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大理岩循环冻融试验研究 被引量:73
作者 吴刚 何国梁 +1 位作者 张磊 邱一平 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第z1期2930-2938,共9页
岩石作为天然的建筑材料,通常承受着自然界的风化作用,因此,研究风化对岩石物理力学特性的影响是十分必要的。温度和水分的变化是引起岩石风化的主要原因之一,尤其是循环冻融更易使岩石风化。将采自焦作的大理岩分成饱水、干燥和对比3... 岩石作为天然的建筑材料,通常承受着自然界的风化作用,因此,研究风化对岩石物理力学特性的影响是十分必要的。温度和水分的变化是引起岩石风化的主要原因之一,尤其是循环冻融更易使岩石风化。将采自焦作的大理岩分成饱水、干燥和对比3组岩样,通过对饱水组和干燥组岩样进行60次循环冻融(每个循环24h,即冻18h,融6h)试验研究,以模拟大理岩的风化过程。在冻融前、每10次循环冻融后,量测岩样的质量、体积,利用超声检测分析仪对各岩样进行超声纵、横波探测;利用RMT–150B岩石力学试验系统对上述3组大理岩岩样进行单轴压缩试验,同时采用LOCAN320声发射仪对岩样的变形破坏过程进行监测。通过试验研究,得到冻融前后焦作大理岩的质量、体积变化及超声波速、大理岩的单轴应力–应变全过程曲线、抗压强度、抗冻系数、风化程度系数、动弹性模量以及声发射参数,从而归纳出循环冻融下大理岩的主要物理力学特性。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 大理岩 冻融 试验 物理力学特性
兰州马兰黄土的物理力学特性 被引量:44
作者 李保雄 牛永红 苗天德 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1077-1082,共6页
马兰黄土属水敏感性地质体,在水软化作用下,土体的物理力学与水理性质呈现出明显的规律性。采用不同的原位及室内试验方法,分别在兰州和荷兰尤怀特两地对兰州地区马兰黄土的工程地质性质进行了测试,系统研究了马兰黄土的物理力学特性。... 马兰黄土属水敏感性地质体,在水软化作用下,土体的物理力学与水理性质呈现出明显的规律性。采用不同的原位及室内试验方法,分别在兰州和荷兰尤怀特两地对兰州地区马兰黄土的工程地质性质进行了测试,系统研究了马兰黄土的物理力学特性。在大量黄土试验资料的基础上,对马兰黄土的工程地质特征进行了系统研究,重点论述了马兰黄土水敏感性和抗剪强度的变化规律,提出了马兰黄土的多项临界指标参数。 展开更多
关键词 马兰黄土 试验 物理力学性质 湿陷 界限含水率 抗剪强度
云冈石窟砂岩循环冻融试验研究 被引量:38
作者 方云 乔梁 +3 位作者 陈星 严绍军 翟国林 梁亚武 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期2433-2442,共10页
风化是云冈石窟目前所面临的严重的地质病害之一,温度和水分的变化是造成石窟岩体风化的重要原因,尤其是在循环冻融条件下岩体更易风化,因此,利用室内试验研究循环冻融条件下云冈石窟砂岩的物理力学性质,对于石窟岩体的稳定性评价和保... 风化是云冈石窟目前所面临的严重的地质病害之一,温度和水分的变化是造成石窟岩体风化的重要原因,尤其是在循环冻融条件下岩体更易风化,因此,利用室内试验研究循环冻融条件下云冈石窟砂岩的物理力学性质,对于石窟岩体的稳定性评价和保护具有重要的意义。将取自云冈石窟的砂岩岩样分为饱水组、干燥组和对比组3组,通过对饱水组和干燥组岩样进行35次循环冻融试验,模拟云冈石窟砂岩的风化过程。在冻融循环开始前以及每5次冻融循环结束后,量测岩样的质量、体积,并利用超声检测分析仪对各岩样进行超声纵波测试;利用INSTRON-1346岩石伺服试验机对上述3组砂岩岩样进行单轴压缩试验,并对试验后的岩样进行SEM微观结构分析。通过试验研究,得到不同含水状态下云冈石窟砂岩岩样的冻融破坏特征以及不同循环冻融次数后岩样体积、质量、超声波纵波波速、砂岩的单轴应力-应变全过程曲线、抗压强度、抗冻系数以及微观结构的变化,分析归纳出循环冻融条件下云冈石窟砂岩的主要物理力学特性。 展开更多
