。结果2组治疗前后相比,MoCA总分均明显改善(P<0.05);同时P300潜伏期缩短(P<0.01),波幅增高(P<0.05);与对照组相比,药物组治疗后MoCA总分改善差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);进一步子项比较,视空间及执行功能明显改善(P<0.01),注意及延迟记忆改善(P<0.05)。命名、语言、抽象及定向子项评分差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。P300潜伏期明显缩短(P<0.01),波幅提高(P<0.01)。结论较单纯认知康复训练相比,与多奈哌齐联合治疗可显著改善脑卒中患者的认知障碍,尤其改善视空间与执行功能、注意及记忆功能。 展开更多
关键词 多奈哌齐 卒中后认知障碍 P300电位 事件相关电位 MoCA评分
Diagnosis of a Moist Thermodynamic Advection Parameter in Heavy-Rainfall Events 被引量:12
作者 吴贤笃 冉令坤 楚艳丽 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期957-972,共16页
A moist thermodynamic advection parameter, defined as an absolute value of the dot product of hori- zontal gradients of three-dimensional potential temperature advection and general potential temperature, is introduce... A moist thermodynamic advection parameter, defined as an absolute value of the dot product of hori- zontal gradients of three-dimensional potential temperature advection and general potential temperature, is introduced to diagnose frontal heavy rainfall events in the north of China. It is shown that the parameter is closely related to observed 6-h accumulative surface rainfall and simulated cloud hydrometeors. Since the parameter is capable of describing the typical vertical structural characteristics of dynamic, thermodynamic and water vapor fields above a strong precipitation region near the front surface, it may serve as a physical tracker to detect precipitable weather systems near to a front. A tendency equation of the parameter was derived in Cartesian coordinates and calculated with the simulation output data of a heavy rainfall event. Results revealed that the advection of the parameter by the three-dimensional velocity vector, the covariance of potential temperature advection by local change of the velocity vector and general potential temperature, and the interaction between potential temperature advection and the source or sink of general potential temperature, accounted for local change in the parameter. This indicated that the parameter was determined by a combination of dynamic processes and cloud microphysical processes. 展开更多
关键词 moist thermodynamic advection parameter potential temperature advection general potential temperature heavy rainfall event
Connecting the P300 to the diagnosis and prognosis of unconscious patients 被引量:10
作者 Ran Li Wei-qun Song +2 位作者 Ju-bao Du Su Huo Gui-xiang Shan 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期473-480,共8页
The residual consciousness of unconscious patients can be detected by studying the P300, a wave among event-related potentials. Previous studies have applied tones, the subject's name and other names as stimuli. Howe... The residual consciousness of unconscious patients can be detected by studying the P300, a wave among event-related potentials. Previous studies have applied tones, the subject's name and other names as stimuli. However, the results were not satisfactory. In this study, we changed the constituent order of subjects' two-character names to create derived names. The subject's derived names, together with tones and their own names, were used as auditory stimuli in event-related potential experiments. Healthy controls and unconscious patients were included in this study and made to listen to these auditory stimuli. In the two paradigms, a sine tone followed by the subject's own name and the subject's derived name followed by the subject's own name were used as standard and deviant stimuli, respectively. The results showed that all healthy controls had the P300 using both paradigms, and that the P300 in the second paradigm had a longer latency and two peaks. All minimally conscious state patients had the P300 in the first paradigm and the majority of them had the P300 in the second paradigm. Most vegetative state patients had no P300. Patients who showed the P300 in the two paradigms had more residual consciousness, and patients with the two-peak P300 had a higher probability of awakening within a short time. Our experimental findings suggest that the P300 event-related potential could reflect the conscious state of unconscious patients. 展开更多