关键词 云冈石窟 砂岩 循环冻融 物理力学性质
磷石膏物理力学特性初探 被引量:26
作者 张超 杨春和 +2 位作者 余克井 付四乌 陈锋 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期461-466,共6页
通过大量的室内试验,研究了磷石膏的烘烤温度与含水率的关系、烘烤时间与含水率关系、溶解度与温度关系。按土工试验规范进行试验,测得磷石膏的含水率随着烘烤温度的升高而增加,也随着烘烤时间的增长而增加,但是含水率应该是一个恒定的... 通过大量的室内试验,研究了磷石膏的烘烤温度与含水率的关系、烘烤时间与含水率关系、溶解度与温度关系。按土工试验规范进行试验,测得磷石膏的含水率随着烘烤温度的升高而增加,也随着烘烤时间的增长而增加,但是含水率应该是一个恒定的指标,所以磷石膏的含水率的测定不能按照现行规范进行,必须加以改进。建议在55~60℃条件下烘烤36h或更长时间来测定磷石膏的含水率。从试验还可以得知磷石膏有一定的溶解度,且其溶解度随着温度的升高而降低。也正是由于磷石膏的溶解特性,所以在进行渗透试验和三轴剪切试验时要使用室温条件下的饱和磷石膏溶液替代水,从渗透试验结果来看,磷石膏坝渗透特性不同于一般的尾矿坝,其垂直渗透系数要大于水平渗透系数。从磷石膏的固结不排水三轴剪切试验可知,磷石膏是一种有明显的剪胀性的材料,在剪切条件下其破坏发生在孔隙水压力为负的情况下,且其破坏时的应变受围压的影响不明显。利用磷石膏的剪切破坏发生在负孔压的这一特性,理论上可以通过坝体内孔压变化的监测来预测磷石膏坝的安全性。 展开更多
关键词 磷石膏 物理力学特性 含水率 溶解度 渗透系数 剪胀性
冻融循环作用下蒙库铁矿边坡岩体物理力学特性研究 被引量:27
作者 罗学东 黄成林 +1 位作者 肜增湘 吕乔森 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第S1期155-159,共5页
通过不同次数的冻融循环试验,对蒙库铁矿边坡4种典型的岩石样本——变粒岩、角闪变粒岩、层理状变粒岩与黑云角闪斜长片麻岩的物理力学特性,包括外观特征、质量损失率、强度损失率、冻融系数与冻融风化系数的变化进行研究。试验结果表明... 通过不同次数的冻融循环试验,对蒙库铁矿边坡4种典型的岩石样本——变粒岩、角闪变粒岩、层理状变粒岩与黑云角闪斜长片麻岩的物理力学特性,包括外观特征、质量损失率、强度损失率、冻融系数与冻融风化系数的变化进行研究。试验结果表明:自身强度较高且呈致密状的变粒岩和角闪变粒岩物理力学特性劣化不明显;层理状变粒岩和角闪片麻岩则变化显著,考虑到矿山开采爆破振动影响,将加剧这两种岩质所组成的边坡在冻融循环作用下的破坏,必须在设计与施工时予以充分重视。 展开更多
关键词 冻融循环作用 矿山边坡 岩块 物理力学特性
大型堆积体岩土力学特性研究 被引量:23
作者 王自高 胡瑞林 +1 位作者 张瑞 徐文杰 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第S2期3836-3843,共8页
堆积体是一种非均质的岩土材料,与岩(土)体相比,构成堆积体的物质成分变异性很大,且空间结构较为复杂,目前对其力学参数试验研究尚缺乏成熟的理论与技术。以梨园水电站工程区大型堆积体为例,在现场大型试验的基础上,对该堆积体的强度特... 堆积体是一种非均质的岩土材料,与岩(土)体相比,构成堆积体的物质成分变异性很大,且空间结构较为复杂,目前对其力学参数试验研究尚缺乏成熟的理论与技术。以梨园水电站工程区大型堆积体为例,在现场大型试验的基础上,对该堆积体的强度特征及岩土力学特性进行研究和探讨,并经工程地质分析确定堆积体岩土物理力学参数。研究表明,堆积体在天然状态下表现出完整的剪应力–剪切位移曲线,具有较高的抗剪强度。研究成果为堆积体稳定分析打下基础,也为类似工程建设提供相关经验。 展开更多
关键词 工程地质 大型堆积体 工程地质特征 现场试验 物理力学性质 强度特性
甘肃舟曲泄流坡滑坡滑带土的抗剪强度特性 被引量:21
作者 宋丙辉 谌文武 +2 位作者 吴玮江 江耀 周琪龙 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期7-12,共6页
舟曲泄流滑坡滑带土主要由泥盆系、石炭系的页岩、炭质千枚岩等软弱易滑的岩土体组成,属典型的易滑地层,降雨和地下水对滑带土的软化、泥化作用显著.利用全自动四联式直剪仪对不同含水量滑带土重塑土样进行了直接剪切试验和反复剪切试验... 舟曲泄流滑坡滑带土主要由泥盆系、石炭系的页岩、炭质千枚岩等软弱易滑的岩土体组成,属典型的易滑地层,降雨和地下水对滑带土的软化、泥化作用显著.利用全自动四联式直剪仪对不同含水量滑带土重塑土样进行了直接剪切试验和反复剪切试验,结果表明含水量低于塑限时,滑带土应力应变关系呈应变软化特征,塑限时处于临界状态,含水量高于塑限时应变硬化特征越发明显;随着土样含水量的增大,黏聚力呈指数减小关系,而摩擦系数呈线性减小关系.此研究成果对于该区域滑坡稳定性评价和防治措施优化都具有重要的实际意义. 展开更多
关键词 泄流坡 易滑地层 物理力学性质 抗剪强度
变温度区间冻融作用下岩石物理力学性质研究及工程应用 被引量:19
作者 闻磊 李夕兵 +1 位作者 唐海燕 翁磊 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期247-256,共10页
利用取自西藏玉龙铜矿的花岗岩试样进行变温度区间的冻融循环实验,分析饱水状态花岗岩在四种温度区间(-10℃~20℃、-20℃~20℃、-30℃~20℃、-40℃~20℃)冻融循环作用下的质量损失率、饱和吸水率、单轴抗压强度、弹性模量、峰值应变、... 利用取自西藏玉龙铜矿的花岗岩试样进行变温度区间的冻融循环实验,分析饱水状态花岗岩在四种温度区间(-10℃~20℃、-20℃~20℃、-30℃~20℃、-40℃~20℃)冻融循环作用下的质量损失率、饱和吸水率、单轴抗压强度、弹性模量、峰值应变、泊松比、冻融系数。将实验结果应用于具体工程实例中,采用强度折减法计算冻融循环对花岗岩边坡稳定性的影响程度,分析边坡破坏模式,并提出相应的防护措施。研究结果表明:随着冻融温度下限的降低,花岗岩试样质量损失率、饱和吸水率、峰值应变略有增大,单轴抗压强度、弹性模量有所减小,温度下限降低至-30℃以下时,花岗岩抗冻性由较好变为较差。温度区间是岩石冻融过程中影响其物理力学性质的重要原因,该研究可为岩石冻融循环室内实验与寒区岩质边坡工程的有效结合提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 冻融循环 温度区间 岩石 物理力学特性 强度折减法
粉煤灰充填材料早龄期物理力学特性及其水化过程分析 被引量:18
作者 杜明泽 康天合 +1 位作者 尹博 毋林林 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期826-836,共11页