关键词 nerve regeneration brain injury cognitive neuroscience event-related potential P300 ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY nutritional state minimally conscious state consciousness disorders of consciousness UNCONSCIOUSNESS evaluation prognosis NSFC grants neural regeneration
体感诱发电位、脑干听觉诱发电位和P300检测对持续植物状态患者预后判定的应用价值 被引量:10
作者 高宇 杨晶 +5 位作者 马琳琳 杨琳 张奕 梁芳 刘雪华 王丛 《中华航海医学与高气压医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2019年第5期412-415,共4页
目的探讨体感诱发电位(somatosensory evoked potential,SEP)、脑干听觉诱发电位(brainstem auditory evoked potentials,BAEP)、事件相关电位P300检测对持续植物状态(persistent vegetative state,PVS)患者预后判定的作用.方法采用前... 目的探讨体感诱发电位(somatosensory evoked potential,SEP)、脑干听觉诱发电位(brainstem auditory evoked potentials,BAEP)、事件相关电位P300检测对持续植物状态(persistent vegetative state,PVS)患者预后判定的作用.方法采用前瞻性队列研究,对PVS患者进行SEP、BAEP、P300检测,并分析其与格拉斯哥昏迷量表(GCS)评分的关系.结果35例PVS患者预后不良组P300波潜伏期[(424.00±51.39)ms]较预后良好组[(374.00±67.92)ms]明显延长,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),预后不良组与预后良好组患者P300波振幅无明显差异(P>0.05),N20的存在与消失(单侧或双侧)、波幅及潜伏期在预后不良及预后良好组之间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),35例患者听觉诱发电位均中重度异常,听觉诱发电位分级与预后的关系差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论P300潜伏期可作为预测PVS患者预后的指标. 展开更多
关键词 体感诱发电位 脑干听觉诱发电位 持续植物状态 P300 预后
Brain dynamic mechanisms on the visual attention scale with Chinese characters cues 被引量:8
作者 GAO Wenbin WEI Jinghan +2 位作者 PENG Xiaohu WEI Xing LUO Yuejia 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2002年第19期1644-1649,共6页
The temporal dynamics in brain evoked by the scale of visual attention with the cues of Chinese characters were studied by recording event-related potentials (ERPs). With the fixed orientation of visual attention, 14 ... The temporal dynamics in brain evoked by the scale of visual attention with the cues of Chinese characters were studied by recording event-related potentials (ERPs). With the fixed orientation of visual attention, 14 healthy young participants performed a search task in which the search array was preceded by Chinese characters cues, '大, 中, 小' (large, medium, small). 128 channels scalp ERPs were recorded to study the role of visual attention scale played in the visual spatial attention. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the ERP components evoked by the three Chinese characters cues except the in-feroposterior N2 latency. The targets evoked P2, N2 amplitudes and latency have significant differences with the different cues of large, middle and small, while P1 and N1 components had no significant difference. The results suggested that the processing of scale of visual attention was mainly concerned with P2, N2 components, while the P1, N1 components were mainly related with 展开更多
关键词 event-RELATED potential visual spatial ATTENTION SCALE CUES of Chinese characters.
Investigation of attention via the counting Stroop task in patients with functional constipation 被引量:8
作者 Sun Yi Li Xiao-yi +3 位作者 Yao Lin-yan Zhao Lan Dai Ning Wu Hao 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期486-490,共5页
Background The etiology and pathology of functional constipation (FC) is unclear.Some researches suggest that psychological factors may be related to this common problem.This study aimed to investigate the relations... Background The etiology and pathology of functional constipation (FC) is unclear.Some researches suggest that psychological factors may be related to this common problem.This study aimed to investigate the relationship between attention processing and emotional status in FC patients compared with healthy controls.Methods We investigated selective attention and emotional status in patients with FC using the counting Stroop task.Thirty-five FC patients (FCP group) and 24 healthy controls (HCs) underwent an event-related potential (ERP) study while performing the task.Response time,latency and amplitude of P300 were collected and compared between the two groups.The Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAMD-17),Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA),Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) were administered prior to the counting Stroop task.Results