针对粉煤灰充填材料早期强度低、变形量大、流动性差、泌水严重等缺陷,基于电阻率法和力学特性测试法研究3种配比粉煤灰充填材料早龄期的体积电阻率、孔隙溶液电阻率、单轴抗压强度和弹性模量随时间的变化规律;结合充填材料初始孔隙度和... 针对粉煤灰充填材料早期强度低、变形量大、流动性差、泌水严重等缺陷,基于电阻率法和力学特性测试法研究3种配比粉煤灰充填材料早龄期的体积电阻率、孔隙溶液电阻率、单轴抗压强度和弹性模量随时间的变化规律;结合充填材料初始孔隙度和1 d孔隙度的测试结果,对孔隙度随时间的变化规律作进一步分析。结果表明:(1)材料的体积电阻率随时间呈升高、降低、再升高的变化规律,孔隙溶液的电阻率随时间呈先急剧下降后趋于稳定的变化规律,但材料的电阻率变化在时间上和数值上受粉煤灰掺量的影响;(2)材料的单轴抗压强度和弹性模量随水化时间的延长而增大,随粉煤灰掺量的增加而降低;(3)材料的孔隙度随水化时间的延长呈负指数规律降低,随粉煤灰掺量的增加先降低后增加;(4)在水化后期,材料的单轴抗压强度和弹性模量与其体积电阻率呈对数相关;(5)材料早龄期的水化过程可分为吸附期、溶解期、凝结期和硬化期4个阶段。研究结果为进一步了解、改善粉煤灰充填材料早龄期的物理力学特性和实现材料特性的无损检测提供了一定的理论与应用参考。 展开更多
关键词 采矿工程 粉煤灰充填材料 早龄期 物理力学特性 相关性 水化过程
巴东新城区库岸斜坡软弱带特征 被引量:11
作者 柴波 殷坤龙 肖拥军 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期2501-2506,共6页
巴东新城区巴东组第3段(T2b3)内广泛分布软弱带,通过钻孔岩芯分析、地表调查、X射线衍射、电镜扫描和物理力学性质试验,研究软弱带的特征。白土坡和西壤坡库岸深300余米的监测孔显示,库岸斜坡巴东组第3段内发育有13层贯通的软弱带,表现... 巴东新城区巴东组第3段(T2b3)内广泛分布软弱带,通过钻孔岩芯分析、地表调查、X射线衍射、电镜扫描和物理力学性质试验,研究软弱带的特征。白土坡和西壤坡库岸深300余米的监测孔显示,库岸斜坡巴东组第3段内发育有13层贯通的软弱带,表现为富含黏土质的软弱夹层、碎裂岩软弱带、溶蚀改造软弱带和软岩软弱带。软弱带的矿物成分以绿泥石、伊利石、石英和方解石为主,黏土矿物含量变化较大,多者可达70%。软弱带经历了层间剪切变形,并牵引周围岩体形成较宽的破劈理或碎裂岩带,其微观结构显示的擦痕及矿物定向排列线理,揭示了软弱带经历了顺层剪切滑动,并伴有重力蠕滑特征。软弱带物理力学试验显示;在反复剪切和地下水长期作用下,其剪切强度将大幅下降。这些特征说明,三峡水库全面蓄水后,软弱带在地下水长期作用下必将加剧库岸斜坡的深部形变,进而发生沿软弱带的深部蠕滑。 展开更多
关键词 巴东 软弱带 矿物组成 结构 物理力学性质 滑坡
三峡库区万州安乐寺滑坡滑带特征 被引量:10
作者 简文星 殷坤龙 +2 位作者 罗冲 姚林林 张超 《地球科学(中国地质大学学报)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期672-678,共7页
安乐寺滑坡是三峡库区典型的缓倾角红层基岩滑坡,对其滑带特征进行详细的研究有助于揭示缓倾角红层基岩滑坡的形成机制.宏观地质特征显示,安乐寺滑坡滑带是侏罗系红层中灰白色泥岩(软弱夹层)经挤压滑动所形成的,擦痕指示最后一次滑动方... 安乐寺滑坡是三峡库区典型的缓倾角红层基岩滑坡,对其滑带特征进行详细的研究有助于揭示缓倾角红层基岩滑坡的形成机制.宏观地质特征显示,安乐寺滑坡滑带是侏罗系红层中灰白色泥岩(软弱夹层)经挤压滑动所形成的,擦痕指示最后一次滑动方向为100°.通过X射线衍射分析和红外光谱分析表明,安乐寺滑坡滑带主要矿物成分为蒙脱石、伊利石、长石、石英等;其特点是蒙脱石含量高,并且滑动面上的蒙脱石含量高于滑带的蒙脱石含量.经扫描电镜观察,滑带土微观结构以片状结构与定向排列结构为主;显微擦痕发育,并指示滑带曾发生过多次滑动.对滑带土的物理力学性质进行实验研究可知:滑带土为中等膨胀性粉质粘土,其抗剪强度低;且吸水膨胀后,抗剪强度大大降低.滑带土的这些特殊性质,为安乐寺滑坡的滑动提供了物质基础. 展开更多
关键词 安乐寺滑坡 侏罗系红层 滑带 矿物成分 显微结构 物理力学性质.
Experimental studies on the pore structure and mechanical properties of anhydrite rock under freeze-thaw cycles 被引量:9
作者 Chao Hou Xiaoguang Jin +1 位作者 Jie He Hanlin Li 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第3期781-797,共17页
To study the deterioration mechanisms of anhydrite rock under the freeze-thaw weathering process,the physico-mechanical characteristics and microstructure evolutions of anhydrite samples were determined by a series of... To study the deterioration mechanisms of anhydrite rock under the freeze-thaw weathering process,the physico-mechanical characteristics and microstructure evolutions of anhydrite samples were determined by a series of laboratory tests.Then,a descriptive-behavioral model was used to measure the integrity loss in anhydrite samples caused by cyclic freeze-thaw.Finally,the freeze-thaw damage mechanisms of anhydrite rock were revealed from the macro and micro aspects.The results show that the pore size of the anhydrite rock is mainly concentrated in the range of 0.001-10μm.As the number of freeze-thaw cycles increases,there is a growth in the proportion of macropores and mesopores.However,the proportion of micropores shows a declining trend.The relations of the uniaxial compressive strength,triaxial compressive strength,cohesion,and elastic modulus versus freeze-thaw cycles can be fitted by a decreasing exponential function,while the internal friction angle is basically unchanged with freezethaw cycles.With the increase of confining pressure,the disintegration rates of the compressive strength and the elastic modulus decrease,and the corresponding half-life values increase,which reveals that the increase of confining pressures could inhibit freeze-thaw damage to rocks.Moreover,it has been proven that the water chemical softening mechanism plays an essential role in the freeze-thaw damage to anhydrite rock.Furtherly,it is concluded that the freeze-thaw weathering process significantly influences the macroscopic and microscopic damages of anhydrite rock. 展开更多
关键词 Anhydrite rock Freeze-thaw cycles physico-mechanical characteristics Microstructure evolution Deterioration mechanisms
Physico-Mechanical Characteristics of Earth Bricks Stabilized with Cement and Padouk Sawdust Residues
作者 Gabin Alex Nouemssi Bennis Amine +3 位作者 Martin Ndibi Mbozo’O Bonaventure Djeumako Doko K. Valery Guy Edgar Ntamack 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第7期1788-1806,共19页
The objective of this work is to improve the physical and mechanical properties of stabilized earth blocks (BTC) used in construction in the Ndé department of Cameroon. To achieve this, two stabilizers, cement an... The objective of this work is to improve the physical and mechanical properties of stabilized earth blocks (BTC) used in construction in the Ndé department of Cameroon. To achieve this, two stabilizers, cement and sawdust, were used at varying percentages of 0%, 4%, 6%, and 8%. Physical characterization tests, including natural water content, specific weight, jar test, Protor, and Atterberg limits, were conducted. Additionally, mechanical tests, such as compression and three-point bending, were performed. The results show that as the amount of stabilizer increases, the density of BTC decreases. The samples with 8% sawdust have the highest density, while those without stabilizers have the lowest. Porosity decreases as sawdust and cement content increases, with smaller values observed in samples with 8% sawdust or cement. Our tests indicate that blocks stabilized with cement have slightly higher compressive strength than those stabilized with sawdust. However, the water absorption rate increases with higher sawdust content. 展开更多
关键词 Earth block CEMENT SAWDUST physico-mechanical characteristics Bangante West Cameroon
Effects of temperature and age on physico-mechanical properties of cemented gravel sand backfills 被引量:5
作者 JIANG Fei-fei ZHOU Hui +2 位作者 SHENG Jia KOU Yong-yuan LI Xiang-dong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期2999-3012,共14页