Scores for the FCP group differed significantly from those for the HCs on the HAMD-17,HAMA,SCL-90 (Global Severity Index,Positive Symptoms Total,dimensions of somatization,obsessive-compulsive,depression,anxiety,and psychosis),as well as extraversion and neurosis dimensions of the EPQ (P〈0.05).There was no significant difference in response time or accuracy rate between the two groups (P〉0.05).ERP results showed prolonged latency at F4,additionally found enhanced activation at F3,FC1 and T8,and decreased activation at sites FC6 and P7 in the patients with FC.Statistically,significant differences of P300 latency at site F4 (P 〈0.05) and P300 amplitude at F3,F4,T8,P7,FC1 and FC6 (P〈0.05) between the patients with FC and the HC were revealed.Conclusions The findings suggest that patients with FC are more susceptible to depression and anxiety,as well as somatization,obsessive-compulsive tendencies and other neurotic personality characteristics.Patients may employ psychological defense mechanisms to avoid the pain of depression and anxiety.ERP results imply there may be some brain dysfunction and a 展开更多
关键词 functional constipation ATTENTION counting Stroop task event-related potential SOMATIZATION
品牌消费旅程中消费者的认知心理过程——神经营销学视角 被引量:8
作者 谢莹 刘昱彤 +1 位作者 陈明亮 梁安迪 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期2024-2042,共19页
品牌消费旅程通常指的是对于品牌消费服务的多维度(包括认知,情绪,感觉,行为和品牌关系)响应。揭示品牌消费旅程的认知心理过程是目前营销学领域之中研究的重点与热点。在梳理当前神经营销领域内有关功能性核磁共振(fMRI)、事件相关电位... 品牌消费旅程通常指的是对于品牌消费服务的多维度(包括认知,情绪,感觉,行为和品牌关系)响应。揭示品牌消费旅程的认知心理过程是目前营销学领域之中研究的重点与热点。在梳理当前神经营销领域内有关功能性核磁共振(fMRI)、事件相关电位(ERP)、事件相关震荡(ERO)的相关研究成果后,将消费者在品牌消费旅程之中的认知心理进程划分为注意吸引、决策形成、消费体验和品牌忠诚四个阶段,并系统阐述了每个阶段之中消费者心理进程的神经机制与脑区活动,进而全面立体地揭示消费心理的全貌。未来研究可以进一步探索不同神经指标在具体营销情境下的表征意义,并结合超扫描技术进一步解析多个被试间的神经耦合情况。 展开更多
关键词 品牌消费 心理进程 功能性核磁共振(fMRI) 事件相关电位(ERP) 事件相关震荡(ERO)
阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征夜间间断性低血氧对早期工作记忆损害的事件相关电位 被引量:4
作者 张熙 王玉平 +1 位作者 李舜伟 黄席珍 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期427-433,共7页
采用脑事件相关电位 (ERP)技术 ,比较受试者辨别图形任务条件下诱发出的内源性辨异负波N2 70及辨同正波P30 0 ,对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 (OSAS)患者慢性间断性睡眠低血氧导致的早期工作记忆障碍进行评价 ,探讨其神经病学机理 .按病... 采用脑事件相关电位 (ERP)技术 ,比较受试者辨别图形任务条件下诱发出的内源性辨异负波N2 70及辨同正波P30 0 ,对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 (OSAS)患者慢性间断性睡眠低血氧导致的早期工作记忆障碍进行评价 ,探讨其神经病学机理 .按病史及多导睡眠监测获得的低血氧饱和度结果 ,结合韦氏记忆评分标准 ,将受试者分为轻症 (OSAS A)和重症 (OSAS B)两组 ,并设相匹配正常对照组 .采取Sternberg的视觉探针提取范式并加以改良 .结果显示 ,正常组在辨异状态下可诱发N2 70 ,增加辨异难度 ,N2 70波幅明显增高 ,同时还诱发出N4 30 ;而在辨同状态下只诱发出P30 0 .OSAS A和OSAS B组在相同条件下未引出N2 70 ,OSAS B组P30 0波幅也明显降低 .结果提示 :①N2 70是一种特征性辨异认知电位 ;②在评价早期认知功能障碍时 ,N2 70较P30 0更为敏感 ;③慢性间断性睡眠低血氧对前额及后头部ERP成分影响较明显 ,而前额中央执行系统功能损害可能是OSAS患者工作记忆障碍的病理基础 . 展开更多
关键词 睡眠呼吸暂停综合征 低血氧 事件相关电位 N270 P300 记忆 工作
P300 change and cognitive behavioral therapy in subjects with Internet addiction disorder A 3-month follow-up study 被引量:7
作者 Ling Ge Xiuchun Ge +3 位作者 Yong Xu Kerang Zhang Jing Zhao Xin Kong 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第26期2037-2041,共5页
Event-related potential studies of cognitive function in addiction behaviors have focused on the P300 event-related potential component. The current study investigated the association between P300 component and Intern... Event-related potential studies of cognitive function in addiction behaviors have focused on the P300 event-related potential component. The current study investigated the association between P300 component and Internet addiction disorder. We found that individuals with Internet addiction disorder exhibited significantly longer P300 latencies than controls (N2: P = 0.035; P3a: P = 0.031 P3b: P = 0.043) and similar P300 amplitudes compared to control participants. After 3 months of cognitive behavioral therapy, P300 latencies decreased significantly in the P3a and P3b (P3a: P = 0.045; P3b: P = 0.062). These results suggest that deficits in cognitive function may be involved in Internet addiction disorder, and that clinical psychological treatment may be effective. 展开更多
关键词 Internet addiction disorder follow-up study college students event-related potential P300 cognitive behavioral therapy
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