Cemented backfill used in deep mines would inevitably be exposed to the ambient temperature of 20−60℃in the next few decades.In this paper,two types of cemented gravel sand backfills,cemented rod-mill sand backfill(C... Cemented backfill used in deep mines would inevitably be exposed to the ambient temperature of 20−60℃in the next few decades.In this paper,two types of cemented gravel sand backfills,cemented rod-mill sand backfill(CRB)and cemented gobi sand backfill(CGB),were prepared and cured at various temperatures(20,40,60℃)and ages(3,7,28 d),and the effects of temperature and age on the physico-mechanical properties of CRB and CGB were investigated based on laboratory tests.Results show that:1)the effects of temperature and age on the physico-mechanical properties of backfills mainly depend on the amount of hydration products and the refinement of cementation structures.The temperature has a more significant effect on thermal expansibility and ultrasonic performance at early ages.2)The facilitating effect of temperature and age on the compressive strength of CGB is higher than that on CRB.With the increase of temperature,the compressive failure modes changed from X-conjugate shear failure to tensile failure,and the integrity of specimens was significantly improved.3)Similarly,the shear performance of CGB is generally better than that of CRB.The temperature has a weaker effect on shear strength than age,but the shear deformation and shear plane morphology are closely related to temperature. 展开更多
关键词 cemented backfill gravel sand TEMPERATURE physico-mechanical properties deformation characteristics
Physico-Mechanical Properties of Bio-Based Bricks 被引量:1
作者 Valentin Makomra Lionel Karga Tapsia +5 位作者 Benoit Ndiwe Maxime Dawoua Kaoutoing Noel Konai Abel Njom Tawe Laynde Danwe Raidandi 《Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering》 2022年第4期16-29,共14页
The aim of this work is to improve the high performance of mud bricks. The latter was reinforced with rice straws as stabiliser leading to an improvement of the physico-mechanical properties. Thus, the physical charac... The aim of this work is to improve the high performance of mud bricks. The latter was reinforced with rice straws as stabiliser leading to an improvement of the physico-mechanical properties. Thus, the physical characteristics of the clay such as natural water content, density, atterberg limit, plasticity limit (Wp) and plasticity index (Ip) were determined. Their values are respectively 8.39%, 2025.73 Kg/m<sup>3</sup>, 47.66%, 29.75% and 17.91%. The clay used is a low plastic organic silt. The normal proctocol provided an optimum dry density (&#611OP) of 1.28 Kg/m<sup>3</sup> at an optimum moisture content of 12.42%. The actual density of the straw is 464 Kg/m<sup>3</sup>, its absorption rate reached 206% in 5 mins and stabilised at 385% at 480 mins of immersion. The maximum bending and compression strengths are respectively 1.52 and 0.164 MPa. The mud brick absorption coefficients obtained are between 4.875 at 0% straw and 20.573% at 3% straw. 展开更多
关键词 Mud Bricks physico-mechanical characteristics CLAY Rice Straw
注采参数对松辽盆地干热岩物理力学及波动特征的影响 被引量:3
作者 崔翰博 唐巨鹏 +1 位作者 姜昕彤 邱于曼 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期185-196,共12页
为探究注采参数对松辽盆地干热岩物理力学及波动特征的影响,对不同注采参数下高温遇水冷却后花岗岩进行纵、横波波速测试试验和抗压强度试验。分别考虑注采参数(岩样温度、水温、高温遇水循环次数)与岩样物理力学特征(外观形态、峰值强... 为探究注采参数对松辽盆地干热岩物理力学及波动特征的影响,对不同注采参数下高温遇水冷却后花岗岩进行纵、横波波速测试试验和抗压强度试验。分别考虑注采参数(岩样温度、水温、高温遇水循环次数)与岩样物理力学特征(外观形态、峰值强度、弹性模量、泊松比)、波动特征(纵、横波波速)的关联性,建立不同注采参数下力学特征与波动特征拟合曲线,并研究搁置过程中不同岩样温度、不同水温条件下岩体物理力学及波动特征变化规律。研究发现:(1)搁置初期,岩样温度越高,质量、纵、横波波速、弹性模量降幅越大;水温升高,质量、纵、横波波速、弹性模量降幅先增大后减小。(2)对采热过程中岩体物理力学及波动特征影响由大到小的注采参数依次为靶区温度、注水循环次数、注水温度。提升岩样温度、增加注水循环次数,岩样力学与波动特征均逐渐下降,提高注水温度变化规律与其相反;经历600℃高温,岩样纵波波速、横波波速、峰值强度、弹性模量降幅分别达到53.44%、58.02%、66.56%、79.84%,高温遇水循环5次后降幅依次达到33.61%、33.63%、34.22%、56%。(3)影响岩样力学与波动特征关联性的注采参数由大到小依次为岩样温度、高温遇水循环次数、水温。此研究能够为松辽盆地热采注采参数的选取提供一定参考。 展开更多
关键词 增强型地热系统 干热岩 高温遇水冷却 注采参数 物理力学特征 波动特征
Concrete Formulation Study for Informal and Semi-Informal Construction Sectors
作者 Narcisse Malanda Paul Louzolo-Kimbembe +2 位作者 Louis Ahouet Jarlon Brunel Makela Guy-Richard Mouengue 《Open Journal of Civil Engineering》 2019年第1期57-79,共23页
The present work consisted in carrying out a study on the effective formulation of concrete for an optimal resistance to compression (fc28) between 20 and 30 MPa for the sites animated by the actors of the informal an... The present work consisted in carrying out a study on the effective formulation of concrete for an optimal resistance to compression (fc28) between 20 and 30 MPa for the sites animated by the actors of the informal and semi-informal sectors of the construction. Studies have been carried out on projects under construction, by taking samples of fresh concrete in order to evaluate their real compressive strengths. These surveys show that there is a problem in the concrete formulation, as nearly 2/3 of the results show the lack of technical knowledge on concrete formulation practices. Indeed, on eight sites surveyed and whose fresh concrete samples were taken, only two sites (7 and 8) report fairly consistent results. Their 28-day compressive strength values are respectively 35.36 and 22.18 MPa. In addition, various formulations proposed with aggregates from different quarries or extracts from the bed of the Congo River, were determined in the laboratory. This study allowed us to obtain fairly objective results overall, which is characteristic of concretes of required quality. Of the six (06) formulation proposals, average resistances of 19.6 MPa at 07 days and 25.28 MPa at 28 days were obtained. These results at 28 days are in the range of 20 to 30 MPa, set as objective in this study. These formulations can be a reliable source for concrete manufacturers in these construction sectors. Similarly, the statistical study based on principal component factor analysis tests has shown that the most appropriate formulation, in terms of mechanical resistance, is that proposed with sand extracted from the Congo River (formulation 3). This is justified by the fact that this sand is consistent and has a good granular distribution. 展开更多
关键词 FORMULATION CONCRETES AGGREGATES Cement physico-mechanical characteristics INFORMAL and Semi-Formal SECTORS
Influence of Aggregate Grain Size on the Formulation of Sand Concrete in the Construction Industry in Congo
作者 Charlène Bassolokidi Nkengue Narcisse Malanda +2 位作者 Gilbert Ganga Paul Louzolo-Kimbembe Guy Richard Mouengue 《Geomaterials》 2019年第4期81-96,共16页
The main objective of this study is to contribute to the optimization of the formulation of sand concretes and its valorisation according to natural sands from different quarries or extraction sites. Physical characte... The main objective of this study is to contribute to the optimization of the formulation of sand concretes and its valorisation according to natural sands from different quarries or extraction sites. Physical characteristics of natural sands have been determined and improved by the addition of crushing sand, taking into account the too fine elements of the sand. Four types of sand were used (Congo River, Djiri, Mfilou, crushed sand). The concrete formulations proposed from improved sands (30% crushed sand and 70% natural sand) reveal an increase in mechanical strength. Thus, it appeared that this improvement of the natural fine sands by the crushing sand has brought a clear increase in the maneuverability of the concretes and the physico-mechanical characteristics of nearly 50%, although this crushing sand has a sand equivalent value of less than 70%. These results augur well for the durability of structures in the construction industry in Congo. 展开更多
关键词 SAND FORMULATION RECOVERY Materials SAND CONCRETE physico-mechanical characteristics Construction
Thermal expansion behavior,phase transitions and some physico-mechanical characteristics of fired doped rice husk silica refractory
作者 Benjamin Iyenagbe UGHEOKE Othman MAMAT B.ARI-WAHJOEDI 《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》 SCIE CAS 2013年第1期79-86,共8页
This paper presents the findings on thermal expansion behavior of slaked lime doped rice husk silica(RHS)refractory monitored between 25℃and 1500℃.It also reports the phase transition analysis within the temperature... This paper presents the findings on thermal expansion behavior of slaked lime doped rice husk silica(RHS)refractory monitored between 25℃and 1500℃.It also reports the phase transition analysis within the temperature range of 850-1450℃.A sudden expansion of 0.7%noticed at 220℃is due to the transformation ofα-cristobalite toβ-cristobalite.The highest expansion(0.85%)reached within the temperature range of 650-850℃,remains almost constant for the investigated temperature range,and is not high enough to cause macro cracks in the refractory.The phase transition order is similar to those reported for quartzite refractory after 600℃,though the crystallization temperature is lowered due to the presence of the dopant.Modulus of rupture,apparent porosity,bulk density,refractoriness and reheat change are reported and their results meet with the standards qualifying them for use in coke ovens. 展开更多
关键词 rice husk silica refractory thermal expansion phase transitions physico-mechanical characteristics
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